OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1907. COMMISSIONERS COURT Continued on page 6.) W. Beard 5 4. SO T. L. Tumor S.OO R. Seller 8.00 A. F. Parker 0.10 .1. Corbet t 12.20 Louis Funk 11.00 Wm. Smith 10.00 Waltor Horniek 10.00 J. F. Eckcrson 15.40 If. C. Moohuke 14.00 11. Blanklnshtp 9.00 H. lilanklnship 22.00 W. H. Smith 9.40 A. Knapp 9.00 I. D. Taylor 9.30 W. U. "Stafford 12.20 J. T. Evans 14.00 H. C. Williams 6.40 ( E.W.Randolph 12.20 W. C. Martiu 7.20 C. X. Oreenman 9.20 P. Ftnucaue 9.10 S. Londergan 13.40 Geo. Randall 12.00 W. L. Molloy 12.40 Wm. F. Miller 6.60 C. X. Walt 4.00 W. II. Cooke 2.10 J. J. Cooke 2.20 Francis Bennett 6 00 C. W. Kanny 4.20 W. H. Roberts S 00 Gardner Cowers 6.20 Sophia Saner 6.00 M. Sau C.00 Matilda Smarancer 6.00 H. Cooke 4.10 R. W. Baker 9.70 C. W. James 17.03 O. W. Eastbara 40.00 B. R, Beatie 40.67 f B. A. Sleight 3.00 Recorder Lovejoy & Lincoln 4S 25 E. L. Park 34.37 Coroner R. L. Holman 41.70 Dr. Rossiter 5.20 E. L. Shaw 1.70 Assessor V. Surf us 66.00 J. C. Haynes 45.00 Geo. Horton 63.00 E. P. Carter 60.00 H. W. Shaw 60.00 Laura Pope 20.00 A. Warner 20.00 J. F. Clark 7.50 Current Expense F. W. Greenman 3.30 Telephone Co. 7.15 C. E. Ramsby 6.80 J. F. Xelson 2.00 Huntley Bros Co. 15.30 Court House JT. Busch 2.65 Printing Enterprise 37.15 Courier 39.15 Road Surveys H. H. Johnson 89.00 W. B. Lemon 2.00 R. Davis 2.00 Pleasant DeShields 2.00 J. E. Mitts 4.00 Tom Sconse 4.00 Sam Kauffman 4.00 M. Gottwald 2.00 Bud Thompson 46.00 Xick Blair 46.00 F. A. Miles 34.00 Insane Dr. W. E. Carll 10.00 Dr. M. C. Strickland 5.00 W. U. Tel. Co. .50 In the matter of map of Pompeii: Ordered that same be and is approved. In the matter of resignation of H. Thiessen, supervisor of road district No. 38: Ordered that same be accept ed, and that R. S. McLaughlin be ap appointed as supervisor of said dis trict to fill unexpired term. In the matter of petition of X. Mc Killican for vacation of a county road: It appearing that the petition filed in this matter Is defective, it is ordered that this matter be dismissed. In the matter of petition of Jno. Gibson for county road: Report of viewers read first time and ordered laid over until Friday for second reading. In the matter of the W. B. Lemon road: Report of viewers read first time and laid over until Friday next for second reading. In the matter of J. E. Mitts road: Report of viewers read first time and laid over until Friday next for sec ond reading. In the matter of the J. P. Davis, road: The report of viewers being un favorable, it is ordered that this mat ter be and is dismissed. In the matter of the Vester roads: The report of the District Attorney being unfavorable, it is ordered that this matter be laid over until the Aug ust term of this court. In the matter of the Kltzmiller road: Ordered that this road be es tablished as a county road, and to be known as the "North Eagle Creek" road. . In the matter of the Jacobson road : Ordered that same be and Is establish ed as a county road. . In the matter of resignation of F. J. Xelson as Deputy Assessor: Order ed that same be accepted. In the matter of payment to Oregon City of sixty percent of road money 'collected within limits of said city: j Ordered that n warrant Issue In favor of Oregon City for the sum of $2202.50 Jn full of said claim, j In the matter of J. K. Mitts road: Report of viewers read second time ami matter referred to District Attor !new, as required by law. j In the. matter of the Lemon road: Report of viewers read second time and referred to District Attorney as 'required by law. In the matter of the Jno. Gibson 'road: RejHirt of viewers read second .time- and referred to District Attar ;noy as required by law, In tlie matter of deed from Mount (Hood and Barlow Road Co. to part of Its roadway: Ordered that said deed bo and same Is accepted and ordered recorded in the Recorder's office, and , that portion deeded be and Is hereby j declared to be a public highway of said county. ! Chief of Police Sale of Real Property for the Satisfaction of Delin quent City Liens. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, City of Oregon City.'ss. By virtue of a warrant duly issued by the Recorder of Oregon City to me directed and dated the 20th day of June. 1907, commanding me to forth with levy upon the several lots, tracts, blocks or parts thereof hereinafter described, and to sell- the same in the manner provided by law, to satisfy jthe amount of the several unpaid assessments against each parcel of jthe said real property as hereinafter (set forth, together with Interest at jthe rate of six per centum per annum I from the date set after each of said parcels. The date of docketing lien, the (name of the owner or reputed owner, ithe object of the assessment, the (description of the property levied up on, the amount of. lien and date from which interest on such amount of jlien shall be computed and collected, being as follows: May 4, 1S92, Mrs. K. L. New- ton. Seventh Street Improve ment. Lots 1 and 2, block 142, Oregon City $ 24 90 With Interest at 6 per cent per an- Inum from August 25, 1906. June 7, 1900, Wm. J. Raugh, sidewalk Improvement Lot 4 and northwesterly 25 feet of lot 3 in block 1 of Fair view addition to Oregon City 10 00 With interest at 6 per cent per an num from August 25, 1906. Oct. 23, 1900, Mary F. Cross, Bidewalk improvement Part of lot 2 in block 24 of Ore gon City described as fol lows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said lot; running thence along the al ley toward Main street in a northerly direction 70 feet; thence in an easterly direc tion 33 feet to a stake; thence In- a southerly direc tion parallel with the line along the alley 70 feet; thence in a westerly direc tion 33 feet to the place of beginning, being one-third part of said lot. For improve ment of alley in block 24 of Oregon City $ 13 75 With Interest at 6 per cent per an- inum from August 25, 1906. Ijan. 14, 1901, James Dolan Estate. Sidewalk Improve ment. 'Lot 4 of block 13, Oregon City $ 2 50 May 2, 1901, Mary Ann Dutch er, sidewalk improvement. Lot 5, block 144, Oregon City j 14 04 I With interest at 6 per cent per an num from August 25, 1906. jia o, ia'ji, itiiss Biaoen. side walk Improvement, lots 5 and 6, block 45, County Ad dition to Oregon City $ 2 55 With interest at 6 per cent per an num from August 25, 1906. Sept. 3, 1903, Sarah J. Hender son, Sidewalk Improvement. Lot 4, block 124, Oregon City $ 15 39 With interest at 6 per cent per an num from August 25, 1906. Sept. 3, 1303, Sarah J. Hender son, Sidewalk Improvement, Lot 5, block 124, Oregon City $ 15 39 With interest at 6 per cent per an num from August 25, 1906. Sept. 3, 190.3, Sarah J. Hender son, Sidewalk Improvement, Ix)t 4, block 14."), Oregon City $ 15 39 With interest at 6 per cent per an num from August 25, 1906. Sept. 3, 1903, Sarah J. Hender son, Sidewalk Improvement, Lot 5, block 145, Oregon City $ 15 39 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from AuguHt 25, 1906. Sept. 3, 1903, Thos. A. Mc Bride, Sidewalk Improve ment, lot I, of block 34, County Addition to Oregon City $ 24 38 With interest at 6 per cent per an num from August 25, 1906. Sept. :!, 190:!. Thos. A. Mo Bride, Sidewalk Improve ment, lot S. block 31. County Addition to Oregon City $ 21 3S With Interest Rt 6 per cent per an num from August 25, 1906 -June 23. 1903, Aaron K, Walt, Sower District No. 3 Assess ment,, lot 1 of block 19, Ore gon City $ IS 54 With Interest tit t! per cent per an num from July IS. 1903. June 23, 1903, Aaron K, Wail. Sewer District No. 3 Assess- ( ineiit. Iot 2. blk 19. Oregon City ' $4310 June 23, 1903, Peter Vucq.net Rstato. Sewer District No. 3 Assessment. South half of lot 4, block 4S, Oregon City . f 30 31 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from July 1S. 1903. June 23, 1903. Sarah J. Hender son. Sewer District No. 3 Assessment.. Lot 3, block 100. Oregon City $ 62 72 With Interest nt 6 per cent per nu llum from July lj, 1903. June 23. 1903, Sarah J. Hender son. Sewer District No. 3 Assessment. Lot 4, block 100, Oregon City $ 44 73 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from July IS, 1903. June 23. 1903, Sarah J. Hender son. Sewer District No. 3 Assessment. It 5, block 100, Oregon City $ 44 73 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from July IS, 1903. June 23. 1903. Sarah J. Hen derson, Sewer District No. 3 Assessment. Lot 6. block 100, Oregon City $ 62 72 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from July IS. 1903. June 23. 1903. Sarah J. Hender son. Sewer District No. 3 Assessment. Lot 7, block lOrt. Oregon City $ 62 72 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from July IS. 1903. June 23. 1903, Sarah J. Hender son, Sewer District No. 3 Assessment.. Lot 3, block 124, Oregon City $ 31 11 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from July 18, 1903. June 23. 1903, Sarah J- Hender son, Sewer District No. 3 Assessment. Lot 4, block 124. Oregon City $ 49 10 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from July IS, 1903. June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender son, Sewer District No. 3 Assessment. Lot 5. block 124, Oregon City $ 49 10 With interest at 6 per cent per an num from July 18, 1903. June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender son, Sewer District Xo. 3 Assessment. Lot 6, block 124, Oregon City $ 31 It With interest at 6 per cent per an num from July 18, 1903. June 23, 193, D. M. Whit more, Sewer District No. 3 Assessment. Lot 1, block 144, Oregon City $ 43 10 With interest at 6 per cent per an num from July 18, 1903. June 23, 1903, Anna Band. Sewer District No. 3 Assess ment. Lot 8, block 144, Ore gon City $ 46 10 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from July 18, 1903. June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender son, Sewer District Xo. 3 Assessment. Lot 3, block 143, Oregon City . .$ 31 11 With interest at 6 per cent per an- Inum from July 18, 1903. June 23. 1903, Sarah J. Hender son, Sewer District Xo. 3 Assessment. Lot 4, block ,145, Oregon City $ 43 10 With interest at 6 per cent per an num from July 18, 1903. June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender son, Sewer District Xo. 3 ' Assessment. Lot 5, block 145, Oregon City $ 49 10 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from July 18, 1903. June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Hender son, Sewer District Xo. 3 Assessment. Lot 6, block 145, Oregon City $ 31 11 With interest at 6 per cent per an num from July 18, 1903. June 23, 1903, Wm. J. Ranch, Sewer District No. 3 Assess ment. Lot 5, block 155, Ore gon City .' $ 25 34 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from July 18, 1903. June 23, 1903, Wm. J. Ranch, Sewer District Xo. 3 Assess ment. Lot 6, block 155,Ore- gon City $ 5 14 With interest at 0 per cent per an num from July 18, 1903.. Sept. C, 1903, W, V. Myers. Jackson Street Improve ment West half of lot 1, block 159, Oregon Clty.v.$ 84 71 With Interest at 6 per cent per an num from October 3, 1903. Sept. 6, 1903, W. W. Myers, . Jackson Street Improve ment. West half of lot 2, block 159, Oregon City $140 51 With interest at G per cent per an num from October 3, 1903. Sept. 6,' 1903, John Welch, Jackson Street Improve ment. Lot 7. block 1(13, of Oregon Clly $MS 93 With Interest nt 0 per cent per an num from October 3, 1903. Sept. , 19t3. John Welch, Jackson Street Improve ment. Uit 8. block 163. of Oregon City $J:1 35 With Interest ut 6 percent per tin- iiiun from October 3. 1903, Now, therefore, pursuant to such wuriiinl, t have levied upon each pur- cid of the real property above de scribed for the amount of the respec tive lion thereon, together with In tervst, tin uforesald. and shall 011 Sat' unlay the.Ktli day of Augu'd, 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore noon of said day, at the front door of jthe court house of Clackamas county, in Oregon City, Oregon offer for sale and sell at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, and subject to redemption as provided by law. each of the several separate parcels of iieal property hereinbefore described or so much of tnoh of said parcels ms may be necessary to satisfy the amount of the unpaid lien thereon as hereinbefore set, forth, together with interest on such amount of lien from the date set after the description of each parcel of said real property as In this notice Bet forth. CHARLES K. IH'UNS. Chelf of Police of Oregon City. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has been duty appointed by the Honorable County Court of Clack atnas County, State of Oregon, as ad ministrator of the 'estate of L. d. Carl son, deceased. All person:) having claims against the said estate shall present the same duly verified to the administrator either at his residence in Kelso, Oregon, or to his attorney, Thos. F. Ryan, at Oregon City, with in six months from the date of thla uotlee. . Dated July 12. 1907. T. O. JONSItl'D, Administrator of Estate of I O. Carl son, Deceased. THOS. F. RYAN, Attorney for Admin istrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Xotlce Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the Ounty Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, admin istrator of the estate of Wesley Smith, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby null ified to present the same duly verified as by law required, at the office of t'Ron & Schuebel within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 19th day of July. 1907. J. P. SMITH. Administrator of the estate of Wesley Smith, deceased. U'REN & SCIH'EBEL. Attorneys for Administrator. 32t3 TRANSFERS Xoah Hublar to Mabel H. Hurk, part of Lot Whltcomb die, Is le, 1 acre. $1. Leonard Selfer to Lenora 8. Ilea cock, part of so of se of sec 2, 2a-3e, 7 acres. $125. Mlcheal Bachart to Andy Bnchart, all of Greentop land In 4s-le. $1. Charles Pnifer to F. W. Klesner, e half of land beginning on e lino of P. Welch die, sees 10 and 12, 2s-2e. $1,400, Edwin Bates to F. W. Bates, nw of sw; s half of nw and lots 1 and 2, sec 10, 3s-4o, 100 acres. $2400. T. F. Still well to Floyd X. King, part of Ezra Fuller die, bpc 29, 2a-2o, $410. Gustlna Mlchels to C. L. Blakeslee, n half of lots 10 and 11, Ilk 8, PleaR ant Hill addition to Oregon City. $1000. Oregon Iron and Steel Co. to Henry W. Dudley, part of Jesse Bullock die, 2s-le, 40 acres. $2021. United States to E. E. Brown, no of sec 32, 5s-4e. Robert A. Miller to Myrtle Tooze, lots 1 to 14 Incl, blk 7, and to 16 incl, blk 8, Gladstone. $1. O. C. Yocum to Belle A. 81oight, lot 6, blk 3 Pompeii. $50.- Catherine Jones to Swift & Rich ardson, e half of nw and ne of sw and lots 1, 2, 3 and 5, sec 2, 6s-le, 141.00 acres; also beginning at se cor of Thomas Garrett die, 6 acres. $10,000. When you buy WET WEATHER CLOTHINO you want complete . protection . and long service. These and many other good points Are combined In TOWER'S FISH BRAND OILED CLOTHING Toil civet eiford 'y to buy any other 4ftm TOC COiai CO lv OPS ;,. Frank Jonea to Swift Richard son, a half of no and e half of nw of sec 30, Iis 2e. and nw of sw mid sw ofof nw of sec 29, 6 2o. $:ir,oo, Herman Fischer to Kl rutin & Proc tor no of nw of sen 21. 2s to, 10 acres. $130(1. R. 11. lleatle to Annum W. How man. lot I, see 9, 2s Se, 11 tieres; also beg in 11 lug oil h Hue of Mullock's die, see 19, 4s, 3e, 65 acres, v $3000. John Davlit to Geo. II. Scolt. part of tlrnuvlllo C, Tliuriuan die, sees I and 12, 2n-2o, 25 acres, $noo. II Irani lleebe to S. M, Kby. 11 half of ne of oc 25, 2s fo, $15, J. K. Buyer to II. M. Miller, begin ning at so cor of J, Maddux claim. $100. E. A. Hroeeknmu l Portland Uy, Light & Power Co,, right of way over parts of sees 11 and 13, 3s I w, $250, Charles W, Cassedy to Jiiiiicm I. Mar shall. 11 half of se of sec 2, 3 lo, SO acres. $10. Harvey (illmoii et ux to James t. Marshall, tie of sec 2, and 110 of nw of nee 2, 3s 4e, 2.31 acres, $10,110. U. W. Randall to M. T. liillard, lot I, sec 34. 4s le. 29 acres. $900. Hurley O. Wlshart to Henrietta Wlshart, lots 5 and , blk ll, Oregon City. $100. O. H. Cook to Molullu Lumber Co,, ne e half of nw and' sw of nw of sec 29, Ds .'le, 2S0 acres, $10. J. H. Cook to Molalla Lumber Co., ne, e half of nw and nw of nw of sec 29. 5s 3o, 2S0 acres. $10, J, J. Jones to Molnlln Lumber Co., ne of sec 23, 4m 3e. 160 acres. $2000, Thomas F. Ryan to Molalla Lum ber Co., se of se of Dec 20, Rs-.le, 40 acres. $5(10. Mt. Hood Brewing Co, to Frank Mlchels. lot 2. blk 4. Kstarada. $1. R. A. Stratum to Mt. Hood Brewing Co.. lot 2, blk 4, ICstacadii. $94.75. R. A. Stratton, guardian, to Mt Hood Brewing Co., .,t 2. blk 4, K tacada. $2il5,23. Warren flirty to Perry Meek, be ginning In center of sw of ne of sec 9, 4s1e, 25 acres. $5110. Expot Coming. Dr. W. K. Havlland wai duly in stalled a mayor of F.stacada Monday night. He promises at the next meet ing of the board, after lie had ex amined thoroughly the condition of city affairs, to make a statement of same to council and offer suggestion for the coming year. For Sale Two good second hand buggies In good condition. One for $20 and on for $25. Call at store of W. A. Holme. General Merchandise, Parkplace. It Tonight. If you would enjoy tomorrow take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet tonight. They produce an agreeable laxative effect, clear the head and cleanse the stomach, price 25 cent. Samples free at Howell & Jones' drug store. CAR STARTED TOO QUICK. While attempting to blight from a car at 7:30 Sunday evening Mth. M. Brown of Klyville was thrown back ward and struck her head on the pavement. The car Parted before she could get off. She was brought to the Brunswick where Dr. Carll at tended to her Injury, after which sh was removed to her home at 615 Duane street. She Is said to be nnirh Improved. Take the Postmaiter'a Word for It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Cherryvale, Ind., keeps also a stock of general merchandlso and patent medlclnos. Ho says; "Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy la standard hero In Its line. It never falls to give satisfaction and we could hardly afford to be without It." For salo by Howell & Jonos. Officers Installed. At the meeting of Oregon City lodge, No. 302, Fraternal Brother hood, Wednesday night, the fol lowing officers were Installed: Past president, J, F. Nelson; president, R. A. Sawyer; vice president, A. M. Sin nott; secretary, F. J. Searle; treas urer, Fred Metzner; sergeant at arms, I). C, Duffy; mistress at arms, Mrs. R, A. Sawyer; chaplain, Mrs. Paulino Schwartz; inside doorkeeper, Mrs. Julia Metzner; outside doorkeeper, W, H, Morris. The officers were Installed by Major Ruford of Portland, The members of this lodge will give an excursion Sunday July 20. Starting from this city In the morn ing the steamer will pass through all the beautiful scenery on the Columbia till it reaches Bonneville, where the remainder of the day will bo spent. Bonneville is noted for Its boautlful picnic park and here many will spend the day. Fred Metzner has written to that city to see If he cannot ar range a baseball game between a Bonneville team and an Oregon City team. After the business if the lodge was finished the members were Horv ed lco cream and cake, after which the evening was apont In dancing. FOUR DIVORCES ARE GRANTED, SATURDAY JUDGE McDRIDE SEPARATES 6UF PEKING COUPLES AT SPECIAL SE.95UON OF COURT. .Indue McHrldo hold it special ses hIoii of tb Circuit Court Muiimhiy ttud several suits ponding were din posed of, Ida Ilenver whs granted a divorce from Theodore J, Heaver imd was given the custody of I'heliiu Heaver, their child. ill Hie eiitio of Palsy K. Hehlcovu vs. K. U. Sebleova, a decree was ImsihmI, nud plaintiff whs given Die right to lesiiiiin her itiiilili'ii name, Halsy Fow ler, mid to recover cost of the suit. The motion of Clark i Lntotiretto for default and order of reference wan (odd till the court reporter receive the testimony. Clara 11, Hatdorf wan grunted 60 days In which to file her bill of ex ceptions III her case BKltlllHt Oregon City, Nellie K, Washington, who desired u divorce from George II. Washington, was given n divorce and her iiinldeti name, Nellie K. Coleman. Grace I. Hicks was grunted Depura tion from L. I Fitrr and given the right to use her maiden name, Grace Hicks. Tonight. If you would enjoy tomorrow tuko Chamberlaln'it rltomach and I.lvnr (Tablets tonight. They produre an I agreeable laxative effect, clear th j head and cleanse thi Dtomaeh. Prlco 125 cent. Sample free at llowell ft jJoncD' drug Dtore. ARM BROKEN BY WHEEL ACCIDENT Oren Cheney, mm of Mr. and Mr. A. W. Cheney of (ireenpolnt. fell from hi wheel Sunday night, and broke both Imnea In hi right wrist, The ur eldetit occurred at about 9 o'clock on Washington wtrcet, between J3th an 14th, where there I a tvp Incline. He was removed to the resldencfi of J. C. Zln'r, and kept there till after hi Injuries were set by Dr. Hummer, when he wa removed to hi home. Oren's mishap will be read of with sorrow by many, He fell out of a barn some year ago and broke hi leg lu ueh a manner that It did not gnw together right and he wa left a cripple. Sunday seem to have been a bad day for him, for while return ing from Sunday school In the morn ing lie slipped anil struck hi hcitd on the sidewalk, raising a large swelling. VOTED SCHOLARSHIP IN COLUMBIA LAW Trafton M. Dye ha received notice that ho ha been voted a Faculty ! scholarship In Columbia Fnlverslty Law schisd, New York. Thl I re garded a special honor and I much sought after for the reason that ouly four scholarships are available for the first year In that law schisd. Thl Is granted on hi record as a student at Obeiiin college. The value of tho scholarship Is $150. fJVY STIPP ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office In Jaggor Building. Oregon City When you require an Abstract of Title to land In Clackamas County, hare it accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rate are reasonable. We Invite you to ex amine our complete sot of Abstract Book. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 80C- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamai County Property. J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, .. Oregon. Will practice In all courts of the state Office In Caufleld Building. W. S. EDDV, V, S., M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKlllip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located al Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stabk-a, ,' Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephonea. Farmer' 132 Malt ijii