i OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1907. Oregon City Enterprise Pl)8t- Publlshed Every Friday. By THE STAR TRESS Entered at Oregon City. Or office as second class matter. Subscription Rites: On Year H 50 Blx Months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. .15 Suberlber will And the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing thedr name. If last payment Is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Fairbanks says he Is not a human Icfborg. Well, Fairbanks ou.eht to know. The Albany Dally Herald has chanped from a morning to an even ing paper. Offers of $3 a day for common la bor on construction work at South Bend, Wash., fall to pet help needed. The President pitched hay Thurs day on his farm In New York. Work men say h perspired same as other men. The National Educational associa tion, In convention at Los Anseles, has decided In favor of simplified spelling. Women are working in the fields In Linn county. Farm help Is so scarce the wives and sisters are compelled to help save the crops. KENESAW MOUNTAIN. .Judge K. M. I.andls of Chicago, who is to decide how big a tine the Stand ard Oil company can stand without being absolutely, put out .of business, was private secretary to Walter (Ires hatn when the latter was secretary of state under Cleveland. The "K. M." In Wont of his surname stands for the rather unusual christening names vt "Kenesaw Mountain." U happened' that little l.andls was born on the d.y of that famous battle In which his father participated. The baby was 'named for the battlefield. While private secretary to dresham. young Landli ran the state depart ment single handed a good many times, fur his chief was often ill to ward the end of hi term. Hut one of the dry remarks o.' his chief that Judge Lan.lls Is fond of quoting was made when the two of them first w(nt to Washington. They were stop ping at a hotel but were anxiously looking for a house. The Secretary of State had to have a house for pur poses of official entertainment, wheth er he wanted to be saddled with tine or not. They had looked all day, and In the evening had settled on the only really available and desirable one. It cost I'jt'O a year. A cabi net officer's salary at that time was $sooo. Judge Ore-sham was lying on the sofa, smoking after dinner, as was his custom. After a long silence he appealed to his secretary: "Say, I.andls, it has jirst occurred to me, what In the devil ate we going to do with that other $:.00?" The I-aGrande Morning Star Is a new daily newspaper that made Its first appearance Saturday morning. The editors and proprietors ate E. L. Eckley and Miss Molly rroebsul. (leorge Oglesby secured several hop pickers In the vicinity of Lents last week. There seems to be trouble abend for some parties on line H of the Scramlln Hue. If you want to keep that phone In your house you will have to cut out using the Una all the time, as others are entitled to use It as well as yourselves. Jacob lvauninun or fteeiiy was burled today. He was nearly 80 years THREE of age and was one of the pillars of the Amlsh church of Needy. ,Miss Nellie Armstrong of Portland is visiting friends nt . Needy and 'Itudy" has a big smile on his face. j Hop lice are showing up some In the yards In this vicinity, but grow-, era do not think It will pay to spray any hops this year. ! That yarn of the sheeny In the Journal regarding hop picking being i a month later than Inst year, Is all ! "hot air." Hops are farther along here now than they were last year at i this time, Some ef our young folks attended i the dance at Paradise City Saturday J evening uid report a tine time. Miss Cordelia Wlegand Is home iir a few days. She has been staying In Salem the past few months. I attended the Canby caiiipmeetlng today. There was a large attendance and a good many campers are on tho ground. The Odd Ftllows had a big rally at Needy last night and had a lino time. Several parties here ro to Roaring Hlver about the middle of August af ter huckleberries, so they say. work when they undertake anything. The club holds Its regular meeting Tuesday evening. P0ST0FFICE CLERKS -SALARIES RAISED IN LOCAL OFFICE RE CEIVE ADVANCES OF FROM $100 TO 200. If our battleships make tho cruise The railway commission has decid ed that the Union Pacific and South ern Pacific railways are competitive lines and that In uniting them as one E. H. Harriman has destroyed com petition and brken the law against such combinations. The commission Three clerks la tho Oregon City postoillee have been gladdened by a raise of from 1H to $:'ito per year in their salaries. Miss Louva Randall has been raised from $r.oo to JtloO; V, It. Howell, Jr., has received an In crease from $700 lo fsiOO; and Carl .loehnke's salary hns been advanced from $l!iH) to $S00 per annum. These promotions took effect July I, itnd are the result of the law recently i passed by which clerks are given ' annual Increases until a maximum of ; liono a year Is reached. I Other offices In Oregon fared as follods In the raise: Grunts Pass, three. $100 to $00o, Hood Hlver One, $.".00 to $001). J.adrande One, $.",no to $000, Pendleton Two $500 to $000; two $Too to $S00; one fsoo to $:. Roseburg Three $500 to $000, Salem Two $700 to $S00; one $Sno to $900; one $300 to $1000, The Dalles -One $000 to JS00; one $700 to $Si0; on,. $S to $'.'00. TO HOLD DISTRICT FAIR IN OCTOBER Miss Edna Mullock of Seattle 1 visiting her friend. Miss Marlon Hell, nf this city, TIME CARD. around the Horn it will be a record- i-ill report the necessity of Harriman breaking feat. The American navy .selling one or the other of these prop is capable of accomplishing great erties. If the commission wins it things which others cannot duplicate. (will succeed in putting a crimp In the i Harriman power to do evil to the pub- while ilic at large. Haywood denies all crime Orchard admits It, not to say glories in it Haywood, if he has done any wrong. Is at least ashamed of ft. Orchard gloats over fcis crimes and victims. MT. PLEASANT IMPROVEMENT j CLUB PLANNING FOR EXHI- j BIT10N ON LARGE SCALE. 0. W. P. RAILWAY eave i Arrive I.-uv .rriv at 55 MOLALLA GRANGE FAIR SEPTEMBER 28 Our own Chaifauqua Is meeting1 with as great success as the parent organization enjoyed In the early years of Its existence. There is great cau:?e for rejoicing let all pull to- seunr ior success. ! Saturday - ;.'S.) There is something lacking about j Taspl harvest Is now at hand and that defaulting paying teller Runyan !wiil j)flgin next wet.k up In New "iorK. None of the papers . n. f. HarU-ss U up and around, re-! other In the vicinity of have scheduled him as a constant icoverlnc from his stud! of fever. church put and a prominent member j AI,,.n Wdlg is now lai(! up with Molalla. July 15 The good hay weather continues. Just a little sprinkle here last Saturday night. , Molalla grange No. 310 has set the time for Its fair this year for the last In September (September of the Y. M. C. A. heart trouble. i. ! ' Fred Schafer in asslstii Carrie Nation assured a police court lng machinery at Canby last Saturday ! that It The ML Pleasant Civic improve-' ment club has decided to hold a dis trict fair early lu October. Prepara- j Hons are already In progress and It j will be pushed right along by the reg- j ular executive committee of the club, j The committee consists of the club : president, F. R. Andrews; Ward I-aw- ton, Ralph Miller, W. C. Uuckner. Ar- thur Warner and S. T. Roman. j Two locations, are under considera tion but no definite choice made yet. Each Is near tho limits of Oregon; City and either would make an idenl fair ground location. One Is a park near tho Ladd tract of land and the Rose Farm," the Holmes place. It Is fully expected that 'by the jtime the fair opens In October the In load-j traction line will be In operation and will pass through the former a u t 2 : O 5 s a o 0 i-3 ; a 1 .1 to 1 J u 4. -3 5:50 fi:25 O J, C:0o; 0:54 6:3s1 7:29 7:00! 7:10' 8: 04 7:35f 7:tr. 8:39 8:101 8:20' 9:14 judge last week that she would never j morning, broke two bones In his right go to hell. Well, at any rate, that U hand. tome consolation for the people who Clyde Knele goes to Portland today are unfortunate enough place for a final home. to have that to undergo an operation for an inter- it Palem has just held a cherry fair that was a grsnd success. No coun try H the world can produce belter cherries than Oregon, and the cherry fairs now la fa.--.hlon are demonstrat ing that fact to the rest of the world. It Is to be hoped for the sake of the general public that Judge Landis will not make the fin-? on the Standard Oil company too heavy. Kerosene costs enough as It is, and It will be ce.:ain to go up enough to cover the amount of the line. Frank Dix.-on of Marquam has been ! employed as a clerk In the fctore of JRotibins Bros. j if, L. Vaughan and wffe started for the ast today to spend the summer, i T!-ire are yet abroad in our land 'Idle v)hlt tiers, mud-daubers and d'fac- ers o! public and private property , that have not yet learned the law on this pliase of misdemeanor and are forging ahwad at a good rate for the 'reform school where they will be compelled to learn what would have been more sensible for them to have : learned at home. grounds when completed and at the head of the latter, where It can easily be eonn-rte 1. Transportation will then be fettled. The fair is to continue from three to fix days with sports of ail kind and the usual exhibit. of county fairs. The erection of the exhibit buildings Is to be begun as soon as the location has been decided upon. The people of the Mt. Pleasant Im provement club are progressive and wide-awake and not afraid of hard ! 4: oil, 6:4o; 5:4s fi:25' 7:20' 7:30i 7: is)' 7:S.V 8:05' 7:35' 8:30! g.m 8:10' 9:0.V 9:15 S:45' 9:40! 9:50! 8:45' 8:55' 9: t9 9:20 10:15 10:25' 9:20! 9:3010:24 9:55 tO:50 11:00' 9:55 10:05 10:59 10:30 11:25 11:35 10:30 10:40 11 ;34 11:05 12:00 12:10 11:03 11:15 12:09 ll:4o 12:35"I2:45 ll:40 it -.So 12:44 12:15 1 : 10 1:20 12:15 12:25' 1:19 12:50 1:45' 1:55 12:50' 1:00! 1:25: 2:20 2:30' 1:25' 1:35 2:00 2:55 ! 3:05' 2:00 2:10 2:35 3:30' 3:40' 2:35 3:10 4:05' 4:15' 3:45 4:40 4:50 4:20 5:15' 5:25' 4:55 5:50 6:00; 6:35! 7:10! 5:30' 6:251 6:05 7:00 6:40 7:33 7:15 8:10 7:50' 8:45 8:25 9:20 9:00 9:52' 10:00 10:52 11:00 11:52 12:i5 12:52' 7:45' 6:40 8:20 7:15 8:55 9:30' 1:54 2:29 3:04 3:39 4:14 4:49 5:24 5:59 6134 7:09 7:40 8:19 8:54 8:35'. 9:29 9:00 9:55 9:35; ho:00 10:55 1 1,1:00 11:55 12:00 ;1:00 2:45 3:10! 3:20 3:45 3:55 4:20 4:30 4:50' 5:05' 5:30, 6:40' 6:05' 6:15 6:50. 7:25 7:50 8:00 8:25 To Mllwanklo .only. !Vla Lent's Junction, dally except Sunday, leave on Sundays, 4:30 a. m. A. M. figures In Roman: P. M. In black. The railways have decided to put another barrier on coast business en terprises by increasing the freight rate on lumber and shingles. There , seems to be a little prdlt that the railways have allowed to pet away, i i-nram for the New In the past, and they have decided to i ,,.,., j stjnilay July 21: PROGRAM OF NEW ERA CAMPMEETING Kra camp- grab It. Salvation Army officers asked the Standard Oil officials who were called to Chicago to testify to turn their witness fees and mileage over to the organization to be used in sending Blum mothers and children to the country. So far not one of them has complied. Evidently they "need the money." 10: 00 Concert Dunton's Orchestra. Lecture, "How lo: no Friends Communlcati The Japanese editor who Is tell ing his readers that American ma rines would desert their guns through fear, In case of war with Japan, is having a pipe dream. There are no men big or little, white, yellow or black that can scare American ma rines. And bo far there Is no record of any who can outshoot them. Our Spirit Prof. Fritch 11:V0 Messages Mr. Cobb l:$o Concert, Dunton's Orchestra. 2 : ii Lecture Rev. Iie F. Prior. Floral I'.aptlsm. Messages Klla Royal Williams Wednesday, July 17, will be oh servt'd,(as ladies' day at the New Era camp meeting. A good musical and litesary program Is being arranged by a committee. One number will be an original poem by Mrs. Flint of Cor- vallls. There's a Reason for Everything W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. HAVE SOLD IN GLADSTONE WITHIN THE PAST MONTH 14 acres to Franklin Clark of Council' Uluffs, lowa. 22 lots to onu parly. 2 lots to another. 4 lots to another. 20 lots to another, 5 lots to another. 5 lots to another. 2 lots to another. 2 lots to another,. 11 lots to another. House audi lots to one party, 2 houses and lots t (Iroenpolut. 68 Lois to Various Parties 600 MAIN STREET ORECON CITY, ORE. i YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED with us will be a-worldng asset, good to keep and tohave for an emerge ncy or op portunity Wise is the man who has his capital, no matter how small, deposited where it is at wrk earning more capital. The Bank ot Oregon City GET IT FOR HER A! ELECTRIC HAW FREE: -ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Save Hr Tlm Save Her Health Save Her Weary Step Save Your Money Save Your Clothes Save Her Temper Save Her Complexion 9 9 Tht largest Oregon try to .-eason we enjoy the dental practice In City is because we excel in our work. Tbe Dalles experienced Sunday the first, "dry" Sunday In the city's his tory. The 50 saloons were closed from midnight Saturday unUl the same hour Sunday night. A number f saloonkeepers expressed them selves as glad of the chance to enjoy one day of rest There la talk of enforcing the Sunday closing law against dealers In soft drinks. "LATE HOPS" YARN IS ALL HOT AIR Marks Prairie, July 14 Looks like rain here today and our farmers are rushing their hay hauling. Over half the hay crop Is still In tbe field. Several of our people went to the various camp meetings today. George Reuck Is about t'o lose two fine horses. Tbey got tangled up In a barb wire fence. Two veterinary surgeons are trying to save them. He values them at 1600. Our work lasts, wo never do poor work. The people know It. Our constant ef fort Is to give not "Just as good" but the best work, and that for as little money as possible. Our recent trip East to the great centers of dental edu cation, was for the purpose of giving you the lat est and best, up-to-date dentistry. Our seventeen' years of suc cessful practice In Oregon City Is tho best guarantee any dentist can give you. A guarantee Is good only as long as you can find one who gives It, and then not always. Wo are careful not to hurt you, as we have feelings ourselves. We want your work and want you to send us your friends. Have an eastern expert graduate assistant dentist. We put our own name back of, our practice. Our prices are the lowest In the city for good work. DENTIST Weinhard Building, Oregon City, Ore. Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago 8chool of Dentistry, Mutual and Independent 131 Dr. L. L Pickens Post Graduate City Phone 2671 I Mi r';iiii! I CJ Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, absolutely free of charge CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY C. G. Miller, Agent, Oregon City, Ore. GonUempn You may deliver to mo onu Electric Fiat Iron, which 1 agree to try, and If unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do not return It at that tlmo you may charge same to my account at $4.00. It Is understood that no charge will be made for tho Iron If 1 return It within 30 dri. Namo Address DEPT. O. C. JTHE THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL OFFER APPLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY W. &. O'REN C. SCHUEBEL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNHYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice ia sll courts, make collection and settlement! of esta tes FmrnisL bstiscts orlitle, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in ENTERPRISE 4 Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E HEDCE3 F. 1 GRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House H.E; CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Eeitate, Loans, Inemranoe Main Htrcot. OKBOON CITY GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone Main 521 Offlce In Ciufield Eld$., Main and Eighth Sts