Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 05, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Mica Axle Grease
lengthen tlio life of the '
R) WBjotj vei horse-
II power, time tiiul tern-
per. Rest lubricant In
powdered nilca
wulcu ,
form j
a smooth,
turn! coating m oila, ami
reduce friction.
If yon want your outfit
to An am! cum money
while It liit-grcniMj
the axle witU Mica
Alio Grease,
church next Bumlny, The Sunday fol
lowing Archbishop Chambers of Port
land will conduct the service.
Mm, C. A, NuhIi returned Friday
evening from Kugmie whore nht hud
Iwn attending the ,Blato Bunday
school invention In session tlmro.
Tim Homo Telephone company
h( Blind n force of men to work Fri
day morning cleaning up tho dirt lrft
hy their excavation for underground
Mr. mid Mrs, Howard Turner of
Piinevlllo are visiting Mr. mid Mr.
1 Charles Head of lliln city. They will
leave In ft few diyi for New York
for their wedding (rip.
John Coleman of Harlow spent Bun
gay In Oregon City.
. II. Klrlym of Hhubel was
unionit the Husday visitor In Oregon
Mm, Duaiie C. Kly returned Monday
from a thre days' vllt with rela
tive Ht TimUtln.
Mis Vnda Klllott returned from a
pleiiMniit vImK with friends In Molal
lit, Sunday.
Mm. Joe tJreeii mid children Ray
mond, Willurd and Karl, returned to
their homo at Aberdeen, WhhIi., Tuea
day morning, after a two week' visit
with relatives and friends hero,
MIhh Freda liult, from tho Bwcdlsh
colony In Nebraska, who come to
tench In the summer Institute In thin
city, will make her home with Mr,
mid Mm. Frank ItiiHt.h,
Newton has lixm In Baltimore for ,
several year. 8he came over the
Santa Fo route and stopped at Grand j
(!anyon and also stopped one day at
Han Francisco, Hhe la glad to be In
our delightful climate,
The people of the Colton neighbor
lied, ant planning a big Fourth of July
dinner In their beautiful grovo. It
will be an Impromptu affair. They
feel too busy to go far to celebrate
and a they have all the regulsltes of r) rofr(,Hhmon t were served
Birthday Anniversary Surprise.
A pleaHant social affair of the week
wan a birthday surprise given Mm.
Augusta Kruger at her pretty new
Fall View home, Friday evening, In
honor of her thirty ninth birthday an
niversary, The evening wan spent In
iiiukIc and game and at 10:3(4 tempt'
a pleasant day at home, will enjoy 'KlirprlH0 Wttl( v,.ry complete and Mm.
themHolvea together, A dance at Col
ton hall, a half mile from tho grove,
will be a happy climax In the even
Mm. Horn Cbannan la moving Into
her house on Beventh atreet recently
vacated by W. C. McKew.
Kruger was well pleaded. Many use
ful gift were left that will adorn the
new home. The evening wan thor-
8hannon Kelloag,
A quiet wedding took place on Bun
day afternoon at te home of Mr. and
Mm. 3, If. Kellogg, when their daugh
ter, Mis Nettle, waa united In mar
riage to Mr, Fred Shannon.
neya. The trouble waa not severe
enough to lay me tip but waa very
annoying and made It difficult for me
to atoop or lift anything without my
back paining me. I waa Induced to
try Doan'a Kidney Pills from tho rec
ommendatlon of a friend, and went
to Huntley Bros.' drug store for them.
Their use absolutely removed the
trouble with the kidneys, strengthen
ed my back and In every way proved
pal service waa performed by Iter. P?r TT7 be WOrthy f " COn"
K. Hammond, In the presence of the
Immediate relatives of th berlde and
groom. A dainty luncheon was served
after which the young people depart
ed for a short trip to Astoria and Sea-
lloli Caiineld and Karl Walker left
the first of the week fur a (lulling and
hunting trip of several weeks at
Trout Lake.
Wlllla Mulvey has accepted a por
tion In the county clerk's office.
Mrs. Frank NeUicn and daughters
peiit Hnnday with Mr. and Mm
P. Itundall.
Mm. I). H. Wall and Mm. II, M.
liihtQ visited the former' slster-ln-In
law, Mrs. H. T. Bladen, In Oregon
City, Wednesday, .
N. A. Flynn of Molalla Is attending
to htmlticHs Interests In the county
Mllflrcd Bladen, little daughter of
Mr, 1id Mm. II. T. Bladen. Is 111 at
T. I their home on the Abernathy, Mrs.
I Bladen was not able to be at her mil-
II.. 'V t .. . I
The Ladles' Missionary society of
the Methodist church met with Mrs,
William Johnson at Gladstone, Tuesday.
Col, Pike, member of the Legisla
ture from Ibe Sherman Glllnm-Wheel-
er district, has gone Int., camp wlthb,u)(( Kruger, Peter Kruger,
a party of friends on the Chautauqua
grounds at Gladstone.
oughly enjoyed by all present, Pres- side. ISoth bride and groom are well
ent were Messrs. and Mesdames A. known In Oregon City, and their
J. Wilson, John Green, W. White, F. many friends unite In wishing them
Painter, A. Phillips, It, E. Wood ward, many years of happiness.
Mesdames John Fosberg, F. C. Done-1 -
van, M. Bruner, E. Trulllnger, P. J. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Chapman en-
Lutz, Pauline Schwartz, E. Williams, tertalned at a family dinner, Sunday, j
A. Simons, E. P. Elliott; Mm. George at their home on Main street, Mr. and j
Wllaon of Sell wood; Misses Myrtle Mrs. James Green and daughter
Wallace, Adalinei Trulllnger, Carrie Mabel, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs.
Lutz, Etta Itruner, Hattle Wilson, ! Herman Green and daughter Neva,
lluth Elliott, Randlna Kruger, Gene- of Estacada, John Green of Portland,
vlve Green; Messrs. Walter Painter, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Green of Ore
gon City.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllhurn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Dean's and
take no other.
On account of the heavy rain, the
meeting of the Mt. Pleasant Improv
ment club was Interrupted and noth
ing especially done, Tuesday ven-
"Outdoor" Bridge Whlst.
The Wednesday afternoon bridge
club very delightfully entertained In
I), C. Ilaker returned Monday from
Blue Illver where ho has been In
specting the Crown Boys mines. He
Miss ItoniM Stafford returned Mon- j nHyt that all mines in that country are
day from Moumouth. where she has now n operation and prwnts a busy
been attending normal. scene.
Mr. Mayo has moved from J. Q. Mrs. Kobert Jllngo and chldren of
Adams street to Greenpolnl. having .Clarke visited Mm. (J. W. Grace and
imrrhased a place from W. I). King, daughter Saturday. They wore en-
j route to fleam where they will visit
Otto Moehnko of Bhubel made ajMm. Bingo's daughter.
business trip to Oregon City Friday
Beth Johnson, formerly of Oreeon
Twenty acre apple orchard at Hood (,,( but nf)W ()f N()rth B,,nd , ,
town for awhile. Ho reports Mia
Ilev. Oakley Monday evening per
formed the marriage ceremony for
Mr. Geo, P. Douglass and Miss Vall
etta Korten, of Portland.
Mrs. Ed Story and Mrs. Frank
WcIhh entertained Informally at the
i homo of tho former, Thursday after
noon. A few of the friends of their honor of Mrs. John P. Keating at
mother, Mrs. Catherine Taylor, werejftoHe Farm, Monday. The games were
Invited to spend the afternoon with j played on the veranda and prizes were
her, as she leaves Monday to spend .won by Miss Marjorte Caufleld and
the summer with her daughter, Mrs. j Mrs. Kathryn Ward Pope. Mrs. Pope
Myrtle Patton, In Iowa. The home jcharmingly sang during the afternoon,
was tastefully decorated In white i Delicious refreshments were served,
sweet pea" arid crimson rambler, the 'Present were Mesdames C. D. Lat
fragrance of the sweet peas filling ;ourette, T. W. Clark, W. S. U'Ren, E.
Mrs. John Lewthwaito, Br., returned
from a visit at T acorn a. Wash., Wed
nesday. Miss Alice tawthwalte who
accompanied her remained for a
more extended visit.
"To Keep Well
The whole year through," writes L.
A. Hartlett, of Rural Route 1, Guilford
Me., "I and my family use Dr. King'
New Life Pills. They have proven
mowt satisfactory to all of us." They
tone the system and cure biliousness,
malaria and constipation. Guaran
teed at Howell & Jones' drug store,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Schuebel and two
little daughters, Agnes aud Ruth,
came homo Tuesday evening from a
six weeks' Eastern trip. They have
visited Pennsylvania, New York, Vir
ginia. Washington, D. C, Illinois and
River sold this" week, for flOOO an
Mis Ethel Knighton of Iluena Vis
ta, Colo., I visiting friends In this
(Joorgs ntgham returned Thursday
from a fishing trip In the A I sea coun
try. He brought home a big bag of
Marie Mlchels of Bolton held the
lucky number 190 In th quilt draw
ing given by the Science Lutheran
Fannie marled and Miss Emma ex
pect to visit Oregon City In tho fall.
Ml Ilerthena Howard visited her
sister In Portland Sunday. She will
remain In Oregon City here until af-
tr the Fourth and will then go to
tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Howard at Cams.
Miss Ethel Cheney or McMlnnlle
carao Sunday for a short visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mm. 0,A.
Cheney. Mr. Cheney, who suffered
a stroke of paralysis last week, Is
G. K. Oglusby of Marquam was in
town Tuesday on his way to Esta
cada In the hopes of getting hop pick
em. Mr. Oglesby Is an extensive hop
grower and Is taking time by the fore
lock to secure pickers for a big yield
this fall.
I J. Caufleld is home from Butler,
to spend the Fourth with relatives
and friends.
Miss Jessie Imx of Portland is
the rooms. A delicious luncheon was
served. The guests Included, Mes
dame C. T. Hickman, Ed. Harring
ton, Maggie Harrington, C. A. Frost,
C. A. Williams, W. M. William, F.
Parker, T. Deattlo, I. L. Nourse, M.
T. Drayton, George Randall, W. W.
Marrs, John Linden, S. T. Qavls, J.
W. Grout, M. McGet-han, Julia Jonea
of Portland, S. S. Lohler, and Mm.
Ott, Mrs. Peters, and Miss Jennie
Tate. Mrs. Lohler accompanies Mm.
Taylor as far as St Paul where she
U1 visit relatives.
A. Sommer, John P. Keating, Daniel
O'Neill, S. O. Dillman, L. Adams, L.
L. Porter, John Humphreys, Ross
Charman, C. W. Pope, Kate Charman
and the Misses Marjorle Caufleld,
Mary L. Holmes, Cls Barclay Pratt,
Sybil Llppitt.
Navajo Club at Miss Shaw's.
A few of the Navajo club went in
unexpectedly and spent the evening
informally with Miss Sedonla Shaw,
Friday. The party was In entertain
ment of Miss Bessie Lewelllng of Ab
erdeen, Wash., who Is a guest of Miss
Edith Stoke of Canetnah. The dec
orations were bouquets of sweet peas.
A Jolly social time Interspersed with
music made an evening of pleasure.
Present were Misses Edna and Ethyl
Home Mission Social.
Members of the Congregational
church enjoyed a social In the church
parlors Tuesday evening. The plan
embraced the raising of funds for
the home mission work of the denom
ination. Contributions of a dollar
each were asked, and the donor was
requested to tell In verse how the
money was secured. Rev. Howard M.
Smith, state Sunday school secretary.
and Rev. A. J. Folsom, superintend
ent of missions for Oregon, were
present and made short addresses.
Refreshments were sensed after the
program of the evening.
I n t. t j i i r -1
here for a visit of several week with lrBr' nttzrl UQ
her .i.i.r. Mr. it,.rmn w.iih.e I Maude Moren. Edith Stokes, Bessie
Tho Chautauqua officials are erect
ing a new athletic platform 50x90
foet, to be used at the coming sum
mer mooting.
Mrs. C. A. Lewis and children Al
ton and Naomi are visiting Mr.
Ijowl' mother, Mm. W, Rauman, at
New Era.
Mr. Harry Stevenson left Saturday
vening for California whore she will
visit relatives and friends.
Mm. F. L. Brown of Santa Cruz,
Cal., Is visiting her sister,. Mrs. Ernest
Mass, of Willamette, v
'getting along as well a could be ex
' pectod.
Charles Springer, manager of the
Western Union Telegraph company's
ofllce In this city, left Monday even
ing for Portland, where ho will re
lieve W. J. Sheasgreen for a month,
I Mr. Slu.atifrreen to Iiuva chnreA nf tio
local ofllce for that length of time.
Mrs. Jacob Casell and children, who
had been visiting friends In Washing
ton,' returned Monday evening to this
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wooley will go
Wednesday morning to Hlllsboro to
remain through the summer. Mr.
Wooley has a position a day tele
graph operator with the Southern
Pacific. They expect to spend the
winter In Los Angeles.
Mrs. J. L. Byrom and daughter Dor
othy, of Tualatin are visiting the for
mer's , sister-in-law, Mrs. Duane C.
Ely. Mrs. Byrom goos next week to
Hot Springs. Miss Dorothy will re
main with her aunt and uncle in Ore
gon City during her mother's absence.
Mrs.-Bernlre Warner and little son
Clinton of Florlston, Cal., arrived In
Oregon City Wednesday morning.
After a visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James A. TufM, Mrs. War
ner will locate here. She will be
Joined by her husband later In the
Entertained in Portland.
Mrs. J. B. Laber, formerly of Ore
gon City, gave a delightful luncheon
at her home In Portland to old Ore
gon City friends, Friday. Ker rooms
were beautifully decorated, the color
scheme being pink and white. The
parlors were in roses and the dining
room in sweet peas, artistically ar
ranged. Mm. Laber' guests were
Mrs. W. M. Shank, Mrs. R. W. Por
ter, Mrs. Anna Peters, Mrs. Ellen Lat
ourette, Mm, J. F. Clark, Mrs. S. T.
Shank of i
Mis Kate Holman of Portland la
visiting at Rose Farm with Mrs. Dan
iel O'Neill and Mis Mary L. Holmes.
MIhs Cora Thuhipaon, a Berkley
utudont, who Is spending her summer
vacation at her home at Clackamas,
visited friends hor Monday.
Mm. A. Goldsmith, Miss Zlda Gold
smith and Master Edmond Goldsmith
of this city returned Thursday from
a visit with relatives In Eugene. Miss
Meta Goldsmith of that city returned
with them and will make a short visit
Jack Ownbey who Is employed In
Vancouver, returned to this' city Mon
day to visit his family.
Miss April Miller of Dufur returned
to her home Wednesday after a visit
with the MIses Nellie and Nettle
, Charlos Bock of Harrlsburg, pa.,
arrived Monday for a visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Book,
and sister, Mrs. H. Wetiler.
Mm. Wm. A. Hanke and children
leave Saturday evening for a two
weeks' visit with her parents In San
Jose, Cal., and will later go to Han
over, III., where Mr. Hanke has ac
cepted a position as superintendent
of the Hanover Woolen Manufactur
ing Co.
Mrs. Joe Green and children left for
their home In Aberdeen, Wash., Tues
day, after having visited relatives and
frlondB here for two weeks.
Dixon (Cal.) Tribune: Rev. H. B.
Robins and family arrived from Ore
gon City, Ore., Inst week, and he
preached his first sermon Sunday
morning In the Baptist church. In
the evening the Presbyterian and
Methodist congregations joined the
Baptists as welcome to the new pastor.
Mr. Mary Ellett of Denver, Col.,
who has bon visiting her Bister, Mr.
Silvey, has gone to Portland to visit
friends for a month.
The Portland Railway, Light &
Power company are buying easements
and rights ok way through Beveral
farms In the vicinity of Tuallfan, pre
paratory to building te Portland-
Salom electric road. The right of
way is 0 foet In width and has cost
tne company from ?20 to 2S0 for
each claim.
William Hammond will read the
services at tb.9 St. Paul' Episcopal mother and Western friends.
Miss Josephine Newton Is home
for a visit of two month with her
Visitors to Chautauqua are going
Into camp daily and by Tuesday,
when the big event opens, there will
be quite a population on the grounds.
Electric wires are strung to the
Chautauqua grounds and It Is a' mat
ter of but a few hours to hang the
lamps and turn on the current.
The large tubular opening for the
woolen mills flume has been placed
into position at the Lower Basin. It
Is made of steel boiler Iron, Is 12 or
15 feet In diameter and will be built
into and become a part of the new
almttnient at the north end of the
Lower Basin.
Cured of Lung Trouble,
"It Is now eleven years since I had
a narrow escape from consumption."
writes C. 0, Floyd, a leading business
man of Kershaw, S. C. 'I had ran
down in weight to 135 pounds, and
coughing was constant, both by day
and by night. Finally I began taking
Dr. King's New Discovery and con
united this for about six months,
when my cough and lung trouble were
entirely gone and I was restored to
my normal - weiglit, 170 pounds,"
Thousands, of persons are healed ev
ery year. Guaranteed at Howell 4
Jones' drug Btore. 50c and J1.00.
Trial bottle free
I have 1G0 acre homestead re
linquishment with 80 acres cultivat
ed, a good new B-room homa and
barn, with farm Implements, to sell
or trad for good house and lot In
Oregon City. Prtee only if 1200V 0.
A. Cheney.
Mrs. E. E. Brodle entertained at
her home In Portland Tuesday even
ing, a number of Pacific University
students for her sister, who is home
from that school for the summer va
cation. Those present from Oregon
City were Miss Nelta Harding. Miss
Martha Frances Draper, Miss Cls
Barclay Pratt, Miss Ethelwyn Al
bright and Mr. Carlton Harding.
The Aloha club will not meet this
week on account of the glorious
Fourth. They will be entertained by
Mrs. J. Nelson Wlsner next week on
Thursday afternoon.
The grocery business of Thatcher
& Johnson has been sold to J. E.
Wlnegar, formerly a Corvallls livery-
v.. "Hmn hut nf lnla numo- nr . lo
Oregon City, and Mrs. A. F. Dresser ;at 0regon Clty The purchaser takes
and Mm. Jesse Grey of Portland. innsao,n nar.
.bers of the retiring firm do not ex
pect to leave Corvallls. Corvallls
Lizzie Belding to P. R. L. It P. Co.,
right of way over ne of sec S and nw
of nw of sec 10, 3vle. $250.
George A. Steel to Stephen I. Brit
ton, beginning 31.88 ft w of quarter
cor between sees 18 and 19, 2s-2e,
28.48 acres. Also a tract containing
5 1-3 acres. $16000.
J. W. Gunsaulis to Western Bank
ing Co., lot 12, blk 12, Estacada. $450.
E. L. Fraley to Phil Moak, lot 10
and w 86 feet of lot 11, Fraley' add .
to Estacada.
A. Wlegand to Jamea McGUI, begin
ning .68 chs a of ne cor of sec 30, is
le. 10 acre. $1000.
Annettle Allrlght to G. W. and Chas.
Roberts, beginning at nw cor of Rob
ert Allen die, 6s-le. $2800.
J. H. Early to Chas. A. Early, be
ginning at sw cor of ne of se of sec
8ft 6s-2e, 10 acres. $150.
J. E. McNamara to John T. Gleaa-
on, lots 5 and 6, blk 47 of Oregon
City. $700.
Beatrice H. Aldredge to Clark S.
Fuge, lots 1 and 8, blk 42, County add
to Oregon City. $950.
Jaes H. Merrltt to B. E. Bubar, be
ginning 40 chs w of se cor of sec 32,
ls-3e, 5 acres. $800.
W. F. Schooley to John A. Hughes,
lots 18 and 19, blk 1, West Glad
stone. $1.
W. F. Schooley to A. B. Hughes, lot
1 and 2, blk 1, West Gladstone. $1.
G. H. Webster to T. P. Wilson, lot
14, blk 12, of Gladstone. $100.
Blake, McFall & Co. to Thomas F.
Ryan, lots 15 and 16, blk 37, Glads
tone.. $1.
United States to Oliver C. Yocum,
e half of ne and lots 1 and 2, of sec
23, 3s 8V4 east. $161.84.
Oliver Shldler to John T. Mclntyre,
se of sw sec 24, 2s-6e, 40 acres. $400.
J. C. Mullen to Oregon & California
R. R. Co., ne of nw, sec 13, 6s-le. $1.
James S. Imel to Chas. H. Jones,
beginning 4.25 chs n of ne cor of
Ezra Fischer die, 2 acres. $300.
George J. Armstrong to W. S.
Ford, lot 3, blk 4 of Weslynn. $1.
F. Terry to H. S. Reeves, part of
Peter Rlnearson die, 2s-2e, 3 acres.
The Ladles Aid society of Canetnah
spent the afternoon very pleasantly
with Mrs. C. E. Midlam, Thursday.
The ladles quilted and made aprons.
Mrs. Midlam served light refresh
ments during the afternoon and a
social time waa enjoyed. The society
will meet July 11 with Mm. E. J.
Marshall. Mrs. Sarah Dlckerson was
a visitor of the society. Members
present were Mesdames C. E. Midlam,
E. J. Marshall, Julia Frost Mary How
ell, Frances Faust, Louise Cole and
Martha Klnzey; and Miss Ada Bed
well. Wednesday Card Club.
The Weddesday card club will en
tertain at bridge at Rose Farm Mon
day afternoon In compliment to Mm.
John P. Keating who leaves July 5
for Newberg where Mr. Keating Is
connected with the Spauldlng Log
ging company. ' '
O. W. P. & Ry. tracks to the Chau
tauqua grounds are practically com
pleted, and the finishing touches will
be made between now and Tuesday
next, when Chautauqua opens.
Fifth Birthday Celebrated.
Helen Seeley was five years old
Thursday and a number of her little
friends were Invited to the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, E. See
ley, In honor of the occasion. Vari
ous Interesting games were played
and a luncheon Including Ice cream
and cake was served. The little girls
present were Vlvlad Curtis, Violet
Beauleaa, Ellen Grace, Elva Erick
son and Lethel Cross.
Try grapw Mew puncti at LenTs",
The Aloha club played bridge at
the home of Mrs. Clyde Gf. Huntley
Thursday afternoon. The prize was
won by Mrs. William E. Lewlhwalte.
Tempting refreshments were served.
The members were all present ex
cepting Mrs. L, Adams and Mm. R.
& MtfAtpfff,
Corvallls, Ore., July 3 Joe Dessing
of Albany, was killed at 8:15 this
morning. He was stringing a tele
phone wire on the line leading to
Portland when his wire came in con
tact with a lighting wire, sending
22,000 volts through his body. He was
standing on guy wire and was strap
ped to the poles. Leaves wife and
mother; in service of company four
Take Advantage of Oregon City Citi
zen's Experience Before It's Too
When the back begins to ache.
Don't wait until backache becomes
chronic ;
Till serious kidney troubles de
velop; Till urinary troubles destroy night's
Profit by an Oregon City citizen's
, Theodere Huerth, carpenter, living
on Park Place, about two miles from
Oregon City, Ore., says: 'I found,
Doan'a Kidney Pills do Just what is
claimed for them. For a long time I
suffered a good deal with lameness
and aching over the kidneys and ir
regularity of the action of the kid-
If You Want to Sell
Eastham.Pattisnn & Co.
Over the Bank of Oregon City.
Strictly in accordance with the
Pure Food Law. '
417 Main St. - Oregon City
Heckel & England
The Hub Saloon has changed
hands, Carlson & Block sel-
Tlno nut to HeelI EncfflnrL