OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1907. NATIONAL REJOICING Crowds In Clackamas Capital Are Entertained In Old Time Style Liberty Car, Pretty Float and Deco , rated Wagoni Make Fine Pa geant Hoi Races and Sports RotulU, The smell of burnt powder bus been displaced by thn smell of arnica, and the cli'ltrullon of tlm Fourth In thin city In nothing but a pleumuit mem ory. Tint affair was In tlm inn In success, fill, the only disappointment being the failure of tho flro companies to enter thn parade. Tho number of the Fourth committee secured an appro priation of $2.r.i) from the city to be iiHd ttH pri.c for liosn races. Thu committee added fr.O to this nuhi and It was thoiiKht only nipr that they idioul piirndw and there linn been much dissatisfied comment. Thu streets worn crowded with peo jilti from early inornliiK until l' ' tho (vrnlnic. Oregon City people and residents of thn suburbs celebrated lu re but there wan a noticeable luek of country ihj from distant parts of tlm comity, duo largely to tho Kn'iit number of lorat celebrations In nmallor towns, and to tho many neigh Ixirhood picnics. Tho restaurants, Ice cream parlors and saloon did a rushing business. One lew cream resort sold CO gallon before 4 o'clock. , Tho parade was up to tho expecta tion of all, and from tho escort of four plug ugly policemen to tho last car, tho proamnion was matched with InU'roMt. Company (5. formed tho van guard and marched with tho predion of veteran, keeping time with tho winging tunes played by tho uni formed band of Oswego. Tho Llhorty Car, presided ever by CSoddoHR of Llhorty Mlaa lleryl Long, wan very pretty, and tho grand old boys In blue formed a fitting guard of honor. The Itooo society float elicited audlhlo expression of admiration. Many of tho business men were represented with unlu.ua floats and group. ""Tho first prize was divided between tho Courier float and that of tho Grand I'nlon Tea company. The lirlito for tho bent aocluty float wai won by tho Mt. Pleasant Civic Im provement club. Tho Darnm family raptumd tho prUo for tho largest Clackamas county family In tho pro cession. Jntnes Petty, with his wag iii bearing hi famous quotation, "More Tower to You,' won the prtee for tho best farm team In tho proccs ttlon, and Charles Nohbllt of Needy drove tho best driving team. Exercises at the Park. Tho parade inarched up Singer hill to Seventh street, where tho exor cises were held In tho park. Miss Klva Emily Watts recited tho Dec laration of Independence. Mrs. Imo gen Harding Brodle sang "Columbia," her grand rich voice giving much feel ing to tho words, Q. E. Hodges, pres ident of tho day, Introduced Hon. C. M. Idleman of Portland, orator of tho lay, and the speaker won his way to the hearts of his listeners by the patriotic address he delivered. Hose Races. Tha hose races begon at 1:3Q, and resulted as follows: Fountain Hose company No. 1, first; Hill lloso com pany No. 3, second; Cataract No. 2, third; Mountain View, No. 4, fourth; Hook and Ladder company, fifth. The wot test between all Oregon City and the St. Johns team was won by tho visitors In 32 seconds. Land S porta, 60 yard dash, boys under 14 Ceorge Martin, first; Tod Wolfor, second. CO yard dosti, fat men Georgo Campbell, first; L. Moore, second. 220 yard hurdlos Charles Koblson, first; L, J, Ownboy, second. ISO yard wooden shoe race Wm. Itakel, first; Ralph Scheurer, socond. 100 yard dash C. S. Orm, first; F. U. Schoenborn, second. Girl's B0 yard dash Adeline Trul linger, first; Amy Peckover, socond. Water Sports. IiOg rolling contest O. M. Young, first; II. White, second. 100 foot log rolling raco W. Crlte ner, first; L. May, socond. Quarter mile boat race, double sculls Ralph Mllln and John Haney, first; J. Baxter and J. Hosey, second. Quarter mile boat race, single sculls Earl Letts, first; John Rich ards, Becond. 100 yard swimming race W. Pe ters, first; C. IS. Burns, Jr., second. The motor boat race In the morning was won by the "Vlxon" with 25 min utes to sparo, Tho fireworks display was good and tho committee certainly did won ders with tho amount of money at Its disposal. Tho river banks woro lined with pooplo us long as tho candlos, rockets and more elaborate pieces Il luminated tho sky. Tho day's enjoymwut ended with a grand bull In tho armory given un der tho uusplcos of Separate Co. 0. NOTICE Of FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. In the mutter of (ho Estate of John 1). Iieardorff, deceased, Tho undersigned bus filed his final account, us Kxocutor of the lust Will of John II. Iieardorff, deceased, In the ummy i oi.ri or too ruuio or urcgon for th" County of Clackamas, and tho name has been by said Court not for final hearing and examination on Hat-1 w,n,tmil Andresen and Logus In at urdny, tho 20th day of July, 1007, at tendance. Minutes of lust regular and tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., and all ',.,.,, m,.tlngH r,,Hll tttl( a))rov(;d. persons having objections to said ac- Fir(J chlf Illr0I1ch r(,vrtfti p,,r. imiiit imiiii nniaiitif (ho iinttiA at anlrl " " n,.v "' , time and pluco, Dated Juno 20, 1307. HAKItY (!. MeCOWAN, I... ........ A.t II... I .... I UH1I f..l... TI i r.jt'iruiir "i ni" Mint iii hi ji'iiii u. I)ardorff, deceased. J. C. MOUI2I.ANI), Attorney for K- ecutor. 2St5 FAMOUS ' MOUNTAIN CUIDE HAS.Bubcock flro extinguishers desirable RETIRED. Oregon City pooplo who enjoy out ings at Mt. Hood, will bo sorry to lo ur that tho veteran mountain guide, O, C. Vocum, has retired and will tlon by natural conditions, with ten guide no more parties up tho famous .dency to rot the hose, peak. Hereafter ho will devote his J Discussion brought out the fact that time to managing a resist at Pompeii, No. 4 was Rlyvllle, and that with pros which Is tho new name for Govern- ;ent poor flro pressure no need of new ment Camp chosen by the poHtofflco ' hose for that station could bo seen. department. Mr. Yocum took up. bis residence at Government Camp. In 1S02 for the ,8tructlons to report at next meeting, benefit of his health. Ho Is known I A ,,,, WM r,.C).lve(, from Creen. for and wide and has guided thous- !lH,lt cMtl.m ft(!klng for th)J orf?anl. amis of climbers up the mountain. ;zllUon of a flro company th,.re- ThlH During all tho yeurs of his service asWB(1 bnck,.(, up by favorable report guide ho never met with a serious from tho niar(1 of Flre Comm,HHlon. arcLlent. Mr. Yocum Is now 04 years lvr9 Counp acte(1 favorably on the old. Mr. Yocum Is spending a few ret,,)eHt. Mr. Knapp retried the pur days In Portland visiting friends. Ho !cn8H0 of cnan anJ ,abks for VHfl t)f has a number of suggestions to make ;th ew comi)ttnyi whlch had a!r(!ady In regard to tho better protection of jbten orgllt,,zt,j ln anticipation of this forests, among them being tho estab- !favor8b0 acUon and Counc p,ve Ihliment of a heliograph station at Crater Hock, from where signals tell ing of the location of ores could bo sent to guards and Are wardens. The veteran guide has been of great assistance to the Weather Ser vice of tho district for he has kept Government records at Government Ca;np since his residence there. t WITH KNIFE AND RAZOR. Two men who had emptied a little too much tanglefoot In celebrating the 'Natal Day begun quarreling on a Portland bound street car about 7:30 ' Thursday and became so noisy that they wero ejected from the car at Greenpolnt. This did not seem to cool their wrath In the least and so enraged did they become that one drew a knife and the other a razor and each attempted to explore his iMk the ground over personally be antagonises Interior. !fore ni.xt meetlng with a view to ac Chief of Police Burns arrived on the 'quiring all possible knowledge by In scene by the time the wMder of the 'spectlng tho proposed Bites before razor had received a cut on the leg that date. and one on the shoulder, and arrested Liquor licenses of Wm. Rambo, tho pair. Ho marched them towards Bennett & Foumal and Stewart & town till In front of Oadke's shop the ,s0n wero extended to October 1. man with tho razor broko from his Recorder's report for June showed grasp and hoppd on another Port-.collections of $478.77. land street car. which at this point special meeting was announced for glides over the rolls at no mean rate July 15, of speed. Burns shouted at the con-1 Waterworks report showed receipts ductor, who stopped tho car near for June of $(3,743.80 and dlsburse Tenth street, but before It stopped, ; menu of $10,197.80. This was the tho fugltvla Jumped off and ran In 'semi annual report, tho direction of Kansas City. Ho was Mr, Myerg reported that Mr. Mc closely pursued hut succeeded In mak- oinn was willing to build a Bldewalk Ing his escape. !frora the clty mlu t() h,8 gnte on Tho other man was escorted to the Duane street if the city would con city Jail, where he gave the name of tlnue it on to the cemetery. Agreed. J. D. Munroo. He says the other man Tho question of the Improving of attempted to push him off the car, the Mt. Ploasant road led to Council nnd as ho naturally resented this, the asking for bids for crushed stone; fur began to fly. Miinroe deposited (the street committee was given power $5 for his appearance In the, police to act on tho proposition of taking up court at noon Friday, but as he failed ( the plank and grading and putting t" appear. It was forfeited. m crushed stone on the portion re- quiring new planking. Standard OH Wealth. ; The Standard Oil company, tho ba- The Ice cream sorlnl given for the sis of John D. Rockefeller's ' great , benefit of the McLoughlln Institute wealth, has paid In dividends over was very successful, over $85 being 4u,oi)t),ono a year for the last ton yenrs. and 16 Individuals have re ceived 13(54,004,000 of tho total. This enormous aggregate Is made almost wholly by Its monopoly se. cured by bribery, grafting, intlmlda-W tlon, and bulldog Ing Rockefeller will doubtless be known 7av Z.ZS L , in Main o , ii.. . day mornlngf. Services were con in History, not as tho richest man,, for : ,i-,,, K r, , , , that wm hHin,,.iM i-. '-.tJducted Rev- k- Clarence Oakley thut will be disputed even If none who come after him Bhould exceed him In wealth, but he wtll be known as the greatest of all hypocrites. It is Reported. Goorgo Ely and Mrs. Clara E. Knight are reported to be married, and spending their honeymoon' In East Oregon.Estacada News. Try a grape jnlcw punch at Lent's. ONE MORE CROSSING Southern Pacific Seeks To Drive Sharp Bargain With Oregon City Defers Proposition For Further Inves tlgatlon Chief Ruconlch Re porte 1000 Feet of New Fire Hoee Needed. Co(lm.i ,nt , reKUttr B0Hslon lTllH,uy zoning with Mayor Cuufleld, l(:ouri,.im,. Knanu. Myers. Hetzel, I Hoiiul exam union or s x flro corn- pantos with conditions as follows: Nos. 1 and 2 In fine condition; No. 4 In need of 400 feet of now fire hose, Hfji mt 3!i0 feet of present bono In rot .ten condition: No. 3 and Greennulnt n ,.,, (jf 30() f(,t,t (.acn; fl)(or in TiRr condition ut Cataract, No. 2; now ut all Ore stations. Mr, Knnpp reported a poor appara tus for drying hose at Cataract No. 2, wuter standing In hoso till evaporo- Report referred to committee, on Are and water for consideration, with In the authority for the fire and water committee to purchase needed sup plies. Bond of Chas. H. Caufleld as water works commissioner received and or dered filed. A communication was received from tho Southern Pacific relative to an overhead crossing for teams. Com somewhere In the neighborhood of Fifth or Sixth Streets. Rnfpronra ana ..,,, .j......., ' rPflHalnff ,n , pany was desirous of settling this controveray with the erection of one 'audi crossing and the Incorporation ' into the agreement of a clause re- straining the city from ever asking another. Council discussed the proposition and tho members finally agreed to added to the fund by It FUNERAL OF MRS. CHENEY. The funeral of the late Mrs. O. A. 7 . Cheney wm held from the First Con- and were attended by a large con course of sympathizing friends. Mrs. Kathryn Ward Pbpe sang with feeling and the choir rendered two beautiful anthems. "Nearer. to Thee." .and "Ahldo with m0 ; Many beauttful floral offerings were extended as a token of respect to the departed and sympathy for the living. The pall bearers were James WU klnson, Daniel Williams, James P. Shaw, J. A. Tufts, E. M. Howell and William' McLarty. DIMICK AT HEPPNER. A dispatch from Ileppner In Fri day morning's paper says over 2000 pooplo attended tho big celebration tbero, and "the oration by Walter A. Dlmtck of Oregon City was pronounc ed by all tho best ever delivered In Heppnor." Notice of Restoration of Public Lands to Settlement and Kntry. Depart ment of the Interior, General Land Otlco, Washington, D. C, May 11, 1907. Notice Is hereby given that the vacant public lands In the following described areas, temporarily with drawn for proposed additions to the Cascade National Forest, Oregon, on October 20, and December 1C, 1905, and January 18, 1900, and not other wise withdrawn, reserved, or appro priated, will by authority of tho Sec retary of the Interior bo restored to the public domain on July 27, 1907, and become subject to settlement on and after that date, but not to entry, fillnis rir fuilor't Inn until rm anil ftAi- Aiicust 2fi. 1907. under th tisnnl r. strlctlons, at the United States Ijind Olflce at Portland, Oregon: In Town ship four (4), Itange five (5), Sections four (i) and six (6) In Township two (2) , Itango six (6), Sections fourteen (14) to twenty-six (26), both Inclu sive, the north half of Sections twenty-nine (29), thirty-four (34), thirty five (35) and thirty-six (30); In Town ship two (2), Itange seven (7), Sec tions twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight (28), the south half of Section twenty nine (29), all Sections thirty (30), thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32) and thirty three (33);' In Township three (3) , Range seven (7), Sections four (4) , five (5), the north half and south west quarter of S-ctlon six (6), the north half of Section eight (8), and all Section nine (9); all South and Kast, Willamette Meridian, Oregon. Warn ing Is hereby expressly given that no person will be permitted to gain or exercise any right whatever under any settlement or occupation begun prkr to July 27, 1907, and all such settle ment or occupation Is hereby forbid den. R. A. BALLINGER, Commissioner. Approved: THOS. RYAN, Acting Secretary of tho Interior. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Frank Strychalsky, Plaintiff, vs. Emma 8trychalsky, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You, Emma Strychalsky, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on or before, Saturday, the 20th day of July 1907 that day being six weeks from the first publication of the sum mons herein, and if you fall to appear and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint on file herein, to which reference Is hereby made, and more particularly as follows: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony nojc existing between plaintiff and defendant on the grounds of deser tion. This summons Is served upon yDU by publication thereof for not less than six successive weeks In the "Or egon City Enterprise," published in the Coutrty of Clackamas, State of Oregon, and by order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order Is dated the 6th day of June, 1907. The date of the first publication of j ing the date fixed by the court for this summons is Friday, the 7th day such an appearance or answer la of June, 1907, and the date of the and by the order of the court for last publication of this summons is publication of summons and if you Friday, the 19th day or July, 1907. I fail so to appear and answer the MAC MAHON & McDEVITT, jlalntiff will apply to the court for 2ct7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. ( the relief prayed for in her cora- I plaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving Tetter Cured. !the marriage contract now existing A lady customer of ours had Buffar- beteeen the plaintiff and defendant ed with tetter for two or three years. an(1 to allow her the care and cus It got so bad on her hands that she tody of the child, Helen Moore, aged JEh not tteKnd to, h" ""uphold 4 years, and for such other relief as duties. One box of Chamberlain s , 4. , Salve cured her. Chamberlain's med- t0 the colirt seem meet 8nd Iclnes give splendid satisfaction Just Tnls summons is to be pub- In this community. M..H. Rodney & TP We wish to announce to the public that we have opened offices in your city where we are prepared to give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider ing the class of work produced. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR io YEARS All operations performed by the latest Painless methods Note our prices I Over Harding's Drug Store Oregon of 1907 as follows; Monday at Hub - Thursday, Friday and Saturday at foal. J. D.Ilalney, Keeper. R. Co., Almond , Ala. Chamberlain's medicines are for sale by Howell & J"nt-8, SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court ut the Stat of Oregon f.r fiarkamai. rvmnfv Marlbel Bentley Roister, Plaintiff, vs. Edmond Uelster, Defendant. To Edmond Relstor, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer a complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the 19th day of August, 1907, that being the last day pre scribed In the order of publication or dering this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer said complaint. the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the com plaint filed in the above entitled court and cause, to-wit: for a decree dinBolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between you and the plaintiff, upon the ground of willful desertion. This summons Is published in the Oregon City Enterprise for six sue- ceslve and consecutive weeks by or - . . ., , ' ' . der of Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 20th day of June, 1907, the first publication being on the 5th day of July, 1907, and the last publication being on the 16th day of August, 1907. JOHN F. LOGAN, 30t7 Attorney for the Plaintiff. This summons Is published in the Oregon City Enterprise not less than once a week for sir consecutive weeks prior to said 16th day of July, 1907, by order of the Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde. judge of said Court, made and entered on the 20th day of May, A. D. 1907. THOS. N. STRONG, Attorney tor Plaintiff. First Insertion, May 24, 1907. Last Insertion, July 5, 1907. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Catherine Moore, Plaintiff, VS. Joseph H. Moore Defendant To Joseph H. Moore, Defendant, above named: In the name of the State of Oregon Sou are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitl ed court and cause, on or before the 1 12th day of August. 1907. that be- Hshed la the Oregon City Enterprise Moderate Prices SOLID GOLD CROWNS BRIDGE WORK FULL SET OF TEETH LP 23Lt&; Rooms The Imported German Coach Stallion PFIEL 1671 A beautiful bay, Iff hands high weighs 1545 pounds, splendid coach action, that was admired so much at tho Lewis and Clark Show, where he stood third In a class of Coach stal lions that could not be beaten on either continent. Pflel won first prize and championship at the Oregon State Fair In 1903-4, and Is considered by good Judges to be the highest class coach stallion In the state. His colts are uniformly good, and out of trot ting bred mares they look like pure bred coachers. Will make the season bard; Tuesday at J. N. McKay's; Oe-rgon City. Terms $20 to Insure with J. N. McKAY, Owner, ... F. D. No. 1 Woodburn, Oregon. for not less than once a week for Blx consecutive week, prior to said day of August, 1907. By order of i the Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of said court, made and entered wn "a OI une, iw. rirsi publication June 27. 1907; ?at inser- tlon August 10, 1907. T. B. McDEVITT, 29 t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Clackamas. M. P. Cannon, Plaintiff, vs. Alice Cannon, Defendant. To the above named defendant, Alice Cannon: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned to appear jand angwer the COmpiafnt filed against you In the above entitled suit. on or before the 27th day of July, 1907, and if you fall to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take decree against you for the relief prayed for in the complaint herein filed, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant be forever dis solved, and that the plaintiff be de creed to be the absolute owner of ip8 ,(10 ad .eJe7en (1)'.bJ,ock ten (10) in Park Addition to Albina, BOW Port,an(, Mitnnmh r,7 Oregon, and that the defendant be decreed to have no interest as dower or otherwise, in and to said property, land that tliA rla!iHfr rFOintur rf arA from the defendant hi3 COsts and dls- I bursements in this suit and for such I other and further relief aa to the iCourt may appear Just, meet and This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made, signed and filed on the 11th day of June, 1907, which order specified the time for answering the complaint herein as the 27th day of July, 1907, and the first publication of summon! Is made upon the 14th day of June, 1907, and the last publication of sum mons is made upon the 26th day of July, 1907. RALPH E. MOODY. 2"t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Alfle Daniel, Plaintiff, vs. Roques Daniel, Defendant To Roques Daniel, the above named Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 13th day of July. 1907, that being the last day pre scribed in the order of publication in this summons, and if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in this complaint towit: Fo a decree of the court dis solving the bonds of matrimony here tofore and now existing between you and the plaintiff upon the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. This summons is published in the Oregon City Enterprise for six suc cessive and consecutive weeks by or der of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled court made on the 31st day of May, 1907, the first publication being oa the 7th day of June, 1907, and the last publi cation being on the 12th day of July, , JOHN F. LOGAN. 2Ct7 Attorney for the Plaintiff. $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 8 and 9, Willamette Building j