OREGON CITY INTCRPRISl, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1907. THE HOUSEHOLD PAGE. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE LADIES SOLIC ITED FOR THIS DEPARTMENT. TELL YOUR VAL UABLE RECEIPTS, HOW YOU MAKE FANCY AR TICLES AND ABOUT THE DESIGNS AND CARE OF YOUR "ROSE GARDEN." "TRIED AND TRUE" RECEIPTS. Apple Dumplings. Remove the peeling from medium sized good cooking apples, cut tbera In halves and lift the core from each half. Stir together One quart of flour, One teaspoon of baking powder, A pinch of salt. To this add one-half cup of lard and mix thoroughly with the hands, then work In enough cold water to make a stiff dough, take a piece of dough large enough that when worked Into a saucer shape with the hands and one-fourth inch thick, that it will cov- boiling water Flour to roll thin Last ly, add one desert spoonful of vine gar Red Raspberry Shrub. Tour one quart of elder vinegar over three quarts of raspberries. Let stand three days, m&sh and strain. Allow a pound of sugar to each pint of Juices, boll twenty minutes, skim ming well, and botlle. Use a couple of tablespoonfuls to fcach glass of cold water. half dor.ea oranges, and cut the yel low rind Into thin shreds, removing all the white pith Cut In siloes and remove the seeds. Put the rhubarb in a pan with the oranges and peel, and one pound and a half of granulated sugar. 1'lace over a gentle fire, stir ring frequently until reduced to the desired consistency. Turn Into mar malade pots, and leave uncovered un til the following day, then cover with paraftln, and seal. This Is an excel lent receipt and keeps well. Currant and Raspberry Jam. Wash and stem ripe currants and I mix with an pminl nnnntlfv nf red fcr one-half an apple nicely when the spberriwii Wetgh them 4nJ take a oougn u puuea toge ner ana tne ap-1 d & ha)f of q pie ciosea in oy iwisung me aougn to gether with fingers. This abount of A New Use for Toads. The latest and most Ingenious way of getting rid of roaches and water bugs we have heard of Is related of a citlien of Schenectady whose kit chen was Infested with them. A servant, hearing that toads were an antidote, caught three ordinary hop toads and put them In the kitchen. Not a roach or water bug, it Is stated, can now be found In the house. The toads have become domesticated, nev er wander about the house, and are so cleanly and inoffeustve that there Is no objection to their presence. . to make things look 'homey,' so I did ' not come myself, May we come In?" I n stood aside in silent Invitation, ' lie followed tbein Into the house, and his ndmlrtttloii for the personality of . tho brisk young woman Increased us ' she rapidly moved from moid to room, giving tint touch here uitd there that I was needed to transform the opart- nieuts. ) "You're a magician," he declared as, I with a rtiiiil lint to the sofu nil low. ireseou cnppea mo advertisement he transformed the parlor and moved Treseott' s Graduation. By JAMES CHAMBERS. CosyrlgHM. WOT. hy C. II. PuicllnV. from the paper and tucked It luto his pockettHHik. He had about mado up his mind to go to one of the fashion able resorts for his month's vacation, but this apHnllng advertisement de cided him. It was Just a few lines of small type, I but every seutence painted alluringly the delights of a summer on a farm and announced that Kim farm was to be rented for the month of August at an extremely reasonable rate. Treseott wrote to "E. Mnrsden, The Porch In Summer. For porch furnlshlug and for the pounds of fruit, crush and cook for h I . " fifteen minutes while the sugar heats ' " ,,ar,or wuch there Is noth dough will cover about ten apple . . . v s summer parior coucn mere is nom . . In the oven. Cook half an hour more ., ,,.,.. ,u, ...ui.i.,n. ... with sugar. halves. Drop the dumplings In a pot of boiling water, cover with a tight lid and boil until the apples are well done. Serve while hot with sugar and plenty of rich milk or cream. Mock Mince Pie. Two Eggs, Two cups of granulated sugar, One cup of seeded raisins, Two and one-half cups of water. One-half cup of good vinegar. One teaspoon of cinnamon, One-half teaspoon of cloves, One-half teaspoon of allspice, Mix together and cook for a short time, then divide the mixture Into Maine Crumpets. One-half cupful of sugar, two-thirds cupful of shortening mixed together. Add one-half cupful molasses, one teaspoon each of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and salt, one-half cup of sour milk with one teaspoonful of soda dis solved In It and flour to make the consistency of cookies. Roll about one-half Inch thick. Bake in quick oven. Into tho dining room. "Now it looks like n place to be lived In ," "It's the purely feminine touch that no bachelor can acquire," she said, with a little IniiKh. "If I had known that you were akitie, I should have been out yesterday morning before you arrived." "I'm glad you waited," he said sim ply. "Won't you and your mother stay to supperT I can cook if I can't keep bouse. I will put the homo. up and you cau telephone your brut her." "I am 'K. Mnrsden,' " she explained. agent." and the answer decided him. ' "I hnv 110 ,'r,",' Wlien fathYr died He could have a far tetter ttm th.n ' W" ""'P l the l.nslues. fcva would be bis If cooped up In some stuffy room at an expensive hotel, and the thought of a whole house to him self for an entire mouth was attrac tive after having occupied the tiny ledrooin and parlor of a bachelor apartment for eleven months. So Marsden eugaged to have the farm- house put In projx-r order by the first Ing smarter than big cushions or square pillows of down, covered with the brilliant plalded material of fine j Saturday In August. spun cotton known as madras. Just why the East Indian name should be applied to a material made In the West Indies It would be hard to say. A deep garnet, crossed with golden bars, or narrow lines of deepest stem green, is blocked with white or yel low. Amber tones, a glowing yellow like the yolk of an egg are combined with deepest marine blue, a chestnut brown. The plalded arrangement Is utterly unlike that of the Scottish tar tans, and always more vivid In color ing. Marsden did not look very well, and, besides, people do not like to do busi ness with a woman. Ho, between the simple Initial and a typewriter, I man age to get along." "You should come to town," he ad vised, "and cull yourself 'home lunker.' It ought to be worth a lot of luoucy." "That might be profitable In winter," I she agreed. "Perhaps I will try It." tln 1ft tA KwtuttVtiiwa Slhl... It A It was with pleasurable anticipation ..,, - ,.,, . ., , , . ,, . lUHunwiHU'iimiHMi into mo uiH'KUonru that met hi in At tho tatUm. The fan? mmtttm A ....... ..-.. 1. 1.. 1 1. I ..I.. fifteen acres In extent and bordering u I . ... , " ,. . I u umuni mil 01 jvi When the Hair Falls Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi ment! You want to save your hair, and save It quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that If your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer'i Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy, The hair stays in. It cannot do any thing else. It's nature's way. Th bst kind ot a testimonial "old tor over slaty yr." flyer's Ala imlkvlurcra if PUIS. Clll HUT PICT0K There are a couple of niagnslnes you might care to look at while I am gone. Cheese Fondu. One teaspoonful of butter, one cuo- f til of frwih frtillr snlt&ru-winful nf mnut. 1 T-v. . .....(... ... v, I. ... Mni.. - three pie crusts and bake with upper l " , ' " " u....u. - vv ard. one cupful bread crumbs (fine), background most becoming to the face of the summer girl. crust. Ginger Snaps. two cupfuls grated cheese, two yelks j Put butter in chafing dish, when melt ed add milk, bread crumbs, cheese and Be sure that the corner of your cushions shows "turban ends." small Beat one cupful of sugar win two mustard. season with little cayenne, twists of hemmed madras shared like heaping tablespoonfuls of lard, one i stir- continually and Just before serv- bat's wings. These are exactly iml level teaspoonful of ginger one-half jng ald yeiks weU beaten. Serve on tated from the tightly pulled knots waspooniui oi cinnamon, one-nan . toast with whlrh th ol,l tlm nlnt.t!r,n - - i"auntles" used to tie their much- Rhubarb and Orange Marmalade. prize1 turbans. Wash and cut in small pieces one quart of tender rhubarb, peel thin one- teaspoonful of vanilla, one-quarter teaspoonful of cream tartar and one level teaspoonful of soda, one-half teaspoonful of salt and one cupful of email luke. The bouse. frame, was painted, and beds of flow era made the front yard gorgeous. Inside It was the pink of cleanliness, but the place struck a chill to bis soul. The arrangement of the furniture re minded liliu of the bouse In which he had spent his first I the horse under cover. lie returned tho back way and 'ymt, surpnwi tne gin nustung snout tne kitchen. "You can help," she conceded, with a smile, "but I Just know that you can't j nmltM lilai'tilf " cheap boarding , .... .. illllu.(i ..rii !,.. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Henry W. (1 reuves and I.yitla Egg. (Miriie Kli'cn and I'im llengll. ( II. Dickey and Minnie llenrlct, J. J. Ilarey and Krna Mountnr. Harvey L. Bond and Clara Nehren. Wm. 0. Weluhtman and Marart !.M. Ilallltian. Alex Btvwart and Kannle C. Smith. Arthur (1. Wolfer and Maud Morris. Stephen Allegraril and Gtrgle May years in the city, and try as he would he could not alter the gaunt arrange ment of the place. lie had sent some money to the agent with the request that some simple groceries be put In, and he had no trouble In getting his supper, but the moment the meal was 1 GET IT FOR HER HIT IC BAT- 11 FREE: -ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Save Her Time, Save Her Health Save Her Weary Steps Save Your Money Save Your Clothes Save Her Temper Save Her Co mplexion vJk ij Cleaning the Separator. ! A cream separator should be thor oughly washed every time after us- jlng. A brush shovrid be used on every Ipart and piece, using 5 per cent solu tion of borax or other good washing powder. Rinse in hot water, or steam, If possible. They should then be left to dry while hot. Wiping with an or dinary clean cloth contaminates utensils with innumerable bacteria. tj Fill in coupon and mail to cs The l'ton will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, absolutely free of charge CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY mum? I e&l you some duy. Menntlme I'll make the coffee and put the tilings on the table." "The table Is all set." she cried. "You must thluk me a very slow house keeper." "It takes mo louger than that," be admitted, "though I suppose that prac tice makes perfect, and before long I shall bo sble to do as well ss yon." "I'll como to tea on your last ulght here and let you give a graduation ex hibition," she promised, with a laugh. "Meantime you might get somo fresh 1 wsttr." Treseott wos worry to see them drive off. but the girl left behind the fra grant memory of her presence, and the place seemed homelike at Inst Treseott saw much of the Marsden In the days that followed, and long MARRIAGES. ALLRCrtANI SMITH At tho Baptist parsonage Wednesday, Aug. 20, 19o7 Itev. John M. Linden officiating. Stephen Allegrsnl and MI"S (leorglo May Smith, both of Portland. GUICAVKSKCCK-At the Baptist par sonage, iu-v. John M. Linden offici ating, Aug 2'.'. 1907. Harry W. Creavcs of Oregon City, and Mia Lydla Kgge of Willamette DK'KKY-IIENIUCI At the home or Mr. Slid Mrs. J. I), Locke, Oregon City, Aug. 25. 11107. Chaa. II. Dickey and Mis Minnie HiMirlcl, ltev. iJindslsirough officiating. ItONI NICHIII-N At the Congrega tional rhurrh, Aug. 2fi, 9o7, t.v. B. I Clarence Oskloy officiating Harvey l.. Bond of I'oitlsnd, ami Miss Clara Nohren. a small company of friends being present. LON(l SCIIKHZINdKR-Al Ht. Johns ! before the end of his mouth ho had! ,.,,,! . Ijf'. ..' ?. t?".r A' uiKieiirniui oiiiriitiiiiK, win, ti. Ming Kitchen Wrinkles. Black dresses These can be much freshened by sponging with alcohol mixed with water in the quantities of one part of alcohol to three of water. The garments should be sponged on the right side then pressed on the wrong. When Ironing To Improve your ironing rub flatloms with beeswax j and salt. Tie wax In cloth and apply one part of alcohol to three of water, this briskly to Iron while hot, after wards rub It In a paper containing salt and the iron will pass far more I over and the dishes washed ho went immihiv nwr tho Hr,fhf. ! out of doors to smoke his pipe. He Frying Pans When any frying op eration is finished, ren;mbr to como to love the llu'ht hearted girl i ho had faced the world so bravely when necessity demanded. The vacation drew to a cWwe all too soon, and Treseott Insisted upon hold lug I'va to her promise to attend ht graduation exhibition. Afterward they sat out under the trees while Mrs. Marsden drows-d contentedly upon the porch. "Have you been thinking over that an I lamina 1 Kcherzlnger. KL1CICN liKNdl.l At residence of of ficiating minister. Itev. Janus Hepp. Aug. 2tl, 1907. (Jeorge Kleen. of Marlon county, Ore, and Miss Lena Ten gll. BIRTHS. HOY To Mr. ssd Mrs. J. I ton, Jr., of Viola, a son. It. Hamll- hoiuemnLInu nrot.osltlonr ho asked. t'WU .Monday. Aug. 13. to Mr. and Eva looked no. with a smile. I Ml".- .n,ri" Mwhnke, Jr., of Shiibel. "I think I lack the counigo to make I a girl. trv." slie confessed. "It bus len Olltly To Mr. and Mrs. (lay Wordle. very easy here. It Is best to leave " l"'v,'r- ' 1!,u "y .SON' To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manolla. well enough alone." "I)o you think you would care to i take on a single contract?" he suggest- eiL "You have spoiled mo for a 'barb-, DEATHS. ; elor apartment." jWARMvAt the home of her aNter, tou cax help!" sip? cosckhkd, with A SUILK. dld not enter,' the phue again until ( I It was time to swk the chill bedroom, i It was raining the next morulng, i "I might help yon get started In a fiat," she agreed. "1 usually take a vacation after the summer season Is i over. I could help you buy your things and settle them." "But I should want you to stay end help use them," he explained "to bo MAHONKY a oernetual homemiiker to one lone Maroney, bachelor. What do you sny. dear?" Mrs. K. It. Andrews, O renin Cltv. Aug. 21. 1907, MInh Iira Warne, aged I! i) years. IiLACK At tho home of her mm In St. Johns. Aug. 22, I9')7, Mrs. Fan nie Uluck, aged 03 years. -August 20. 1907, John of Toll (lute, ned 74 years. draw the nan of fat to one side of the ! " ? rnln"'K , , ,Kl "I think.", alio whispered, "that 1 draw the pan or rat to one si do or tne anJ hJ t a m,)(jt ,lH(.rnb,e diiy , ' stove at once, to prevent it from burn-, ronmlng aNjut ,1C dmiry rooms and T" "I, ""C U'nt P'n" MtT Xhm th ing. When it is somewhat cooler, ; wlsliing for the Sunday papers, lie , ! strain the fat through a selve Into' had a couple of books In his satchel,' the basin in which it is usually kept, j out he could not make himself com-, 'so that it will be ready for use again, i fortaWe enough to reyl, and. after; Don't In the Kltchen-Don't stick i "Ul ,0 d,a"f tl,B fu""lurtf i I your fork, when baking a roast, again 'and again into the meat and so let out the juices and flavor. Don't flour .the Joint st all, sprinkle with salt I only. DoVt boil fish, steam It by placing a saucer under the strainer to fort, ho gave It up and dragged an old rocker out to the barn. Here, at least, he felt less oppressed by tho dreurlness of it all., He spent a fairly comfortable after-' noon and was Just about to rouse blm-1 LOGAN. Now that the i:in has appeared again, the Inini of the thresher Is heard onro more, Tho annual exodus of hop. pickers has begun. Mr, Moser'a family .start ed bur. wr recalled on account of tho serious nines of tho youngest child. i i iini'j jvtim nun iiiten ttn in tt uinir prise ot meeting with such dlsregnrd ,lKt fl)r' a ft,.v W(,(.;( past fron) oyfir of Mussulman customs In this ortho-jwork. U bolter st present, dox household. , N. N. Kuhblns mado a trip to tho "No, not painting, Just playing. It ' mountains for li'ickleherrles Just In Is only an Impression, not n renroduc- time to get tho benefit of tho rain. tion, of one of Allah's realities." flood 110 reports plenty of berries and pick- first." "Then seal the contract with a kiss," pleaded Treseott. Mussulman Law Against Painting. "Do you paint?" I linked, going to- wnrrl the easel, dlstriilslnir mv snr. i r0iuo it frm tio c.i.r Tv.n't frv I self to go In and prepare supper when i,mm not l.eiu.r tn "renm. '' slices of bacon steam the niece for i tLe "und of wLt''H cnugllt LlH ar' duclng Allah's realities," yet tbe're ' s- Andtroun Is building a new jone hour, then take off rind. When ! I cold, cut Into slices. j A Bright Polish Silver spoons, as j iwell as patch boxes, vinaigrettes and followed in a moment by the JangU) j tof)(1 the ,.nH(., a (.,mnilln(, pnMtP PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY C G. Miller, Agent, Oregon City, Ore. Gentlemen You may deliver to me one Electric Flat iron, which I agree to try, and If unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do net return it at that time you may charge same to my account at $4.00. "It is understood that no charge will be made for the Iron if I return It within 30 days. Name Address DEPT. O. C. IJTHE THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL OFFER APPLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT. (vVvVVVvVvVvVvvYvVMAAvWAAWiWA of the doorbell. lie raced across the yard an through the house to present hlmsel at the door. A vounir ttlrl stood or . . l ..11 ,.M... 1..,,. i .. i 4 ,a n.lv-l, ti'lilla Q ii nl.li.rlir uir,IHM (Ifit I oiner Binaii uuver iruiRein, may ue " ir"i " v.v..j ., v....... ; easily brightened without the addi-! ,n tue covered buggy. j ,. ,.!!.. v., i! . i "Good afternoon," was her brisk uuu . ... . wu. u, ,.,B u,c-u, j u TnfBcott flt lione?M , in an aluminum receptacle and pour , ,Hn.t BDy Mp(, Xrescott L ;lKiling water over them. Polishing Bnl(1( wlth a Iul,Kh unimft you lnea hold be effected by means of a piece my ,I10tlier. She Is la England Just j ;of clean chamois leather, but In ad-1 now." i "I am Miss Marsden," sho explained, "I drove out to get acquainted and O. W. P, 1.4 preparing to build I only play with a bridge across Johnson creek Just opting this treatment it must be "re 'membered that the silver should nev :er be allowed to become tarnished, j Damaged Linen Table linen Is best i mended with embroider cotton of a number to correspond with the quality of the cloth. Under the ragged edges of the tear tack a piece of stiff paper, i and make a network of fine stiches 'hack and forth over Its edges, carry- ing the stitches about an Inch be lyond the tear. Thin places and j breaks In linen may be run .with flax or embroidery 'floss, and towels should be mended in the same way. HORSE WANTED. Would like to hire -a saddle horse for two or three days a week. Will be given good care and not overridden. Address, IXL, care Enterprise. see how you liked the place. I sup posed, of course, that thero was a fum 11J." "There Isn't any family," he said, "ond I don't like the place. Of all the dismal places I was ever In this Is the worst I was golitg In to tell your brother so In the morning, 'Comfort able and homelike,' " be quoted from the advertisement. "And he promised to have it all fixed up." "There wns a woman here njl day Friday," the girl said. "Didn't she clean up properly?" "She defined up," ho conceded, "but I can't mal'e the place look homelike. I shiver every" time I. look at It. I'm going to change the name and call It Iyomon farm Instead." "I guess it's not as bnd as that," sho said, with n rippling laugh. "I thought there would be a woman In the family illiducu Tli.u .....1 n....,..i. Even orthodox Moslems I saw were 'V" " I'M"" i . ,. "Btor nom u spring to the r houses, not above beating the devil round the Fred Ui.-l.hnfT has purchased a hay Btul"IK . . I linr and will begin operations anon. "How very beautiful!" I exclaimed. Messrs. Henry Lab'er and P. Kohl "Alshe Ilauum, you ore nu artist." jluive purchased a new steam hay 'Tray, pray, young Ilanuni," she press. protested, n little frightened, I j tlinnirlif . "iirnu do not nv mieh thlinrn. I am not an artist the colors." north of tho old one. "I Ait nie see some more or your playing," 1 persisted. IUither reluctantly, though wishing to comply with her guest's desires, she brought out n large portfolio con taining several pnstols and water col ors, and we sat down on n rug tc exutulne them. Whether they were well done or not I cannot tell, but they wero full of life mid happiness. The curious part was that whenever sho painted any outdoor life aha paint ed It from her window, and on tho canvas first was the window and then through it you snw tho landscape us she saw It. Demetra Vuka Ilrown lu Apploton's. More Appropriate. j Iteggy Rnpp-The Idea of Miss Woso leaving nie und saying sho bad other fish to fry! Do you think thut wan proper? ... Miss Tnbasco I should sny not! She should have suld she hud other lobsters to broil. Chicago News. j Ml Grease Helps die Wanon up the Hill The load seems lighter Wagon snd team wear longer You make more money, and have more time to make money, when wheels are greased witb, , Mica Axle Grease The longest wearing and most satisfactory lubricant in the world, STANDARD OIL CO. lnMrpwSjUt