OReOON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1907. t ForCouqhs a and Colds There Is a remedy over sixty years old Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of It, probably have used It. Once In the family, It stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Ask your doctor about It. The beat kind o! a testimonial -'old tot over elate yeere." A Alta aiuiourr vi MUMPAKILU. I'll 11. 1UIK VIIMIR. yers Ws kavs BO iUl W publluk ,! formulu of oil our m.ainiu... Ayer'i PHI Increnao tho activity of ' ih iivr. end thua aid recovery.' . The firemen' picnic held in Cane rimli park Hunday wu well attended and ul present nuy that thl I the most eliiborute event of he kind ever held In Clackama rotiuty. Nearly all the member and exempt member of bi t local department, the mayor and aeveiul mxinber of the city council1 of Mllwauklo and nimler of HI. John and KNlncnda lire department jMlMH if -Vc aUqipeit In 'Chicago for a wi-io preeni. Ilefreehmi.nt. both ' , wo W).,,kg. yMt wllll r,.utVo. Dur ll.juld and oUierwlHO were nerved to,,1( hf,r vH,t (l VMi.m, an,M.arod which peeche wen- luado by Conn. ft m,Krftm Mor(, the faculty of a ty Judgo liimick, Judg Ityan and .,,,,, Cltmf.rmmy nni wlj n.lurn many of tho exempt firemen. Kendall , , VMemt fr a ytsr A lor(, CllM of the Kt. Johna me department gavo '()f m(,C piu,,u WD0 Wwri, C(,linlnK an exhibition coupling that waar watched with luten-pti by all preent. In the afternoon the laceit were held on the ball ground. Tlnue were many entrlea lit all tho conteala, and all Hmmch the afternoon, Intenee In terent wh nhon by the upectator. The race were won a follow: 100 yuril diuhSchiH'tihorn. Fat Mt u'a race I', Younger. Married Men' Haee J, Heaullau. Three lei;ied run- lii-aiilluu aud IVter, In the tug of war the Hook and Catainrt proved ther nuprremacy ov r the team from the Fountain mid inn. In tho ball nine the 111)1 team wa deflated by the bunch organized by Hank titration. There were eeveral play of lh order that bring the crowd to their feet. At the end of tho performance tho acore etood 8 to 1 In favnr of Hank' nine, OREGON 'CITY GRAYS DEFEATED Ttn f 1 ri Cllv Ci.ivn uiin fid day arternin,,, by tho Hi. John. Ilreak- M.h.,1: I' ryl Ix.ng 1R.15. Cat her. r...H ., ,.,.. U-..H ii,n Mathhm 10,0, Oussle Humphreys nniiil nil int) i-ifcinn iiuiiiiK. ai nun ataKO tlm tscore ntood 4 to U In favor of the local talent, but a few nlupld play by tho tiray and tho timely bunching of hit by the vlnltor Cauxed the score to Htand 5 to 5. lly touching tho Hperhu! at the opportune time In tho tenth, the visitor sue cooded in adding another tally to their ncore, aud Incidentally 'captur ing the gamn. I.eo a unual wa In the game for .. I I. ... the local, and neven men puked thj, willow fruitleHnly1- at hi bender, j Knty Itobcrt also played a great game and Hticoccdfd In making con-' U'-ctlon with a three nncker. All of I the boy played tip top hanebull ex- J cept In the tilulh Inning. Tbo vIhI lorn played ft flno game, both at bat end on Iho diamond. Tho teams lined i.p a follows: Breakers l.oe and Peterson c, Moreno p Leo and Clay h liy 4b Iliink 3b Gray a Shaw yrtMiiiitiiiiVi Golden Gate Coffee SOLD ON MERIT J. A. FOLGER & CO. Estabnshesl 1850 SAN FRANOSCO 8b If rt Pnughlt Ball Over Fine. Tito baseball ganiii at Woodburn Sunday afternoon wa nearly spoiled by tlit) f'KilUli action of one of tho Atorla player, Roxlo Graham fulled to atop a bull In tho third Inning and whi n It wuh fielded In to lilni lio In a fit of anger, purposely threw It over tho fence, lolling la lureo score Tho flmil score wa B to 0 In favor of i Wiuiiiiiiii n FALLS FROM BRIDGE. Arthlir MelHlrom, aged 24, and a M-aldent In tho ICaat, fell from tho j bridge at Wllsonvllle, Hunday, and twa killed. Ho wa at work on the 'false work being erected In prepara- lion for a atel trestle, and wa driving iwhal I known a a drift bolt when; ho lout hi balance and full to death, Coroner llolman wa culled and took charge of the remain. Tho body wtl be ent to hi friend In tbo Knt a aoon a lt ruction aro re ceived. HOME FROM SCHOOL IN EAST. Ml" HnmIm M. lilock, who ha been a atudent of tho 1'eabody Conaerva lory of Mimic for four year arrived In Oregon CUy, Hinday evening for a vUlt with her parent, Mr. and Mr. u I. ni.Mk ut..lQnifm,.riiil fri,.mlM on MIh lilock remaining In Oregon CUy will bo. dlxaatlulnted. DUMPING lis CEMENT. Work on the cement abutment at I the lower banln I pn'greMlrig alowly. I Tb portion of the Improvement to the eaut of the O. W. I & lly. track Ii within a few fett of the dealred h-U;hth, At prevent cement I be ing (lumped Into the tunnel where the ateid flume pierce the abutment, anl workmen aro lumping It In bard no thiit It may be made water tight. LOTS OF FRUIT. A, paKHeiiKi-r on northbound No, 12, Sunday, nay the train wan delayed at nearly every little ntation north of Salem by ablpment of fruit. The whole country aeent abounding In fruit. A car of chorrlea and n car of oKiibcrle were plckl up at ltmok, coiiMlgned to Seattle. BERYL LONG WINS CONTEST. The content for tioddea of Liberty for the Fourth celebration terminated , In tho neli-rtliin of MIkm Heryl Iong, HoBlo I'(ff Hot Hold Jllanchiird Threw ,i..f H...iwh " Xf n Plurality of "Vi The , '' STAND HRM Wlienyoabuy&n SOILED SUIT or SLICKER demand 7t the easiest wid only way to get the best Sold everywhere Tetter Cured. A lady customer of ours had suf fered with tetter for two or three years. It got so bad on her bands 7 'vn tVZJ - 'lA :'X w ( ft . Leo j that she could nut attenn to her Roberta ; household duties. One box of Chain llaiikltiH j hnrlnln's Salve cured her. Chamber T olford i Iain's jnedUines give splendid satis- i California Sunshine in every tin of J. A. FOLGEH Cc CO'S Frost faction In thl comunlty, M. II. Ott' Rodney -A Co,, Almond, Ala. Cham Fredrick jborlaln' mcdlclncH are for Halo by Howell A Jones, PRAISE TOR MAYOR CAUNELD A largo congregation at- tho morn ing service In the Methodist Eplneopal f'"r,; ujr ... .. 1. . I . .1 I ...I.. I. ...I lug vote tho following resolution: First: That tho action of Mayor j Cuufleld In cloning tli saloon on Hun- j day li most heartily approved, and b I hereby assured or tho sympathy and support of tho Methodist people .of Ore-ton City. Hccond: That we a a church and congregation unequivocally condemn such desecration of tho Babbath by civic organization aa took place at tanemiin pura sunuay. juno se, in tho firemen' picnic and barbecue and pledge ourselves to do what we can to dlHcourago auch thing In the fu ture. 8fty In Number. lld Uncle Aimer, an exclave, era Tery III, and the daughter of bla for mer in ii tit or hud culled to bring him flellcade and to offer ronaolatlon. "I hope. Uncle Abner," alio aald aympathftlrally, "that you are thor-' ougbly acquainted with the goodneat of the Ix.rd." "Of courxe I 1, cblle," tho old negro replied. "Why, honey, l' b-en convert ed 'bout fourteen time." Llpplncotf. , Aesthetically Considerate. Mr. KmltU (of Tootlng)-The front atep are dreadfully dirty, cook. Cook They are that, mum, but the new girl won't clean 'em till her trunk arrive. Mr. Smilh-Iudeed. And wby not, pray! Cook Well, mum, be aay he never cleana etep uoIch abe' weartu' bcr u,,t ,,1ck "trnkltfwltb tbo gold dock. Tatler. Difficulties In theWy. "There are no many dlxnilvantagea coniiectcil with any kind of a profea alonal life Unit It I bard to cboomi a eareer." "How do you 'mean 7" "Well, to get along a dentlat ha to hare a pull, a doctor mtint hnve lot of pntlowe iK-fore be get any, and a law yer at the bent can look forward to but a brief carcer."-llaltlmore American. Different Then. There' nothing." nail the actor, "that make a man feel so good a the cheer of the multitude." "UnleM," replied tbo ether, "the man hnpicu to be a prize fighter and reall.-.e that the clu-er are for bla op ponent," Half Past Kitting Time. The l.miy i a Hurry-Why didn't you s: p ut o:ie . c uhietor, when you saw me wnvlu: iv; Hmul? The I'lieetii'U.i t'o.idnctor Ir', miss! Why. I tlioii'.''it v hi was a-throwln' tlse Ht me.- SUetch. FOBBED WHILE , SLEEPING INTENT John Gleason, a well known resi dent of this city wa relieved of his watch and twenty cents In change Friday night by unknown parties, Mr. Gleason hus been taking tho open air treatment for consumption, and sleeps In a tent In the yard. He re tired at tho usual hour and wa3 not awakened till morning, when to his surprise bo noticed that all of tho pockets In his clothes were turned wrongslde out,' and tho watch was gone. Mr. Gleason thought It to be a practical Joke played by some mem ber of the family, but they all were surprised to hear of It. On evnlng the last of last week County School Superintendent Zinser vas Bleeping In his tent when a nervy burglar stole his trousers and new shoes. ' Tonight.' If you would enjoy tomorrow take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets topight. They produce an agreeable laxative effect, clear the head and cleanse the stomach. Piico 25 cents. Samples free at Howell & Jones' drug store. Miss Jensio Dlllmnn, who . under went an operation at her homo on Sixth street, Wednesday, Is Improv ing slowly. F fcjj Ft. I GIRL. TURNS DARK BLUE. She Polished Her bhoee With Indigo, ' end It Struck In. j The akin of Mnry Coffer, nineteen ' year old, employed In the Allegheny General hospital, Allegheny, Pa., I ' dyed a deep la vendor color from head to feet, aud tho physician are making ' a treuuou iffort to nave her life. Tho ! case ! baffling 4hem, and it I feared ho will die. The young woman about two week Bgo attended an outing, wearing a new pair of shoe, Bho scuffed the fyi j wear and In au effort to restore them I tntxl a quantity of Indelible Ink, which be tuou9 wa hoe polish. After ; wearing Ao 2 for several day thereafter el noticed that her feet bud been ey-i e deep purple, but did not any anytb.ig to tlKmo employed with biT. After muklng this discovery ; abe found the coloring van gradually spreading over her entire body. finally other girl In tho laundry noticed a teiillnr color In Marv'a face butho only lnughed when au Inquiry wn made. Fhe wa taken eefioualy 111, and the pbynlclun dlwovered her plight. Upon being presned the girl told tho story. The physician have found that tho coloring uned upon tjio ehoe ha been aUorbed through the nklu on the feet aud by the blood baa been carried through tho entire body. BURGLAR HER OWN SON. Frenchwoman, Discovering It, Faint In Police Station. A dramatic affair recently occurred at Vllleneuve le Itol, a village about twelve mllea from I'arl. M. Vadel, a man of independent mean, bad gone j to Tori and W wife had left the Loune to do aome marketing. Mine. Vlld,d r..tlim,l nlnnt n,t f,.nn,1 . bearded man In the drawing room breaking open a aecretalre In which nbe kept Jewelry and money. She creamed for annlntance and the bur glar got away through a window. A gardener started in pursuit and the burglar fired five pistol nlmt at him without effect Several other per aona Joined In the chase, and the man ! turned and fired, allgbtly wounding one of bla pursuer. Finding blmwlf hard pressed be turned the revolver J upon himself, but did not attempt to j discharge the weapon, lie wa quick ly captured, and In the struggle his false balr and beard' came off, and It ; was thpn seen that he wa a mere ; youth of Itetween seventeen and elght- een year of age. j IIo wa taken to the follce station and confronted with Mme. Vadel. The lady fainted on recognizing her own eon, who bad a in.st In rarta. BLUE JAYS WHIP A CAT. Birds Rout Predatory Feline Which Attacks Their Nest T ) t 1 ..... - , t T . . 1 rt- . "u"" '.'" u3uiu, Mas., recently witnessed a remarkable oauio oeiween "lings, a coon cat owned by Mrs. James Brown, and two ' blue lavs. The t.ivs wero tlu (xrirross. I j or aud the victors. Attracted by the scolding of the Jays, i tho residents saw "Haifs" sitting on a THIS JAIS FODOUT i'VKJOl'SLY. fence under an acacia tree. Suddenly a jay swooped down and struck him a blow on the ear. "Rags" turned and as Ho did tho other Jay quickly struck a stinging blow on the opivoslte side that brought forth a howl. Attacking hun ou both sides the Jays fought furiously and "Kags" battled viciously. Finally the cat turned tail and tied to the house for protection. The nest of tho blue Jays hi the acacia tree caused tho attack. Buys Barn as It Burns. Selling a bum at auction while tt was burning to the ground was the rare feat performed by Clarence M. Ortltp of Oxford, Pa. The barn, In flames, was knocked down to James Fennoek of Russellville. The sale was an assignee's vendue of the property of Clark II. Jackson, In Russellville. The farmers were gathered In front of the house from all sections of the county aud had bid tho place up to $3,500 when some one smelted smoke. Tho barn, Just behind the house, was on fire, and It was destroyed, with val uable contents. After the fire Fen nock, who had bought the property, decided hehnd got a "Jemon" and re fused to stand by his bargain, so that the property will have to ba resold. me NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove The different Oil Stove The improved Oil Stove Gives best results. Reduces fuel ex pense. A -working1 flame, at the touch match. "Blue Flame" means the hottest flame produced by any stove. The New Perfection will make your work lighter. Will not over heat the kitchen. Made in three sizes, with one, two, and three burners. Every stove war ranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. e Rsyo Lamp flives a clear, steady light Fitted with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Every lampwarranted-SuiUbleforlibrary, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Inoorporatadt 'FFI I fAO FFFT FROM I S-t-Lt IV I UL. I IUUHI WILSONVILLE BRIDGE PARTICULARS OF ACCIDENT TO WORKMAN P. & A. TEAM DE FEATS CITY TEAM. Wllsonville, July 2 Arthur Mohs trom, a workman who was killed Sun- J day by a fall from the bridge being. I constructed across the Willamette jhere, missed his mark as he was drlv - ilng a bolt, causing him to lose his : balance on th? 8 Inch plank on which the wa standing. He fell a distance of 109 feet, striking on a barge In the river below, causing almost Instant death. Both legs, one arm, his neck i 'and many other bones were broken. The body was taken to Oregon City j for shipment to his people at Salt , Lake. Mr. left home Mohstrom and his brother j and parents .only a few , :wwkg ag0 the brother golng to workj flir tha n wlp . ra,,irn Ar.f tmr coming here. He was 22 years lof age and unmarried. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rldder, ja boy. They have two little boys at their house now. j The baseball game on the Wilson- ,ville diamond Sunday was another j grand victory for the P. & A. The j j score was 14 to 5. Portland should ; iget better teams together to send In to the country. These Northwest Gun boys were not In it at all with the ' 'farmers, and if they did term the farmers "Yellow Jackets" and all sorts of funny names, the latter more than held their own and are ready for a better team next. MAY BUILD NEW SCHOOL HOUSE. The tax payers of the Meadowbrook schol district will hold a special meet ing to consider the question of build ing a new school house. The matter of choosing a new site for the school, or of making an addition to the pres ent site will a!so be discussed. ORGANIZE FOR BIBLE WORK. The friends of the Mountain View Sunday school will meet Sunday, July 7, at 4 p. m., at the Ely church, .to organize for Bible work on the New Movement plan. Everyone invited. Children cordially welcomed. Twilight Born, to the wife of Wm. Schruber, Saturday evening, a daugh ter. A beautiful drawn work sofa pillow to be raffled for the benefit of the Mc- Loughlin Institute is displayed in the '.in,!,,.,. .f ,..,.. , ii ,-aIndow of irank Busch s store. All ;of the work ou this pillow was exe- looted by a patient in the insane asy- turn at Stockton, Cal. I The effect of malaria -ftists a long time. You catch cold easily or become run- & down because of . Strengthen Emulsion. It builds new blood and tones up your nervous system. ALL DRUGGISTS l BOO. AND $1.00. 3 vT """i'r'JM '''in WTimmmm ' If Vi li y ii m ii of the U 1 When you require an Abstract of Title to lands In Clackamas County, bare it accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Incorpor ated for the purpose. Our ratet are reasonable. We invite you to ex amine our complete set of Abstract , Books. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY. 506- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Oregon City, j Oregon. Will practice In all courts of the state Office in Caufleld Building. o W. S. EDDY, Y, S.. M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto. Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, bas located a. Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street necr Main. Both Telephones. Farmers' 13a Matt 131 1 fIVY STIPP ATTORNEY-AT-L A W. Justice of the Teace. j Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City Tcniglit. lf 'ou woulti cnW tomorrow take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TRb,eU tonight They produce aQ agreeable laxative effect, clear the head and cleanse the stomach. Price ,25 cents. Samples free at Howell & Jones' drug store. the after effects of malaria. yourself with Scott's IWMBminwjii.i 'ihiju.u.J- uw.;wtt , j FAMOUS AT HOME FOR J GENERATIONS PAST; j FAMOUS NOW ALL OVER j THE WORLD. B For sale by I E. MATHIES.