f OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1907. LOCAL NEWS. Mm, C. II. H hill, or tlil city I vIm Itli'H h't fni'ii iii'itr Minfford, I'fit, Perry of Mulullii ni'h(. Thiint flay iiml I rldity In UiIh ellv, (i. H' l ii' 'm l nf Homer Crci-h in (iiv. n on IiiimIiii'kh, Friday,' Will A. (1. (ini'il of ridi'lii' was a ,in, lidiiM vliilior In Oregon city 1'rldiiy II. llelgren of Aurora made it buti-Jih-hh trip lo lint county m'ltt Friday, Mr, mid Mm. I uu (rnvn of Mo lullii were In Oregon City, Mondiiy, John Cron of Midiillu made a bind iiohh trip to tint comity Kent Friday, F, X, Mntlhleit of Huitevllle made a tuiHltii'HH trip to Oregon City, Friday, MIhh F.thol I lin.lt I of Now I'.ra U visiting hr CoiiKln. MImh Mario L''wl. Mm. Oniric Schwab rcturnd Men )ny from a plennnnt outliiK at Iong Bench. Ml Mandi Daniel of Beaver ('reck visited Oregon City friends, Friday, Mr. and Mm. A. K Joymr returned TluiMdoy from an outing hi the vicin ity of Table ltock. II. F. Maker and John KiiIhci- of New Kra were trammeling lituliiomt In Oregon City, Friday. M. Holland rained in hi garden at Tenth and Van llurcn utreeta, a cab bage weighing 22 pound. Deputy Sheriff II. W. linker and family of Willamette are upending work' vacation at Nentucca. George Adam and Elmer Albright of .Mulullu made a IiunIihh trip to Oreitiiti City, Tueday morning. MIm Aenc Itelf and Ml Fthel Hradtl of New Kra were kuchI of Ml Marie l,ewl, Wednidoy. Thoinu Ocrher of thl city ha ac cepted a Miulon a munaKcr of the Western 1'nlon office at Albany. Charles Maple returned Sunday night from Seattle, where he has been Mnployed In a drug store for the past year. Mrs. Charles Plpka of Cams ha returned to her home after a pleas ant visit at the home of C. W. Freld rich at Ely. lii'v. and Mr. J. R. I.andsborouglt nre rejoicing over the advent of a baby daughter, born Friday morning lit 8 o'clock. MIhs Mary (Illbert ha returned to Denver, Col,, to renldo with her sis ter. Mr, Otto Wen.el, formerly MIh Lir.le (Illbert of Oregon City. MIh Anna FIMier has liought n lot In Pompeii of Mr. Bella A. Sleight, Mr. Yocum write hu I very busy try ing to get hi saw mill ready to run. The workmen nre repavlng the ulreet where the old O. W. P. truck whs taken up. The street paving was Htarted at Moms street Motuluy morn ins. C, W. Kvuns Is building a nice res idence on Center street between Fourth nnd Fifth. They hope to be able to move Into It In about week, two Miss Minnie Kngle. who bus been ntnylng with Mrs. M. J. Morelnnd, has Kniie to her home In Woodburn. She will ho gone, two months and before Iter return will go to Iamg Beach, Wash. Monroe Irish, three sons and his daughter nnd her husband, Mr. and Mih. Lawrence Derlnger, were In Oro Kim Clly Saturday. The latter couple were returning to their homo In Port land ufter it pleasant visit nt Canis. J. Murow, who was formerly n painter and paper hanger In Oregon City, and who still owns his place at Ely, wuh' in town Thursday. Mr. Mur ow Is conducting a fancy poultry yard nt Ladd's farm near Portland. Attorney O. D, Eby returned Wed nesday (,'venlng from Virginia City, Nev. lie brought home ore taken from the famous Coinstock lode 2250 feet deep. Ho' Bays It was so hot down thero he thought he had Btruck brimstone. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Miller, A, C. .Warner and niece, Miss Elaine King, nre planning a delightful pleasure trip. They will drive to Tillamook and Nejarta on the river road. They are hoping to capture a doer. They will start about August 10. Ml. -in Clam Morcy of Mulullii spent Saturday In Oregon Clly, A iliuiKlitnr win horn to Mr, and Mm, Jack Wood, Friday evening, Mm, Minnie Aiitliony of New Era win In Oregon Clly on Imnlni'HM Sal, lay, Mi-i. Il rt perry of Molnllu Ih hero lo B'mliil. Mm. M. J, Morcliind for hcv eriil weeks, Ml. Ivy Jtonke I u new IxmiI. keep er In the ofllee of the Standard Ma chine company. , Merrill Scripture and Fred Aklnn eft Monday fur u vacation at Muter In Crook county. Mr, ami Mm, F. C. Mill of Wood- hurn weru KueMt of Mr, and Mm, A. J. WIIhoii, Sunday, Mr, and Mr. 11. A. Sawyer will leave the at of the wiek for Texu to visit Mr, Suwyur' parent, Hohert Wilson and John I-cwth-waltii left Monday to camp and flnli for two week near Toledo. Watson Hoh of Drain I In Oregon City and I no well plumed with the town lie will stay two mouth. Mr. und Mr. 8. F. Scripture will go to the mountain near Sundy next week for their Hummer vacation. Churle Ilenttln of Tacoma came Friday evening foe a vllt with hi relative the family of C. Schuehel. William Storm of Itedland spent Saturday In thl city. He ha Just purrhuxed a fine horao and buggy. Mr. and Mr. Harry Du I'uy are upending the umnnr here with Mr. Du I'uy' parent, Mr. and Mr. J. R. Ownhi'y, Mr. E. J. Simmon will go In alMiut two week to Ilelgrade. Mont., to visit her sister and attend the wedding of a niece. P. J. Ltitx ha been suffering for a week with an abces In hi head. Karl I.utx, who has been 111 for two weeks, I slowly Improving. Joe It. Eustoti, of Portland, who ha been visiting thl week In Oregon !"'. went to the Ogle mine for two weeks' outing, Tuesday. Mr. Acheson of San Francisco, who ha been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. J. Morelnnd. left Monday with Port land friend for a visit In Seattle. Mr. nnd Mr. Ed Howard and daugh ter llerthena and Mis Lizzie I-wls ,.f In Cl,,.-.lr... TI..1 ' x - hitter tiwiU the car here for Portland. Iul Hull of the Oswald & Hull furniture, factory, and Bert Ronke left Saturday afternoon for several days' hunting ami finking vacation on Clear creek. Judge Mclirldo returned from Sa lem Mondtiy night for a one day ses sion In the courts here. He goes from here to the beach for his Rum mer vacation. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gilbert Ward of St. Johns were In town Saturday on bus iness. They have sold their resilience on Fourteenth Rtreot occupied by A. M. Slnnott, to Will Smith. Miss Mnrv Mitchell, who Is eniov- I lug a vacation nt Sandy, Is visiting-In 'Oregon City for a few days, She will go wuu a puny irom Minuy next week to Mt. Hood, camping. Miss Florence Clark of Puluth, Minn., nnd Miss Margaret Iadtch of Saginaw, Mich., were gnents of Miss Kvu L. Moulton, Sunday. They spent a delightful day on the Tualatin. At a meting of the St. John's Young Poonlo's club held Monday night, It was decelded that the club niljourn till October 7. The members nre planning to give n Halloween party In the hall of the as yet un completed McLoughlln Institute. A number of names were received for membership. Russell Mcllarguo, 17 years old, whoso homo was In Brownsville, had bis neck broken In a'frlendly wrestl ing match, Friday night. The acci dent occurred nt the George Under man ranch north of Corvallla, and the Gazette says: Tho threshing machine had broken down nnd members of the crew amused themselves ns best they could. As Is usual with young boys, some engaged In wrestling, nnd of theso young Mcllargue was one, No one will ever know just exactly how It happened, but la some manner the lad was thrown by his mate, sustain ing what Is commonly called a broken nock, He was paralyzed from the shouldora down but retained his sense until death claimed, him at midnight. A, FlMko of Wllholt np.'iit Tuesday In Oregon City, MIhh Noiuh t f u ti 1 ftin la Hpendlrijf her following petition to the County Court vacation Ht Seaside, jof CliirluiiniM County. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 4th day of Septein V. A. Shaver of Molnllu p-nt Wed- tor, l!i7, for a license to Will splr ncMdny In Oregon City, toim, mult, and vinous Ibpiors, In less loiiaiiiltli'H thiin one icallon. at a saloon William Htono of mono" transacted I , hiinlni'HH In thin eliy Wednesday. MIh MmkkIu WIlldriKon ha re turned from an outline at Seaalde. MIhh SV-lla Cnm came home Wed- nedity from a four dnya' tay at Wll holt Spring. The family of Steve Cireen are campliiK on the hiinh of the Clucka- mini river. Carl P. Nohren left Wedneday morning for a two week' nojourn at Iiiik Hcacli, Wali. MIh Helen Daulton I a HtenrK rupher In the Crown C'olumhla Paper company office. JudKe T. A. Mclirldo and family left Wednenday for Toledo to ho gone until September 1. Mis Pearl Wood who I conduct- liiK a millinery htoro at Mc.Mlnnvllle, wa In town, Wednesday. ' Mr. C. E. Myer and daughter of Mt. Pleaant returned Saturday from a iwo weeks' outing at Newport. Mis Clara HuchfRKer of the Coun- ty necord-T1 ofllce force, I enjoying a two weeks' vacation at Seavlew. Mis Clara Zuinwalt and cousin, MU Nellie Anlbal of Pendleton, are visiting MIhh Hose Mulvany at Mullno. Mr. A. Goldsmith went to Eugene, Tuesday, to Ih11 for uPveral week with her noil, J. Goldsmith, and fam ily. W. E. Pntton, J. It. Euston and Will Wilson caught fifty-three fish In the Willamette river In three hours time Monday. The MUse Bertha. Cella and Zlda Goldsmith will leave Thursday even ing for a six week trip to New York and other eastern cities. Judge T. F. Ryan returned Monday nluht from Summit on Mount Hood. He wa there on a business trip. I Summit House I two miles beyond t j i.uil't-i,, viui'i" im urn s in lunu. Roy Kelley, who was graduated from the University of Oregon In June, U working on the Morning Astorlan, holding down the double stunt of telegraph-editor and marine rexrter. Mr. Kelly worked on the i I ' Sr the flHt ft.w ,layl, ()f lt8 ex!st. ence, leaving to return to school at Eugene. He Is nn easy writer and knows good newspaper stories when In sees them. MUST PAY ALIMONY In a caurt order entered Tuesday by Judge Meltride, one Thomas K. Jones I cited to appear in court on or before September 14. and show cause why he should not be punished for contempt. It seems In a divorce suit brought against him by Louise Jones, lie was ordered to pay Into the ' ... tti-t fir.,, !!.., ...... ...! T1.......U having Ignored the order will now feel the weight of Judge McBrlde's displeasure. Albert E. Kessler Is given a di vorce from Eva Kesler. Maude Cobb from C. Cobb, and W. P. Itlhoin from Corda Rlhorn. The last named de fendant Is allowed to resume her maiden name, Corda Ware. The following orders have been entered:- May Robhlns vs. W. Madison. Sale confirmed and deed ordered. Jennette Anna Tyner vs. William Paul Tyner. Default entered. Lydla D. Barbour vs. O. L. Barbour. Defendant ordered to pay $75 counsel fees. Henry Fleckenstein & Co. vs. F. E. Pdng. Judgment by default. To Close Barton Saloon. Suit has been entered by Flecken stein, Mayer company ngaiust Anna Corrlgan nnd J. Conigan, her hus band, for a balance of $5:11.25, alleged to be due on a bill of goods. The de fendant Is owner of the saloon at Barton. An attachment was Issued and Deputy Sheriff David Cauflcld went over to Barton Wednesday after noon to close the place. The license for the saloon was renewed for G months by the circuit court, Wednes day morning. Frank Greco has brought suit against Estella Llllle Gilbert, an in sane person, and Dollle Llllle Gilbert, a minor, by their guardian ad litem, R. W. Gilbert, to quiet, title to a 10 acre tract of land In township 2 s, range 2 e. Money transferred by Postal Tele graph. ' W-S tf NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. The iiiiiI' kIkii('1 will present ' the Htfll),( ,(1 CflH(.i((, ,ir(.cIr)(;t) Caek- ifliniiH County, Oregon, for a period of 'one year. In thj County Court of the State of , Oregon, for the County of Clnckama. In the mutter of the petition of Ca P"r Junker for a petition for liquor lleetiHf!, To the County Court of the above named County and Slate: Your peti tioner would renpeetfuliy rcpreent that they are IckhI voter In Cancade Precinct In the above named County and State and actual resident there of. That they would respectfully re quet that you grant a Ilcene to Ca-ix-r Junker authorizing and permlt tliiB him to acll oplrltouM, malt and vlnou liquor In a a!oon located at what I known a Sandy In ald pre cinct. And your petitioner will ever pray. Dated thl July 12th, 1907. Joe IlrlKK. J. N. Orr. II. 0. Woolen. Ed Miller. Herman Fischer. H. W. Larson. S. E. New. 'H. Roenstedt. Jhn Miller. J, C. Loundrlc. Ed. 8uckow. Geo, A. Wolf. Paul Dunn. Herman Rldder- busch. Wlllard BoRhohn. Martin Mlkkelson. Gottlieb Muller. J. D. DeShazer. M. C. Donahue. J. F. Amend. M. Kllgel. E - w- Glllam. Jullu Wendlami. G. Hauglum. Albert Hell. Henry IlldderbuschWm. Waesne. Jr. J. M. Kehre. T. G. Jonsrud. E. S. Payn J. II Molar. A. Molar. Fred Ke I seeker. John Waespe. R. A. Wendland. G. W. Beers. Theo. Koenneke. John Busholm. Chas. Sharnke. F. W. Alt. Henry Kelsecker. O. H. Wewer. John Strauss. John Gibbons. J. R. Maronay. Chas. Krebs. O. Relm. C. Hoott. Geo. Meyer. Perry Kltzmillcr. t'lrlch Trubel. IG. C. Maronay. P. R. Melnlg. B. Kllgel. W. Alien. Geo. M. Dlckerson. Henry Ridderbusch TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice Is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Clackamas County will hold the regular exaral county papers at uregon t ity, as roi It lows: For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August 14, 1907, at 9 o'clock a. m., and con- i,lnuln un,iI Saturday. August 17. at 1,1 '" weunesuay renmansnip, nisiory, spelling, physical geography, reading, psychology. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, composition, algebra. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, igeneral history, English literature. school law. For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August 14, 1907. at 9 o'clock a. m., and con tinuing until Friday, August 1G, at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, I... j Thursday Written arithmetic, 'theory of teaching, grammar, physiol- ogy- Friday Geography, school law, civil government. Yours truly, J. C. ZINSER, Ut2 Supt. of Schools. STRAY HORSE. White horse, shod all around, brand ed on both shoulders with T, weighs about 1.200; can be seen at my ranch at Colton. C. E. GORBETT, The Star Press print shop turns out the best work at right prices. Get es timates here on your printing. Summer cougns ami coius yield at once to Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup, contains honey and tar but no opiates. Children like It. Its laxative qualities recommend it to mothers. Hoarse ness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Keep It on hand. Sold by Huntley Bros. Eczema. For tho go ivl of those suffering wltb eczema or otaer such trouble, I wlsn to say, my wife had something of that kind and after using the doc tors' remedies for some time conclud ed to try Chamberlain's Salve, and it proved to be better than anything sne had tried. For sale by Howell Jones. FOR SALE. New Thomas hay tedder, nearly new binder, Deerlng mower, and Southwlck hay baler In good repair. This machinery has all the latest Im provements and is the best of Its YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED - with us will be a working asset, good to keep and tohave for an emergency or op portunity Wise is the man who has his capital, no matter how small, deposited where it is at work earning more capital. The Bank of Oregon City areful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. 0 0 Phones, Office 1121, Residence clan. Owing to other business, will sell reasonably. Also Percheron horse for sale. Act promptly if you want a bargain. Can be seen on my farm near Clackamas Station, Or. C. F. CLARKE. Origin of Rubber. Long before Charles Macintosh be gan to make his waterproofs, In 1823, the natives of Quito were using the rubber for the same purpose, as well an for boots and bottles, and many other things. But the new and mys terious material had a hard struggle for popularity In England. Dr. Priest ley probably did more than anybody else to make Its novel qualities known, for In 1770 he popularized It forever You Save Money Be a Satisfied Customer; Save Money fcy Baying Our Bargains PAINTS TENTS! STOVES! STOOLS! Full and complete line cf Tents, suitab'e for hep-picking purposes; Camp Stoves and Camp Stoo.'s, Campers Sup plies cf all kinds. roa ) ' ( IHIS TUD-,IR- J I. TOLPOLAR Main St. Opp. Postoffice Oregon City, Oregon 1833 525 Main Street by showing schoolchildren how It could be made to efface pencil-marks. Hence, of course, comes "india-rubber." STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau lic Rams a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. by Dealing with Us Full assortment of colors and tints of the best Paint made.