1 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 19 , 1907, , S LOCAL NEWS. Horn-lo Mr. mill Mm. Charles (liay of Cliuiuimna lltdghtH, a mm, Mm. W, M, Wort In vIhUIuk her winter, Mm. Kiiiq Raulnloti, In port laint. . Mm, T. I. Kmiditll anil daughter, MIhh Velum are visiting Mm. F. Nh reu In I'orlliiiiil, MIhh Thompson of Ohio iinj MIhh Rlgdon of Hiiloni mo guests of MIhh Marjoiio Cauflold, 12, Mathles iiihI fnnilty rihI Ml"" Win Kelly went to the coast Friday to remain uiilll Heilcinlier J. Mr. iiml Mm. J. T. Filel of Cherry, vlllo arrived In Of K'n City Friday morning for a few days' vlnlt with flll'llllH. )lHntchH front Washington an nounce that Helen II'iKU'i, of Klilimilll FbIIh, ban lieeii appointed !- k In tlio Reclamation Servltw. v Mr. mnl Mm. Hruco C, Curry, little, mm mul MImh Ethyl Park I'fl Thum ilny for Newport where they will Kieml the- miiiuner. George Hulbert has been vtMir Iiik hi mum In Olympla. Waah. Mr. Hub tn-rt U building a larg fiei stable In Vancouver hut will Ht 111 keep liU property In Gladstone nit a residence, T. P. Randall returned yesterday from a lit t lo fishing nmt exploring trip to AIhco, Ore. Ho traversed 42 mllin of country on stage, Th peo ple need a railroad, ho says, anil then their rountry would Ikm.iii. R. T. AvUon, of Ashtabula, Ohio, has accepted a position with tlm Ore gon City Manufacturing company a Imm finisher. Mr. Avlson In well pluaiieil with Oregon, having been hern two week and ha seen no rain to upeak of. t F.x treasurer Emm Cahlll of New Si Era wan In Oregon CHy Friday, lie had a "bunch of alfalfa ax a K"oil sample of how It can bo grown In thin part of Oregon. Tin) need wan planted In May ami the alfalfa la now two feet tall. Or. Smith ami family, In company with Frank M. Fouler ami a number of Oregon City friend left for Ya kima bay thin week. They took a complete ramping ami cooking outfit, anil expect lo b" at the ocean side for several week. They will apetwl much of the time In yachting on the bay ami river. Wading In the surf anil canoeing up Nye crerk will be other aquatic Hport.i indulged In Eh tiiratla Newa. The freight ilepot of the 0. V. P. Co, on Thlri) ami Main streets, ha been Improved by a coat of reil pnlnt. St. Johna church ami the residence of Father Hlllcbrnnd anil the Bene illcllne Sisters are receiving a coat of white paint. Mlssls Rosa nml Louisa Strohmor have returneil home to Oregon City, after several weeks' vlnlt with their aunt, Mm. O. H. Ailrlan, accompanied by their cousin, Miss Iira Adrian, who will visit thi'in awhile, Eugene Ounrd. - Oregon City nnd Clnrknmna county recently united In tho purclmso of a handsome drinking fountain,- It has arrived mid will hooti bo placed In poaltlon. It will bo erected nt the corner of Center and Seventh afreets, at tho corner of the Park. Mrs. 8. O. Curtis nas a brother via ltlng her, 1. M. Shultz. of Sterling, III, Mr. Shultz has been n policeman In Starling for the. lust ten years, and thla la his first tlmo ho hft seen his sister for 22 years. Ho expects to return to his homo In October. Jamea It. Bnrlow of Molnlln spent Frlduy In Oregon City. S. M. Eby of Chenyvlllu niado n Mica Axle Grease IB lengthen the life of the m wngon aavea horse If power, tlmo and tern-' f ' i per. Best lubricant ia L" th worldcontains powdered mica which forma a tniooth, hard coating on axle, and reduce friction. If you want jour outfit to last and earn money while it luta greaaa the axle with Mica Axle Create. STAKBAHO Oil MSPWT I U. m an I nMaaaaaaaw biiHlnnMa trip ti tho county aont, Frl day. Mr, and Mm, U. A. Wllniut of J lulit. Mo,, arrived In Oregon City, Friday, lo vImU their ami and diniKhUir ln law, Mr, and Mra, A, II, VVIIinot, Mr. and Mm. J. Levitt of t!iln (;lty went ti) Portland Hutunlay to moi-t Mr. Levltt'a mother, Mm, Kiiruh I,v lit, who la dun to arrive from Mllwuu lu o, Wla, Horn, Wodiieaday. July K), to Mr. and Mra. Hurry Jioyloa, of Portland, a ami. Mr. and Mra. Iioylea wuro both Oregon City young people and their many rrleiula extend eongiatii IntloiiM. Mra. Hoy Ion wiih formerly MIh.1 Ivy (iruvc. For BiituTwo gixid Kccond hand biiKui" In good condition. One for ?:o and one fr :,. Cull at. alr.ro of W. A. Ilolfiieii, (ii-ueral MerchantHm), Pnrkplace. zx Itev. It. V. Hlackwell preached the opoiilng aormon at tho annual Metho dlt rampmi-etliig at Canl.y. Ho la aocretary for the pn-Hi-nt year of the aanoclatlon. Tim meoilnga ar w-ll atti'tided and full of luu-rewt with timro camper on the grounda than any previous yi-iir, James Parlow of Molalla was In Oregon City Friday. Mm. Jamea Mcparlniin visited her son Hoy ami wife In Portland Satur day. Mrs. C. O. T. Williams and daugh ter Miss Veda returned Friday from Chicago. ft. A. Sawyer purchased a fine driv ing horse of Dr. Nlckolas of Park place. Mrs. Atchom.ii of Han Francisco Is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. J, More land. Miss Carrie Lutr. has returned from a vlalt with her friend. Miss Minnie Hcbenk at McMlnnvllie. Tho Lutr. family were formerly residents of McMlnnvllie. Mrs. William Robinson received painful Injuries to her ankle Satur day. Shu waa crossing the street In front of the Commercial bank and mudo a misstep. "Mrs. A. Goettllng and daughter Alio of thla city leave Saturday for Fort Flagler, Wash., where they will spend the Rummer with Mr. Goettl Ing, who la employed a foreman on thu government work at that post. O. Knneberg of I.gan made a bus iness trip to Oregon City, Thursday. Ills daughter, Ida, who had been em ployed In Portland, returned homo with him. Krnest Nlles, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nlles, was badly scalded by upsetting not wa'ter on himself. Mra.NIIes and little boy went to Wis consin some time ago, expecting to return (his fall. The father was sent for. They will not return to Oregon since tho accident has caused Mr, Nlles to go too. Miss RetiA Tycer of Gladstone sus tained a painful Injury Wednesday af ternoon at It. Freytag'a store. She was near th front glass door when her ankle turned; alio sprained her ankle and thrusting out her nrm to stop her fall broke the glass to pieces. Sho was brought to tho office of Drs. Summer & 'Mount where the glass was cut out of hot arm. Mrs. C. E. Hums, Jr., spent Sunday with hor husband at Seaside. M. C. Sprttgue of Logan spent Sat urday evening In Oregon City. J. TI. Draper made a business trip to Portland. Monday morning. W. P. Melton of thla city apent Sunday with friends In Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Wright of Liber al apent Sunday In Oregon City. J. H. Barlow of Molalla made a business trip to Oregon City, Satur day. Mlsa Marian Hornbell of Portland has been visiting her cousin, Mlsa Eulalla Schuebel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Read of Sell wood were visiting frlenda and rela tives hor Sunday. Miss Ethel nklna of Portland spent Sunday with Mlsa Minnie Schatz of this city. Miss Marian Boll and Miss Char lotte Olnn of this city visited The Oaks, Sunday evening. Mrs. James l&cFarlane visited her brother-in-law at the Good Samaritan hospital In Portland, ,; Monday. Mr. Nllna la recovering nicely from the effect of tho operation. J, T, (iraco of Clin kea waa In Ore gon City Monday, N. A. Fly tin of Molnlla apent Mon day In Oregon City, Frank 'I!oh)Iii la employed In Oeoign'M reataurant. Charlea Nelaoti baa accepted a poa II Ion In (ji-orgu'H reHtuuraiit. Or, C, A, Stuart baa piirchaaed a rubber-tiro buggy of Ouane Cf. Kly. O. H, lloylea of Molnlla made, a bua IneHH trip to Oregon CHy, Monday. Mr. and Mra'. 0, K, Pottratz of Mt Angel aro vlaltlng frlenda In thla city. Misses Kate Mathles and Vfta Kel ly nro spending their vacation at Sea- si le. ; K. K. liarnes of IO.anon made a Mrs. Dora Nobllft of Molalla was '" trip to Oregon City, Tuea visltlng friends In Oregon city Tues- (Ia'' rvmnlnn over night. 'lay. ' V . Lewis Hamilton of Cartland, Ore., W, V. Harris of tho Heaver Creek saw mill bought a twine binder of Duanu C Kly Tuesday. f William Mattism of Viola spent Monday In Oregon City, returning homo tho same afternoon. Tho Rev. .Deiihardt of Washington will Conduct services at the St. Paul KplHcuptt! church Sunday morning. t Miss Gertrude Wet.Ier returned I Sunday morning from a visit of sever al weeks In San Francisco and Santa Cruz. Mrs. J. Martin of Lebanon, Or., Is visiting her son and attending Chau tauqua. Mho will spend about a month In Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Simmons of Mt. Angel, Or., formerly of Oregon City. ar here visiting friends and looking after their property. MIms Harriet Cochran returned Tuesday from Ncwberg where she accompanied her sister. Mrs. John P. Keating, and children, upon their re moval lastwcek. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Harlow of Oak land, Cel., arrived In town Sunday. They are visiting at the home of Mr. Harlow's brother, George Pusey. In West Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sawyer enter tained at their homo Sunday Miss Ruth and Ethel Lee. Isabella Gilban, Mrs. Edith Collins and daughter, and L. Van Fleet of Portland. J. 15. Seeley, of Seventh and Cen ter streets, will move his grocery Htork to the Red Front building. Ninth and Main atnets, as soon as the re pairs on that building arc completed. John Lane returned from Sun Fran cisco Sunday evening after a stay of a year and has purchased a place at Clackamas where he will make his home. He will follow the farming business. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mcldrum have returned from linker City, where Mrs. Miidrnm had been visiting her par ents. Mr. Moldrum went to Eastern Oregon recently to return home with her. Will Reatle and son Byron of Port land stopped on their return from Wil holt Springs "Sunday to visit the for mer's cousin, Mrs. Chris Schuebel. They wero making the trip on their wheels. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. McAlpIn have returned from a vncatlon visit at McMlnnvllie and an outing In the mountains. Mr. McAlpIn began work Monday for the Krausso Brothers ahoif house In Portland. J. P. Wilson, C. F. Twlnely and their families of Eugene, but formerly of Spokane, Wash., passed through Oregon City Monday morning to Port land where Mr. Wilson expects to lo cate In the livery and feed stable bus iness. The 1:35 northbound O. W. P. car struck one of the horses of a fine team owned by Schroeder brothers, near Sixth and Main streets, Tuesday afternoon. The horse 1b not badly hurt the blow being a 'glancing one. The horses were frightened at the car which came up behind them. Mr. and Mrs, Casalus Barlow of Oakland, Cal are visiting at the home of her brother, George Pusey, of the West Side. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow will pend the summer In this vicinity. They leave today In company with Miss Mary Barlow and Miss Veva Tull, for Wllholt Springs for an out ing. Mr. Barlow's sister, Mrs. W. C. Hawley, and husband of Portland are now at the Springs.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hawluy were former realdonta of Oregon City, h being cormected with tho Crown Paper company. Mra, C. N. Curtla of Corvallla la vinltlrig frinda In Oregon City. MIhh Flora Borthotn arrived In Ore gan City Tneaduy to vlalt frlenda. Pert Jonea, a well known Salem hop grower, apent Tueaday In Oregon City. Mr. and Mra. If. P, Boatow of Port land are gucata at the Sulth homo at Oreen point. Mm. William K. liwlhwalte waa at honm to a few friends at luncheon Monday, Mrs. Norman R. Lang entertained Informally at bridge whist Monday afternoon. w" Wfn visiting friends In this fit', returned to her home. ' Fred J. Nelson has returned from his claim In the Slletz country. He will remain In Oregon City for a week or so to take Masonic degrees. William Fletcher who returned from Tillamook county Tuesday evening, has bought the Cloverdale Courier In the southern part of Tillamook and will go over soon and take charge of his property. Misses Edna, Norma and Alice, and Master Morris Holman, the children of R. L. Holman of this city, and their cousin, Miss Pauline Turner, returned home Tuesday from a month's visit with their grandparents at McMlnn vllie. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Taber, who re cently relumed to their Mt. Pleasant home from an extended visit with relatives In the East will leave Tues day night for Cannon Beach. They will be Joined later iti the summer by their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Taber may remain until spring In their cottage at Sylvan Park. Miss Mary Mitchell will enjoy a well deserved vacation of two months from her work In the D. C. Ely store. Sho goes to her bomjs at Sandy the last of the week and afterward will spend some time In an outing in the mountains. Miss Mitchell ha3 been In the store five years with vacation during that time of three weeks. Miss Bertha Frederlch began work there, Tuesday. CATHOLIC TEACHERS INSTITUTE An Institute for the sisters of the Catholic schools of the state will be held next week In the city hall at Portland. Seven teaching orders of sisters will be represented. The teachers of the St. Johns school of Oregon City will attend. They go from the mother home at Mt. Angel where they have been staying since the closj of school here. Professor Haaren, L. L. D., superintendent of the first nnd ninth school districts of the Borough of Manhattan, New York, will Instruct in pedagogical work. DEDICATE CLARKES f CHURCH AUGUST 25 Driver, July 1G George Wolf, Joe DeShazer and C. A. Keith have all put new hay forks in their barns this sea son. Yancy and Jake Cooper are home from the logging camp putting up hay for their mother. J. W. Exon and family are enjoying a visit from their mother, Mrs. Exon, of Portland. Cherries are a bountiful crop this summer around Dover, very large and a fine flavor. Everything la growing nicely since the rain. Capt. C. 0. Branson and wife at attended the dedication of the Branson Memorial M. E. church at Highland, Sunday, July 1, and report a good day both for success spiritually and financially. The church Is free from debt and all benevolences and pas tor's salary paid in full, It having taken but a short time to raise the sums. The Clarkes church, three miles distant form here will be ded icated August 25. Miss Lou Morrison returned Mon day from Portland where she has been visiting her many friends the past week. Clara Bowman and family visited relatives at Damascus, Sunday. Rev. Dr. Watters and Rev. Taylor of Portland spent a few days on the Watters ranch last week. SOCIAL AND LODGES Gipsy Club. Mlaa J.aura Pope entertained the Glpay club Tburaday evening In one of th3 most delightful meeting of the summer. Tho earlier part of the ev nlng waa apwnt on the lawn whore punch waa served. Fortunes were told In a merry way and several ex citing games of whlt were played. Mlas Pope served refreHbmenta dur ing the evening. It waa agreed to have a picnic dinner at the Chautau qua grounds Saturday evening and remain for the concert. Two but-of town guests were welcome visitors of the clufr!MlHs Thompson of Ohio, and MIhh Rlgden of Salem. Present were ; Misses Margaret Goodfellow, Helen Daulton, CIs Barclay Pratt, Almee Ilollack, Edna Daulton, Bess Kelly, Marjorlo CauMeld, Bessie -Daulton, Robin Shaw. Rebekah. Willamette Rebekah lodge No. 2, held Installation of officers Friday ev - enlng: Mrs. Eva Lelghton, noble grand; Mrs. J. E. Jack, Vice grand; Mrs. J. L. Waldron, secretary; Mrs. J. Lutz, warden; Mrs. Emily Noble, conductress; Mrs. Viola Godfrey, chaplain; Mrs. R. W. Brown, guard; Mrs. W. H. Howell, right supporter of N. G.; Miss 'Anna Wlsehart, left supporter of N. G.; Mrs. L. E. Wal dron, right supporter of vice N. G.; Miss Mary Scott, left supporter of vice S. G. Deutsche Verein. The German aoclety had a splendid time out at Schnorrvllle, at its regu lar monthly meeting, Sunday. The hospitable home of Its president was throw n wide open. There was the usual business session and then' a very enjoyable program of short talks, recitations, and singing. Lots of singing and good singing you may be sure at the German society meetings. About 50 adults and nearly as many children were present. A committee was appointed to buy two flags, an American and German, and the ban ners will be formally dedicated on the second Sunday In August. Canemah Ladies Aid. Mrs. E. J. Marshall entertained the Ladies Aid society of Canemah Thurs- day afternoon. Tbey made aprons and quilted. Mrs. Marshall served ice cream and cake, and besides the good work accomplished a pleasant social time was enjoyed. They will meet next Thursday with Mrs. H. E. Joes. Two visitors were present, Mrs. Fellows of Parkplace, and Mrs. Dlckerson. Members there were Mrs. E. J. Marshall, Mrs. Mary Howell, Mrs. Louise Freeman, Mrs. Frankle Faust, Mrs. C. Cole, Mrs. Will Martin, Mrs. D. W. Kinnaird, Mrs. Clara Fields. Mrs. Frances Mldlam, Mrs. Kinzey and Miss Ada Bedwell. Aloha Club. The Aloha club were entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. T. McBaln at Greenpoint. Mrs. J. Nelson Wlsner was the suc cessful player at bridge. Delicious, refreshments were served and an af ternoon of real pleasure 'enjoyed. Present were Mesdames L. E. Jones, E. A. Chapman. F. T. Griffith, W. E. (Lewthwaite, J. Nelson Wisner, L. Adams, John Lewthwaite, Jr., L. L. Pickens, and Misses Marion Lewth waite and Cis Barclay Pratt. Alexander-Gordon. Mary Helen Gordon and Richard Alexander were man-leu" in Salem, Wednesday. The bride's mother lives at Ninth and Main street in the second story of the Red Front build ing. Mrs. Alexander has been mar ried before, her first husband dying in Michigan. She has a daughter 13 years old. She and her mother came to Oregon City last March from Sa lem. Mr. Alexander Is working on the suspension bridge here and they will reside tn Oregon City. Luncheon al Fresco. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Myers chaper oned a party and served a delightful luncheon out on the Abernethy Sun day. Those present were Miss Bessie Gulnn, of Walla Walla, Misses Martha Jane Myers, Lois Green, Annie Myers, and Messrs. Oscar Woodfin, Harry Ballard of Portland, R. C. Brown, Fairfax and Johnnie Myers. United Artisans. Oregon City assembly, United Arti sans, held a social meeting with re freshments and dancing at W. O. W. hall, Thursday evening. Installation of officers will be held on next Thurs day evening. Past Master Artisan Mrs. Pauline Schwartx will act as installing officer. Pythian Sisters. Cataract Temple,, Pythian Sisters, and Orpha Temple of Portland will picnic together at Tualatin park, Sun day, July 21. Each member (a invl- ted to bring her family and well filled lunch basket. They will meet at the Willamette station at 10 a. m. Hardy-Jame. Laat Sunday, July 7, 1907, at Ore gon City, occurred the marriage of Mr. Walter E. Hardy and Mrs. Grace James of Kern Park. Both are well known In Mount Scott and their many friends wish them much happiness. Mount Scott News. The sixteenth annual reunion of the Stevens family was held at the jhome of Mr. and Mrs II. D. Mount, , in this city, Wednesday, July 10. , The forenoon waa spent In social con- j versatlon, and at the noon hour a .long table was spread beneath the oaks on the lawn which was laden (with a bountiful supply of everything j appetizing, to which all did ample Jus- nice. In the afternoon the company assembled on the veranda and listen- efl to an impromptu program which was much enjoyed. A special feature of the program was Dr. H. S. Mount's description of his recent trip to Hon olulu. Sllverton Appeal. The Gypsies enjoyed a 6 o'clock o'clock luncheon at the Chautauqua grounds Saturday. All the delicacies of the season formedt.he picnic menu. Mrs. J. P. Shaw and Mrs. Thomas Pope were patronesses of the affair. Miss, Kingsley of Portland, Miss Thompson of Ohio and Miss Rlgden of Salem were guests. Members pres ent were Misses Robin Shaw, Helen Daulton, CIs Barclay Pratt, i Edna rleDaulton, Margaret Goodfellow, Mar- iJorle Caufleld, Laura Pope, Bess Daul ton, Bess Kelly, Llda Goldsmith, Sybil Lypitt and Almee Boilack. NEW SUITS FILED LN CIRCUIT COURT George Beebe has Instituted a sul against Charles and Edith Anderson to recover the value of a note. This note, payable five years after date, was made at Kelso, Or., June 23, 1902, for $550 with Interest at six per cent. As security for the payment of this sura' Plaintiff was given a mortgage on 8e of nw ot 8ec 23, 2s-4e. The five I ?etiT3 have now elapsed, and during that time nothing was paid, so the plaintiff asks for either the $350 with the Interest and $75 attorney's fees, or avdecree for the sale of the prop erty He is represented by Hedges & Griffith. Through Attorney O. D. Eby, Henry Hoffman has filed a suit in the circuit court against Gotthard Muckenthaler for the payment of a board bill. On June 29 Hoffman and the defendant summed up the defendant's bill from .March 29, which amounted to $13C.S0, and the defendant then promised to pay it. As yet he has not paid and the plaintiff asks the payment of that sum and of $2.70 for board between June 29 and July 3, In addition to the costs of the case. CARUS REPORTS FAIR PRUNE CROP Carus, July 1G Most every farmer Is enjoying the nice weather. Hay making is In full blast and some have begun cutting their grain. It won't be lons.tlll we will hear the whistle of the threshing machine. William Davis is having his nw prune dryer built. Prune crops in this neighborhood look to be a pretty fair crop. Mrs. Maggie Lehman and son John nie spent a few days the first of the week with relatives and friends. Bertha Spangler is taking skating lessons at the Liberal skating rink. The dance at New Era Saturday night was a splendid affair. A few from here are thinking of attending the next one Saturday night. Berthena Howard spent Saturday night with Mullno friends. John R. Lewis made a business trip to Oregon City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis at tended the campmeetlng at New Era Sunday. Dr. Goucher has purchased a new buggy. Jacob Kalbflelsch made a business trip to Canby Saturday. Mr. Tucker and daughter, Mrs. Johnson, went to Oregon City, Tues day.. Mrs. Irish and two sons went to Portland, Sunday. Marriage Licenses. July 15 Beatrice A. Rltter and Har vey L. Rue. The bride is under 18, but her father gave his written con sent. ML Hood beer. If the Peer. 0. W. Kelly. 248 Alder St