t n't i i dm OREOON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1907. SAYS CROPS ARE LIGHT Clackamas County Man Writes of Conditions In Sacramento Valley One Lumber Company Owni Timber Land Tract Fourteen Miles Long by Two M Ilea Wide. returned nor contributed to the sup port of tlmlr two children, Him ask a decree and tint custody if the ehll-(Iron, 8PIRITUALI9T8 IN 8ESSI0N. Mr, mill Mrs. Collier of Carbondaln, Wash,, stopped on tlmlr honeymoon trip at Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Lewis' Sat urday and Sunday. Mm! Kph Jones called on her als-tfir-ln-law, Mr. Jacob Kalbllclach, Monday, Mis Thona Howard who linn been working In Oregon City the paHt 11 weeks returned to her homo In Carun Saturday, where she expects to atay until after harvest. Charllo Bpangler tnado a business The Oregon HplrlluallHiH are hold 1 n K their uniiiiitl campmoetlng at New Era near Oregon City, where they have a Dim cump around near the l.a.ello f u r m , Ihii meetings ant ad dressed liv tint lcinllnif m ! I II rn h und clairvoyant of the cou.Hry and tho itr,p. to 0rvun Cl,y' Mon(lny session of tho raiiipiiieelliig will con tinue until July 'i'i. Sunday a good many from this city, who are some what Interested In things occult, will Ko to New Era to attend tho ramp iiH'ctliiK. Hali'iii Statesmen. (Jreenwood, Calif,, July 4. Hero are Hnnio Items from mm of your correspondents who I taking a llnlii tour throiiKh southern Oregon and California, Tho trip no fur has been pleasant - only ono Incident that wan a 1 1 1 1 1 exciting, JuhI hx wo met a train on a Hiding tint engine and two rarit of tho other train Jiimpod tho track near Kdgewood, which de tained iih six hours, Hud to send for a wrecking train. Tho country In general look a quite prosperous though In tho Sacramento valley crop are nit her light. Hun r'riiiiclHco Mill IikiIi like a had wreck, though they ore building up hut not with the vim that In going on at Port land and vicinity. Cuming up tho coait through So noma cniinty o 1 m t Simla Komii every thing 1 1 m , It e ncnl and prosperous, crops, f ii rin m unit all, From thero to thin pluce In Mendocino county ! moun tainous and rough. Once In a while nice Utile valley, luinher country inotttly. Tho fufiiotm redwood alxiund here at (ireenwixul. Tho C. H. Smith l.iimlier cinnpaiiy own up aud dwttj(rya tho ctunt two mile by fourteen. J. H. Hhlliley I HUperllltendent of tho farming department- keep Khki head of cattle und over, and other product on the farm In proportion. A they did not havo any celebra tion here, I cannot refrain from say ing sonu-thlng about our National birthday. I want to remind tho read i'i of thl article that tho birth of thU nation I undoubtedly Providen tial. We will notice the fact in our national hhitory that when a loader wa needed toward liberty and free, doin. he wa on hand. It I necessary to mention only such men a the early Pilgrim, like Pradfonl and illo'i who put the tamp of their In dividual cotivlcllon on the enrly col onies und cmphali tl tho great piln clph that led to their coming; such men a Washington and Lincoln, and In our present time auch a Roose dt, to show tho people tho way Into tho larger liberty along tho track of freedom from wealth, despotism, front slovery to ialon and lavcry to hit nun ciHiniiii and dogma. bmk on tho bright ido and may old ('.lory ever wavo over tho freo and tho brave. A. M. SHIRLEY. Mr. and Mra, Richard Davis met with quite an accident on tholr way homo from Mr. Cooper', Bunday ev ening. A they started to turn off the Molalla road they drovo too far down and tho buggy turned over, throwing Mr. Davl out without hurting her, but a Hie buggy went over It fright enod tho horo and raunnd quite a bit of excitement. Mr, Davl wa brulod up pretty badly tryftig to hold the horno. It got away and ran a far a their Rato aud wa caught by Tom (hat tho Fourth "ovcr vtlth." Homo hvan. Tim accident happened about went to Oregon City, ao.no to Bandy 12 "','l,K-k Sunday evening. IIAIIDING GRANGE PREPARES EOR PAIR poraon having objoctlona to aald ac count nuiKt proMent tho aamo at ald Hum and place. Da tod June 20, 1907. HAIUIY O. McGOWAN, Executor of tho lat Will of John R Doardorff, deceased. J. C. M0W5LAND, Attorney for Ex ecutor. 28t5 and other to UrcHhum and Porfland, but tho major portion Nought a hady nook and had family plcnx- at homo, Thl latter form of celebrating 1 growing moru popular each year. Tho (Jrnngo picnic Blven by Hard ing ttrungo Baturday, Juno 29, for tho cliihliou wu a Hiiccc, iih all the (lilldiiiu will temify. Four Uoat were kept huy and tho wlng wc-ru a'o kept In motion all day. It win In tended UM a X"od time affair o tho program wjin ulioi t. Hurry l',ubl-r and I'.rneM Oeilier had an Ico cream Ktand and went Inmtlliig all day dUblng out Ico cream to the crowd, Faiuior who bad their hay cut be fore tho ruin aiy thankful for thl flaw wcutlu r. Haying will bo tho or der of the day now for awhile. Clover Ih not u giMid a imuhI thl year, tak ing It oir nn average over tho coun- Mr, and Mr. Orrn and chlldron, of Oregon City, havit spent tho put month with hor parent, Mr. and Mr. Ward, of thl place. K. and It. Howard mado a huHlnoaa trip to Portland, 'odneday. Ml Pearl Krlcknon of Mullno spent Bunday with Ml Pertba Kpangler. Kcho fipencn rf thl place spent a few duy vlnltlng relative and friend In Heaver Creek the first of the week. Tho campmeetliig at New Kra last Bunday wa a bum affair, a all their speaker wero not thero. : ) r V- . '. . ' .... - '.v'. ... . 'i ' Notice of Restoration of Public Land to Hettlomcnt and Entry. Depart ment of the Interior, (lennral Land Olllce, Wellington, D. C, May 11, Wl. Notkie I hereby given that the vacant public land In tho following docrlbed areas, temporarily with drawn for proposed addition to the Cascade National Forest, Oregon, on October 20, and December 1C, 1905, and January 18, 1900, and not other wise withdrawn, rfnorved, or appro priated, will by authority of the Sec retary of the Interior be restored to the public domain on July 27, 11)07, and become subject to settlement on and after that date, but not to entry, filing or selection until on and after August 20, 1907, undor the uual re strictions, at the United States Ind Office at Portland, Oregon: In Town ship four (4), Kange five (5), Section four (4) and six (0) In Township two VI). Kange six (0), Sections fourteen 1 Edmond Relster, Defendant. (14) to twenty-six (2C). both inclu- j T(J E(lmond rieister, the kivo, uio norm nan oi nocuous iwen The Imported German Coach 8talllon PFIEL 1671 A beautiful bay, 10 hands high weighs 1543 pounds, splendid coach action, that was admired so much at the Ifwls and Clark Show, where he stood third In a class of Coach stal lions that could not be beaten on either continent. Pflel won first prize and championship at the Oregon Stata Fair In 1903-4, and Is considered by good Judges to be the highest class coach stallion In the state. His colts are uniformly good, and out of trot ting bred mares they look like pure bred coachers. Will make the season of 1907 as follows; Monday at Hub-hard; Tuesday at J. N. McKay's; Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Oe-rgon City. Terms $20 to Insure with foal. J. N. McKAY, Owner, ... J. D.Ralney, Keeper, R. F. D. No. 1 Woodburn, Oregon. Co., Almond, Ala. Chamberlain's i for not less than once a week for medicines are for sale by Howell & Hjx conBecntlve weeks, prior to said Jones. I day of August, 1907. P,y order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBride, 8UMM0N8. Judge of said court, made and entered In the Circuit Court of the State of " this 25th day of June, 1907. First Oregon for Clackamas County. Marlbel IJentley Roister, Plaintiff, vs. above publication June 27, 1907; last Inser tion August 10, 1907. T. B. McDEVITT, 29 t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. named defendant: In the name of 'he State of Oregon 'In the Circuit Court of the State of PREACHCRS-SALOON-ISTS GET TOGETHER DESERTED WIVES ASK FOR DIVORCE The divorce mill I still receiving grlnt In spite of the hot weather, and many aggrieved, dlMHatlsflcd and Ill treated pooplo are asking separation from their better halves, Two deserted wives filed complaints In tho county dark's office Thursday morning. Dora A. Scott desire to obtain a divorce from S. T. Scott. They wore married May 4. 1904, at Roseburg, and four months later ho deserted and abandoned hor. Unilse Hodges sues for a divorce from Henry O, Hodges on the grounds of desertion. From the tlmo of their marring", August HO, 1897, In Cripple Creek, they lived happily together till during the month of September, she was deserted, and ho hits not since Saturday wu the regular meeting day f Harding grang", but owing to tho fact It wa so near the Fourth of July and that everybody wa In hay work, tho atti udaiico, wu slim. ('apt. Appersott ami Mr. Illll of Par!:p!aco vUlied with us, uIho Mr. Wilcox, Dr. Ilavlland of Etacada and Mr. Brock of Itedlnnd also lunched with the granger. If the attendance wa small they had a lively session in tho afternoon. Thl Orange will hold a grange fair In October of the present year. All Interested are requested to aid In making a Uret clan exhibit of all farm product, alo not forgetting Uio household fancy work, In fact any Uilng In tho way of needlework, can ned fruits, Jellies, everything In the fruit and vegetable line. The ladle of tho gram;" will mako a quilt which will bo sold afterward to start a bam fund. At a special meeting In District No. 4, a 2H mill tax wa voted to raise money to have two teacher thl win ter, a the school work I Wx much for ono. Mr. and Mr. Ketchum of Oregon City visited tho latter' sister here, Mr. Anna Partch, Sunday. Arrangement are being made to havo exchange service at Kstacada with the other Mutual telephone com panies on that sldo of the river. A few farmers are marketing new potatoes already. Mr. J. Busch ha gone to Oregon City for awhile la hopes of regaining her health. Astoria. Ore., July 13 The minis- Iter and salisniUt of thl place got together Friday and agreed to com promise on the basis of the saloon cloning up tight from 9 a. mi. to 1 p. m. every Bunday. Thl action doe not hind authorities, however. ty-nine (29), thirty-four (34), thirty five f.'tf.l and thlrtv.nl C'.fi): In Town shin two (2). Range seven (7). Bee-! von are hereby reuiiired to aWar and Oregon In and for the County of H.7tK a CmP,aint fl,f!'J aalnSt y0UM P. Cannon, Plaintiff, tiiirtv-iine (.tn thirtv-twri (?.ti und on or before the 19t day of August, i Alice Cannon, Defendant. ' I ' T .L. .1 1 I f . lilt iu me aijuvo uaineu ueienuani, Alice Cannon: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned to appear answer the complaint filed Approved: R. A. BALLINGER, Commissioner, THOS. RYAN, HABEAS CORPUS DENIED SCHMITZ San Francisco, July 13 District Court today refused to sustain mo tion by Mayor SehmlU'a lawyer that Judge Dunne b" compelled to set date for hearing hi habeas corpus writ. l,ool. a If Sclnultz would go to the penitentiary soon. thirty-three (33); In Township three 1907, that being the last day pre (3), Range seven (7), Sections four iS(,rit)f,( n the, order of publication or "Z! rr.c.r'i'rlng this summons, and If you fail north half of Section eight (8), and all to appear and answer said complaint,: . Section nine (9); all South and East, the plaintiff will apply to the court against you In the above entitled suit, Willamette Meridian, Oregon. Warn-if.ir .., r,ii.f nraved for In the com- on or before the 27th day of July. Ing 1 hereby expressly given that no-, .. . fi. . . th ,JHVf, entltje,i 1907, and If you fall to answer, for person will be permitted to gain or,' " i want thereof the plaintiff will take exercise any right whatever under any; court and canse, towit. for a decree dpcree a(jaMt you fof thfl reJ(ef settlement or occurailon begun prior dissolving the bonds of matrimony i prayed for In the complaint herein to July 27, 1907, and all such settle-1 heretofore and now existing between filed, to-wlt: im nt or occupation Is hereby forbid- aml U)0 ,)IaUltifl. upon the j That the bonda of matrimony now den. . and heretofore existlne between - ground or wunui aeaenton. 'plaintiff and defendant be forever dia- Thls summons i published In the)golved( and that the plaintiff be de Oregon City Enterprise for bIx sue-J creed to be the absolute owner of Acting Secretary of the Interior. Iceslve and consecutive weeks by or-; ten (10) and eleven (U), block .dec of Honorable Thomas A. McBr!de,now Portand MuItnomah Connty; Summons. Judge of the above entitled court, Oregon, and that the defendant bo In the Circuit Court of ihe St&te of j made and entered on the 20th day of t decreed to have no Interest as dower Oregon for the County of Clacka-i June, 1907, the first publication being r otherwise, in and to said property. r.t. ,i. Ti mrr ,i ,a'and that the plaintiff recover of and "las- in th(1 "th ,lay of Ju,y' 1901' and h0 , from the defendant his costs and dls- Frank Strjchalsky, Plaintiff, Tast publication being on the 10th clay , bursements in this suit and for such vs. - of August, 1907. .other and further relief as to the Emma Strjchalsky, Defendant. JOIIM F. LOGAN, touri maj appear just, meet ana In the name of the State of Oregon: J sot7 Attorney for the Plaintiff, j Th3 gu'raraong 8 published by order You, Ernma Strychalsky, are hereby j j of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of required to appear and answer the Thi9 mmntnJU ls published In theithe bOT entitled Court duly made complaint filed against you herein on Oregon City Enterprise not less than j s. fne usa on we iiin or before. Saturday, the 20th day of tmce a week for. six consecutive , 1907 which orde pe fled the July, 1907 that day being six weeks kVJl"L. STtt?tV S-V! herein as the 27th day of July. 1907. from the first publication of the sum-. MCRrlde judge of said Court madeiand the flrst Pbcatlon of summons i o ! I. mnlA ii nnn (ha 1 J l' rlfiv t Tuna Marriage Licenses. July 13 Maude Wlngfleld and A. Marts. O. I Jl FAMOU8 AT HOME FOR GENERATIONS PA8T FAMOUS NOW AUL OVER THE WORLD. For sale by E. MATHIES. FARM CHANGES MANY AT CARUS Carua. July 10 Most all the farm ers are taking advantage of tho good weather by cutting their hay. The grain ,nll looks fine In our burg and tho potatoes show 'good iirospects. Tho blackberries si-em to I) quite plentiful. ' It seems a though most everybody In Carm are selling their farms and lire leaving. Mr. and Mrs. White and family have moved away; also Mr. London and daughter, have gone to Portland to mako their homo, and next to leave will bo our postmaster. Ho expects ta go away by the flrst of August to reside In Portland with his ton Knox. L. Raker and family have moved to Oregon City, Most of the young folks from here celebrated In Oregon City. Rev. E. H. Jones of Emporia, Kan., preached a very interesting sermon in the Welch church Sunday morning at 11 a. m., and also at 2 p. ni. and In the evening at 7:30 at the Presby terian church In Beaver Creek. About thirty people came up from Portland, and alBO a quartot. Miss Edith Wil liams Bang "Trust and Obey"; Mrs. Parcel Bang "Glory, Glory," and the quartot Bang "Jerusalem," There was other music besides:' Quite a number from our burg attended the meeting and report it quite interesting. Ralph Howard took a crowd of Ore gon City boys to the mountains Sat urday and feturned home Sunday evening. FIRST WHITE CHILD. , Dr. and Mrs. Stratton, tho daughter, their son and his wife and our whisk or sharp, E. It. Mansfield, enjoyed a fine little launch excursion on the river Sunday afternoon. Mrs. St rat ton was the first white child born at Oregon City. There Is no more rest ful way to spend an hour or two or even a hulf day. We have a bid In for a trip of this kind when our chaperotie arrives to take care of us. St. John's Review. mons herein, and If you fall to appear and entered on the 20th day of May, and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint on file hereln.to w hich reference Is hereby made, and more particularly as follows: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant on the grounds of deser tion. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof for not less than six successive weeks In the "Or egon City Enterprise," published in the A. D. 1907. THOS. N. STRONG. Attorney for Plaintiff. First Insertion, May 24, 1907. Last Insertion, -July 5, 1907. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Catherine Moore, Plaintiff, vs. t Joseph H. Moore Defendant. is made upon the 14th day of June, 1907, and the last publication of sum mons is made upon the 26th day of July, 1907. RALPH E. MOODY. 27t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. above named: In the name of the County of Clackamas, State of , State of Oregon you are required to Oregon, and by order of the Honorable ' appear and answer the complaint Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the-filed against you in the above entitl above entitled Court, which order is ed court and cause, on or before the dated the 5th day of June, 1907. 1 12th day of August, 1907, that be- In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Alfie Daniel, Plaintiff, vs. iRoques Daniel, Defendant. I Tr Pnmiaa Flani,-.! tha nhnro nomad To Joseph H. Moore, Defendant, Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, KILLS HIS SISTER. Tho children of a wan named Bond at Dates Crossing, were playing Fri day when the boy cut down a small sapling which fell across bis two year old sister, crushing her skull and kill ing her instantly. The date of the first publication of this summons is Friday, the 7th day of June, 1907, and the date of the last publication of this summons is Friday, the 19th day of July, 1907. MAC MAHON & McDEVITT, 2Ct7 ' Attorneys for Plaintiff. ing the date fixed by the court for such an appearance or answer in and by the order of the court for publication of summons and if you fall bo to appear and answer the Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for la her com- I plaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing Tetter Cured. A lady .customer of ours had suf fered with tetter for two or three years. It got bo had on her hands that she could not attenn to her household duties. One box of Cham berlain's Salve cured her. Chamber lain's medicines give splendid satis faction in this comunity. M. H. Rodney & Co., Almond, Ala. Cham berlain's medicines are for 8ale by Howell & Jones. Reduction in summer hats for an nual clearance sale, at Mrs. H. T. Sladon's millinery parlors. It James Partlow of Mt. Pleasant left Thursday morning for a short visit to Wllholt Springs. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the Estate of John B. Deardorff, deceased. The undersigned has filed his final account as Executor of the last Will of John B, Deardorff, deceased, in the County Court of .the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, and the same has been by said Court Bet for final hearing and examination on Sat urday, the 20th day of July, 1907, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., and all Tetter Cured. A lady customer of ours had suffar-, betweeen the plaintiff and defendant ed with tetter for two or thro years. to allow her the care and cus It got so bad on her hands that she tody of the child, Helen Moore, aged could not attend to her household 4 years, and for such other relief as duties. One box of Chamberlain's . ,, . j 0 , , . . . , , , . to the court may seem meet and Salve cured her. Chamberlain s med-; J , Iclnes give splendid satisfaction Jst- Thi3 summons is to be pub- tn this communlty.-M. H. Rodney & lished ltt th Oregon City Enterprise 26t7 you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 13th day of July. 1907. that being the last day pre scribed in the order of publication in this summons, and if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in this complaint, towit: For a decree of the court dis solving the bonds of matrimony here tofore and now existing between you and the plaintiff upon the ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment. This summons is published In the Oregon City Enterprise for sit suc cessive and consecutive weeks by or der of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 31st day of May, 1907, the first publication being oa the 7th day of June, 1907, and the last publi cation being on the 12th day of July, 1907. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for the Plaintiff. IF time EteflaHa! Wrk Moderate Prices We wish to announce to the public that we have opened offices in your city where we are prepared to give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider ing the class of work produced. 1 ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS All operations performed by the latest Painless methods Note our prices SOLID GOLD CROWNS - $5.00 BRIDGE WORK - - $5.00 FULL SET OF TEETH ' - - $5.00 Offegoia' Deaatal Coo I Over Harding's Drug Store Rooms, 8 and 9, Willamette Building