Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 12, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Mica Axle Grease
I lengthen ttio Ufa of the
I R) witjoti It vet liorne-
I (l power, lima ml tcin-
p"" 1 per. Itast lubricant la
I the wnrl.lmnlafin
powdered mica
which ,
hard routing on axle, and
reduce friction, rh
If you wuut your outfit
to . 1 ttud tat it money
while It IuhU grease
the nxlet with Mica
Lawrence Itucoiilch. ,)r Ihih iit'O'pt--d
a ijohIUoii In Sawyer' mar Kit.
MIhm Wlldii I Inrrttt linn accepted a
jiomHIoii In V, Hurrl' grocery.
C, Kchuchid wn In Axtorlu Friday
ami Siiturduy on IiunIiic'm.
Mr, and Mr. .Mouron Irish of f'artm
were In town tiuiiitdiiy, Th'lr Utile
ly I Ih-Iuk treated iy Iir, Hoinnnr.
MIh'H Stella and Linda May Wor
mT of I'.iitacuda are staying with Mr.
W, C. Green and attending summer
Mr, Chdfttid Lung and daughter,
MIhh K;dher, of Owego, were gueHt
Thurdy ami Friday at tho homo of
Frank ('. Donovan.
Frank and Win, Aldredgn of I.lnd,
fWieih., ore In Oregon City fur their
vacation and enpect to attend C'hnu
Ml (ienevleve Capen In VlHltlng
friend In Portland.
MIh Georgia Price of Portland
Hpent Sunday with relative In thl
Ml IVlla Young of UnlvcrMty
Park returned to her home Friday
morning after npendlng tho Fourth
with her grandmother ond aunt, Mr.
K. J. Marnhall and Ml Grayce, at
Mr. and Mr. John K, Surfu, who
recently arrived from Denver, Colo.,
and are vlHltlng relative In thl city
will evo Monday night for Wardner,
Ida . to renlde.
Mr. Jennie May returned to her
homo In Portland Friday morning af
ter a vlnlt of neveral week with rel
ative hero.
On account of the bereavement of
a member of. tho Gypy club. MIh
Edith Cheney, the (iypule did not
enter tlio Fourth of July parade.
End Howell, mm of Eury Howell, of
Fern Ridge, ntepped on a rake Wed
nenday evening, and ran one of the
teeth completely through hi left foot.
He wa at tho W. F. Schooler place
when tho accident occurred and wa
playing with the Bchooloy boy, Mr.
Schooloy attended to tho wound a
well a Rhe could and the lad was
iaken home on horaehack, HI father
brought him to Dr. Strickland' office
Immediately, and ho wan In again to
day for treatment. Erol ha been tho
Btar carrier at Gladstone.
William U. Hanke, who ha been
connected with tho Oregon City Man
ufacturing company for tho past 1x
year, ha realgnod his poaltlon a
uperlntendent, to accept tho ponltlon
of Buperlntendent for the Hanover
W()en Mfg. Co., Hanover, 111. Upon
the return of Mr. Hanko and the
children from California, Mr. Hanko
and family will go Eaaf via the Cana
dian Pacific and will vllt In Maine
and MaHHaehuHott. also In New York
and othor Eaatern cities, bofore locat
ing In their new homo,
Dr. It. A. Heritage, of tho Willam
ette -University at Salem, canto Fri
day to take up dally drill with the
children on tho cantata, "Month and
Seasons," to be given Saturday even
ing, July 13, at the auditorium on tho
Chautauqua grounds.
Dr. O. E. Stuart and wife who re
cently returned from Eastorn Oregon,
apont tho Fourth with tholr son, Dr.
C. A. Stuart, and family, and will go
to their home at North Yamhill, Sat
urday morning.
Ralph Howard of Carus drove for
an Oregon City crowd that went to
the mountains, Saturday, to enjoy
camp life for awhile.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wr Church came
Thursday and will take charge of the
Charles Albright home while the Al
brights are at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Chambers returned
Friday ivi!tiliin from Stafford, where
they vImIi over tlio Fourth with
Mr, Chamber' people, Mr, and Mr,
Mr. 'William Bnyder of the Went
Hide, who hit boon In such miserable,
health for ho lonr, Ih Hlowly Itnprov
) i) K and Ih ii Mii to ha around on
Mr, David Adtdslolu of this city
li-ft Saturday evening for Han Fran
cisco, for ii two month' vlnlt with
her mother,
Charles Springer of Portland, for
merly tnaiiiiKi'r of tlm Western I'nlon
oltleo in thl city, iniido a buHltiesx
trip hero Himdiiy morning.
Ml lies Kriiin of McMlnnvllle,
who enme to attend the fiinoru.1 of i
Mrr. (), A. Cheney, returned to her
home Monday.
Mr. L, II. HtlitMon and iion Itgitn here hy hi mother' death, returned
left Junt evening for ('liickaiuiu conn to hi home In Han FranelKco, Mon
ty, where Mr. HtluHun ha been day,
called hy the new tlm!. her mother
had received & full, lujudlng Iter knee
neiiouMly.- tfaletn HtatcHinan.
Mr. and Mr. It. II. Taber returned
,, 1, ,.,,. b f t li1.,,.u( Vl',,,1.
n un.'u in, in v 4, . i,..,n,iii.
1 . i
iticitday after a pennant vllt or
'ernl nionih with rltlve through
the Kant.
lien Faut of Liberal wa In Ore
gon City Friday. He came to meet
hi daughter. Mr. Will King of Port
land, who will make an extended vUlt
at Liberal with her parent and nu
nierou friend. , I
etienter and Merle Elliott and Ah c
liuughlt of thl city left Kttturday
morning for trie hot Hprlng at tho
mouth of tho Clarkama river, where
they will upend a lx week' vaca
tion. Mr. and Mr. Ed Howard of Cam
were In town Saturday. Their daugh-
ter. M Ih llerthcna. who ha been In
Oregon City for aeveral month, re
turned home with them.
Nolan K. Pent, editor of the Interior.;1" '' "P n,l 'lr"u"d the houne after
'a PreHbyterlan paper publlhe.l In
ifhlcago, vlnlted Hev. J. It. Landnbor-
lough, Saturday. Mr. Heat 1 on the
Count to attend the National Chris
tian Endeavor convention t Seattle.
Frank Mudgett of Highland made
a biiHlnen trip to Oregon City, Satur
day. Mr. and Mr. J. W. McKay and Ml
Heinle Grant of Hellwtxxl and MIh
Mamie Grant of Vancouver, It. C
Hpent tho Fourth with Mr. and Mr.
Chrl Schuebel. They have npent the
day together for the lat 15 year.
A l ranger who brought a load of
wihkI In Friday evenlngloHt a horse
at noon Saturday. Ho wa driving
three and the middle one suddenly
dropped dead In front of tho Congre
gregational church. It wa a flue an
imal and said to have beenn valued at
f2r() by It owner, a Ilarton saw mill
Mr. Harry Smith returned to her
homo at Halnler, Monday, after a
pleasant visit with friends here.
Mr. Mary Bradford of Portland Is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. W.
Swallow, and family at Maple Lane.
Tho Star by mail 25 cents a month.
Keep pouted on home news whllo
away on your vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. HiiHbands of Molalla
woro In town Monday nettling tho
estate of tho liter's brother, the late
A. B. Kline. ,
Miss Laura Perrlsh of Gladstone
ha returned from Aurora where she
spent tho Fourth of July with her
aunt, Mrs. GcIho.
Earl Gordon of Portland Is In town
visiting his mother.
Dr. Wlllard N. Morse of Wasco Is
hero vlHltlng friends.
Raleigh Cross has returned from a
visit with Woodburn friends.
Lloyd Westley goos to Eastern Ore
gon, Wednesday, whore he has work.
Virgil Clark has written friends
horo or his arrival at his home In
Ooorge Marr of Portland spent the
day, Tuesday, with Oregon City
Alvah Morey and wife and Archie
McCord and wife are at Chenowith,
Miss Laura Olnther has accepted a
position In a dressmaking establish
ment In Portland.
Mrs. A. Nelson returned Saturday
from a visit with her brother arid
finally nt Sllverton.
K. ('. Hamilton eiimo from Under
woil, Wash., Monday to attend to bii
Iiichh matter here.
MIh Hazel Cooper of Miillno, a
teacher In tho Condon school, Id at
tending normal hero.
MIhm Zell (Jlbhon of Handy I lit-
toiidlng hum in cr normal and staying
with Mr. B. V. Scripture
Mr, John Young and two children
of tfilverton returned to their homo
Monday evening after a vlult with
relatives and friend here.
MIh Stella Powell returned to lier
home at Mohtlla Monday after a vlult
hero of several week wlt.li her Ih-
ter, Mr. Fred Humphrey.
Grafton Cheney, 'who w culled
Mr, and Mr. Clarence Crecn and
Hon of Portland are vlHltlng friend
and relative In Oregon City. They
, have houghl - property In Bell wood
'ulipn tti,v fiviii.ol tt Itiilt.l It.rvm In
. ... j . Mi......?,, ii".,,'j
. .
ev-:tlie npring
Mr. and Mr, ltert Hoyland of Port
land were vlwltlng friend and rela
tive hero Sunday.
Mr, and Mr, (i. W. Hoyland, for
nierly of Oregon City, but now of
Cathlainet, Wanh., are visiting their
daughter, Mr. V, C. Green and Mr.
William. '
Fred Collier of San Franclnco I
vlxltlng W. J. Sheasgreen of thl
George A. Harding and Hon Lee and
Clyde , Huntley are alluding the
annual convention of the Oregon
iK,at" I'harmaceutlcal aoclatlon at
i 8eolde. I,. E. Jones expect to go
later In tho week.
It. C. Itamshy of Portland I able
;a erlou IllneH. Mr. Itaninhy I 81
''' I"''d of the
- Illt that I hard to down. He can
not attend Chautauq.ua, but 1 plan
ning to bo In Oregon City at the dedi
cation of tho MdHonlc temple.
The MIhhcs Itertha, Celia and Zlda
(eiMsmllh leave for New York Aug
UHt 8, where they will trim In t
leading millinery houses of the EaHt
for a time. They expect t be gone
until the middle of September. Mr.
Goldsmith will stay In Eugene during
their abnetice, with her son, J. Gold
smith, and family.
Mrs. W. L. Holcomb and daughter,
MIh Lula, who live In tho Holcomb
nclghlMtrhood on Route 6. were In
town today. Together with 0. E. Mil
ler they Hent several days last week
with George Thomas and family and
other relative at Sandy. They at
tended the celebration at Melnlng's
park, and report a fine time and good
crowd. Two hundred and sixty num
bers were sold for the dance In the
G. R. II. Miller returned Sunday
night from a two months' visit at his
old homo, Brooklyn, N. Y. He had
a flno time and says the country this
side of the mountains looked good to
him on his way home. Mr. Miller
concluded there were enough people
In New York without him. A brother
visited at the old home while he was
there and together they tried to find
tho woods where they went chestnut
tmg when boys. The site Is now
covered with great skyscrapers.
Kenneth Soesbe was given a prize
of $2.50 Tuesday, by the executive
committee of the Fourth or July ar
rangements for his driving in the
parado. Kenneth was to have been
In the parade at Chehalls, Wash., but
moved with his parents to Oregon
City before tho Fourth. He was dis
appointed In not being there for the
parade aud asked his father on the
morning of the Fourth If he might
not drive here. He is pleased over the
recognition of his help.
George Brothers' restaurant Is re
ceiving a coat of paint.
Lloyd Clark or thla ritv l.ft Vn,i.
nesdny morning for the Palonse coun
try where he will spend his summer.
v autumn.
Reduction In summer hats for an
nual clearance sale, at Mrs. II. T.
Sladen's millinery parlors. W3
Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Beatle and chil
dren went to Welches, Wednesday,
for a two weeks' sojourn.
There w ill be no prayer meeting at
the Congregational church Thursday
evening., . ,
Miss Lotta Llverrriore of Pendleton,
who ha been vlHltlng relatives hero
for several month, went down to
Portland Tueday to remain tho rent
of tho Hummer.
Mia Hazel Fraud I on tho lcl
, Virgil Clark left Wednesday for
Walla Walla, where alio will upend
the Hummer,
Hurry Shaw, formerly with the
Ucglnt.e.r, now ltnotyplt for the Al
bany Herald, spent yesterday In Eu
gene visiting old friend, Eugene
Among Oregon City people attend-
il!L? ttill MrttililE0 'UfTii, irir,,,t I n tr ut
Hiiuy uiu jii-v, mm vi in. It, J, IHUCK-
well, Mrs, George: OHborn, Mr. Frank
Oswald, Mr. Hazel Kennedy, Mr.
Sarah Hendricks and Mrs. UlHhoefTer.
Mrs. V. Y. Bennett, who has been
staying with her daughter, Mrs. I.
I), Taylor, leave Saturday for Gree
ley, Colo,, to Visit another daughter.
Mrs. Bennett may remain In Colorado
a year.
i... it. .. . ., i
Mr. W. H, U'R-n left Wednesday 1 pae'lty here, Friday evening,
morning for a vllt with relatives In I
H, aUk' J Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
The subordinate lodges of Rebek-Wanted-Men's
waHhlng and mend- a,m uwl QM r(;lows ()f 0ngl)U c,fy
Ing to do. Mr M. C. Weir, 41C'i 'ftml Molalla w, ,J(Ifl Joint InHtalla.
i, ml, ..I,-,.,. if...l won....... i. .ii. i ,
' v ,l' uu""'
J Mis Nellie M. Stevens ha re
turned from Salem where she read
'a paper before he ' state teachers'
association. After the closing of tho
association, Miss Steven remained
In Salem several days visiting at the
home of Judge Slader, old friends of
tho Stevens family.
Mrs. George A. Harding, Mrs. P. F.
Morey, Mrs. W. E. Pratt, Miss Kate
Barclay and Mrs. Kate Hunsaker
Nicholas and Miss Mary S. Barlow of
Portland composed a party that left
for Victoria, B. C, Wednesday. They
are six members of the class of 1870
of tho Oregon City Seminary and go
to visit Professor S. D. Popt?, under
whom they were graduated.
Albany, July 10 Backing a wagon
to the front door early this morning,
burglars looted the Jewelry store of
C. O. Anderson, at Brownsville. They
took goods valued at $2000. No clue
to the robbers.
Viola, July, 8 J. P. Galeener has
sold his store to a Portland man.
Charles KIclnbothom and wife of
Estacada were Viola visitors Satur
day and Sunday.
Dr. B. F. Rowland, presiding elder
of the East Portland district of tho
M. E. church, Is to dedicate the new
Methodist church at Highland, July
B. F. Rowland will preach at Viola
Sunday evening, July 14.
It Is reported that Mr. Dernng has
a new logging engine.
Mr. Ward has his new chicken
house painted.
Mr. Jubb and Joe Lacroy have their
new barns about completed.
Franklin Clark of Council Bluffs,
la., has bought 15 acres at Gladstone
from Judge Thomas F. Ryan for J4000.
The deal was made through the real
estate firm of W. F. Schooley & Co.
Fraternal Order of Eagles,
Meets first Monday evening of each
month until further notice.
E. J. NOBLE, W. P.
Takes the Postmaster't Word for jt.
Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at
Cherryvale, Ind., keeps also a stock
of general merchandise and patent
medicines. He says: "Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
Is standard here in Its line. It never
falls to give satisfaction and we could
hardly afford to be without It." For
sale by Howell & Jones.
Thoroughbred Berkshire Hogs.
Anyone wishing to buy thorough
bred Berkshire male hogs, aged about
six months, call and seo them or
write R. S. McLaughlin, R. F. D. No.
1, Milwaukle, Ore., Box 122. SOU
Evening Star Grange.
Evening Star grange No. 27, Pa
trons of Husbandry, In Its regular
monthly meeting Saturday, had as a
welcome visitor, George H. Hirues of
the Oregon Historical society. Mr.
Hfmes read a paper that traced the
first Oregon schools and the estab
lishment of public schools In Oregon.
He began i with the first school at
Vancouver started by John Ball when
the" Hudson Bay company was In
power. In hi paper he mentioned
a number of well' known pioneer
name of the state uch a Senator
NeHmlth, Rev. C. O, Hoford, now liv
ing at Mt. Tabor, Rev. N. Doano and
tho wife of Levi Ankcny. A building
committee compoed of J. W, Shat
tuck and Timothy Brownhlll took
measurement Saturday of Evening
Star grange hall with a view to en
larging It, Among other Improve-
Intent a stage will be built. fhis
grange I forging right to the front.
Odd Fellow and Rebekaht.
The subordinate lodge of Robek
ah and Odd Fellow of Oregon City
and Molalla held Joint Installation at
tho latter place Saturday evening.
Oregon City members enjoyed a pleas
ing drive out. Thoce going were Mr.
and Mr. 8. 8. Walker, Mr. and Mrs
J. L. Waldron, Mr. and Mr. J. J.
Cooke, Mr, J. K. Morris and MIhh
Anna Wllehart. Ice cream and cake
were served after the work. Willam
ette lodge No. 2 will hold Installation
of officers on It next regular meeting
night, Friday. Mrs. J. L. Waldron,
who acted as Installing officer Satur
4tiy evening, will act In the same ca-
tion of officers at Molalla. Saturday
evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cooke, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Waldron, Mrs. J. K. Morris
and Miss Anna Wllehart will attend
from here. Mrs. Waldron is the In
stalling officer for the Rebekahs.
Camp and Circle.
Tho Joint Installation or Willamette
Falls camp W. O. W. and Sola circle,
Women of Woodcraft, was well at
tended by members of the Oregon
City lodges. The degree team of the
Woodmen put on the floor work and
drill. Ice cream and cake were
served after the Initiatory ceremon
ies. Humphreya-Frey. '
On Wednesday afternoon, July 3,
a pretty wedding was celebrated when
Charles R. Humphreys of this city,
and Miss Dorothea Frey of Oregon
City, were united In holy wedlock by
Rev. J. Bowersox. Mr. and Mrs. Hum
phreys will be at home to their
friends at No. 125 Sellwood street,
this city. Sunday Oregonlan.
maple Lane grange.
Saturday was the regular monthly
meeting of Maple Lane grange, No.
296, Patrons of Husbandry. Not much
business or very lengthy lecture hour
on account of the members all being
so busy.
There Is a movement on foot at
Canby to organize a Masonic lodge
and the Tribune says It wiil soon be
brought to a successful termination.
United Artisans of Eitacada have
elected the following officers: Ed
Mallory, M. A.; Mrs. H. W. Green, P.
M. A.; Mrs. C. Bronson, M. of C;
Ed Boner, Secy.; W. A. Heylman,
Treas.; Ev& Kessler, Inspector.
I. O. R. M. Representatives,
At the last meeting or Wacheno
tribe No 13, I. O. R. M., representa
tives to the giaat council to be held
at Newport, were elected as follows:
Louis Nobel, Walter Little and Henry
Favor County Fair.
Warner grange ha3 put Itself on
record as favoring a county fair and
will co-operate with any body to get
one started whether at Oregon City
or Canby..
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Tolpolar announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Sadie M., to Mr. A. A. Price.
Marriage Licenses.
July 5 Elizabeth Olmstead and C.
Y. POwman.
Marriage Licenses.
July 9 Nellie Gordon and Richard
Wanted did or Woman, for house-
Wrtrlr In Hid 11 u T7 "..,
. during the Chautauqua. Apply at
j Man Zan Pile Remedy comes put
I up In a collapsible tube with a nozzle,
j Easy to apply right where the sore
ness and Inflammation exists. It re
ceives protruding plies. Guaranteed.
Sold by Huntley Bros.
Expose Coming.
Dr. W. K. Haviland was dulv In
stalled as mayor of Estacada Monday
night. He promises at the next meet
ing or the board, after he had ex
amined thoroughly the condition of
city affairs, to make a statement of
same to council and offer suggestions
for the coming year. .
Recreant Swain Haled to Altar
by His Strenuous Sweetheart.
But Girl Found Him In Brooklyn and
Hr Arrival Miraculously Cured Him.
Back to Maiden, Mats., He Went and
Wtdding Belle Rang Merrily.
Young Lochlnvnr stepped down from
the pedestal of strenuous romance on
the 4th of June and gnllantly escorted
to hi centuries old place of honor Mis
Ethel May Town, who figuratively
bore away In her arm the ahrluklng
form of Clifford A. Sampson of Brook
lyn. As a means of swift conveyance the
bride's choice of the Boston "flier" to
carry her swain to the alfar of her
home town, Maiden, Mass., had young
IHhlnvar's fiery steed beaten to a
slow trot
It Is the bride' secret where tower
the castle In Brooklyn In which her
sweetheart langnlshed. She L a soci
ety girl of Maiden, and the town had
long looked! forward to the wedding on
June 4 a a social event Five hundred
Invitation were sent out for the cere
mony In the Maplewood Methodist
Episcopal church, where her father,
ex-Alderman Fred IT. Towns, Is assist
ant pastor.
Miss Towns received a telegram from
Brooklyn the morning of the 3d an
nouncing that her sweetheart wa seri
ously 111 and could not 1 moved for
some time. The messsge was signed
"Doctor." The social heart of Maiden
almost stopped beating when each re
cipient of an Invitation to the wedding
wa notified that It had been postponed
Bride Her Own Champion.
Speenlatlon a to the cause centered
around Mis Towns' fiance. He had
been Introduced to Maiden as Clifford
A- Sampson of Brooklyn. lie had told
their friends that he wa a physical In
structor In the Brooklyn Young Men'
Christian association. Miss Towns
met him In New York two year ago,
and later be was a frequent visitor at
her home. The engagement of the
young couple was announced In Feb
ruary, and the parents were delighted
over their daughter's choice.
In spite of the somewhat mystifying
telegram from the Brooklyn physician
"the name mat bb FiCTmocs."
Miss Towns' love and faith were un
shaken. Although only twenty, she
proved herself intrepid. She resented
any suggestion that all was not well.
She aunounced her departure for
Brooklyn, accompanied by her cousin,
Mrs.' Allan Corless. They arrived la
Brooklyn late on Monday night and
Tuesday set forth on their search for
the stricken bridegroom to be. The
general secretary of the Y. 11. C A
branches said:
"The name may be fictitious. We
have no records among our employee
or members of such a man."
Each of the several branches was
called up by telephone In order to con
firm the general secretary's report
None apparently knew Clifford A.,
Sampson. Messenger boys were sent
to every address of a Sampson lu the
borough of Brooklyn" until the right
one was found.
Got "New Lease of Life."
The only clew to the manner in which
Sampson greeted the appearance of his
loyal sweetheart Is furnished In the
following eloquent dispatch sent from
"Obtaining a new lease of life by
reason of his Intended's persuasive elo
quence aud fully recognizing the try
ing position lu which she had already
been placed and what she would have
undergone had the wedding been post
poned, as It was fully intended to be,
the groom to be decided that he would
gather his latent physical forces to
gether and make an effort to return to
Maiden and the home of his bride to
Before the happy couple, after the
reunion In Brooklyn, took the "flier"
for Boston Miss Towns dispatched a
telegram telling of her success. The
500 Invitations were sent out again
on the double quick. Sampson and
Miss Towns arrived In Boston nt 1:30
p. m. and took a car for Maplewood.
The wedding was celebrated, the
bride's father tying the knot, at the
time orlglually planned. A rsceptloa
was held later In tho parlort of the
church and was attended by several
hundred guests.
V '