Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 23, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Noony Hers,
August 15, a nine pound boy.
David Cole, who was bo seriously
hurt in a log mashup a few months
go, returned to his home Friday
from a Portland hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. George Young have
sold their home at Sherwood and
moved to Ocean Park.
Mm. M. C. Young has gone to Car
Bon Springs for a few days.
Molalla M. E. church was dedicated
Sunday and some seven hundred dol
lars were raised, which places the
society out of debt and some cash to
Its credit, with a good building. The
next job will be to hold a revival and
convert Molalla to a church going peo
ple. Mrs. Nieolal is at Portland with a
daughter who is afflicted with the
whooping cough and appendicitis.
Teasel harvest is over for 1907 and
Mr. Gregory reports a very good
Quality of his special variety of the
teasel family.
Hopplcklng will commence within
ten days with indications of rather a
light yield.
Brothers Vernon and Case have re
turned from their Coast-mountain
fishing expedition, repotting quite a
good catch.
Clyde Engle, who returned from the
hospital ten days ago has resumed
his position In the store.
Everman Robbins and John Dun
gan have gone to the mountains for
their two weeks' outing.
North Sweden is to have thirty
families this fall, and soon that sec
tion will be a vast fruit orchard,
adding greatly to the wealth of South
O. W. Robbins will finish a good
barn for Mr. Cribble, of South Macks
burg, this week.
Dr. J. W. Powell makes a business
visit to the county-seat this week.
Misses Cornelia Boyles, Dudley and
Martin have all returned home again
much improved in health.
Dr. Rowland and wife were here
assisting with the church dedication I The rallinS on the bridge of "Lov-
exerctses last Sunday. jers' Lane" is broken down and an ac-
Icident is feared If the "dads" don't
GRESHAM 'repair the break.
Mrs. W. B. Emery gave a tea on'The 'Vo? 'Tn f
Wednesday last for the benefit oflMes8rS' Ddd and ,U Randa11 not
the Ladies' Aid Society of the Method-lon ag0',and eft ,av glrl at each;
1st church. Mrs. J. G. Metzger and L ?race ? T ?
Mrs. Emery's Sunday school class of lyln tr!? to Albany 006 eVenlng
young ladies assisted her In serving, j181 wk' returnng next mn,lng- "
Harry Crenshaw has returned from! Carl . Burgoyne has resigned his po
a trio to the mnntaln. '8itlon 0n the PIIe drlver and ret"d
vfi e. t, --j
" owij iiuu rrecser ana in.
Stephens, all of Portland, were the
guests of Mrs. J. G. Metzger.
Mrs. William Beers has as guests
her parents. Rev. J. M. Turner and
wife, of Spokane, Wash., and her
brother J. W. Turner and wife, of
Camas, Wash.
Mrs. C. L. Crenshaw has been vis
iting friends in Portland.
Miss nivtlp Stuart nf tho Portland
,,,, . .
Hotel orchestra, visited her parents,
v n (.,.., j v .
F. B. Stuart and wife, here yester-1
The Rural Telephone Company 13
putting In new phones for Charle3
Gedamkl, Robert Wright. Mr. Simin
son and William Ashcroft.
E. E. Chipman, R. F. D. carrier,' 13
taking a vacation. He and Mrs. Chip
man are visiting friends in Rainier.
Mrs. Charles Wood, of Tehama,
Cal., is visiting her brother. A. C.
Browning. Brother and sister had
not met for 26 years and did not rec
ognize each other.
Mrs. Grace Brightbill of Oregon City
Is a guest of Mrs. J. N. Faris.
Schuyler Jones and family are all
111 with tonsilitis.
Miss Elizabeth Allen has returned
to her home at La Fayette, after a
few days' visit with friends here.
A. J. Gould and wife have returned
from a week's outing at Seaside.
N. L. Smith has started work on
the erection of a potato cellar which
will have when finished a capacity
of 3000 bushels of potatoes.
Mrs. Laura Barnes and A. M.
"Weidmer and family have returned
from a trip to Eastern Oregon.
Mrs. Pearl Llndsey has gone to St.
Helens for a few days' stay.
Fitzger Hamilton has gone on a
business trip to Prineville.
Mrs. C. A. Hoffman, of Oakland,
Cal., has been visiting Mrs. C. L.
A New Orleans
Because she did not extract sufficient $
nourishment from
She took Scoff Emulsion,
She gained a pound a day in weight
a . . . .o
L. Terry left today for a
Mrs. M
few days' stay at Seaside.
Miss Louise Hamlin, of E.stacada, is
visiting relatives here.
Harvest is early here; a number of
the farmers have threshed and others
are preparing to do so.
Mrs. James Ogle and son. Guy, of
Barlow, visited at Chas. Noblltt'a on
D. B. Yoder's spent Sunday at
Marks Prairie.
Grandpa Noblitt Is with us again
for a short visit.
Miss Alice Rltter and Messrs Gil
bert Noe and Ray Fish attended the
teachers' examination In Oregon City
last week.
Charlotte Dundas and sister were
Portland visitors on Thursday of last
Threshing is almost a thing of the
past in this locality. The grain yield
was fairly good.
Miss Grace Clements, stenographer
for Buffum & Pendleton of Portland,
but formerly from here, Is spending
her vacation with friends in New Era.
Messrs. Chinn. Haines and Mars
and families left for a trip to the
Coast the forepart of the week.
Mrs. Wink purchased a thorough
bred Jersey cow near Canby one day
last week.
The piling camp north of town will
close down this week and move down
on the Colombia.
Joe Feaster had a runaway last
week. His horse was frightened at
a passing train and ran away with
the buggy, upsetting it and tearing
off the seat. The horse got a few
slight cuts by coming in contact with
a barbwlre fence.
Elmer Veteto Is re-roofing Henry
Strum's kitchen and woodshed and
will build a potato cellar for Mr.
Wallace Woodcox is huckleberrylng
in the foothlls.
Hopplckers are commencing to go
UD the va,le3r to 8ecure tho st jobs.
home on the 21st
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Downey and
son have returned from an outing at
Miss Carrie Fuller of Portland cal
led on friends here Tuesday.
Miss Lizzie Shipley Is visiting In
Portland this week.
Mrs. Berdlne Is expected home from
New York soon. Her many friends
, . , . A
w111 De K'a,i tc 8ee her again.
Mr. and Mrs. Langsford were visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. SInnott, Fourteenth
and Washington streets, on Tuesday
The cows are being turned out on
the street, causing a great deal of
trouble. Complaint wa3 made to the
Mayor, who stated it is a violation of
the law for any one to turn an animal
of any description loose on the public
streets, and whoever does it Is liable
to a fine and imprisonment when the
complaint can be proved.
Mr. White, of Mount Angel, was
visiting his mother-in-law, Mrs. Percl
val a few days ago.
Miss Ethel Percival' Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. White, at Mount Angel.
Lon Aldrlch, wife and family are
getting ready for hopplcklng and will
leave here for Wilsonville next Wed
nesday. Elmer Wasson, the music dealer,
went to Harrlsburg to attend the
funeral of his sister-in-law, who died
very suddenly yesterday.
Mr. Ely, of Elyville, was here on
Saturday looking for a horse that he
had lost.
Mrs. Sinnott, whose condition has
been very serious, is greatly Improved
and able to sit up.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and family of
LaCross, Wash., relatives of Mr. and
woman was thin. S
her food.
Mm. Homier, have had quite a sot-
back. Ho recently bought a piece of
property from Mr. Howell and Imme
diately commenced building a house
and tearing down the old barn. The
jmmaa wa8 nearly finished and Mr.
' Morgan and family were ready to
move In when Mr. Ixder refused a
deed for the same. Mr. Morgan after
ward purchased another piece of prop
erty from Mr. Howell.
The northeast wind la on today, and
It is hot for August when the wind
blows from the northeast.
The stacking la all done hereabouts.
Charlie Hatton Is expecting to com
mence threshing his crop this week.
Mr. Hagerman, on Arthur's Prairie,
is repairing part of hla residence.
John Hatton Is on the sick list thla
week. Something like the grip with
tired feeling.
Walter Shepard and Etton Hatton
drove the creamery butter to Port
land Monday in the new Clear Creek
delivery wagon. They made the trip
in ono day without any smashup.
William Watts la gardening and
truck hauling this year aad seems to
be well satisfied with the business
as a beginning.
The best price for the best spuds
that we have heard of this year here
Is 100 per acre.
Our egg and poultry purchaser from
below Clackamas pays 25 cents per
dozen, spot cash, for eggs this week.
He makes his regular trip every Mon
day. OSWEGO.
Dr. Holmes and family, of Portland,
are camping near the lake. They
have taken quite a fancy to Oswe
go and are thinking of purchasing
property here.
Ethel Lewis la visiting friends In
Miss Ida Nelson, who has been sick
for some time, is slowly recovering.
The Oswego baseball team will play
Its last game for thla season Sunday.
They were defeated by the Oregon
City Grays lait Sunday, owing to the
fact that some of their best players
were absent
Charles Horstman has purchased
three more lota in Oswego.
Hop picking Is an Important topic
here at preset It. The pickers are
counting on leaving here about the
28th of August. Hops are reported
an extra quality this year.
Mr. Lee and family are at home
again after an outing of about two
F. M. Darling has his pump in for
pumping with the windmill.
F. A. Ely Is remodeling his hop-
house to some extent thla year. The
hops are looking fine.
Messrs. Austin and Kayler of Mo
lalla are hauling lumber for Curran
& Everhart from the Superior saw
mill. Wedding bells are prophesied for
the near future in this burg.
Miss Winnie Jackson is visiting at
Shubel with Miss Hazel Glnther.
Mr. Murrow, of Ladd's Crystal
Springs Poultry Farm, of Portland, Is
visiting friends here this week.
The thermometer registered over
80 degrees Tuesday.
Mrs. Guyer, of Dufur, Oregon, was
In this burg last week. She had just
come from visiting "Kansas" friends
in Washington county.
The Misses Hubbard, Maude Moran,
Hazel and Mabel Francis, Eddie Gott
berg, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ely
started to the Mount Hood huckleber
ry patch last Sunday morning.
Mrs. Torence's uncle from Salem is
here this week and is helping Mr.
Torence haul wood.
Mr. Henderson is at work again.
but he goes to Portland once a week
to have his eyes treated.
Joe Gerber is at home after an ab
sence of three months.
J. B. Falrclough and J. T. Francis
are In from the mines again.
Grandma Rholl had another serious
attack of heart trouble again last
Mrs. Hall has a serious attack of
tonsilitis this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stafford, who
have been camping out at Moburly,
moved all their goods out there this
The painters are again working In
Mr. Ely's pasture among the chicken
roosts and blackberry vines. They
are putting up signs.
J. J. Sandsness' new hop drier Is
fast nearlng completion.
O. M. Ansve's addition to his house
will soon be finished.
A. Peterson has Bold his blacksmith
shop to Mr. McConley,
The school board Is having a well
dug at the school house.
Mrs. Lohman, of Mullen, Idaho,
Mrs. Duffy, of Pullman, Wash., Mrs.
Watson, of Spokane, Wash., daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nicholson,
have returned to their home.
D. Harding, of Portland, Is visiting
his uncle, J. H. Dlxson.
C, K. Eckern spent Saturday In
Sllverton. ,
Rdmond Dlxson has returned from
Hebo, Oregon,
Mlsa Dlna Eckeru has returned from
Oregon City, where aho has been at
tending summer school,
Mrs. M Seoggln la visiting with her
sister and, brother, Mrs. Ada Andrua
ami F. T. Molvin.
L, Brudvfe and wife were visiting
friends in Portland, Saturday.
Mr. and Mm, W. W. Keebaugh and
son, Herbert, spent Tuesday In Wood"
burn visiting relatives.
The ice cream social given by 4)ie
ladles of the United Brethorn church
was well attended. The proceeds will
go toward the church.
The farmers are very busy taking
care of their grain harvest at present.
Fred Churchill has been working
for Mr. Howard.
Mra. C. T. Howard and son, Bayno,
have gone to the huckleberry patch.
Mr. Crook made a business trip to
town last week.
W. A. Woodslde has been very busy
with his binder for the past week.
Mr. Udell, our mall carrier, la going
to move to Mullno In the near future
so he will be close to hla work.
Oscar Daniels ha moved up to the
Dlx Bros." mill to work for the winter.
A good number of the El wood peo
ple have been going to the huckleber
ry patch. Everyone was well pleased
with the new government trail. Tho
berries are not as thick as usual.
Three gallons a day Is g(xd picking.
8ome of the people of Elwood are
busy harvesting. They expect a good
Mr. and Mrs. Bayland are having la
grippe and Ernest Vallen Is on the
sick list, too.
Tne Grange Fair Is the coming
"event" and plana are taking shape
to make It a most Interesting occa
sion. October 3, 4. and 5 are the dates.
President Kerr, of Oregon Agricultur
al college, has been Invited to speak
on Thursday evening. Friday will be
"Pioneer Day." The speaking In not
yet arranged for but there will be a
large exhibit of all articles, older than
1850. A reception will be given In
the afternoon. Mr. George H. Hlmes
will he an honored guest and several
Interesting talks are on for the even
ing. This will be a most Important
"feature." Saturday will be the baby
show, the auction, and will close with
a dance. Any and all exhibits, suit
ably labeled will be carefully placed.
societies will be gladly given apace,
and It Is hoped all will send something
to add to what Is expected to be a
credit to Clackamas county and this
prominent town, so please do not for
get the days of the Mllwaukle Fair.
Floyd Scott and Leo Duffy spent
several days at Corvallls last week,
getting acquainted with the college
and Its work.
Judge Thomas F. Ryan was a
Grange visitor, Saturday, and came In
very handy during the taxation lesson.
He secured the promise of Mllwaukle
to exhibit at the Gladstone Fair and
Its co-operation In the County Fair.
Mrs. Spooner of Harmony was a
Grange visitor.
"Harmony Home Coming" will be
celebrated Saturday, August 2S, by an
all- day picnic on the historic grounds
of the MO's. 8plendld refreshments
and a good time Is guaranteed.
J. H. Reld Is deep In Inspecting
pears Just now. Tho state board Is
determined to keep right on enforcing
the law and scabby or diseased fruit
cannot be put upon the market.
The farmer are the busiest of peo
ple these days gottlng In their grain
for the winter. In many places the
farmers have finished their harvest,
and are now turning their thoughts to
their fruit. The dry weather has been
good for the grain, but In many places
the gardens are In need of water.
Most of the farmers of the Carus
neighborhood have finished harvest
ing, and the crop In this section was
very good. William V. Davis' crop
was the largest In that vicinity, his
crop aggregating 1520 bushels. The
crop of the New Era precinct was
fairly good this year, and most all of
the farmers of that section have about
finished getting In their grain.
The potato crop all through the
county this year Is good, and the re
cent rains did an Immense lot of good,
and are bringing a wholesale price of
85 and 90 cents per Back.
It Is reported that Mr. Jacob Kaulb
flash has sold his farm.
It Is cheering to all to read In The
Enterprise from the many correspon
dents of the excellent crops of grain,
fruits and vegetables our beautiful
soil and climate has again produced.
This part of the great valley of WI1
iamette Is not behind. Our crops are
good and the grain In this neighbor
hood Is all threshed and safely housed.
Henry Hughes with his threshing
crew came in and threshed for the
entire neighborhood. First, Mr. Ed
Howard, then Mr. Sympson, Tucker,
Mr. Johnson, Canto, Irish, and last but
not least, Wm. V. Davis, who had the
with us will be a working asset, good to
keep and tohave for an emergency or op
portunity Wise is the man who tjas his
capital, no matter how small, deposited
where It is at work earning more capital.
The Bank of Oregon City
banner crop In thla part 1520 bush
els. Our crops were all good and we
are all well satisfied.
Alfred Smith and family have sold
their farm to a Mr. Brown, of Iowa.
Mr. Smith has bought In Onsjtou City
and will soon move. We are sorry to
have them leave.
William V. Davla has nearly com
pleted one of the largest and best
prune drlera In the county.
The prospect It good for a good
crop of potatoes. The late rains de
layed the threshing but did the po
tato crop an Immense amount of
good and helped the gardens and
fruit. There Is a good crop of prunes.
Mr. Cooper, postmaster at Carus,
resigned and the office will, after
August 31, be a thing of the past and
route No. S, R. F. D.. will extend west
to the corner of the Alpine Farm, or
one mile on the town Unn road, west
of the plank road.
Mr. 'ottlaufor got a load of
shingles last Tuesday for his new
granary which he Is building.
P. E. Bonney, the Colton merchant.
bought a new phonograph.
Ed Ball, on of the owners of the
Colton shingle mill, sold his right to
his partner, Milton Williams.
W. E. Bonney and brother, Frank,
went to town Friday and .came back
Philip Puts helped Mr. Wcttlaufer
to stack his grain Wednesday and
Frank Dlx preached at the Colton
Hall last 8unday at 1 o'clock A. M.
Quite a crowd attended.
U. S. Dlx started to thresh last
A. B. Countryman Is building a new
Putx Bros, helped their friend stack
bis grain last week.
The Bauers "Band" was In the
mountains to give II. Gordon some
music last Friday. Tho swelling tones
echoed and reechoed over the hills.
J. Putx Is hauling water for Sam
Elmer's engine.
Jacob Bauer, his wife and two chil
dren, of Sherwood, are visiting at his
brother's, Brits Baurer.
II. Gorden and wife went to Caza
dero, where he Is going to work.
Nothing for the farmers to do now
but work harvest and threshing.
J. Mallat Is having his hay baled
and I. D. Larklns Is entertaining the
the balers his week.
Mr. Noon Is having the W. A. Shav
er barn at the sawmill filled with hay
and mill feed.
Holman Brothers and families, of
Portland, are vUltlng at the ranch
this week.
Deer are quite numerous. Some
have venison galore and some have
Mr. Bowman Is building an addi
tion to his house on South Main street.
I There's a Reason
Vw r"'t
possible. Our recent trip East to the great centers of dental edu
cation, was for the purpose of giving you the lat
est and beat, up-to-date dentistry. Our seventeen years of suc
cessful practice In Oregon City Is the best guarantee any dentist can
give you. A guarantee Is good only as long as you can find one who
gives It, and then not always. We are careful not to hurt you, as
we have feelings ourselves. We want your work and want you to
send us your frlonds. Have an eastern expert graduate assistant
dentist. We put our own name back of our practice. Our prices are
the lowest In the city for good work.
Dr. L. L Pickens
Post Graduate Haskell &
City Phone 2671
1 l
C. L. Staudlngor, head sswyer at
tho llroughton sawmill, was riding
around Sunday with his pocket filled
with cigars hunting catnip. C. L.
can be heard at all hours of tho night
walking tho floor and singing: "It's a
boy and It weighs ten pounds."
Mr. Dennlson made a business trip
to tho county hub Monday with soma
fine beef cattle.
Ralph Holman has a flno lot of
Holatlne hogs ready for market
Pearl Hall Is at homo once more,
and Is laid up for repairs. Ho stuck
a picaroon Into his foot.
Meadowbrook school wilt begin the
7th of October, with Miss Birdie
Illalr as principal.
Tho hum of tho thresher It making
sweet music In tho farmers' ears and
grain It turning out fairly well.
Ralph Tracy and Gerber Bros. ar
hiking the grain Into the granaries In
a hurry.
Gerber Bro. have a weighing outfit
with their machine, this year, which Is
a great Improvement.
Many Improvements are noted In
Logan, Mrs. A. Fallert and son, Karl,
are building an addition to their
house, Jacob Durlg Is doing tho same;
II. S. Anderson Is building a substan
tial barn, with concrete foundations,
and Henry Balder has a now granary.
Mrs. E. Brown has returned from a
visit with her daughter at Eugene.
Mrs. Reed, of Portland, has been
visiting her daughter. Mrs. M. Frakes.
M. Johnston. George and Henry
Reed were out from Portland last
U Klrchem It at Newport for a
few weks' sojourn. Ho nays ho has
Joined tho army of loafers and roam
era. Huckleberries are not ripe there,
but satlal tarries are big as cherries
and plentiful. About 2000 campers
are there.
A. Swales reports having sold about
200 sack of potatoes so far this sea
ton, for some of which ho received
$2.50 per sack. Rather profitable
business at that rate.
The hot weather killed some of tho
potatoes ton soon ami tho tubers ara
Olo Thompson Is on tho sick list.
Do not forget that Fair October 18.
Prepare samples of your products and
let us have a credltablo display.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the council of
Oregon City at Its next regular meet
ing for a renewal of his liquor license
until March 1, 1907. at his present
place of business, 702 Main street,'
Oregon City.
37-2t A. H. GRIESSEN.
White horse, shod all around, brand
ed on both shoulders with T, weighs
about 1,200; can be seen at my ranch
at Colton. C. E. GORBETT,
for Everything
Tht reason we enjoy ths
largest dental practice In
Oregon City Is because we
Our work lasts, we never
do poor work. The people
know It. Our constant ef
fort la to give not "Just as
good" but the best work, and
that for as little ninnnv
Weinhard Building,
Oregon City, Ore.
Chics go 8chool of Dentistry,
Mutual and Independent 131