OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. AUGUST 2, 1907. C areful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office II2I, Residence IS33 525 Main Street I I OGLE MINE CAMP LIFE Young Girl Writes Splendid Descriptive Letter of Journey to Mountains STATEMENT BY SHERIFF hi one of the saloons lie saw, a youns fanner playing the machine until he lost his last cent, and was given the laugh by the proprietor.. QUANTITIES OF BERRIES Mr. Beatie Sends Replies to Letters From Four Church Committees Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy, Better Than Three Doctor. "Three years at;o we had three doctors with our little boy and every thing that they could do seamed in vain. At last when nil hope seemed to be pone we began using" Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a few hours ho began to improve. Today he is as health;' a child as parents could wish for." Mrs. B. J. Johnston, Linton, Miss. For sale by Howell and Jones. Beautle of Trail Told In Graphic Lan guage Only Few Men Are Working at Mine Now. N. 1., and l.ulu Klrehoin spent Hun day nt CuiTinsvlllo, guests of the. Misses Stclniuun. Mrs. Agnes Salisbury of Portland visited with the family of M. 11. Kolb holt lust week. Warmers hero are about through haying: now, and aw cutting their grain. Miss Mary) Swales will be homo next week and Miss Klslo Kallort goes to take her place. The "hello" call Is hoard here now from Kstitcudn, the Clear Creek Mu tual having exchange with the other new. company or Farmers' Mutual of ; I'urrlnsvllle, C.nrtlcld and Kstitendit. I This Is as It should be so (hat people loan talk to any part of their homo ! county. Wo are Informed Mrs. II. Hahler I will go to the Seaside soon for her ! health. YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED with us will be a working asset, good to keep and tohavc for an emergency or op portunity Wise Is the man who has his capital, no matter how small, deposited where it is at wrk earning more capital. The Bank of Oregon City In reply to the four letters received by Sheriff Beatie, Tuesday, from four Oregon City churches relative to clos ing the Milwaukie Country club, he sent to each the following answer, Wednesday: GenUeraen: Yoiir favor In regard to the Milwaukie Country club at hand. In reply will say that I have made a determined effort to get evi dence to prove a case in the courts against the place to which you refer, j but so far have been unable to do so. If you have evidence In your pos session which will warrant an arrest nlonsp nut m In nnKPKslon of it at j ou!g your earliest convenience and I will act forthwith. I would be pleased to talk over the situation at Milwaukie with any one you may select and hear any suggestions they may have to make relative to this matter. Very respectfully, R. B. BEATIE. Evidence Is the one thing hardest to get about this club and it Is neces sary to make effective any move to close it by the county. The town of Milwaukie could close it quickly enough under its police powers, but the authorities down there don't seem i anxious to do so. The club has run unmolested about two years HOPS CONTRACTED The following Is a descriptive let ter of a trip to the Oglo Mountain mines, written by Grace to her mother, Mrs. G. W. Grace. It also gives a picture of the mine camp surroundings that will bo of much interest; Ogle Mountain Mines, July 24 Dear Mamma: We arrived safely at the mines last night at about 7 o'clock. It is fine out here and I'm having n good time all ready. For an Impaired Appetite. To It' prove i!u npprilte an I strengthen t! digestion try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and l.lver Tablets. Mr. .1. II. Sell., of lo trolt. Mich., says: "They relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a ..I I .....I......, ....... ........ I Miss Florence i i'"'" " ".. . ,oi I no uowi is. i i in j .. t i Samples free. Howell & Jones. ASSESSED VALUATION INCREASED $ 1 ,500,000 I SUNNYSIDE AND The assessed valuation of t'lacka- Increase, valuation of thut lit $ 107,1 '8. mas county will be Increased $l,Mm,- i Collins' agent was here a tdiort tlmo ooo over last year," mild Assessor ' ago with a complaint they wero ROCK CREEK NEWS .' F. Nelson, Wednesday. Mr. assessed on too much land. Their Nelson cannot give I ho exact figure list of holding was compared to Mr. "of the totals for the books will not Nelson's list and a difference of ,Ci Creek, July be completed for some lime yet. n 01 an acre was iouiki, inn ageiu nl- In securing depu- milled the asnenHor tool tho matter their Coming In the scenery Mas bcautl- rOK AT J5C POUND j 1111 Allnousn not as;lmlf through. Reed bad as I expected they were too rough Mr oa u Saturday Three hop contracts were filed In Recorder Ramsby's office Wednesday, all three calling for 15 cents a pound and contracted to Ed C. Herren of Aurora. H. A. and Samuel W. Wolfer of one mile south of Needy are to deliver 40 bales from their field of 12 acres; B. of lVj miles south of Macks 5000 pounds from his field of 7 acres, and William Brush of Macks burg. 40 bales from his field of 10 acres. Sunnyslde and Hock :il-Maying still In vogue; some have has hud difficulty ..... 2 !.... ,1.1.1 ........ u.t.l Ih.i M-.tlf uf.iit... liri.ttv fitn-m-f hay in wntio outers nre inn " " " "' - , ' baled hay for ,hai backward on mat account, im The Increased valuation of 11,6(10,. board of equalization will probably imn will return at the same tax rato to ride down and up tho hills. "Uxik- j Henry Collins has been visiting nt !""t assemble until October HAD AN AWFUL TIME. But Chamberlain's Colic,. Cholera ,md Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him. It Is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a severe case of measles I got caught out In a hard rain and the measles settled In my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have possibly lived but a few hours longer. I but thanks to this remedy I am now for strong and well. I have written the The Portland police 'above through simple gratitude and 1 raided it once, evidences of gambling were seized and the proprietors ar rested, but the courts decided the Portland authorities had no jurisdic tion and dismissed the cases. B. Lee Paget, a Portland banker, residing at Oak Grove, wrote to Dis trict Attorney Hedges on June 26, ex pressing his appreciation of the saloon closing order at Oregon City and Milwaukie and referred to the club as follows:VIn this connection allow shall always speak a good word for this remedy. Sam H. Gwln, Oiceord, Ga. For sale by Howell & Jonex NEEDY BALL CLUB TO GIVE SOCIAL Needy, July 31 Ray Fish and Laura Kocher were at New Era, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Wingfleld of Wllholt visited friends here Sunday. Farmers are busy cutting grain and preparing for threshing. Dave Yoder visited at Sunnyside, Sunday. Misses Alice and Grace Ritter spent Wednesday at Butteville, visiting their brother Percy. Ted Wolfer of Gribble Prairie call- me to say that my daily passing the notorious gambling institution known as the Milwaukie Club has often sug gested to me the question of what Steps could be taken to abolish it. "If there is any way In which I could co-operae with this end in view, please let me hear from you and oblige." In an interview in a Portland paper ed on friends here, Sunday. Mr. Paget made severe strictures on ' Mr- and Mrs. Charles Noblitt at District Attorney Hedges for not en-, tended New Era campmeeting, Sun forcing the law. He says the club is .day doing a big business. He asserts' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rue left for that large numbers of people patron-'their home in Washington, Sunday ize the place, and that streetcar traffic . morning. to and from the house Is heavy. Heed-1 In Wolfer made a business trip ing the protests of many, he says, the Aurora, Saturday, officials of the railway line have re-' 0ur baseball nine, with the aid of cently changed the name of the sta- ltle irls ln the neighborhood, will tion from the Milwaukie Club to Cre-'ive an ice cream social in Odd Fel ole, which, he thinks, is a big change : lows' hall, Saturday night, August 3, for the better. . the proceeds to go for uniforms for i the members of the nine. SLOT MACHINES. ! An Oregon City man who has been employed on special police duties over the county, said Tuesday that slot ! machines played for money are oper- out Mountain" was tho prettiest sight ;( :.,,..,., n..,n-.i..rra f.ir few ,ivm on the road. From the hill beyond as I v..,.. . ,.ni.nced tho we looked back, it was a solid nioun- jointly sl.le ehool. has moved into tain of trees, one row tiering above ;Fnink 0tf ,imls Iu,xt to the store the other until it looked a regular ' m 8(-ems quite comfortable, mowed lawn going up In the air for Jiln u,.( ),J4(j another sick spell three miles. , othor uay. There were lots of berries long j Mrs. J. Davis hns been quite poorly tho road, salmon berries, thimble ber-nK.ljnj but nm R!ail t0 n,.ar H sum0 ries, blackberries, sallal berries ln!i,Mt,- Alec Hunter Is doing a little more work on his house. Mr. anil Mrs. George IVardorff, Mr. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hubbard ami children attended the campmeetliiK last Sunday and reported a fine meet ing. The dance at Hllleary'a hall Satur day night was well attended and en Joyed by all. Mr. Stoll's aro cutting grain now and are very busy. Mrs. George Deardorff had the mis fortune to fall and hurt her foot quite badly last week but Is so as to bo around. quantities. There were huckleber ries too, but the majority of them are not ripe yet. May Is making black berry pies for dinner. We have ev erything to eat out here. There are acres of mountain laurel, and although It is not in bloom now it makes a very pretty sight the leaves are such a shiny green. May is dandy company. We walked, about ten miles altogether and rode on the pack horses part of the time. We were up so high on the packs that we imagined we were riding camels. There were numerous kinds of flowers and ferns on the way and the size of the trees Is enormous. The fungi grew on the trees all the way along and we saw traces of bears once or twice. I am all right out here and you needn't be worried because it Is as safe as day. We have not been up to the upper cabin yet nor to the mines. The mill is not running now and they are not working the mines today. All the men are felling trees and splitting wood for the mill. There are six or seven buildings down here and three or four on the hill. The hill Is about a thousand feet above the lower camps and the mines. It is almost perpendicular. We have Just been down to the mill and the machinery Is great, and the building is quite large. The men have Just sawed down a large tree Dover, July 31 Dr. Rowlands will and it sounds like a thunderbolt as hold the fourth quarterly meeting at it crashes to the ground. The cabins the Dover church Aug. 10. Ho will are of good size and very comfortable, preach at 8 o'clock In the evening and Riling From the Crave. A prominent manufacturer, W'n. A. Fertwell, of Lucama, N. C, reTtc a most remarkable oxi.erlenro. IIcshvh. "After taking less than three bottle of Electric Hitters, I feel like one ris ing from the grave. My tro-ihls It Brlght's Disease, in the Dr.bcte.i stage. I fully be'ieve Electric; Hit ters will cure me permanently, for It has already Moppei' the liver and bladder cotnpllcatnns whle'.i have troubled me for yei;s" Ginnn'O' d at Howell & Joe as , druggists, i rice only 50c. QUARTERLY MEETING AT DOVER diURCH Uncle John Is well and working hard as there are only four men out here now. Well, I must quit and help get din ner as it will son be 12. Will be home in about six weeks. With heaps of love to all, I am, Your daughter, FLORENCE GRACE. P. 8. Send me a pair of overalls in by I'ncle Alley the 1st. Neighbors Got Fooled. "I was literally coughing myself to A Valuable Lesson. 'Six years ago I learned a valuable lesson," writes iohn Pleasau', ol Magnolia, ind. "I tcin began taking iDr. King's New Life Pills, ail (he ated openly in defiance of law in four '"ngr I take then the better I find icure saloons in Clackamas county Wil sonville, Canby, Boring and Sandy. I them." They please everybody. Guar- ynteed at Howell iz, .(ones', dr;r;.,i-,:8 23 cents. death and bad leave rny nea; and neighbors pre dicted that I would never leave it alive; but they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was Induced to trv Dr. King's New Discovery. It took iist four one dollar bottles to corTt'etcry the cough an i ' estore nie to also Sunday morning at 10:30, Au gust 11. A. J. Morrison and daughter Leah drove to Portland Saturday night. Miss I,eah will spend two weeks with her grandmother. Grandma DeShaz'er Is quite poorly of late. The supervisor will finish the road work in this neighborhood tills week. The directors have not secured a teacher for the Dover school yet. The many friends of Miss Grace Wolf gave her a pleasant surprise become too w.;aK to party Wednesday evening of last week. Fred Vale and sisters of Portland are camping for a few days at "Rocky Scrabble." Lee Cooler Is home from Portland for his vacation. J. W. Exon cut grain for Mr. Wolf Monday. Capt. Branson went to Sandy Mon day to consult Dr. McAlnoy. The doctor advised perfect rest for sev- good sound health," writes M";i Eva Uncapher, of Gioveriown, Stark omi- ;ty, Ind. This King .if cough and odd ! cures, and healer of .moat and luntfs, jis guaranteed by Howell k Jones, 0 I druggists. 50c and $1 00. Tr'al bot tle free. AT $35.00 PER ACRE 404 Acres 100 acres in cultivation, 20 acres hops largo fine dwell ing. Hop houses, barn, other out-buildings, good well, running water; 25 acresof this is fine balm timber; good orchard; mile froni depot. This place would cut up nicely. All fine level land. 100 Acres 50 acres In cultivation; 20 acres hops. Few acres good timber; hop house, cost $1000. Good 4-room house, barn. , Good well and running water. $5000. 200 acres CO in cultivation; no buildings. $12 per acre. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. 606 MAIN STREET ORECON CITY, ORE. LOGANITES HAVE 'PHONE NEIGHBORS Logan, July 31 This Is the time of year when people think of cool moun tain shades, (seaside breezes or coun try cousins. J. Strom is seriously ill with pneu monia. Dr. Norris and son are at tending him. I Miss Gill is staying a few days with 'her sister' Mrs. S. N. Barrett of Rid j land, whose infant has whooping i cough. I T. E. Anderson, Miss Nlta Gerber, The Increase Is oij corporations mid timber lands, The Increase on the Southern Purifies Is $nu,(MM) and about the same on the. O. W. P. The total lurreaso on corporation will be close to three-quarters, of a million dollars. The valuation of timber lauds Is doubled. Last year they were assess ed nt $!; this year $12. as last year an additional revenuti of $27,(tiitt, enough la pay the entlro debt of Hie county without taking a ce!ii from Individual taxpayers. No part of the Increase is on fnrmlnic laud, Mr. Nelson Ji.stly believing It Is assessed high enough. When Mr, Nelson entered ofllco live yearn ago the H P. was assessed nt $:i,r.ou per mile; this year at The Southern Pacific owns In round $1'.i,oihi per mile. Five yeum ago (ho numbers ST.mu) acres of land In this o. w, P. was assessed nt $H00 mile; county, of which SO.OoO is timber. The now at $l2,0(i(t u mile. Inrreaso on that company's holdings , The total valuation of the county ilon amounts to $300,000. this year will bo close to $i:i,000,000. Weyerhaeuser, the lumber king, This great total will be doubled next owns 19,220 acres, and his Increase Is year when nsncKsment must be mado $lll.roo. on rush value according to tlm law T. D. and E. 8. Collins own 17,fi!3. passed by tho last legislature. QET IT FOR HER 1 ELECTRIC FLAT-IRON FREE: "ON 30 DAYS TRIAL 8ave Her Time Save Her Health Save Her Weary Slept Save Your Money Save Your Clothe Save Her Temper Save Her Complexion eral months. Remedy for Diarrhoea. Never Known to Fall. "I want to say a few words for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DI a'rhoea Remedy. I have uscl Ibis ;ir paration In my family for tho pu-t five years and have recommended If to a number of people In York county f-.nd have never known It to fail to effect a cure in any instance. I feel that I cun not say too much for the best remedy of the kind In the world." S. Jemlson, Spring Gron, York county, Pa. This remedy Is for stile by Howell & Jones. Mrs. Chris liliihm, who has been ill all summer at her home on Mo lalla avenue, is not Improving and is In a very critical condition. 0a Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, absolutely free of charge CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT t POWER COMPANY C. G. Miller, Agent, Oregon City, Ore. Gentlemen You may deliver to mo one Electric Plat Iron, which I agree to try, and If unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 30 duys from date of delivery, If I do not return It at that time you may chnrgo sarno to my account'at $1.00. It Is understood that no charge will bo made for the Iron If 1 return It within 30 dajt. Name 7' Address DEPT. 0. C. ITHE THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL OFFER APPLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT.