OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1907. CHOPPED TO PIECES Oregon City Young Man Kil , led by Southern Pacific Passenger Train STREWN ALONG TRACK flclal to remain In tliu United States until after they appear ht'firn Judge LnmllM In Chicago Fudoral Court July (I, Becrot service men and apodal government agt wero directed to lump a close watch on tho oil king and hi associates, for tho jflrst tlmo the oil ofllclal I faco tliu entire machinery of tho (lov- eminent to bring them into court, Tlio expoi'lonco of tho M IftHQiiri state writ aorvors, who camped on the trail of Itockefellur for months will not bo repeated. Flash and Bld Mark Track Manultd Bsdy Ttrrlbla Acci dent of Early frHi Morning. of ROCKEFELLER MUST APPEAR, Chicago, III., J lino 28 Attorney for tho Htandard Oil company ap pealed to U, 8. court asking that sub ponna for John I), Rockefeller he withdrawn. Plea mado that ho was old. Judgo I,andla refused, replying that tho court was i nlltlod to tho In formation and Intended to secure It. Itockfellur iiuiHt appearand answer. Homo tlmo during tho night, John O'lKniiii'll, who la known to many In thin city, waa run ovir by a train on tho Southern I'acinc, and killed. Tho tialn puHMed over his hody ludow tho lilps, cutting off both 1'K. Tho ac cident occurred at Fourth streiit, ami when found O'Donnull was dead, llo waa ftrnt discovered by tho con ductor of tho northbound freight train arriving hero at alxml 4 o'ekxk Fri day morning, who aaw tho mangled remain of a man lying alongside tho track near Fourth street. For about a rod tho track waa strewn with blood and flcah and presented a iiioat gruesome night. Tho coroner waa at once notified and by the tlmo ho ar rived a small group had congregated. On Investigation tho man waa rec ognized by several aa John O'Douncll. Both of bin legs had boon run over by tho train, and tho right ono waa nearly severed.. Tho rout of hla body waa badly brulmd. and It la thought that ho may havo received Internal Injurlea, Hla left shoo waa lorn from hU foot, and tho nolo cut In two. Indi cating that OThmnoll might havo stepped on tho rati In trying to climb on tho train, and the wheel running over hla foot, throw him on tho, rail. O'ltonnull waa aen around tho city Thuraday evening and told several that ho had beat hla way Into town earlier In tho evening, and that he Intended to leave In tho aamo way. He waa about 24 year of ago, ban never boon thrifty, spending what lit tle money ho earned for whiskey. He learoa a mother, two brother, William and Claudo; a slater reside In Eatacada. Homo tlmo ago while ho waa aervlng a term In tho county Jail, ho ran away when ho had ono more day of hla aontonco to aorve, and last night waa hla Arm appearance In tho city Mince that tlrao. Fear of arrest may havo led him to try to board an outgoing train. Aa tho cauae of hla death la ao plain, Coroner Molman will hold no Inquest No funeral ar rangement havo been mado. G. A. II. OOYS ARKIVC HOME r-ROM CAMP. LANDIS IS AFTER HIGH MUCKY-MUCKS 8TANDARO OIL OFFICIALS SUM MONEO BY FEDERAL JUDGE IN CHICAGO. Tho returning members of Meado I'oat, O. A. It., from tho Nowborg re union arrived on tho I'omona at 4 p is , Thursday. Tho "Ixiys" worn lu fluo spirits over tho good tlmo they had In tho Quaker City, tho citizens of which outdid oven their traditional hospitality In extending wHconwj to tho old veterans, Almost every houite was brightened by numerous Mugs and tho latch string were not pulled In. Tho easy chairs woro on tho front porches, and a smile of welcome said, "Host hero." Speeches, poetry and song greotod thm at tho camp and good will was In tho air. Tho martial music of our drum corps warmed tho cockles of old heart, for tho samo hands that beat tho long roll at Khlloh on tho fateful Cth of April, 1802. woro hero to stir old blood again. When tho old comrades clasped hands around In an old Virginia reel, Eph Itamtiby and McFarlan thought there must bo something wrong with the water and tested It with a lighted match. Ono of the pleasant Incidents oc curred at to leaving for tho lxat land ing, which Is a full mllo from the camp. When tho band reached the city limits. In appreciation of courte sies extended, they halted and gave some of their choice selections, Short ly after reaching tho grove at tho landing they woro surprised to eea an Impromptu commute of young ladles Waring beautiful flowers. They had brought them aa an offering. The "boys" responded with cheers and tho band tightened tholr drum heads and mado tho hillsides resound with the old marching tunes. Aa tho fair delegate climbed tho long hill above tho landing they took step to tho tli.-.e of "Tho Girl I I-ft Behind Me. Goorgo Horton. Jack Confer, Pete Wells, Eph Ramshy and nilly iis or Salem never threw their hearts Into the old tune with more fwrvor. Soon the Relief Cops of No where led by Mosdamos McRae and Mount with Mrs. J. B. Sanderson of Portland came, escorting tho W. R. C. of Ore gon City, and wero given an ovation by tho band w old vets, whose gal lantry Is mill young. 1). Cauflold 21.90 Casper Jutikor 6. DO John Revenue 6.50 John Wewer 6 70 N, Orr 6.50 Wesley Btrocken 6.10 . Julius Tlmtnor 6.10 Kort Jonsrud 6.60 L. Btlpp 3.5C C. F. Ely 2.40 J.J.Cooke, 1.70 0. llowors , 1.70 Sheriff, C. F, Ely 2.00 II. II. lteallo 8.32 C. F. Ely " 14.00 A, F. Parker 2.00 W. M. Shank 3.00 J. Douthlt 2.00 John Oren 2 00 ! Fashion LI very Stable 8.00 County Clsrk Tho Irwin Hodson Co. 1.00 School T. P. Kendall 9.00 L. A. Read 8.00 J. C. Zlnser 52.70 ' T. J. Gary 9.00 L. L. Iemmon 9.00 Assessor llonry Mlley 6.00 T. 15. Hayhurst 36.00 B. P. Carter 57.00 II. W. Shaw 72.00 Geo. F. Horton 60.00 Tax Robate T. L. Charman 7.07 Currant Expense C. E. Rarnsby 6.95 Huntley Ilros Co. 11.10 8. T. Roman 2.75 F. W. Green man 4.30 Telephone Co. 7.15 Wator Commissioners 1C.00 Court House Expanse P. Nuhren 11.50 V. Harris 2.60 Glass & Prudhomme Co. 175.00 Tho Oliver Typewriter LIQUOR LICENSE. NoMco Is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to the council of Oregon City at Its next regular meeting for a renewal of their liquor license for a period of six months at their present placo of business, cor ner Main and Fourth streets, Oregon City. J. STEWART & SON. Chicago, Juno 28 John D. Rocke feller, tho worl's oil king, and recog nized representative of Amerlca'a or ganized wealth, la to bo brought to Chicago by order of tho United States govurnmont. H. H. Rogers and 11 other officials of tho Standard Oil company are being sought by tho United States government under forthwith subponas Issued today by Judge K. M. Landls, of the United States District court, for their appear ance In Chicago, July 6. Every power of tho govcrnmont will bo used to secure Immediate service upon tho oil magnates and compel thorn to appear in the local court to dlscloso the scope of tho big corpora tion's finances. If tho Federal writs are served, Mr, Rockefeller and hjs associates will be forced to appear in Chicago or face arrest and Imprison ment for contempt of court. If they appear, they will bo compelled to an swer tho questions of Judge Landls, disclosing tho financial secrets of the oil trust. Their refusal wMll give the court tho power to Imprison thorn in tho county Jail until thoy yield. Precautions to prevent tho flight of Merrsr. Rockefeller, Rogors, John P. Archbold and other high magnates of the great Standard Oil company from Federal writ-servers wore taken. . Fear that the officials of the mightiest trust In the world will attempt to etado service of the Bubpenaes or- dered by Judge Landls caused prepa rations to be made to procure writs of no exeat in the New York courts, If necessary, to compel the trust of- COMMISSIONERS COURT C Ouynup 28.44 A. (iranqulst 48.55 J. Jones 51.65 J. Pacheco 7.50 II. J. Totten 0.25 C. Richardson . 3,75 il Roads Boall & Co. 70.85 John Lewellon 73.70 Western Storage Co. .30 J. D. Adams &Co. 450.00 Wilson & Cooke 13.30 E. F. Grisoa 1.00 ' Court. O.. B. Linn 3.00 T. Hayhurst 3.00 D. Caufield 3.00 J. P. Shannon 3.00 A. F. Parker 3.00 U. D. Wilson 3.00 saloners ' T. B. Kill In ' 30.90 J. Lewellon 12.20 Wilson & Zumwalt 5.00 i Court Brunswick Restaurant 7.25 J. A. Tufts 4.00 II. H. Hughes 6.60 L. Toedtemelor 14.00 John Heft 8 00 i of the Peace L. Stlpp 3.70 D. Caufield 6.40 L. Stlpp 3.70 D. Cauflold 8.65 T. C. Jubb 5.80 Will Brown. 2.30 W. C. Ward 1.70 W. C. Ward 1.70 Chas Miller 1.70 J. P. Galena 1.70 J. S. Dorlng 1.70 L. Stlpp 6. IS Co. Ilanard & Co. F. Hunch Jalt R. B. Iicatio Pauper 70.00 216 00 .40 35.76 47.00 Notice of Restoration of Public Lands to Settlement and Entry. Depart ment of the Interior, General Land OIJlco, Washington, D. C, May 11, 1907. NotWie is hereby given that the vacant public lands In the following described areas, temporarily with drawn for proposed additions to the Cascade National Forest, Oregon, on October 20, and December 16, 1905, and Januar 18, 1906, and not other wise withdrawn, reserved, or appro priated, will by authority of the Sec retary of tho Interior bo restored to the public domain on July 27, 1907, and become subject to settlement on and after that date, but not to entry, filing or selection until on and after August 20, 1907, under tho usual re- Mtrictlons, at the United States Land Office at Portland, Oregon: la Town- Hhlp four (4), Rango five (5), Sections four (4) and six (6) In Township two (2), Range six (6), Sections, fourteen (14) to twenty-six (26), both Inclu sive, tho north half of Sections twenty-nine (29), thirty-four (34), thirty five (35) and thirty-six (3C); In Town ship two (2), Range seven (7), Sec tions twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight (28), the south half of Section twenty nlno (29), all Sections thirty (30), thirty-one. (31). thirty-two (32) and thirty-three (33); In Township three (3) , Range seven (7), Sections four (4) , five (5), tho north half and south west quarter of Section six (6), the north half of Section eigtit (8), and all Section nine (9); all South and East, Willamette Meridian, Oregon. Warn ing is hereby expressly given that no person will be permitted to gain or exorcise any right whatever under any settlement or occupation begun prior to July 27, 1907, and all such settle ment or occupation Is hereby forbid den. R. A. BALLINGER, Commissioner. Approved: TIIOS. RYAN, Acting Secretary of the Interior. y The Imported German Coach Stallion PFIEL 1671 A beautiful bay, 16 hands high weighs 1545 pounds, splondld coach action, that was admired so much at the Lewis and Clark Show, where ho stood third In a clas of Coach stal lions that could not be beaten on cdther continent. Pflel won first prize and championship at the Oregon State Fair In 1903-4, and Is considered by good Judges to bo the highest clasa coach stallion In the state. His colts are uniformly good, and out of trot ting bred mares they look, like pure bred coachcrs. Will make (he season of 1907 as follows; Monday at Huh-bard; Tuesday at J. N. McKay's; Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Oe-rgon City. Terras $20 to Insure with foal. J, N. McKAY, Owner, ... J. D.Ralnejr, Keeper. 1 R. F. D. No. 1 Woodburn, Oregon. Co., Almond , Ala. Chamberlain's medicines are for sale by Howell k Jones. H. Cooper & Co. Drs. Summer & Mount 12.90 f Mrs. A. G. Guynup J. K. Jack W. B. lUmbo Dr. C. II. Smith David E. Jones Mrs. Meeker O. B. Dlmlck Jennie Boyles Mrs. Frank Ball Fashion Stables Collins t Brown IL L. Holman Shank k Blssell St. Vincent's Hospital II. II.. Hughes Insane Committment D. Caufield Dr. W. E. Carll Dr. H. S. Mount W. II. Tel. Co. Fruit Inspector A. J. Lewis Clark S. Fuge Road Surveys II. II. Johnson Bud Thompson N. Blair L, Bartlemajr P. Helnrlch A. J. KlUmlller J. W. Exon Jas. Deshazer F. Ahnert Geo. SawteL' C. E. Seward Mat Zogg O. II. Lllja A. Cuatafson Alex Brown Peter Long Bud Thompson N. Blair If. II. Johnson Printing and Advertising The Star Press Courier Damage a Hedges & Griffith 45.00 10.00 8.00 41.50 2.50 17.10 5.25 8.00 15.00 7.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 24.00 8.00 8.00 5.00 15.00 .50 31.50 10.00 104.20 52.70 62.70 1.00 1.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.50 2.50 6.20 6.20 6.20 40.45 32.60 750.00 8UMMON8. In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for Clackamas county. Caroline Griffith Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Frederick N. Jones, Defendant To Frederick N. Jones, Defendant above named: In tho name of tho State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause, on or before Tues day, the Kth day of July, 1907, that being the date fixed for such appear ance or answer by the Court In tho order for the publication of this sum mons, and If you fail so to appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dis solving the marriage contract now ex isting between plaintiff and defend ant, and that she have the care and custody of Frederick Tyler Jones, her minor child, and the right to re take her former name of Caroline Griffith, and that defendant be de creed to pay some suitable sum monthly towards the support and maintenance of said minor child, and for such other and further relief as to , the Court may seem meet and Just. This summons Is published In the Oregon City Enterprise not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks prior to said 16th day of July, 1907. by order of the Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of said Court, made and entered on the 20th day of May, A. D. 1907. THOS. N. STRONG, Attorney for Plaintiff. First Insertion, May 24, 1907. Last Insertion, July S, 1907. TAKEN UP NOTICE. Taken up, Juno 15, at Logan, Ore gon, a dark brown mare, weight about 800. Left front foot and both hind feet are white. Branded on right shoulder with "A" and a half moon over It and a bar under It. Five or six years old. Has foretop cut off. W. E. Cromer, Sprlngwater, Ore., R. F. D. No. 1. 29t2 Summons. n tho Circuit Court of tho 8tate of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, Frank Strychalsky, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Strychalsky, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You, Emma Strychalsky, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on SUMMONS. or before, Saturday, the 20th day o In the Circuit Court of the State of July, 1907 that day being six weeks from the first publication of the sum mons herein, and if you fail to appear and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in tho complaint on file nereln.to which Oregon, for Clackamas county. Catherine Moore, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph H. Moore Defendant To Joseph H. Moore, Defendant, above named : In the name of the reference Is hereby made, and more State of Oregon you are required to particularly as follows: For a decree ' appear and answer the complaint dissolving tho bonds of matrimony filed against you in the above entltl now existing between plaintiff and ed court and cause, on or before the defendant on the grounds of desertion. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of the State cf Oregon in and for the County of Clackamas. M. P. Cannon, Plaintiff, YB. Alice Cannon, Defendant To the above named defendant, Alice Cannon: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit, on or before tho 27th day of July, 1907, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take decree against 'you for the relief prayed for In tho complaint herein filed, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony now aad heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant be forever dis solved, and that the plaintiff be de creed to be the absolute owner of Lots ten (10) and eleven (11), block ten (10) in Park AddlUon to Alblna, now Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, and that the defendant be decreed to have no Interest as dower or otherwise, in and to said property, and that the plaintiff recover of and from the defendant his costs and dis bursements in this suit and for such other and further relief as to the Court may appear Just, meet and equitable. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made, signed and filed on the 11th day of June, 1907, which order specified the time for answering the complaint herein as the 27th day of July, 1907, and the first publication of summons is mado upon the 14th day of June, 1907, and the last publication of sum mons is made upon the 26th day of July, 1907. RALPH E. MOODY, 27t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. 12th day of August, 1907, that be ing the date fixed ty the court for This summons is served upon you such an appearance or answer in by publication thereof for not less ( and by the order of the court for than six successive weeks In the "Or-. publication of summons and If you Defendant: Mnn Cltv Pnfarni(aa miKllehAf In 'fall urt tn anruia, Bud anoira. tha 1 Tn . V. n - . , . . i . m .... v e1' v.... uuv(iiin, jiuu.ii.ui u w uu ftuanvi uig t ,u iui; Uttme OI lae Stale OI UTCHOu. the County of Clackamas, State' of Plaintiff will apply to the court for ' yu are hereby required to appear In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Alfie Daniel, Plaintiff, TS. Roques Daniel, Defendant To Roques Daniel, $he above named Oregon, and by order of the Honorable the relief prayed for In her com- Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving above entitled Court, which order Is the marriage contract now existing dated the 5th day of June, 1907. betweeen the plaintiff and defendant The date of the first publication of and to allow her the care and cus thls summons is Friday, tho 7th day tody of the child. Helen Moore, aged of June, 1907, and the date of the 4 years, and for such other relief as last publication of this summons If to the court may seem meet and Friday, the 19th day of July, 1907. 'just. This summons Is to be pub MAC MAIION & McDEVITT, jllshed In the Oregon City Enterprise 26t7 Attorney for Plaintiff, j for not less than once a week for six consecutive wseks, prior to said Tetter Cured 'day ' Au8rust' 197- By order ot A lady customer of ours had suffer- Honorab Tho" A. McBride, ed with tetter for two or three years. JudKe of said court, made and entered It got so bad on her hands that she on this 25th day of June, 1907. First could not attend to her household publication June 27, 1907; last inser dutles. Ono box of Chamberlains tl 10 iqn7 Salve cured her. Chamberlain's med-, AUBU9t 10' "7 icinea give splendid satisfaction 1 T- B- McDEVITT, In this community. M. H. Rodney & 29 t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entiMed court and cause on or before the 13th day of July, 1907. that being the last day pre scribed in the order of publication In this summons, and if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In this complaint towit: For a decree of the court dis solving the bonds of matrimony here tofore and now existing between you and the plaintiff upon the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. This Bummona is published in the Oregon City Enterprise for six suc cessive and consecutive weeks by or der of Hon. Thomas A, McBride. Judge of the above entitled court made on the 31st day of May, 1907, the first publication being on the 7th day of June, 1907, and the last publi cation being on the 12th day of July, 1907. JOHN F. LOGAN, 26t7 Attorney for the Plaintiff. BETTER SHIPPING FACILITIES. Railway news confirms tho state ment that the Harrlman Interests will expend $15,000,000 for rolling stock and that tho Southern Pacific will get its share, greatly facilitating tho movement of freight in tho West. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In tho master of tho Estate of John B. Doardorff, deceased. The undersigned has filed his final account aa Executor of the last Will of John B. Deardorff, deceased, In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, and the same has boon by said Court set for final hearing and examlnattod on Sat urday, tho 20th day of July, 1907, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ro., and all persons having objections to said ac count must present the same at said time and place. Dated June 20, 1907. HARRY G. McQOWAN, Executor of the last Will of John B. Deardorff, deceasod. J. C. MORELAND, Attorney for Ex ecutor. 28t5 natal Wnr!k Moderate Prices We wish to announce to the public that we have opened offices in your city where we are prepared to give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider ing the class of work produced. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR io YEARS All operations performed by the latest Painless methods Note our prices SOUD GOLD CROWNS BRIDGE WORK FULL SET OF TEETH $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Oxegosi Dental C0. Over Harding's Drug Store Rooms 8 and 9, Willamette Building j