Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 02, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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In t ho Circuit Court of tlm Stittn of
Oregon, fur Clackiiiiiaw county,
i'utherlno Moore, riiilndff,
JlWOpIl It, MOOI'H )l'fliltllllt,
'( Joseph II. Moore, -'Defendant,
above limned: In (ho miiiin of Mid
Hint" of (rKm you urn required to
appear iiml iiiiswcr dm complaint
filed against you In tlin abovo ctillll
m1 court and ciiumo, on or before diet
K'th ilay of August, 1907, that be
ing 1 In ttuto fixed by tho court for
mucU nu appearance or answer lit
and by tlio order of dm court for
publication of KiiiiuiKiiiH unci If you
fall mo to appear ft ml answer thu
Plultitlff will upply t dm court for
tho relief prayed for In her com
plaint, to wlt: for a decree dissolving
thn niurtlitgo contrnct now existing
betweeen tho plaintiff and defendant
mul to allow h"r thn earn ami ens
toily of dm chlhl, Holm Mooro, aged
In dm County Court, of tlm Kluto of
Oregon, for dm County of Clacka
mas. In dm hinder of tlm Kstuto of N. O.
Wiililen, deceased.
1'iii'Hiiitiil to an order duly triad" and
tillered In dm abovo entitled court,
in dm unit lee of tint estuto of N. O,
Valilen, leeeiipcd, on tlm 2l day of
July, 1007, dm undersigned, surviving
executor of dm estnto of N, (), Wal
den, decease.;, will on Saturday, tho
third day of August, 1907, ut .tlm
1 our of ten o'clock lit dm forenoon of
Miild day, ut tlm front door of tho
court house of CluckuuiiiH county, In
Crcgon City Oregon, offer for snlo !
ana sell ut public auction to tlm high-
REAL Chief of Police Bala of Real Property
for the Satisfaction of Delin
quent City Llene,
Ktaln of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
City of Oregon City, ss.
niira from July 18, 1903.
Juno 23, 190,1, Sarah J. Hendor
non, Sower " District No. 3
Assessment. 1t 4, block
' 100, Oregon City ,,...$ 41 73
With Intercut at (J per cent per an-
liy virtue) of a warrant duly bisuod jniim fr0, jy 1t vm.
by the Recorder of Oregon City to
iiim directed and dated tho 2'ith day of
Juno, 1907, commanding mo to forth
with levy upon tho several lots, tracts,
blocks rtr parts thereof hereinafter
described, and to noil tho same In the
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Mender
non, Sewer District No. 3
AHeMHrn nt, IM 5, block
100, Oregon City f 44 73
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903,
manner provided by law, to satisfy , Juno 23 1903, Sarah J. Hon-
imflriiiatioii by tho ahovo etidtlod
court all ii' the following described
real Properly belonging to tho estate
4 yearn, and for such other relief uM,f , Htt(, N () Wu)lll,ni deceitHod.
in lint i ntft nmv uitttt rti rtt hiiii 1
iHt. This summons U to bo pub
Hahed In tho Oregon City Enterprise
for not b'a than onto a week for
lx consecutive week i4, prior to said
day of August, J9o7. liy order of
tho llonorablo Thomas A. Mcllrhle,
Judgo of Hald court, mndo and entered
on thin 26th day of Juno, 1907. First
pub) lent Ion Juno 27. 1907; last Inset
f ton AugUHt 10, 1907.
29 t7 Attorney for IMalntlff.
tho amount of tho several unpaid
iiHMeHHmentH against each parcel of
dm said real property ttH liondnaftor
net forth, together with Interest at
dm rato of Mix per centum per annum
from tho date not after oach of said
Tho dato of docketing Hen, tho
ei-t bidder, for cash, and subject tT nam0 of ,ho owner or reputed owner,
jtho object of tho BBHettHtnent, tho
deMcrlptlon of the property levied up
on, tho amount of lien and dato from
which Intoroat on such amount of
lien ahall bo computed and collected,
being an follow:
May 4, 1K52, Mm. K, L. Now
ton, Seventh Street Improve
tnent. It 1 and 2, block
142, Oregon City $ 24 90
With IntorcMt at 6 per cent per an
num from AiiL'iiKt 2.1. 190C.
Hanterly and at right angle, to tho j ? mo Wm j ,UuKh
....II tir. . .. I ..9 M .
1. A pm rtf Lot 7 of Hlock 28 In
Origott ('If, CiackamitH (bounty, Htat
of Oregon, deitcrlbod an follown:
Ileglnnlng at tho aonthwcHterly cor
ner of tho aald Ixit No, 7; thenco In a
Northerly direction and following tho
Wcnterly Htm thereof 33 feet; thenco
In tho Circuit Court of thn Btatw of
Oregon for Clackainiw County.
Marlbel llentley Helnler, I'lnlntlff.
Kdnmnd Itelxter, Defendant.
Tn Kdtuond ItelHter, tho almvo
tiatiwd defendant: ,
In the nitnto of tho Stato of Oregon
you are hereby required to apiear and
nitHwer a cottiilalnt fded agalnat you
In the ahovo entitled court Bnd cbiiko
on or before tlm 19th day of Augimt,
1907, that being tho laMt day pre
acrlbed In tho order of publication or
dering dil Kummoiia, and If you fall
to appear and anitwer aabl complaint,
tho plaintiff will apply to tho court
for the relief pray.! for 111 tho com
plaint filed In tho above entitled
court and cauxe, to-wtt: for a decree
xuld Weatorly lioundary lino ot aald
I-ot 7, and parallel to dm aldn llnea
1 hereof, 105 feet; thenco at right art
glen and parallel with Main Street 33
feet to Hottdierly lino of aald lot 7;
thence at right angled aud following
tho south lino of auld I)t 7 to tho
aldewalk Improvement. Jt
4 and northwesterly 25 foot
of lot 3 In hlock 1 of Fair
view -addition to Oregon
City I 10 00
With interest at C per cent per an
fitin from August 25, 1900.
p.acn ot 0eB1,g. ;0(,t j, 19()0( Mary F Cr0))Hj
z. All uiiuiviuix nan inioreifi in
Iits Nos, 3, 4 and 3 In James Chase'
l subdivision of Hlock "1" of l'ark-
plit(H) In ("lackain'as County, Oregon.
3. An undivided half Interest In a
tract of land In Clackamas County,
Htalo of Oregon,, described as fol
Ileglnnlng at tho Northwest corner
of the Jamea Wlnxton P. L. C. In tho
Southwest quarter of Section 21.
Townnhlp 2 Bouth of Rango 2 Kast
of Willamette Meridian; running
thenco Kast on said claim Hue 20.32
chains more or lesg to tho County
mad at tho top of tho bluff; thenco
following tho meandurlUKS of said
road In a South woatcrly direction to
dlHKolvltig the bond of matrimony ni,.rHertlon of tho James Winston
heretofore nnd now existing between flni, (;m,rgn Abernetby D. L. C;
you nnd the plaintiff, upon the
ground of willful deaertlon.
This summons Is published In thn
Oregon City Knterprlso for six sue
ceslve and consecutive wocka by o
dT of llonorablo Thomas A. Mcllrlde,
Judge of the above entitled court,
made and entered on the 20th clay of
Juno, 1907. tho first publication being
on tho 5th day of July, 1907, and tho
last publication being on tho ICth day
Of August, 1907.
30t7 AtttVney for tho Plaintiff.
Notice of RcMtoratlon of Public ljtnds
to Settlement and Kntry. Depart
ment of tho Interior, General Ijind
OITlco. Washington, I). C. May 11,
1907. Nottco Is hereby given that tho
vacant public lands In tho following
described areas, temporarily with
drawn for proponed additions to tho
Cascado National Forent, Oregon, on
October 20, and December 10, 1905.
and January 18, 1900, and not other
wlao withdrawn, reserved, or appro
priated, will by authority of tho Sec
retary of tho Interior bo restored to
tho public domain on July 27. 1907,
and become subject to settlement on
and after that dato, but not to entry,
filing or selection until on and after
August 20, 1907, under tho usual re
strict Ions, at tho United States Land
OKIc at Portland, Oregon: In Town
ship four (4), Itango five (5), Sections
four (4) and six (0) In Township two
(2) . Itango Hlx (C), Sections fourteen
(14) to twenty-six (20), both Inclu
slvo, tho north hnlf of Sections twenty-nine
(29), thlrty-fmir (34), thirty
flvo (35) and thirty-six (30); In Town
ship two (2), Hango nevon (7), Sec
tions twenty-seven (27), twonty-el(;ht
(28), the south half of Section twenty
nlno (29), all Sections thirty (3).
thlrty-ono (31), thirty-two (32) and
thirty three (33); In Township three
(3) , Itango seven (7), Sections four
(4) , flvo (5), thn north half and south
west quarter of Section six (C), tho
north half of Section eight (8), and all
Section nlno (9); all South and Kast,
Wllhiinetto Meridian, Oregon. Warn
ing Is hereby oxprossly glvtui that no
person will bo permitted to gain or
txerclH any right whatever under any
aett lenient or occupation begun prior
to July 27, 1907, and all such settle
ment or occupation Is hereby forbid
Approved: TIIOS. KYAN,
Acting Secretary of tho Intorlor.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the matter of the Estate of Frod
Waeapo, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
, executrix of the last will anil testa
ment of Frod Waespe, doceaaed, and
all persons having claims against the
nald estate must present thorn to the
undersigned duly verified within bIx
months from the date ot this notice.
Datod July 10th, 1907.
ROSA WAESPE, Executrix,
t Sandy, Oregon.
JT. O. JONSHRUD, Attorney for Exec
thence south CO degrees 43 minutes 1
Wi.ut fitltriwlno' anl.1 j-lnlm linn in fha f -
Southwest corner of the James Win
ston" D, L, C; thenco North on aald
claim line to the Northwest corner
thereof, being Wto place of beginning
and containing 14 acres more or less.
Kxocutors of the Estate of N. O. Wal-
den. Deceased.
sidewalk Improvement. Part
of lot 2 In block 24 of Ore
gon City described as fol
lows: Ileglnnlng at th!
south went corner of said lot;
running thence along the al
ley toward Main street In a
northerly direction 70 feet;
thenco in an easterly direc
tion 33 feet to a stake;
thence In a southerly direc
tion parallel with tho lino
along tho alley 70 feet;
thenco In a westerly direc
tion 33 feet to tho place of
beginning, being ono-thlrd
part of said lot. For Improve
ment of alley In block 24 of
Oregon City $ 15 75
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from August 25, 1900.
dernon, Sewer District No. 3 ,
Assessmont. IM 6, block
100, Oregon City f 02 72
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
Juno 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 7, block
100, Oregon City $ 2 72
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
Juno 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assenaruont,. Lot 3, block
124, Oregon City $ 21 11
With interest at 0 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sower District No. 3
Assessment. IxjI 4, block
121, Oregon City f 49 10
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. It 5, block
121, Oregon City $ 49 10
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 6, block
4 .
The Imported Cerman Coach Stallion
A beautiful bay, 10 hands high
weighs 1515 pounds, splendid coach
action, that was admired so much at
tho I.wIh and Clark Show, where he
stood third In "a class of Coach stal
lions that could not be beaten on
either continent. Pflol won first prize
and championship at the Oregon State
Fair In 1903-4, and Is considered by
good Judges to be the highest class
coach stallion In tho state. His colts
are uniformly gwd, and out of trot
ting bred mares they look like pure
bred coachers, Will make the season
of 1907 as follows; Monday at Hub-bard; Tuesday at J. N. McKay's;
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Oe-rgon fclty. Terms $20 to insure with
foal. J. N. McKAY, Owner, ...
J. D.Ralney, Keeper. R. F. D. No. 1 Woodburn, Oregon.
'.4 - :
V . i
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from October 3, 1903.
Sept. C, 1903, W. W. Myers,
jacKson street improve- i
ment. West half of lot 2, block
159, Oregon City $140 51
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from October 3, 1903.
Sept. 6, 1903, John Welch,
Jackson Street Improve
ment. Lot 7, block 103, of
Oregon City $543 93
With interest at 6 per cent per an
num from October 3, 1903.
Sept. C, 1903, John Welch,
Jackson Street Improve
ment, Lot 8, block 103, of
Oregon City $221 35
With interest at 6 per cent per an
num from October 3, 1903.
Now, therefore, pursuant to such
warrant, I have levied upon each par
cel of the real property above de
scribed for the amount of th respec
tive lien thereon, together with In
terest, as aforesaid, and shall on Sat-
124. Oregon City ..." $ 31 11 urday the 17th dajr,of Aueust' 1907' at
14, 1901, James Dolan
Estate. Sidewalk Improve
ment. I-ot 4 of block 13,
Oregon City $ 2 50
May 2. 1901, Mary Ann Dutch
er, sidewalk Improvement,
It 5, block 144, Oregon
City $ 14 04
With Interest at C per cent per an
num from Aueust 25. 1900.
11KDGES & GRIFFITH. Attorney, j May g m, gtal(n g,d
for Executors. , - . ... .
First publication July 5, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been appointed by tho
County Court of tho State of Oregon
for tho County of Clackamas, admin
istrator of tho estate of Wesley Smith,
deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate aro hereby noti
fied to present the samo duly verified 3 SarRh j Hen
as ny taw required, ai mo omce oi
U'Rfn & Sehuobel within six months
from tlm dato of this notice.
Dated this 19th day of July, 1907.
walk Improvement, lots 5
and C, block 45, County Ad
dition to Oregon City $ 2 53
With interest at 0 per cent per an
num from August 25, 1900.
Sept. 3. 1903. Sarah J. Hender
son, Sidewalk Improvement.
Lot 4. block 124. Oregon
City $ 15 39
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from August 25, 1900.
J son, Sldvalk Improvement,
j lt 5, block 124, Oregon
City $ 15 39
! With Interest at 0 per cent per an-
jnutn from August 25, 1900.
Administrator of tho estate of Wesley j s0,,t. 3, 1903, Sarah J. Hornier-
Hm.tn, deceased. i Km sidewalk Improvement.
U'RIJN & SCHl'BHEL. Attorneys
for Administrator. 32t5
Notlco Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
tho Honorable County Court of Clack
amas County, Stato of Oregon, as ad
ministrator of the estate of L. 0. Carl
son, deceased. All persons having
claims against tho said estate shall
present tho same duly verified to the
administrator either at his residence
In Kelso, Oregon, or to his attorney,
Thos. F. Ryan, at Oregon City, with
in six months from tho date of this
Dated July 12, 1907.
Administrator of Estate of L. G. Carl
son, Deceased.
THOS. F. RYAN, Attorney for Administrator.
Notice Is hereby given that tho; un
dersigned have boon appointed by tho
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas, execu
tors of the estate of Lorenz Hornshuh,
deceased. All persons having claims
agnlnst said estate are horeby noti
fied to present the same duly vere
flod as by law required, at the office
of U'Ren and Schuebel within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 19th day of July, 1907. '
Executors of the estate of Loronz
Hornshuh, deceased.
U'REN & SCHUEBEL, Attorneys for
Executors. 32t5
Lot 4, block 145, Oregon
c"y MS 39inura juIy 18 1903
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903. D. M. Whlt
more, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 1, block
144, Oregon City $ 43 10
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903. Anna Band.
Sewer District No. 3 Assess
ment. Lot 8, block 144, Ore
gon City $ 40 10
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 3, block
145, Oregon City $ 31 11
With interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 4, block
145, Oregon City $ 49 10
With Interest at 6 pr cent per an-
, num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 5, block
143, Oregon City $ 49 10
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18. 1903.
June 23. 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 0, block
145, Oregon City $ 31 U
j With interest at 6 per cent per an-'
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Wm. J. Rauch,
Sewer District No. 3 Assess
ment. Lot 5, block 135, Ore
gon City $ 35 34
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from July IS, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Wm. J. Rauch,
Sewer District No. 3 Assess
ment. Lot 0, block 153,Ore
Kon City $ 5 14
With interest at 0 per cent per an-
noon of said day, at the front door of
the court house of Clackamas county.
In Oregon City, Oregon, offer for sale
and sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder, for cash, and subject to
redemption as provided by law, each
of the several separate parcels of
real property hereinbefore described
or so much of each of said parcels
as may be necessary to satisfy the
amount of tho unpaid lien thereon as
i hereinbefore set forth, together wlth33t7
'Interest on such amount of Hen from
the date set after the description of
each parcel of said real property as
In this notice set forth.
Cheif of Police of Oregon City.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
May L. Hlcklln, Plaintiff,
William T. Aicklln, Defendant.
To William T. Hlcklln, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
In the above named Court, on or bo
fore Friday, September 6th, 1907, the
same being six weeks from the first
publication of this summons, and yqti
will take notice that If you fall to so
appear and answer said complaint,
tho plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded In said com
plaint, to-wit: That the bonds ot
matrimony now existing between you
and plaintiff be dissolved, and that
plaintiff bo given the care, custody,
education and control of their aald
minor child, King Henry Hlcklln.
This summons Is published by the
order of the Hon. G. B. Dlmlck,
Judge of the County Court for Clack
amas County, State of Oregon, in
the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation In
Clackamas County, for six successive
and consecutive weeks, commencing
Friday, July 20th, A. D. 1907, and
continuing to and including, Friday,
September 6th, A D., 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Justice Court, for District No. 13,
State of Oregon, County of Clack
Civil Action for the Recovery of
Bert Hollls, Plaintiff,
C. Robbins, Defendant
:To Bert Hollls, Defendant:
In the Name of the State of Ore-
fv w Mi v tivivtsj ivijuiivu ku ttfcr-
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
Court within six weeks from the date
of the publication of this summons
upon you. And if you fail so to an
swer, fbr want thereof, the plaintiff
will take Judgment against you' for
the sum of Thirteen Dollars and the
costs and disbursements of the within
entitled action.
Given upder my hand this 17th day
of July, 1907. T. G. JONSRUD,
33tG Justice of the Peace
First insertion July 20, 1907.
Last insertion, Sept. 0, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, George W. Derry, admin
istrator of the estate of Chris Timm,
deceased, has filed his final account
as such administrator In the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas County, and that the said
Court'has set Saturday, the 24th day
of August, 1907, at 11 o'clock, a. m.,
and the Court room of said Court, &a
the time and place for the hearing of
objections or exceptions to said final
account and the settlement of said
estate. All persons having objections
to said final account or to the settle
ment of said estate are required to
present the same on or before said
date above mentioned.
Dated July 17th, 1907.
Administrator of the estate of Chris
Tlmm, deceased.
for Administrator. q 32t5
With Interest at 0 per cent per an
num from August 25. 1906.
Sept. 3-, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sidewalk Improvement,
1-ot 5, block 145, Oregon
City $ 15 39
With Interest at G per cent per an
num from August 25, 1900.
Sept. 3. 1903, Thos. A. Me
linite, siuewaiK. improve- ,
ment. lot 1, of block 34,
County Addition to Oregon
City ..." $ 24 38
With Interest at C per cent' per an
num from August 25, 1900.
Sept. 3, 1903, Thos. A. Mc
llrlde, Sldowalk Improve
ment, lot 8, block 34, County
Addition to Oregon Clty...$ 24 3S
With intorest at 6 per cent per an
num from August 25, 190G
Juno 23, 1903, Aaron E. Wait,
Sewer District No. 3 Assess
ment,, lot 1 of block 19, Ore
gon City $ 48 54
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Aaron E. Walt,
Sewer District No. 3 Assess
ment. Lot 2, blk 19, Oregon
City $ 43 10
June 23, 1903, Peter Pecquet
Estate, Sewor District No. 3
Assossmenf. South half of
lot 4, block 48, Oregon Clty.$ 30 31
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender- ,
son, Sower District No. 3
Assessment,. Lot 3, block
100, Oregon City $ C2 72
With Interest at 6 per cent per an-
Sept. 0. 1903, y. W. Myers.
Jackson Street Improve
ment West half of lot 1,
block 139, Oregon" City $ 84
Have You Rooms to Rent?
Persons having rooms for teachers
attending the Summer Normal,
please report, stating terms, to J. C.
Zinser. 35-3
New Thomas hay tedder, nearly
new binder, Deerlng mower, and
Southwic,k hay baler in good repair.
This machinery ha3 all the latest im
provements and is the best of its
class. Owing to other business, will
sell reasonably.
Also Percheron horse for sale. Act
promptly if you want a bargain. Can
be seen on my farm near Clackamas
Station, Or. C. F. CLARKE.
Klodes'a'i IPrtccs
We wish to announce to the public that we have opened offices in your city where
we are prepared to give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider- (
ing the class of work produced.
i -
All operations performed by the latest Painless methods Note our prices
Over Harding's Drug Store
4 4 fl
Rooms 8 and 9, Willamette Building