Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 12, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post1
offlce as second class matter,
Subscription Rates:
acute mental pain as did the delighted
yells of the audience.
Schnill rose, nourished and waxed
fat on public favor and public favor
alone. He Is not at schemer like Uuef,
not a blatant and brazcu bulldozer
like Calhoun. His credit with the
(voters was his sole support and
JU9 i;r .uu.
,, . . w ion inai was wiimiravn nt- icu, iui
Months ; .
Trial subscription, two months.
Subscribers will find the date of ex-i A niau
plratlon stamped on their papers fol-jPlo con II
lowing their name. If last payment Is
not credited, kindly notify us. and
the' matter will receive our attention.
Mexico has been regulating and
A man found unworthy of the peo-
lence is never trusted with
it the second time.
lleney and Dunn are a gtiod pair a
pair that needs no bettering; one that
will do ti stand pat on. May they
live long and prosper In their good
Alexander, nt Yorktown, Texas, and 7 ami 8, blk 4, Pompeii, f lot),
sister, Mrs. Nellie Wilson, at West- U Suldrcii to Portland Uy. I,tlit .&
fal. Texas, to mourn his sudden death Power Co., Hunt of Way over h half
while away from home. After three , of se of sec 12, lla-lw, $1.
years In the service of the regular! V. I... Haker to Herbert Lucas, 1
army he was honorably' discharged at , ac oft w end of tract Hi!, of Wlllani
Vancouver last April on his return elte Tracts. tl-'3.
from the Philippines, About two ' K. l and M. S, Ulley to Amy K.
weeks after his discharge he began '. I'ureell, lots ? and S, blk 7, of Apper
work In the mills of the Willamette son's mibd of part of I'arkplace, $100.
Pulp and Paper company nt Oregon (iladstono Heal Mstate association
City and was well thought of by a'l to Henry Spless, beginning Ii7.(;5 feet
who knew him.
bel i "
" its No-
V( in
lay night.
w of nw cor of claim 50, sec 17, 2s "o,
15 acres. ?7."i0.
Leonard Schaber to Louis Sehaber,
beginning ll ty.SO feet w of se cor of
James 'Athey die is le, 10.10 acres.
Four hundred years ago there
controlling railroads for years upon;,h.(,(l Fraluo one iU,num Palissy,
a scale so much better than the pres- flUuOUS ln history as the "Potter of
ent attempt in this country that our,th(1 TlliiU,rioj, who in lltidttUm to
rate law looks like a Chinese imlta-jlhtf ntamlfaoUlro of excellent pottery,
tlon of occidental methods. In fact jwas a notld ,lwlos(,)luT alul wrltor,
the United States Is 23 years behind jMany of his wrltinKa teal with the
the times In everything pertaining lowwnU am, forwt8i aml in om, of n
steel highways except how to manlpu- jb.H,,.s ,u, af.oly ol,8lrV0S: . Fl,r w lll,n
late, them to rob the people. th(l fotvsU sha!l be cut a nrls hM
Regulation has been far better L,as() aiui l0J. who pract,w th,.ra
enforced in Mexico than It will evershal, ht (lrlv(,n out t0 eat graS!, wth
bo In this country, and yet It did not jNolichadno7.zar and the beasts of
fill the bill there. The progressive ,thtf i have divers times thought
government has gone a step farther j,0 8ot (Knvn in wrltlng tho arU that
and has checkmated the schemes o(hM porlsn wnen thwe ls no nil)r0
Wall str,vt by buying a controlling wl lm whon , haJ wr(tton (knvn
Interest in the principal trunk lines. a gr,at wmXter x ai(, jM,rclvt) ,hat
That sounds like a proper solution jtht,rt tx,ul(, be no om, pf my wrltnPt
of the railroad question. anil having llUp,,ntlv considered, I
The United States treasury Is fonni, there was not any which could
groaning under the accumulated sur-;btl foIkmed without wood." The same
plus of receipts over expenditures, !!s true tja
ana me omcmis are at meir wu s euu
aged 74 years, lie had been ulllng $1M0.
for some time and his death followed j Susan M. So-ivst to O. S. Martin,
;is-le, 4 l
an operation. The deceased was a
California pioneer, hating been a res
ident of Sacramento since 1 Sol), He
was quite well known In Oregon City,
having visited, hero two years ago
during the Lewis and Clark exposi
tion. Louis Nobel left Monday morn
ing for Sacramento to attend the fu- ,)f w Vaiu.!lHU ,c ,.,,. $l
neral. Mrs. i.ouis .-v.i-ei, wno nac Susun M vaiuhait to Clackamas
been visiting in Sacramento, returned Allt;.lu,t & TniHt tU( lialf (lf ,w
to Oregon City last week. of Hl,c M (lf w tm g ,inf ((f H(( (if
sec 2'.t, n half of nw of sec 20, and no
James McGranahan, Hymn Writer. ,f n, yf set; 27, 4s-2e, :I20 acres; also
James MoCranahan, the well known n,. of m Mu e half of se of no of sec
part of Milton Drown die
acres. $2700.
Ison C. Yaugiian et nl to W. O.
Vangban, tiuitee, all former's inter
est In estate of W. II. Yaughan. $1,
Isoin C. Yaughan et al to Susan M.
' Yaughnn, beginning "O Si chs e of w
for a way to send the money back
among the people where it belongs.
The present method is to distribute
It out among pet banks, the major
portion in the' Standard Oil and Mor
gan banks in New York city, where ;
It is loaned to Wall street gambleds.
During the year ending June 30,
over $90,000,000 was received by Un
cle Sam ln excess of all the lavish
appropriations of congress.
That $90,000,000. together with the
hundreds of other millions of surplus
and unneccessary reserve, are enough
Gladstone park ls the coolest of
places these hot days. The ofllcers
of Chautauqua have provided a grand
j program. The O. V. P. Is giving a
splendid car service. If you don't go
and enjoy yourself, it is your own
"The world is becoming better each
day." You often lit-u. this remark
and one begins to believe It as he
reads the springs crop of fish stories.
This is the latest: "A man nearly
to buy the controlling interest in the cau?ht a fish that weisht'd 40 Pund8-
hymn-writer, formerly connected with
Moody and Sankey, tho evangelists,
died Wednesday night at his home In
Klngsman, O.. of diabetes. Mr. Me
Granahan wrote many sacred songs
which are included In the gospel
hymns, Among the well known hymns
from his pen are: "There Shall lie
Showers of Plessings," "My Redeem
er." and "Some Pay Wo Will Understand."
stock of. the Pennsylvania and sub
aldiary railroads, the gigantic system
that is the key of the railroad, coal
and iron conditions in the United
That would be the best regulation
act ever put into effect by the Uni
ted States government.
That man's conscience is active.
Chautauqua started off under very
favorable auspices Tuesday. There
was not a hitch ln the proceedings:
everyone seemed happy; there was a
very good attendance. 'Rah for our
own Chautauqua!
Summer, whiph lingered so long in
the .lap of winter, is now' here in ear
nest. But people in Oregon, who have
their cool nights in which to sleep,
have little cause for complaint.
Advocates of universal peace who
really want war to stop and the par
liament of man to sit permanently
at the Hague or elsewhere, ought to
secure the services of a gentleman
who it seems about a year ago "did
up" President Zelaya of Nicarauga.
The story has just come to light, but
it seems one of te best war discour
a?in? schemes that has been worked
lately. Of course, trouble is always The Oregonian "news" dispatches
brewing in Central America. The lit- j have Haywood convicted, sentenced,
!S group Of isthmian republicas are ! hung, drawn and quartered. The jury
Here's hoping Mt. Hood will ever
treat the town of Pompeii more cour
teously than did Vesuvius the ancient
city of that name some 1800 years
to the United States what the Bal
kans are to Europe. If there Is nof
a fight either brewing or progressing
tK-re. it is a very bad season for
fighiirg. The man who trippsd up
7e!aya has not yet been discovered, i
If he is. Central America will not he
any healthful summer resort for him.
But it happened in this wise.
President Zelaya knew that trouble
with the neighboring Central Ameri
can states was over due. He wartel
guns and ammunition to be prepared
for the next row, and he was advised
by one of the Nicaraguan consuls in
the United States that there was a
big consignment of arms left over
from the late unsuccessful Cuban
revolution. Thf.se could be nought a:
bargain figures, . something like $1
each for guns that ordinarily cost $15.
An order for ih arms and ammuni
tion wa3 accordingly given, and they
were shipped fo: Nicaragua and $7it
000 paid against the invoice. Th3
cases arrived Iriact, and were secret
ly taken to the capital, for the Pres
ident did not care about advertising
his purchase. But when the bov:.
were opened," they were found to con
tain h choice assortment of scrap
iron, brickbats, and paving stones.
Nicaragua is Piill looking for tho
r.geuL who sold her the shipment of
arms, but she has not found hirn, and
is apt not to. However, he is certain
ly an agent of peace, and his service.)
might well be secured by the eminent
arbitration advocates at the Hague.
over at
Boise may as well be dis-
If you can afford it, pack up and
start for the seashore. The sea
monster is about due and the hotel
keeper "needs the money."
This is the season of the year when
the festive tramp moves out of the
work zone Into regions where the har
vest is still some weeks delayed.
Luther Burbank's latest triumph
claims to be an odorless onion. If he
wants to get rich let him invent and
patent a smell-less cocktail.
Many people of mapy minds. You
will never realize the full truth of
that saying untij you visit Chautauqua.
2"i. Gs2o; also lot I, see 31, 4",
22.115 acres; also e half of nw and
lots 1 anfl 2 of sec 30, Cs 3e, 110.71
acres. $1.
Clackamas Title & Trust Co. to S.
J. Yaughan et al, half of nw of sec
23; so of sw and s half of se of see
22: n,ha!f of nw of sec 20, and no of
ne of sec 27, 4s 2e; also no of no and
e half of se, tie of see 25, Cs-2e; also '
lot i of sec 31, 4s 2e; iilso e half gl 1
nw and lots 1 and 2 of sec 30. lis 3e. $1.
Susan M. Yaughan et at Trustees,
to Frank and John C. Yaughan and
Yola K. Engle. part of W. H. Yaughnn
30 acres. $touo.
K. Elmer to Chas. W. Dru-
schel, e half of sw of nw of sec 3,
Is le. 20 acres. $im0.
GOOD FINANCIAL CONDITION OF William Drusrhel to C. W. Dru-
schel. beginning 332 feet east of sw
cor of sec 31, 3s I o, .32 of an acre.
' Eastern Investment Co, Ltd. toWm.
,C. HrWtol. w half of no and so of nw
Clackamas, July 9th. Clackamas and ne of sw of see 14, 2s0e. $1.
Grange held Its regu'ar day meeting i Susan M. Yaughan et al to N. V.
Saturduy,July 6. ln the new hall. The Cutting, part of seC 2, Gs 2e. 25 acFes;
building stands in a grove almost op-'' Pt of sec 3, 5 acres. $1.
posite the Congregational church. ! Wm. M. Oregory et nl to Archie
The exterior Is plain and unprctentl- Howard, se of ne. n half of so and
ous. For neat finishing and convent- i ne of sw, nf sec 33. 2a-7e. $1200.
ent arrangement the interior could Hel.ernia Savings Bank to Theresa
hardly be improved. A Jolly party Flatheity, lots 4 and 5, blk 27, of Mil
of Grangers sat down to dinner, and Rankle Park. $1C2.
while eating, were entertained by sev- j , .. . . . . -
eral selections rendered on the graph- j
ophone About two ilf YOU Want tO Sdl
Grange took up the regular order or j
business. Reports of committees
showed that the order has Its finan
cial matters well in hand and will
keep its credit good. During the. lec
ture hour some half dozen questions
pertaining to the good of the order
were Introduced and the discussion
thereon was earnest and profitable.
A motion was carried to turn the lec
ture hour of the next meeting, July 20
Into a social time for the younger
members of the Grange. Cams and
dancing will be the amusements.
Saturday evening.. July 13, ice cream
will be on sale In the dining room of
the hall, at 10 cents a dish.
Latham ana cnanuier are puum
up a cottage on what is known as
railroad street. The property is ,
owned by a Mrs. Miller of Montavilia.
A. Wold is moving a barn and other- j
wise improving the property bought j
last spring from Charlie Nachand.
Wash Smith and crew are home
from the logging camp near Newberg,
owned by Smith and Mather.
Miss Ethel Mather and Edith Har
groves were appointed delegates to
attend the Christian Endeavor con
vention to be held In Seattle this
This weather makes the ice man
smile. And the ice cream man. And
the soda fountain man.
The "lid" is pretty well tipped up
from the northeastern corner of this
Eastham.Pattisnn & ()o.
Over the Rank of Oregon City.
Take Advantage of Oregon City Citi
zen's Experience Before It's Too
Late. .
The people know a live merchant
by his ads during the dead season.
Alexander: The funeral of Tim C.
Alexander was held from Holman's
undertaking parlors at 3 o'clock Sun
day afternoon, July 7, services con
ducted by Rev. J. R. Landsborough
of the First Presbyterian church.
Eugeno Schmitz has found the way
nf the transseressor is hard. A man
may rob and Bteal and play the hypo- j Mrs. Lmer Cooper and Mrs. W. C.
crite for a time, and be regarded with Green sang two beautiful duets,
a certain forbearance, akin to respect, '"Sometime We'll Understand," and
because of his position and hypocrisy. i' Rock of Ages." Boys from the mill,
But there surely comes a time when co-workers with Mr. Alexander, acted
the mask will be torn off, punishment as pall bearers and the remains were
,ion ,nH th vella of the fickle peo-1 laid to rest in Mountain View ceme-
fe.IUU - -
nle will madden his 'brain
Judge Dunn gave Schmitz an awful
scoring and the Mayor writhed and
protested under the verbal castlga
in vot we doubt If all the Judge
said and the sentence of five years, Tim C. Alexander waa 26 years of
in the penitentiary, caused him the age. He leaves a mother, Mrs. Anna
tery. The high esteem In which Mr.
Alexander was held among his ac
quaintances was attested by the
many friends who attended the funer
al and the beautiful floral offerings.
,0. C. Yocum to H. F. Went., lots 3
and 4, blk C of Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yocum to J. S. Patton, lots 5
and C, blk 2, Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yocum to J. S. Heal, lots '7
and 8, blk C, Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yocum to H. W. Mitchell, lots
1 and 2, blk 6, Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yocum to Georgia A. Knot-
tingham, lots 7 and 8, blk 3, Pompeii
O. C. Yocum to Dr. Richmond Kelly,
lots 1 and 2, blk 3, Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yocum to Grace W. Meade,
lots 3 and 4, blk 4, Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yocum to Ralph J. Stern, lots
3 and 4. blk 6, Pompeii. $500.
O. C. Yocum to Dr. J. K. Locke, lots
3 and 4, blk 3, Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yocum to W. G. Manning, lots
3, 4, 5 and C, blk A, Pompeii. $200.
O. C. Yocum to R. E. L. Simmons,
lots 1 and 2, blk B of Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yoqum to Chas. H. Wentz,
lots 3 and 4, blk B, Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yocum to Geo. W. Hoyt, lots
1 and 2, blk C, Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yocum to Geo. L. Campbell,
lots 1 and 2, blk A, Pompeii. $100.
O. C. Yocum to W. F. Hawley, lots
When the back begins to ache.
Don't wait until backache bocomes
Till serious kidney troubles de
velop; Till urinary troubles destroy night's
Profit by an Oregon City citizen's
Theodore Iluerth, carpenter, living
on Park Place, about two miles from
Oregon City, Ore., says: 'I found
Doan's Kidney Pills do Just what is
claimed for them. For a long tlrno I
suffered a good deal with lameness
and aching over the kidneys and Ir
regularity of tho action of the kid
neys. The trouble was not. severe
enough to lay me up but was very
annoying and mildo It difficult for me
to stoop or lift anything without my
back paining mo. I was lnducod to
try Doan's Kidney Pills from the rec
ommendation of a friend, and went
to Huntley Bros.' drug store for them.
Their uso absolutely removed the
trouble with the kidneys, strengthen
ed my back and ln every way proved
your remedy to be worthy of all con
fidence." For sale by all dealers. Price CO
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no othor.
8ave Her Time
Save Her Health
Save Her Weary Stepe
Save Your Money
Save Your Clothes
8ave Her Temper
Save Her Complexion
1$ Fill in coupon and mail to as
The iron will be delivered, with
all necessary equipment, absolutely
free of charge
C. G. Miller, Agent, Oregon City, Ore.
Gentlempn You may dehver to me onn Eleetrlc Flat
Iron, which I agree to try, and If unnntlsftictory to me, to
return lo you within 30 days from date of delivery. If 1
do nwt return It at tluft (Into you may cbargi) ennifl to
my account at 1 1 00. It Is understood no rharge
will bo tnado for tho Iron If I return II wltSQi If Bent
with us will be a working asset, good to
keep and tohave for an emergency or op
portunity Wise is the man who has his
capital, no matter how small, deposited
where it is at wcrk earning more capital.
The Bank of Oregon City
Heal Rntatc,
Loans, lnnuruticr
Mln Htreel,
Dade'i Little Liver Pills keep the
system clean, the stomach sweet.
Prompt relief for headache and bil
iousness. Good for all the family.
SoM by Huntley Bros.
Phone: Main 521 ' Office in Caufield Bldg., Main and Eighth Sts
Will practice is. ill courts, make collectloux aud Kettlemrnu o( eiUtee Kurnixu
aWracts ul title, lend you money on 11 rat mortage. Office in ENTERPRISE
Building, Oregon City, Orison. t
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
How to Cure Chilblains.
"To enjoy freedom from chilblains,"
writes John. Kemp, East Otlsfleld, Me.,
"I apply Bucklen's Arnica Salva.
Have also used it for saltrheum with
exoellont romilta," Guaranteed for
fever sores, Indolent ulcors, piles,
burns, wounds, frost bltos and skin
dlueaHoa. 25o at Howell & Jones drug