OREGON CITY, ORIGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 110 Y7J7 11 illi AT RE Gand Celebration for Clackamas Cotinty People Monster Parade at J0:00 A. Wl. Patriotic Exercises in City Par k (S(D)FJ THREE BRHSS BRNDS. Don't Fail to See the Land and Water Sports and Races in the Afternoon. COME HEAR THE EAGLE SCREAM. GRAND n Evening at Armory Daylight Fireworks And Special Features. SPECTACULAR ILLUMINATION Of Willamette Falls at Night. CASH PRIZES FOR THE FOLLOWING FEATURES IN BIG PARADE: Best Decorated Farm Wagon, Best, Single Driving Horse, Best Farm Team, Best Driving Team, Largest Family in Clackamas County CA8IN IS DESTROYED Parkplace Men Lose Personal Effects in Early Morning Fire at Cazardero. QUICK WORK OF FLAMES No Tims To Save Even Their Cloth IngEdward Hlmltr Has Nar row Escape From Burning. V. W. Smith, Henry Hourth anil IM Hinder of Parkplace, employed In building troughs for the new salmon batehery above Ca.adero, lost thulr clothing, budding nnd other personal belongings by a lire that burned their cabin at 2 o'clock Wednesday morn ing. They had to borrow clothes In which to come to their homos. Hinder was Bleeping In tho cabin but tho other two men were In a tent a short distance from tho cabin door. A stove In tho cabin had con tained lire early In the evonlng and a lump had been lighted, but both had been cold for hours and tho origin of the flro Ih a mystory. Hinder was awakened by the flro crackling on cither Hldo of him. Ho ruBhed to the door and shouted to tho other men. The cabin was lined with tarred pa per and the structure burned with great rapidity, tho men having time to bring out only two suit canes, Mr, Smith, who Is a deputy fish war den, lont valuable pnpers and all lost their clothing, lllmler had a $20 and n $5 gold piece. Thoso were found in tho ashes melted Into one lump. mimical numbers of the exercises In cluded a vocal nolo by Katherlne Ward Tope of this city. Twelvo Oregon City relatives and .friends of the graduates were present ;at the exercises. Wednesday, includ ing Mrs. Williams and daughter Elea nor. Miss liess Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Ijitourette, Earl Latouretto, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warner, Miss lies sle Warner, Miss Elhelyn Albright, Miss Laura Heatle and Mrs. Pope. Oregon City visitors aro pleased over thtt splendid showing of the six grad uates from this city. Jack Latour- etto was one. of tho selected five to compete for tho Falling and Heekman prizes and while ho didn't win he de livered a fine address. They also say that Mrs. Pope's number was con sidered tho gem of tho musical part of the program. HARDING ELECTED NATIONAL DELEGATE TO PARADE ON JULY 4 Order of March and Details as Far as Arranged By Committees. THREE BANDS ENGAGED Music Will Fill Air As Great Military and Civic Pageant Marches On Principal Streets. OREGON CITY MAN CHOSEN TO GO TO ENCAMPMENT AT 8ARATOGA. U. OF 0. COMMENCEMENT. Hoy Wentworth Kelly, John Ran dolph Latouretto, Angollne Williams nnd Hurry Oliver Paddock of this city received tho degree of bachelor of arts from tho University of Ore gon, Wednesday, Charles Thomas Warner, degree of bachelor of sci ence, and William Denton Shlvely, Jr., the degreo of bachelor, of law. , The ' Tho Oregon City and Clackamas county persons who attended tho Grand Army state encampment and meeting of the Relief Corps at New berg, are arriving home today, en thusiastic In praise of the sessions. Great crowds were present Wednes day, and there wero 1000 veterans and members of the ladles auxiliary or ganizations In the parade. The election of officers resulted as follows: Commander, S. F. Dlythe, of Hood River; senior vice-commander, George W. Allen, Newberg; Junior vlco commander, W. J. R. Reach, For est Grove; medical director, Dr. J. E. ''.."ill, Portland; chaplain. Rev. Henry A Gnrdoen, Portland; council of ad ministration, J. R. K. Irving, Port land; J. D. Ilaynes, Portland; C. H. linker. Eugene; R. W. McNutt, Forest Grove; Daniel Webster,, Salem ;Nlele gates to Natlonuincnmpmont to bo held at Saratoga In September, Geo. A. Harding, August Dlpple, W. C. Shaw, C. A. Sloan, C. A. Edmunds; alternates, A. M. Kelly, P. H. Miller, G. W. Hendershott, C.' If. Eggers, It. F. Chamberlain. Frank Busch Float Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. The general Fourth of July commit tee held a meeting last night and ar ranged many of tho details for the big celebration In Oregon City. An other meeting will be held Friday night when tho final details will be filled in. The parade will form in the Green- point section and march south on I Main street to the baRln, counter-j march on Main to Tenth, up Singer hill and Upper Seventh to the City j park where the literary program will ' be given. Tho order of the parade as far as settled is as folows: First Division. Grand Marshal F. A. Looniis. Chief of Staff Color Bearer. Trumpeter F. E. McArthur Oswego Band Separate Co. G O. N. G. Liberty Car O. A. R. Rose Society Float Third Division. Marshal Molalla Band Hill Hose Co. No. 3 Courier Office Float Ely Hose Co. No. 4 Best decorated Farm Wagon Largest Family Float Best Driving Teams Best Farm Teams Best Single Drivers Prizes are offered for largest fam ily, best teams, etc. The exercises In the park Include oration by Hon. C. M. Idleman, reciting of Declara tion of Independence by Miss Watts, solo by Mrs. Brodle, chorus singing by combined choirs, music by the bands, etc. The hose races will be held on South Main street at 2 o'clock. There will be five races, wet test. The foot races, fat men's race, hurdle races and other land sports will be held on North Main street. The motor boat race will be pulled off in the fore noon, while the other boat and swim ming races will follow the land sports. Daylight fire works both forenoon and afternoon and a grand display of the ftrey kind at 8 p. ra. on the hill Just north of the west entrance to the bridge. The O. W. P. and Home Telephone Co. promised to have Main street In as good condition as possible bricks and barrels removed and street swept. dltions, and their remarks were well received. Colonel Hofer of Salem was re elected president of the league. FOURTH OF JULY CASH RECEIVED WILLAMETTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE V ADOPT RESOLUTION INDORSING MOVE TO COMPEL RAILWAY TO SELL ITS LAND. Subscriptions paid into the treasur er of the Fourth of July celebration since last report: By last report $895 50 Tom P. Randall 5 00 Pope & Co 5 00 Geo. A. Talley, Boat House .. 2 50 J. W. Childs (Merry Go Round). 2 00 Dlmlck & Dlmlck 10 00 Drs. Carll & Melssner 10 00 0. W. Eastham 5 00 0. D. Eby 5 00 C. H. Dye 2 50 J. W. Loder 2 50 E. W. Mellein, Second Hand Store 5 00 Total $950 00 The Crown-Columbia should have been credlte with $30 instead of $5 as it appeared in the last report. W. C. Fredrlch was out to the Thos. F. Ryan farm near Clackamas, Thurs day, setting up a mower purchased from the Fredrlch implement house. THE BRUNSWICK Hotel and Restaurant Best Service and Accommodations Main St., 0pp. suspension Bridge R. A. SAWYER Successor to Chas. Albright. Up-to-date ButcherShop Cor. Fifth and Main Stt. CASCADE LAUNDRY Clothes Washed "Whiter Than Snow." Family Washings at Reasonable Rates- -No worry, no regrets If you phone 1204. Our wagon will calL O. D. EBY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land tiles examined, estate settled, general law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. Marriage Licenses. July 20 Ruby Cooke and Mark M. Hencock. June 27 Bertha B. Hewitt and Le land S. Tennant, First dent of Second Division. Marshal Osegon'CIty Band Carriage, containing Presl Day J. E. Hedges; reader, Miss Elva Watts; soloist, Mrs. Imo gct Harding Bvodle; orator, lion. C. M. Idleman. Second Carriage, containing com mittee of ladies on decoration. Improved Order of Red Men Cataract Hose Co. Prlco Bros. Float Fountain' Hose Co. The movement to compel the South ern Pacific to sell its land in Oregon occupied a large share of the session of the Willamette Valley Development league at Cottage Grove Wednesday. Resolutions were adopted indorsing the movement. B. F. Hawley in the course of bis ! address, gave a review of the various J grants, referring to that which re verted to the Oregon & California Railroad, with the direct understand ing the company was , to sell It to settlers for not more that $2.50 an acre. J. U, Campbell of Oregon City, and Prof. F. G. Young, of Eugene, spoke on industrial and economic con- S There's Reason for Everything Thb reason we enjoy the largest dental practice In Oregon City is because we try to excel In our work. Our work lasts, we never do poor work. The people t it -.. . t. M I I I Tr"! i fort 13 10 glve not "3ust as Vv'il' i Jl good" but the best work, and that for as little monev as possible. Our recent trip East to the great centers , of dental edu cation, was for the purpose of giving you the lat est and best, up-to-date dentistry. Our seventeen years of suc cessful practice in Oregon City is the best guarantee any dentist can give you.' A guarantee is good only as long as you can find one who gives it, and then not always. We are ccreful not to hurt you, as we have feelings ourselves. We want your work and want you to send us your friends. Have an eastern expert graduate -assistant dentist. We put our own name back of our practice. Our prices are the lowest in the city for good work. DENTIST Weinhard Building, Oregon City, Ore. s I 9 Dr. L L Pickens Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of Dentistry, City Phone 2671 Mutual and Independent 131