Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 09, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Chief of Police 8le of Real Property
for the Satisfaction of Delin
quent City Llen.
Htnto of Oregon, County of ('liickaiiiim,
City of Oregon City, hh.
lly virtue of it warrant, duly Issued
Jiy tint Recorder (if Oregon City to
tun directed and dated tint 20lh dy of
June. J !M7. riiiiiiiiiiiidlrm nm to forth
with l"vy uimii tli Hi'vuriil lots, tracts,
block or pit ft m thereof hereinafter
i'Hcillii'd, mid to nidi tlm niiiiio In the
milliner provided by Imw, to mitlsfy
thn nmouut of tint hi'ViTiil unpaid
itMHi'HMiiii'iitM against imicIi luircid of
the mild n-nl property u hereinafter
net forth, together with Inlm-est at
tln rate of six per centum per annum
from Mm data net after each of nald
Th ditto of docketing linn, thn
iiiinm of the owner or reputed owner,
tlm object of tho assessment, the
description of tlm property levied up
on, thn amount of lien and dutu from
which Intercut on micti amount of
lien shall b computed anil collected,
being it follow:
Muy 4, 1802, Mm. K. L. New
ton, Seventh Htri'et Improve
ment, bit 1 and 2, block
H2, Oregon City $ 24 90
With Interest at 0 pT rent per an
num from August 25. 190(5,
June 7, 19oo. Win, J. Maiign,
sidewalk Improvement, l,ot
4 and northwesterly 26 feet
of lot 3 In block 1 of Fair
view addition to Oregon
City I 10 00
With Intercut at 0 per cent per an
num from August 25. 190(5,
Oct 23. 1900, Mary F. Cross,
sidewalk Improvement. Part
of lot 2 In block 21 of Ore
Ron City described a fob
(own: Beginning at ttm
NouthwoHt corner of said lot;
running thenco along tlm al
ley toward Main Hired In a
northerly direction "0 feet;
thence In an easterly direc
tion .13 fe-t to a Make;
thence In a Houtherly direc
tion parallel with tlm linn
along the alley "0 feet;
theuci In a westerly direc
tion 33 fevt to the placii of
beginning, being one third
part of aald lot, For Improve
ment of alley In block 21 of
Oregon City $ 15 75
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from August 25, 190C.
Jan. 14, 1901, Jume Italian
Estate. Sidewalk Improve'
ment. Ixt 4 of block 13,
Oregon City $ 2 50
May 2. 1901, Mary Ann Dutch
er, sidewalk Improvement.
Ixit C, block 111, Oregon
City f 14 04
With Interest at C per cent per an
num from August 25, 190(5.
May 8. 1902, MUM Staben. Side-
walk Improvement, lot 5 ' '
and C, block 45, County Ad
dition to Oregon City $ 2 53
With Interest at fi per cent per an
num from August 25. 1 90(1.
Sept. 3, 1903, Siirnh J. I lender
aon, Sidewalk Improvement.
Iit 4, block 121, Oregon
City $J5 39
With Intercut at (5 per cent per an
num from August 25, 190(5.
Sept. 3. 1903, Snrnh J. llender
mm, Sidewalk Improvement,
Iit 5, block 121, Oregon
City $ 15 39
With Intercut at (i per cent per an
num from August 25. 190G.
Sept. 3, 1903, Sarnh J. Header
aon, Sidewalk Improvement,
Iot 4. block 113, Oregon
City $ 15 39
With InlereHt at fi per cent per an
num from August 25, 190(5.
Sept. 3, 1903, Surnh J. llender
Hon, Sidewalk Improvement,
Ixit 5, block 113, Oregon
City 15 39
With IntcreM at (5 per cent per an
num from AuguHt 25, 190(5.
Sept. 3, 1903, Thos. A. Me
Bride, Sidewalk Improve
ment, lot 1, of block 31.
County Addition to Oregon
City $ 24 38
With Interest at (! per cont per an
num from August 25, 190C.
Sept. 3, 1903, Thirn. A. Mc
Hrldo, Sidewalk Improve
ment, lot 8, block 31, County
Addition to Oregon CUty $ 21 38
With Interest at fi per cent per an
num from August 25, 1900,
Juno 23, 1903, Aaron 15. Walt.
Sower DlHtrlct No. 3 Assess
ment,, lot 1 of block 19, Ore
gon City $ 48 54
With Interest at C per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
Juno 23, 1903, Aaron E. Wait,
Sowor DlHtrlct No. S Assess
ment. Lot 2, blk 19, Oregon
City $ 43 10
Juno 23, 1903, Peter Pecquet
Estate, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. South half of
lot 4, block 48, Oregon Clty.$ 30 31
V With Interest at 6 per cent per an-
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment,. Lot 3, block '
100. Oregon City ...I 62 72
With Interest at 6 per cent per an-
mint from July 18, J 903,
June 23, 90,'l, Hiirnh J. Jlendor
nun, Hower District No, 3
Assessment, Ijot 4, block
100, Oregon City $ 44 73
With Interest lit 0 per cent pur an
num from July 1H, 1903.
Juno 23, l!io:i, Kiiruh J. llender
Hon, t'n-wcr District No. 3
AMKuHHiricnt. lt 5, Hock
100, Oregon City 44 73
With Inturi'Mt at. (I pr cent per an
num from July IK. 1903.
,., uM,,h f
(I'irMon, Hower Dliitrlct No. !l
Assessment, M (5, block
100, Oregon City $ C2 72
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from July IX, 1903.
Juno 23, 1903, Harah J. llender
lion, Hewer District No. 3
AsHeMHinent. Iit 7, block
100, Oregon City $ 62 72
With Interest at (1 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
Juno 23, 1903, Sarah J. llender
ton, Hewer District No. 3
AHsessiunnt,. It 3, block
124, Oregon CHy t 31 11
With Interest at (1 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903,
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hinder-
aon. Sewer DlHtrlct No. 3
AHMONHincut. Iot 4, block
124, Oregon City f 49 10
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
Juno 23, 1903, Harah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
AnHHmonl. 1M 5, block
124. Oregon City 49 10
With Interest at C per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J, llender
aon, Sewer Diutrlct No. 3
AiiHeHMinent. Lot C, block
124, Oregon City f 31 11
With Interest at per cent per an
num rom July 18, 1903.
Juno 23, 1903, D. M. Whit-
more. Hewer District No. 3
Assessment. Iot 1, block
144. Oregon City I 43 10
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Anna Band,
Sewer DUlrlrt No. 3 Assess
ment. IM 8. block 141, Ore
gon City f 40 10
With Interest at C per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer Diutrlct No, 3
AsM'Hument. It 3, block.
145, Oregon City $ 31 11
With Interest at C per cent per an -
num from July 18. 1903. "
Juno 23. 1903, Sarah J. llender-
son. Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. It 4, block
145, Oregon City t 49 10
With Interest. at 0 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No, 3
Assessment. Iit 5. block
145, Oregon City $ 49 10
Wllh lnl..r..ut nl f, tw.i- ronl nr.r in.
num from July 18, 1903.
Juno 23. 1903, Sarah J. Header-
Hon, Sewer District No, 3
Assessment. It C, block
115, Oregon City $ 31 11
"With Interest at 6 per cent per an -
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903. Win. J. Ranch.
Sewer District No. 3 Assess
ment. Iit 5. block 155, Ore
gon City $ 35 34
With Interest nt (5 per cent per an-
mm (mm lull- 1S 1111''
i oi . ' 't V .
June 23, 1903, Win. J. Ranch.
Sewer District No. 3 Assess-
ment. Lot (5, block 155,Ore-
- . .
gOIl City E 14
With Interest at G per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
Sept. 5, 1903, W. W. Myers.
Jackson Street Improve
ment. West half of lot 1,
block 159, Oregon City $ 84 71
With Interest at C per cent per an
num from October 3, 1903.
Sept. 6. 1903, W. W. Myers,
Jackson Street Improve
ment. West half of lot 2, block
159, Oregon City $140 51
With Interest nt C per cent per au
nunl from October 3, 1903.
Sept. 6, 1903, John Welch,
Jnckson Street Improve
ment. Lot 7, block 1(13, of
Oregon City $548 93
With Interest at C per cent per an
num from October 8, 1903.
Sept. 0, 1903, John Welch.
Jackson Stroot Improve
ment, Lot 8, block 1G3, of
Oregon City $221 35
With Interest at C per cent per an
num from October 3, 1903.
Now, therefore, pursuant to such
warrant, I. have levied upon each par
cel of tho real property above do
scribed for tho amount of tho respec
tive Hen thereon, together with In
terest, as aforesaid, and shall on Sat
urday the 17th day of August, 1907, at
tho hour of ten o'clock In the fore
noon of said day, at the front door of
the court house of Clackamas county,
In Oregon City, Oregon, offor for sale
and sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder, for cash, and subject to
redemption as provided by law, each
of the several separate parcels of
real property hereinbefore described
, or so much of each, of Bald parcels
an may lie necessary to Hiuisry uie
amount of the unpaid lien thereon a
hereinbefore Met forth, together with ,
Interest on Much amount of lien from
the date net after the dencrlpt!on of
each parcel of said real property an
In Ihln notice net forth.
Chelf of Police of Oregon City.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of j"i'neij huh necn appointed ry the
Oregon, for Clackamas county. jCounty Court of the State of Oregon
Catherine Moore, Plaintiff, fhr Ul f;""nty f Clackamas, admin-
,Vn, ilMrator of the estate of Wesley Smith,
Joseph If, Moore Defendant. j deceased. All persona having claims
To Joseph II. Moore, Defendant, against a!ij estate are hereby notl-
above named: In tho name of the;"'"1 " present the name duly verified
State of Oregon you are required to;
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you In the above entitl
ed court and cause, on or before the
12th day of August, 1907, that be
ing, the date fixed by the court for
iiuch an appearance or answer In
and by the order of tho court for
publication of summons and If you
fall ho to appear and answer tho
Plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for In her com
plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving
tho marriage contract now existing
betweeen tho plaintiff and defendant
and to allow her the care and cus
tody of the child, Helen Moore, aged
4 years, and for auch other relief aa
to tho court may aeem meet and
Just. This aummons la to be pub
lished In tho Oregon City Enterprise
for not lesa than one a week for
six consecutive weeks, prior to Baldjin nix months from the date of this
day of August, 1907. By order of 'notice.
tho Honorable Thoma A. McBrlde,
judgo of mild court, made and entered
on this 25th day of June, 1907. Flnst
publication Juno 27, 1907; last Inser
tion August 10, 1907.
29 t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
!ln the Circuit Court of the Statu of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
Marlbel Bentley Relster, Plaintiff,
Edmund Relster, Defendant.
To Edmond Relster, the above
named defendant:
In tlm name of tho State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and a b' ,aw reulred- at the offlce Cha
anwer a complaint filed against you I of t Ren and Suebel within slx34.
In the above entitled court and cause n''"1111' fro,n the date of thls notice.
on or before the 19th day of August. Da,eJ th'9 19th A of Ju 1907-
1907. that being the last day pre-
scribed In the order of publication or-
jderlng this summons, and If you fall
jU appear and answer said complaint.
the plaintiff will apply to the court
ior me rei prayea tor in me com-
i plaint filed In
me above entitled ,
court and cause, to-wit: for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between
you and the plaintiff, upon tho
ground of willful desertion.
This summons Is published In the
.Oregon City Enterprlso for six suc -
CeslVO and COnsecilttvo uockfl hv nr.
der of Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde,
j Judge of the above entitled court,
iniado and entered on the 20th day of
June, 1907, tho first publication being
on the 5th day of July, 1907. and the;Ptar an' answer the complaint filed
'last publication being on the lGth day i against you in the above entitled
of August, 1907.
AMnrnnv fn- !, Plolnlilf
iln tho Circuit Court of tho State of
i Oregon for Clackamas County.
! '
,a' l I,,ck,in' Plaintiff,
U'tlllnm T Illnbllr. n.,f., !.,,
."imu, lyuii-iiuuiil
To William T. Hlcklln, the above
named defendant:
In tho name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In tho above entitled suit
in tho above named Court, on or he -
fore Friday, September Cth, 1907, the
same being six weeks from the first
publication of this summons, and you
will take notice that if you fall to so
appear and answer said complaint,
i no planum win apply to the Court
for tho relief demanded In said com
plaint, to-wit: That tho bonds of
matrimony now existing between you objections or exceptions to said final
and plaintiff bo dissolved, and thatlnccount and the settlement of said
plaintiff be given the care, custody,
education and control of their said
minor child, King Henry Hlcklln.
This summons is published by the
order of the Hon. G. B. Dimick,
Judge of the County Court for Clack
amas County, State of Oregon, in
the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation In
Clackamns County, for six successive
and consecutive weeks, commencing
Friday, July 2Gth, A. D. 1907, and
continuing to and including. Friday,
September Cth, A D., 1907.
33t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the matter of the Estate of Fred
Waespe, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby glten that the un
dorslgned has been duly appointed
executrix of the last will and testa
ment of Fred Waespe, deceased, and
all persons having claims against the
nm phuhd mum present umrn to me
undersigned duly verified within Klxjln
montliH from the date of this notice,
Dated July 10th, 1907.
ROHA. WAK3PK, Executrix,
Sandy, Oregon.
J, C. JONSMRUD, Attorney for Exec
Notice Is hereby given that the un-
y law required, at the olllce of
C'llen & Behuebel within alx months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 19th day of July, 1907.
Administrator of the estate of Wealey
Smith, deceased,
UKEN & 8CHCBBEL, Attorney
for Administrator. 32t5
Notice la hereby e;lven that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the Honorable County Court of Clack
amas County, State of Oregon, aa ad
ministrator of the eMate of L. O. Carl
aon, deceased. All persons having
claims against the said estate shall
present the same duly verified to the
administrator either at hla residence
In Kelso, Oregon, or to bin attorney,
Thos. F. Ryan, at Oregon City, with-
Dated July 12, 1907.
Administrator of EUte of L. O. Carl
aon, Deceased.
THOS. F. RYAN, Attorney for Admin
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas, execu
tors of the estate of Lorenz Hornshuh,
deceased. All persons having claims
against Bald estate are hereby notl-
M to rcent the 8ame dul vere-
ii.uah huiimsIIUI ma t
"outers or tne estate or Lorenz
l REX & SCHLLBEL, Attorneys for
mm . m
"vu. . -'
Justice Court, for District No. 13,
State of Oregon, County of Clack
amas. Civil Action for the Recovery of
Rt'rt Hollls, Plaintiff,
C. Robblns, Defendant.
To Bert Hollls, Defendant:
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to ap-
Court within six weeks irom the date
1 I'uuuituiiui ui un numinous
"I"1 "0U- AnJ lf "0U fail 80 to an-
. , , . i. - ill . J . . . , a ' .
jswer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will take judgment against you for
the sum of Thirteen Dollars and the
and disbursements of the within
entitled action.
Given upder my hand this 17th day
of July. 1907. T. G. JONSRUD,
3;t6 Justice of the Peace
First insertion July 2G, 1907
Last Insertion, Sept, C, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, George W. Derry, admin-
; 9trator of the estate of Chris Tlmm,
i deceased, has filed his final account
jas 8Uch administrator In the County
j Court of the State of Oregon, -for
Clackamas County, and that the said
j Court has set Saturday, the 24th day
of August. 1907. at 11 o'clock, a, m.,
and the Court room of said Court, as
the time and place for the hearing of
estate. All persons having objections
to said final account or to the settle
ment of said estate are required to
present the same on or before said
date above mentioned.
Dated July 17th, 1907.
Administrator of the estate of Chris
Tlmm, deceased.
for Administrator. 32t5
Private Money To Loan, 6 Per Cent.
On real estate security.
$1000.00 two to five years.
500.00 one year.
750.00 three years.
1500.00 five years.
400.00 two to four years.
600.00 three years.
. 600.00 two to five years.
2500.00 one to 5 years.
Call, write or 'phone by July 1, 1907.
Attorney at Law, Stevens Bldg., Ore
gon City, Ore.
notice of Final Settlement,
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackarnan County.
In the matter of the Entate of Mahala
L. Hansen, deceased.
Notice In hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of tho above
estate hax filed his final account here-!
In and that the Judge of the said I Notice is hereby given that the un
Court has designated Monday, the Idersigned has been duly appointed by
20th day of August, 1907, at 8:30 a. m., jth County Court of the State of Ore
at the Courtroom of said Court an thejgon for Clackamas County, admtnts
tline and place for the hearing of ob-jtrator with Will-Annexed of the En
lections to the Bald final account and jtate of J. S. Vaughan, Deceased. All
the settlement thereof. I persons having claims against ald
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, July estate are hereby notified to present
2. 1907. ' the Hame to me, properly verified at
ROY W. COCHRAN, J the office of my attorney, Thos. F.
Administrator of estate of Mahala L,
Hansen, Deceased.
Date of first publication July 2(5,
1907; date of last publication August
23, 1907. 33t3
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Louise Hodges, Plaintiff,
Henry O. Hodges, Defendant.
To Henry O. Hodges, defendant:
In the name of the Slate of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before the last day of the time pre
srrlbed In the order for the publica
tion of this summons, to wit: on or
before the 10th day of September,
1907, ald date being the expiration of-
six (fit weeks from the first publics
tlon of this summons, and If you fall
to so appear and answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In the
complaint, to-wit: for a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony and
marriage contract existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. Grant B. Dimick, County
Judge of the above named county in
the absence of Hon T. A. McBrlde,
Judge of the above named court,
which order was made and entered on
the 30th. day of July, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 716
Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.
Application for License.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the County
jCourt rf clackamas County for a H.
! cense to sell spirituous, malt and Yin-
, a fof the ,od of g,x
months from the 2nd day of August,
1907, at 10 o"clock A. M., and that I
will present the following petition to
said Court on said day for said li
cense. T. M. ALLISON.
Dated August 2, 1907:
To the Honorable County Court of
Clackamas County:
We, the undersigned residents and
legal voters of Boring Precinct, In
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
hereby respectfully petition your hon
orable body to grant T. M. Allison, a
license for the period of six months
from the 2nd day of August, 1907, to
sell spirituous, malt and vinous
liquors, in less quantities than one
gallon In the town of Boring, Clacka
mas County, Oregon.
D. J. Kite.
S. E. Card.
O. S. Roe.
G. Dooley.
B. Holtz.
E. Ellsworth.
D. Hedermann.
John Musa.
H. Herz.
- E. Herz.
C. S. Palmer.
J. E. Wilson.
Guy Wilson.
Peter Dicken.
H. McGinis.
L. Rltzer.
A. H. Barbur.
K. Fredrich.
J. J. Zimmermann.
F. M. Morgan.
H. Ellsworth.
F. Irvin.
H. Anderson.
Adolf Herz. '
1'. Bernegger.
W. Woolles.
Joseph Borde.
!S. E. Ellsworth
E. F. Donahue.
James Larsen.
Summons. '
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Jennie L. Bowers, Plaintiff,
A. M. Bowers, Defendant
To A. M. Bowers, defendant above
named: In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and
cause on or before the 13th . day of
September, 1907, that being the day
fixed by the Court for such an appear
ance or answer, In and by the order
of the Court for publication of sum
mons, and if you fall so to appear j
and answer, the plaintiff will apply to j
the Court for the relief, prayed for
in her complaint, towit: for a decree
disolving the marriage contract now
existing between plaintiff and de
fendant' and to allow her to resume
her maiden name of Jennie L. Wil
loughby, and for such other relief as
to the Court may seem meet and just.
This summons is to be published in
the Oregon City Enterprise for not
less than once a week for six con
secutive weeks prior to said day of
September, 1907. By order of the
Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge
of mild Court, made and entered on
this 30th day of July. 1907.
First publication August 2, 1907.
Last publication, Sept. 13, 1907.
3117 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Ryan, on Main street, Oregon City,
Oregon, within six months of the
date of this notice.
Dated July 29th, 1907.
Administrator with Will-Annexed of
the Estate of J. S. Vaughan, De
cased. THOS. F. RYAN,
Attorney for administrator. 34t5
j g. 'J. 1 1 -n
O. C. Yocum to L. J. Stevens, lots
5 and C, blk 4, Pompeii. $50.
R. Livingston et al to T. H. Davles,
part of J. J. Swafford die, 2s-2e, 50
acres. $150.
Samuel Roake to S. L. Carleton,
lots 3 and 4, blk 21, Oregon City.
M. W. Sheppard and W. B. Tull to
Bent Johnson, lots 9 and 10. block 3.
i0j parow -oo.
John Bliss to P. J. Erickson, lot
2, block 7, Falls View. $70.
James Adkins to M. Povelitz, tim
ber on w half of sw of sec 6, 4s-2e.
E. R. Gribble to L. L. Gribble, part
of A. E. Gribble die, 4s-le, 80 acres.
Henry Jevett to Karl Johnson, be
ginning at s cor of blk 112, Gladstone,
1.27 acres. $000.
R. F. and W. F. Carey to J. F. .
Nowlln, ne of ne and sw of ne of sec
21. 3s-4e, 80 acres. $3000.
Jonas Johnson to Portland Railway
Light & Power Co., right of way over
lots "C" and "D", tract 61, Willamette
Tracts. $1. .
W. A. Hossack to A. S. Shaw, lot 2
of 1st add to Jennings Lodge. $110.
J. C. Bowman to M. H. Bowman,
lots 1, 2, 9 and 10, blk 2, Darnall's add
to Oregon City. $1.
H. F. Gibson to H. S. Gibson, nw
of se of sec 3, 3s-4e. $1000.
R. B. Beatle, Sheriff, to Wm. Cope-
land, w half of ne and e half of nw
of sec 25, 3s-84 e, 100 acres. $1236.70.
A. S. Warren, et vir, to D. C. Lat
ourette, beginning at ne cor pf Geo.
Atkinson claim, 41.50 acres. $1050.
M. Besser to S. E. Freeman, begin
ning at nw cor of C. Pendleton die,
sec 28, 3s-le, 20.50 acres. $000.
Severt Olson to D. O. Freeman, be
ginning 20 feet e of se cor of sec 29,
3s-le, 11.21 acres. $800.
G. W. Lockerby to J. W. Reed, w
half of sw of sec 6, 4s-5e, 80.49 acres.
J. W. Reed to G. W. Lockerby, lot 2,
block 7, Estacada. $2000.
E. A. Porter to E, A. Loe, sw of sw
of nw, and nw of nw. of sw of sec 14,
also se of se of ne of sec 15, 5s-le, 30
acres. $1350.
George Sollers to Whitehead and
Hunton. nw of ne of sec 29, ls-3e.
S. A. D. Puter to X. V. Sorenson,
sec 3G. 7s-4e and sec 1G, 7s-3e, 1280
acres. ?5.
T. L. Charman, G. H. Wlsehart and
C. H. Caufield, executors, to A. G.
Kinder, beginning at ne cor of block
16, Clackamas Heights. $1.
L. A. Charman, et al, to A. G. Kin
der, beginning at ne cor of blk 1C,
Clackamas Heights. $1. '
C. J. Breck, trustee, to I. B. Ripln,
beginning 300 feet w of 3rd and Main
streets. Oregon City. $75.
I. B. Ripin to Oregon City Mfg. Co.,
beginning 300 feet w of 3rd and Main
streets, Oregon City. $75.
Peter Lafferty to Oregon Swedish
i Colony, nw of sec 14, 5s-3e, 100 acres.
W. F. Cary to R. W. Cary, half
Interest in lots 8 and 17, blk 6, and
lots 8 and 9, b!k 11. Estacada. $1.
H. G. Paulsen et al to Henry Joy
ner, nw of ne ofsec 29, 3s-3e, 40 acres;
also ne of ne of sec 29, 3s-5e. $1G00.
A. A. Paulson to Henry Joyner, 3
half of sw of sw of sec 20, 3s-5e, 20
acres. $400.
B. H. Bowman to I. W. Johnson, lot
4, sec 9, 2s-2e, 13 acres. $1100.
If You Want to Sell
Eastham.Pattison & Co.
Over the Bank of Oregon City.