Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 05, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Portland Gas Company Wishes
to Erect Plant and Supply
Oregon City Patrons
Board of Trade Appoints a Committee
of Five Citizens to Consider
Terms of Offered
The Board of Trade met in a spec
ial session Friday evening In the
county court room to discus9 the feas
ibility of passing a gas franchise per
mitting the Portland gas company to
erect and eperate a fuel gas plant In
Oregon City. Mr. "William Adams
was present as the representative of
the Portland company.
The Portland company is now erect
ing fuel plants In St. Johns and Asto
ria, similar to the one they wish to
install here.
The proposition Is to erect a $50.
000 fuel gag plant at Oregon City,
serving the citizens of this city and
suburbs with ga3 for fuel. According
to the terms of the franchise submit
ted for the inspection of the Board
of Trade the company will furnish gas
for fuel at a maximum charge of 75
cents per thousand cubic feet, with
a graded rate which will give It to
large consumers at ' 35 cents per
In addition the company is willing
to pay an annual license tax of $200
per annum and furnish free gas for
the city hall and fire department
The franchise is to run for 25 years
with a proviso permitting the city to
acquire the property at the end of that
The rite offered In this city Is
much less than that charged In Port
land. The company explains that this
is made possible by Improved methods
of manufacture and les3 cost In dis
tribution. Automatic pressure will
be used to distribute the gas on the
hilltops. Small mains made possible
by this plan will greatly reduce the
first cost of the distributive plant.
The product used in the manufac
ture of the gas will be largely petro
leum. The franchise submitted was re
ferred to a committtee of five, cora
Tosed of Messrs. Thomas F. Ryan,
Capt. Shaw, D. C. Ely, John Adams
and George Randall.
The committee will hold a meeting
Monday evening and the Board of
Trade will meet at Judge Ryan's of
fice Tuesday evening to hear the re
port of the committee on the fran
chise and the features it covers.
Members and citizens present ex
pressed themselves as pleased with
the prospect of fuel ga3 and It Is the
general opinion that the franchise of
fered i3 fairly liberal.
The company offers to put up a
bond of $5000 for the faithful per
formance of its part of the agreement,
in case It3 franchise is accepted.
A well' defined rumor was afloat to
the effect that District Attorney
Hedges would warn the saloonists of
Clackamas county to close on Sunday,
by request of the Oregon City saloon
ists. But the District Attorney says
that no such request has been made,
and that he ha3 not decided to take
action in the matter. Estacada seems
t6 be the only village that has not of
itself closed its saloons on Sunday.
The District Attorney has decided on
no drastic measures as yet.
The spur of the O. W. & P. Ry., be
ing run from Gladstone to the Chau
tauqua grounds, Is practically com
pleted to the Incline leading into the
grounds. General Manager Fuller,
writing to Secretary Cross, assures
Mm that strenuous effort will be made
to complete the work by July 3.
The electrical work into the park
will also be completed by July 3.
The Chautauaua managers say thai
Am , K; w, hi.,
lighting system several days before
Chautauqua opens.
rrounds will be brilliantly lighted this i -...,.. ... . r,. mon,er ieri Monaay io vihu Eastern uonas ana enter into a written con
year, and it is intended to test the 1 M'SS Anna 3"1 lB h0me 8pend re,atlves- The 'orme'' wl Wi the tract for said work, if called upon so
Charles Bates to Charles Brewer,
n half of w half of sw of sec 3, 4sle,
40 acres. $4500.
Oregon Iron & Stool company to
Eldred Klnzengh, beginning on n Hue
of sec 2. 2sle, 7 awes. $1.
Eldred Klmcengh to Bort B. Kspy,
beginning on n line of sec 2, Is le, 7
acres. $2250.
Anthony O. Foster to Walter W.
Foster, beginning at qr sec cor be
tween sees 9 and 10, 2s-2o. 3 acres.
F. C. Miller to E. R. Boyer, lot 2,
hlk 103, Oregon City. $1300.
Hibernla Savings Bank to Homer
Ballantyne. lot 16. blk "C" of Mil
waukle Park. $150.
Emit Grimm and Martha Crtmm.
P. E. Frank, beginning on n line of
Milton Brown die. Ss-lo, 10 acres.
Frit Matthles to Lydia M. Newton,
n halt of w half of ne of sec 10, 2s 3o,
40 acres. $4000.
Gustav J. Erlckson to S. H. Rother
me!, timber on s half of sw of sec 9,
2s-4e, also beginning at sw cor of nw
sw of sec 9. 16x22. $150.
Frank Williams to John Bennett,
blk 12, Oak Grove, 4.80 acres. $1500.
Eliza Jane Aldredge to Sldonie Do
Conylck. part of Eura Fuller die, 2s
le, 1 acre. $1225.
Northern Counties Investment
Trust Limited to John Blttner, lots 1,
2, 3 ani 4. blk 104, Oregon City. $2000.
John Bittner to Thomas F. Ryan,
lots 1, 2. 3 and 4. blk 104, Oregon
City. $2500.
O. Tellefson and wife to George
Frank Anderson, beginning at nw cor
of e half of nw of sec 24. 3s-2e, 18
acres. $100.
Myrtle Hazel Deane to Samuel
Roake, beginnning at ne cor of Cyrus
Wads worth die 2s2e. $1000.
Johanna Matthies to Robert New
ton, s half of w half ne of sec 10, 2s
-3e. 40 acres. $4060.
Niels Chrlstensen to Portland Ry.
Light and Power Co., easement and
right of way over south half of sw
of sec 9, 3s-le. $125.
G. Setje to Portland Ry. Light
Power Co., easement and right of
way over 40 acres in sw cor of Peter
Weiss die, sec 3, 3s-ie. $35.
John Everhart to Superior Lumber
Co., w half of sw of sec 18, 4s-3e, 94.74
acres; also ne of se of sec 13, 4se,
40 acres. $5389.
G. B. Dimlck to H. C. Klepper and
wife, beginning at ne cor of William
Heckenbothem claim, 5 acres. $900.
Sarah Kesterson to J. L. DuBols.
s half of sw of ne of sec 25, ls-3e. $10.
J. W. Mauldlng to Portland & San
dy River Electric Co., beginning at
quar cor on s line of sec 9, 3s-7e,
4.24 acres. $330.
August Koehllemeler to Portland
Ry. Light & Power Co., right of way
and easement over se of sec 8 and
ne of sec 17, 3s-le, 40 feet wide. $50.
Gu3tave Schnorr and Fred Gross,
to P. R. L. 4 P. Co., easement and
right of way over part of Peter Weiss
die sees 2 and 3, 3s-le, 40 feet wide.
John Wagley to Portland Ry. Light
& Power Co., easement and right of
way over n half of ne of sec 16, 3s-le.
John G. Volpp to Portland Ry. Light
and Power Co., easement and right of
way over part of se of sec 9, 3s-le.
Rosettl Humiston to Celia M. Pe
ters, lot 7 of Gibson's subdiv of J. A.
Logan tract, sees 19 and 20. $1000.
H. C. Dieckman to Portjand Ry. L.
& P. Co., right of way over e half of
ne of sec 14, 3s-lw. $50.
J. L. Kruse to Portland R. L. & P.
Co., right of way over w half of se
of sec 7 and w half of ne of sec 18,
3s-le, GOO feet long., $50.
Ursula Zogg et al to Thos. Spill
man, part of sec 22, 2s-4e, C3.25 acres.
G. H. Lorenz to Sol N. Strubhar, e
half of nw of sec 36, 4s-le, 30 acres
Blanche Roblson and John Harless
beginning on i-. boundary of Joseph
Wingfie!d die, 5s-2e, 7 acres. $300.
WIngfield die, 5s-2e, 7 acres. $300.
E. P. Berdine to Ida E. Berdlne
half interest to lot No. 5, blk 13, of
Wiilaiaetee. $1.
John Arnold to Mabel Lovelace, lot
7, blk 12, Estacada. $150.
Kelso June 25 Mrs. Alberg has re
turned to her home In Seattle
Joel Jarl and family attended the
Alt-Nelson wedding at Flrwood, June
Mart New from Ranler wes visiting
in Kelso recently.
Minnie Jerger and Mr. Ganthen, a
prosperous dairyman of Fairvlew,
were married June 13,
Sandy will celebrate the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Jarl attended the
- .
K08e carnivai roruana iasi weeg.
Miss Alice Cooper was visiting in
Kelso last week.
Miss Rose Norris Ends Her
Life While an Innuttof
the Insane Asylem
Body Taken From Train at Oregon
City By Relatives Living
Near This
The body of a lady was taken from
the train at Oregon City Sunday ev
ening and received by friends from
the country. It was reported that the
body was that of Miss Rosa Norris,
who committed suicide In the Insane
hosplatl at Salem Friday, but none
of the officials at the depot could con
firm the rumor. A body was taken
from the train but no one of the of
ficials could say positively as to Its
The story of the death of Miss
Norris Is that she was discovered in lhu niaehlnery has all the latest lm
a crouching position with her head j ProvemVnta and Is the bust of Its
thrust between the iron railing of her ;c!a',!, Owing to other business, will
bed and the heavy mattress. Death jH"" "',aj'nhly.
had resulted from strangulation, al-1 AUo I't'rehenm horse for sale. Act
though her throat had been badly lac-; P"ptly " nt a bargain. Can
erated by her terrible struggles to ,,K' et,n on fr, Clackamas
end her life. Evidently death had 'Station. Or. C. F. CLARKE,
occurred but a few moments before ! - .
the woman was found for when the
nlchtwatch. Mrs. Churchill, made her I
final round at 5 o'clock, but a half I
hour previous, all was as usual In the
Being especially violent the woman
had been, placed in a "straight jack-1
et" of strong blue derrfm, but had i
succeeded in freeing herself of It, pre ltblnk 1 w,,uM ,f ' h-J,,,t Clfam
sumably by the aid of another inmate 1 l,,'rlaln' Collc- Cholera and Diarrhea
of the room. She bad tied the string Reme(,y- "nd thl" nvornlng I feel like
of the jacket shove a window and bad
endeavored to bang herself therefrom,
and, falling, adopted the only method
that seemed available.
Miss Norris. who was 31 yeara of
age, was committed to the asylum
from Portland last July, having pre
viously received an injury from a i
streetcar while driving In that city,
which resulted In a form of mental
trouble that turned her thought al
ways to self-destruction.
Knowing this, the attendants had
watched her with unusual care to pre
vent her from carrying out her de
ign. She was an unusually beauti
ful woman.
Upon the discovery of the body Cor-
orner Clough was summoned, who
investigated the facts and prepared
the remain for shipment
Hon. James R. Garfield, Secretary
f the Interior, and party, will spend
Saturday, July 13, In Portland. They
will be guests of Dr. Henry Waldo
Coe for a drive over the city, and i pointed to find that their family phys
luncheon aUhls residence and for a lidan Is v frmn hmn -,h..n m
banquet at he Commercial Club In
the evening.
Vlrn Prnalrlnnt Fnlrhonla a-III , i
me guesi oi me Asiorrn enamoer or
. .
Commerce July 15, with banquet at
The cash receipts of the County Re-
corder'g office for the month of June
fihowa an InffflRn nvpr thfi Mmn
month a year previous and also Ko;opfin on thG Krounda near Canny Fri
further than words to prove how
busy Recorder -Ramsby and his dep
uties are. Since June 1 tho cash re
ceipts amount to $421,10, as compared
to $207.30 in June, 190B. During the
past month, 200 deeds were recorded,
as were also 101 mortgages, f,3 can-
cellatlons and satisfactions, 12 assign -
ments and 85 miscellaneous papers. kfinth street of Oregon City, Oregon,
The receipts of the County Clerk's j from the east line of Water reet to
office for the month were $404.50. ,a point on said Ninth' street 150 foot
This record does not lok as good as west of the west line of Main street,
the $127 of last June, but owing toiwin be received bv the committee, r.n
the change that has been made in;
tne ruling concerning the payment of
the District Attorney's fees, the re
ceipts of this office have been lessen-
ed a considerable extent. Had this
fund been colIectecL.it would have ln -
creased this month' receipts by $130.
During the month; 30 marriage li
censes have been filed, and 19 dlssat-
Isfled people have 'filed divorce pro-
ceedlngs gainst their deserting, do- 0f the work, which sum will be sub
linquent and cruel Helpmeets. ject to forfeiture to Ore eon Citv tn
"- 'J'Yr
Xma rnVAlv fT. ..1 . .1
Mohler left Monday to'vislt Eastern
nuuimur wim ner uaugiiicr with, myr-
tie Patton, in Iowa, and the latter
At a regular meeting hold Thurs
day night, t!u Grcenpotnt Hone com
pany No. C effected permanent op
Larry Rucoulch, chief of the fire
department called the meeting to or
der. Charlie Uurna was elected pres
ident of the now company, B." Baxter
Necretnry. and William (Irllltth treas
urer. The other officers and metubH-s
follow: R, Griffith, foreman; Dave
Jones, assistant; Ben Baxter, John
Straight, Dock Moalor. nml T. Her
nelr. The regular meeting night was
fixed for the first Tuesday of each
Private Money To Loan, Per Cent.
On real estate security.
$1000.00 two to five years.
500.00 one year.
750.00 three years,
1500.00 five years.
400.00 two to four years.
C00.00 tliree years,
500 00 two to five years.
2500.00 one to 5 years.
Call, write or 'phone by July 1. 1907.
Attorney at Law. Stevens Bldg., Ore
gon City, Ore.
New Thomas hay tedder, nearly
new hinder, Doerlng mower, and
Souths Iclf hay baler In good repair.
;Be,t ":" th World for Colic,
,Rd Diarrhoea.
flml Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
,and "hoea Remedy to be the best
! remedy In tho world." says Mr. C. L.
:crte'" of Sklrum. Ala. "I am snojoct
to collc "n(1 diarrhoea. Ust spring It
,mp,l though I would die, and I
a new man."
For sale by Howell A
Salem. Or.. June 28 Collins Me-
gordcr was hanged at the penitentiary
at 12:29 p. m.. for the murder of his
wlfo Mary, March 30, 1905. at Nysso,
Life was soon extinct. When asked
If he had anything to say he declined
to make a statement Three of his
children made a personal appeal to
'Governor Chamberlain for his life
but their request was refused.
HOUSE AND LOT has fruit tree,
chicken house, etc., located on 8lxth
street. Must be sold at once. Call at
Daniel Williams, 41CV& Seventh street
Sold on easy terms.
The Doctor Away From Home When
Most Needed.
People are often very much dlsap-
most need his services. Diseases like
cramp colic and cholera morbus re-
nnlrn nromnt treatment unrl hma (n
manv instsnnpn nrovon fntal l.f,.ro
, , . , .
.medicine could be procured or
physician summoned. The right way
Is to kp at hand a bottle of Cham
berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. No physician can prescribe
a better medicine for these diseases
Ry havln 11 la-the ou:, y "-p
much pain and suffering and all risk.
I Buy It now; It may save life. For
,8ale How('11 & J"-
A Methodist r.ampmeotlng Will
,day evening. Arrangements for a prof-
liable time have been made.
Sealed proposals for furnishing all
'labor and materials for Improving
streets and public property of the
council of Oregon Citv until 4 o'eWk
p. m of Monday, July 15, 1907.
Plans and specifications containing
further information will be fiimlh(l
upn application to the Recorder of
Oregon City.
Each proposal must be accompanied
by a certified check for a sura equal
to five per ent of the total estimate
case or me failure of the successful
I 1,1 I . , , , ,
,-.uur uero.n w lurmsn me required
bonds and enter Into
io uo, wtium me lime specinea in tne
time and manner ordinance covering
Propolis must bo mndo upon i
blanks furnished by the City KmrI- i
The right to reject any and all
bids and to accept any bid considered
most favorable to Oregon City Is
hereby reserved.
Each proposal must state the time
required for the completion of the
of said
street and which Improvement work
iiuiMi no uccoruing io i no oruinuucos
, , , . . . .
oi iii't-gun uj, anil me pians aim
specifications governing such work.
.. ... .'.I. . . i i
All proposals must' be addressed to
the committer on Streets and Public.
Property of the Council of Oregon
City. In care of the Recorder.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order of the Council of Oregon
City, made at a regular meeting of
said council, held Wednesday, July
3, l;t07.
Dated at Oregon City. Oregon, July
5. l!ti7.
K. P. RANM, (July. 1307, that belnij the lant day pre
V. J. MKYKR, I scribed In the order of publication in
D. 0, WILLIAMS lnl "'"iiiious. and If you fall to ap
. ... '' ,' ' ' , '' pear and answer said complaint, the
Committee on Streets and Public llillllll(T ., ., . mlt r.
Property of Council of Oregon City,
Proposals for Bonds of Multnomah
No. 1, A. F, A A. M.
Bids will be received by the under-
signed for the purchase of all or any
part of the Bonds of Muluomah Idge
No. 1, A. Y. & A. M.. of Oregon City,
In denominations of Ono Hundred Dot-
lars each .lat...l AtiiriiMt 1 HiV lu.-r
ars ean. Hated August 1, 190,, N - ar -
Ing Interest at the rate of Five per
cent per annum, -payable semi annu-
ally on tho first day of February and
August In each year; said Bonds to
bo In four series, payable, as follows:
$10,000.00 payable August 1. 1919.
August 1,
nilRWWl 1, It'll,
A........ i inn,
$8000.00 payable August 1. 1917, and
$10,000 00 payable August 1, 1919.
Rlds to specify the amount of bonds un: ,'," -V'' ". ! ih.v
. , . . . . , ,. . named defendant, are hereby required
wanted and In what series. Full I.,. ,,, ,ni, ai()(Wwr ,he c,,,,,,,,,,,
formation regarding these bonds can ' filed against you herein on or before
be obtained of either of the under-1 Monday, tho Z9th day of July, 1907,
signed. Bids to be submitted on or!1"1 (Mty ,",,nB - irom ,n-
hf. - m .... ...
- Ul" - "'' -
Notice for Bridge Bids.
9eaM bids are Invited for tho con -
scructUnof an 100 foot span Howe-
Trus bridge, resting upon conorcto
piers, together with 64 f.-t of ap-
proaeh. acros. Butte erwk'0 the.?.'" "' i''n'rrpLr. ' tt'.,!.nM ln A
boundary line between the counties
of Marion and Clackamas, State of
Oregon, at what is known as the Jack
bridge, ono mile southwest of Mar-
qua m, Oregon. Plans and specifica
tions will le on file at the offices of
the county Judges of Marlon and
Clackamas Counties, on and after
June 15th. 1907.
Bids will I opened on Friday,
July 6th. 1907. In the county court
room at 1 o'clock p. m., at Salem, Or
Each bidder will be required to do-
posit a certified check for tho amount
or per cent or nis bid. which shall
bo forfeited to the counties of Marlon
and Clackamas In case tho award is
made to him, if he falls, neglects, or
refuses, for the porlod of two days
after such award Is made, to enter
Into a contract and file his bond In
tho manner required by, and to the
satisfaction of tho above named coun
ty courts nnon the day appointed.
The connty courts of Marlon and
Clackamas reserve the right to re
ject any and all bids.
Marlon County by
Roadmaater for Marlon County, Ore
gon. Clackamas County by
Administrator's Notice of Final Set
tlement. -
Patrick Sharkey Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has this day filed
his final account as administra
tor of the Estate of Pat
rick Sharkey, deceased, and that the
Connty Court of the State of Oregon,
County of Clackamas, has sot Mon
day the 29th day of July) 1907, at the
hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day
and the court room of said court as
the place and hour of hearing objec
tions thereto.
A'Imlnltrat0'' of the Estate of Pat-
riCK Hn&rKey, deceased.
Every Man His Own Doctor.
The average man cannot afford to
employ a physician for every slight
ailment or Injury that may occur In
his family, nor can he afford to ne
glect them, as bo slight an Injury as
the scratch of a pin has been known
to cause the loss of a limb. Hence
every man , must from necessity be
nis own noctor for thla class of ali
ments. Success often depends upon
prompt treatment, which can onlv he
had when suitable medicines are kept
at hand. Chamberlain's Remedies
have been In the market for many
years and enjoy a good reputation.
Chamberlain's Collc, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints.
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy for
'"ukIim, colds, croup und whooping
Chamberlain's Pain Balm (an anti
septic liniment) for cuts, bruises,
burns, sprains, swellings, lame, back
and rheumatic pains,
Chamberlain's Htoinach and Liver
Tablets for constipation, biliousness
and stomach lr,ouliUm,
Chamberlain's Halve for discuses of
One bottle r each of these five
preparations cunts but $125, For sale
. i,y I , w 1 1 & Jones
tu the Circuit Court of tho Slate or
On-gnn for Clackaiiins County.
Horace It, Martin, Plaintiff,
Ilerlba C. Martin, Defendant
!.. 11.. .11,,, r Vt ni t In ilm ah, iv
',.,, 1r1i,,".
I In tlm name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
"r tho complaint filed against
hove entitled court and
vim ill lie-
nuiHij on or before tho Kl t U day of
the relief prayed for In this complaint.
lowlt: For a decree of the court til-
solving the bonds of matrimony here-
tofiirit anil inn nxlHtlni; between Mill
Mm t. plaintiff upon the ground of
of desertion.
TI,H tmmoii Is published In the
; -,k;
,r ((f joll Thomas a. Mcllrld-,
Judge of the above entitled court,
"'" 3"'1 ")'
,h" "rnt Publication being on Uie .1(1
. , ,)f Jlm, ,y,l7 ,,, , ,,,,.
jr.non being on the 12th day of July.
j lt07. JOHN K. J.OtlAN,
Attorney for tho Plaintiff.
Jlo the Circuit Court of the fltatn of
Orgon In nd for the County of
Una M. Nelson, Plaintiff.
I y
j Andrew Nelson, Defendant.
I In the name of tliu Htato of Orv
PUcauon summon, ner--
lln. and If you fall to appear and an
i it"! ntf I'lotuiLiit win myyj vmo
i Court for the relief prayed for In
.- I. ...... ! ..1l1 will .,ttlt I- Ka
tho complaint on file herein, to which
reference Is hereby made, and more
particularly as follows: For a docroe
dissolving tho bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and do-
fiintlnnt in Hi n irriiiinil of cruel and
, inhuman treatment.
This summons Is served upon you
' r publication thereof for not less
lhn K -l -'k ,n
gun, and by order of the Honorable
Thomas A. McHrlde. Judge of the
abovo entitled Court, which order i
dated the loth day of June, 1907.
Tho date of tho first publication of
this summons la Friday, the Hth day
of Juno. )9i)7. and the date of the
lust publication of thla summons Is
Friday, the 2t;th day of July, 1907.
2717 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
tho County Court of Clackamas Coun-
f u rkr..,.n A,1...lnllri.ff. ,.f II... !.".
iaJn of i)ni Evns.' k
ute of Clackamas Count)
All persons having claims at,
i aid
K 1.
estato are hereby notified b,
same, duly verified according
with my attorney, a H, D.
Cor. Cth and Main Streets,
City, Oregon, within six nmntl
tho date of this notice.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregi,
i '
14lh day of Juno A. I). 1907.
Administratrix of aforesaid Er
When In Portland see The Illsmark,
2tf Alder, between 2d and 3d. C. W,
Kelly, proprietor. '
Have You Rooms to Rent?
Persons having rcsmis for teachers'
attending the Summer Normal,
please' report, stating terms, to J. C.
Zlnser. 353
"I lather and iliave in from two to
five minutes and blrsi the day I bought
my Gillrttc Raior," sayi ono ol tlie
No matter how tough your beard or
tender yrtur skin, each double-edged
wafer blade will give you an average
of more than 20 clean, velvet have.
Alivayt R(a,fy, Ativan Sharp.
(24 Sharp Edge.)
Set consists of Triple Silver-plated
Holder and 12 double-edged blades
(24 sharp edges) in a handsome
leather-covered case.
Triple Silrcr plilrd Holdur an- 1 drnihU.
drd bladm, IS. Stindud Cnmblntllon Sl
wild Shaving Brmh and Snip In Triple Silver
Slued Holdcri.17.80. Silia Blaaei.LUIoi 0c.
will go to 8t. Paul.
said street Improvement.