Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 30, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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The Eatacadu Ladle Aid Hoclcty
1 planning to Berv a big chicken up
per to a hungry throng thl evening.
It la reported that the atom of Fri
day night illil cotislduniblo dumaijo to
bona up mill down tlx; WlltauiKltu Vol
ley. There will li pleaching lit the Kptw
)ial church Sundny at 11 a. in,, Itov.
If. I), Chatulier In charge of the r-
Phillip mnl Old urn sending cunt
fur new roller akatea In anticipation of
the full season, which will begin lit
Mia Van Horn, who waa chosen a
teacher at Oswego for the coming
year, ha decided not to accept the
Sheriff Heath visited Clarliama
Wednesday to subpoena witnesses In
a ault before an Oregon City Justice of
the pearo.
Ilert Itoake, the Fourth street foiin
dryman, dropped hot slag on hli right
fiMit lKt FTlday ami quite seriously
burned that member.
mpitt y Sheriff taker made a trip
to Osweito Monday to subpoena wit
niMiKKi In tho divorce cao of Cora
Hly v. ICarneat G. Heely.
W, A. White ha gone to IlolllnKham
Waahlngton, to assist In tlio erection
of a larKo flour mill. Ho will be ab
sent from hoitin for three month.
Regular acrvlee will begin at the
Congregational church Sunday with
preaching morning and evening by
the pastor, Rev. K. C'tarenco Oakley.
Mr. Howard Bmlth, In St. Vincent'
hospital In Portland, la Improving a
fast a can bo expected. In a recent
operation portion of five rlh were
The residence of C'haa. McCormlck
of Mllwaukle waa destroyed by fire
last week. iNo one waa home at the
time and It la a mystery how the fire
Out-of town bualnosa visitor Mon
day were Meaara. John Hchram of
Highland, I. A. IVwbe of Bear Creek.
David Miller of Highland and 0. W.
Sturgl of Canby.
John Muroncy, who ha been toll
keeper on tho Mount flood amj Har
low road for the past fifteen year,
died Tuesday, August 20, at the age
of 74 year. He wan an Odd Fellow
and. well know In tlila section of Ore
on. Mlaa Amy Purcoll, who waa a dele
gate to the recent Christian Endeavor
Convention at Bcattlo, In July, gave
nn Informal talk on tho work of tho
convention, at the Young People' 8o
duty meeting In tho llaptlst church
Sunday ovotilng.
The union open air service In the
Oregon City qurk tho past five Sun
day evening drew to a clime Sunday.
The puatora who Joined In the aur
vlcoa aro satisfied with the rennlta and
wUli to thank one and all who aided
In making tln'in a aucceaa.
Harry Maralinll Wotd and Mlaa E.
t'na Lucky wero KranU-d llcenao to
marry Thuraday aftenuKn. The
groom la the aon of nx-ahorlft Tom
Word of Multnomah county and had
the nonaent of hla father to the union,
the young man being under age.
Iowa, him accepted a call to the pa
torate of the Oregon City Kplacopal
churcli and will arrive to take chargti
of the work here about September IS
ment of GO.OOO that came from North
vllle, Mich. The FlHhertea Bureau
haa JuHt InMtalli'd a rack In the Clack
atita river at the head of the Con
or 20, Ho ha family conalatlng of field drift, one-half mile below the
wife and two boya and the congrega
tion I planning to give them a warm
Iteat room In the eat are proving
very popular. Read the following:
"Tho new rent room In the city build
ing which were formally opened
hatchery. For several year paat the
rack ha been placed at the bridge of
the Oregon Water Power 4: Railway
Company, two mile below the atatlon.
(The Ilttlo Maddox girl who wa In
jured o aerlounly In the overturning
for of a load of lumber on Seventh atreet
public uho Tueaday after being open (lat week, I reported doing a well a
for Inspection several day are prov- could be expected, with bright hope
Ing very popular, especially to market of her recovery.
attendant, many of whom vlHlted the
room Wednesday afternoon."
The dearth of police new waa bro
ken' Wednesday night by the antic of
Mia Irene Alberta celebrated her liHly Rlche and Julia Davl and May
Whitney, the two latter hailing from
Portland. The three were enjoying
thernselvea In a room to the rear of
Stewart' saloon when Billy began to
fire hi revolver Into the celling. Of
ficer Shaw and Cooke took the trio
to the police atatlon and Billy was a
18th birthday Friday night at tho
family home. Several handsome pre
enta wero made. Those participating
were: Phil Soreghan, Mr. and Mr.
1-5. Alberta and Mia Irene Albert,
Mr. and Mr. Iangsford, Edward
Hanton, Al Mace, J. II. Flnacune, Ml
Kthel Purslful, Mla Ellen Beroghan, 'aeaaed $20 and coot Thuraday morn
Ml Ada Mllh-r and Mlaa Ella Miller. Ing.
The two game of ball postponed One of the new rack being placed
from laat Sunday on account of In- iln. Oregon stream by Superintendent
The State Board of Forestry ha clement weather will bo played the O'Maliey thl fall 1 a rack that ha
appointed all of the road supervisor coming Sunday. The game acheduled Just been Installed In the Clackamas
of Clackama county a fire warden, are between the Oregon City Gray river at the head of the Granfleld
and the Wabash Club on Willamette ! drift, about one-half mile below the
F. C. Burke, who receutly purchaaed
tho C. O. T. Wllllama property and
had It Completely overhauled and Im
proved, has moved hi family Into It
and will realde there.
J. K. Orlbhlo, whose hopyard I
located three mile east of Aurora,
rporta the sale of 10,000 pound 1907
hop at ten cent. Burger Broa Co.
are named aa purchaser.
Frank Griffith picked up what he
thinks la a fallen meteor laat Friday.
He found it across the river on the
west side near the road. It la Judged
to be about 90 per cent. Iron.
Mr. Fannie Black, a former resi
dent of thl city, waa found dead In
bed Friday morning at the home of
her aim In St. John. She waa a sister
of Mrs. W. H. Bhlvoly and waa known
to many Oregon City resident.
and tho commlsloii and Instruction
have arrived. The aupervlsora will
be empowered to issue permit to act
out brush fire to resident of thl
There I great Interest throughout
the Northwest In tho visit of Secre
tary Tart. He land In Portland on
the evening of September 5th and re
main there alt day tho Cth. The pub
lic will be given a chance to hear him
at 8 o'clock In the evening at tho Ar
Superintendent O'Maliey, of tho
flsherle department for thl district
of Oregon, ha arranged to distribute
150,000 black spotted trout that ho re
ceived from D!ta. Col., and most of
thean trout fry will be placed In the
Clackamaa county stream by local
Jamea Roake haa added a new lever
to the big organ In tho Congregational
church that will make It an easy mat
ter Ui Inflate tho bellow In tho future.
The organ will be thoroughly over
hauled In preparation for the work of
the choir in the winter aerlea of tier-
vices just ahead.
Stowo'a 'Tncle Tom'a Cabin" will
bo played In Oregon City Saturday of
thl we'k. Tho ahow exhibit under
canvas, and tho advance notice prom
ise a big production of that well
known play. There will be a noon
day concert by the military band car
ried by this company.
Wm J. Carden, an 'employ of tho
Willamette Pulp k Paper Company,
fell from a scaffold last week a dis
tance of 30 feet, escaping serloua In
juries. HI eye waa cut and he wa
considerably bruised but hi Injurle
are not serious. He waa making re
pair to the sprinkler.
All the workmen on the new Ma
sonic Temple were discharged Tue-
Wabash Club on Willamette drift.
Fall field, and the Woolen Mill Club hatchery.
Good bottom I found here
and the Holladay Maroon on the Can-and It I not believed that the posl-
eman rarg ground. These game
wero scheduled for last Sunday, but
rain prevented.
Oregon City became a part of tho
battle ground between tho Western
I'nlon a."d striking workmen Thurs
day. A new operator wa assigned to
the key In thl city when local sym
pathizers with tho atrlkera took ex
ceptlona to tho new man and told him
In vlgrjua language what they
thought of him and hi method. No
hlowa; only worda.
The promotora of the project say
that work will be commenced on the
Oregon City. Beaver Creek & Molalla
Railroad within a very short time, It
being the Intention to build the first
mile of the road thl year, and more
if posalble. Tho temporary termlnu
will bo at tho head of Seventh street,
and the start will be made at Division
street, running up tho Fifth street
canyon out to Holmes' place.
The annual aesalon of the Oregon
Conference of the M. E. church will
convene In Grace church, Portland,
September 24. The business of most
general Interest to the public la the
assignment of pastors to the various
charge In tho four district that com
prise tho Oregon Conference. The
presiding bishop has the appointing
power, and announces the lists about
the last thing each aanual session.
bllity of high water will be a great
a farther down tho stream. The rack
wa formerly placed at tho bridge of
the Oregon Water Power Railway
company, two mile below. tho sta
tion. The hatchery crew expects to
commence taking egg by the middle
of September.
There la a rumor that school dls
trlct No. Ill and 33, that were di
vorced some month ago, may again
become a harmonious whole. The ru
mor has It that patrons' living In
South Highland are dissatisfied with
the new condition and want another
change. Aa consolidation movements
must come before the annual school
meetings, held tho third Monday In
Juno. It look a nit If It wnnlrl taL-a -mo
uay i ernoon. ne explanation given Ume fop the chMg
ui'iiik iimi iToiiHirucuun oi iiitj souin
wall I faulty. The building committee
are seeking for a new superintendent,
when work will be taken up and the
building pushed to completion.
It la learned from Manilla that sam
ples of Philippine woods believed to
bo available for making lead pencils
have been sent to New York to bo
tested. Lead pencil woods have bo
come so scarce that If the Philippine
woods -are satisfactory It will create a
largo market therefor. The sample
shipped to New York are of red lauan
and balbalbacan.
Come and see about getting those broken down
teeth, repaired or extracted as it will save your
health and see what we will do the work for.
We can do any case of dentistry from extracting
to most complicated piece of work Absolutely
Painless. We have testimonials to prove our
Oat Prices are Right
Our work s right and that ia
the reason that in a ahort time
in Oregon City we have built
up our large practice and it is
growing every day. .
We Use No Cas
We Use No Cocaine
We extract painleaa, we give a
piloted guarantee with every
piece of work.
Fine Gold Fillings, guaranteed for 10 years, $1 and up.
Gold Crowns, $4.00 to $5.00.
Bridge Work Solid 22 Kt Gold, $4.00 to $5.00 per tooth.
Plates, guaranteed to fit and last for 10 years, $5.00.
Extracting by our painless methods 50c. And free when
plates are ordered.
Over Harding's Drug Store and Postoffice.
the winter a dstice.
Three centuries after the Christian
era aun worship waa still maintained
In Brittany, and In Normandy not more
than 10) year ago the household fire
wa exthiCTilshed on Dec. 21 and the
Christmas log wa Ignited by the aid of
a Same procured from the lamp burn
ing In the neighboring church. This
fact afford a curious Instance of tho
probable transference of respei-t and
reverence from the sacred fire of a
purely heathen creed to the ecclesias
tical light of Catholicism,
pagan rite (or procuring unsullied fire
were forbidden or fell into desuetude
the Idea to which they owed their i
origin and development. Instead of per
Ihln3. continued to exist more or tes
perfectly bv attaching themselre to
nsnges and ceremonies having no di
rect association witb them.
How tho Highway In Southern Call-,
fornia Are Mad Dutla.
Road are now kept free from dust
In southern California by the appllca
don of oil.
It haa been found that to place roada
ia condition through the use of oil lsj
cheaper than maintaining them la half!
condition daring a single season by
sprinkling with water. And when
When tho i d has once been put Into condition
Rev. T. P. Bowman of Des Moines,
Boofc and
oh Pointing
All Kinds
Low Prices
Prompt Service
Stat Pess Job Room
1 '
Maple Lane Grange held a special
meeting Wednesday at which time ar
rangementa were perfected for the
erection of a dining hall In addition
to their present grange hall. The reg
ular September meeting was post
poned from the first to the last Sat-
jurday In the month, at which time ar
rangements win be completed Tor tho
third annual fair, to be held Saturday,
October 5. Maple Lane Grange Is In
a flourshing condition and It mem
bers are very enthusiastic In planning
for the good work in the future.
J. D. Linn of Willamette was arrest
ed Tuesday on the charge of cruelty
to animals. One of his horses, that
wero hitched on Main street, fell to
the ground and the bystanders in aid
ing It to get up found Its neck In a
serious condition. An Information
was made and Linn arrested and
tiled on tho charge of cruelty. He
was fined $3 and costs by Justice
Stlpp, the fine being made small as
there was no desire to distress Linn.
The picnic of the Harmony Improve
ment association scheduled for Satur
day and for which elaborate arrange
ments had been made, was postponed
on account of the weather. It will be
held some time In the latter half of
September. The exact, date will be
set by the president' of the society,
Mrs. E. R. Spooner. The picnic Is or
ganized on a basis of financial re
turns. The proceeds will be devoted
to the fund for tho proposed public
hall of Harmony.
Nearly 1500 black spotted trout will
be distributed In Clackamas county
streams this, fall. These trout fry
come from Delta, Colo. Four thous
and lake trout fry will be liberated In
Vancouver Lake, the last of a shlp-
of Ail Proportion to the
qutney of tho Diaaaaa.
Few accident are more terrifying tc
the sufferer than to be bitten by a dog
iuppoaed to be mad. and there are few
condition In which prompt and intelll
gent action on the part of the bystand
ere la ruo desirable.
Aitnougu nearly an warm blooded
animal are susceptible to rabies. It If
moat commonly seen In dogs. There
are two fonn the "furtou" and th
"dumb." In the furious type after a
period of melancholy or depression the
animal become restless and Irritable,
with a tendency to run away and snap
at everything In sight, finally becoming
subdued and sullen and dying oi
paralysis and exhaustion. In dunit
rabies the stage of Irritability la ab
sent. The dog prowls about In a list
less way, with his head down and lowei
jaw dropped. At the same time there
Is difficulty In swallowing.
It Is often impossible to tell from a
dog's actions whether It is rabid or not
But if Instead of killing the animal as
quickly as possible, as la often unwise
ly done, the owner captures It and
keeps It for a few days under look and
key the question answers Itsere. A
rabid dog always dies In from four to
eight days, so that If the animal re
covers the bitten persons may be sure
that they are not going to develop hy
drophobia. In any suspicious case the wound
should immediately be squeezed under
hot water and If deep be Incised freely,
so that cauterization with either a hot
iron or with strong nitric acid (not with
luuar caustic) may be thoroughly done.
At the same time the dog should be
kept under observation, or If already
killed the bead and neck should be
packed In Ice and preserved for med
ical examination.
Eveu If It seems certain that the ani
mal was rabid the patient should not
despair, for it Is estimated that only 15
per cent of those bltteu by rabid ani
mals actually develop the disease, and
If the Pasteur preventive Inoculations
are promptly begun recovery is almost
Tho popular dread of rabies Is out of
all proportion to the relative frequency
of the disease, and the length to which
It may go Is shown by the Instances In
w hich people have developed and even
died of false hydrophobia, a nervous
condition due to fright and simulating
to some extent the real malady. -Youth's
Cold and Colojna.
Grip and colds, according to a
French physician, will yield If met at
the very (ginning with a copious sup
ply of the Isfsl colonic. Pour tho co-
with oil it requires but alight addition
al expenditure to keep It so.
One hundred barrel of oil per mild
spread over an area eighteen feet In!
width will put a road In condition
along the extent of the oiled surface
and give an excellent roadway, ade
quate for ordinary traffic The oil Is
put on la three applications the first
at the rate of sixty barrels per mile
and the two subsequent treatments at
the rate of twenty barrels per mile
each. ;
Great care must be taken In dellver-
IrkfmA lnt.-k a litm,t;kmhlof rnllcwf tn I
funnel and Inhale tHe fume steadily 1 the oil. It should be bot when dl
every two or three minute. After a1 farf?ed and poured upon a hot anr-
kllng Is confined to the heat of the day.
The oil cannot be poured on Indiscrim
inately, but must be drilled Into the
dust as wheat Is drilled Into land pre
pared to receive It If It la not so ap
plied, the oil will not saturate evenly
tho dust area, but will lie la iplotchea,
run together and so make a very Im
perfect surface.
In order to meet the requirement a
machine has been devised. A big tank
mounted on four wheels drag a sort
of tender box. supported by two.
wheels. Into which Is run from the tank
a supply of oil. This box has a furnace
beneath it which heat the oil, and at
tached to it is a drag looking some-
thing like a hayraUe.
A number of curved rod or finger
go out from the bottom, and these are
i drawn through the dust and aloug the
road. They mark little furrows In the
dust, and luto thee furrows, through
a series of pipes. U discharged the oil.
A second fln,er or sort of thumb ar
rangement tix.M farther back turus the
dnr.t ever t'w oikvl furrow nnd the sur
face I t.i'.v.i loft to absorb, a process
w'aic'i r?'i;l:'e about en lw.ir to eSect
A roller h t'len i.-:cva over the oiled
w'.lth and tho first treatment U com-l'efe
burning sensation ha been experi
enced one may wait ten or fifteen min
ute before taking another sniff. If
the bad symptoms have not subsided
after twelve hours of this remedy It
show that the malady wa too far mi
CIop to Natura.
We get closer to nature when we
an creating, whether In art, in lit
erature, In Invention or la work
lug at new and progressive Ideas.
We can feel our mind reach out Into
Infinity and grasp and bring back
something fresh, new, something nev
er seen on this earth before. Sueeoaa
Magazine. -
Stood by Hi Thaory.
Thales. the ancient philosopher, de
clared that there was no difference be
tween life and death. "Why, then."
cried one of those to whom the remark
was made, "don't you put an end to
your lifer "Becanse," was the reply,
"there Is no difference."
A Test of Courage.
Courage consists not In blindly over
looking danwr, but In meeting it with
the eyes open. Rich tor.
Fa?m Fog Sale
A Survival From the Adoration Onne
Offer ad to th Sun.
Ia some parts of Germany the Yule
log Is placed on the hearth on Christ
mas eve ard If possible kppt burning
for two or three days. Then a piece of
It Is laid aside for the purpose of light
ing the next year's log and of guarding
the household from harm. Pieces of
fir wood charred but not quite burned
out In the Christmas fire are also
placed under the family bed In some
German villages to avert the dreaded
lightning stroke, which appears In this
rehitLm ti be the type of fire In Its
evil' aspect. In contradistinction from
tho i solar orb, the representative of
beneficent light and warmth. The cvih-
. torn. of burning a Yulo log for three
days mul nlglita In each homestead Is
almost certainly a survival from tho
adoration once offered to the sun at
1 02 Aces mHcw
the villege of Marquam where there
is two stores, postoffice, blacksmith
shop. $1 500 school house, church
and parsonage. About 6 miles from
railroad , 7 miles from silverton, 2
miles from Scott's Mills; good house
and barn; about 45 acres in cultiva
tion, besides pasture; place well
watered; good soil, about 40 acres
fine bottom land; 1 5 acres good tim
ber; telephone line passes by place;
good hop land; bottom land would
grown fine corn. Price $4,500,
$2,500 cash, balance on time.
For particulars write to
A. B. MARQUAM, Tiller, Ore.
or if yoo wish to see the farm call on
PHILLIP MARQUAM, Marqoam, Oregon.