Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 19, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Resolution Passed Looking tO
the Establishment of Such
an Institution
Eagle Creek Grange Publicly Thanked
For lt Hospitality Place of
October Meet Not
. A. J. Lewis, chairman, O. IX Robblns.
(of Igan. Mrs. Maggie A. Johnson
Eagle Creek, July 10 The Clacka-j0f MUwaukie. George Lar.cllo of New
mas County District Pomona grange ' Era, and William Grlsthenwalto of
met in the hall of the Eagle Creek : noaver Creek ns the committee on
grange this morning at 11 a. m. One county fair.
hundred and two members were pres-! Harrison Tracy and Norman Tracy
ent at 1 o'clock. Reports from the 'each had a tine display of King chor
subordinate granges of the county res ou exhibit at the front of the hall,
showed a prosperous condition. The J One of them measured Z Inches In
Eagle Creek grange sot tables for ;clrcumferenc. Edwin Hates dis
dinner and supper with the best of j played some fine Royal Annes. while
skill of the housewife could produce. !n. M. Marshall displayed some large
Four new resolutions were iutro- 'Oregon cherries,
duced. One protesting against the ' . class of twelve was initiated Into
killing of Mie referendum by Judge the fifth degree of the order.
Galloway was introduced by F. M. j Aa excol;ont pr0;rani was rendered
Gill. He also introduced a resolu-;,, h0 charK0 of Mrs. y,litxlo
tion asking a change of the method Johnson. The pwfV&m was as fol
of distributing the school moneys Unvs. SonK Kai;,e Crwk grange;
-from the per capita system to the j ,, ,.Thf, vmi.,, 0r,1(.lt, t-
days attendance and that $bK be
: w j:..:. , a-. , i
now. After a lengthy discussion Mr.
urn nioeu umi a commiuee oi unit-: wsukitf . ri.niitlUcences of the Civil
be appointed to investigate the JWar: sone. Eagle Cn-ek grange; read
ject and report at the October nieet-jinJ Mr ,,)hnSln nf MiKV1,nki, -The
ing.. This committee is F. M. Gill
R. A. Wright, and Mrs. Maggie John
son, of Estacada, Mulino and Milwau-
kie, respectively.'
The resolution of protest against
Judge Galloway's decision and adopt
ed by nearly a unanimous vote reads
as follows: j
WhereasMhe Constitution of Ore-1
gon provides tnat upon a petition
signed by five per cent of the voters
who voted for supreme judge at the
preceding election any bill adopted
by the legislative assembly shall be
presented to the people for their sane-
tion or rejection at the next election, j Read for the recovery of seven saw
and, jlogs, four spruce and three cotton-
Whereas, four such petitions have jWO"d. containing 5.210 board feet and
been duly signed and presented tova'-uf' at J-ILGS.
the secretary of state as the spirit ! These are branded with the
and purpose of the Constitution pro- .company's mark, a W enclosed In a
vides, and Idiajnond. the points of which are
Whereas, on purely technical j
grounds and in direct opposition to
the intent and purpose of the Consti
tution of the State of Oregon, Judge
Galloway has set up his opinion
against the will of the people who are
exercising a right granted them by
the Constitution, thus defeating the ;
wil! of the people: I
Ee it resolved by the Clackamas I
County District Pomona grange that ;
we condemn the action of Judge Gal
loway with all the earnestness that
we possess and ask the executive
commitee of the State Grange to ap
peal from his decision to the Supreme
Court of the State.
Hie following resolution introduced
by A. J. Lewis of Maple Lane grange
wa3 unanimously adopted:
Whereas, there is a fund in the
county for the purpose of exploiting
the resources of our county, and,
Whereas, we believe that this fund
cannot be better employed than in
holding a county fair, therefore, be it
Resolved, by this District Pomona
grange that we petition our county
Pure Teas
are healthful-nerve
powder BlacK (SI
are pure. Packed flavor
tight in dust-proof car
tons to protect their
purity and flavor.
J. A. Folder OX Co.
Stn i'rincUoo
Import of Pur Tobs
m tea
! court to Riant the said $500.00 to an
association (or tho purpose of hold
'lug a county fair, anil bo It further
Resolved, that tho master of this
grange appoint a committee of five
to corporate with any other commit
too latvorlng with this end In view.
1 Tho following resolution lntroduc-
'ed by H. F. C.lbson of Eagle Creek
was adopted by a unanimous vote:
. Whereas, tho history of labor nil-
lions, bankers' associations and other
'similar associations shows that to be
successful In co-oporatlon each Inter
lest must unite for Its own protection.
,'be It
j Resolved by Clackamas District
! Pomona sranso that we believe that
fruit growers, potato growers
j growers, etc., to successfully co-oper-Bte
should each form an organization
to work for their several Interests.
j The committee on resolutions- was
jA. J. Lewis, George Ogle, and Mar
garet L. Roberts.
! Master J. V. Thomas appointed
M. Gill; reading. Freda Duus; read-
Mrs. Maggi Johnson, of an
essay writcn by Mr. Dobbins of Mil-
Mishap of a Hoy"; song, "America."
j A vote of thanks was extended to
' jfcagle Cre
J The Oc
Creek grange for Its hospitality.
ctober meeting will probably
be held with Clackamas grange at
The Willamette Pulp and Paper Co.
has instituted a suit against G. L.
j broken off. The logs have been an
chored on the defendant's property.
The complaint alleges that Read has
been warned to release them, but he
(till retains possession.
The plaintiff asks the possession
cash, $. damages and costs of suit.
The charter commission, named to
draft a new charter or materially
change the present Oregon City char-
;t(., ,,. im!1,,fi,,, ,,, 2r, members. Re.
centiy the chairman, Mayor Caufield,
was authorized to appoint a new com
jmittee, to consist of himself and four
'others, who are to do the active work
of the revision. Those named are W.
jg. U'lten, Frank T. Griffith, Judge T.
F. Ryan and J. U. Campbell.
The committee has sixty days in
which to draft a new charter and re
port to the committee at large.
Tony Farr, well known in Oregon
j City, who travels with a hii?h-diving
dog, was at Grants I'ass, Mon., last
i week. He has signed to spend ten
j weeks in Canada and will go across
the border next week. His dog has
j been trained until It jumps 73 feet.
into a net, to the great delight of the
little folks.
Stafford, July 10 Stafford is manu
facturing a very good article of hay
weather since the Fourth and we are
all in the hay field or a cherry tree
these days. Wild blackberries are
very plentiful.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell have not yet
returned. Her mother died and was
buried the 5th and a card from Mr.
Powell stated that Mrs. Powell was
Blck, but would be back Monday if
she was able to travel.
Mr. Lindoff, aged about 82, was
buried in the public burying grounds
Sunday afternoon. Rev. Leesman
preached the funeral sermon at the
Mr. romperlno still carries his arm
In a sling,
Otis Crt'bhardt who went to the
warm springs, being atlllcted with
rheumatism and dyspepsia, got to feel
Inn ho well h thought ho would re
turn homo and go to work, but his
pains and stomach trouble returned
and last Tuesday he returned to the
springs again. Meantime numoNuis
hop are anxiously awaiting for his
directing hand.
Miss Clara Waohtlo returned on the
Fourth from her sister's pear Eugene
where she has been staying for tho
past three months.
Mr. Weddle and children are oecu
pylns Mrs. Barbara Moror's house, un-
til Will Uorland vacates their own j MtroHin. The break whs no bad that i",,,n ,m"' or '"M ,M0 """ty
tho end of the year for which ho linsiu, 1,.,llR0 WH Bt 0u,0 vUmH ,0 tl.ftf .road at tho top of the bluff; thcnci.
It Uased.
Mrs, Morer has moved to town with
her two little boys.
Will SehalU had a host of relatives
out from town and atl enjoyed them
selves hugely working In tho hayfleld.
Hands are scarce, but all are ablo to
secure the crop".
Newcomers are highly pleased at
being able to sleep comfortably after j
day with the mercury away up.
They says they have always been ae-
customed to hot nights after a warm
la5'- I
We are Increasing In numbers and
will soon be ablo to put on another)
addition to the schiHdhouso. A baby
boy was left af Sam Moser's July 3.
Shubel, July 10 Haying is In full
blast. The hay crop Is very poor this
Charles Hettnian has finished clear
ing a piece of ground.
Goarge Kirbyson and son Harry
were home for tho Fourth,
Jack Crawford of the logging camp
is spending a few weeks with Mr.
Miss Emma Grossmiller has gone to
the const with some Portland friends.
Mrs. R. Ginther and sons Wendell j
and Ronald visited with John Strlck-
iin and family of Lit eral, Sunday. I
The county court went through here j
Saturday. Inspecting roads. ,
The metallic circuit works well.
Line 5 is about perfect
Our lineman,
G. A. Schuhel
understands his bust-
Mountain View, July 11 George
Roberts will move his family next
week to the Superior Lumber com
pany camp.
Mrs. Weldner went to Seattle last
Wednesday for a visit with a daugh
ter residing there.
Mrs. McGeehan and children are
camping at the Chautauqua grounds.
Frank Albright moved his family
to Rainier for a two months' sojourn
in the Portland Lumber company's
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carrlco came
In from the lumber mills Tuesday and
while here attended Chautauqua.
Alvan Mack has a number of bunch
grass horses that he Is offering for
Wiley May Is putting in some good
work at the hop yard here, cleaning
off the sprouts and getting the weeds
Mrs. J. B. Falrclough is In from
the Ogle mines; will remain here un
til the 20th when she will go back.
Charles Ely Is building c new barn.
John Everhart is back from Port
land where he has been looking after
the property he owns in that city.
Mrs. Gotberg seems to bo much
beter of late and Js feeling hopeful of
getting well. '
Lillian Glllett Is visiting at Hills
boro with her uncle Frank Francis'
Saturday evening Miss Bertha May
was very much surprised by some of
the neighbors who came In to remind
her it was a birthday anniversary.
She received several pretty tokens of
love and esteem and the best one was
a lovely gold watch. Ice cream and
cake were served in a bountiful man
ner. The evening was spent with
music and songs. Among those: pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Lewellen, Mrs.
J. B. Falrclough, Mr. and Mrs. Preston
Cooper, Mrs. Matchett Brown, and
Harold Gladden. At a late hour all
departed wishing Miss Bertha a long
life and many happy birthdays.
Now if the weeds would be removed
along the sidewalks we would think
better of the civic improvements. Mr.
Harrington is building a new fence in
front of his residence and putting
down a new walk. We don't like bo
many cows out roaming the streets
and some day we'll gather them all
up and milk them and make ice cream
for the firemen.
A new movement bible class was
organized here last Sunday. Will
meet again next Sunday at 4 o'clock
in the church at this place. A cordial
' invitation is extended to the public.
A 10 ton Iron pipe, hauled by six
horses proved tin heavy for tho Park
place wagon bridge Wednesday oven-
i.r ti... ...... ...i. i ...i I
and the load, horses ami driver nrf W.Uaim.tn, Morldlitn; running
rowly escaped a fatal dron to the ' u,,,,u- E,,Ht "n H"1,1 ,,,Blm llm' 20'33
lie by order of the county court.
Tho court has ordered tho l.rldg
rebuilt, all new timbers being used
together with tho old Iron. This will
cost about onMhlrd what an entirety !
new bridge would cost and give a
structure practically as strong, Tho
timbers are being hauled to tho scene
and it Is thought the bridge van be
roino.l for ti utile
Th pftl.kl)hu.0 br,,fi) hM ,, ',
tt ,! omi!ti,m f!(r several years,
Tho north atinrnm'lt lunk 114 lluniuh
L ,Khl fnl Bt any llllm,,.
... ... ... . nr.
cut high price of Iron would cost
about HWimi. A concrete pier would
be nwssary and It could not bo put
In for less than $H'0'V The present
bridge has a span of 170 feet.
Tho brldite at Estacada Is also In a ! 1,mo )() two l" ,,1,rH
dangerous condition, and County j !io0.()0 one year.
Judge Dimlck says that this structure
will be replaced by a new one as soon
as possible.
Needy, July 10 - Hoeing, weeding,
making hay and sparking Is the order
of' the day.
Miss Nellie Armstrong is with us
a;;altt for a visit during her vacation,
Tho Aurora celebration was enjoy,
ed by a number of the Needyiles.
George Oglesby was seen on our
streets Monday.
MNs (;race Hitter spent Tuesday
'with hiT .cousins, Misses Emma and
jDrucli'a Yoder.
! The young folks are anticipating a
jgood time Ht the Paradise datiro Sat
jurday, July 13.
Some young folks from here vlsit.nl
(Wllhoit this week.
Our school closed Wednesday. The
teacher, Mr. Hri'ssler, Is to bo con
gratulated for bis success as a teach
er here.
Misses Alice and Beatrice Hitter
have returned homo for vacation.
They brought a graphophone to whjle
away the time.
in the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the matter of tho Estate of Fred
Waespe, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
executrix of the last will and testa-
mcnt of Fred Waespe, deceased, and
all persons having claims against theiRy having It In tho house you oscapo
said estate must present them to the
undersigned duly verified within nix
months from the date of this notice.
Dated July 10th, 1907.
ROSA WAESPE, Executrix,
Sandy, Oregon.
J. O. JONSHRUD, Attorney for Exec
In the County Court of tho State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of tho Estate of N. 0.
Waldon, deceased.
Pursuant to an order duly made and
entered In the above entitled court,
in the nialter of the estate of N. O.
Waldon, deceased, on tho 2d day of
July, 1907, the undersigned, surviving
executors of the estate of N. C. Wal
don, decease !, will on Saturday, the
third day of August, 1907, at .the
hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of
said dny, at tho front door of the
court house of Clackamas county. In
Cregon City Oregon, offer for Halo
and sell at public auction to tho high
est bidder, tor cash, and subject to
confirmation by the above entitled
court all of the following described
real property belonging to tho estate
of the said X. O. Waldon, deceased,
1. A pa". r,f Lot 7 of Block 28 In
Oregon City, Ciackamas County, Statt
of Oregon, described as follows;
Beginning at the southwesterly cor
ner of the said Lot No. 7; thence In a
Northerly direction and following the
Westerly line thereof 33 feet; thence
Easterly and at right angles to the
said Westerly boundary line of said
Lot 7, and parallel to the side lines
thereof, 105 Teet; thence at right an-
gles and parallel with Main Street 33
feet, to Southerly lino of, unlit lot 7;
thence nt light angles nad following
the south lino of said Lot 7 to the
place of beginning.
a. An undivided half Interest In
lsU Nos, a, I and 9 lu James Chase's
subdivision of Hlock "l" of Park
place In Clackamas County, Oregon,
11. An undivided half Interest In a
tract or laud In Clackamas County,
State of Oregon,, described as fol
lows: Ueglnnlng at the Northwest corner
of the James Winston IX L. C. lu tho
Southwest quarter of Section SI,
Townshln 2 South of Range S East
(following tho meandering or said
'r,m'1 ln 11 Southwesterly direction to
Intersection of the James Winston
and Georgn Abernelhy I). L, C.
" '
"" ' 11,1
Went roiiowtng Hiiui claim line u ine .
Southwest corner of tho Juim-s Win- j
ston IX L, C.: thence North on said ,
l' .11 11 (Uiu lu ill'- nuiiuni'i'i i "i '
..I.. I... II.. . ... .1... V....I) u ..... ,,,,1.
four or nvo;th"n",r' Mu ,,,,'" "f b,'Kll,nl"K ,
and coiitiiiiilng 1 1 acres more or less
i-piiiiim." innuivii
' A: . ... ,
Executors of tho LStato of N. O. Wiil-j
dell, lleceased
GRIFFITH. Attorneys
fur Execubirs
First publication July G. 1007,
r -
Private Money To Loan, 6 Per Cent
On real estuto security.
75000 three year.
I'iOO.OO flvo years,
ti0, oO two to four years.
Coo. 00 three years.
SoO.OO two to five years.
S.'iOO.oo one to 5 years.
Call, write or 'phone by July 1. l'.o7
JOHN W. l.ODElt,
Attorney at Lnw, Stevens Jildg , Ore-
(l (,.. (-,,.,.
. r
New Thomas bay tedder, nearly
I)i' w
tdniler, D erlng mower, and
j Soot hw Irk hay baler !n good repair.
This machinery has all the latest lm
! proveiiieiits mil H the lent of lis
if'ass. Owing to other busllti'ss. Will
sell reasonably.
ANo l'ercheron horse for sule. ,
promptly if you want a bargain. Can
be seen on my farm near ClrtrkatnaH
Station, Or. C. F. CLARKE.
! Hot 'SIC AND LOT has fruit
, chicken house, etc. located on Sixth
I . . ,, . . ... . . ii
,Htrcet. Must bo sold at once, (all at
Daniel Williams, 4lC'- Keveulll Htreel
Sold on easy terms.
The Doctor Awy From Home When
Mott Needed. j
Peopl" are often very much disap
pointed to find that their family phys
ician Is away from homo when they :
most need his services. Diseases llko j
cramp colic and cholera morbus re-1
quire prompt treatment and have In lh omnty Court of Clackamas Coun
many Instances proven fatal before ty, Oregon, Administratrix of the !
medicine could bo procured or a tato of Daniel D.Evans. VC. ...
physician' summoned. Tho right way
' .
Is to keep at hand a bottle of Cham-
berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. No nhysiclan can prescribe
.a better medicine for these diseases.
.much pain and suffering and all risk,
'Buy It now; It may save life. For
salo by Howell & Jones.
Administrator's Notice of Final
Patrick Sharkey Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that tho
undersigned has this day filed
his final account as . admlnlstra-
tor of the Estate of Pat-
rick Sharkey, deceased, and that tho 1
County Court of tho State of Oregon, j
County of Clackamas, has set Mon- j
day the 29th day of July, 1907, at tho
hour of 10:00 o'clock a. in. of said day
and tho court room of said court as
the place and hour of hearing objec
tions thereto.
Administrator of tho Estate of Pat
rick Sharkey, deceased.
Every Man His Own Doctor. j
Tho average man cannot afford to
employ a physician for every slight
ailment or Injury that may occur In
his family, nor can he afford to m-i
gleet them, as so slight an Injury as
the scratch of a pin has been known
to cause the loss of a limb. Hence
every man must from necessity bo
his own doctor for this class of ail
ments. Success often depends upon
prompt treatment, which can only be
had when suitable medicines are kept
at hand. Chamberlain's Remedies
have been In the. market for many
years and enjoy a good reputation.
Chamberlalnls Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com
plaints. J. L. Swafford has resigned his
place at J. 13. Jack's grocery. Sat
urday was his last day. Mr. Swafford
has obligingly waited upon customers
there for the last four years. Ho
has not decided bis new work. He
is one of tho gatekeepers during the
Chnmborlaln'n Cough Ueinedy for
eouglm, colds, croup and whoopluif
Chiunberlaln'a Pain Halm (em anti
septic ilniiiient) for cuts, IiiuIhoh,
burns. HpniliiH, r.welllngM, Inmo buck
ami rheumatic pulim,
('hnuilioi-lalu'a Stomach and Liver
Tablets for muNtlpatlou, bllloiiHiiens
and Ptomach troubles,
Chamberlain' Salvo for disease of
tho skin.
(Inn bottle of each of tliesn fiVB
preparations costs hut l.S5. For aula
by Howell & Jones,
In the Circuit Court of the Htato of
Oregon for Claclmntas County.
Horace K. Martin, Plaintiff,
llei tha ( Min t In, Defendant,
To llertlm (!. Mm tin. Hie abovo
naini'd defenilant;
In the namo of the state of Oregon,
you urn hereby loipilred to appear
... i - ,1. I,. I.,, 111...! n,ri,l,iit
Z ZiUWA ri.,,rt and
(,1(U0 r ,,,,. )n l;!,n day of
July. J9H7, that being the laid day pre-
scribed In I ho order or imi.iiiiiuon in
this miMiinoiiH, and If you fall to up-
i , . . ii . .i..i.., it...
'it., ,ii nti.l ntwiti.i Hatil f-iillll llllt. 1 1)0
plulntlff will wpply to tl ourt for
i, relief prayed for lu this complaint,
Jtowlf. For a d.'Cree nf (be euut t ills.
'solving III" bunds of matrimony her-
!for- "! -i'-HM ''""" '"
, ,,i,1,,,tT ,, n,,. irr.nind of
ati i
jctf ilewei tiiill.
This summons Is published In tho
j Oregon City llllti-t pil-te mi- mix bur.
: S...U..W'.. 1,11,1 I-. Ill 'H.lMlt I VI, tt I'l'IlM bv or
;(U.r ll( ,, 'nlin ,. Mrliildo.
jjtldgo of the nbnVii entli'd Court,
iina l" on the :it ilsv of May, l.o7.
!llu II r-it iiidlcitlliill being oil the 7lh
i!av of June. l;io7, mid the lint publl
IciiUon being on tli U'th dnv of July.
! i-"7. John f. i.uiiAN.
j20t7 Atl.'lliey fur the I'liilutlff.
In tho Circuit Court of th Htato of
Oregon In and fr the County of
t 'lai-kanuin,
Lena M. .NeUun. Plaintiff,
Andrew Nelson, Defendant,
In Urn mime of tlm Stalo of Or.
gou : Vmi, Andrew NeNoii. the Btro
name I defendant, are hereby required
to appear nd answer the rmiiplnint
Hli.,1 ngalnst you le reln on or lieforo
1 Monday, the 2!itb day of July, IV07.
'that day being sl ecls fruin tho
tlfht publleatlo.i of the sumnums horo-
in, and if you fail to appear and an
swer herein, plaintiff will apply to tho
Court f"r t!t relief prnyd for In
tho comphilnf on (lie herein, to which
reference Is hereby mad", and morn
particularly as follows; For a decreo
illnHohlng the boml of matrimony
now existing between plulntlff and de
fendant, on the ground of cruel and
Inhuman treatment.
This numinous Is served upon you
by publication tlnrisif for not less
than ilx HiirciMo weeks In tie' Ore-
'gon City I'titerprls", pudllidii'd In tho
i County of Clackamas, Stat" of )r
trees, gun, and bv order of the Honorable
Ihoinas A. Mcllrlde. Judi? of tho
abovo entitled Court, which order Is
f j ,an7
The dale of tho first publication of
this Huinmoim is Friday, the Hth day
!of June, l:m7. and tin date of lh
l.iU puti!traion of this summons Is
Frldav, the li'.th dav of Julv, t'.m7.
27t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un-
leiKleneil Inm tieeli d 111 V itniuilnted by
- ' ,,r bfUamas . ot,
All persons having claims at
nrH ll(.r,.t)y notified t.
same, duly verified according
with my attorney, c, . D.
i w,
K 1.
I r
Cor. fith and Main Streets
Cltv. flrcinn -lthln hIv nmnM
,h (lnt(, (j jn nt(.n
j Dated at Oregon City, Orego
Mth day of Juno A. D. 1307
Administratrix of aforesaid Ei
27t5 Have You Rooms to RentT
I persons having rooms for teachers
'attending tho Bummer Normal,
'please report, Mating terms, to J. C.
jZlnser. 35-3
rr piNfir
tun auto
"I lather and uluve In from two to
five minute and bless the day I bought
my Gillette Razor," say one of the
No matter how tough your beard or
tender your skin, each double-edged
wafer Made will give you an average
of more thnn 20 clean, velvet lliave.
Aliuayt Ready, Aliuayt Sharp,
(24 sharp Edge)
Set consiit of Triple Silver-plated
Holder and 12 double-edged blade
(24 iharp edges) in a handsome
leather-covered case.
Trlplt IUr Dialed HoUtr and 12 doublt.
dd blidel, ft. Standard Combination Sal
Ilk Ihavln Rruah and lots In Tilpla llWef
laudHoldan,l7.SO.!itit BladaMOIorSOc.