OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1907. C........... ...... ....... NEWS OP THE COUNTY ...... '0 CLARKES. Too late fof last week: All the farmers are so busy In har vesting their crops they have hardly time to Bleep. Some have threshed. 8. Elmer Is threshing for Mr. Stoub. Mrs. H. Crow was visiting her brother, B. Sullivan, for a few weeks, but returned home last Sunday. Mrs. Peter Schiewe was very 111 last week. A. Bond was 111 for three weeks, but Is able to sit up again. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Klelnsmlth from Oregon City were In Clarkes, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Klelnsmlth and son went to Macksburg last Sunday to look after hop picking. W. H. Wettlaufer was hauling lum ber for his new granary Mr. and Mrs. Mann from Mllwaukle, Mr. and Mrs. Stlner and Mr. ?nd Mrs. Hettman from Beaver Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Bottemlller and family and George Smith from Maryville, and Hannah and Minnie Stegeman and William Meuller spent Sunday after noon with Frank Mueller and family and it was a surprise to them. Minnie Click is visiting relatives and friends In Clarkes. F. Marshall is helping his son Ben stack his' grain. Fred Bower, from Colton, went ft town on business last Tuesday. J. Bower and family are on a visit to Colton to his brother, F. Bower, tor a few days. U. Diz started his threshing last Monday. Ed Hornshuch, from Beaver Creek, to see and consult where to have the went for huckleberries this week. (proposed new bridge built across the Effle Grace came home last Friday J Clackamas river. They decided to from the teachers' examination. have it built where the present old Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke and Mr. jbridge is now located, and Mrs. Ed Hettman spent Sunday j Mrs. Maud Shibley Dible has re afternoon with Mr. Schiewe and fam-; turned home, after staying two weeks jat the Good Samaritan hospital, much improved and with elated hopes of ESTACAOA. !a permanent cure. Her sister Emma Too late for last week. j accompanied her to the hospital. The Estacada State Bank was raid-1 Last week the depositors of the ed Wednesday as soon as the news ) Estacada State Bank had quite a reached Estacada from Portland that flurry and excitement. They were of the Oregon Trust Co. had failed. The the Impression that It was connected bank was forced to close. The Cary with the defunct savings bank of Port Hardware Co., Thomas Yocum.Loyd land, and made a run on the Esta Yocum, Sparks and J. W. Reed will cada bank until the bank had to sus be heavy losers if the bank is not Pnd payment. But I hear that the put on its feet. The city funds of bank is doing business all right now. Estacada are in the smash. Thurs-1 ' day morning Banker Fraley a3ked the . 8UNNYSIDE. depositors to sign a contract that ! Mrs. S. Young, who was thrown from they will not call for more than 10, a wagon and her arm broken, came per cent of their deposits a month, jhorae last week, but is badly bruised. This will check up the raiding of the She thinks her arm is doing as well bank. Many signed. ias can be expected. The Heylman bank, the Bank of j Some of the ladies of the club met Estacada, is not affected by the panic. 1st Mrs. Donley's last Wednesday and This bank ha 3 two dollars of good se-' passed a pleasant afternoon sewing. curltie3 for every dollar of deposits, j A good lunch was served by the host One of the tie haulers for the West- They will not meet again until ern Banking Co.'s sawmill wa3 ser-j after hop-picking, as a number of per lously injured in a runaway la.U week, 'sons are to start on Thursday for the Grace Davis and Horace Davis are Tisiting at Aberdeen, Washington. The Yocum threshing machine has'Rhoda Smith last Friday evening, been at work for a week. The time was spent with games and F. M. Gill filled Rev. C. T. McPher- mu3lc anl enjoyed by all present, son's pulpit In the M. E. church at Mrs. Joe Reed, while driving a team Estacada Sunday morning, preaching out from Arleta, let them run away on the subject, "The Christian Life." anl was thrown from the wagon and Jie will occupy the same pulpit again quite badly hurt. Report says she is next Sunday morning. unable to move in bed, and she fears Russ Wilcox came out from tbe she Is paralyzed, hatchery Friday evening to employ ' Mrs. Winnie Colins and her mother eight men to build trails for the U. S. have been visiting at Mrs. Geo. Dear government, 'dorff's and Mrs. Ida Hubbard's. Jordon Schultz and Will Cary re- j The rain stopped the threshing for turned from the Hot Springs on the a day or two. Upper Clackamas Sunday evening. Ed Linn li building a prune dryer j SHUBEL. and a residence on his property at Threshing is about over around Garfield. here, wheat averaging 25 bushels to Prof. J. E. Stubbs and wife were the ;the acre and oats about 40 or 45. Mr. guests of her parents Sunday. They Tlalted Irvlns Sunday evening. The Junior Bible Class of the Es tacada M. E. sunlay school gave an entertainment at the M. E. church last Wednesday night. FAIRVIEW. The Ladies' Society of Smith Me morial church held an all-day meeting last week in the church. Mrs. M. J. Llttlepage has been hav ing Improvements made on her place. A. J. Clark and wife, of Tacoma, Wash., are the guests of relatives in the family of It. W. Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Clark were married only a few days ago, and are now taking their wedding trip. Miss Su3le Hall, who ha3 been very 111 with pneumonia, is convalescing. 3 O O O A New Orleans woman wa thin. Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from her food. She took Scoff Emulsion Result: She gained a pound a day in weight ALL DRUGGISTS SOe. AND 11.00 m 1 MT &ne POUnd jjjl ALL DRUGGISTS, SO AND 11.00 V !J LL " a14nivvvQ$$v$$M$$$$$$ a stone wall In front of his residence. Mrs. E. Holgate of Terry visited In Falrvlew lust week. VIOLA The rain has made good prospects for a heavy crop of late potatoes. Some of our farmers had their grain stacked under sheds so the machine was able to ran, even though It did rain. Beech Patton was quite sick the first of the week. Loren Tenny attended the dedica tion services of the new church at Clarkes last Sunday; James Senler expects to finish the threshing in these parts this week. J. R. Hamilton. Jr., has a broader smile than we have seen at any time on his face previously to the past few days. He Is now called papa. Mother and son. are doing well. SPRINGWATER. Mercury 58 degrees. Rather moist for threshing, though the Indications this morning are for a drier atmos phere. Early grain good, late grain not so good; hay rather light; fruit good. The late rains will help out the late potatoes. Aug. 24th. Dr. Havaland. of Esta cada. had his house and contents burned to the ground; loss about 12,000, partly Insured. Supposed cause, defective telegraph wires la room. The other day the officers and citi zens of the vicinity met at Estacada hop yard. A play party was given by Miss Masslnger had the best crop In this neighborhood. His . wheat averaged 33 1-3 bushels to the acre and his oats ver 50. Pete Huber has purchased Mr. Wacher's farm. E. W. Hornschuh and a part of his family, six in number, and E. F. Gln ther and Robert Glnther, returned from the huckleberry patch at Cold Springs last Thursday evening with about 45 and 20 gallons respectively. They picked two days. Miss Winnie Jackson of Oregon City, returned to her home Sunday, after spending a week with her friend and former schoolmate, Hazel Glnther Quite a unmber of our people at tended the Methodist church dedica tion at Clarkes Sunday. Johanna Massinger of Portland, Is o a day in Weight Y. V. Ellison Is building visiting with her parents here a few days before leaving for Chicago where she Intends working In Vie Salvation Army. Henry and Fred Hettman have be gun lotrclrm again, Mrs. Grimmer, of Albany, is making an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Hornshuh. Chris Horushuh, E. F. Glnther, and Jacob Grossntlller, have considerable fall plowing doneprady for sowing. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmidt visited E. F. Glnther and family last Sunday. Born, to the wife of Chris Moohnke, Jr., Monday, August 19. a little daugh ter. Mother and child are doing nice ly. Chris has grown two Inches since. Miss Delia Bluhm has returned to Portland after visiting her parents here for a few weeks. Mrs. Llzile Bluhm of Oregon City visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Godfred Moehnke last week. CLARKES. The M. E. church was dedicated In Clarkes Sunday by Rer. Rowland of Portland and Captain Bronson and wife and Rev. J. J. Patton. They served dinner at noon and had preach ing In the afternoon and evening, and collected $500 and fl2 to finish the church. Without the knowledge of the pas tor, the official board had arranged to dedicate the church in memory of the Rev. Patton, to be known as the "Patton Memorial Church of Clarkes". The report of the fourth quarterly conference held at Clarkes on Satur day evening, shows the work on the Viola circuit to be In a prosperous condition. Two churches have been built during the year and both dedi cated free of debt. The pastor's sal provided for. Tom Grace was huckleberrylng last week and he picked seventeen gal lons in a few days, with four persons. He thinks It dont pay to go. Tena and Elvena Phllpln of Canby made a visit to their Undo Sam Elmer. Mrs. Mary Browner'a baby Is 111. Mrs. W. O. Klelnsmlth- anJ family are going hop-plcklng the last of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frazy left for Portland last week. Sam Elmer Is threshing for W. O. Klelnsmlth and from there he will move to John Peck's. Mr. and Mrs. Baker, of Highland, were looking at a separator In Timber Grove at Will Wettlaufer's. Albert Durst sold his farm and his brother-in-law sold his also and Albert Durst Is going to go back east to make a visit In Iowa. F. Nickols and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. Larklns. We had a thunder shower last Sat urday and the farmers ire all wish ing It would quit raining. They would like to thrash or there will be some spoiled grain and they want to go hopplcklng soon as they can. Clarkes Is building up this year A new church, one new house and two new granaries. They have sold some timber land and Clarkes property will change hands. But we miss a railroad we ought to have one. NEEDY. Hop-plcklng has begun and we hope the good weather will continue as the hops are beginning to moutd. The thunder storm Saturday morn ing was quite terrifying for a while no serious damage was done. Eugene Ogle was In our neighbor hood Monday. Mr. Ogle will organ ize a class In music here soon after hop-picking. Mrs. McGonegal and children visit ed at Buttevllle a few days the past week. BARLOW. R. E. Irwin and family, who have been to Cape Horn, Wash., for an outing, returned Saturday evening. Mr. Irwin Is much Improved in health and has returned to his duties In the office of the S. P. R. R., as agent. Mrs. Kldd, a former resident of this place, has returned and Intends making her permanent homo here. The pie social given by the ladles of the Lutheran Synod church, at Mr. Eckern's residence, was well attended. Miss M. L. Barlow and Vlvla ThII visited friends here and attended the i Eucre club on Saturday evening. The Progressive Eucre club met Saturday evening In honor of Mrs. C. U, Barlow and son William, of Oak land, Calif., who are visiting friends here. Mrs. M. W. Sheppard and Miss Bessie entertained the club. The ladles' prize was won by Mrs. Burge. It was an elegant sofa pillow. Mrs. Lydla Irwin was the winner of the lone-hand prize. Gentleman's first prize was won by W. B. Tull, The booby prize was secured by Vlvla Tull. Cake and Ice cream were served and a general good time was enjoyed by all. Geo. Newton Intends moving to his farm at Liberal the first of Sept. Sam Erlckson has returned from Eastern Oregon. ! peter Breneren of Portland, is visit- inB frlends !ier0- Fred Jesse of Portland. I visiting his parents here. Mrs. Simpson aud son Paulle of Portland, are visiting her parent, Mr, and Mrs. Rodby. There was quite a delegation from Burlow attended the circus at Port land Monday. WILLAMETTE. About fifty friends and relatives gathered at the home of Chas. Mooh nke Sunday to cejebrate the 2Sth birthday of August Moehnke. For the first time In ten years all the chil dren of Mr. aud Mrs. Moehnke were gathered around their futher's boarj. The Oregon City brass band enliven ed the occasion with choice selections. The band embarked on a launch and there was music on the waters. Re fresh men t a were served during the afternoon and a substantial dinner In the evening. Mrs. Swart, of port land, and A. V. Dickey, of Seattlo. assisted Mrs. Moehnke in receiving the guests. All had an enjoyable day and wish August many happy returns of his birthday, STAFFORD. The local weather prophet foretold a rain for the change of the full moon and sure enough Stafford awakened Saturday to a terrific thunder storm and for a few minutes the rain came down as If In bucketsfull. And It kept on at Intervals all day, and at night over an Inch of water had fallen. Mr. Brink has purchased the Conrad Schrader place. One of his sons In law, a painter by trade, Is going to live on the place, we hear. Stafford baa an accident or two to chronicle every week. Last week, Monday, Mrs. Powell, In shutting a gate near the barn, let It spring back upon her left thumb, spraining It bad ly. She had to be taken to Dr. Homers who straightened It up, reduced the swelling, and at the present writing It la doing very nicely. Mr. Gage, In passing by his binder on Saturday evening, accidentally hit the catch to the grain wheel which came down and hit him a vicious blow on two of his toes, cutting the nail nearly off of one and cutting the other to the bone just back of the nail. The Schatz sisters had company a young lady from Portland. Another accident to one of our prominent citizens Is reported: Mr. Delker. a man well along In years, fell Saturday and hurt himself quite seriously. The doctors give hope of bis being all right In time. Hop pickers are beginning to mi grate. MILWAUKIE. The Sunday school picnic was held last Thursday In the grove on Mln thorn. A splendid program was, given In the afternoon. All kinds of races and games were Indulged In and the lucky ones are proud of their prizes, A bonfire was built In the evening and supper was served by firelight, which was enjoyed by all. The Mllwaukle public school will open Sept. ICth. Mrs. Arallle C. Shaw will be principal. Mllwaukle Grange Fair will be held off October 3, 4 and 5. Everyone Is Invited to exhibit anything of interest they may have; also any product of garden, orchard or field. Flowers and fancy work will be given lots of space, and a committee will arrange all exhibits. R. Scott, Mrs. M. D. Reld and Mrs. Maggie A. Johnson are the executive committee. Mrs. Maggie J.Johnson has returned home from a two weeks' visit with friends at Garfield. Mrs. Sarah Bitting has returned from a six weeks' visit with her sister at Astoyla. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Miller have re turned from a few days' visit with Mr. Miller's folks at Wilson vllle. LeRoy Johnson left for Tualatin, where he goes to accept a position with the Salem electric road. Many of our people will go to the hop yards this week. Chas. McCann spent Sunday with his family. Many people are wondering what was the matter with Fruit Commis sioner J. H. Reld of Mllwaukle when he mado such an unwarranted attack on the farmers of Clackamas county In the Sunday Oregonlan. The letter Is a libel on the entire county, when he says he saw only one real farm and five cows. He was asleep on that trip, or has gone crazy and don't know what he Is talking about. DOVER. Clark Bowman and family left Fri day for their home In Marshfleld. Alice Cooper Is homo for a short va cation. George Wolf made a trip to Port land last week to'see his grandson. Guy Wordle and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby daughter at their home, born August 14th. Born, to Paul Manolia and wife, a son, on August 20th. J. W. Exon made a trip to Eagle Creek last Saturday. The ninth grade was voted down at the school meeting last Monday, YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED with us will be a working asset, good to keep and tohave for an emergency or op portunity Wise Is the man who has his capital, no matter how small, deposited where It is at work earning more capital. The Bank of Oregon City C. A. Keith has dug a well fifty three feet aud struck a strong vein of water, A number of families are preparing to leave for the hop fields the last of this week. The friends of Miss Uilu Morrison gave her a pleasant surprise party Saturday Jtlght. Mr. Morrison and sons have deep ened the well on the Bens farm. Mrs. Exon and daughter Jennie spent the day with Mrs. Guy Wordlo last Thursday. Capt. Branson and wife attended the dedication of the Patton Memorial Church at Clarkes August 25tn. Dr. Rowland preached the morning and evening sermons to large congrega tions, and they were the best sermons we have ever heard him deliver The dinner hour also was one very enjoy able. Over $500 was raised whlrh de frays all expenses and pays elder's and pastor's claims and benevolences In full, builds a horse shed and pays for the new organ and belt. Great credit Is due Rer. Patton, who with untiring zeal and much labor, has brought about the erection of this church and also the Highland, three miles distant. The people very much desire his return another year. By request of the people Tapt. Brauson preached to a large congregation Sun day evening. BARTON, Rain fog mist. Expect this Is bad for grain but there Is none raised for threshing In this Immediate vicinity. A lively smashup occurred at the postofflce a fw days ago, when U. 8. mall team No. 2 made kindling wood of a f'JO buggy. However there was one horse left and the "two's" still get mall. William Cooke Is working for the Dlx sawmill, trucking logs to the mill or hauling ties to the station. ) A new enterprise has jm been launched one-half mile southeast of arton. A fuel 'company, headed by Mr. Schoolfleld. Is going to hoist and load wood from the river. Mrs. Brlethaupt Is still In Portland treating her hand which has been af flicted with a felon. It Is reported she had a thumb amputated and that the hand Is still very bad. Mr. Daniolson arrived home from Fort 8tevens, where he has been em ployed on the Jetty work. CANBY, J. Zeek has sold his blacksmith shop to M. N. Dlgerness. Miss Tena Bermoser has been visit ing her parents here for ten days. Mrs. George Knight was shopping In Oregon City last week. Frank Weed, who has been In busi ness In Washington, was calling on friends and relatives the past week. Mrs. James Nolln, well known here, died in Portland last week. Miss Violet Evans, of Portland, was There's a Reason F"" J ift1 ,argeat Q8ntal practice in f Oregon City Is because we 1 v r' Sf possible. Our recent trip East to the great centers of dental edu cation, was for the purpose of giving you the lat est and best, up-to-date dentistry. Our seventeen years of suc cessful practice In Oregon City Is the best guarantee any dentist can give you. A guarantee Is good only as long as you can find one who gives It, and then not always. We are careful not to hurt you, as we' have feelings ourselves. We want your work and want you to send us your friends. Have an eastern expert graduate assistant" dentist. We put our own name back of our practice, Our prices are the lowest la the city for good work. Dr. L. L. Pickens ?' Post Graduate Haskell A Chlca go School of Dentistry, City Phone 2671 Mutual and Independent 131 a guest the past week of her grand parents, Mr, and Mrs. George KiilghL J. H. Calvan sold over an hundred bushels of peaches last Bundisy, George Meek. Wni. Cantwelt, An drew Koeher were Portland business visitors the past week. Rev. W. J. Weber, In a recent ser mon, ssld Christians ought not pick hops presumably on account of the festive hop fermenting the amber beer. At another time he said It was doubtful If the church ought to go In to the restaurant business, etc. Mrs. Iiu Grant and sister, Miss Esther Knight of Seattle are visiting friends and relatives here this week, Mrs. Le Eckerson went to Aurora Tuesday for a visit to her parents. WILSONVILLE. The hophouso belonging to Fred Yergen of Aurora, with all of Its eon tens of 60 bale of last year's hops, two wagons, one binder and all his hop Implements, was struck by llght nlag Saturday morning during the storm which raged here. j The house and alt Its contents were burned; nothing was saved, nut lit- 'tie Insurance so far as learned, Also a very fine horse belonging to an Aurora farmer was struck by light- jnlng and killed about the same time. CARUS, This rain has been quite disagree able to those that haven't tbelr grain I harvested and we hop that there 'Isn't much damage done to the crops that are not threshed, for we like to see the farmers save what they have iralsed by hard work, j Several from here have gone to .the mountains for huckleberries and for a good time, Mrs. Lewis hss ben spending a few weeks In Portland with her daughter. Misses Winifred Howard and friend I Miss Edith Olson of Portland, spent last week with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard. Bertha Howard has If ft Cams again. She Is now working (or Mrs. Wm. Harris In Beaver Creek. Jack Howells spent last week with the Davis Bros. Most everyone Is busy getting ready to go hopplcklng. Several from here are going up the country this year to pick. Arthur Erlckson and nephew of Ta coma, Wash., made a pleasant visit with his parents last week. Sturges Bros, are thinking of put ting In a new sawmill on Albert Schoenborn'a place. In the near fu ture. LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned wll apply to the council of Oregon City at Its next regular meet Ing for a renewal of his liquor license until March 1. 1907. nt u t,rnf j place of business, 702 Main street. Oregon City. 37-2t A. II. GRIESSEN. for Everything Thk reason wo enlnv tha V, V' WAVVt 1M UUi nU, Our work lasts, we never do poor work. The people know It. Our constant ef fort Is to give not "just as good" but the best work, and that for as little monnv a 9 TIST 1 Building, Oregon City. Ore.