6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, AUGUST 16, 1907. BOARD FOR NEW HOME Within Thirty Days In Andresen Building. that the wool of the Willamette Val ley gets coarser. This is due, if true, to the increasing predominance of Cotswold blood In the sheep of this valley and to a disregard of coarse ness of wool by many of the CotswoUl breeders. The more prominent Cots wold breeders of the valley have bred so as to avoid excessive coarseness, but others have paid no attention to Arrives and Will be Installed jth,- nd wh"Vhe "mtl? Rml fV? conaiuons OI me YHiirj Rive wwu n fine luster, they seem to tend to coarseness of fiber. The Lincoln are now getting quite a foothold in the Willamette Valley, and as their wool is not as coarse as that of the Cotswolds. their growing popularity may in time have the effect of making the average valley wool some finer than it now is. The Ram- boulllets, which are now coming in to some extent, will of course reduce greatly the coarseness of the wool in all flocks into which their blood en ters. The Cotswolds have gained their popularity because they have proved so well adapted to the climatic conditions of the valley and are at the same Jlrae pretty good mutton sheep and heavy ylehlers of wool. Agriculturist. COMMISSIONERS COURT (Continued from page a) EMPLOY 8 OPERATORS Number On Duty At Beginning Claimed There Will Bt At Least 300 Subscriber. The switch boards for the Home Telephone company's Oregon City ex change has arrived in this city and will be Installed as soon as an ex pert arrives from the East. The board la manufactured by the Strongberg-Carlson company, one of the best known firms in this line, and is of three position type. It is con structed In such a manner that if, at ny time there should be a need of a larger boaTd, another section can be added to It without much trouble. A force of eight girls will be em ployed at the beginning. The local managers say that the switchboard will be Installed in the office in the Andresen block within 30 days, and the phones will then be installed in the residences and business houses as soon as possible. CARUS Cams, August 7 Ed Jones, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Jones, died Tuesday morning while helping Frank Jagger thresh. He was haul ing rather a large load of grain to the machine and the horses didn't want to pull the load by driving, so after Ed had worried with them trying to get them to pull he got off the load and took the horses by the bits and got them started. After he got the team started again he laid on the When the new system is Installed, 'ground and soon passed away without there will be at least 300 subscribers, 1 saving any more. He was soon car ,.,ii tn. vfHMoia a rron ried to his home and Dr. Strickland many more. The phones will be similar in con struction to those recently installed by the Pacific Telephone company. A number of farmer lines will con nect with the local exchange. BUYERS COMPLAiN. Wool buyers continue to complain was called, but when the doctor came he said the boy was' dead. It Is not learned yet as to when and where he will be burled. His death was quite shocking to everyone and he will be greatly missed by his parents and a host of friends. Estacada depot is to be fixed bo as to handle freight conveniently. 1 GET IT FOR HER I mm FREE: -ON 30. DAYS TRIAL Save Her Time Save Her Health Save Her Weary Steps Save Your Money Save Your Clothes Save Her Temper Save Her Complexion J. E. Marqiiam 10 00 Olaf Olson 10 00 I. 1. Lnrklna 7 00 1). U. Hubbard 5 00 Ed Hubbard 5 00 J. Labour S8 00 District 28 Horry Ruckner 2 00 J. Nightengale 8 00 riorce Miller 8 00 E. D. lhiekner 40 00 C. A. Ramsby 8 00 L. I), Shank 20 00 District 29 Carlton & Kosenkrans 52 45 0. If. Brown 7 00 S. E, Brown 8 00 M. L. Ingram 1 00 Ira White 10 00 E. M. White 5 00 V. L. White 12 50 District 31 C. Kornum 7 00 Z. Elllgsen 11 00 District 32 J. E. Morback 1 50 G. Seely 5 25 J. N. Woods 3 00 M. Seely 60 W. C. Heater 11 25 E. L. Baker 1 75 C. Comstock 3 00 A. Murdock 2 00 E. O. Jones 4 50 District 34 Security Metal Vorks 125 00 Wilson & Cooke 5 00 Jeff Shaw 52 00 T. J. Gary 62 00 R, W. Oldenstadt 8 00 Smith Turner 30 00 Jack Fisher 3G 00 j L. Adamson 2 50 A. Estberg 5 00 ' II. P. Estberg 5 00 John Turner 55 00 District 35 A. P. Edwards 32 50 District 35 S. II. Kauffman 131 65 A. S. Thompson 8 00 A. Kocker 4 00 Ed Wormdahl 10 50 O. E. F. Lee 10 00 P. J. Schneider 32 60 Charley Caste 10 50 D. Bunnemeyer 15 00 S. L. Miller 5 50 J. K. Hart 3 75 W. II. Bremer 3 00 Silas Yoder 3 00 W. F. Smith 3 00 Noah Yoder 3 00 Alien Drescher 2 25 a Michael Walsh 1 50 District 37 C. W. Kruse 10 00 Wilbur Wllraot 7 50 District 39 Pope & Co. 10 4Q District 40 J. Corrlgan 3 CO W. Douglas 4 50 Otto Stulke 7 20 Grover Judd 10 80 J. D. Duger 14 40 H. Ackerson 13 05 G. H. Lllja 8 00 W. Nelman 6 50 L. Bartlemay 8 00 A. Vester 15 00 Bridge Work F. C. Gadke 54 00 Clackamas Lumber Co 338 57 Standard Machine Co. 8 24 O. W. P. & Ry. Co. 2 00 Nottingham & Co. 347 00 w. A. Holmes 6 05 Gladstone Real Efitate Ass'n 33 50 F. Busch 87 42 V. Harris in f,o Trimble & Lipe 5 05 Oregon City Iron Wks. 15 95 Wilson & Cooke 3 22 Harry Jones 25 80 E. F. Grlscz 7 25 Pope & Co. 11 84 O. C. Mill & Lumber Co 17 21 John Kelly i 1 00 8. R. Green 1 00 S. Roukv i 00 L. Stlpp 12 03 H. Cauftold 12 00 O. Turner 3 50 Itruee Zumwult 1 "0 Peter Greaves 1 70 J, Wolfer 1 70 Bert lioodfoster 1 70 Frank Griffith 1 70 Brueo Burns 1 70 (1. 11. Young I 70 Wulter Ford 1 70 Geo. Armstrong I "u J, 0. Sawyer 1 00 C. C. liuhcoek 1 00 J. C. Bradley V H) 15. M. Howell 1 00 Wm. Board I 00 S. R. Green I 00 T. G, Jonarud 2 70 Gilbert Jonarud 3 90 T. G. Jonarud 3 45 Bert Jonarud 2 30 U Stlpp 3 70 C. E. Burns 2 40 W. A. Dlmtek 4 70 E. L. Shaw 3 10 J. It. Kelso 5 00 J. C. Elklns 5 10 Sheriff- Fashion Livery St aide 7 00 D. Cauneld 14 00 C. F. Ely l'l 00 Recorder E. L. Park 52 00 Coroner- Fashion Livery Stable. 5 00 R. L. HolmuH 32 90 II. P. Uwls 2 20 E. C. Wink 2 20 F. McArthur 2 93 D. McArthur 1 20 O. W. Veteto 1 20 L. F. Beach 1 20 Elmer Vi-teto 1 20 Superintendent of Schools Alice Zlnser 12 00 Assessor V. Surfus 78 00 Iura Po"e 59 00 E. P. Carter 27 no Edith C. Jackson 52 00 G. F. Horton 18 00 H. W. Shaw 72 00 A. Warner 69 00 Current Expense F. W. Greenman 3 75 Irwin Hodson Co. 1 85 C. E. Ramsby 6 50 Huntley Bros. Co. 8 10 Telephone Co. 9 90 Court House P. Nehren 10 00 Straight & Salisbury 2 90 O. C. Ice Co. 1 55 E. H. Cooper 45 00 Glass & Prudhomme Co. 190 00 Pauper Jennie Boylea 4 33 V. A. Holmes 5 40 J. E. Jack 5 00 C. Bluhm 10 00 Mrs. Guynup 33 00 Oregon City 50 00 L. Adams 1 85 R. L. Holman 20 00 Insane . . PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORN ICY AT LAW Weal Kntatc, Lomm, ltmurmici Mitlft Htrel, OUICUON CITY GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW S Phone: Main 521 Office In Cauficld Bldg., Main and Eight Sts THOS. F. RYAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building souths of Courthouse. W. S. U'RKN C. SCIIUIiDKL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORN RYS-AT-LAW- -DKUTSCIIKR ADVOKAT Will practice U all courts, nuke collection and srltlctncnls of utates Furnirn. battacts ot title, Iriul you money on 11 mt mortgage. Office in INTLRPKIJE Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E HEDCES F. T. CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House LIVY STIPP ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office In Jagger Building. Oregon City W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteil nary College of Toroeto. Canada, and the McKlllip School of Surgery of Chicago, baa located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stablra, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Fanners' 131 Mail Ijtt J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, - Oregon. Will practice In all courts of the slat Office la Caufiold Building. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands In Clackamas County, have It accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Incorpor ated tor the purpose. Our rates are reasonable We Invite you to ex amine our complete aet oi Abstract Hooks. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 600- COS Chamber of Commerce Bldg, PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas Count Property. Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, absolutely free of charge CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY C. G. Miller, Agent, Oregon City, Ore. Gentlenn You may deliver to mo one Electric Flat iron, which I agreo to try, and if unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do not return it at that time you may charge same to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be made for the iron if I return It within 30 1T. Name Address DEPT. O. C. J. A. Olds Wm. Dutcher It. Alexander J. W. Jones John Green Jack Confer J. A. Newman C. Price 70 00 91 00 73 r,o 91 00 78 00 73 00 H. 11. Beatle , 1 44 Dr. M. C. Strickland ' 5 00 V. A. Dlmlck 3 00 Dr. J. W. Norrls ' 5 00 W. J. Tel. Co. 75 Dr. H. 8. Mount 6 00 Bridge Marlon County CO 99 Printing S. T. Roman 3 25 Courier 29 55 Enterprise 43 98 Tax Rebate- Eastern Invest. Co. N. C. Ernston Geo. Steel O. I. & 8. Co. Z. M. Chase T. P. Randall Emllle Knapp the matter of the C. J. Parker for tax rebate: Or dered that said petition he and Is de nied In Mrs. petition 4 21 7 50 2 00 2 79 14 50 1 01 of same bo laid over for further Information. In the matter of petition of Weyer hauser Co. for adjustment of taxes: Ordered that same be laid over for further Information. In the matter of petition of J. N, Ernston for rebate of taxes: Ordered that warrant Issue for $7 56 In pay ment of same. In the matter of petition of Straus Lumber Co. for use of County road for logging purposes: Ordered that peti tion be granted subject to revocation at any time by county court. In the matter of petition to change from plank to corduroy on Highland road: Ordered that said petition be denied. In the mutter of petition of Annie Corrlgan for liquor license: Ordered that same he grunted. In the matter of petition of Curlton V Rosenkruns for cancellation of taxes: Ordered that said petition be grunted. In the matter of resignation of Chas. F. Ely as constable: Ordered that same be accepted, and the office be declared vacant. In the matter of petition of I). Can- field for appointment as Constable: Ordered that said petition he laid over until September term. In the matter of the Vester roa.ls: to Hurt O'llrlen; Ordered that said petition be and Is hereby granted. Summer cougns ami colds yield at onco to Hoe's Laxative Cough Syrup, contains honey and tar but mi opiates. Children like It Its laxative qualities recommend it to mothers. Hoarse ness, coughs, croup yield ' quickly. Keep It on hand. Sold by Huntley Bros. NOTICE OP APPLICATION LIQUOR LICENSE. FOR In the matter of petition of Eastern Investment Co. for rebate of taxes: Ordered that warrant issue In favor of said Company for $4.21. In the matter of application of T. Th undersigned will present the following petition to the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 4th day of Septem ber, 19D7, for a lifeline to sell aplr ltotis, malt, mid vinous Ibpiors, in less quantities than one gallon, at a saloon in Handy, in Cascade precinct, Clark aniaH County, Oregon, for a period of one year. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clurkumas. In the mutter of the petition of Cas per Junlier for a petition for liquor license. To the County Court of the alxivo named County and State; Your peti tioners would respectfully represent that they are legal voters in Cascade Precinct lu the nhove named County Ordered that said A. Vester lie cited ,ttml Blale an'1 ttlu,il residents there to appear at September term and 1THE THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL OFFER APPLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT. Steve Green 43 50 i J. B. Niekles '5 00 j E. D. Olds 104 00 : I Roads T. Klllin 37 30 1 C. Pipka 2 50 J. LeweMcn 95 20 ileall & Co. 8 13 Western Storage Co. I 25 Chas. II. Dodd 7 00 8sioierB ' ! T. 15. Klllxn n 00 ' J. Lewellen 9 (jo Court W. K. Carll 4 20 of the Peace L. Stlpp 12 20 I. Confleld 7 90 J. WlHcmandcl 2 50 P, A. Ely l 70 II. A. Eastman 1 70 C. Hettnian 1 70 A. G. Guynup 1 70 A. F. Parker 1 00 J. M. Glllett 1 00 II. Peckovcr 1 00 1 show cause why said petition should not bo dismissed. In the matter of John Gibson road: Ordered that same bo passed for the term. In the matter of J. E. Mitts rond: Ordered that same bo laid over until September term. In the mutter of the J. H. Lemon road: Ordered that said road be and Is declared to bo a county road and L. Charman for renewal of Insurance: o" "i'eneu us mien. Ordered that same be laid over until In ,1,( r"tt(,r of appointment of U. next term. Scott as Deputy Sheriff: Ordered that In the matter of petition of John E. Ka,n" b(! IUi'"ved. Pllcher for tax rebate: Ordered that In tht! niutter of repair of Cedar I Creek bridge: Ordered that supervi sor lie notified to repair same at, once. I In th matter of claim of Henrietta Rivers for loss of a cow: Ordered that sumo be referred to Commissioner Lewellen with power to net. I In the mutter of claims for double assessments collected and turned over to Treasurer: Ordered that following J sums be returned to claimants: Geo, Steel .$2.00; Oregon Iron & Steel Co. $2.79; Z. M. Case $.11; T. P. Randall $.50; Emello Knapp $1.01, and clerk is directed to Issue warrants for said amounts. In the matter of contract of C. F. Royal with Marlon County and Clack amas ..County to build a Jofnt bridge:" Ordered that, said contract be approv ed ns prepared by Marlon County. In the matter of application of An nlo Corrlgan to transfer liquor license That they would respectfully re quest that you grunt a license to Cas per Junker unthorl.lng and permit ting lilm to sell splrltous, malt and vinous liquors in a saloon located at whnt Is known us Sandy In said pre cinct. And your petitioners will ever pray. Dated this July 12th, 1907. Mica Axle ? Grease lielos the Waaon ud Hip niii C The load seems lighter Wagon and team wear longer You make more money, and have more time to make money, when wheels are greased with Mica Axle Grease The longest wearing and most satisfactory lubricant in the world. STANDARD OIL CO. lnMrport4 Joo HrlgRH. J. N. Orr. II. t). Woolen. Ed Miller. Herman Fischer. II. W. Larson. S. E. New. II, lloenstedt. John Miller, E. W. Olllain. Julius Wendlnnd. 0. liauglum. Albert Hell. J. C. Loundrlc. Ed. Suckow. Geo. A. Wolf. Paul Dunn. Herman Kidder buseh, Wlllard IloHhohn. Martin Mlkkelson. Gottlieb Muller. J. D. DeSha.er. ' M. C. Donaliuo. J. F. Amend. M. Kllgel. Henry RldderbusehWm. VVnespo. Jr. J. M, Kohrfis. T, 0. Jonsrud. E. S. Payn J. II Molar. A. Molar. N Fred Kelsecker, Henry Kelsecker John St.raiiHs. John Gibbons. J. R. Maronuy, 0. C. Maronny. , P. It. Melnlg. 11. Kllgel. W. Allen. Geo. M. Dlckerson, John Wnespo, R. A. Wendland. G. W. Doers. Tlieo, Kocnnoko. John Husholm. Chas. Shaniko. F. W. Alt. 0. II. Wewer. Chas. Krelis. 0. Helm. C. lluott. Goo, Meyer. Perry Kltzmlllor. Ulrlch Truhel. Henry Rlddcrbunch