Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 05, 1907, Image 1

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planning for it barbecue on tliut day.
"Patriotic Day" opimimIh to tlie old
soldier Ami thity wish to eo thin
event md a profit utile occasion and
will do all they can to inako It ho.
Promise to be the Best Given
at the Summer Gather
Singers From Other .Cities Invited
to Join the Choru and
Free Initructlon
Tim three mncert to bo t.vn at
the Chautauqua by Dr. Ft. A. Heritage..
are said to combine nuiro than iihumI
InicrcHt thl yur. They will bo (tlvrn
Wednesday t-venlng, July 10; Satur
day evening, July 13, and Saturday
evening. July 20.
Dr. Ilerliago I a popular musical
director n1 is sparing no pain to
snake them three concert th bent
ever Riven In connection with Chau
tauqua. There will b several well
known sololut who will participate
mid Ihn otitliKk fur a pleasant aerie
of enjoyable concert lit very flttr-log.
The program for Wednesday, July
10, follow:
I Fd Thy AriKl Spirit... O. Hoffman
Mr. Hinge ami Dr. Heritage.
Honor and Arum, "Samson". . .Handel
Dr. it. A. Heritage.
A Gipsy Maiden Parker
Mm. Ilullln ParrUh Hlng"-..
Polonaise In A flnt Chopin
Mr. Arthur von Jensen.
Koadlnic 1'rof. W. Eugene Knox
When I am Near The Aht
Mr, 1 !SriKM and Dr. Heritage.
(a) ltur-t, Ye Apple Hud Emery,
(h) A Spring Honit Well
Mm. lUllle 1'arrlnh Ulng.
In1 Mw Thine Aid, "Queen of
Sheba" Gounod
Dr. H. A. Heritage.
Rlgoletlo, Paraphrase for piano..
Verdi l.lsU
Mr. Arthur von Ji'Hen.
At the seeond concert, Saturday,
July 13, a eliorti will produce tho
rustle cantata, "Tho Month and Sea
mum." It U In four arts, In full cos
tume, given by 2T.0 children from
the public school of Oregon City.
ArKument There are 12 nolulst,
one for each month. Threw of thtHe
HtilolMta represent a season and tho
entire chortiM sings a chorus appn
prlato for eurh season. There are
four tableaux: "Winter Sport,"
"Crowning th' May Queen." 'llar
v(Ht'r and Gleaners," und "Thanks
giving." The chorus will also king
'Tho Soldier dunus" from Faust,
"The Anvil Chorus" from Trovatore,
with four anvils and eight strikers,
the Slute Song, "The Oregon Grape,"
by .Mr. Rvh Kmery Dye.
Dr. HerltiiKo ha the children In
training and It 1h expected that thin
will be one of the llnext entertain-
tuonts ever given on the Chautauqua
Tim clotting conceit will U Riven
Saturday, July 20, uiul will consist of
about eight rousing Chorum's by the
( 'linn 1 iiiHiuu Choral Club, with solos,
duet, and quartet ' by noted mimic
Inn from various parts of the Coun
try. Miss Johnson, of Chicago; Mr.
voii JcxHcii and Dr. Heritage will each
glvo a number. The innslcpl director
)m Invited singers from Portland,
Oregon City, Sulem, Albany, Eugene
Oorvnllls, McMlnnvlllo, Forest Grove,
lilllsboro, Astoria, Tho Dalles, Gold
findalo, Hood River, and in fact from
Molalla, July 1 Fourth of July to
the Enterprising Star and ataff.
Not no much demand fur leu thl
week, let no one get Into tho "cooler"
The Molalla ilnnd will toot at Ore
gon City on the Fourth.
It. F. HarleN hu had the typhoid
fever .for two wek.
J. It. Colo' new barn fa nearlng
Fred Sehafer export to have hi
new "donkey" at work In tho timber
thl week. Hex IOwl, "driver" of the.
old "donkey," I getting her fixed up
to kimid alone on tho Fourth or to
outdo the new one.
The recent rain have retarded hak
making and been beneflelal In nettling
thn duHt and ahllng Urn growth of
vegetation and we hope for rnoro rain
while It I coming.
C. II. II. Thoma and wife will go
to Waltkburg, Waab., after the Fourth
Gov. Cummins Says Neces
sary for Him to Carry Out
His Own Reforms.
Tho funeral will bo held Friday
morning at 11 o'clock from the Con-"
grcgallonal church, the Uev. E. C.
Oakley conducting the mervlcc. i
To Kep Cretdy Corporation Out Of
Tho Plum Orchard Whan
Th Fruit I
MliitieapollH, June 28 Governor A.
H. Cummin, of Jowa, In an Interview
here today ald:
"Theodore Room vr It ought (u, ami,
I believe bo will bo, a candidate to
to operate a cook wagon during tbo ; aurr.(.r.i hlmaelf r Praldcnt
harveht time. I One thing the Iow1 executive tit-
Hud the Molalla man not been af-.t1ed for all tlmo wa the perklttU-nt
flirted with rlieumatlMm In hi right J report, that be would be a candidate
"harm." It would have taken everaljfr the nomination a I'reKldent on
more Oregon City men to have n, Republican ticket at the next Na
man bed him to Jail a be feel and tionul convention,
art rather "liya kkookum" when j -you may y for mo that I poi
flre huch klatalva'a rliwk. chM-k jtlvely am not and nhall not bo a can
down hi neck. It keeni a though dldate."
he wa getting ready for tho Sunday Aked If bo would bo a candidate
Marriage License.
A marrlago llcenne was limued
Tueaday afternoon to Doretha FVey
and C. R. Humphrey. Tho bride
formerly roalded In thi city. They
will be married at their residence In
Portland, Wednesday afternoon.
July 3 Ida Wolfhager and Archie
July 3 Edna H. Womer aod Ray
mond A, Wilcox.
The groom In the first llcermo haa
not yet reached the age when ho can
do a he pleato but hi daddy gave
hi conont.
July 1 Vanette Elizabeth Korton
and George 1'ercy Iiugla.
July 2 Maude O. Stone and D. H.
June 29 Julia Aemiklgger and
Otho M. Rlchcy.
Lays Bare the Secrets of that
Noted Den of Spies
and watches
pant back to good humor with the
drollest kind of a tale of hi arrest
by the militia with all the pomp and
circumstance of war time, the activi
ties of the vermin In the "bullpen"
and hi happy release by a brother
Woodman of the World, who com
manded the militia.
For Defence in Haywood Trial But
Proeecution Endeavor to Make
Capital Out of the
Boise, Id., July 2 MorrI Friedman,
the young Russian stenographer who
Shubel, June 30 Mrs. Jacob Gross
miller went to Portland last week for
a few days' visit.
The metallc circuit la nearlng com
pletion. , Mlsse Laura and Gertie Shubel
are home on a visit.
Dlx Bros, lost a valuable horso last
Albert Moehnke Is breaking In a
new team of horses be purchased a
short time ago.
School closed here last Friday. An
entertainment and Ice cream social
was given In the evening. A large
crowd was present
Mr. Ella Moehnke of this place
closed a succesful term of school
at Henrlcl' last Friday with a basket
eluding by taking on board
James Alexander, Employe
at Willamette Paper Mills,
Killed This Morning
Cleveland. Ohio, July 3 John "'
Rockefeller is still In the tall timber. Ml the employ of the Plnkerton agen
Rrported, however, that he has ac- W t Denver to write a book In which
cepted a subpoena at hi daughter' he published certain correspondence
home In New York, but court authorl- f th agency that passed through his social In Beaver Creek ball SaturJay
iwh noi miormcu or coriaimy or u,- waa s-" j uo
Mlnni A (vii a of tha Gtittnanharc mil
V I J'ul u 14 rj . it 's kji'.unvMuvi q uva
der trial. More than half of the court'a
day wa occupied In reading to the
Jury copies of the document which
Mr. Friedman took from the Plnker
ton record. These were chiefly the
daily reports of ecret agents operat
ing as spies among the union and
Portland, July 3 The greatest July junion men at Cripple Creek, Victor,
rainstorm known in years visited this '.Globedale, Trinidad and Denver, and
for the Cnlted States Senate to sue'
reed Allihon, Governor Cummin vir
tually acknowledged tho fact.
"People down our way say it I a
conceded fact," he said, significantly.
Of Rookevelt, Governor Cummin
"I hava said before that I believed
President Roosevelt khould succeed j
tilmu.Jf . ,1 T twin, will mav f.ti tliA I
t, ttMn-.il, . .. mil wtfj fc.tv,
first time that I believe he i the one
man to carry out the great reform
hn hak Inaugurated. I know he is
city Tuesday night. Between the
hours of 10 and 11:45 over an Inch of
water fell, coming down In torrent.
Mr. Masslnger and daughter Julia
visited with Mrs. Robert GInther one
day last week.
showed a complete surveillance of
the Western Federation of Miner and
the United Mlneowners of America
Dirt and debrl wanhed across the during the labor trouble In Colorado
railway tracks caused the ' derailing ! in 1903-5. Plnkerton men sat In the
of kix street cars.
Dover. July 2 Frank Morrison and
George Kltmiller left Monday for a
Federation Convention at Denver In
1904, reporting all proceedings. None
of the reports or letter that were pro
duced by Mr. Friedman and read to
the Jury by Clarence Darrow contain
ed other than general reference to
the collateral Issues of the trial, but
they were offered in substantiation of
Estacada, July 1 Born, to the wife
of Elmer Davis of Garfield, a daugh
ter, June 23. .
Frank Thomas' baby died this
morning. It will be buried tomorrow
at the ML Zion cemetery. It death
was caused by whooping cough.
A mas meeting of the citizen of
Eastern Clackamas county has been
called at the Garfield grange hall for
the purpose of organizing a develop
ment league to advertise and boost
the Interests of Estacada and the
surrounding country. Everybody Is
slncero In his decision not to again few days' fixhing on the South fork of ! the counter c,alra of the defense that, invited and It la hoped the hall will
line rinnerum agency conspirea lor , be niiea. ine lDvnauons l exiena-
accent, but I prophesy that the nubile i v.aein freeif
. ,, . , . . i . ; . v, .i,w....t,.. ,.r v, .-. t.w. rnA. j . - . i , . 1 1
demand inira an seciionk oi me ia- I (Jeorco iSawteli has hepn hplnin? hla ! l"c u11 "-"' " f u rcuci- ,ea 10 uie iauit-
I -"r I . .
Hon will be so strong that bo will be i brother In law at Eagle Creek with hI iatlon 01 Imer8 and the lives I its
made to see that It Is his duty tojhBylng. .leaders.
serve the people for another four Percy Kltzmiller and wife are spend-1 Freldman's testimony was not ob
years. There Is nothing In the Idea inR t hoir honeymoon on the home-MecU(1 u b the prosecution but on
that he should not accept because of stead with hi people. j cross-examination he was attacked on
the old fogy Idea that a man must a. J. Morrison drove to Portland i tho ffround that he had played the
When HI Feet Slipped, It I Suppos
ed, Breaking HI Neck No
One Witnessed the
quit when he ha served two term, j this week. His daughter, Miss Edna,)
and If there was, he could still take j will return with him to spend the
another term, for ho will not have I Fourth,
serveu iwo compile term wnen nis
j Pinkertons false and had stolen the
Jams Alexander,
The meeting will be
held Friday evening, July 12, at 8 p.
m. It la the Intention of the promo
ter of the plan to have literature de
scriptive of the resources and advan
tages of our part of Clackamas coun
ty printed to be distributed to all
present term expires."
Asked a to whnt would be the
great political Issue for the campaign
of 1908, the Governor said:
"The paramount Issue, I apprehend,
will be the fair and proper regula-
an employee of, t ion of Interstate commerce. I have
the Willamette Pulp and Paper Co., 'great hopes that tariff revision will
fell a little before noon Tuesday, 'not be a political Issue. It' would
killing him almost Instantly. 'neem likely that the platform adopted
Mrs. Joseph DeShazer entertained
her brother and his family from Olym
pla last week. They came overland
and report some very bad roads.
Dr. Watters w Ith a company of min-
parts by members sending this mat-
document he produced. Freldman ter out In letters.
contended the methods of the Pinker-1 The Rev. Dr. Rowland, elder of the
ton agency fully justified what he M. E church for this district, preach
did, and said that if he had known ed at the M. E. church at Estacada,
this trial was coming up, he would Sunday evening.
have taken more letters and reports.
Methods of Militia.
Miss Eva D. Pruner has been em
ployed to teach in the intermediate
Another Interesting witness was i department of the Estacada school.
isters and two young men are at his
farm, enjoying the fine fishing Eagle !James L- Wallace, an attorney of She left Sunday for her home at Rid
Creek affords. Cripple CreeK, who served with the dies, Douglass county.
Quite a number of Doverltes 'will , mlll,la first 83 a P-"Ivate -ni- then as I Miss Stevens was re-employed as
celebrate with the Sandy people this ;R Heutenant during the strike of 1903- 'primary teacher in the Estacada
year. He related several incidents as school.
Cant. Branson and wife returned to i tending to show the misuse of the The Misses Iva Dale, Stella and
old grinder room of Mill A, and was ventlon will contain a plank going un- mover last Thursday, having boen'power ot the miIitia by the mine-.. Linda Womer went to Oregon City,
seen to turn to descend tbo steps, eoulvocallv on record in favor of L,n ntK,... 'i.j owners and eave the criminal records ' ftnndav for thp nnrnnsp nf nttontlinc
I ' - - p. "'- r-tuv; vv IWOI..I . .uuiiuni : t - o
I. I 1 1 t. fc . il. I . t ... ... I . j M . 1 Ma. . . 1 . -
noon their friends treated them to an OI 8omo 01 ine Bunngniers importea
old fashioned surprise party. They ibjr the niineowners,' told of the work
brought lunch, set a table in the yard j,n8 of the card system, recited the
and had a very enjoyable time. Dr. ; circumstances connected with the
Rowlands, Dr. Watters and Rev. c. ,,ootinR pt the unlon Btores and the
Alexander waH walking along In the at the next National Republican Con-
He was by himself nnd that was the changing of the tariff schedules as
liiHt siyn of him 'until ho was picked .they now exist With our great party
up unconscious on the cement Hour j pledged to this principle, the decks
of the room below. It is supposed are cleared for the next great prob
death was mused by concussion of lent."
the brain from striking on the hard i
floor. It Is not known, whether bo1
fell over the railing or under.
When tbo body was rescued, the
neck had been broken and a gash cut
In his throat.
Alexander was mustered out of the
army. April 15 and went to work In
the paper mills April 29. Little or
nothing Is known of his personal nf-
the summer normal school.
Garfield school closed last Friday.
B. O. Bozwell and L. J. Palmateer
put In the telephones for the central
division last week, and phone bells
McPhersou wero present.
Dr. Rowland held
Ing services at the
quarterly meet
cuhrch Monday
Salem, Ore., July. 3 Judge Wm.
The closing down of the woolen
mills for the dinner hour, today,
rnused considerable trouble for those
building the cement breakwater at
fairs. Hut it is known that he has a tho Lowor 1(nH,u Wlu, tho wator
sister, Mrs. Susan Cooke, residing in C(nS(,(1 t0 turn th watPrs m
Houston, Texas, who Is his only rel (10 temporary Hume overflowed Into 1 Galloway today rendered a decision
atlve. 'the Ixiwer Pnsln and backed' up ! which Practically nullifies the refer-
Dr. Sommer was summoned, but of B(ll11Ht (nc cement work, overflowing ' ei,(,um enactments of recent I.egisla
conrso could do nothing. Coroner nt one ))0nt where the workmen were 't'f't's. His decision was on the ground
Dolman was called to tho scene and , tamping In the cement. that the act did not properly state
shortly afterward the body was re-1 mm,PBrv iinm u.w ninHv mm. lit purpose In its caption.
everywhere within 200 miles of the moml ta ,0 morgu(, An nqu08t m m &mUj
" v - win oe iumu tuesuay evening. ! nienttroreeded. The loss was trlfl-! Mrs. Henrv Wallbrecht ami Mr.
jnewspaptr office, and swore that he lhave been merrily jingling ever since.
saw K. C. bterling, chier detective tor George D. Ely, Currinsville's bache
the mlneowners, fire the first shot in ,lor merchant, surprised his friends
the Victor riot the day the Indepen-jlast Monday by marying Mrs. Clara
dence station was blown up. ' Knight. They are spending their
M. E. White, an organizer for the jhoneymoon in Eastern Oregon.
Western Federation, was the last wit- j Prof. J. E. Stubbs and wife were at
ness and brought the trial partlcl- Hood River last week.
tago of the free music classes and
the half-rate on season tickets, and
help to swell the chorus Into tho best
cvor lieard at Gladstone.
nientnroceeded. The loss was trl
Mrs... Cooke was wired concerning ,ng nm, tno (U,,ay otlly tom,K)1.ai.y.
tho accident and tbo body will bo I
held pending her Instructions.
How to Cure Chilblain.
A Sufferer From Paralysis.
Nellie Maria Cheney, wife of O.
A. Cheney, died at tho family resl-
Wednesdny, July 17, Is putiiotlc
day at tho Chautnuu.ua, and tho man
agement has a splendid program for
that occasion. In tho afternoon Sen
ator Elmer J. Burkett, of Nebraska,
will speak on "The American Flag."
; In the evening Congressman Willi C.
llawley speaks on the topic, "Some
Present Day American , Problems," .
Members of the local G.' A. R. post
10 enjoy ireeuom irom cnuumins, (lonco tn (jreenpolnt, Tuesday after-
wrttes John Kemp, East Otlsfleld, Me., nooUi aftor a Btroke of paralysls, her
apply liucklens Arnica Sniva. llln(1RS Blx w0Ua.
j Payne and wife and. little son Eugene
of Los Angeles are spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. William Gard
ner and daughter Miss Annie at Mel
drum. Mr. payno has sold his place
in California and la looking over this
country with a view to locating here.
On account ot the Fourth of July
falling -on Thursday this week, the
Have also used it for saltrheum with , Mra Chenpy waa l)0Vn in catsklll,
excellent resulta." Guaranteed for N Y October 7, 1839. She has re-
lever soios, muoieni uicors, pues, Bi,itHl - in this state for the past 14 , usual mid-week '!, prayer meeting of
burns, wounds,,, frost bites and skin ypara an,i ha8 iwn recognIzed as j the First Baptist church will be held
diseases, 2Bo at Howell & Jones drug oho of the most energetic workers for : on Friday evening, July 5, at 7:45.
Store. . , Mio nmip-iTurntlnnfil rOmi-nli nf irlilili ITlllfl tw tllrt firt mntithlv rnvAnnnt
she was a member. She leaves a hits- meeting. Pastor Linden will lead
Thoroughbred Berkshire Hog, I band and seven children, Chette L., and all members of the church are
Anyone wishing to buy thorough-' of Chicago, Eston S. nnd Grafton B. j urged to bo, present. All others are
bred Berkshire male hogs, aged about of San Francisco, Ardon W. of Ore-: most cordially welcome.
six months, call nnd see them or gon City," Mrs. Willis Johnson of La-
write R. S. McLaughlin, R. F, D. No, fayette, Ethel of McMinnville and Bert Clark has been ill for several
have taken p the matter and are 1, Mllwaukle, Ore., Box 122. 80t4 Edith of this city. .days at his home at Mt. Pleasant.
Farms to be listed with us.
We advertise extensively.
That gives us a market.
We have-many Inquiries.
That gives us customers.
We go after business.
That helps us to sell your farm.
We are wide awake.
That brlng3 quick returns for you.
Cooper & Co.