Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 26, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Portland, July 22TIim tup iioU'Ihth
In Kuvt'i riiiii'iii. affairs urn Ih'CoiiiIiik
better acquainted wlih Oregon's re
mum en mi 'I iiiMf.'HitllU'K. lion. Owcur
!, Straus, secretary of commerce and
labor, wuh given mi lufitriiwil recop.
t Ion at t h Commercial club Saturday
night, and bh N now well known, wan
liiiiiii'iitlily in ci'ili'il liy Secretary
Garfield and Vice president Fulr
batiks, and thi-iv U )i't lu store news
In iiiuiiiiii'ii (if tint iiiiiht Interesting
visit of them. all.
liming tlil ilniiiliiy period, when
Hut atmosphere Ik laden with a spirit
lf ri'HlMllllK'H til OH pOI"llton tlppll'M-
Slotl, don't li t t ho fellow who never
contribute a dollar towiiril the ad
verting nI advancement nf li In
coiuiiiimlly be excused -from making
Kuril Contribution heruuMu he ran talk
liiinl'T tunl ofieiii r t hn ii the biiny mini i
and good eltl.eu w ho believes Hint n
"square deal" Includes hlniKelf and
thiil lui Hhoubl do his duly towards
Ills fellow citizen-If "brolie" ur too
Ml III Ky o in II K giving tt (ili-NHtire, lie
run do lilt section nmne good by writ
ing It few letter to relatives, ac
quaintance liml friends In tin) Kant,
telling thelll of the low rules to, Ulid
the glorious (ii
by Oregon.
divorce from his wlfo, LoiilHtt Voll
iiimii. They were imirrleil at, Judn,
Wis,, In December, 1KII0, ami lm says
she. Immediately began treating tilui
cruelly anil Inliiimunly, drove hla
daughter by a former marriage from
t licJr home, ii nd even went no fur oh
lo hiivc pliiliillff arrested In Chicago
In 18!M! for desertion, which charge
was iIIhiiiIhmciI because she never up
peiired to give evidence against him,
Thu miiim yeiir she rcfuHcil to accom
pany Ii) til to his new home where It.
wiim necessary for him to move In
order lo provldo a living for bin fam
ily. They have two children who i
that Ih really little, under-
The Fraternal Brotherhood excur
hIoii on f hn steamer Kellogg to Mult,-
noniali fallH, Sunday was a very en-
were with the mother tho Ht ho 'J'Hlilo nffulr and successful finan-
know of her whereabouts,
; daily an well. Nothing occurred to
mar the pleasure of tho day except
that the Woolen Mill ball team lout
tho game at Camas. Hut then one
Couiicllmiin Win. AndreMcii returned M"""1 "' 1,,B" a"'1 wl'"" Ul" ,rt
Friday evening from a two we. -km j w"r,! "",y l'"1 "P H,lfr
outing at XewiM.rt. Mm. AndreHcnand t"'"'"' un'1 m"'k" ""' faHt (;"ma" ,,(""
the .,ll,l,,. will ret.mll. I., ll.elr ,M. "''" ' " '""' ' e" I'l-
" ...
la by Hie Hcit unlit Hepteniber. '" 1,1
Mr. AndreHO,, m there nr., Io!h j ("ni"
of .eo,le at-lli- b.H, and more ar I F')!"''" cro by lnnhiKH
.xpecteil when ie valley Ke(H II Hood'""'1 """"f" "f inml
I...I t....ll .... Tl... ..tl....Ml.... ,.t .1... 1 'I M ') II i
..... rti" t !(, iiv i lini'Ml rt I i
Tho lawM. tratiHactlon In hom that
haw been made In tint vicinity of 811
vcrtoii f(,r Heveral monthH wan con
HiimiiiaJed laat Monday evening, tiayH
tlio Wood burn Independent, wlnn 1.
L. Hower nob Ida entire lot of IW,
liopn to T. A, Llveley & Co., of Sa
lem, The lot connoted of l.'IO balea
and the price received Ih mild to have
been ."."cciil!! per pound. Laxt winter
Mr. Bower refuHi.-d 1 2 Va ceritn per
pound for the product,
Cliarh-a Leilh Ih coriHlderln an
. That packing cough continues
Because your system is exhausted and
your powers of resistance weakened.
Take Scoffs Emulsion,
It builds up and strengthens your entire system.
It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so
prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest ,
Guynup, portion Ezra Flwher die, 1
acre. $.",00.
Jennie V. Stubb to K. L. Fraley,
lot (i, blk 21, of list add to Ustarada.
Janieu Walker to Albert I). Schmidt,
offer of $ld0 an acre for bin 10 acreHipart of Horace Hrown din, 3 and 4 h-
of hops hx they Htand. They will av-
rai;e about 1500 pounds to the acre.
name wuh tho r.llnf? of n H ""'rs h'dV,: '"'" "f
an acre, ihla Ih encouraging to
hiell on.
('. &. K. from Yaqiilna to Newport
0 1 00
Oiik'on City..,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
In 1 M aHMined Hlneo Iliirrlmnn bought WOOLK.V MILLS CAMAS
the riil'ioad. Newn t w lilt Kood rail-; A. Iiik p Nefrgnr
road fucllltleH would noon become the Murphy c Law
leadlim coiiNt ri-Mort In thu Northwcnt j N. 1't'K lb McGinnU
m It now Ix the pretileKf and moKt j H"Knatt 2b Plcltett
attmcllvo. ICatea , Kb Oterman
piriform hh Youiir
i Caey f Cheney
FAIR IS FAVORED f. rK rf Rleiy
' AT WILLAMETTE) J fr"rH"n "
j The Or-Koit City Crayn won an In-
Tin' lievelopment Uaww of Wll-j ,,-r,,Ml,l al1'" " Or.-Hbam
Jamele met Friday ev.-nliiK. Captain ' "n "llIa"1''"" h'innay ar-
rtunltleH prcHentedij j., jjnBW wn prowent and made an t"rt,oon h (,"r" f,t 8 l" The
lntenetii(r talk for tlm K.d of the ! (irn'n Plavd flint ball all tho time
DnrliiK the punt three wei'kii the ,.,,K,. 'id,, fur propimlilon wan dla- Rnl 'reKham club wan danneroiiB
travel Int
w..Vn ..e. i,.,,K,., Tl,,, nilr propimition wan (MH-j""" -"" .! .iiiiim-i'ib ilnmir
. OrcKoii from the Kant tins 'rlrihr.;i aiu ,), ,,w,,m, of Willamette ! """r'' every InnliiK. Grays mB.lethe (
lurKe iu at any time durliiK Jf.imHld,.r t tt K,Ni tlilnic and will Ik dp ' 13 hllH' '(''ain 7. Hanlln of the
.. .M..-I. :..i.. ..... i ............ i ... .. . ,vri.K.
pui.li It almiK.
berll UH
the I-wlit ami Clark expuHltlnii, and
many of the vlHltorn lire becomlni;
fumlllar with the npiHirtunltleH af
forded by the flute, a larne number
of tourlm tiavln made aop at five
or nl polnti In different part of tho Oregon city band
Jiillua KruttHchnltt. director of
maintenance and operation of tho en
tire Itarrlmnn h nt.-iii. General Mnnn
K r J. V. (I Urten and Chief KiiKtneer
Ikmchke, of the O. It. & N, Co., and the
ntllclalH of the CorvallU& tnHtern, left
the latter part of the weelt for an I
John Howlett, an F.ale Creek farm
er, f 1 1 1 I Saturday inornlni;, at, the res
idence 0f flaiiBhter, Mm. S. D.
I'owell, IH 20 Flake street, Portland,
aed '5S yeaiH. DeceaHcd had been
111 fur the pant nix weeks. Blx norm
and two (laiiKhtcm mirvlve him. Mr.
Mowleft wan born In J(-niilnt;ri coun
ty, Ind., April 2, 1SH), and came to
Oregon with his parents In 1851, et
tllni? In Clackaman county, near the
prcKeiit town of Kaglo Creek, where
moht of bin life was Hpent. The re
maliiH were taken to Ea'le Creek,
Mdnday morning where tho funeral
aervlcea were h' ld at 11 o'clock. In
terment wan In the family plot In
IbKon cemetery near Eagle
in. $2000.
W. A. White to I'aul Stegernan, nw
of xe of hoC 7, 4H-.'!e. $1000,
Herman J. Koch to W. llltchrnan,
hefflnriinj? on e line of nee IS, l-s-2e,
1 acre. $2500.
Herman J. Koch to W. Ititchman,
beginning on e lino of nee 151, l9-2e, 1
acre. $2,500.
Willamette Fall Co. to Adolph Mit
telntedt, lots "A" and "V" tract 55 of
Willamette TractH. $.,00.
Adolph MlttelKtedt to J. F. Saun
ders, Iota "A" and "D" of Tract 59,
of Willamette TractH. $175.
R. li. lieatle, Kheriff, U John Scott,
beginning 700 feet a of no cor of lot
;m oi r nenuH vr'-wm co:ony.
Mica Axle Grease
I I lengthens the life of the
I Bp wagon tare t liorse
ll power, time and teta
mmm?' per. Best lubricant in
l- fh wfirtrt rnnffltri
powdered mica
which ,
forma I
iard coating ou axle, and
reduces friction.
If you want your outfit
to lar,t and earn money
while it lasts grease
the axles with Mica
Axle Grease.
Stakoaro oil company
T " Hi iWI
Joseph Horde to Henry Oak, w half , Oregon City, ...... Oregon.
vUltora broke a finder In the third
Oil IK'Xt WedlieHday eyenlllK the:'"n,lK'
UiiKue wl!l Klve a box Hoclal In the I TRUNKMAKERS DEFEATED.
hcIkm.I Iioiiunc, A uplendld piuitram I The final ball game at GladHtone
win in- given including nniHic ny tiie park, Saturday, wan a very exciting
, content. Bralnard Culm turned the
Irwin KenKnlght, aged 19, wan
drowned Thurmlay while engaged In
drlvlni? tleg down the Willamette riv
er, at Canby. The Tribune Hays the
; accident wa caused by Mr. Ken-
t 1 A
......- .... iur .r....mu,u-IB uiui wn . KnI?ht dipping from a raft and be.
I by a aero of C to 5. Neither Hide1,,.- tlirown ,.,, ft .., rnrrnt
scored until the fifth Innlns when the icarrf,(1 to hlg (jpath b(;fore ht,p couM
Cuba tallied twice and the TrunkH
went them two better. In the next
reach him. Mr. KenKnlRht waa the
i ' v '"l Hon of Mr. and Mra. Charles Ken-
Innings the Cuba hit the home plate jKnKht who resldo thrpo mnn mnh
Four churchea of Oreg.m Cl.v, thelf,mr n,ole tlm"8 h,U the Trunk8 got t Canby. H. wa a young man of
automobile trip ihmnKu Central OreJ IlnptlKt,
CotiRregatlonal, MethodlHt
Kolt. lAl IIH Dope they pave Willi i i rmij in inn, niv K".ioi i mine i
them a Mile ou enough to get the.Ui union evening aervicea beginning UKAlNUC IU MUDY
perHlminon-H'g been hanging a longinext Sunday evening at 7:lo oclock
tm !ln the park on the hill. John M. Un-
If the people of Oregon fall to take'"n, pastor of the HaptlM church, will
ndvaniaKi- of the colonlHt rat.-a be- , preach the firm aermon.
L.i.,.,1., K..i.iei..i.ei 1 ...nttniiliiff The big attraction of thee open air I Mllwaukle grange at Ita meeting,
until October at, u will not lm the laervlcea will bo the nlnglng of all Saturday, atartcd the dlHcusKion of
fault of the new.paperi, for lnith Inj""' lute and popular gcwpel hymna by the tax queatlon. Mrs. Mary C.etchell.
newa wllUiiial and local eoluuitiir the a large choniH of adults and bo.va and , uie leciurer, leaning n. in marling mm
pre ha kept the facta before Ita
exemplary habits and had a large
number of friends who sympathize
with the bereaved parents. The fu
neral took nlnre Thnrndav nfternonn
TAXATION METHODS ,from tho family renldence. Rev. Web-
jer conducted the funeral services and
.Mrs. EJ. Uradtl was soloist
ment was at Zlon cemetery.
readera. Itemeiuber this Ih the one
way rate, the tickets are only to Ore
gon and not round trip, and good for
any xlnt In the Mate, but the ticket
must read to your ataiUm when It Is
purchased of the agent back 'In the
other atates.
Clurkes, July 18 Farmers busy
making hay; harvesting will begin In
three or four weeks.
John Iluty and Ed Bout are work
ing for Samuel Elmer.
Charley Hower died Sunday even-
ulrls. Anyone who will may join tho .atudy (ho work was begun at the bot
chonis. All who can sing and who torn. Topics were assigned as Jol
wlll sing are urged to help. Tho Isiys lows: "Who Is the Assessor?" "How
and girls have tlAdr practice hour at l Hie Asessor Selected?" "What are
4 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday the Qualifications of the Assessor?"
of this week and tho adults the same , "What are the Duties of tho Assess
days In tho evening at 8 oclock with or?" "How Does -He Perform His
the exception of Thursday when the Work?" These are the preliminary
practice will bo held after tho prayer questions to which answers will be
meetings of tho several churches. All 'made at the meeting In August, Then
practice will bo held at the Baptist .will follow the study of the different
church. The chorus Is open to all phases of the present tax law, which
whether connected with tho above, will take several meetings and will
churches or not. Let all who aro gradually lead up to the main object,
willing to give their voices to mako "what can be done to Improve the
tho chorus a success bo present at tho taxation laws and make them more
practice hours. equitable?" The entire year will be
'occupied with a thorough discussion
and analysis of the tax question ac-
cording to the program laid down by
Meridian district. Just north of state lecturer, Mrs. Clara Waldo. It
lng at 9 o'clock, and was burled at I Aurora, Is building a new school supposed all the granges will un-
Colton. July 1G.
Samuel Elmer Is 111 of pneumonia
and is very weak,
Mrs. Thomas draco hurt her foot,
Her back hurts her ho that she can
hardly get around.
Gladys Grace Is III. She has a bad
cough, but la Improving a little.
Ina Tutz la suffering from a
mashed finger.
Tho Highland M. E. church was
dedicated, Sunday.
O. S. Martin la going to build a
barn at his new home.
Mary and Maggie Sullivan came
home Sunday a week ago from Cath
olic Hchool.
Jack Itlngo left for Eastern Ore
gon. He la moving to his new home
over there.
Adolph Hogg came home the other
week from Eastern Oregon and he
will leave soon to go back to work. ,
Alex Scherruble Is going to work
for his brother Dave and help him
, In the hay, '
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marshall
house 24x3G. Frank Campau, one of dertake this work during the year,
the directors, waa In Oregon City, : but Milwaukle has laid out an en-
Monday, consulting Superintendent .tensive plan of study that will, prove
Zlnser for latest In school building Interesting and Instructive on this
plans. Meridian district haa levied a I
10 mill tax for 2 years.
Take the Postmaster's Word for It.
Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at
Cherryvale, Ind., keeps also a stock
of general merchandise and patent
medicines. He' says: "Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
Is standard here in Its line. It never
falls to give satisfaction and we could
hardly afford to be without it.M For
pale by Howell Jones.
of w half of no. of nw of sec 5, 2-4e,
10 acres. $.'00.
Elizabeth Rees to C. J. Renhard, se
of sw of sec I, 5s-3e, 40 acres. $350.
C. J. Renhard to Mathias Peterson,
se of sw of sec 4, os-He. $450.
Windsor Land and Improvement Co.
to Alice E. Freeman, lot 3, blk 22, of
Windsor. $75.
Walter Hitchman to Herman Koch,
w half of sw, se of sw and lot 5, sec
20, 3s-3e, 28 acres. $3000.
E. J. Snyder to J. T. Snyder, s half
of nw of sw, and a half of ne of sw
and s half of sw of sec 2, 4s-5e. $1.
San ford Coover to J. A. Clark, mill
lot 2 of Friends Oregon Colony. $1200.
United States to llllle L. Moodie.
sw of sec 14, 4s-3e, 1G0 acres.
C. C. Thun to J. C. T.Westengard,
tract 53, of Oak Grove. $750.
Grace Miller to T. J. Gary, tract X,
V and W, of 1st add to Willamette
Falls acreage. $1000.
J. F. Home et ur to J. H. Early, be
ginning at sw of ne of se of sec 8,
Gs-2e. $100.
T. H. Davis to Frank and D. J.
Thorne, part of J. G. Swafford die,
3s-2e. $1000.
C. B. Smith, administrator, to Mary
Stubbe, part of G. W. Palmateer die,
3s-4e. $275.
T. L. Tumor et ux to Smith Purner
portion sec 7, 3s-le, described by
metes and bounds, 40 acres. $4000.
Josephine H. Both to 0. R. Hart
well, tracts 14, 15, Clackamas Park,
10 acres. $1000.
Dr. C. B. Smith et ux to Hosea and
Eunice Ballou, tract on line of 0. W.
P. Ry., at crossing of Eagle Creek
and Barton road, 6.5 a. $1500.
A. G. Guknup et ux to Sidney B.
Will practice In all courts of the stats
Office In Caufield Building.
If You Want to Sell
Eastham.Pattison & Co.
Over the Bank of Oregon City.
Expose Coming.
Dr. W. K. Havlland was duly in
stalled a9 mayor of Bstacada Monday
night. He promises at the next meet
ing of the board, after he had ex
amined thoroughly the condition of
city affairs, to make a statement of
same to council and offer suggestions
for the comfng year.
W. S. EDDY. V, S., M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago," bss located
at Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephone.
Farmers' 133 Man ijii
Justice of the Peace.
Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City
When you require an Abstract of Title
to lands In Clackamas County, have
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We Invite you to ex
amine our complete set 0! Abstract
606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg,
Money to loan on Clackamas County
When you buy
you want
protection N
and long
Inese &nd majiv
other good points
are combined In
Tou cant -fford '
to buy ry other
Owt CO BOftTQ Ul A
1 u
The .Twilight Improvement club
will meet at the hall Saturday even
ing to arrange for an entertainment
to be given In the near future.
Homer D. Martin, wlfo and two
children, are visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Martin, of the Twilight
neighborhood. Mr. Martin is profes
sor of languages In a college In Cali
fornia. Tho family have only recently
returned from a trip to Europe.
The papers for the Incorporation
of tho Clnckamns County Fair assocl-
hod atlon were filed In the office of Coun-
company from Portland this week.
Alex Scherrublo and Rowland Rob
Ison are working for W. H. Bottemll
lor In tho hay. ,
The timber cruisers were out ngaln
lust Monday. They aro not going to
buy apy more at this tlmo.
B, Sullivan's brother came out from
Portlaqd lust Sunday. He was ll for
three weeks In tho hospital.
ty Clerk Greeuman, Saturday. Tho In
corporators are Captain James P.
Shaw, Judge Thomas F. Ryan and O.
W. Enstham. The capital stock la
$2000 divided Into 400 shares of $5
Fred Vollmnn, by his attorneys,
Hedges & Griffith, has filed suit for in June, 188C
George W. Thomas asks for dt
vorce from Mary J. Thomas, who ho
says, deserted and abandoned him,
August It, 1905. The couple were
married In Madison county, Arkansas,
41 &
mwa , If Tea .
I he Satisfaction Line:
San Francisco
... 1