Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 30, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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htap vt, Potatoea. .make yield of $000 for the patch, or
Editor Pacific Homestead: In the $300 per aero ami thin price 1m ro
lat lamia of your excellent paper I'allxed for pickling rucumbera an a
lidllrtiil an l!m In mubxI li. I
InjiirtiiK potatoe nml 1 liAMti-n t warn
your rt'uilcra from my own coatly experience-
to put no trust In any such
A few years ao a neighbor planted
field crop. Tallin cucumber would
bring a much higher flKure, but one
could not care for such a largo area,
Muloa In Trousare.
George Finney, an express wagon
noma ground In a corner of my field j driver, ha clothed hi mult'' foreleg
for potatoes and when 1 auld I iniiHtln troimer. In speaking of It he said
have- thn atubhlo paitt
aheep ho axaured me that
ure for niyjlhat fllca bothered the foreleg of a
at he wait not four-footed animal more than they did
afraid of them disturbing the pot a- (the hind limb, and he, therefore,
toes; but they not only eat every ve. having om repect for the comfort
tlge of the topa but pawed up and ato jof hla faithful servant, had made a
all the potatoe that were nar the! pair of trouaera to protect them from
surface. . j th peat. The trouaera were support
Only lunt aumnier sown rarcle d by the auapundera pad up over
pernori left on of my galea open and 'the backa of the anlmala,
let my sheep Into the potatoea and '
they at once began grubbing out thoani Bathing Poola for Swine,
near (lie aurface and seemed to prefer That the hog need a bath, and fre
them to all other green atulT In the 'quently, 'there la no qtieatlon. A clear
then he tell no taloa, betraya no aec
rets, never aulka, aska no troublesome
questions, and 1 alwaya ready for a
bit of fun. Spare Houra.
Chlckan Cholera.
Bird that have thl dlsoane ahould
bo fed dry grain Instead of maahe
and aoft food. There are on the mar
ket many cure prepared especially
for cholera, end I would advise the
lady to procure one of these rather
than resort to the bother and uncer
tainty of a home remedy. One of
the beat of theae I one drachm of hy
drochloric arid In a quart of water,
keeping all other drinking water
away from the bird. Thle material
can be aecured at any drug store, and
la not expensive. In eae that are not
of too long atandlng, It Ih aa efficient
a any thing required.
pool or haaln of water that could be
supplied and drawn off at will may
be one of the next hog yard Improve
menu Introduced by the wlae bog
man for tho iik of hla hog during
Founder In Livestock.
Thl I the ai'uann of the year when
ho much Mock et foundered, and no
doubt a reliable p-rlpo would come lnu,"lr "wmmer vacation, the healed
very nicely. period, which ha grown bother-
The following I an old and reliable 'lu ,iar(l fndure by the high
one and If dlrectlona are followed wr "roVr of "lml. well the
closely It will not fall to relive the j I'1'01""!
worat raae: Vinegar 3 plnta, cayenne ;
pepper drachm, tlnrturu of aconite Kemp In Wool.
IS drop; mix and doll down to one Kemp I of no uae whatever and
quart. When cool give It aa drench, ahould be bred out of aheep aa faat a
then blanket the horae well, After ! polble. It 1 Incapable of taking
the horae ha peraplred for at leant 'he dye uaed In coloring woolen and
an hour give one quart of llnaeed oil. when wind contalna kernp It value I
Thl I a splendid remedy for grain ,thu greatly reduced.
Keep Good Cow.
A rorreapoudetit wrltu that Jamea
Rykea, of polk cmin'y. Oregon, re
cently refuaed an offer of $100 each
for hi Jeraey row. Probably many
of the farmer of polk county who
read that Item thought Mr. Hk waa
a fool to rcfuao what appeared to be
ao giaid g price, It t altogether prob
able that Mr. Fyke uaed g-H.d Judg-jnew dlveralfled farming of the day Is
ment in not letting hi cow go at 'the raining of clover for the aeed,
the prtre offered. A gwl cow I much for which there la a ateady demand
better worth $loo aa a butlnea proj-1 at a Kd price, 10 cent a pound. Al
oaltlon than an averaue cow I worth jalke clover generally run about sev
one cent more than the butcher will -en buabel to the acre and red clover
give for her. about five. A bushel weigh alxty
.pound, and it conta $1 to havo It
Kemp I not woo! but coarse stiff
hair of the original wild aheep. It
may be aeen where the wool I abort
and aeant, and when found may be
aeen all through the better c!a of
wool on the aheep.
It I evident, of course, that auch
aheep ahould not lie uaed a breeder.
Clover Seed In Oregon.
One of the beat paying thing In the
Climate of the Arid Weat.
During the laxt two or three year
there ha been rather more than the
nomal amount of rainfall over the
larger part of the arid region, and
many people, acquainted only with the
prettent condition firmly believe that
the climate I gradually becoming
more humid. Thl belief I probably
without any foundation In fact, and It
I atirprlaing that it ahould exlat, for
the precipitation record of the whole
country receive wide publicity; hut,
alnce the Idea I generally hold and
ha been widely advertlaed, it be
come Important to emphasize the
fact that there I no adequate baai
for hoping that the climate of the
arid wet laVindorgotng any appreci
able change a regard precipitation.
Cucumber for Pickling.
One farmer near McMlnnvllle ha
been experimenting with rtirumbera.
He, ha two acre that he ha been
Tha Dog.
I think overt- famltv y,mil,1 havo
picking fra month an I he liaa bar- dog; it Is like having a perpetual
veated f 200 worth of cucumber al jbnhy; it I tho plaything and crony
ready and there Is at leant two month jof the whole houae. It keep them
more of the aeaion left, This would jail young. All unite upon Rover. And
Late Potato Blight
Tho late blight and nit of potatoea
may bo prevented by apraylng fre
quently with Bordeaux mixture, made
of four pound of blue vltrol and four
to five pound of lime to 50 gallon
of water, beginning spraying while
the top are green and repeating the
apray at elxht to ten day Interval
jtlll the crop I mature. The more
I frequent apraylng I neceaaary later
in wio aeaiMie, j no increaae in 1900
from apraylng a dozen crop a above
waa 40 to CO bushel of marketable
potatoea per acre upon the late crop.
Four to Nix apraylng may be required
upon very late planting. Delay In
treatment la unwlae.
Three Ohio Oat Crop.
One Miami county, Ohio, farmer re
port an acreage of 80. with a yield
of 43 buahela; a gecond had 180 acre
and a leld of 41 buahela'; the third
km acre wun a yield or 50 buHhela.
All In tho Miami Valley with the-oaU
aown on ground cropped In corn for
aeveral yeara and the oats sown on
the soli without plowing; eeded in
with a harrow. Plowing for oats In
tho Miami Valley lead to a growth
of Um much straw and the oeu fall
down and do. not fill.
rle or cherries raised thl year to
Hupply the Ahland canner.
Anyone who set out now, and care
(or an orchard of 20 to 10 acres, will
In time have a splendid competence.
It coata no more to grow a good
horf than It doe a poor one. The
good horae 1 often worth double the
poor one.
For the ordinary farmw 100 heaa la
all that he can or will take care of
aa he should and thus the flock that
will prove moat profitable,
Never aet hen where they can be
disturbed, a convenient and cheap
way of setting la to utilize old good
boxe and barrel turned on the side,
with entrance closed.
Cowa will never over-at on good
roughne. If they do oat an excea
alve quantity of roughne It 1 be
cauae the other feed do not contain
the proper amount of food element.
A good strong mare can raise a
colt each year and still do about a
much work on the farm a a gelding.
It pay to farm with gwd breeding
mares, If they are properly handled
and bred to good horae.
The moat auccesafu! dairymen are
Intimately acquainted with every cow
In their herd. The same affection
prompu the mother cow to do all she
can for her calf will prompt her to do
all she can for her owner. Scientific
investigations have proven the truth
of thl aUtement.
A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL B., Principal
Educate for ancces in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu
dent to a position as soon as'competent. Quality ia oar motto, and reputation tor
thorough work bring na over 100 call per month tot office help. Individual In.
truction Insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card Indea, the
voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand ;
easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forma ad penmanship free
write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portlanc
Thoroughbred Berkshire Hoga.
Anyone wlahlng to buy thorough
bred lJerkhlre male hogs, aged about
lx month, call and see them or
write It. 8. McLaughlin, R. F. D. No.
1, Milwaukle, Or., Box 122 35-4
( f0" .. J S ( M-a )
Foil line Heating Stoves, Cook Stoves
and Ranges. See my line befote yoa buy.
There ia nothing more delights the housewife than "a handweme
display of Glassware. And the methods of manufacture make It
possible for every housewife to have handsome Glassware. We
show a complete Jine of Pitchers, Goblets, Tumblers, in sets or
singly, Berry Dishes, Honey Dishes, "Sugar Bowls, Butter Dishes,
Spoon Holders, Creamers, etc. Assortment large; prices very low.
Main St. Opp. Postofficc Oregon Qty, Oregon
, The Poultry House.
In conatructlng a poultry house It
I beat to have It face to the Wiuth
eat aa the nun will thea send In Its
s warmth aa noon a It rise. The sun
will warm the house until about 3
o'chK-k in tho afternoon In the winter.
If the houso faces the south, aa Is us
ually the custom, the gun's rays will
not enter before 9 or 10 o'clock, al
though tho morning la the most Im
portant time for receiving benefit.
Potatoea Kept for Seed.
Totatoe can bo kept for seed by
spreading thorn out not over one deep
and keeping them near a window un
til AugttHt or even later. Try a half
bushel and plant In August for your
eed In 1908. It will pay you. Spray
them often to repel the blister
beetles and you will havo potatoes
that bent Red River of the North for
The rainy weather of the paat three
day ha done no material Injury to
the Oregon or Washington hop crop,
ao far a can be learned. Everything
will depend, however, on the weath
er that succeeds the storm. Should it
turn off cloudy, warm and moist, the
damage will be great. On the other
hand. If we have a few days of dry,
hot weather, the crop will again be
in excellent condition.
Notice I hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the council of
Oregon City at Ha next regular meet
ing for a renewal of his liquor license
until March 1, 1907, at hi present
place of business, 417 Main street,
Oregon City.
38-2t E. A. BRADY.
Evelyn Thaw Rusticating.
Yarmouth, N. S., Aug. 15. Mrs. Ev
elyn Thaw of New York, accompanied
by her brother, arrived on the Prln
cea Arthur from New York. Mrs.
Thaw I going to a quiet place be
tween Liverpool uid Shelburn, where
she will spend several weeks in an
effort to recover her health.
How Mary Solved the Problem.
Little 4-year-old Mary was wander
ing Idly about In her garden, when
her eyes caught sight of Dick, the
neighbor's boy, holng potatoes.
Without an invitation she entered
their garden, surveying him with in
terest. Dick raised his i hat and with a
merry twinkle In his eye, said: "Good
morning, Mary; how is your liver
"I I don't know," stammered
Mary, with a puzzled expression but
suddenly her sweet little face changed
to a sunny smile and her tone sound-
,ed very superior and wise, when she
"I have not seen It lately."
Lucile Hansen.
j v Alfalfa for Hoga.
) Wherever alfalfa can be raised, the
best, as well as the cheapest pork and
; bacon can be produced, for alfalfa
Iglvea growth to the muscle, making
the lean meat that is the best and
'sells the best. And while growing in
the alfalfa fields the hogs get the
( exercise needed for healthy develop-
ment. The alfalfa can be raised in
!very many portions of Oregon and
, wherever It will grow It may bo made
a highly profitable crop and one that
I will get out of the swine Industry Its
biggest possible results. 1
i In Colorado.
In Colorado can be found some of
the best systems of irrigation devis
able by modern engineering talent,
equal to the best constructed any-
where else In the world. They are
built that they will withstand the
destructive effects of the elements for
ages to come under a plan combining
he control wltii the uso and priprie-
torshlp of the land,
Sheep need salt as well as other
Always teach u horse to work dou
ble first ami single afterwards.
The fattening hogs should bo fed
liberally on corn, roots, pumpktns,
Not enough strawberries, raspber-
Had Abraham Lincoln lived In Nor
way or Sweden, probably he Mould
never have been known to the world
as "Honest Abe," becaue there hon
esty Is so common as to attract no at
tention. Travelers tell us that at the
Kiilway restaurants passengers help
themselves to whatever they wish,
and then report what they have eaten
and pay for the same without any
questions being asked. A person's
word Is always taken, and he is never
watched. On the steamboats, after
each meal, a traveler writes down In
a large book what he has eaten. When
ready to go ashore, he calls a waitress
who affixes a price to each Item, adds
up the amount, receives the money,
and puts It in her pocket. When filled
she gives the money, without count
ing, to the stewardess. Instead of
making them careless, they are more
scrupulously honest than any other
nation in the world.
Fifty hop pickers. Have 23 acres
to pick; two yards. Good new hop
shanties for pickers. Good water and
plenty of wood at camp. Free vege
tables for pickers. Will begin picking
about August '28. Write at once so
we can place your names on our
hooks. No booze fighters need apply.
Box 58, R. F. D. 4, " Aurora, Ore.
Ileal Bntate,
Loann, Inaurarice
Main Htrcet,
Phone: Main 521 Office. In Cufield B!d., Main zrd Eig t Sts
Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties.
Real Eitate, Insurance and Loan a.
Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse.
W. b. U'BEN
Will practice ia ell courts, make collection and settlement of estate Forum.
aUtract ol title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office ia ENTERPRISE
Building, Oregon City, Oregon.
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
New York grocers and butchers are
said to cheat the people of that city
out of 113,000,000 a year by giving
them short weights and measures.
The Baltimore Ohio railroad has
Issued orders that ail employes who
drink llpuor while on duty will be
The National Government is plan
ning to Investigate the price of food
products in Pittsburg. It Is charged
that a conspiracy exists among whole
salers. A cablegram from Berlin says:
The Persaval steerable airship made
Its first flight of the year today, car
rying four aurenauts. Her motors
worked perfectly, as did her steering
At present all Canadian coins are
minted In London, but after November
they will be turned out at the Ottawa
mint The profit, which is now nearly
half a million dollars, will accrue to
the Dominion government
Two years hence, Argentenia will
celebrate the centennial of its estab
lishment as a republic. Plans are al
ready under way for a fitting celebra
tion of this anniversary. The govern
ment will Indorse the celebration on
a scale befitting the growth and pros
perity of this oldest Latin-American
The Dominion government Is nego
tiating with Japan to restrict the
number of Japanese immigrants com
ing Into Canada. The exisiting ar
rangement provides for the yearly ad
mission of 500 from Japan, but this
number Is multiplied many times by
arrivals fronf Honolulu. It Is pro
posed to limit the number to 500 from
all ports.
The Standard oil interests have pur
chased a controlling interest in the
Seattle National Bank, of Seattle, and
will add 6(1 per cent to the capital
ization of the bank. Official announce
ment Is made that the National City
Bank, of New York, has been given a
dominating Interest In the local institution.
Yellow fever ha broken out at Clen
fuegoa, Cuba. A searching investiga
tion la being made by the army medi
cal authorities to trace-the source of
the disease. A hundred experienced
men will be sent to Clenfuegos to
clean up the town, which is said to
be in a condition that mocks at sani
tary laws.
The lates statute relating to hunt
ing deer with dogs or shooting dogs
hunting deer, la as follows:
Any person killing any deer being
pursued by dogs, at any time, or hav
ing in possession any deer or carcass
or part of a deer during the season
when it is unlawful to take or kill
such deer, shall be guilty of a mis
demeanor, and upon conviction there
of shall be fined not less than $50
nor more than $200 and any person
killing, maiming, or injuring dogs in
pursuit of any deer shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con
viction thereof shall be fined in a
sum not less than $50 nor more than
$200; provided that in the counties
of Coos and Curry It shall be unlaw
ful at any time to hunt any deer with
dog or dogs with intent to kill or in
jure such deer.
Bag Limit Ducks, 50 In one week;
goese, no limit; swans, no limit; up
land birds, 10 in one day; deer, five
in one season.
Open Season Buck deer, July 13
to November 1: female deer, October'
1 to October 15; silver gray squirrel,
October 1 to January 1; China pheas
ants, native pheasants, grouse and
quail, October I to December 1; ducks?
geese and swans, September 1 to
February 1; water rail upland and
polver, August 1 to January.
The funeral of Miss Lora Warne,
who died Wednesday night at the
home of her sister on Promontory av-
jenue, was held Thursday afternoon of
last week, after which the remains
were shipped to her old home in Iowa.
areful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833
52S Main Street