OREOON CITY ENTERPRISE. AUGUST 18, 1907. 3 LOGAN COMMISSIONERS COURT TENTH AND MORRISON STRECT3, PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL, Q., fmncf At y Educates (or iticcemi In ft abort time ami at small expense, and send each stu dent lo a position m xxm at competent. Quality l our motto, and reputation for thorough work bring u over 100 calli jcr month for office help. Individual In. struetUm lunurcs rapid progress. Wo teach tho loose leaf, the card Index, the voucher and other modern method of bookkeeping. Charticr Is our ahorthaud j easy, rapid, legible. Ik-iiutiful catalogue, business fokitu and penmanship frce wrlte today. Reference: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper In Portland j 1 1 i ' 1 1 11 TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Corlune Power. dutiKhtcr of Hherlff powers if Columbia county, was ar rested at Hpokano yoMtenlay after" nHii by Deputy Sheriff W, A. Daley, of Colfax, on the rhargo of larceny, and was taken to the Whltmun county Jull tout night. Blio worked two weeks at Colfax In Mi A. (!. Warner family and It la charged stole there from clothing of th woman and a siilteane. It wna also learned that alia went to a atoro and ordered a quan tity of drima good atuountliiK to about $15 and had It charged to Mra. War ner. Hherlff Powers of Dayton, wan notified of the arrent but h declined to do anyttilnic for tho girl, naylng she waa beyond hU control. She la 19 yeara of ago. Ili-Ht wife ran away with a priest, and McDonald embraced the Jewish faith to marry hi aecond, who will be tried In October for murdering her para mour. McDonald returned to tho jHd for un Indefinite atay. Catholic faith before lie died. Ivigan, Atigimt 9 Mr. Htorin la Im proving slowly, A moat enjoyablo time Is reported by those attendlnK grange, Boturday. C. C. Itobblna and family of Port land vbiited relatives here thla week. L, If, Klrchem l going U) tho Coast for a rest. V. W. Illebhoff waa out delivering beef, Tneaday, Tho aupuly must have run abort In the way of sultublo beef, for lant year two wagons made regu lar trlpa hero, but thla year there li no delivery wagon. J. Unrig Ih building a kitchen on hi cottage. Mrs, A. Fallert Ih also Improving her residence with tho addition of a new kitchen and a concrete ba ment. MIh KImIo Fallort baa gone to Sea- District No. 1- Dlstrlct Tho worka of Horatio Alger, Jr., the noted writer of books for boy, have been burred from tho shelves of tho WorreHter (Mmh.K public library, Alger bt now In tho same claim a Mark Twain, Robert W. Chamber, Walt Whitman and other well known producer of literature, Homo of whoso worka have been barred from free pub lic llbrarlea In Worcester county towns and title. At the library tho reaaon given fur barring Alger' book In that they are not truthful and are too M-iiHtttlonal. Tho telegraph operator' strike ha j spread to nearly all tho big cltlc of j thu Went and Ineludea both compa- j nles, It may result In the general ! paralysis of telegraph aervlco In a day or two, All operator of both Compniile at Chleago strike. Almost every operator out at Kansas City, Denver, Rait I .use, New Orleans, To peka, Dalla. Fort Worth and Helena. Operator at St. Unn, fit. Paul, Oma J ba, I'ortland and Indianapolis await order from President Small before atrlklng. New York operators, num bering 3.00H, meet Kuitday to decide on action. Had faith on tho part of the Western Union I charged by tho operator. Thoodoro V. Halsey, on trial at San FrancUco for bribery, la dying from appendicitis. An operation waa per formed but tho appendix waa found In a gungreou state and there I lit tle, or no hope, of his recovery, MIh Mary Swale returned homo thl week from Seaside. Norval Klrchem went to Endlcott, WaHh., thla week. O. D. Kohblna ha purchased a horse from A. Raw. Tellefwon Hro. have commenced haling hay for thla season. Wlilio Mr. F, P. Wllxon wa out ha,einutllng last week aomo hood lum liot and killed her dog. If those who have been trying to 'make rain" bavo to uho muty Hour next winter, guess they will Ht ill have "kick coming on aome one or something. Rain now doe not bene fit the farmer any but on the other hand doea great damage to grain In ahock. The Mississippi Democratic atate commltlio ba offlrlally declared John ; Sharp William the nominee for U H. aenator, ho having a majority of 018 vote over Governor Vardaman. Tho Moor bavo been Hiiinmoned to a holy war agalnnt France. Edema. For the gml of thoxe ufferlng wlt eczema or otner ueh tnmble. I wlHl to any, my wife had aomethliiK of " that kind and after using tho doc Mlk McDonald, lone: known a tho, lor' remedle for wm time concli'd ..f i i rui.. ed to try Chamberlain' Salve, and It " " " '"'., '' M proved to bo better fian anythlpg leaving an emaio or everai minion iHno hi!, For ale by nuwcll & to bo fought over by two wive. HI jjone. Neighbor Cot Fooled. "I wa literally coughing myaelf to death and had become too w-ag to leave my bed; and neighbor pre dieted that I would never leave It alive; but they got fooled, for thank bo to God, I wa Induced to trv Ur, Klng'i New DUcovery. It took ju four one dollar bott ea to compete!;- cure the cough anl 'etore mo to good Bound health," write M".i Eva Cncapher, of Grovertown, Stark coun ty, Ind. Thl King .f cough and cold cure, and healer of inroat and tung. I guaranteed by Dowell & Jone, drugglati. . 00c and 1 1 00. Tr'ul bot tle free. Mllwaukle Merc. Co. 1 10 0. WlHalnger 1 CO Cone Lumber Co. 22 C4 C, lidtten 21 00 H. Datten lfl 00 Wm. Smart 4 00 Dan Guffney 16 00 C. Counmell fiO 00 F. Iundorf 40 00 W. JI. Coutmell 37 CO J. Gormley 4 00 2 M. II. WebHter 21 25 1. W. JobriMon 15 00 h. D. Jonoa " 14 00 Geo. Hinlth 14 00 II. JohnHon 4 00 A. Prewett 4 00 M. A. Knox 4 00 Frank Rublnaon 8 00 Yoa Save Money by Dealing with Us Be a Satisfied Customer; Save Money by Buying Out Bargains PAINTS Full assortment of colors and tints of the best Paint made. TENTS! STOVES! STOOLS! Full and complete line qf Tents, suitable for hop-picking purposes; Camp Stoves and Camp Stools, Campers Sup plies cf all kinds. this mnt-M(. !lnt or imiuSSJ BUENA VISTA NOTES. Elmer Lanklna baa moved Into the new limine he baa Junt completed. Mra. G. I). January went to Port land, Thursday, on bualneK. Ml France Jonea returned home Thurday, after apendlng six week at Seattle visiting relatives. Lon Alldredge waa on the sick list Friday. E. Albert came home from Portland yeaterday to spend Saturday and Sunday with hi family. A Valuable Leaaon. "Six year ago i leirned a valuable lesson," write John Pleasau, ol Magnolia, ind. "I ."Inn began taking Dr. King's New Dim Pills, ant the longer I take then the better I find them." They please everybody. Guar anteed a: Howell is .ior,es', dr;m,l;s 25 cent District 3 B. II. Ilurghardt & Son Tlurkhardt & Henklo A. T. Dix J. E. Slefer Chan. Acock Herb Rankin II. Brlgbthaupt Ora Acock Roy Kerr Wm. Cooke J. C. Royer Wm. Potter J. E. Slefer Herb Rankin C. Acock Wra. Potter M. Newell Fred Cooke Marian Tong Austin Newell G. Doeso H. HiMiBe Harry Roach A. Forbea Earl Tong John Tong Fritz Boeso J. E. Slefer Wm. Potter H. Rankin Cha. Dahlquest Cha. Stafell Harry Keratlng District 4 C. H. Sarver District 6 John Strauss R. E. Jarl Joseph Albel E. W. Gilliam J. G. DeShazer Joseph Swain Godfrled John Straus Beauty Proctor E. E. Jack District 7 R. T. Leeney Wm. Harding Pat Flannegan H. Molton Ed TenEyck H. Mtllens H. Aachoff O. TenEyck Johnson Lumber Co. F. E. McGugtn YOUR SAVINGS- INVESTED with us will be a working asset, good to keep and tohave for an emergency or op portunity Wise is the man who has his capital, no matter how small, deposited where it is at wrk earning more capital. The Bank of Oregon City QUINN S PERFECTION. W. W. Qulnn has at his place at Canemah a tree of luscious large plums that ho propogated. Ho calls them the "Qulnn Perfection." He has a half ton of these plums . Just ripen ing. A sample of them sent to Wash ington, D. C, were pronounced an 'entirely new variety and of the finest kind of plum. They received a gold medal at the Lewis and Clark exposi tion, The plums weighed 8 ounces more than any other plum In the Clackamas county exhibit at the fair. The weather has no effect on the blossoms; the tree bears perfect plums each year. Mr. Qulnn has nev er tried to make anything out of his discovery but ho certainly has a per fect plum. I. TOLPOLAR Main Sr. Of p. Postofficc Oregon City, Oregon The bltea and stings of Insects, sun burn, cuts, burns and bruises re lleved at once with Plnesalve Carbol Ized. Acts like a poultice. Draws out Inflammation. Try it. Price BO cents, Sold by Huntley Bros. Heavy Walnut Crop. Thomas Prince of Dundee reports that his walnut trees have made a surprising growth this year, says the Rural Northwest. There Is also a great Increase In tho quantity of nuts. The prospect now la that ho will have rten tons to market this year, or three times the quantity he had last year. The prospect for tho future of tho walnut Industry here has novor look ed brighter to him since he set his first trees than It Is todRy. Rising From the Grave. A prominent manufacturer, Wm. A. Fertwell, of Lucnma, N. C, routes a most remarkable expovlonco. He says; "After taking less than three bottles of Electric Bitters, I feel like one ris ing from the grave. My troubl ) is Wright's Disease, m the piabetoj stage. I fully boHove Eloetris Bit ters will cure me permanently, for It has already stopped the livor and bladder complications which have troubled mo for yei'.s" GunrnutP'.d I at Howell & Joe us , druggists, i rice only EOc. District 8 Flrwood Lumber Co. Straus Lumber Co. J. B. Tony Joseph Myera Chas. Cox Luther Ware F. Stone D. W. Douglas V. B. Tapp N. C. Kuhn District 91 Joseph DeShazer Frank Ahnert F. S. Morrison H. A. Morrison Henry Johnson F. S. Morrison Edd Wolf J. Berghouse Frank Ahnert H. Fitzgerald J. DeShazer Geo. Wolf Geo. Sowtell J. Kitzmlller Henry Johnson A. J. Morrison C. Seward t Taul Mlgnola H, A. Morrison District 10 T. Yocum & Sons District 11 W. A. Holmes M. Rivers A. O. Aldredge Percy Jones Felix Jones Frank McAnulty H. Dnuchy Fred Powers G. E. Morse Ell Rivers O. I Clyde Chas. Ltvsy E. Harrington District 12 Jacob Minder A. J. Johnston Sam Gerher Fred Gerher John Mostul ' District 13 A. Hubert ' . Harry Hubert 5 25 9 75 12 00 C3 00 8 00 23 00 23 00 23 00 17 00 10 00 16 00 G 00 30 00 8 00 8 00 2 00 14 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 20 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 8 00 1 00 6 00 15 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 47 25 31 80 3 30 8 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 52 50 10 00 2 00 20 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 9 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 24 25 53 84 34 80 2 50 2 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 12 00 12 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 9 00 12 00 9 00 9 00 16 00 18 75 20 00 1G 00 18 00 24 00 12 00 4 00 4 00 12 00 District 14 Hurley Moran & Stafford 2 72 32 87 I, Banks 3 50 A. R. Stephens 3 50 H. Blgelow 9 G5 C. W. Fried rich 4 85 Pope tc Co. 12 CO G. F. Glbba 72 50 T. W. Gibb 108 00 A. L. Rose ' 66 25 A. Splinter 66 25 Jaa. Shelly 54 00 C. F. Relndflesn 28 00 C. Allen ' 102 00 P. Allen 86 00 C. C. Glbbs 138 00 L. Matton ' 22 00 C. Criswell , 50 00 G. Guilliam 34 00 C. Crofford 4 00 J. Gerber 62 50 J. Stark 40 00 D. J. Thorn 56 23 L. Trcman 22 00 Walter Ward 14 00 Willie Shoth 26 50 Harry Shelly 30 00 L. J. Russell 26 00 District 15 - Story Sc. Thomas 7 00 Pope & Co. 1 35 Max Telford 2 00 E. A. Warner 1 25 Wm. Fine CO 00 H, Rowland 42 50 F. W. Hecker 55 00 Carl Schenk j 7 50 V A, Joehnke 2 50 W. Hfnson 7 50 Belden Ganong 7 00 Arch Long 7 00 Wm. Rakel 2 00 A. C. Warner 1 00 D. Fancher ' 4 00 H. O. Joenke 6 00 S. Crytsell 12 00 District 16 M. Stauber 4 00 Tom Penman 4 00 G. G. Randall 16 00 C. Deatz 12 00 . M. Harris 12 00 A. Blanchard 4 00 Frank Engle 4 00 Claud Haugham 8 00 Frank Brigg 10 00 Martin Rechter 3 00 W. L. Mead 6 00 W. G. Randall 27 50 D. H. Hasbrouck 10 00 Chas. Rider 3 00 Enos Cahill 7 00 District 17 Carlton & Rosenkrans 15 88 M. T. Mack 3 00 Jno. Zeek 3 00 W. A. Tice 2 50 A. H. Knight 8 75 District 18 Henry Henrlcl 7 70 Pope & Co. 9 60 E. W. Hornshuh 32 50 A. Hornshuh 4 00 D. Guinther 4 00 C. Jones 4 00 James Shannon 24 50 Val Bohlander .. 8 75 John Bohlander 12 75 Wm. Herman 8 75 W. C. Martin 11 00 Arthur Hornshuh 16 25 C. Muralt 5 00 Dan Ginther 8 00 Chas. Jones 8 00 Bert Fisher 8 00 Wm. Martin 3 00 Luke Duffy 4 00 Alva Hughes 3 50 W GrisenthNvaite 29 20 Arthur Hornshuh 8 73 - J E. W. Hornshuh 16 00 District 19 F. A. Woodside 1 00 John Evan 6 00 A. F. Denison 5 00 W. A. Woodslde 5 00 District 20 Eugene Cumins 39 84 C. Bittner 17 78 Christ Keunzy 23 25 Everet Pollock 2 25 J. T. Grace 18 50 Ed Grace 15 25 Fred Beurer 17 00 A. Beurer 14 00 W. H. Bottemlller 21 50 P. Madison 2 00 J. J. Jones 14 50 O. S. Martin 6 00 C. Martin 4 75 Joe Parrlsh 2 00 A. Sherruble 4 00 B. Sullivan 24 35 N. Scribner 28 00 C. Shockley J 8 00 F. Madison 82 00 F. Madison 18 00 M. Vandergue 6 00 E. W. Hornshuh 17 50 J. Shannon 4 00 Mr. Klinger 10 00 E. Pollock 9 00 A. Hornshuh 4 00 Alvin Hornshuh 3 00 P. Wacker 20 00 P. Wacker 2 00 P. Stageman 2 00 L. Fellows 8 00 D. Guinther . 4 00 F. Reese ' 4 00 M. Pollock 2 00 J. Parrish 2 00 District 21 James Hammonl 22 00 District 22 Wilson & Cooke 7 7i District 23 R. W. Zimmerman 230 00 A. B. WIddows 3 50 F. Albee 2 00 A. J. Zimmerman 25 00 E. Kopper 25 00 J. J. Kopper 18 00 A. Bolland 7 00 A. J. Lias 153 00 District 24 A. S. Thompson 3 65 C. C. Molson 1 95 A. J. Lais 60 38 S. H. Kauffman 84 53 Albert Egman 3 00 Rile Garrett 4 00 John Stowe , 18 00 Wm. Konschak 8 25 Solon Kinzer 12 50 L. P. Spagel 27 50 District 25 Dan Hepler 1 50 Herman D. Harms 6 00 District 26 W. P. Herman 7 00 H. N. Everhart 11 00 District 27 Glger Bros. & Lacky 203 10 W. E. Harmon Bill Harmon Ed Seaman Bert Garrett L. N. Jones G. A. Ridings T. O. Ridings G. W. Bentley T. Garrett ' C. McKinney C. Comer S. Usher D. M. Bentley Frank Jackson Fred Hubbard 6 00 2 00 6 00 19 00 16 00 24 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 (Continued on page 6.) 1 31 42 00 12 00 3G 00 15 50 j It 00 j 8 00 ! 1 00 ! 10 00 I IS 00 I 32 00 j 2 00 i t 57 50 j . I 6 00 C 00 4 00 13 75 2 00 13 75 2 00 C areful of Your Property One of the secret of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street 0 0 I