OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1907. FIGHT FOR 5-CENT FARE if:,! Jit Mwaukie Citizens Decide at 'tlr-Mass Meeting.to File For- "irjL'txn'al Complaint. commission by the cttlr.ens of Milwau kle, charging Inadequate freight ser- vice at that station on tho O W P. line of the Portland Railway. Light & Power company system, Manager F. I. Fuller contends the service Is fully up tothe standard of similar surbur ban electric railways and maintains that the complaint of the Milwaukle itea is not well founded. He states. however, .that the company will In? glad to build the comblnntlon passen ger and freight shed petitioned for If the citizens of Mllwaukie will furnish the Bite. ' , PETITIONS ARE REFUSED P. R., L. A P. Company Denies Prayer For Lower Rate and Case Will Be Carried to State Commission. PIONEER WOMAN IN GOOD HEALTH AT 30 Mrs. Sarah Higgins, better known as "Gran Higglus," of Redland was In Oregon City Monday en business and visiting old friends. Gran Higgins Is a pioneer of Ore gon, having come over from England in 1S5 1 and was married to John Hig gins In Wisconsin where they lived a few years, then crossed the plains, settling out near Redland. Mr. Hig gins fought in the Mexican war and in the great Rebellion. He died In 1S93. Mrs. Higgins will celebrate her eightieth birthday in October. She nas muue t uivuua m , . and they are pleased to boo her so spry. WOODBURN TO MOLALLA Surveyors Running Line For Railway Into South Clack amas County. ADOPT SECRET TACTICS Will Not Say What Company They Are Working Foi-Project Against Oregon City. Interests. CONFESSION NOT BELIEVED. The unusual spectacle la exhibited In Queens county, New York, of a grand Jury which hit a twice refused to Indict a man who ha repeatedly confessed to committing murder. Tho case In 'ill ii I of lliiinv Ilm-hni- u'lui mi win liftiT the murder of Amelia Staffeldt on May 22 admitted that he had killed the girl. HI family then declared i hut he whs crtuy and that his head had been turned by reading accounts of the murder Aside from his con fession and some suspicious circum stance, the police have no evidence (. connect him with tho crime, al though, they have worked for an In dictment. A a result of the grand Jury' second refusal to return an Indictment the young man"" will prob ably oon bo set free. It la an Inter idling case In Illustration of the the ory of the association of Idea, nays the Salem Statesman, and It ha some distinct bearing on doubt which have arisen ns to Orchard' confession at llolso. LEITER WAS FROM GRACE Mllwaukie is going after a 5 cent fare In earnest. At a mass meeting held Tuesday night in the city hall it was decided to file a complaint with the State Railroad commission against the Portland Railway. Light & Power company, charging the company with discriminating against Mllwaukie by charging a 10-eent fare to and from Portland. Mayor William Shindler presided at the meeting and J. W. Grasley acted as secretary. Mayor Shindler in a few words set forth the purposes of the meeting which was called to con sider the reply of the Portland Rail way Light & Power company to the petition that was filed with the Rail road commission two weeks ago, asking that the commission intercede to eecure a five-cent fare for Milwau kee, a concession which the railroad company declined to grant. Secretary .Grasley read the reply, which was signed by F. I. Fuller, gen eral manager and vice president of the railway company. In general, Mr. Fuller undertakes to show that there has been no discrimination against Milwaukie in the matter of fares. It Is admitted that St, Johns and Lents are further away from Portland than In the pocket of a coat worn by a Milwaukle, and have been given a five- 'suicide, Philip Standley, whose body cent fare, but it is contended that was found hanging from a tree aooui the long hauls are made at a loss, J 15 miles southea'st of Roseburg, was which is counterbalanced by the ; a part of a letter written at Oregon lares of passengers who travel only Jcity last fall and signed "Grace." The a few blocks. It Is intimated in the letter contained nothing of Importance reply that the company does not ( as far as known, and her family name make money on its St Johns line. j was not learned. PhiliD Streib gave a brief account ' Philip Standley disappeared from nfthe pfforts that have been made Cama3 Valley, April 15 last for the last three years to secure a j his home to go over to Henry Bush five cent fare. He said a five cent I nell's in Olalla. He was going to fare had been promised first by Man-jbring home" with him Mr. Bushnell's ager Hurlbert, and then by the late daughter. Miss Edna, to whom ho was Mr. Goode, Mr. Hurlburt retiring be- to be married the next day at the fore the promise was made good, and home of his uncle, Rev. John Standley, Mr. Goode dying before he could ex-Jin Camas Valley. His horse returned amine into the conditions. The com-ihome alone but a thorough and con Tnittoo hart held man? conferences ; tlnued search through the mountains with Manager Fuller, and was finally failed to reveal any definite trace of Written in Oregon City and Found in Pocket of Suicide. Young Man Disappeared at Camas Valley While On Way to Home of Intended Bride. A surveying party Is running a lino from Woodburn Into the Molalla coun try. The route of the proposed rail road runs south of Needy and iu by the Jonathan Yoder sawmill. The sur veyors will not say whether they are working for the Southern Pacific or for an independent company. A line was run a few mouths ago from Canby to Molalla. thence south to'Scotts Mills, tapping the coal mines and big timber belt there. "The fact that these surveys are being made should cause Oregon City people, and especially the business men to sit up and take notice," said one of the leading promoters of tho Oregon City, Heaver Creek and Mo lalla road Wednesday. "If a railroad Is built to Molalla from either Canby or Woodburn It Is goodbye as far as Oregon City Is concerned to about all of south Clackamas trade." The gentleman quoted knows what he Is talking about The lino of least resistance from Molalla to the river would come out about at Harlow. The Oregon City line Is the longest and costliest, but once built It would be a paying Investment, and unite south Clackamas to the county seat for many years, as no other road would be built into that territory for a long time. The surveys for the first section of the O. C, B. C. & M. railway have been completed, and work on secur ing the right of way starts Thursday morning. Whether tho road will be ADVERTISED LETTERS. Letter list for week ending July 15, 1:07. Oregon City postottlce: Woman's list Hob, Mr; Graves, Mrs. C. H.; C.cnlnl. Klnw; llolloway. Mrs. A.; Jackson, Mrs. 0. I; Schrain, Mrs. Katie. Men' list Hrown, John; Chase, Henry; Green, Otto I.; lvell, Hen, The bites and sting ot Insects, sun turn, cuts, burns and bruise re lieved at once with rinesalre Carbol Ized. Acts like a poultice. Draw out Inflammation. Try It. Price DO cents. Sold by Huntley Hroa. NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS-CULVERT. Notice Is hereby given that sealed proposals for the furnishing of all labor and material, for the construe lion of a stone or concrete culvert on a portion of John Adam. Sixth, Wash ington and Center street of Oregon City, Oregon, for the waters of Singer Hill branch, will be received until Wednesday, August "th. 3 907. at 4 o'clock p. m., by the undersigned committer, at tho office of the Re corder of Oregnn City. A certified check equal to five per cent of the total bid herein must ac company each bhL and which certi fied check will bo subject to forfeiture to Oregon City In case of failure of the successful bidder herein to enter We Sell Garland Stoves, Ranges and Heaters; Guaranteed. PAINTS! PAINTS! PAINTS! Fall assortment of colors and tints of the best Paint made TENTS! STOVES! STOOLS! Full and complete Une of Tents, suitable for hop-picking-purposes; Camp Stoves and Camp Stools, Campers Supplies of all kinds. I. TOLPOLAR, Main St. Opposite Post Office OREGON CITY OREGON. started this summer depends upon tho lnnilntt-ners alone tho iironosed route. Mntfi riinfrart for the comnletlon of He left I . ,,! ,.1., f,, I , .! r,,.nul, ,), ra LM.ril-V.l C laLULB .IU Mwi ,.n,n.t w, , MUCH Llll.Vl k Will IV BUtl Mil limn nv , it the appearance of an Important new advised by the latter to bring the 'mat-; the missing man. book Is an event deserving of any ter before the railroad commission, while hunting In the mountains last mention In a crowded newspaper, is however, for nearly all understand that their land will bo Increased in value much more than the right way is worth. of ARE BOOK REVIEWS NEWS. There seems to be a difference opinion among editors as to whether quired bond within ten day from the date of the acceptance of said bid. Further Itiforninlloti containing . . 1 S . 1. .. ! plans anu speriiiraiHMm mr un nm st ruction of said culvert will be fur nished uixin application to the He- ,'corder of Oregon City, of This notice is pnniisned ny oruer oreful of YoyrPropejJv One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office 112!, Residence 1833 525 Main Street I I I ...... and this was done. Mr. Streib said 'Saturday afternoon,, Orble Fierce, wno that he had been informed that Mr. ji3 about 20 year3 of age, unexpectedly Fuller Intended this advice as a Joke! found the body in a secluded spot and did not expect the Milwaukle (just three months and five days after people would go that far, but they had Ithe unfortunate man's disappearance, followed the advice and would fight ! The body was 'found suspended by it out. 'the neck from a drooping limb, a Richard Scott called attention to! noose having been formed with his the fact that the O. W. P. feives a five-1 handkerchief. This was attached to cent fare to Niekum's Station on the jthe limb by the use of his suspenders. , Gresham line, wnicn is iurtner away a small mirror iymg ncai uj imv.- than Milwaukle. The following committee was ap pointed: Mayor William Shindler, Richard Scott, Philip Streib, J. W. Grasley and J. N. Snyder. The com mittee was authorized to file the for mal complaint at once. A hearing will be held in the city hall of Mil waukie at such time as the Railroad commission may fix that will be agree able to both sides. While the fact was not brought out at the meeting in Mllwaukie, it is well known the principal reason that a five cent fare is not given to Mil waukle and a corresponding reduc tion to Oak Grove, is the effect it would have on the fare to Oregon City, the company being determined to keep the rate between sere and Portland at 25 cents. During the last few months there have been several attempts made by private individuals, to secure a 10 or 15 cent rate from Oregon City, be sides the efforts of the board of trade in the same direction. It is claimed that a 10 cent fare would add COOO to the population of this city within three years. Milwaukle is kept from growing by a fare twice as high as to other su burbs. The town has now COO Inhab itants and it is believed there that a five cent fare would double the popu lation In a short time. The town is Incorporated, and it was announced at the meeting Tuesday night that a careful investigation was being made Into the franchise the street railway company holds in Milwaukie. , ed that this had been used in neip Ing to adjust the noose. He had then apparently stepped off a log lying there and strangled to death. His coat and vest were found lying on a the review of a good novel or a great history a matter of real public Inter est? The Chicago Record-Herald Is one of the comparatively few news papers that answers this question in tho affirmative by printing reviews and news of the latest books every day In the week. It believes that Its read ers are Intelligent men and women, who wish to keep up with the world's literary events, as well as with other Important news. Its literary depart ment under the editorship of Edwin L. Shuman, Is generally acknowledged to be the most ably conducted In tho West. Mr. Shuman's reviews are of the Council of Oregon City, made !at a special meeting of said Council held June II. 1907. K. P. HANDS, F. J. MEYKR, . D. C. WILLIAMS, Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. 33-2 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY H. E. CROSS ATTORN ICY AT LAW CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE, log. During the long period oi us i sought and quoted ail over tne coun- exposure the body was very badly de-,try, and so are thoso of his brilliant composed. The feet had dropped off corps of assistants. Walter Little and the pants and underclothing had 'field's news letter from New York ev slipped to the ground. The face, how- ery Saturday keeps the Record-Herald ever, was Intact, although almost readers Informed on all the forth black from exposure and shrunken to coming books of Importance,' and a nothing but skin and bones. The hair cable dispatch from London every on his head also remained in place. Sunday gives the latest book news of Fragments of handkerchief tied to i the English capital. Thus by covering the limb showed that at least two previous attempts had been made. be fore the end was accomplished. Besides the letter to "Grace" of Oregon City, two blank envelopes and Notice Is hereby given that there are sufficient funds on hand In tho Water Fund ot Oregon City to pay all outstanding warrant endorsed prior to November 11th, 1905. Also Gen eral Fund Warrant No. 2901. Interest ceases with tho date of this notice. Dated July 25th. 1907. M. D. LATOl'RETTE, Treasurer of Oregon City. Kent ICntate, Luan, Inurtric MmIii Htreel, OHICOON CITY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S NOTICE. No Kick Coming, Says Fuller. Salem, July 24 Replying to the complaint lodged with the Railroad $4.72 In coin were found In his pockets. The marriage license for him and Miss Bushnell was Issued April 11, and the following day Standley deed ed to Miss BuBhnell his CO acre farm in Camas Valley. In support of the suicide theory It Is related that Standley said last summer at the funeral of his older brother who uicided at Camas Val ley that he, himself, would go the same way. Who "Grace" is, Is as much of a mystery in Oregon City as in Rose burg. 1 To Whom It May Concert: I call attention to Sec. 974 of Bel linger and Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Oregon, which reads as follows: 1974. Liquor Not to be Given Away 'or Sold or Retail House Kept Open . GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office In Caufield Bldg., Main and Eighth Sts W.S.U'RKN C; SCHUKBBL , U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORN UYS-AT-LAW DRUT.SCHKR ADVOKAT Will practice in all court., make collection and irtllemcnU of rititci FurntM. r. .... - . ' ..rt- i.. ruttttinica .ti.tr.ct. ol line, icnu you money on urm uuirinno, wnuc iu iniinriui. Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. C HEDCES r. !. CRIFFITH the literary events of the world as thoroughly as those of every other field, the Record Herald has become on Sunday. , the leading authority In that line west "No person shall keep open any of New York. It Is not strange that house or room-In which Intoxicating people of literary taste prefer It. liquor Is kept for retail, on the first day of the week, commonly called Notice of Final Settlement. ' Sunday, or give, or sell, or otherwise In the County Court of the State of 'dispose of Intoxicating liquors on that flreirnn for Clackamas C onntv. dav: anv nerson Violating tills Sec- HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 1043 Wcinhard Building, opposite Court House FARM FOR SALE In the matter of the Estate of Mahala L. Hansen, deceased tlon shall be fined In any sum not pKruedlne t.wentv-flve nor less than Notice Is hereby given that the un- ifen dollars for each offense; and such derslgned, administrator of the above 'fine to be for the use "of common estate has filed his final account here- schools In the county In which the In and that the Judge of the said offense was committed: Provided, Court has designated Monday, the that this section, so far as It prohibits 2Cth day of August, 1907, at 9:30 a. m., keeping open a house or room, shall at the Courtroom of said Court as the not apply to tavern keepers. Thirty-one acres, i miles above Oregon City; G acres In good timber, (good spring of everlasting water) the rest In pasture and cultivation. Situated on tho river wagon road and railroad. One mile from motor car. Considerable fruit trees and I nice garden place, good well, new j house, three barns. Inquire of Harve ' Farmer, West Oregon City. Value $3300, part down. C4-oow-2 LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to- the council of Oregon City at Its next regular meet ing for a renewal of his liquor license until October 1, 1907, at his present place of business, 517 Main street, Oregon City. D. McHENRY. time and place for the hearing of ob jections to tho said final account and the settlement thereof. On and after Sunday, the 2St.h day of July, 1907, the foregoing section of our statutes will bo strictly enforced Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, July in tho Fifth Judicial District, embrae 24, 1907. ROY W. COCHRAN, Administrator of estate of Mahala L. Jiansen, Deceased. .. Dato of first publication July 26, 1907; date of last publication August , 23, 1907. . 33t5 lng tho counties of Clackamas, Clat sop, Columbia and Washington. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, this 24th day of July, 1907. GILBERT L. HEDGES,. District Attorney for the Fifth Judic ial District, State of Oregon. STRAIGHT A SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING, and ' GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau lic Rams a Specialty. Phone 2082. Oregon City, - Oregon. ,PRED C. CADKC Plumbing JJJ'Ino Hot Air Furnam, Hop Pipes. Pumpi, Spray Pumpi, Water Pipes, Spraying, Materials. All Kinds ot Jobbing Specialty Estimates Q'ven on All Clauses of Work. Re. Phniis 1614 Shop 1616 914 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or W. H. NELSON BLACKSMITH Wagon and Carriage Maker Horse Shoeing a Specialty 107 FOURTH 8TREET. Near Roake's Fo-idry. OREGON CITY, OREQON. ,, PHONE 2601