"7 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, F RID.8Y, AUGUST 9, 1907. CALL FAIR MEETING Stockholders Notified to Meet at Court House August 13 to Organize GIiTb race, 12 years ami under Silver cup, donated by V. L. Block, j Prettiest 'baby girl under two years from Oregon City Silver cup, donated j by Ibirmelster & Andreson. j rrettlest baby boy from Oregon City, under two years Toilet set, do nated by Howell & Jones, j Among the special features ht the ! picnic will be a mammoth baby show. STOCK SELLS RAPIDLY ABOUT FRUIT. CLOSE ALL GAMBLING District Attorney Hedges Is sues Order to Strictly En force State Law. litAL ESTATE Over 60 Share Sold at Canby Towns Bidding For Permanent Loca tion of Clackamas Fair. Most encouraging, news conies from the country and small town districts In regard to the, county fair,. The people everywhere are enthusiastic and many are subscribing for stock In the association. A worker at Can by reports 60 shares sold there and in that vicinity. "There would be little difficulty in disposing of the entire amount of stock, 400 shares, right here in Ore gon City," said Captain Shaw, chair man of the committee on organiza tion, "but we don't wish to do that as this is to be the farmers' fair and they should own the controlling In terest In it." Now with the news of subscriptions to stock In the country, the committee realizes success is assured and has issued the following; call for an organ ization meeting: "Notice is hereby given that there will he a meeting of the stock hold ers of the Clackamas County Fair issociation, at the county court house, xt 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, August .3, 1907, for the purpose of electing board of directors, and for the trans action of any other business that may -ome up for consideration. "It is quite necessary that all hold ers of stock be present either in per son or by proxy. "Proxies may be sent to the under ilgned at Oregon City, at any time rior to the meeting, or to any one lesignated by the holder of stock. Tas. P. Shaw, chairman committee on organization." The preparation and publishing of a premium list is the most pressing work after organization. This year's fair will be held In Glad stone park, but it is quite uncertain where the second one will be hfcld, for several suburbs are pulling for the permanent location. Willamette offers very desirable grounds and good car j service. Mt. Pleasant can give an ideal site and they hope to have street car connection with down town long before October, 1908. Gladstone and Parkplace have sites that would an swer well, besides the Chautauqua grounds. It will be pretty hard to decide when the time comes, unless some one town can capture so large a block of stock as to be able to con trol the board of directors. The law that, makes it necessary for the county fruit inspector to de stroy Infected fruit and to see that It is not offered for sale In the market, is as follows, says an exchange: Section 5, It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to im port or sel any Infected or diseased fruit of any kind In the state of Ore gon. Section 6. Evefy person who packs or prepares tor snipmeni to any point without the state, etc., etc., any fruit or fruits, cured or dried, that Is infected with Insects, pests, or dis eases Injurious to trees, shrubs, plants, fruits or vegetables, is guilty of, a misdemeanor. Section 7. Any person, Arm or cor poratlon violating any of the pro visions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25) dollars nor more than one hun dred ($100) dollars. The above is taken from the law as ppsod by the legislature and known at H. B. No. 23S. This law should be observed as it will surely get some one into trouble If they are not careful. WILL AFFECT ASTORIA City by the Sea Only One In District Where Open Gambling Hat Been Al-luwed. TWILIGHT Miss Annie Wllheart was out from Oregon City, where she Is sewing, to spend Sunday with her father, Wil liam Wilehart Miss Rachel McCord of Portland visited over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McCord. James Hilton and sister, Mrs. Nora Straghm, spent Sunday with their sis ter, Mrs. Earl, who is camping at Wil sonvllle. Deputy district attorney of Sherman county, M. J. Meindl. has joined his wife in a visit at the home of her par ents, Mr and Mrs. George Lazelle. He will enjoy a three weeks' vacation at Mountain Ash farm. The Twilight Improvement club lawn social at Mountain Ash farm, the home of Mr. and Mrs. George La- True to his policy l,f not ctlns locally lu the enforcement of state laws, District Attorney Gilbert U Hedges issued an order Tuesday af ternoon closing gambling In all the four counties of the Fifth Judicial dis trict Clatsop, Clackamas, Columbia and Washington. When Mr. Hedges issued his sa loon order two weeks ago, he stated at that time he would consider the entire district in enforcement of state laws. 1 This gambling order will affect Astoria as that Is the only city where open gambling Is allowed. The city by the sea has been a "wide open" town for years, and its gambling houses have been under the protec tion of the city authorities. Dis- Datches from Astoria state the gam- biers say they will make ho attempt to evade the law, but will obey the district attorney's order. There will probably be a protest from owners of slot machines, who have paid license fees to the city. Some of the busi ness men say that the order will en force a curtailment of civic Improve ments. Mr. Hedges received assurances Tuesday that the city authorities of Astoria would be neutral In the mat ter of closing tho gambling houses, and so he issued the following order to hi.y deputies, John C. McCue, of Astoria, Clatsop county; John M. Wall of Hlllsboro, Washington county; and W. H. Powell of St. Helens, Columbia county. District Attorney's Order. .. To whom it may concern: I call attention to section 1944 of Belllneer and Cottons -Annotated zelle, Saturday evening, was a decided success, both socially and financially.) sutuie9 of 0regon whlcn The evening was perfect and a large crowd attended. An excellent musi cal program was given. Seven musi cal Instruments appeared on the pro gram, a piano, organ, accordlan, cor net, harp, clarionet and a zither. Ice cream, cake, lemonade; sandwiches and coffee were served. The club made $14.50 and has over $100 now to be used on the sidewalks of the Twilight neighborhood. HORSES ARE HIGH. BUENA VISTA NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. John Finucane and son John went to Seaside Sunday morning and returned home Monday, after having spent a very p!easant day. ! . a A V. I . . . .na 1 ,rr-n f f E. C. Smith shipped In a good I len "uuu vau ' , , , bunch of horses from eastern Oregon j and Mrs- Ferguson, on Friday, Au to Oregon City some time ago and gust 2- , sold part of them. They were then I The Lamb family moved from their taken to Woodburn and Salem and j'ormer home on J- Q-'Ama street to are now in this city, says the Albany ithe,r nonie ln Buena Vlsta' v Herald, and the remainder of the! A stranger appeared at the home of herd will be taken to Eugene. Mr. all Thurston, on July 28, In the Smith says horses are very high east J0 of an eleven pound boy. The buccaroos had ! lne smun na n,ilu cau ' ",c Tuesday nignt. I ne wina mew a j spark from a burning brush pile Into of the mountains all gone to harvesting atbig wages, so that he could not hire the horses driven across the mountains to Al bany direct. EXIT CARUS POSTOFFICE. The Cams postofflce will be discon-1 tinued August 31. Although word to that effect has not yeLbeen received, It Is the supposition the majority of the patrons of the Carus office will be served by rural free delivery from the Oregon City postoffice. PRIZES AT STREET the field, but it was stamped out be fore much damage was done. Mrs. Dover is expected home from a short trip to the mountains the lat ter part of the week. Everett Albert made a flying busi ness trip home Tuesdi night. Dave Cotto and baby have the whooping cough. reads as follows: Gambling unlawful. Each and every person who shall deal, play, carry on, open or cause to j be opened, or who shall conduct either as owner, proprietor, or employe, whether for hire or not, any game of faro, monte, roulette, rouge et nolr, lanquenet, ronod, vingtun (or twenty one), poker, dcw-poker, brasg, bluff, thaw, or any banking or any other eame nlaved with cards, dice, or any .tho ituvlro ' nthothor tha pnmp heicre8. $1. played for money, checks, credits, or any other representative of value, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun ished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, and shall be Im prisoned In the County Jail, until such fine and costs are paid; provided, that such person so convicted shall be Imprisoned one day for every two dol- ars of such fine and costs. And pro vided furthv, that such imprison-1 ment shall not exceed one year. On and after Tuesday, August 13, 1907, the above section of our statutes will be strictly enforced in the Fifth Judicial District, State of Oregon, comprising the counties of Clacka mas, Clatsop, Columbia and Washing ton, t That the enforcement of said sec II. and A. A. Paulson to 11. Joy. neiv o 12 feet of v half of so of sec 20, :s 5e. $1. 0. A. 15, Hoffman to A. J. Alby, be ginning tiS.02 chs a of 0 cor of Ueorgo Brock illc. 15.34 acres. $S00. W. N. Hlnehart to C. K. Frey, blk 11, Selhvood'a add to Portland. $1500. I.. A.Dvosseau to J. L. Johnson, lots II to 2 Incl. blk 81, Mlnthorn. $".00. Willamette Falls Co, to 0. Hlner, n half of lot "A" tract 64. Willamette Falls. $75. I. W. Johnson et ux to M. D. Maden, beginning oi a Hue of Win. Matlock die, 2s-2e, 6.1(55 acres. $103:!. D. N. Itrlilenstlne to M. U. Maden, b. ginning on a lino of Franklyn Pierce die. Hec 28, s-4e. 300. Sophia IVinpsey to If. Jewett, ne of sw of sec 9, 4s-3e, 40 acres, $i00. II. M. Montour to J. Koenlg, lot 6, Mk 47. Oregon Iron & Steel Cos 1st add to Oswego. $200. , F. Plrkemler to L, D. Spring, lot C, blk 17, of Robertson. 1460, A. A. Lechelt to 11. E. Hlrkemeler, lots 1, 3 and 5, blk 38. Mllwauklo Il.dghts. $250. Nell McAloy to N. Moyers, lot 11, blk 15, Gladstone. $S50. Unils Hassebrink to Portland Hall way. Light & Power Co.. right of way over e half of nw of sec 11. 3s tw. $:0, L. A. Foster to Renfer & Schults. beginning at so cor of F. Revenue die. sees 7 and IS, 2s-5o, 100 acres. $2400. M. L. Woodcock to Jesse M. Wall ing, beginning on center line of sec 17, 5s le, 45 acres. $1800. W. A. Laldlaw to Oregon Milling & Realty Co.. lots 3, 4, 5 and C, blk 2, Maywood. $25000. Laura M. Sherman to M. U. Sher man, n half of n half of sec 23, Cs-2e. $1. " F. U McDowell to M. It. Sherman, n half of n half of sec 23. f.s-2e. $1. 11. F. Rodney to U. W. Hehnke, part of L. D. C. Latourette die, 2s 2o, 46. CO acres. $1. H. W. Ilehnke to R. N. Jenson, part of L. D. C. Latourette die, 2s-2e, 4G.B8 acres. $1. Jenstm Behnke to C. H. Engel. part of L. D. C. Latourette die, 2s-2e. $1300. John Dltlof to A. Pederson. n half of se of sec 29, 3h-5o. $1400. T. F. Ryan to F. Clark, part of P. M. Rlnearson die, 14 60 acres. $1000. T. F. Ryan to Franklin Clark, right of way over grantee's claim. $1. Nancy Boston et al to Axo Logging Co., timber on ne of se of sec 18, 3s lw, 40 acres. $1. William Boston et ux to Axe lag ging Co., timber ne of se of sec 18 and part of sw of sec 17, 3s-lw. $1. J. N. Hoffman to Axe Lumber Co.. timber on w half of w half of no of sec 18, 3s-lw, 40 acres. $1. Mary J. Hoffman to Axo Logging Co., timber on part of so of nw of sec 18, 3s-lw, 35 acres. $1. L. T. Vinson et ux to Axe Logging Co., timber on s half of so of sw of sec 18. 3s-lw, 20 acres, $1. J. E. Vinson to Axil Igging Co., timber on n half of se of aw and e half of ne of sw of sec 18, 3slw, 40 0 v There's a Reason for Everything Thfc reason we tmjoy Urn largest dental piuetleo In Oregon City Is because wo try to excel lu our work. Our 'work lasts, we never do pour work. Th people know It, Our constant ef fort I lo give not "Just an good" but tho best work, and tbat for as llttlo money as possible. Our recent trip East w the great cimtera of dental m1u cation, was for tha purposo of giving you th lat est and best, up to-date dentistry. Our seventeen years of auo cessful practice In Oregon City Is the best gunranteo any dentist can give you, A guarantee Is good only as Jong as you can find one who gives It, and then not always. V are careful not to hurt you, as we have findings ourselves, We want your work and want you to send us your friends." Have an eastern expert graduate assistant dentist. We put our own tiamo back of our practice. Our prlcea are tho lowest In tho city for good work, Dr I I Pifkpns aU V I - IVllVllfcJ Oregon City, Ore. Pott Graduate Haekall A Chicago School of Dentistry, City Phone 2671 Mutual and Independent 131 0 0 0 0 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY H. E. CROSS ATTORN ICY AT LAW Heal KMate, Loftnm, Innumricr Mftln Hlrrct, OUKOON CITY GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT.LAW Phone: Main 521 ' Office In Caufleld Bldg., Main and Eist Sts W.S. U'RKN - C. 8C1IUKBKL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY! AT-LAW liKUTSCIIKR ADVOKAT Will practice la ill conria, mnke collection and actllcuimts ol nUtea Ktirnuu. iMtracta ol title, lend you money on !lrt morwsge Olficc In EYURPBISC Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E HEDCES F. f. GRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms Weinhard Building, opposite Court House " QET IT FOR HER i ELECTRIC HAW FREE:--ON 30 DAYS TRIAL MYERS' MYTHICAL BANKS. Several months ago a savings bank was incorporated for Oregon City by F. L. Myers and others, with a cap! . tal stock of M00. The same par tita fnnnrnnrntofl a nmnhpr of others - 1 T jrT-"Tff" TTZ-l'tTT-! i " ...-.". - LAK lVllliM a f f(,r different towns of the state. iThe organizations were never com ! pleted, and people have wondered who Conductor Ed Taylor of the P. Ry. L. &. P. Co. says that over GOO tickets to the streetcarmen's annual picnic at the Oaks have been sold In this city; that he has sold at least 300 himBelf. The street car company has made a Myers was. The Pacific bank of Port land says Mr Myers' institution in San Francisco was closed by the board of bank commissioners, and le- clares that for Mr Myers to come into Oregon and organize 15 to 20 banks, special rate of 25 cents for the round (with alleged parent institution in trip from Oregon City, and there will j Portland, the German-American bank, C. T. Tooze to W. F. Younff, w half of ne of sec 19, 3s-lw, 80 acres. $1. W. F. Young to Axe Logging Co., timber on w half of ne f sec 19, 3s lw, 80 acres. $1. ' P. Heater to Axe lagging Co., tim ber on part of e half of nw of sec 19, 3s-lw, 40 acres. $1. Karl Brookman et ux to Peter Heater, beginning 23.75 chs e of nw cor of sec 19, 3s-lw, 120 acres. $1. O. W. Kastham et ux to Axe Log ging Co., lumber on w half of se, and se of se of boc IS, 3s-lw, 120 acres. $1. M. C. Brlstow to Axe Logging Co., timber on part of sw of sw of sec 18, 3s-le, 17 acres $1. G. S. Young to 'Axe Logging Co., timber on se of ne and e half of sw of ne of sec 18, 3s-lw. $1. Oregon Realty & Trust' Co., to J. Save Her Time Save Her Health Save Her Weary Stepe 8avft Your Money 8av'e Your Clothes 'Save Her Temper 8ave Her C tion may prove effective, I call upon P. McGllnchy, lots 30 to 48 Incl, blk the press, municipal authorities and 39, Minthorne. $325. the best citizens In the district to co- W. I- Crane to W. I. Crane, part of operate with me In this matter. GILBERT L.j HEDGES, District Attorney for tlyjf Fifth Judic ial District, State of fjregon. Dated at Oregon Cityjthls the Gth day of August, 1907. v Remedy for Diarrhoea. Never Known . to Fail. "I want, to say a U f words for Chamber lin's Colic, Cttolera and T)l arhoea Remedy. I lave usel this reparation in my lamijy ror mo p.vu Ave vears and have reommendcd It to a number of people Jn York ru nny j ngi executors, to Antoinette Waldon, A. D. Crane, If. E, 3s-4e, 31.30 acres J. R. Cassldy to Western Hanking Co., lot 1, blk G, Eslacada. $900. United States to F. M. Gill, s half of s half of sec 28, 3s-5e, 1G0 acres. H. W. Downing to Wm. Dole, lots 5 and G, blk 31, of 1st add to Esta cada. $80. C. E. Bowman to F. A, Woodslde, be ginning at sw cor of J. L. Daniels claim, sec 17, 4s-2e, 1.84 acres. $700. C. H. Caufleld and Gooige A. Hard- t.pd have never knovn It to fall to effect a cure ln any instance. I feel half Interest In land iK-glnnlng at that I can not say toi much fo.- the Var sec between sees ti ana a, w best remedy of the kinl In the world." 2e, 32.09 acres. $950, S. Jemison, 'Spring Grov3. York county, Pa. This remedy is for sale by Howell & Jones, j t it considers a species of unmitigated gall. be five contests exclusively for Ore gon City residents, the prizes for which have been donated by Oregon City merchants. These contents, and the prizes will be as follows: Married men's race Electric flash- i, a j l . i .... r n 1 f ; n r llgni, uonuieu uy v. u. . , i ' Married women's race White lace ha3 sold that enterprise Hrasol, donated by L. Adams. i Donahue of Sandy. SELLS SANDY STAGE. i j Newton Orr, for many years propr ietor of the Sandy-Boring sl.ago line, to Emmett N. Orr to; E. Donahue, beginning 519 foet w of center to sec 13, 2s-4e, $1000. Thorouahbred Berkshire Hons. F. L. Johnson et al to E. A. John- Anyone wishing ti buy thorough-1 son, lot 7, blk 31, of Oregon Iron and bred Berkshire male hogs, aged about Steel co s isi ana 10 uswego. i six months, call aijd see them or J. M. Snyder to R. E. Hannah, part ! write R. S. McLaugiiin, R. F. D. No. 'of Lot Whltcomh die, sec 30, Is-le. $1. 1, Milwaukle, Or., Bok 3 22 35-4 I f. M. Fellara to School Dlst. 54, be ginning 15 foet b of no cor of C. Pen- Abraham Larklns pr Clarkes made!dleton die, sec 28, 3s-1e, 1 acre. $200. a business trip to Oregon City Wed-1 M. M. Mendonhall to C. A. Alvord, nosday, !ne ot sec 1G, 2s-Ge. $10. omplexlon J7A eaw Cfl Fill; 'coupon and mail to as ThcViroiT?will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, absolutely free of charge CUT OUT COUPON ND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY C. G. Miller, Agant, Oregon City, Ore. Gentlemen Yon may deliver to me one Electric Flat iron, which I agree to try, and If unsatisfactory to mo, to return to you wlt'utn 30 'lays from date of delivery. If I do not return It at tl-at time you may chnrga same to irfy account at $1.00. It Is understood that no charge will bo made for the Iron if I return It within 30 flaya. Namo Address DEPT. O. C. 1 " 2THE THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL OFFER APPLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT. y-tteMi k Stows- L mumi&MHt..