OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE; FRIDAY, AJGU9T 2, 1907. S PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY H E. CROSS AT'lORNICY AT LAW HpmI IChI.Hc, Iviiniin, If iMiiritucr Mnln Hlrcct, OKICCON CITY GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNKY-AT-LAW 0 ' Phone: Main 52I Office In Caufield Bid., Main and Eighth St Carl Hchrnm of thin city ha en tered tin) Journal' neliolaiMhlp eon tent, (iiid at, preetit in the only can didate from thin county, lie, will try l,o win tt Portland Academy scholar ship. Mr, Mini Mr. William Heard, koii Henry, Mr. am! Mix. A. J. Hobble and Mr. Alvemt Splinter form a pleasure parly Unit left. Hiiliinliiy evening on it drive to Netarl bay near "I'll 1 1- IllOOk, FARM AT CLARKES SELLS FOR $7,200 SOCIAL AND LODGES Clarke, July Zi. F. Hcherruble will have IiIh grain tut. the latter part nt thl week by V. II. Bottenilller',, Alvin IJi'lii .mil h and Wooden Wedding 8urprlse, Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Scott were delightfully surprised Tuesday even ing. About thirty of thidr friends mot family from ' t ., lr i'.u . i..,,., tn n,M,iinI, wicon i ny visiiea ti ih motner, .Mr. Henry Klelimmlth, Huuday. Horn, to Mr. and Mr, Bulgreen, a hoii, Sunday night. dressed as Hip Van Winkle, as post master. Refreshments of Ice cream and cake were served. Shadle-Egge. Miss Ada Egge and Mr. Silas Blair Sliadle were married at 2:30 o'clock, W. h. U'Ul'.N C. .SUIUIUWL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTOUNI'.YHAT-LAW DKUTSeill'.U ADVOKAT Will practice U nII court, make collection and ikltlruieiil of ritatc Furnim, btinct ol title, lend you money on llrnl mortunge. (Mine in NTLKPKISf liulldlug, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E HEDCES r. T. CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House LOCAL NEWS. w, !:. inlne. Patten Ihtu from thu Ok'" wn In Oregon City Monday and took home u new buggy from Hiatus C. Ely', II. (, luHkeep nf Cam wa here on IhinIih'hm, Tuesday. Horn, to tint wife of W. J. Wilson, a non, Tuesday, July 23. ('hurl" Cutlii, former proprietor of it lie ItrunHwIck tiolel, ha hoiiKhl the I Wlnhert place At OIK llldwell, Bell- wood, Mr. and Mr. W. Myer wire Ore Foil City Mhopper. Saturday. OH Eugle, wlio recently underwent nil operation In Portland, ri-tunii-d Saturday to hi home In Molulla much Improved. Miner ami Goolgn Kellogg of Clack- iiiniiK were In town Monday. MIhh Lulu Kltti'iihnu ha gone Portland for an Indnllnlte Htuy. to MW Maude Daniel of Iteuver Crwk pent Friday In Oregon City. Churle I'liHley of Elgin made a liuxlm trip to Oregon City, Satur-day. Mr. 11. Frledrlch and daughter Hel ma of New Era were In town trading, Friday. MIh ll'TUlce Kelly left Saturday to rttay with friend on the coast for n while. Ml Alzle Ileruler returned Sun day from u v I ! t with relative at MeMlniivllle. Mr. I(oy W 1 1 Kin hi in nf Vancouver 1 vUltlng her parent, Mr. and Mr. .1. J. Chamber. Mr. W. August IT. gone several week. ('. (ireen expert to leave for u trip to Iowa to bo Horn, to Mr. am! Mr. Frank Slg ovle. a won. TlnirHiluy evening. They are rollHii people ana live puck or thu Btakeley hun, Tim road 1ohh down at Mark I'ralrle. U bulldliiK n road to wIh.to, j v. f. Hoiieinlller t'Kik hltt binder to rumor ha It, n bridno wa built ;KleliiKiiiltli for repairing. Heron the I'ikMIiik river, I!rldKf ! Mr. Mrl". their fifth or wooden wedding anni versary. The f arly part of the even- lllK wan Hlient on tho lawn whftre re- Hundav afterniKin bv Rev .Tr.hn X ! frenhmeril were Hirrved An Imiimnin. It.lnMcn t,t ilia virut lttmln nhnwh O. K. Martin Ih hauling pot. to hla tlJ ,ro(;ram of mmU. atlr, r,.,it.atin (The ceremony wa wltne.Hed' u, a new Iioiiim. ! .., , ... , ..... . . .... nan njufu iii in,; yaiiuis, .11 any new near reiar.ivfcH ami iriemi at aos without riiad leadliiK to It I not very Hervlceulili). Mlaa Ida Uoeppel Ih Hpendliuc her Hummer vacation at WHuoiivllIe- nnd Annua, vIhUIiik relative and friend. Iler brother Cikjikd I abf at Aurora. Khe will remain until hcIioo! bcidn III Septi-mlier. J. 8, Yotinif, Hccoinpaiiled by hi brother, Ca Yoimi?, returned from ICaide Creek Sunday. They havu bought a blackamlth Hhop at Molalla. They aro brother of Georjce II. Yoimi? of Oregon City. F. Allen of Cheliall, Waxli., ha eoine to Oreicon City to accept a po Ition In the (ireKou City Mill k Lum ber company factory. Mr. Fred Krlckaon nnd baby aon (Jllbert and Mr. Mary Daniel of Mullno were In Oregon City, Tues day. They were returning to their homo after a pleanant vIhU with friend at Antorla. The WIlKonvllbt baHeball team Ih componed of two I'arrotlH, two ToldH, four linker and a Thornton, And It can play baeball too. Heat aonio I'ortliind club a regularly a Sun day romcn round. Mr, William Krleger of ImiIv1!1o, Ky , and Ml Mary linger of Port land ure giH-ht at the home of Mr. and Mr. W. 8. I' lten. Mr. Il"l-n Anderson of Marnhall town, Iowa. I expected In thl city In ft few days to vIhU her brother-in-law, (!. F. Anderson, am! family. Ml Kdl in Cheney wenttoMcMInn villi, Monday afternoon thi- htudlo of her ulster, . - - ... . .. jior inree wcckm wiiik mo lauer take ja vacation. She will go to Newpjrt (from Mc.Mlnnvllle. ee, the crulner, wa In Clarko for three day lat week. He bought Mr. Klnzy' farm of 210 acre for 17.200, Jack lUngo came back from eaot ern Oregon Sunday. John Heck H'arted to cut wheat. How-land Hoblnon I working for him through harvoHt. SUES FOR C0MMI8SI0N. I. II. Chacker ha brought ult against J. U. Hurriett to recover money alleged to be duo him a hi commlnHlon for aiding the Halo of Home property for tho defendant. In the year 19O0, Burnett BHked (.'hacker to alt hlra In finding a buyer for home of hi property, and for hi trouble, Chacker wa to re ceive one-half of all the money over $!I00 realized from tho Hale. The plaintiff Interentod a party In the land, and In the month of November, 190R, thin name party purchased It, paying $ir,00 for It. According to the agreement there would be 300 due to the plaintiff, but he Htate that ho ha not yet received It. He ha brought milt for the $300 to conduct !d Interest on It at C per cent. MIh Kthcl, pretty and ueful gift were received, among them novelties in burnt wood and birch bark. The company wlnh Mr. and Mr. Scott many happy re turn of the day. Prexent were Menr. and Medame Frank Betzel, William, and W. II. Godfrey; Me- dame (J. W. Grace, Peter Wink of New Kra, Robert Warner, II. P. lirlghtblll, J. E. Jack and Nourne; MlKHea Noure, Sceley, Dale, Shannon Fourteenth utreet, where Mr. and Mr. Shadle go at' once to house keeping. After the ceremony a dainty luncheon wa nerved. Sola Circle. Sola Circle, Women of Woodcraft, will have a nodal meeting after the Bhort buHlneaa session Friday even ing. Ladle whose name begin -with Annie a or B will serve apple and berry pie. BeHHie Noure, Mary Scott, Tlie alphabet ha been entirely ex- Ellen Grace and Nanne Heaton: i haunted and thev are beetnnlnsr aoraln. Mer. Gaylord Godfrey, Al. Fair- Dancing with Frank Betzel at the clough. Will WIlHon, Ed Robert and Tom Fairclough. piano will follow luncheon. At Rote Farm. Mr. Daniel O'Neill and Mis Mary L. Holme entertained a few friends in a pleaantly Informal way. Tue- itho miani nf tha ladles Aid aneletr Ice Cream Social. An Ice cream Hocial wa given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Schoer helnz at Willamette, Sunday, under Conntable David Caufield made a i trip to Aline, Wednesday, to Herve ! pB-r Mr. C. Kngle of Molalla arrived In thl city Friday from a trip to the coat. Sin left for lier home by the Htuge, Saturday morning. In a civil ault He went to Horlng by traction and then drove about 13 mile over road none too good. The trip makes a big one day's work. GOOD HOPS CROP AT MARKS PRAIRIE day. The large collection of Inter etlng curio and souvenirs that en tertain bo many visitors at "Rose Farm" were enjoyed. Light refresh ments were nerved. Mr. Theodore Clark, Mrs. William Krleger of Louis ville, Ky., and Mis Holmes gave ap preciated musical numbers. Miss Holmes very cleverly Rang an Indian song In the Indian jargon. The guests were Mrs. W. S. U'Ren and her visitors, Mrs. William Krieger and Miss Mary Rogers; Miss CIs Bar clay Pratt and her guest, Miss Ber nice Pope of Victoria; Mrs. T. W. Clark and Miss Myrtle Buchanan. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Staf-i served ford and daughter. Miss Roma, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Warner were visitors at "Rose Farm." The of the German Lutheran church. There was a large attendance and all enjoyed a pleasant time. William RoIiIkoii leave for a lx ' week' trip In the Interest of the fair Htoie next Thurnday. Ho will Mop at Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Mr. A. W. Cheney ha returned from her nUtcr-in-law, Mr. Iiuls Doollitle' funeral at Seattle. Mr. and Mr. Cheney and win Oren will go next week to Sealde. Oren has gotten along splendidly from hi recent fall. Ladies Aid. The Ladles Aid of Canemah met Thursday afternoon with Miss Ada. Bedwell. x After sewing busily for awhile, refreshments were served. The members were present. Rebekahs. Willamette Rebekah lodge No. 2 met In regular session Friday even ing, and Initiated one member, after which Ice cream and cake were Camera Club.. Camera club of eight mem- jbers met with Miss Claire Padrick, cess both financially and socially. There was a large crowd and $35 was W, Minimal) of New 111 daughter, Mr. (' MlK. M. F. CleHell. Era I vlMltlng , A. Ix-wt and Mr. Fred J. Melndl of Moro I vis iting her pareiii. Mr. and Mr. George ljirlle of Maple Ijuic. Mr. F. S. Baker and daughter Har riet left Friday morning for an out ing at Hlughiim Spring. Mann 1 Dirt man of Wnnlc, eastern i Oregon, wa In town Friday. Mr. Hartman I well known here, having liven a resident of ,Marn.uam for a good ninny yearn. Mr. R. C. Hornier has gone to Me MlnnvUle where he and her sister, MIh Pearl Wood, will go Into the millinery buslnes. Mis Wood will enjoy a vacation trip through south ern Oregon before beginning work. Horn. July 22, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert I.nnce of Sellwinid. a daughter. Mrs, Uincn wiih formerly Mr. Darl ing of Oregon City ami ha many relative and friend hero. Juliette Crow is lit Hood River for n two week' visit with her brother Perry. George Hulbert who I conducting a feed store nt Vancouver Is visit ing hi family nt Gladstone. Mr. Hul bert wa formerly In the livery busi ness at Oregon City, Chi I Michel of libation ha been spending a few days with his mother, I Mr. Anna Michel at I.ogan, and :hl many friend and relatives In this iclty. He Is employed in the paper i mills nnd Tuesday received a message jto report for duty as the mills had j re opened after, a temporary shut-down. Mark Prairie, July 30 Hop rals- ters are getting their hot) houses ready for drying. A good yield Is assured in most of our yards although some old yards will hardly pay to pick. The rattle of the binder Is heard and fail wheat and winter oats are nearly all in the shock. Spring grain will be ready In a few days. A big crop I sure. Oglesby Bros, were called to Mo lalla to play for a dance Saturday night and then went to St. Paul to play for a social gathering. Sunday. Farmers have their hay about all saved; several have baled their hay and will ship to Portland later. Nearly all our young folks went to New Era Sunday to attend the camp-meetlng, Our road boss Is trying to get a ! given. Partners were chosen for sup road to that bridge that has been per fr0m shadows. An amusing game Box Social. i Monday evening and printed pictures. The Willamette Improvement league; They have some beautiful views In box social at the school house Wed-! their collection. nesday evening was a decided suc W. R. Reddick has returned from a visit of several weeks with friend3 at cleared from the sale of Ice cream, a'Richville. He Is remodeling his fishing pond and the sale of boxes. 'house at Greenpolnt, papering, paint An excellent program was given. G. j ing and making a new foundation. K. Bill, president of the league, made j When Mr. Reddick Is ready for con a welcoming address and was follow- gratulations they will be heartily and eel by T. J. Gary, music by the Oregon sincerely extended. City band, recitation by Miss Eva I Mason of Oregon City and others. " J Marriage Licenses. July 26 May W Baker and Ernest Shadow Social. js- Kruse. Maple Lane grange held a very j Ju'y 27 Ada Egge and S. B. nleasant. shadow kiiHhI at tho trunks I Shadle. hnii Satnrdnv ovenino- Tho otton. i July 31 Emma Clevenger and Al- dance was irnod An Interesting nro. I fred Havball. gram. Including two dialogues, was A ten pound son wa3 born, Sun day, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy McFarlane, built for a ituiig river, A concrete watering trough has John Gore of Ited hi friend. British S.' V. Columbia vis Francis, and been place Street Jiiht 1 111 the middle list of Main, of Fourth family the latter part of Inst week, ! H Is a steamboat captain and Is the i owner of IS bouts and 27 barges. Captain Graham was on tho Elder that rescued the Columbia passen gers. He was returning from a cruise. He got home Wednesday evening. He says he talked with most of the pas sengers but It wa-s a very exciting time and he hasn't much to tell about it now. year or two across Pud west of Barlow. That bridge is needed Just about as much as a dog needs two tails. George Oglesby and sons will begin the building of a large hop house for Hy Jackson this week. Mr. Rltter Is putting up hl3 hop house. He has a fine hop yard. Dave Yoder is running his binder i to Its full capacity. He is cutting most of the grain in this vicinity. Soon we will hear the hum of the thresher as some grain will be threshed next week on our prairie. was postomce with W. D. Beidelman, I of Portland. Mis Augusta Schrader ha re turned from New York where she had been Htndylng to bo a trained nurse. Mr. Jacob Hettinger of New Era A pleasure party composed of Mrs. H. E. Cross and (laughters Georgia and Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ham mond and Phillip Hammond started Tuesday morning for Mt. Hood. The body of Richard Nelson, the WILSONVILLE man who fell off the bridge at Wll-1 .sonvllle, Monday morning, was sent, Wilsnnville. Julv .i0 Died at her by Coroner Holiiinn to Portland, Tues- jhonie near Tualatin of Inflammation day. The carpenters' union, of which f the bowels. Mrs. Jergen, formerly the unfortunate man was a member, Miss Lena Savage, after an Illness of 0 There's a Reason for Everything will attend to tho funeral arrange ments. No word has yet arrived from his relatives. two days. Funeral Thursday at the Tualatin cemetery. Many friends and relatives were present. Mrs. Jer gen leaves a liustianu ana several Thb reason we enjoy tha largest dental practice In Oregon City is because we try to excel In our work. Our work lasts, we never do poor work, The people know it. Our constant ef fort Is to give not "just as good" but the best work, and that for as little money as possible. Our rocent trip East ro the great centers of dontal edu cation, was for the purpose of giving you the lat est anil host, up-to-date dentistry. Our Boventeen years of suc cessful practice In Oregon City is the best guarantee any dentist can give you, A guarantoe is good only as long as you can And one who gives It, and then not always. We are careful not to hurt you, as we have feelings ourselvos. We want your work and want you to send us your friends. Have an eastern export graduate assistant dentist. Wo put our own name back of our practice. Our prices are the lowest In the city for good work. B. L. and Lambert Beard, sons of small children to mourn her death. Mr. and Mrs. William Beard, are ex-1 Miss Dora Bookman Is home for peeled here from Roseburg the last of 'few davs. the week for a visit. The boys are j members of Company F, Third Regt iment, that has been In camp at Rose berg. They are both expert riflemen :and will go east the middle of August ito the meet of export shots of the I National Guard association at Girt, N. J. Dr. L. L Pickens DENTIST Weinhard Building, Oregon City, Ore. Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of Dentistry, City Phone 2671 Mutual and Independent 131 Mr. and Mrs. Prentice Mattoon of North Yakima, Wash., nre visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Greenman, old time friends.- Tho Mattoon and Greenman families were friends in northern Indiana many years ago. The former came to Oregon in 1S47 nnd the latter In 1853. They were schixilniates at Viola, Or., in 1855. Both men are enjoying life in this healthful country and will have a pleasant visit talking over old times. The bites and stings of Insects, sun burn, cuts, burns and bruises re lieved at once with Finesalve Carbol lzod. Acts like a poultice. Draws out Inflammation. Try It. Price BO cents. Sold by Huntley Bros. Ed Bookman, who so recently had a very severe attack of typhoid fever. Is again able to bo among us. The dance in the A. O. V. W. hall, Saturday, was a success, and all en joyed a good time until the clock Sea told them it was tho sabbath. William and Robert Graham, Miss Besslo Stone, Miss S. M. Graham and two little nieces, and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Young were guests of M, C. Young nnd family Sunday. The baseball game on the Wilson vllle diamond Sunday, with the Spanton boys of Portland was won by the farmer boys by a score of 3 to 5. Tho game was a hard one and well won, Spanton has a good team but their country cousins are not to be sneezed at, and if the visitors win a game they must be wide-awake. Thornton and Parrott did excellent work, and every man was at his best, with 0- Todd first base, Johnny Par rott second, C. Baker third base, Ed Baker short stop, Tom Baker left field, Bert Baker center field, E. Todd rtght field, Fred Crlpon umpire, rod ) . C I1 TK3t-- ) ygmiNotfJ KAvf- vwwwgg We Sell Garland Stoves, Ranges and Heaters; Guaranteed. PAINTS! PAINTS! PAINTS! Foil assortment of colors and tints of the best Paint made TENTS ! STOVES! STOOLS! Foil and complete line of Tents, suitable for hop-picking purposes; Camp Stoves and Camp Stools, Campers Supplies of all kinds. I. TOLPOLAR Main St. Opposite Post Office OREGON CITY OREGON. 9