Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 02, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Publlched Every Friday.
Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post
office as second clas matter.
Subscription Rates:
Ono Year fl.RO
Blx Months .75
Trial subscription, two months.. .25
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment la
noi crequea, Kiuuiy nouiy us, una
me matter win receive our attention.
Legislating In Texas is a strenuous
occupation. It requires an expansive,
liberal-minded statesman to cover the
wide range of reform attempted down
there, and to vote for the return of
Senator Railey, and his Standard oil
odor, to Washington.
The Texas solons pained interna
tional notoriety by passing a nine
foot bedsheet law, which has become
celebrated wherever man concerns '
himself closely with the comforts of j
life. j
But that Is by no means all the j
legislature did. j
It passed a law making it an of
fense for any man in public office to
employ under him any relative, unless
the relationship is more distant than
second cou3ln.
It forbade the drinking of any kind
of liquor on trains under any circum
stances. It passed a law compelling any
theatrical manager to book any at
traction applying for an open date If
the character of the production is
suitable for a first-class playhouse.
It required all railroads to use elec
tric headlights.
It passed a more rigorous Sunday
closing law for saloons, and another
law forbidding saloons having in con
nection with their bars any device
calculated to draw patronage, such as
billiard or pool tables.
It closed not only all bucket shops
in the state but also all stock brok
ers' ofSces.
Half-rate fares have been prohibit
ed H.S well as passes
not onlv for
railroads but also for street cars and psychology.
telegraph and telephone companies, j Thursday Written arithmetic,
The mere possession of articles theory of teaching, grammar, book
commonly used in games of chance j keeping, physics, civil government,
has been made a criminal offense, and j Friday Physiology, geography,
betting on baseball games is like-. composition, algebra,
wise made punishable by law. j Saturday Botany, plane geometry.
There were numerous stringent general history, English literature,
laws against corporations enacted, j school law.
one of which has already caused For County Papers,
twenty-one of the leading Insurance t Commencing Wednesday, August
companies to withdraw from the state. : 14, 1907, at 9 o'clock a. m.. and con-
And the complaint of the Governor
of Texas against the legislature Is
that it was not sufficiently drastic in
meeting abuses under which the peo-
pie suffer.
An Anti-Horsethief organization is
needed in thi3 and adjoining counties.
An organization with money in its
treasury to be used in recovering
stolen animals and capturing and pros
ecuting the thieves, would not only
he of good service after the horse is
stolen, but a deterrent to further
Horsethieves Tely for success in
getting away with and disposing of
their booty, to the lack of funds on
the part of the victim to raise any
great hue and cry after them. If a
society exists whose business it is to
protect the property rights of its
members, the thieves will pas that
territory by.
It is suggested that there is an
"organized band" of horsethieves tol
erating in Clackamas and nearby
counties. Sure. That is the only
way horsethieves operate. They
know where they are going to take
the animals before they sU-al them.
That's another way an anti-thief or
ganization is effective. It seeks out
and exposes the "fence" who handles
the horses for the thieves.
There is evident a healthy growing
sentiment against the Sunday colored
newspaper supplement intended to de
light and calculated to debase and!1'"
de-educate boys and girls. We spend
millions yearly in the public schools
to educate the juvenile population, to
teach them correct orthography and
pure English, but from a too fastid
ioii respect for the freedom (license)
of the press, we permit the Sunday
suplements to fill the receptive minds
and memories of school children with
witless and demoralizing pictorial
buffoonery explained in misspelled
and ungrammatical language which
undiscriminating children accept for
fun. Children are naturally playful,
boisterous, and need no stimulation
certainly not such stimulation, and
the public which is taxed millions
for education, ought to take steps to
stop this most immoral miseducation.
There should be no "hitching post
controversy" in Oregon City. The
Improvement of the cross streets is
not of such a valuable or fragile na
ture that a hitched team would injure
the street. Unless some substitute
Is provided, such as a free yard, the
rigs should be allowed on those
streets as heretofore. The county
commissioners are light In insisting
jupon hitch-rack accommodations on
KiKhth street. Many taxpayers drive
to town to transact business in the
court house that may require but n
few minutes of time. It is unreason
able ti expect them to seek a feed
stable. iHuibtiess when the whole
matter Is examined, the so-called "cii
trovers)" will resolve Itself into a
slight misunderstanding.
Oregon City usually welcomes ad-
to her population but there
I have been n few newcomers din ing
the last year who are not wanted.
They are the wife deserters and men
iwho abandon their children. It Is
I had enough to look out for Oregon
jians guilty of those crimes and when
they come from other states the Im
position is all the worse. Such men
are "undesirable citizens. "
The postoflieo department is call
ing attention of the public to the fact
that written messages must not be
put inside of merchandise or papers
that are mailed at the one cent rate.
There Is a mandatory fine of $10
for the offense, and last year $."i9,0t3
in fines were collected from people,
the majority of whom never had
heard of the law.
Wife deserters and fathers who
abandon helpless children should re
ceive the limit of the law, and If
that limit isn't high enough the next
legislature should make the punish
ment fit the crime.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Clackamas
County will hold the regular exami
nation of applicants for state and
county papers at Oregon City, as fol
lows :
For State Papers.
Commencing Wednesday, August
14, 19U7. at 9 o'clock a. m., and con
tinuing until Saturday, August 17, at
4 p. m.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
spelling, physical geography, reading.
; tinuing until Friday, August 10, at
4 p. m.
-Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar, physiol
ogy. ! Friday Geography, scfiool law,
civil government.
Yours truly.
" lt2 Snpt. (t Schools.
Aug. 1 Sam Gregory ex
begin cutting teasels tomor-
pert to
The threshing machine will start
in our burg Monday.
The blackberries are about a thing
of the past in these parts.
Quite a number from here attended
the eampmeeting at New Era Sunday
and also a week ago Sunday .
Miss Bertha Spantrler visited with
friends in Mulino Saturday evening
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis of this
vicinity spent Saturday and Sunday
in Portland, visiting relatives.
H. Brown of Prune Hill had rel
atives from Portland with them last
Albert White spent Sunday with
old friends here.
There is to be preaching at the
Evangelical church Sunday evening
at 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Daringer of
Portland are spending a few days
with relatives and friends.
Mrs. C. Stewart, and Mrs. R. Davis
spent one day last week with Mrs.
J R. Lewis.
Tuesday was the warmest day we
have had in Cants. The thermome
ter stood at lOir in the shade at i:'',)
in the evening.
Letter list for week ending August
2, 1007:
Women's list. Coffman, Miss Mae;
Gary, Mrs. Erma; Smith, Mrsll O. C.
Men's list Chrysler, W. L.; Cant,
O. H.; McGeachin, James; Price, A.
J.; Thompson, Jack; Wylie, M. IS. ;
Smith, Mrs. Vida, (photo).'
No educational Institution in the
Northwest is better known than the
Portland Business College. Its prin
cipal, Prof. A. P. Armstrong, has
been engaged in school work all his
life, and has an enviable reputation
as an educator. He knows the re
quirements of employers of office help,
and can prepare any willing student
to meet them. See advertisement
When You
Have the
It is essential that you
buy tempting; eatables.
Here's a list of Picnic
Needfuls--many others
at our store.
Pickles, Catsup, Preserves, Fruit.
Special "Cjueen" Olives in con
venient sie.
Tongue, Pried Heef, Corned Bc?f,
Snus.igs, Chicken, Sardines all
cooked ready to etit.
Pull Cream,
diati Ilrick.
Cream liriek, Can.
A line which we keep constantly
The Seventh Street Grocer,
Next to a million dollars a hearty
I'ltu-li lu nl,i,if iitfMi.unt a thltii? n4
' , , ,, . i sisters from Dayton spent Saturday
oue can have. Kverybody really wants jaM(, 8lliy R( u- MllttlHlll ii
to laui!h. No man and no newspaper! Mrs. Cora Simons of Oregon City
can be really great without a sense i sent tho week with her parents, Mr.
of humor. The Chicago Record Her- ' and Mrs. War.l.
aid regards the promoting of smiles j Key Rutherford w ill preach In the
and laughter as a part of the legiti
mate mission of tho press. Kor years
the "Alternating Currents" column of
S. K. Klser in that paper has been a
daily source of delight to Its readers.
The cartoons of Ralph Wilder on the
Ilrst pane are designed to make pts
ple laugh and to make them think
as well. In fact, the humor of the
Record-Herald, like its news columns,
is always clean and kindly as well as
amusing and entertaining. It affords
a striking example of the right way to
"tell the truth laughing."
Famous humorists contribute to the
Sunday Magazine of the Record-Herald,
with the popular novelists and
celebrated writers on timely ques
tions. Both text and Illustrations are
of the highest standard of periodical
literature the new idea in Sunday
journalism perfected.
A complaint of Insanity was Issued
Tuesday against William 11. Clemens
by his step father, J. N. Jameson of
Mil wank ie.
Clemens is also a resident of M 11
waul.ie and is 13 years of age. His
mania Is a result of epilepsy, which
ho contracted whlie a child.
He has been acting queer for some
time and of late fails U) recognize
his own relatives.
He was examined In the county
court at 2 oclock Tuesday by Dr. M.
C. Strickland, who pronounced him
insane. He will be taken to Salem
this evening.
Hunting for Trouble.
"I've lived in Cai'fornia 20 years,
and am still hunting for troinio in
jthe way of burns, sores, wounds, b. els,
.cuts, sprains, or a '-aso of pil"S that
I Buekb-n's Arnica Saive won't quirkl
cure." Sierra Co. No use bun it.';.
jMr. Walters; it cures or money f,..
j funded at Howell & Jones' drug store,
, 2.1 cents.
George II. Hall has succeeded L.
L. Phillips as city manager of the
Pacific Telephone company at Ore
gon City. Mr. Hall has also charge
of the farmers' lines soliciting In
Clackamas, Multnomah and Clark
counties. Mr. Phillips will become
local manager for the Home company.
Wire Chief Walter Smith of the
Pacific has been succeeded by A. J.
S. Mace of Portland. Mr. Smith will
attend to the outside work of the
local office.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ross have
sold a large amount of standing tim
ber to Burnside & Matthews. The
tract in question Is a portion of the
Charles M. St. John die and Is situ
ated In the vicinity of Ragle Creek.
The tract is more particularly de
scribed as being the e of the nw V
of no V4; sw V of ne ; Be V of
nw ne V of sw V', nw V of so
Vi and lots 2 and 5, all of sec 29, 2s
4e. The price paid was $4000.
To loan $600, from one to five years
at C per cent. Apply to H. B, Cross.
Sprlngwuler, July - Thermom
eter to;;-' in (he nhndo nt 12 in.
runners tiirounit buying: now wo I
will hear the click of the
Crops about nil average. V
berries and cherries Immense, One
f the neighbors had cherries 15 of
which weighed one pound and another
neighbor est! muted that one tree had
l.TiOO pounds on It. Your correspond
ent measured strawberries l Inches
In diameter and logati berries one
Inch through.
A. M. Sibley recently came up
from California; was on u local steam
er (the Sea foam) the night the Co
lumbia went down, and passed that
steamer about two hours previous to
the catastrophe, and also u huge raft
that we came near running Into. It
was very dark unci foggy,
W. H. Handle came near having a
bad mishap yesterday. He drove his
team hitched to his new binder into
a yellow Jackets' nest. The team ran
away, got out of the Held and collided
with a telephone pole. Luckily very
little damage was done. .
Quito a number of visitors In
Sprlngwater; Mrs. Hickman and
daughter of Portland, Miss Htla Shlb
ley of Elk, Cal,, two Misses Hargraves
of Clackamas, two Mr. Moores of
Grants Pass, Misses Ella and Frances
Cuirln of Salem, and Jesse Lincoln
and wife of Portland.
The writer while on bis tour south
did not see any country that Suited ;
hltn as well us Oregon. The morning I
he started home experienced n slight ;
earthquake. We have no earthquakes I
here, no cyclones nor blizzard. It Is
a little warm just now, but will not I
last long; not cold In winter, but '
some rain to make the ground moist
loin, AiiK'ist 1
Hlclnbothom -Mr. and Mrs. Char
of ISstucada spent
Sunday at Viola.
Miss Nannie Andrews and Ifer two
' iiffouuu ciiuicn iie.i runii.iv hi
II a. m. and at Y'lola at 8 p. m Mr.
Rutherford Is an alumnus of Mc.MInn- '
villi' college ami lately completed his i
seminary work In tho ISa.st In prepara-
Hon for the mission tield
In South
James Sevier will start threshing
tho Ilrst of the week.
I The thermometer , registered lei'
j In the shade Tuesday.
l.,ourj II,-., (.. ...! 1, ,. ...
I . . . . n.-, . , . ..ci.'t mil, ii. limn 1111,17
ir,.ntl,, on of thl, Kandolph 1()Mes
I Most of our farmers say their grain
! will not yield as much per acre as
i last year, but that It will be a very
I tine quality.
Mr. llart.ell. who has been helping
P. Caleener nmvo his general mer
lehaiullse to Hubbard, arrived in Viola
I Saturday evening with a much ib-
lapidated buggy. Ills horse became
i frightened at some automobiles which
I were apparantly racing near Canby.
j The rig was upset and Hart.ell Hllxht
ily bruised In his efforts to hold the
horse. The tourists In the autonio
I biles did not even stop to help gather
I up tho driver's effects. Hartell said
jthey appeared to be on their way to
I Salem.
If Judge Landls lines the Standard
Oil company $:;.ooo.Dtio. what will
be the price of coal oil in Oregon City
next winter?
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
mas. Umlse Hvdges, Plaintiff,
i Henry O. Hodges, Defendant.
jTo Henry O. Hodges, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint, filed against,
I you in the above entitled suit on or
: before the last day of the time pre
'scribed In the order for the ptihllea
jtion of tills summons, to wll; on or
before the HUh day of September,
1!07, said date being the expiration of
six (i) weeks from the first publica
tion of this summons, and if you fall
to so appear and answer, for
thereof tiie plaintiff will apply to the
('ourt for the relief demanded in the
J complaint, to w it : for u decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony and
marriage contract existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
Tills summons is published by or
der of Hon. Grant H. Ditnick, County
Judge of the above named county in
the absence of Hon T. A. Mcllrlde,
judge of the above named court,
which order was made ami entered on
the ::oth day of July, 1H07.
Attorney for Plaintiff, '710
Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or,
Application for License.
Notice Is hereby given that, the un
dersigned will apply to the County
Court of Clackamas County for a li
cense to sell spirituous, ma"lt and vin
ous liquors for the period of six
months from the 2nd day of August,
1907, at 10 o'clock A. M and that I
will present tho following petition to
said Court on said day for said li
cense. T. M. ALLISON.
Dated August 2, 1907:
To the Honorable County Court of
Clackamas County:
We, the undersigned residents and
legal voters of During Precinct, In
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
hereby respectfully pel It Ion your hon
orable body to i iiitit T. M, Allison, a
license for the period of sl mouths
from the i: ii.I day of Attg,rd, r.'i'T. lo
sell spirituous mull, and vinous
liquors, 111 less quantities (hull one
binder, i gallon In the town of Boring, Cluchn
I good, ma,, County, Oregon.
l, .1. Kite, J. II. Wilson.
I S, K, Card. (luy Wilson
O. S. Hoe, Peter IHcken.
I O, Diudey, II. Metllnl.
I H. Boll.. L. Klt.er.
J IS. Kllsttorth. A. II. Iiurhur.
10. lledermnuu. ,, Fl'edrlch,
John Mima. J. J. Zlmmemiann.
jll. Her.. K, M. Morgan.
W. IS, Her. H, ISllsworth,
0. S, Palmer. 1 Irvln,
Joseph Horde. II. Anderson,
;S. IS. ISllsworlh Adolf Her,,
j IS. V. Donahue, 1', HerneKger,
: James Larson. W. Woollen.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County,
Jennie L. Bowers, Plaintiff,
A. M. Bowers, Defendant
To A. M. Bowers, defendant above
named: In tho name of the State of
Orcein, you are required to appear
and answer tho complaint Hied aKiilust
you In tho above entitled Court and
caiisn on or before the i:ith dav of
September, lliuT, that being tlw day
fixed by the Court for hiicU au appear- I
unco or answer, In ami by the order
of the Court for publication of sum- J
moim, and If you fall so to appear j
ami answer, the plaintiff will apply to;
tho Court for the relief prayed for I
1,1 r compiaini, town: ror a decree
'dlsoIvliiK the mnrrliuo contract now
existing between plaintiff lllld lie.
fendant and to allow her to resume
her maiden mime of Jennie L. Wll-
loiighby. and for such other relief a
io ttio t ourt may seem meet uud Just.
This summons Is to bo published lu
the Oregon City ISnterprlso for not
less Mian once a wvk tor six con-
weeks prior to said day of
September. r.io7. By order of tho
Honorable Thomas A. Mcllrldo, Judge
of said Court, made and entered on
this ::oth day of July, 1!bi7. i
j Klrst publlca'loti August 2, I'Jo;. ' j
j Last publication. Sept. 13, 10u7.
! T. H. McDISVITT. i
Hit" Attorney for Plaintiff, j
; Notice is hereby given that tho un- j
'dersigned has been duly appointed by j
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamas County, adminis
trator w ith Will Annexed of the Ks
lute of J. S. Vailghati, DoceiiHed. All
persons having clalmx ngalust said
estate lire hereby notified to present
I the same to me, properly verified at
the office of my attorney, Thos F.
'Ryan, on Main street. Oregon City.
Oregon, within six months of the
(date of this notice.
j Dated July HHth. 1!n7.
'Administrator with Will-Annexed of
the ISstate of J. S. Vaughan, De
emed. THOS. V. RYAN,
Attornev for administrator. Hit."
l Notice Is hereby given that the- un
idcrslgneil will apply to the council of;
'Oregon City at Its next regular meet-1
jlng f ir a renewal of his liquor license j
j until October 1, i:m7, at his present!
'place of business, ."17 Main street,'
.Oregon City. D. McIlISNRY. i
For the go 1 1 of tho-c suffering w it1'
eczema or ot.oT Kncli trouble. I -vlv
to say, my wife had something of
that kind and ufb r using the doc
tors' remedies for some time concleu
ei! to try Chntnliei Iain's Salve, and It
proved to be better t'oin nnythltu
sue had ti led, For i;;ile by Howell
Jones. )
Will be at Farmer's Feed Shed
308 Main St., Oregon City,,
rest of the season and winter. '
Imported by J. Crouch & Son,
Lafayette, Ind. He has proved
himself to be a Fine Breeder
as well as a Fine Horse.
Terms: Single Service $I0; to
f . 1 . '4 M y)
V-,; if' Y'.-'
41 Y v ' j-' '-
IMumhiiMI & 3." 'viimi
Hot Air luriims, Hop I'lpti, Pumpi,
iutay Pimp, Kairr Pipes.
5pr.iy:iijfc M.ilrrlnli.
Ml Kinds or Jobtilnu H Special))'
FstluiHton (,'ven on All CUhmoii
of Work.
tttn Hum ifiU Hbop 1611
014 N Main 8t Oregon City, Or
Ptemn 221 Ollleu P, O. Bid, Main Ht
Pioneer Transfer
And Express
E. I GRISEZ, Prop.
Succossor to
Oregon City,
nd Gravel
Hcckcl & England
The Hub Saloon has changed
hands, Carlson & Block sel
ling out to Heckci & England.
j Strictly in accordance with the
Pure Food Law.
U7MainSt. - Oregon City
Clothe Washed "Whiter Tho
Snow." Kamlly Washing at
RttAMiunble Rat--No worry,
uo regret If you plum 1204
Our wgon will call
W. H. SILCOX, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant
Rest Service nd AccouiiiHHluHoiit
Main St., 0pp. suspension Bridge
......... o
Wind Mills
Pumps and Hydrate
lie Rams
a Specialty.
Phono Wl.
Oregon City,
Choice Cigars and Tobaccos,
Ice-Cold Hop Gold Beer,
High Grade Bottled Whis
keys and Wines.
Wagon and Carriage Maker
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
Near Roake't Foeidry.
phone 2601
Successor to Chat. Albright.
Up-to-date ButcherShop
Cor. Fifth and Main 8U.