OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, AJGU8T 2, 1907. 3 r V, that or Dana luff There is one thing that will care It Aycr's Hair Vicor. It Is a rccular Rcaln-mcdlcinc. It quickly destroys the germs I which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap pears, had to disappear. AB'in, and ho wanted a warrant ImhiiimI healthyscalpmcansacrcatdcDl l'n"11 th" iit". to you healthy hair, no dan drulf.no pimples, no eruptions. Tim lii-t ktml (i I a UiMmonlnl -"SjM fur cv r iility yi.nr." 1.4 .MtlUfUtUI't WT flue, .Wttl'AIM.U. ijers I'll. i V IMKKV I'l.CT'ltUl. PACIFIC NORTHWEST. Oregon's Big School Fund. Hulanee on hand In Orcein state treasury, July 1. was 'jMUK4.28. The InriieMt fund H the common school, 240,2K4, which will Increase to $2KO,(IU(l by,AllKUHt 1, when It Will' be distributed among the school district of tho state. The educational fund on Interest now amount to the big total of $1,771.0(1. Mi Hit of this J loaned on firm mortitane drawing 6 per rent; !.-..l7l 7'J of It hem loaned ! In rinrLuit.a,. eo.mtv (If It... i.rltirl. pal of the common school fund, ffioiiO I loaned on ttchool district bond In Clucl.nmiiH county. Mr. Soule an Albany Girl. Tim u lfn of W. It. SiniIeK ho ttnK drowned In the Co ,1.1a wreck, wa an Albany girl, a the foowlug from the Alhauy ix mocrat .how. Mr. ' Houle formerly renlded In Oregon City: Among thowo undoubtedly drowned wn Mr. V. 11. Soule, neK Ml Min nie Vunllorn, a prominent and lovely year, residing In the Johnny Irvine nldeiicM at CaliHila and the canal. Mr. Houle I marine editor of the Oregonlan. For year h wa on tho Telegram. Albany friend of Mr. 8ule will learn with extreme regret of tho fatality. J. K. Cavanaugh. of Herkeley, wa the font to see Mr. Boule. He rushed Into her room with a III preserver, and placed It around her, hut It I doubtful If she gained the deck and reached a boat or raft. Cottage Grova la Dark. The Collage (irove electric light station owned by the Willamette Val ley company wa destroyed by fire Monday. The Ion In about $2(1.. 000; Insurance, Ilium), Cottage Grove will bo without light for some time, a all the machinery I said to be totally ruined. Albany Geta Factory, Linn ami Ilentun county people have subscribed to $.',1,000 stock In a condensed milk factory to be erected In Albany this summer. New Bank at Gervala. Tho (lervais state bank wa organ ized Thursday evening, with capital stock of $10,000. MRS. SNYDER MARRIED. Kansas City, Mo., July 25 Mrs. Cary Snyder, widow of Cary Snyder who was murdered near llilhiboro, Or., last December, wa married July C to 11. S. Williams, a traveling sales man of Detroit. Tho marriage was kept secret until today. Mrs. Wil liams has been living quietly hero lit tho homo of her sister since she re lumed from Portland. lCdward Gregory of Cams was Oregon City, Saturday. In t!llll' n ; ,J FAMOUS AT HOME FOR GENERATIONS PAST; FAMOUS NOW ALL OVER THE WORLD. For snle by E. MATHIES. AITO DRIVES MAIL WAGON OVER BLUFF RURAL CARRIER NO. 6 RUN DOWN BY CAR IN ENDURANCE TEST. - I Frank Hendricks, earrler on rural!1"" '"" route fl, reported to District Allorney lleilKca at noun Hutiirilay that IiIh team bad been frightened over a bluff jby an auto In the 1:15 mile endurance rhe uechlent occurred near llur K'lyne farm on tho road to New Km, ! where the road In several places la j extremely narrow. It wan at one. of jtheMe narrow place thai the mix up : happened, The roud wan hardly wide lenoiiKii for two to pass each other and a Hendricks wan carrying the "m, H'"v,,n Vanwnr a in f. H. mall ho could lone no time, ho,""1 ,1H1 wl,h ,llm- he motioned to tho auto driver to hack up. The auto at thin time wa I Tin yard from the mall cart, but liihteud of stopping or backing the machine came MmlKht ahead, and 1 1 ''ii ') ill-U h wa forced over tho side of the grade and 25 feet down a steep Incline before ho stopped. Only skillful handlli.K of the line ha veil blin from Koln to the bottom of the bluff when there I a barb wire fence. The auto proceeded on It way, the making no attempt to help 'lt kH Mr- H'-ndrlck ascertained the num- h"T "f ,h" "aclllle and tho OWIierS will he proMCCtitcd. The race In which the enr wa rofuiM-tliiK utarli'd at 7 o'clock in the mornliiK from Klghth and Kverett nt n et In Port land. There w ere about 20 car entered. The car ran through Oregon City Th" nr rB" ,hr"h 0r"K"" Hty n fi'r !" """'t maklnit t,.p or adjuMnient. One hour and n ,ll,,f U' ww- .ntptanu in Haiem mr callnR aud replenlnhlng 'the supply of giiHollne. Front Salem the car return to Port-1 I land by way of Mc.Mlnnville. The lobji-ct if thl race I to what car lrH" n'k(' ,hp run wlth ,ho 1(',,t amount of gasoline and cylinder oil to the weight of the machine and panenger. FATHER DIES WHILE SON SPEEDS TO HIM Gustavo Scbnocrr of Wlllameita wa bidden godspeed on hi lorn: Journey to the fatherland, when he i left Oregon City FTlday night, by a ('""eased It capital stock to $2.10.000. large party of friend aud fellow mem- U 18 "I1"""1 ,hat 25000 wil1 be her of the German society. TheiR,Mnt ln r,"H,lr8 ""1 ad'"ng lH the i,mr,..v h.,i..w- ... i l ; plant. Tho main Inducements for Its 4 i i, ma; in'v '" tuitll, a chlerram ,.. K.nr,i,.v .r. in hrim-ino' ihn .n.i ... .1... .K-i'tT old father had passed away. A Mr. Schnoerr wa going to make the trip purisisely to see his father, who was falling fast, ho may 'not proceed on hi Journey. Ho Is probably on a train today speeding Eastward, but a sisin a the relatives can find out which train ho will bo telegraphed tho new of his father' doath. Philip SchniK'rr of West Oregon City Is another son of tho aged gen tleman, news of whoso death at Uaden. Germany, wa received Satur day morning. PAYS $J 5 FOR FUN WITH ISASSY JAP Theodore Miller and a were fined $15 apiece as a Japanese result of a mix up Saturday night. Miller was talking to a party of friends In front of Uuoonlch's when three Japs employed by tho Southern Pacific came out of the saloon and started towards tho depot. ln a spirit of mischief Miller tossed n brick at one of bis friends, who doilged It and It landed near the three subjects of tho Mikado. This act angered tho trio and two of them begun to heap torrents of abuse on Miller, anil Incidentally re marked that one Jap could lick '.100 Americans. Miller hold his temper well enough through this, but when the largest of the three picked up a brick and ninilo threatening gestures with It. Miller could suppress his an ger no longer, and crossing the street, he gave tho Oriental a practi cal demonstration of tho manly art, and Incidentally changed tho worthy's opinion as to the fig-Ming powess of Japan and tho V. S. A. Tho police arrived at this Juncture and arrested tho belligerents." mo oinor two started m mo direction of the depot, but neither nrrivcii mere iii soon as expecieu. Tuck Surface was coining in an op- posite (llrnctlon and ono of tho brown jnessl meeting.' There was a largo men shook his fist In his face. As a crowj of Portland people ln nttencl rewnrd for his pains. Tuck issued Bneo Sunday. The following officers hltn a pass to tho down and out club. Tho other one began swearing nt O. L. Uarhur and nn a result also re ceived a beating. A good sized crowd witnessed the affair, and all declnre the Japs to bo tho cause of the scrap, not to bo Mrs, .1. ('. Zlnser Bii'l children re turned Saturday afternoon from Mt. Scott where they hail been enjoying camp life for several wci'kn with the family of H. V, .Inner. CHILD DESERTER TAKEN Felix Voiilt, who wan arrested at tlui iaier mills Saturday noon on . - m i ..... .i 1 . i t ,1.11.1 at St. Cloud, Minn., had been living hero In Orcoii City since last Hep temher with IiIh sister In law. Tho latter disappeared about tho same time he did from St. Cloud a year ago when he deserted Mh wlfo and rhlldren, They first canto to Vancou ver, Wash., and then hero. J 11m whereubout were revealed by a let ter he nent to St. Cloud, Vouk I an AiiHtrlan and had lived at St. Cloud since he wan a youth. His ease Is so fliiKrant he will probably get the FATAL FALL FROM TRACTION BRIDGE Richard NelHon, a greenhorn Swede, cm ployed on the traction line bridge nt wilsonvlll... fell off the structure at 9 o'clock, Monday morning and re ceived fatal InJurlcM, He wa put on the Hteamer Oregon to be taken to a hospital In Portland, but ho died while the boat wa In the lock at Wwtt Oregon City at 2:25 o'clock Monday aiiernixm. Tom Simpson was acompanylng the unfortunate man, and he notified the coroner who had the remain brought to hi office. BCHOENBORN WON. The footrace hetween Schoenborn !n'l C Onn. hun.lay tuorn!ng, wag . wn by the former, he making tho J' Xrda In 10 4 5 second. A con- ; ameratiie amount or money cnangeu 'hand at the flnlHh. CAR FACTORY FOR ESTACADA PLANT The W. H. Judson company of Portland, which purchased the Esta cada Manufacturing company's plant at Kstarada and additional grounds, a few week ago, will Install a car 'nufctiirtnK plant with a capacity lHat!n at Estacada were the tlm- near at hand and the ample elec- and Miiy llmt Miller In tilu rn'M for Mm notion. trie power. Several streets wereiblk 1. vacated by the Estacada council at It last meeting. In deference to the wish of the company. BRIDGE AT GEORGE. A new bridge Is to be built across Eagle Creek, according to the Esta cada News, that will enable the, resi dents of the George neighfiorhood to market their produce In Estacada. The Falls bridge Is broken, and the plnn I to build a new bridge farther up the creek and to make a good roadway on each side of the creek. I The supKsltlon Is the county will j put In the bridge and approaches if the re-Mdonts build the roads. REACHED HIM IN TIME. Gustavo Schnoerr was reached in Portland Saturday before he had started for New York to take the steamer for Germany. He returned to Qregon City Saturday evening and went on to his home near Willamette. Mr. Schnoerr was going: to Baden, Germany, to see hla father before he died. He went to Portland Friday night, and Saturday morning a cable gram came that Mr. Schnoerr, Sr., was dead. HOP CONTRACTS. Only three hop contracts have been filed in the office of County Recorder Ramsby and they about a month ago. The price given is 11 cents, which Is j a little better than tho majority of! the contracts up the valley. OFFICERS ELECTED BY-SPIRITUALISTS ( Tho First Spiritualist Religious 'association of Clacknmns county closed a very successful session at vow Era Snndav evouinir with a bus- were elected for the ensuing year: President, Willis Dunton of Liberal ; vice president, Mrs. Jessie Tetit Flint, CorVallls; secretary, Forest Dunton, Liboral; treasurer, John Bor- 'goyne, Now Era. REMINDER EARLY DAYS Names of Purchasers of Lots From Dr. McLoughlin in the Fifties. LIST WITH A HISTORY Long Delayed Patent Promised By Government Finally Sent Through Effort of U. S. Senator Dolph. We publish herewith a list of the purchasers of lot In the original town of Oregon City from Dr. Mc Ijoughlln, under tho Donation act of September 27. 1850. The list will be of special Interest to old resident, a It will recall the name of many form er citizens now almost forgotten. There is quite a little history con nected with the list of which we pub lish a copy. When Jealou land-grabbers got Dr. Mclaughlin' land taken from him on the plea that he was a Ilrltish subject, the title of each lot purchased was clouded. Congress finally passed a law by which a pat ent was to be given to each one who had 'a bond for a lot from Dr. Mc Iiughlln. That was all right a far as It went, but the patent were not issued, and the document lay for 40 year tltd In red tape and covered with dust In a pigeon hole of the land office In Washington. Finally, a lot owner desired to bor row some money on his property and the attorney for the loan company said the title was bad. This man cpoke to H. C. Stevens, and the latter wrote to hi boyhood friend, Senator Dolph. That friend of Oregon Immed iately stirred up the dust around the land office and In a few weeks the patents began to come. A list of the owner was sent to Mr. Stevens, and he kindly loaned it to the Dally Star. Following are the names of lot own er and their holdings: George Abernethy, lot 2, block 1. George Abernttthy, lot 7, block 7. Victor M. Wallace, lot 3, block 2. Sidney W. Moss, lot 6, block 2. George I. Allen, Thomas Lowe and Archibald McKlnley, easterly part lot 1 block 1. Hugh Durns, west 2C feet, lot 1, Absalom F. Hedges, lot 8, block 2. James H. Fruit and John Monroe, lot 1. blk 3. Sidney W. Moss, part lot 4, blk 3. Walter Pomeroy, lot 5, block 3. Walter Pomeroy, southerly part lot (3, block 3. Alanson Husted, n part lot 6, blk 3. Hugh Rruns, lot 8, block 3. James Taylor, lot 1, block 4. Aaron E. Walt, s halt of lot 2. J block 4. i James H. Fruit, n half of lot 2, ( uiwiv i James R. Robb, lot 3, block 4. James R. Robb, lot 4, block 4. James R. Robb, lot 5, block 4. James R. Robb, lot C, block 4. James Fruit, lot 8, block 4. Andrew Hood, lot 2, block 5. Estate of Dr. Fre. Prlgg. lot3, blk 5. Walter Pomeroy, lot 6, block 5. A. Lawrence Lovejoy, lot 5, blk 5. Estate of John E. Long, lot 7, blk 5. John B. Price, lot 8, blk 5. Robert Cawfleld. lot 1, block 6. J. Qulnn Thornton, lot 4, blk 6. Forbes Barclay lot 3, blk 6. Hugh Burns, lot 1, block 7. M. Crawford and J. L. Morrison, lot 4, block 7. M. Crawford and J. L. Morrison, lot 5, block 7. George Lyeurgus T. Vault, lot 6, block 7. Hugh Burns, lot 8, block 7. Isaac F. Real, lot 1, block 9. Hiram Clark and F, Sebastian Je- !v e,t- lot 2' block 9- Walter Pomeroy, lot 3, block 9. Walter Pomeroy, lot 6, block 9. Alanson Husted, lot 7, block 9. Isaac R Ileal, lot 8. block 9. Samuel Welch, lot 4, block 10. Samuel Welch, lot 5, block 10. Hush Burns, lot G, block 10. Daniel D. Tompkins and Mathew Richardson, lot 1, block 11. Daniel D. ThompUlns and Mathew Richardson, lot 2, blk 11. George Abernethy, lot 3, blk 11. Elizaboth Markham, lot 4, blk It. Elizabeth Markham, lot 5, blk 11. George Abernethy, lot 0, blk 11. Dtrtil. I"). Thompkins and M. Rich ardson, lot 7, block 11. Danl. D. Thompkins and M. Rich ardson, lot 8, block 11. James Fruit, lot 2, block 13. A. J. Vickers, lot 3, block 13. Andrew Hood, lot 7, block 13. Walter Pomeroy, lot 2, block 14. Walter Pomeroy, lot 3, block 14. Harvey Gordon, lot H, block 14. A. L. IiveJoy, undivided half lot 1, I block 15. i Hiram Straight, undivided half of ' lot 1, block 15, Kidney W. Moss, lot 2, block 15. J. P..' Price, lot 5, block 15. J. 11. Price, lot 6, block 15, A. L. lovejoy, lot 8, block 15. James Winnton, lot 8, block 10. J. W. Ladd, lot 1, block 17. John W. Idd, lots 7 and 8. blk 17. Hezeklah Johnson, lot 8, blk 18, Robert Cawfleld, lot ?,, block 19. Robert Cawfleld, lot 4, block 19. George W. Walling, lot 1, blk 20. George W. Walling, lot 2, blk 20. Alanson Husted, lot 4, block 22. Mary Husted, lot 5, block 22. James H. Fruit, lot 5, block 23. Sidney V. Moss, lot 8, block' 23. Charles Brown, lot 4, block 24. John Smith Howland, lot 1, blk 2C. John L. Morrison, lot 8, blk 20. Medoran Crawford, lot 1, blk 27. Sidney W. Moss, lot 3, block 27. Sidney V. Moss, lot 4, block 27. Sidney W. Moss, lot 5, block 27. Medorem Crawford, lot 8, block 27. Sidney W. Moss, Jot 1. block 28. Sidney W. Moss, lot 2, block 28. TrusU. M. E. church, lot 4, block 28. Trustees M. E. church, lot 5, block 28. Absalom H. Frier, lot 6, block 28. Sidney W. Moss, lot 7, block 28. Sidney W. Moss, lot 8, block 28. John McLaughlin, lot 1, block 29. John McLaughlin, lot 2, block 29. Jot 3, block 29. lot 4, block 29. lot 5, block 29. lot 6. block 29. lot 8. block 29. Jacob S. Risley, lot 4, block 45. R. R. Thompson, lot 1, block 46. William Chapman, lot 2, block 46. J. T. Huntsucker, lot 4, block 4C. Joseph Ralston, lot G, block 46. William Chapman, lot 7, block 46. John S. Howland, e half lot 3, blk 47. John S. Howland, e half lot 4, blk 47. J. G. Gibson, lot C, block 47. Elizabeth Ann Howland and two i children, lot 7, block 47. Joseph E. Hereford, lot 3, blk 49. Joseph E. Hereford, lot 4, block 49. Rev. Goo. H. Atkinson, lot 6, blk 49. Rev. Geo. H. Atkinson, lot 7, blk 49. Abel Eudey, lot 8, block 49. Rev. Geo. H. Atkinson, lot 5, blk 49. James R, Robb, lot 1, blk 68. James R. Robb, lot 2. blk 68. Albion K. Post, lot 3, blk 68. Peter H. Hatch, lot 4, blk 68. Peter H. Hatch, lot 5. blk 68. Walter Fish, lot 6, blk 68. James R. Robb, lot 7, blk 6S. James H. Robb, lot 8, blk 68. -Andrew Hood, lot 1, blk 69. William Hood, lot 2, bit 69. D. H. Good, lot 7, blk 69. D. H. Good, lot 8, blk 69. Isaac Laswell. lot 1, blk 70. Isaac Laswell, lot 2, blk 70. John Mclaughlin, lot 3, blk 70. John McLaughlin, lot 6, blk 70. Isaac Laswell. lot 7, block 70. Isaac Laswell, lot 8. block 70. R. R. Thompson, lot 8, block 71. John McLaughlin, lot 3, block 1. John McLaughlin, lot 5, block 1. John McLaughlin, lot 4, block 1. John McLaughlin, lot 6, block 1. Albion K. Post, s half lotl. blk 2. John McLaughlin, lot 2, blk 2. John McLaughlin, lot 7, block 2. Forbes Barclay, lot 6, block 6. William Moore, lot 1, block 14. William Moore, lot 7, block 14. William Moore, lot 1, block 16. Gustavus A. Cone, lot 5, block 21. J. P. Brooks, lot 7, blk 21. George H. Atkinson, lot 8, blk 21. J. Qulnn Thornton, lot 3, block 22. J. Quinn Thornton, lot 6, block 22. John McLaughlin, lot 5, block 24. John McLaughlin, lot 6, block 24. John W. Ladd, lot 2, block 26. Richard Lane, lot 3, block 26. Richard Lane, lot 6, blk 26. John W. Ladd. lot 7, blk 26. Estate of George W. Rice, lot 2, blk 27. Sidney W. Moss, lot 6, block 27. J. Quinn Thornton, s 23 feet lot 7, blk 29. George T. Allen, Archibald McKin ley and Thomas Lowe, lot 8, block 1. . G. A. Cone, lot 2, block 7. C. Robson, lot 3, block 7. Rt. Rev. F. N. Blanchett, lot 3, block S. Rt. Rev. F. lot 4, block 9. Rt. Rev. F. N. Blanchett, lot X. Blanchett, lot lot 5, block 9. J. T. Hunsucker, lot 2, block 16 Estate of Hiram Phillips, lot block 17. I Estate of Hiram Phillips, lot j block 17. Robert Cawfleld for the Association of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Oregon City, lots 4 and 5, block 16. Trustees of Baptis church, Oregon City, lots 5 and .6, block 17. Newton Wheeler, lot 1, block IS. Xewton Wheeler, lot2. block 18. Ne.wton Wheeler, lot 3, blk 18. Newton Wheeler, lot 4, blook IS. Xewton Wheeler, lot block 18. William Holmes, lot C, block 21. Rev. F. W. Blanchett, lot 2, blk 22. Don't Push The horse cart draw the load without help, if you reduce friction to almost nothing by applying MicaAxh to the wheels. No other lubri cant ever mode wears so long and saves so much I' horsepower. Next time try Mica Axi.z Crease. Standard Oil Co. Ja Rev. F. N. Blanchett, lot 7, blk 22. John McLaughlin, lot 1, blk 24. lot 2, block 24. lot 8, block 21. lot 7, block 24. lot 3, block 21 Trustees M. E. church, Oregon City, lot 1, block 25. Trustees M. E. church, Oregon City, lot 2, block 25. Trustees M. E. church, Oregon City, lot 5, block 25. ' Trustees M. E. church, Oregon City, lOl tj, DiOCK Z.l. John McLaughlin, lot 3, block 28 e part lot 7. blk 8 J. M. Ware, lot 8, block 47. Joseph Jeffers, lot 1, blk 49. lot 2. block 49. Sidney W. Moss, lot 1, blk 54. " lot 2, block 54. " lot 3, block 54. " lot 4, block 54. " lot 5, block 54. " lot 6, block 54. " lot 7, block 54. " lot 8. block 54. Wm. C. Dement, n half lot 1, blk 2. E. M. Robson, lot 4, blk 8. Lawrence Lovejoy and Wm. M. Buck, lot 5, block 13. A. J. Vickers, lot 4, block 13. George Settlemlre, lot 8, block 19. Hugh Burns, lot 7, block 7. Hugh Burns, lot 8, block 6. J. G. Campbell, lot 7, blk 4. Marie Antoinette Caroline Nanjean, lot 1, block 12. Marie Antoinette Caroline Nanjean, lot 2, block 12. Marie Antoinette Caroline Nanjean, lot 3, block 1 Marie Antoinette Caroline Nanjean, lot 4, block 12. Marie Antoinette Caroline Nanjean, lot 5, block 12. Marie Antoinette Caroline Nanjean, lot 6, block 12. Marie Antoinette Caroline Nanjean, lot 7, block 12. Marie Antoinette Caroline Nanjean, lot 8, block 12. Albion K. Post, lot 4, block 2. Benoni B. Rogers and John P. Brooks, lot 5, block 2. Jaat.es Fruit, lot 1, block 48. George H. Murch, lot 2, block 48. James H. Fruit, lot .3, block 48. James H. Fruit, lot 4, block 48. James Fruit, lot 7. block 48. J. "Watt, lot 1, block 23. Robert Newell, lot 3, block 44. Robert Newell, lot 4, block 44. Robert Newell, lot 6, lock 44. Walter Pomery, lot 3. block 3. Walter Pomery, lot 5, block 8. P. G. Stewart, lot 4, block 5. Peter G. Stuart, lot 4, block 21 Rev. Francis F. Blanchet, lot 1, block 8. Rev. Francis X. Blanchet, block 8. Rev. Francis X. Blanchet, block 8. Rev. Francis X. Blanchet, lot 2. lot 6, lot 7. lot 8. block 8. Rev. Francis N. Blanchet, block 8. Sidney W. Moss, lot 1, block 71 John Scudder, lot 8, block 46. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS? Estacada News. Eastern Clackamas county is tak ing all the laurels this year from the rest of the state. The cherries are the biggest and most luscious, the strawberries are the reddest and sweetest, the vegetables are the larg est and soundest, and the girls the sweetest and purest. Appraisers Appointed. Appraisers were appointed by he probate court, July 29, in the estates of William Druschel and J. S. Vaughan. nsm;iuiuii,.jjiiiumil'vTg HOLD UP! &nd consid&r J"E POMMEL LIKE ALL WATERPROOF CLOTHING. Ismadf of thebfsf rmtt-riais, in tldcit ortl I ow folly tfuatdiitcd.uid sold!, rr liable Mm wtrywhtrt 3TICKT0THE 1 jt W, BXttt" vmrwi-.p leunma, a.J i owl CO. My I I - maa-. X -Vl J-.aW .