OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. AUGUST 10, 1907. LOCAL NEWS. Mill mill- Lumber company, imivi) hi family hero later, Ho will John lHmnlHon of Milk Crunk wa In town Friday. Carl iCngle of Molalla dpnrit Friday In Oregon City. It, Herman's farm near tho toll gate old for 10 an aero, MU Anna MlchU ha accepted a ixmltlon with O. RoHonsteln. Harl Hiigle of Mnlalla wan In Ore on City on bualncs Friday. J. II. Cnrrother of Duttevllte trans acted buHlnttwa in Oregon City, Satur day. Jack Flood of Taooma 1 vUltlna Herbert Haninn and family of thin lty. To loan $000, from on to five years t 8 pur cent. Apply to I!. B. Croaa. ' aits Mr. M, J. Power of Weston la via Ulng her nephew, Dr. C. A. Stuart, of thla city. t ' MUa Almee Ilollack la Waiting Mia Ethelyn Albright at tho Albright cot tage at Seaside. Frank Walloon of Molalla and Wil liam Mat toon of Viola were In town Friday on business. Mlaa Muriel Keck liaa accepted a position In the office of the Willam ette Pulp k Paper company. MUa Mary Mitchell returned to ber home at Sandy Thursday after a ahort vlult with friend here. Rlngllng Bm. la the big show on the Coajtt thla aununnr. It will be In Portland the laat of this month. C. W. Kelley aad family and E. L. McFarland have gone to WUholt Springe for a several weeks camp. Mr. and Mra. W. F. Melton left Sat urday afternoon for a week'a outing at the hot aprlnga near Table Rock. MUa Agne Juatln la working for the Home Telephone company during the lllneaa of MUa Charlotte Baker. Send a eouvenlr letter to your Kant ern friend. They are attractively got tan up. At Howell A Jone, 10 cent. T. C. Neoce write from Kent that farmer want more help and pay 2 and $2.&0 fur any kind of a farm hand. For Rent A desirable aeven room cottage with mdern convenience. Apply to Robert Warner. 509 Center iitreet. 7tt3 Charle Nelaon of this city, who U employed at Cape Horn. Wash., re turned here Friday night to vlilt hla parents. Fred Hess, who had been working for tho Willamette Pulp ft Paper com pany, haa gone to Medford to vlalt hla mother. MUa Sadie Foley who ha been via Ulng her sister In Lna Angelea since lout fall returned to Oregon City, Thursday evening. W. K. Ilarr of ChehalU. Wash., lias taken a position with the Oregon City Mr. arid Mr. W, J. Jungle, of Fort Wayne, Ind., are visiting Mr. and Mra, L. IV Andrews, at Mount Pleasant. Attorney O. D, Eby and family are i Dr. Carll U home from a ahort atay at Newport !tijwylng a vacation, at Seaside, Mra. Gamble, of Portland, In a guest at the home of Mr. and Mra. S. O, Dlllman. Parkpfitee ternber 30, schools will open Sep- SOCIAL AND LODGES Mia Emily O'Mulley ban returned from a visit at her home at HI. John bury, Vt. She will leach In tho Ore gon City school thla winter, Tho Souvenir Letter for Male at Howell ft Jones' drug atoro contain eight beautiful vlewa of Oregon City and vicinity, They Hell for 10 centa. Mr. and Mra. Harvey Henderson of lluUey came Friday evening for a vlalt with their daughter and a us band, Mr. and Mra. Robert R. McAl pin. , Evening Star grange, No. 17, La withdrawn ita plan for a local fair In October, and will lend lta energy to making the county fair at Greaham a auccea. Mr. and Mra. Henry Jewett traded their property, one acre at Gladatone, thU week, for forty acre uncultivated and lu the Matthlaa Reea homeatead claim near Clarke. Mortimer Cockrell returned Thurs day from the branch store, of Hunt ley Brother Co. at Molalla, where he had been ataylng during the vacation of the head man there. Superintendent of Flaherlet Henry O'Malley left Thursday for an lnpc- tlon of four aub-atatlona. He will vlult Little Salmon, Dig Salmon, Eagle Creek and Tanner Creek. Mr. and Mra. C. H. Caufleld, Mia Edna Caufleld, MU Edna Daulton, and Wallace and Raymond Caufleld left Thuraday for Salmon near Mt Hood for an outing of two week. Charle Alan Holme of Spokane, Wab., came Wednesday for a vlult with hi aunt, Mr. Daniel O'Neill and MUa Mary Holme. lie eipecta to pend the winter at "Rose Farm." Mr. T. M. Long, who ha been at St John, Wash., In the hope of Im proving her health and aUo to visit ber alitor, Mra. James A. Jacobs, ha returned to Oregon City very much benefitted Charle Albright, who until a few month ago operated the Fifth street meat market, came up from Astoria Saturday evening for a few day' visit. Hla wire atay for a visit with rela tives, but he had to go back to at tend to hi dutle a manager of Swift ft Co. Astoria plant William Robtson loft Thursday for a alx week' trip to Chicago, New York and Philadelphia In the Interests of the Fair atore. He will meet his son Charles In Chicago as he come home. Charlea goes September 1 to Williams college In Massachusetts, where he will attend school this winter. Mr. Lloyd Harding left for Yahacts, where he will Join other friend for a short vacation. Mrs, T. M. Long, who ha been vis iting her sister, Mr. James A. Ja cobs, at St. Johns, Wash., has re turned much Improved lu health. Painters are brlghtenlag Barclay building. up the Mrs. E. M. Burmelster U home from a short stay at Newport. Miss Edna Park visited friends In Vancouver over Sunday. Dr. John R. Straton, of Chicago, one of the lecturer at the Chautau qua, preached at the White Temple, Portland, Sunday, and will speak the 'coming two Sundays. His subject as announced are: August 18, morn ing. "Practical Holiness"; evening, "Short Pods and Narrow Covers"; August 25, morning, "God'a Calls to Men"; evening. "Did Josus Christ Arise From the Dead?" The Woolen Mills ball team defeat ed the O. It. ft N. team at Canemah park Sunday In a snore of 11 to 7. Sunday the Northwest Gun Club will play the Woolen mill hoys at Cane mah. The marriage of Miss Anna Peters, of Gladstone, to Andrew Kersey, of Bolton, was solemnized Sunday even ing at the home of the bride' parent In Gladstone, County Judge Grant D. Dlmlck, officiating. Mra. George Penman of Canby pas sed through Oregon City Saturday en route to Tonopah, Nev., where abe will spend several months with Mr. Penman, who 1 engaged In mining operation In that State. School children's fair have been made a kuccesaj In different sections of the country. It ha been suggest ed that such an adjunct might prove profitable In connection with the pro posed Clackamaa County Fair. Mr. Reddaway. the enterprising grocer of Seventh street, waa married Sunday afternoon, the bride being Mrs. Mary Smith. Rev. Landsborough performed the ceremony at the home of the bride In Mount Pleasant. The home of Mr. Arnold, of Court ney, waa totally destroyed by fire on Monday and the house and content Is a complete loss. There Is no fire department at Courtney and nothing could be done to stop the flame. Mr. John Adams 1 on an Eastern trip which will keep him from heme six week. While away he will make large purchaaea for his fall and win ter dUplays with a view to hla open Ing la the new Masonic building when completed. The Oregon City Graya met with another defeat Sunday In their con test with the Gresham team on the latter'a grounda. The acore stood 11 to 2. ' Next Sunday the Oswego team win croes bats witn tne Grays on the local field. Three well trained Bavarian blood hounds have been received at the state penitentiary at Salem and will hereafter make their headquarter there. All three have reputations as successful criminal hunters1 and were purchased by the state from W. M. Drap' of Tacoma. The price pBld for the trio. It Is understood. Is 1200. Too many persons have been making good their escape is the cause of the purchase. Now Is a good time to lay In your winter' supply of wood, Attorney O. W, Eastham Is enjoy ing a vacation at Hot Lake. Miss Ruth Ballon of Portland la a guest of Miss Mabel Tower. Mrs. W. A. Holme is home from a visit to her father at Lebanon. MU Ivy Roake I home from a short visit with friends at Canby. Mr. John Green went ' to Albany on a business trip last Thursday. MUa Dessa Cole, of Grants Paas, 1 the guest of ber sister, Mrs. George Ely. MU Nary Cochran had as guest on Sunday Miss Ada Smith of Grant's Pas. MU Clara Nihren visited trie Mlsse Madts In Portland last Wed nesday. MUs Florence Seller la home from visit to friends and relatives In Portland. Mrs. Melvln McCord of Portland U a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mr. W. W. Samaon. , Oregon City Assembly No, 7, United Artisans, received the banner as the largest assembly with triumph Thurs day evening. VUltors were present from Canby, Salem and Portland assemblies. Speeches were made by Supreme officers Dr. Esbelman, mas ter artisan, Robert G. Morrow, su premo superintendent; and Dr. J. B. Olmsted, aupreme medical director. Mrs. Watts, one of the state organi zers, represented Salem 'and brought hack the banner, which was presented by Supreme Master Artisan Eshelman. The speech of acceptance for the Oregon City assembly was made by Judge Gordon E Hayes. One of the most interesting speeches of the even ing was made by Past Master Artisan George Everhart. Two vocal duets by Mrs. Elmer Cooper and Miss Florence Price, and an instumental solo by Miss Pearl Currla gave a pleasing variety to the program and were well received. Bupper was serjed at 6:20 and was an enjoyed feature. After supper the crowd went to the Armory where Parsons' orchestra fur nished music for dancing. The affair was welt conducted, and, considering the short notice given, there was a good crowd in attendance. The dance was to have been held In the pavilion at Canemah park, and to have been for Artisans only, but the rain caused the committee to change it to the armory, and to admit othera , than members. The teachers who have been attend ing summer normal had an Indoor pic-, nlc at the Y. M. C. A. building Friday. The picnic was to have been held at Willamette but the rain prevented. A bounteous dinner was served. The afternoon was devoted to skating and they had a merry time. Just before adjourning for the afternoon Miss Hazel Cooper fell and broke her arm. The unfortunate accident marred the ' happy occasion but she is getting along nicely, Saturday. A number of member of the Fra- ' ternal Brotherhood attended the fare well reception given by the order at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse George In honor of Mr. and Mrs. George and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Saw yer. Several games were played, and music and singing furnished enter tainment for' the evening. Refresh ments were served, and at a late hour the party dispersed, all wish ing the departing members godspeed on their Journeys. The home of Mr. Arnold at Court ney was destroyed ay nre sunaay. Nothing of consequence was saved. Wheat on the Chicago market was quoted this week as follows: Septem ber, 84c; December 89c; May, 95c. 4 i Auction Sale 2 P. M. Saturday, Aug. 17, '07 Four of a party of mountain climb ers at Mt. Heod were lost the other day. They were Mr. and Mrs. Rob inson, MUs Shields and MUs Caven augh. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were lost only for an hour or so, but the youug ladles were out all night and till the next noon before they were found. They are all right, however, and none the worse for the experi ence they have had, says a Welch correspondent. John Buzbee, 70 years of age, was adjudged Insane and sent to the asy lum. He formerly resided in Canby Report from Lane county are to the effect that lice are overrunning the hops and doing considerable 'dam age. Kbi-Hra IvprffnA and Mlaa Lvdla Barnaby were married Saturday, Judge Dlmlck performing the cere mony. John Walling, of Lincoln, Polk county, was In Oregon City looking for hopplckers. He formerly resided here. Mr. Wm. Myers has resigned his position In the Harry Wood meat market In Portland and has gone to Albany to work. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Seller, form erly of this city, but now living In Portland, are the proud possessors of a 7-pound girl. Mr. Frank Jones has returned home from a visit with friends in the East. He spent some time at his old home at Fort Worth. Texas. 0 0 Horses. Cattle. Buggies, Wagons, Furniture,1 Etc. Anyone having any personal property which they may wish to dispose of can have it sold at this sale. You are invited to bring in something which you wish to sell. Young's Second Hand Store 505 Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon The champion trout catch of the season was made by Roy Bodley and his friend from Lents the other day, says a Welch correspondent. They ! brought back 225 from the region of I the south fork of Salmon river, and i they were all fine, large fish. When j one's basket Is chock-a-block full and ; contains only thirty-five fish they J must be hlg ones even If the basket Is very small. Such was the case Iwlth Roy Bodley's basket while fish ing. ' j Lydla D. Barbur has begun action in divorce against O. L, Barbur. Mr. Bnrbur la a man well known In Clack amas County and the outcome will be 'watched with Interest by a host of friends. Mrs. Barbur claims' cruel and Inhuman troatment. Mr. Barbur denies the allegation, and Attorney Brownoll has filed an answer to the petition of plaintiff In which counter charges are made. Among other things plaintiff is charged with cruel treatment, receiving letters from a 0 divorced husband, and from other Q gentlemen friends asking for dates at Portland, ueienaaiu says uiejr were married in Oregon City In January, 1906. Mr. Harmon Green left Oregon City Thursday morning for Lebanon to visit his son, Jim, who is a prominent business man of that town. The sixth birthday of Master Law rence Hull was most happily cele brated at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hull, of North Main street, Saturday afternoon, from 2 to o'clock. Games that little people like best were played but the feature of the day was the luncheon. The dec orations of the table were in green and yellow. Little peanut chlnameu dressed In yellow and green were giv en as souvenirs. The paper napkins had a border of Japanese pictures In yellow apd green. A large bouquet of nasturtiums carried out the effect in a pretty way. The birthday cake In the center of the table had three yellow and three green candles. There were little cakes with tiny china dolls In the center, lots of homemade candy and other things dear to the hearts of the children. Among the v little guests were Maude and Ruth Fry, Lillian and Herbert Harris, Emerson Hoey, Margaret Galloway, Kenneth Soesbe, Carl, Arthur and Marie Rothe, Pansy, Ruth and Meade Os wald, Gertrude Kennedy and Bernlce Curl and Hazel Walling of Portland. A delightful evening was spent by the Gipsy club in a meeting with Miss Marjorie Caufleld Thursday, ev ening. The house was beautifully decorated in graceful clusters of wild clematis and bouquets of asters. Dainty refreshments were served dur ing the evening. They played 500 and MUs Helen Daulton was the success ful winner of first prize. Miss Nell Caufleld won the consolation. The next meeting will be held with the Misses Daulton In West Oregon City. Present were Misses Margaret Good fellow, Helen Daulton, Vera and Nell Caufleld, Cls Barclay Pratt, Bessie Daulton, Bernlce Pope, Edna and Clara Caufleld, Dolly Pratt, Bess Kel ly, Mrs. J. Nelson Wlsner, and Mrs. Ethel Caufleld Dally of Pendleton. Willamette Rebekah lodge held a short business session Friday even ing, when one name was received for membership. The greater part of the evening was devoted to a whist social. First prizes were won by Mrs. Elizabeth Finnlgan and J. E. Jack and consolation prizes were given Mrs. G. W. Grace and Mrs. John Bradley. Ice cream and cake were served and ev ery one had a good time. A large crowd of young people had a sptendld time Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rean of Willamette. The party was la honor of their son John's birthday and was a complete surprise to him. Mu sic and games made a-pleasant even ing for all. Ice cream and cake were served during the evening. A Jolly camping party expects to start for Clear Creek, Sunday. The crowd Includes Miss Mary Belle Mel drum, Misses Ruth and Madge Bright bill. Miss Lillian Grtessen, Miss Mar garet Brown and Miss Violet Johnson. Wedding In Portland, . Mrs. M. C. Young of Wilson ville was In Oregon City Friday on her way to Portland to attend the wedding of her sister, MUs Kate Buchanan Gra ham, to Dr. Arthur W. Chance. Both parties are well known and highly re spected residents of the Rose City. The marriage was solemnized at 8:30 o'clock, Friday evening, In the First Presbyterian church, In the presence af about fifty relatives and close family friends. V Marriage Licenses. A marlage licease was Issued Wed nesday to Mattle Wlx and Edward J. Seney. The couple were married im mediately afterwards by County Judge Dlmlck. ' C August 8 Anna Peters and Andrew Kersey. The lady is under age and' her father ' gave his permission for the license. David Geger and Lavena Deeter., S. B. Shadle and Ada Egge. W. D. Calloway and Mary Z. Smith. W. R. Kllnk and Josephine Ferry. Henry W. Everhart and Gertie L. Adams. A. H. Knight and Ida Belle Cantwell. Henry Long died last week at the Mineral Springs and his remains were taken to Marquara for burial, Sunday. He was known In this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Huntley are on .... . . an extended trip througn tne East. They will visit New York and other principal points of Interest. The families of Val Bolander and Henry Hollman, at Eagle Creek, were poisoned by cheese Monday Medical aid saved them from serious results. Robert D. Wilson and John B. Lew thwaite are home from a hunting trip In the Upper AlsVa country. The rains drove them home before the an ticipated time. Mrs. Bert Greenman, of Oregon City, and sister, Miss Babe Curl, brother Burnlce Curl, of Portland, are visiting with relatives 5nd friends at Jordan, Ore. . Water was turned into the lower Basin Wednesday and workmen ire tearing out the temporary dam and clearing out the basin. A new flume Is being built to the grist mill. I Messrs. C. M. Dennis, R. E. Davis and M. H. Dennis have incorporated : under the name of the Dennis & Dav Fagm Fog Sale Mrs. Chas. Caufleld and family, ac companled by Miss Edna Daulton, are is Shingle Co., with offices at Mil spending a few weeks at Government waukle. The capital stock Is $100,000, i Camp. Reports say there Is fine and the company will manufacture, fishing and hunting at this season, buy and sell shingles and lumber. I 02 AdS mfotom the villege of Matqtiam where these is two stores, postoffice, blacksmith shop, $1500 school house, church and parsonage. About 6 miles from railroad, 7 miles from silverton, 2 miles from Scott's Mills? good house and barn; about 45 acres in cultiva tion, besides pasture; place well watered; good soil, about 40 acres fine bottom land; 1 5 acres good tim ber; telephone line passes by place; good hop land; bottom land would grown fine corn. Price $4,500, $2,500 cash, balance on time. For particulars write to A. B. MARQUAM, Tiller, Ore. or if yotf wish to see the farm call on PHILLIP MARQUAM, Marqam, Oregon. ...