4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, AUQUST 18, 1907. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday. By THE STAR PRESS. Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post office as second class matter. Subscription Rates: ,One Year 1.B0 Six Months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. .25 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment Is Dot .credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. H. A. Galloway, who for the last six months has been editor and manager of the Enterprise, has severed his connection with the paper and retired. Mr. E. C. Thomas, of Troy, Ohio, who was interested In the venture with Mr. Galloway has succeeded to the management of the paper and will Eire it his personal attention. HAWKS AND OWLS. "Hawks and Owls from the Stand point of a Farmer," Is the title of the latest publication a free circular of the biological survey of the U. . Department of Agriculture. Many farmers condemn the whole tribe of these rapacious birds as being Inimi cal to their Interests. With a very few exceptions this la shown to be an entire mistake, and the relentless per secution of our birds of prey as a class is not only unjust, but Is ex tremely prejudicial to the interests of the farmer, orchardlst and sportsman. In many localities, however, the men directly interested are awakening to the facta of the case and learning to cast aside prejudice and to appreciate the valuable services rendered by the indefatigable hawka and owls In rid ding their fields, plantations, and cov ers of noxious pests. The circular gives a concise history of the various specie of these birds, and divides them into three classes: (1) those wholly beneficial to the farmer; (2) the class in which the harmful and beneficial qualities bal ance each other; and (3) the harmful class. The latter is by far the small est, comprising only the Cooper hawk, sharp-skinned hawk, duck hawk and goshawk. The beneficial class con tains no less than thirty-five varieties of hawks and owls. cer tan "boxes?" sell quarts rather than It is said that the new order per mitting the writing of messages upon both sides of postal cards has caused the delivery of malls to he late in the country towns, because the postmis tresses have so much more to do bo fore handing It out. You continue to hear favorable comments on the action of Judge Lan dls in assessing fines against the Standard Oil company, and the re turns are not all In yet. And the col lection of these fines will bo followed with more favorable comments. LOCAL NEWS A man who cares not for the laws of his country, which seems true of Rockefeller, cannot be expected to care much for the laws of the Crea tor, even if he does place )3 on the collection plate each time he Is present. Eugene is to hold an election on Labor Day to vote on the proposition of bonding the town $300,000 for a lighting plant. Council appointed that day not remembering there was such a thing as Labor Day. China pheasants are "taking pos. session" ol things In Linn county and the farmers say they will de stroy them regardless of the game law protecting them. When one stops to think that a man was sent to the penitentiary for a year for stealing two salmon the Standard Oil company's fine is not so severe after all. The State Labor Commission Is after the employers of women and girls la Eugene who have been charged with violating the ten-hour-a-day law. Fossils who own the land in the business district of Aurora are charg ed by the Borealis with being respon sible for the town not growing. It says not a foot of business property can be bought in the present district, and when a newcomer wants to locate and go into business there he is turned down with a hard thnmp. The Bore alls says Aurora should be the best trading point in Marion county but is at a standstill while Hubbard is grow ing, new stores going in; Canby is on a boom, new residences going up, new business houses being started; Wll sonville is booming. Needy doing more bnslness than ever, and thejre Is sure to be a town spring up at the sub station of the electric company at Feller. One man who knocked his home town in Canada was arrested, tried and fined $200 with the threat of tar and feathers for his next offense. The German Emperor has decided to start a stock farm, for the produc tion of cavalry horses, in the blue grass regions of Kentucky. Georgia has decided that if a Negro wants to vote he must pay taxes on 500. HORSE WANTED. Would like to hire a saddle horse for two or three days a week. Will be given good care and not overridden. Address, IXL, care Enterprise. We are toW that John D. Rockefel ler said, when he learned Judge Lan dis had fined his company: "Judge Landis will be dead a long time be fore that fine is paid." Are we to understand that the Standard has hid all its assets, or is there to be a war rather than pay, in which Standard Oil men will shoulder the musket and go forth to battle and to die? Washington Hop Crop. Western Washington hops will like ly be of good quality this year. While the growing hop crop is backward on Puget Sound, the quality is reported as superior to any crop so far raised. Weather conditions, dry and hot, have been very favorable to the grow ing vines, and lice have so far been few and easily kept down. The yield of the state is now placed at about 45,000 bales. Mate Senator Hedges questions whether the state law is paramount to Milwaukie's charter, but he has few people on his side. Anyhow, District Attorney Hedges says the club will noi De allowed to reopen, and the club managers will surely not be so foolish as to attempt to defy both the law and public opinion. District Attorney ' Hedges has ex tended, his benign moral wave clear out to Astoria town. If any place ever needed a cleaning Astoria does, says the Estacada News. The whole district, Clatsop, Clackamas, Wash ington and Columbia counties will get rid of many of the "undesirable' citizens. Here is the way one exchange puts u: Though the business policy of John D. Rockefeller has always been "do them good," he tells his Sunday school class that the way to be pros perous and happy Is to "do good." Now why don't he give them the whole receipt. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in Caiifo-nia 20 vm and am still hunMng for trouble In the way of burns, jmj.-cs. wounds, bolls cuts, sprains, or a case of n! that BucKiens Arnica Salve won't quickly cure." Sierra Co. No imo hnn-w.tr Mr. Walters; it cures or mnnpf r.l funded at Howell & Jones' drug store. or . CCU IS. The question of site for the new bridge at Estacada has not been set tled at this writing. Those who wish the new bridge located further down stream, and opposite the town, have offered to raise the necessary money to build the new approaches. Oregon's team of expert riflemen. picked from the national guard of the state, have loft for Port Clinton, Ohio, where the national contests will be held. The party la composed of 13 ' men. there being 15 sharpshooters and three officers In command. The grange at Logan Is making great preparations for the annual Grange Fair that is to be hold at that place October 18. Prlxes are to be given for all kinds of produce, handi work and cattle. One of the features will be a baby show In the afternoon. we-ro rewgnUod a hla own from the performed, lit said hU wlfo would fact that no one lso ever planted come to his store and watch him fit that kind of trout In the stream. I gowns w other woinon and then cre ate disturbances and drive away his Vnclo Sam has Investigated Stand nnlOll far enough to find that It hns been tho policy of the company to keep tho price of oil high enough in the United States so that It might un dersell all competitors la foreign fields. This is un-American and should be checkedthat Is the com- patrons because she suld he was try ing to flirt, with (hem, The case wivh continued. Calls Divorce a Blessing. Make divorces more easy; Rive ev ery one a divorce who wants one. Don't make them wait. This Is the pany should not bo allowed to sell oil position taken by Dr. Anna Illounl, manufactured In America to foreign sociologist and clubwoman, In an ad- cltkens at a loss price than to people dress before Urn Chicago West Side r.quai aunrago association. mu says: "Word recently received from the Fourth Assistant Postmaster at Washington by Postmaster Randall announces route N from Carus postoffice one mile , west and return. The Carus office will be discontinued. lu the land where It la produced, recti' fled and given protection lu Its busl ness. There are no end to tho rumors concerning the Mllwaukle Country Club, and as to what Us founders will soon do In the matter of starting fight in the courts. It Is said that when Isaac Gratton, who l named as the founder of the club, returns from his trip abroad there will be a fight on that will determine for a certainty whether or not the club has the right to run under Its license or Is amen able to higher law than the council of Mllwaukle. Sheriff Reatle says the club will not be permitted to run ces the extension of rural , uv . . . , , , w . j i . pending the decision of the higher o. 3, beginning September 1, cnuria For an Impaired Appttltt. To Iti'Prove t!io SDDetlle ani The low stage of water in the Wll- strengthen tfcf. digestion try a few lamette River has caused theh cloe- do8n ' Chamberlain's Stomach and Ing down of the grinders In the paper HIT XtL" ot, mm ,i w i , .w , j troit, Mich., says: "They relieved me "Most persona take It for granted that there Is nothing but evil In divorce, If the Juries that try divorces could be made up of women I think there would be many more granted. Think of the thousands of women who are anxious to take this step to get out of greater degradation In bearing children to an Inhuman father. It is the final step In many ratios that a woman takes to save her soul." DOING THEIR DUTY. mill and the employes In that depart ment have been added to the force of workmen engaged In constructing an addition to mill A, on what is called Rock Island. TIME CARD. O. W, P. RAILWAY Thursday Chiaffarelll's Italian band began an engagement at The Oaks. Miss Ruth Greene, of Boston, Is the seprano Bololst for the organization. There are five other soloists and a harpist and the engagement of this attraction promises a rare treat for the patrons of The Oaks. Mrs. Hannah Mary Feathers, who died at 11 o'clock Sunday morning at her home near Damascus, was burled Monday in the Damascus cemetery. Mrs. Feathers was 63 years of age and is survived by a husband and four children. She had been ill only a few days. Matthew Slush, whose name on a deed makes good reading as Shlsh, has brought an Injunction to restrain Recorder Ramsby from placing the deed on the records In the name of Shlsh. Slush fears It might invali date his title and asks that his proper name be used even If the signature does not look as he would like It Latest railway news with a local flavor is to the effect that the Wil lamette Falls railway Is to be extend ed to Intersect the new Portland-Sa- lem line, now building. It is said that four miles of new railway would make the conjunction, and when the Portland-Salem line is completed this new improvement Is certain to fol low. Clarence Broughton and Gera Hail, each 16 years of age and hailing from Mulino, landed in Albany one day last week. The actions of the young couple aroused the suspicions of the police, and an investigation revealed" the fact that they had run away from home with the purpose getting married. The Albany police took them in charge and held them until friends arrived to take them home. or a Dioatou reeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the bowels." Prlco, 25 centi. Samples free. Howell A Jones. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for Clackamas County, Oregon. Josie Smith, Plaintiff. vs. Floyd 8mlth, Defendant. To Floyd Smith, the defendant above named: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above-entitled Court and cause on or before the 30th day of September. 1907, that being the date fixed by the Court for such appearance or answer In and by the order of the Court for the publica tion of this summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief pray ed for in her complaint, to wit: For a decree forever divorcing plaintiff from defendant, and for the custody of their minor child. Grade. This summons Is published by or der of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court for said County. The date of the first publication of this summons is August 16th, 1907. ED MEN DEN HALL and A. R. MENDBNHALL, 36-"t Attorneys for Plaintiff. Scorss of Oregon City Rtadsrt Are Learning the Duty ef tht Kidneys. To filter the blood Is the kidneys' duty. When they fail to do this the kid neys are sick. Backache and many kidney Ills follow. Urinary trouble, diabetes. Doan's Kidney Pills cure them all. K. Warner, living la Elyvllle, vil lage near Oregon City, Or., says: "I had kidney trouble until It run Into diabetes. I bad backache day and night, and had to get up nearly every hour ot the night te pass the secre tions. I procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at Huntley Bros. 'a drug store In Oregon City. la aboul a week after commencing to take them could sleep tho entire night without unusual disturbance. All pain and other annoying symptoms had ceased and I stopped taking them. I had a slight recurrence of the trouble after a few weeks, but on using Doan's Kid ney Pills again the relief was immediate." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-MIIburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole sgents for the United States. Remember the name Doan'f and take no other. ieave to - CO u 2. s 91 Arrive e 3, u O JS as a' 4 S si U Leave a a 3 0) a a a Arrive w u a 2 eg p4 -J The day of publication of the Auro ra BorealH has bon cMrel f-gi Saturday ta Thursday. "In order t: more properly advertise social events and dances, whic.i noar'.y always oc cur on Saturday " The Borealis i one of the snappiest weeklies in the valley. The legislature has decided that j the grocer must zc'.l pure goods, and long year3 agT said he tpu t give full weight and count. Now why not tell the producer to put a full rjtwrt of berries in his borei so that the ijro- !4:00 5:40 5:48 5:50 6:00 6:54 6:25 7:20 7:30 6:25 6:35 7:29 7:00 7:55 8:05 7:00 7:10 8:04 7:35 8:30 8:40 7:35 7:45 8:39 8:10 9:05 9:15 8:10 8:20 9:14 8:45 9:40 9:50 8:45 8:55 9:49 9:20 10:15 10:25 9:20 9:3010:24 9:5510:5011:00 9:55 10:0510:59 10:30 11:25 11:35 10:30 10:40 11:34 11:05 12:00 12:10 U:05lll:15 12:09 11:40 12:35 12:45 11:40111:50 12:44 12:15 1:10 1:20 12:15 12:25 1:19 12:50 1:45 1:55 12:50 1:00 1:54 1:25 2:20 2:30 1:25 1:35 2:29 2:00 2:55 3:05 2:00 2:10 3:04 2:35 3:30 3:40 2:35 2:45 3:39 3:10 4:05 4:15 3:10 3:20 4:14 3:45 4:40 4:50 3:45 3:55 4:49 4:20 5:15 5:25 4:20 4:30 5:24 4:55 5:50 6:00 4:50 5:05 5:59 5:30 6:25 6:35 5:30 5:40 6:34 f't'J 7"0' 7 V.Z'r F:15! 7:09 o:40 7:3d 7:4d 6:40 6:50 7:40 7:15 8:10 8:201 7:15 7:25 8:19 8:6? 7:30 8:00 8:54 8:25 9:201 9:30 8:25 8:35.9:29 "tO 0:52! 9:00, 9:55 10"w1:52 9:35 11 :001 1 :52l 10:0010:55 :?:05'12:J52' 11:0011:55 I 12:00 . 1:00 8ut Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him. It is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a severe case ot measles I got caught out in a hard rain ana the measles settled In my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for the ue of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have possibly lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written the above through simple gratitude arid 1 shall always speak a good woid for this remedy. Sam H. Gwln, Concord, Ga. For sale by Howell Sc. Jone.i. Mrs. Eva Emery Dye and Mr. Trafton Dye, her son, are home from an enoyable trip to Alaska. They went as far north as Skagway and were greatly pleased with the coun try as a land for a summer outing Mr. Dye says Alaska is a country of great dimensions and resources, and especially are her resources in mln erui weaim! remarKauie. At one point they stopped, the salmon were so thick one could catch them with the hands. C. Schuebcl planted a number of trout In the Abernethy at hla head waters several years ago and Monday took his line aad pole and went out to see If his fish would recognize his bait. He captured ten of them rang ing in length from seven to ten Inches. Two were taken two miles from where they were plantetd, but . To ViWp'ikl" "ily. ! Via 'Lent's Junction, dally except Sunday. ie"o on Sundays, 4:30 a ra. A. M. figures in Roman: P. M. in ' !.irk. MAKE NO MISTAKE OILED CLOTHING S will give you com- piete protection and long service You cant afford to buy any other Every garment guaranteed Thbtdelrssefln m WWA HAD AN AWFUL TIME. Dade's Little Liver Pills keep the system clean, the stomach sweet Prompt relief ,for headache and bll lousness. Good for all the family. Bold by Huntley Bros. Remedy for Diarrhoea. Never Known to Fall. "I want to say a few word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and 1)1 aThoea Remedy. I have usaj this preparation In my family for tho past Ave years and have recommended It to a number of poopie In York cn'imy and have never knon It to fall V effect a cure In any instance. I fee that I can not say too much for the best remedy of the kind In the world.' S. Jernlson, Spring Grovi. Yflrk county, Pa. This remedy Is for sale by Howell & Jones. Plneules are for the kidneys and Bladder. They bring quick relief ta backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn-out feeling. They produce nafc ural action of the kltlneys; 30 days' treatment $1.00. Money refunded If Plneules are not satisfactory. Sold by Huntley Bros. HEADQUARTERS roi Choice Cigars and Tobaccos, Ice-Coli Hop GolJ Beer, High Grade Bottled Whis keys and Wines. Knapp& Nobel MAIN STREET STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBINQ TINNING and GENERAL J0B8INQ. i Wind MUli, Pumps and Hydrau lic Rams a Specialty, Phons 2683. Oregon City, Oregon.' LOG CABIN SALOON BENNETT & F0UMAL Proprletera. OBtGON CITY, OREGON CASCADE LAUNDRY Clothes Washed "Whiter Tbaa Snow." Family Washings at Reasonable Rata- -No worry, no regrets If you phone 1104. Our wagon will call. OLD LIE8 REFUTED. unquestionably thevp are close grazers; but It Is worthy of notice that In New Mexico and Arizona there are sheep ranges that have been pas lured continuously for more than 300 years, and that have more sheep I on them and better pasture than ever before In the memory of man. It Is apparent, mererore, mat sheep are far from being so destructive as the champions of the cattle Interests would have the public believe. The further assertion that no genuine cow. boy hesitates to make and swear to- that cattle will not graze In company with sheep, nor even upon grounds where sheep havo recently been pas tured must be dismissed as a gross and Inexcusable Hbel upon the good sense of the cows. Any one who visits the ranges of Texas, New Mex ico, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Mon tana, Idaho, or any other of the great stock-raising commonwealths, may see millions of sheep and cattle browsing together In perfect amity and gixnl fellowship. It Is evident, therefore, that the wars of the range are purely of man's making, and that there Is no deep-seated enmity or race prejudice between the four-footed representa tives of the two great branches of the Western" live stock Industry. Phone m-Offlcs P. O. Bid. Mala 8t Pioneer Transfer And Express C. P.GRISCZ, Prop. Successor to C. N. OREENMAN Sand and Ortvat Oregon City. Oregon. PRED C.GADKC Plumbing & Tuning let Air FuraKM, D Pipes. Pani. Stray Pomii, Wsttr Plsu, Spraytaf MstcrlsU. All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates O'ten on All Classes of Work. Res. Phons 1514 Shop 1B14J 914 N. Main St, Oregon City, Or THE BRUNSWICK W. H. 8ILC0X, Prop. Hotel and Restaurant Best Service and Accommodations Main St., Opp. suspension Bridge CALIFORNIA WINES Strictly in accordance with the Pure Food Law. COBWEB WINE H0SE 417 Main St. - OrejfonCitv Heckel & England The Hub Saloon has changed hands, Carlson & Block sel ling out to Heckel & England, 523 MAIN STREET CASTEL Awoke to Find He Was Wed. To awaken In the morning after a long snooze, after a "night out" and And himself married, was the sad fate of David Sorg, of Cleveland, Ohio, de signer of women's gowns. That Is what he told In divorce court recently. He said he also made the discovery that his wife was ten years older than himself, but he decided to make the best of the situation and live with her. He does not remember when, where or by whom the marriage was - M I 1ST ' I anna ranvTnxH i I FAMOU8 AT HOME FOR I GENERATIONS PAST; i I FAMOUS NOW ALL OVER I THE WORLD. E. MATHIES. It1, 1' i !fi ,'uu-W.'. 4S964 Will be at Farmer's Feed Shed 308 Main St., Oregon City, rest of the season and winter. Imported by J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind.v He has proved as well as a Fine Horse. Terms:.-Single Service $10; ta Insure $20. SPEIGHT & RAWEY