OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. AUGUST 23, 1907. 3 OUR FARMERS' PAGE. ENTERPRISE READERS ARE INVITED TO CON TRIBUTE AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, DAIRY OR "BIG CROP" ' ITEMS FOR THIS DEPARTMENT. Shelled Corn for Chicken Feed. An Enterprise reader recommend feeding laying hen nruln ration thnniKh the summer a well tu tho winter m iiHoiiH, Olio ha :t5 hen ut thl tlmo which mIih ha fi-d shelled coi n twice each day thlH summer. Hhn ha mild from hIx doxen to ten ilo'-ii of I'KKh each week beside cooking egg fr brcakfiist every morning for fiimlly of fuiir. IIir fowl are tho Plymouth Hock' brood which hIh think aro hnrd to boat for a ki'IktiiI purpose chicken, Her flock of young riymoulh Hock h ttolriK fine, Kim recently mudo nn experiment with Rhode Ulnnd Iti'dM, hut It did not prove profitable. Ten Acrei; 25 Tone of Hay. Tim beat yU-ld of timothy reported for thl hi iihiiii In a fl tyl of Ion acre ttmt yliOded little better t tutu 25 totiN of. good hay, Who ran brut thl? Another Enterprise reader tolls of CO toiiH from 28 acre. Both urn Rood ylold. or lurn her dry and wa advised to milk her. She In nine-tenth Jersey, Three Tona of Timothy Par Acre. J. W, Applognto, an Ohio farmer, report a yield of throe tona of tim othy hay per aero on bin four acre meadow thin year, Tin noil of thl field In ft black loam and produced a heavy crop of wheat In 19(1(1. Tho atubblo wuh plowed under a Moon an the wheat waa taken off and tho ground thor oughly pulverized tho ftame an thoiiKh going to need wheat, On Saturday,! August 11, Mr. Appli'Kato aowrd ono bushel of clean timothy Need on the four acre with a band seeder, then covered tho need by going over tho field with a ono horso Hli'i'l tooth weoder. A few uhowor of rain mion started tho eeil growing and before winter net In the gran waa largo enough to withstand tho winter free.ea. The mill witN rich mil tho ubundant rain ciiUKed tho product of tho field to bo ono of tho beat hay crop that tho owner over harvested. Turkey Red Wheat. T, T, (lien, ono of tho beat known wheat grower nf rnuitllhi county, In much pleased with Turkey" lied wheat, lie ha now grown It two hchhoiih. It (Ioi h tint kbatter aa compared with forty fidd and In not subject to runt. HI atock lat winter preferred th" straw of tho Turkey lied to that of tho forty fold, Only thirty poumU of aoed per aero In required In KaMcrn Oregon, Tho mill paid him l',4 rent per luiHhel more fur Turkey Hd than for forty fold. Thla year ho had thir ty acre In Turkey Rod and Intend to aow It exclusively tho comlnK season. Two Very Young Cowa. An exchange nay: A. I.. Chute think ho hfia (ho youngeHt row on record, She waa a year and twenty day old when nhe bail her first ra!f Now, 1 bavo ono that wan only tdoven month and twenty nine days old when ho had a rnlf, I wrote to tho Pacific HomeHtetid about It Itint win ter, asking whether I khould milk her Young Turkey. It I difficult to rear young turkey. Tho ramo-N of loss may ho traced to allowing them to go on damp grass and by attack of tho largo tray lire 'on the head, for which a drop or two !f olivo oil Ik an excellent remedy. jTheno lice come from tho hen to the jchlck, and will not bo noticed union l by rareful koarehlnti on tho skin of Uho head and neck. Huh tho oil on llm akin w ith tho f Iik r. A cow named TUm at tho llllnol university ha tho remarkable record of producing 284 pound of butter fat for ton year. Tbli moan 1.23 pound butter dally for 3,050 day. To remove warU from utock: Dla- solve aultpotro In water and apply to i wart, and In a few day tlioy are gone. It I generally advled that sow with a great length of body be re tained a breeder. It I regarJcd a an Indication of fecundity, Ono of the feature of the great cherry crop In Oregon this year wa the handling of 175 ton of one vari ety (tho Itoyal Anne) by one can nery, The value of a Htalllon lie In hi Individual and Inherited possession of that prepotent transmitting quality, which enable him with certainty to ImproN upon hi progony thone char acteristic desired In the animal pro duced. Ono thing not to be overlooked, a superior boar may bo used with a herd of ;;iterlor how with good re wultM, but an Inferior boar ued on a herd of hlgh-clas how will bring dls aHtrou reult. The raining and low ering of a herd depend upon the boar uned. lillumor Thoroughbred Berkshire Hogs. Anyone winning to buy thorough bred Berkshire male hog, aged about nix month, call and see them or write H. S. McLaughlin, It. F. D. No. 1, Milwaukie, Or., Box 122 3G-4 Rah for Willamette Valley, Tho Hood River Apple ('.rowers' jl'nlon ha mdd It coming crop of jtiraventiteln at $1 Ml per box. It I Nuld that M. (). Lownsdalu ha mild hi crop of GravotiHteln for :hl year at tl.fiu per box and thu upheld the Ntandard of prbe for tho Willamette Valley apple. Notes. KtatlKtlcN on tho al.o (f an egg: Length. 2 27 Inche. diameter at broad end 1.72, weight 18 pf"nd. You Save Money by Dealing with Us Be a Satisfied Customer; Save Money by Buying Oor Bargains P A TRJHPQ Full assortment of colors and tints j-xxin X O o the best Paint made TENTS! STOVES! STOOLS! Full and complete line of Tents, suitable for hop-picking purposes; Camp Stoves and Camp Stools, Campers Sup plies cf all kinds. vron J . ( hi motknnt ) wWiaf- ZiHwwS I. TOLPOLAR Main St. Opp. Postoffice Oregon City, Oregon MAKE FARMER TRADE WELCOME. Forty merchant of Haker City, Or., have agreed to give $2.50 per month each for tho next two year, for the maintenance of a rent room for farm er. Here I a movement well worth emulating by merchant of all cltle and town where farmer' trade 1 particularly Bought after. It keem a pity to Ktop at thl point, however. Why not build around thl Idea until the merchant could get all poHKlblo benefit out of their InveNtnient? If a rent room I to be maintained, why not organize your club along broad llni'H, ao It can do many thing benlilea maintain a rest room? Let It take care of all advertising which J can bo done for the benefit of all. A ati InHtance, the expenditure of $100 per month for a refit room would be a much better Invoatment If anoth er $10 per month was added for at leant the flrnt year, to advortlne the rest room and the many other attrac tion your city ha to offer for the entertainment of vlaltora. ' A neat little folder containing half tone of the rest room and a full de Ncrlptlon of all the conveniences sup plied, xhould bo put In the band of every farmer, no he could thoroughly underHtand what you are doing for him, and this work could all be taken I care of by the custodian of the room. Thla Is a gMl way to fight mall-order houses, a they cannot maintain such conveniences In your city, and where you have an advantage It always pays to take 1L A farmers' rest room should be a part of the suit of club rooms of each business men's club and It will be greatly appreciated. Women who have made a long drive In the country like to have a place where they can brush up, pu Mielr hat on straight, and leave their heavy wraps, lap robes, etc. This room should certainly have a custodian who Is able to give any In formation needed, and the secretary of the club can fill this capacity with out Interfering In any way wjth his other duties, or, If he has enough work to use a stenographer, a lady can be employed and put In direct charge of the women's part of the rest room. Merchants who know every nook and comer of tho town can hardly realize how lost country people feel I when they go to town. They are en tirely out of their element, and most of them are like fish out of water. They have no place to sit down and rest and no place to meet each other, no place to take care of the demands of nature, They wear themselves out I carrying their, wraps and purchases around and as a result are In a great j hurry to .get out of town again, j Make It easy for them to rest, and make them feel at home, and they will stay longer , spend more money and come oftener. j The rest room, If properly managed, i will take all tho dread out of a trip to town, and once your country people i cense dreading a trip to town they :vlll come oftener, and as they become I more and more In touch with city Ways, their wants will spread out over a wider range of goods, and they will become better customers. V WANTED HOP PICKERS. At John Walling 's hopyard, seven miles this side of Salem. Fruit, fine camping ground, nice crowds, good water, stove on grounds. People wish ing to sign to go see S. R. Green 5t THE END MAN. i . He Start the Ball Rolling at the Burnt Cork 8how. "Funny t'lng happened ter me lair' Bight," remarked the cud man when the tenor with the clear and liquid spring water voice had responded gra ciously to several encore. "Why, Mr. Tamlo," exclaimed Ui middleman,., "surely yon are not going to tell iV that you refused a good clgur?" "No, sab," returned Tambo decided ly. "Iat wouldn't be funny-dat would be kerlou. Rut a Ah wuz say In', a funny t'lng happened. When Ah went ter bed do bed wuz In de room, an' when Ah wake up It wuz In de mawn In'." When the usher stopped laughing the other end man wung around, hook ed one arm over hi chair and faced the middleman. "I)at ain't numv at all to a little fnanclul problem Ah hah," be ald. "Ah had free cent yesterday. Ah bought free stick ob candy at a penny a atlck an' Ah bad one cent." "Tbaf Impossible, Mr. Rones," de clared the middleman. "You almply cannot spend 3 cent and then have 1 cent when you only bad 3 cent In the first place." "Ah sho' kin," retorted the end man. "Ah did It dl way: Ah had free cent. Ah bought free stick ob candy an AJ bad 1 cent" "Rut you couldn't have 1 cent," per sisted the middleman. "Rut Ah did.'" shouted the end man. "Ah bought free stick, Ah took two stick wlf mo an' Ah bad one sent to mall houne." "Our accomplished Imsso, Mr. Croak ley, will now render that beautiful bal lad of sentiment, 'Down, I)own, Down and Out.' "-Perrlne Lambert In Judge. o 0 HSU ESS eOLLESL TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON A. f ARMSTRONG, LL. B., ajRiNCIPAl. Educates for success iif a short time and at small expense, and send each stu dent to a position aa soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for thorough work brings na over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in fraction Insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand; easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper In Portlanc PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Judge and Doctor Too. Lord Bramwell, a notable wit of the English bench, wa once sitting In a case where the prisoner wa accused of shoplifting. "My lord, my client 1 not a common thief," urged the barrister for the de fense. "He I suffering from klepto mania." "That I exactly the disease I am here to cure," replied Lord Bramwell blandly. Youth's Companion. A Long Felt Want "You get right out of here!" snapped tho vinegary faced female. "I don't need no book!" "Yea. you do, madam," said the book agent a be went out and closed the gate. "You need two a grammar and a book on etiquette. Good day." And be got out of hearing distance long be fore she bad said all she wanted to. Llpplueotfs. HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Heal Rotate, Loan), Irmufaricr Main Htreet, OHEOON CITY GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Officerm Qnfiefd B!fiL fainard Fid t: Sit j - - THOS. F. RYAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loan a. Office Upstairs, first building sou th of Courthouse. W. S. U'REN C. SCHUEBEL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORN EYS-AT-LA W- -DETJTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practtce ia sll courts, make collection and settlements of estates Furnwu Utracta ol title, lend yon money on first mortgage. Office in ENTERPRISE Euilding, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E HEDGES F. r. CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, , opposite Court House I Why They Objected. "No," said tho fireman who repre sented the truck company that had re fused to w ork with a colored truckman, "there I no race prejudice In It. But we certainly hate to work with a man whose face will look just as clean on the way home from a long fire fight aa It did when we started, while we other chap all look smudgy ."Judge. Rareful of Your Property ' One of the secrets of our success lin theJBaggage andJTransfer Business Safest Piano and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co, Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street 0 A Feminine Maryel. "She's a woman lu a million," said the first man, with conviction. "How so?" asked No. 2. "What has she done that Is so wonderful?" '"She writes eight page letters and doesn't underscore a single word." New York Press. 1 HORSE WANTED. Would like to hire ya saddle horso for two or three days a week. Will bo given good care and not overridden. AddreBS, IXL, care Enterprise. A Cruel Deception. "So your flaucee deceived you?" "Yes. She told me her father was a dealer in stocks." "Isn't her "Ob, yes. He makes these dinky lit tle women's fancy collurs." Baltimore Amerlcau. Nothing to Wear. Benbam He Is a very generous fel low. Every time he meets any of the boys he say, "Come and have some thing; everything Is on me." Mrs. ' Benbam That's the reason there's nothing on his wife. Brooklyn Life. , Any Port In a Storm. She Just Imagine! Supposing you were so Immensely wealthy that you couldn't possibly speud your Income. What would you do? He Marry you. New York Mall. WORLD NEWS A Professional Paradox. "What's tho advance uiau of a show?" "Tho man behind it." "Eh?" "Ho advances the mouey." H luston Fost. cases, with one exception, were among the poorer class of foreigners. The Supreme Court has decided that Taylor Is the legal mayor of San Francisco The railways are planning to raise the freight rates between Chicago and coast points from 2',4 to 20 cents a hundred pounds. Eighteen state officials of Pennsyl vania are to be prosecuted for graft in connection with the election of the state house at Harrisburg;. Five cases of bubonic plague, four of which have proved fatal, is the re port of the San Francisco health de partment for the past week. The It Is proposed to illuminate Niagara Falls by having fifty large electric searchlights 'thrown upon the entire falls, some of these being capable of throwing light a hundred miles. The Sacremento Bee says: "The man who makes the money fly when off on his vacation is usually the man who refuses his boy a nickle for an ice-cream cornucopia at home." John Olson found three Japs taking pictures and gathering data near Seat tle and when they could not give satis factory answers as to what they were doing he broke their cameras and destroyed their maps, etc. "When President Diaz dies the Uni ted States will capture Mexico and no nation in Europe will interfere be cause it cannot, is the prevailing sen- Ltiment in both Mexico and Europe," said Baron Draschl, of Austria, at Portland, recently. It was discovered some years ago that a part of the business district' of Minneapolis waa built over the great subterranean cavern, whose rocky roof lay some sixty or more feet be : low the surface, but the fact has been ikept quiet until now, when the roof of the cave has been put upon the support of great concrete pillars. The cave had been caused by the subter ranean waterflow, which has been di verted. When accidentally discoved ed the cavern contained a lake of (fine ice-cold water, ten feet deep, and j large enough to have supplied the city. The famous yacht Hildegarde, built for King Edward when he waa Prince of Wales in 1874, has been broken op and consigned to the junk pile la Hackensack, N. J. The yacht origi nally cost JS5.000, but recently tho vessel waa sold for a few thousand dollars to F. R. Long, a bridge build er in Hackensack, who decided to have the vessel broken up. The prince's stateroom Mr. Long had cut out entire. He Intends to install that in his residence as a "den." Portions of the timber were sold for a bridge over Cole's Brook, Hackensack, while the deck, which is teak, is being cut up for souvenirs In the way of walk ing sticks, collar-boxes, and other use ful articles. One of these is to be sent to the King of England with a story of the final disposition of his former yacht. A New Comet Visible. A new and beautiful comet which appears daily in the eastern sky and is visible for about an hour before sunrise has been under observation for some time by astronomers at the United States Naval Observatory, at Washington. This comet, which Is entirely new to astronomy, has been named in honor of Mr. Daniels, of the Princeton University astronomical de partment, who discovered the celes tial interloper some weeks ago. Eczema. For the good of those suffering with, eczema or otaer such trouble, I wis.i to say, my wife had something of that kind and after using the doc tors' remedies for some time conclud ed to try Chamberlain's Salve, and It proved to be better tiian anything sne had tried. For sale by Howell & Jones. A Valuable Lesson. "Six years ago I learned a valuable lesson," writes John Pleasant, of Magnolia, ind. "I then began laklnsv Dr. King's New Lite Pills, ail the longer I take then.-, the better I find them." They please everybody. Guar anteed at Howell & .lones', dr;i?v;l-is 25 cents.