Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 26, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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In tho Circuit Court of tho Rtato of
Oregon In and for (ho County of
M. 1'. Citinton, riulutllt,
Allco CmiMoii, Defendiiut.
To tho hIiovq iiiinii'd (li'fciKliini, Alice
In tho nntuo of tho HI atn of Oregon,
yon are hereby summoned to apponr
mid answer tho complaint filed
BKulnst you In Iho alwive entitled suit
on or Inborn the 27th day of July,
17, niul If you fall to answer, for
want thereof tho plaintiff will take
tier row against you fur thu relief
prayed fur In tho complaint, heroin
Moil, to-wlt:
That tho bonds of matrimony now
und heretofore existing between
plaintiff unit (Infiiniliiiit be forever dis
solved, anrl that thu plaintiff be do
crend tu ho tho aliMoiutu owner of
ton (10) n ml cloven (It), block
tn (10) In park Addition to'Alblna,
now Portland, Multnomah County,
Oregon, and that tho defendant ho
deenmd to hove no Interest no dower
or otherwise, In and to said proporty.
ami that tho plaintiff reenter of and
from tho defendant hi costs and dis
bursement In thla milt and for such
other and further relief as to tho
Court may appear Just, meet and
Thla Mumuiona la published hy order
of, Hon, Thomaa A. Mrllrldo,' Judge of
tho above entitled Court, duly mode.
liid and filed on tho 11th day of
June, 1007, which order specified tho
tltno fur answering tho complaint
herein an tho 27ih day of July, 1907,
and tho firm putillcatloti of aummona
I made upon tho Hth day of Juno,
1907, and tho iatt publication of aum
mona In madn upon tho 2i;th day of
July, 1907,
2717 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon, for ClackainaH county.
Catherine Moore, I'lolntlff,
Jottcph II, Moor Defendant.
To Jiwcph II. Moore, Defendant,
above named; In th nnmo of tho
Stato of Oroaon you are required to
ap'ur and answer tho complaint
tiled against you in tho above cntltl
d court and cauo, on r before tho
J 2th day of August. 1907, that bo
lug tho dato fixed by th court for
auch an appearance or answer In
ami by tho order of tho court for
publication of aummona and If you
fall bo to appear and answer tho
Plaintiff will apply to tho court for
tho relief prayed for In her com
plaint. ti-wlt: for a decroo dlsolvug
tho inarrlngo contract now painting
betweern tho plaintiff and defendant
mid to allow her tho euro and cus
tody of tho child, Helen Mooro, aired
4 yeara, and for audi other relief aa
to the court may aeeui meet and
Jut. Thla anmmona la to bo pub
lished In tho Oregon City Enterprise
for not aa than onco a week for
alx conwcutlve weeks, prior to aald
day of AiiKOHt, 1907. lly order of
tho Honorable Tliotnaa A. Mcllrlde,
Judk' of aald court, mndo and entered
on thla 2r.th day of Juno, 1907. First
imblicatlon Juno 27. 1907; last Insor
Hon August 10, 1907,
29 t7 Attorney for rialntlff.
Iw tho Circuit Court of tho Statu of
Dregou or Clackamas County.
Marlbel Uentloy Roister, Plaintiff,
Edmund Rclhtor, Defendant.
To lCdtuond Roister, tho above
named defendant:
In thu namo of tho Stato of Oregon
you aro hereby requlrod to appear and
answer a complaint filed against you
In the above entitled court and cause
on or before tho 19th day of Auguat,
1907, that being tho last day pre
acrlbed In tho order of publication or
dering thla summons, and If you fall
to appear and answer aald complaint,
tho plaintiff will apply to tho court
for tho relief prayed for In tho com
plaint filed In.' tho abovo entitled
court and cause, to-wlt: for a decree
dissolving tho bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between
you and tho plaintiff, upon tho
ground of willful desertion.
Thla aummona la publUhed In tho
Oregon City Knterprlao for alx huc
cealvo and conaenitlvo weeks by o
dor of Honorable Thomaa A. IcDrldo,
Judgo of tho above entitled court,
niado and entered on the 20th day of
Juno, 1907, tho flrt publication being
on the 5th duy of July, 1907, and the
lant publication being on tho lCth day
of Auguat, 1907.
30t7 Attorney for the rialntlff.
Notice of Roatoratlon of Publlo Landa
to Settlomont and Entry. Depart
ment of tho Interior, General Land
Office, Washington. D. C, May 11,
1907. Notice la hereby given that tho
vacant public landa In tho following
described areas, temporarily with
drawn for proposed additions to the
Cascade National Forest, Oregon, on
October 20, and December 10, 1905,
and January 18, 1906, and not other
wise withdrawn, reserved, or appro
priated, will by authority of the Sec
retary of the Interior be restored to
the pubMc domain on July 27, 1907,
and become subject to settlement on
and after that date, but not to entry,
filing or selection until on and after
Augnat 26, 1907, under the usual re
strictions, at tho United States Land
Office at Portland, Oregon: In Town
ship four (4), Range five (5), Sections
four (1) and alx (6) la Township two
(2) , ItitiiKo six ((!), flection fourteen
(H) to twontyalx (20), both Inclu
sive, the north half of Hect.lona twen
ty nlno (29), thirty four CM), thirty
flvo CM) and thlrty-al 1150); In Town
ship two (2), Rung seven (7), Hoc
Hons twenty-seven (27), twonty-olght
(28), the south half of flection twenty
nlno (29), nil Hectlons thirty (3),
tblrly-nno (III), thirty two CI2) and
thlrty-throo (31!); in Township three
(3) , Uungo seven (7), Hectlons four
(4) , flvo (5), the north half and south
west quarter of Hecjlon six (0), tho
north half of Section eight (8), and all
Boctlon nlno (9); all Kouth and Hast,
WllliuiiMto Meridian, Oregon. Warn
ing is hereby expreasly given that no
person will bo permitted to gain or
exercise any rlKht whatever under any
settlement or occur atlon begun prior
to July 27. 1907, and all such settle,
ment or occupation Is hereby forbid
ApprovH: THOH. ItVA.V,
Acting Secretary of tho Interior.
In tho Circuit Court of tho fltato of
Oregon-in and for tho County of
Clackamas. ,
Lena M. Nelson, Plaintiff,
Andrew Nelson, Defendant.
In tho namo of the Btato of Ore
gon: You, Andrew Nelson, tho bIxivo
named defendant, aro hereby required
to appear and answer thu complaint
filed aKalnst you herein on or before
Monday, tho 29th day of July, 1907,
that day being six weeks from the
first publication of tho summons hero
in, and If you fall to appear and an
swer heroin, plaintiff will apply to tho
Court for tho relief prayed for In
tho complaint on file herein, to which
reference is hereby niado, and more
particularly as follows: For a decree
dlxtolvlng tho bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant, on tho ground of cruel and
Inhuman treatment.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof for not less
than six successive weeks In tho Ore
Kon City Enterprise, published In the
County of Clackamas, Htate of Ore
gon, and by order of tho Honorable
Thomas A. Mcllrldo. Judge of the
abovo entitled Court, which order li
dated the 10th day of Juno, 1907.
The dato of tho first publication of
this summons is Friday, tho Htb day
of June. 1907, and tho date of the
laxt publication of this summons Is
Friday, the 2Gih day of July, 1907.
27t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of tbo Stato of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In thw matter of tho Estato of N. O.
Wslden, deceased.
Pursuant to an order duly made and
entered In tho abovo entitled court,
in" tho mntter of the estate of N. O.
'Vulden, deceased, on tho 2d day of
July, 1907. the undersigned, urvlving
executors of the etate of N. O. Wal
den, deecaae ;. will on Saturday, tho
th'rd day of August, 1917, at .the
I our of ten o'clock In the forenoon of
"aid dn". ul tho front door of tho
court houao of Clackamas county, In
Crogon Cltv Oregon, offer for salo
and sell at r-'ibllc auction to tho high
e: t bidder, lor cash, and subject to
confirmation by tho above entitled
court alt o iho following described
real property belonging to tho estato
.f tho said N. O. Walden, deceased,
1. A pa' rf Lot 7 of Illock 28 In
Ongon City. Cinckamaa County, State
of Oregon, described as follows:
Beginning at tho southwesterly cor
ner of tho aald lit No. 7: tbfnce In a
Northerly direction and following the
Westerly ltno thereof 33 foot; thence
Dnuterly and at right angles to the
sold Westerly boundary lino of said
Lot 7. and parallel to tho side linos
thereof, 105 feet; thence at right an
glea and parallel with Main Street 33
feet to Southerly line of said lot 7;
thence at right angles aad following
tho south lino of said Lot 7 to the
place of beginning,
2. An undivided half Interest In
IiOts Nos. 3, 4 and 9 In James Chase's
subdivision of Block "D" or Park
place In Clackamas County, Oregon.
3. An undivided half Interest In a
tract of land In Clackamas County,
State of Oregon,, described 89 fol
lows: Beginning at the Northwest corner
of tho Jamea Winston D. L. C. in the
Southwest quarter of Section 21,
Township 2 South of Range 2 East
of Willamette , Meridian; running
thence East on said claim line 26.32
chains more or loss to tho County
road at the top of the bluff; thence
following the meanderiags of said
road In a Southwesterly direction to
an Intersection of the James Winston
and George Abornethy D. L. C;
thonco south' C6 degrees 43 minutes
West following said claim lino to the
Southwest corner of the Jamea Win
ston D. L. C; thonce IIorth on Bald
claim line to the Northwest corner
thereof, being tho place of beginning
and containing 14 acres more or less.
Executors of the Estate of N, O. Wal
den, Deceased. 7
for Executors.
First publication July 5, 1907.
Notice to creditors.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of tho Bl.aU of Oregon
for iiifl County of Clackamas, admln
latrator of tho estate of Wesley Bmlth,
deceased. All persons having claims
ngnliiKt said est.ato aro hereby noti
fied to present tho same duly verified
ns by Iftw required, at thu oflko of
U'Rpn &. Bchuebel within six months
from the date of this notlco.
Dated this 19th day of July, 1907.
Administrator of the estate of Wesley
Hmllh,' deceased,
for Administrator. 32t5
In the County Court of tho Bruto of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In tho matter of tho Estato of Fred
Waospo, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given that tho un
dersigned has boon duly appointed
executrix of the laut will and testa
ment of Fred Waotftm, deceased, and
all persons having claims against the
suld estate must present thorn to the
undersigned duly verified within six
months from tho dato of thla notice.
Dated July 10th, 1907.
H08A WAESf'K, Executrix,
Bandy, Oregon.
J. O, JONSHRUIJ Attorney for Exec
utrix. Administrator's Notice of Final Set
tlement. Patrick Bharkey Estate.
Notlco Is hereby given that the
undersigned has this day , filed
his final account as administra
tor of tho Kstate of Pat
rick Bharkey, deceased, and that tho
County Court of tho Stato of Oregon,
County of Clackamas, has set Mon
day tho 29th day of July, 1907, at tbo
hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day
and tho court room of said court as
tho place and hour of hearing objec
tions thereto.
Administrator of tho Entate of Pat
rick Bharkey, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the Honorable County Court of Clack
amas County, State of Oregon, as ad
ministrator of the estate of L. G. Carl
son, deceased. All persona having
claims against the said estate shall
present tho same duly verified to the
administrator either at his residence
In Kelso, Oregon, or to his attorney,
Thos. F. Ryan, at Oregon City, with
in alx months from the date of this
Dated July 12, 1907.
Administrator of Estate of L. G. Carl
son, Deceased.
THOS. F. RYAN, Attorney for Admin
istrator. Chief of Police Sale of Real Property
for the Satisfaction of Delin
quent City Liens.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
City of Oregon City, bb.
By virtue of a warrant duly Issued
by tho Recorder of Oregon City to
mo directed and dated the 2Gth day of
June, 1907, commanding me to forth
with levy upon the several lota, tracts,
blocks or parts thereof hereinafter
described, and to Bell the Bame In the
manner provided by law; to satisfy
the amount of the several unpaid
assessments against each parcel of
tho said real property as hereinafter
set forth, together with Interest at
the rate of alx per centum per annum
from the date set after each of said
Tho date of docketing. Hen, the
namo of the owner or reputed owner,
thp object of tho assessment, the
description of the property levied up
on, the amount of Hen and date from
which Interest on such amount of
Hen shall be computed and collected,
belug as follows:
May 4, 1892, Mrs. K. L. New
ton, Seventh Street Improve
ment. Lots 1 and 2, block
142, Oregon City. $ 24 90
With Interest at G per cent per an
num from August 25, 1906.
June 7, 1900, Wm. S Uaugh,
sidewalk Improvement. Lot
4 and northwesterly 26 feet
of lot 3 In block 1 of Fair
view addition to. Oregon
City $ 10 00
With Interest at G per cent per an
num from August 25, 1906.
Oct. 23, 1900, Mary F. Cross,
sidewalk Improvement. Part
of lot 2 In block 24 of Ore
gon City descrlbod as fol
lows: Beginning , at the
southwest corner of said lot ;
running thence along the al
loy toward Main Btreet In a
northerly direction 70 feet;
thence In an easterly direc
tion 33 feet to a stake;
thence In a southerly direc
tion parallel with the line
along the alley 70 feet;
thence In a westerly direc
tion 33 feet to the place of
beginning, being one-third
part of said lot. For Improve- v
ment of alley in block 24 of
Oregon City ....$ 15 75
With interest at 6 per cent per an
num from August 25, 1900,
Jan, 14, 190J, James Ixdan
Kstate. Bldowalk Improve
ment. Iit 4 of block 13,
Oregon City ., f 2 50
May 2, 1901, Mary Ann Dutch
er, sidewalk Improvement.
I)t f, block 144, Oregon
City $ 14 04
With interest at 6 per cent pn an
num from August 25, 1900.
May 8, 1902, Miss Htaben. Side
walk Improvement, lots 5
and C, block 45, County Ad-
dldon to Oregon City .. 2 55
With Interest at 6 per ont per an
num from August 25, 1900.
Bept. 3, 1903, 8arah J. Hender
son, Sidewalk Improvement.
Lot 4, block 124, Oregon
City $ 15 39
With interest at 6 per cent per an-num-frorn
August 25, iioJ.
Sept. 3, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Bldowalk Improvement,
I)t 5, block 124, Oregon
City I 15 89
With interest at C per cent per an
num from August 25, 1900,
Sept. 3, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sidewalk Improvement,
It 4, block 145, Oregon
City ." $ 15 39
With interest at C per cent per an
num from August 25, 190C.
Sept. 3. 1903, Sarah J. Hender- .
son, Sidewalk Improvement,
Itt 5, block 145, Oregon
.1 15
With Interest at C per cent per an
num from August 25, 1906.
Sept. 3, 1903, Thos. A. Mc
Bride, Sidewalk Improve
ment, lot 1, of block 34,
County Addition to Oregon
City $ 24 38
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from August 25, 190C.
Sept. 3, 1903, Thos. A. Mc
Brlde, Sidewalk Improve
ment, lot 8, block 34, County
Addition to Oregon City $ 24 38
With interest at 6 per cent per an
num from August 25, 1906.
June 23. 1903, Aaron E. Wait,
Sewer District No. 3 Assess
ment,, lot 1 of block 19, Ore
gon City 48 54
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Aaron E. Walt,
Sewer District No. 3 Assess
ment. Lot 2, blk 19, Oregon
City $ 43 10
June 23, 1903, Peter Pacquet
Estate, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. South half of
lot 4, block 48, Oregon City. J 30 31
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment,. Lot 3. block
f 100, Oregon City $ 62 72
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment Lot 4, block
100. Oregon City 44 73
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18. 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 5, block
100, Oregon City $ 44 73
With Interest at 6" per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.'
Juno 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hen
derson, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 6, block
100, Oregon City $ 63 72
With interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903. v
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 7, block
100, Oregon City 62 72
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender-
iZoderate Prices
1 We wish to announce to the public that we Have opened offices in your city where
we are prepared to give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider
ing the class of work produced.
. . 1
k 11 t t ii .i i . r t . v . . at
mi operations peno.rmea Dy tne latest rainless metnocis JNote our prices
BRIDGE WpRK - - $5.00
Over Harding's Drug Store
. i v-
i,,..a.f- 1. ...... -r: r. --
, '
of 1907 as follows; Monday at Hub
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at
J. D.Ralney, Keeper. R.
son, Sewer District No. t
Assessment,. Lot 3, block
124, Oregon City f 31 11 1
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J, Hender
son, Sower District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 4, block
124, Oregon City I 49 10
With interest at per Cent per an
num from July 18, 1903. ,v
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 5, block
124, Oregon City $ 49 10
With Interest at 6 per. cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3 ,
Assessment. Lot 6, block
124, Oregon City $ 31 11
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, D. M. Whit
more. Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 1, block
144, Oregon City $ 43 10
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Anna Band,
Sewer District No. 3 Assess
ment. Lot 8, block 144, Ore
gon City 46 10 j
- With Interest at C per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 3, block
145. Oregon City $ 31 11
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23. 1903, SarahJ. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 4, block
145. Oregon City I 49 10
With Interest at 6 per cent per an-
Jnum from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 5, block
145. Oregon City $ 49 10
With interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903. '
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender
son, Sewer District No. 3
Assessment. Lot 6, block
145, Oregon City 31 11
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Wm. J. Rauch,
Sewer District No. 3 Assess- ,
ment. Lot 5, block 155, Ore
gon City $ 35 34
With Interest at 6 per cent per an-
num from July 18, 1903.
June 23, 1903, Wm. J. Rauch,
Sewer District No. 3 Assess
ment. Lot 6, block 155,Ore-
gon City $ 5 14
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from July 18, 1903.
Sept 6. 1903, W. Wr. Myers. ,
Jackson Street Improve
ment West half of lot 1,
block 159, Oregon City....$ 84 71
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from October 3, 1903.
Sept. 6, 1903, WT. W. Myers,
Jackson Street Improve
ment. West half of lot 2, block .
159, Oregon City $140 51
The Imported German Coach Stallion
PFIEL 1671 i
A beautiful bay, 16 hands high
weighs 1545 pounds, splendid ooach
action, that was admired so mudi at
the Iwls and Clark Show, wHira he
stood third In a class of CoacMUal
lions that could not be beaten on
either continent. Pflel won first prize
cfTt'I championship at tho Oregon State
Fair in 1903-4, and Is considered rbf
good Judges to bo theWltrtn
conch stallion In the sajot ,Holta
aro uniformly good, 'atrtWtr: Wtrot
ting bred mares thn look like pure
bred coachers-. WiMTnatte'the season
bard; Tuesday at -J- N. McKay's;
Oe-rgon City. Terms $20 to Insure with
J. NiaKAVi 'Owner, ...
F. D. No. lii(Stifu, Oregon.
With Interest at f per cent per an
num from October 3, 1903,
Sept. 6, 1903, John Welch,
Jackson Street Improve
ment. Lot 7, block 103, of
Oregon City $348 53
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
num from October 3, 1903.
Sept. 6, 1903, John Welch,
Jackson Street Improve
ment, Lot. 8, block 1C3, of
Oregdn City $221 33
With Interest at 6 per cent per an
nnm from October 3, 1903.
Now, therefore, pursuant to such
warrant, I have levied upon each par
cel of the real property above de
scribed for the amount of the respec
tive lien thereon, together with in
terest, as aforesaid, and shall on Sat
urday the 17th day of August, 1907, at
the hour of ten o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, at the front door of
the court house of Clackamas county.
In Oregon City, Oregon, offer for sale
and sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder, for cash, and subject to
redemption as provided by law, each
of the several separate parcels of
real property hereinbefore described
or so much of each of said parcels
as may be necessary to satisfy the
amount of the unpaid lien thereon a3
hereinbefore set forth, together with
interest on such amount of lien from
the date set after the description of
each parcel of said real property aa
in this notice set forth.
Cheif of Police of Oregon City.
Private Money To Loan, 6 Per Cent.
On real estate security.
$1000.00 two to five years.
500.00 one year.
750.00 three years.
1500.00 five years.
400.00 two to four years.
600.00 three years.
500.00 two to five years.
2500.00 one to 5 years.
Call, write or 'phone by July 1, 1907.
Attorney at Law, Stevens Bldg., Ore
gon City, Ore.
New Thomas hay tedder, nearly
new hinder, Deering mower, and
Soilthwick hay baler In good repair.
This machinery has all the latest im
provements and is the best of its
class. Owing to other business, will
sell reasonably.
Also Percheron horse lor sale. Act
promptly If you want a bargain. Can
be seen on my farm near Clackamas
Station, Or. C. F. CLARKE.
HOUSE AND LOT has fruit trees,
chicken house, etc., located on Sixth
street Must be sold at once. Call at
Daniel Williams, 4164 Seventh street
Sold on easy terma. 19tf
Have You Rooms to Rent?
Persons having rooms for teachers
attending the Summer Normal,
please report, stating terms, to J. C.
Zinser. 35-3
8 and 9, Willamette Building'