OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1007. IFirck UDoinita! Work Moderate Prices We wish to announce to the public that we have opened offices in your dty where we are prcparedfto give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider ing the'class of work produced. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS All operations performed by the latest Painless methods Note our prices SOLID GOLD CROWNS - $5.00 BRIDGE WORK - - $5.00 FULL SET OF TEETH - - $5.00 f i O: Over Harding's Drug Store Rooms 8 and 9, Willamette Building LOCAL NEWS. (Mrs. Henry Wetzler borne on Main street is ill at her Mrs. Mary J. Jack of Marquam Yisitlng her son, J. E. Jack. . is Miss Ethelyn Albright is at Eugene for the graduating exercises. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wllmot spent Sunday with friends in Portland. Dr. W. J. Adams of Portland was a guest of Oregon City friends Sunday. Miss Hanetta Franklin of Portland is visiting her friend, Miss Marie Lewis. Mrs. E. Rheeling and Miss L. Whit field of Tacoma are visiting friends here. V. Harris and son Herbert went to Wilhoit Springs Monday, for a week's vacation. Mrs. John Lewthwaite, Jr., has re turned from a two weeks' visit with Portland relatives. George and Jean Ogle of Molalla are atending to business interests in the county seat. H. A. Toedtemeier of Stafford was In town Monday trading. He took a buggy from Duane C. Ely's home with him. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wilson were up from Portland Sunday to visit her Bisters, Mrs. R. C. Bernier and Miss Pearl Wood. Miss Jessie Paddock returned Mon day from a visit with friends at Eugene. She attended the Baccalau reate sermon. i Mrs. John Lewthwaite, Sr., and daughter Alice will leave for Tacoma, Wash., Tuesday evening, for a visit with friends. Mrs. R. C. Bernier is visiting with friends at McMinnvllle. Mrs. George E. Guild of Honolulu is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Holden of this city. A. B. Price," a former resident of Molalla. but now residing in Virginia City, Nev., is visiting Oregon friends. Trafton Dye has gone to Forest Grove to attend the wedding of his friend. Will B. Shively, Jr., Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shively, Sr., and Miss L. Thatcher are in Forest Grove in attendance at the Peterson Shlvely nuptials. Miss Lena Zagorn has returned to her home in Portland after a two days pleasant visit with the family of I. Tolpolar. George Anderson is making prepa rations to install four large plate mirrors in his barber shop. These will measure 48x42 inches. The Seventh Day Adventists will hold a big picnic near Meldrum Sta tion, July 4. A number of Oregon City adherents will attend. Mrs. W. E. Burns sister in Portland. is visiting her Miss Marale Cutlng of Molalla spent Friday with Oregon City friends. Miss Vada Elliott of this city left Saturday morning for a visit with friends In Liberal. Miss Wanda Ralston of Everett, Wash., formerly of this city, is visit ing Miss Morelta Hickman. Mrs. X. Meyers who has bwa visit ing her daughter, Mrs. S. V. Francis, of this city, left Saturday for her home In Chehalls, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Young, Miss Delia Young and Fendall Young, of University Park, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. E. J. Marshall of Cane-mah. Herman Itramlt has accepted a ItoKltlon with Hurmolsler & Andre-son. Julius lluach vlsltod friends urday, ami family of Lokim li Oregon City, Sat- Mrs. A, 11. Wlluiot has accepted a position as clerk In the Electric hotel. Oconto Norrls has accepted a pos ition as tuvsHotiKor with tho Postal Telegraph company. A. 0. AlUlredge dd his place on the Abomathy, Saturday, to a Mr. King, of Missouri. Mrs. Peter tiuinlh and family left Saturday afternoon for Astoria, where they will spend the summer. Irv Hewitt. Judge Hewitt, of son of ex-Circuit Unn county, has located here In the office of Dr. M. C. Strickland. B. Sutton and wife of Great Falls, Mont., who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gruel, at KedlandM, returned to their homo Wednesday evening. A number of the Pioneers who had been attending the state. Pioneers meeting In Portland, spent Thursday In this city, viewing the falls and other sights of Interest. Mrs. R. B. Boatlo and children have gone to the ranch near Beaver Creek to enjoy the summer months. The sheriff will try to spend the week ends with his family. J. N. Harrington has returned from a visit In Coot county. He was at MarshUeld, Baudon and Coqullle, and reports that section of the country In a very prosperous condition. Mrs. Bessie In a well played game of baseball at Canemah park, Sunday, the Ore gon City Blues went down to de feat before the Concord team to the tune of 8 to 3. A return game will be playd next Sunday. Thomas Warner and daugh went to Eugene Saturday to attend the commencement exercises and visit for a week with friends. Mrs. Warner's son Charles Is a grad uate from the state university. Miss Bess Saturday to exercises of her brother Kelly went to Eugene attend commencement the University, where Roy will be graduated and the where Tau PI she will Sorority. be a guest of Mrs. C. A. Stuart left Tuesday morning for Dayton to be present at I the wedding of Miss Cora Spangle, well known in this city. J Adolph Benson, who has been in a camp of the Pacific Logging company at Deep Water, Wash., for three months, returned to Portland, Satur day. He was in Oregon City Monday on his way to his home at Logan. D. C. Baker, secretary of the Crown It Is reported that some miscreants In the Mt Pleasant district have been mutilating the flag signals on the R. F. D. mall boxes of route 1. It would be well for people to warn their chil dren against such conduct as the penalty Is very severe. Ivan Owenbey, who has been tour ing Washington with the Carlisle Op era company, is spending a ten days' vacation with his parents In this city. Miss Esther B. Holden, who has been teaching In the public school at Mount Vernon, Wash., returned home Tuesday morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Holden, of this city. E. F. Crisp of this city Is com pleting a business deal in northern California. Ho Is expecting to re turn about July 1. During; his ab- evenlng for Blue river, where he will 8enco c. N an( Dorl Gm.nman- aro visit the mines. At a meeting of the attending to the office work of the board of directors held Monday night 'Plonoer Transfer company. it was aeciaed mat several improve ments be erected at the plant this summer. Th Imported German Coach $Ulllon PFIEL J 67 1 A beautiful buy, IB hand high weigh 1545 pound, splendid coach actum, that wuh admired hu much at the Lewis and Clark Khow, where be Hiw.,1 third In a (ins of Conch hUI linns that could not w beaten cm either continent, lilel won flint prize mid chnmpUrnHhlp at I bo Oregon Htnt Fair In IIMKM, and Is considered by good JuilKe til he 111" highest dim coach wtnlllon In the state, III colt are uniformly good, and out of trot ting bred mare they look like puro bred coiuiier. Will make the ouoi of 1007 as follows: Monday at Hub-hard: Tuesday nt J. N. McKay'; Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Oe- rgou City. Terms 10 to InHiiro with fl J. N. McKAY, Owner, ... J. li.Ualney, Keeper. R. F. 1. No. 1-Wnodburn. Oregon. Drying preparation simply dnvel. on dry entnrrh thoy dry up the seowtions, which adhvru to tliu uifuthrnno and dooom. pose, caimliiR a fur nioro noriuu trouble than the ordinary form of cuturrh. Avoid all dry. lug iiihuliuita, fuiutt, muokca and ntitT and ua that which cli-mimm, sooth'1 and heal. Ely' Cream llulm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the bond easily and ideftnanily. A triitl size will be mailed for 10 cent. AM dm'M soil the 60o. ie. F.ly Brother, fHJ Warren Ht., N.Y. The Holm cures without pain, does iml irritate or cue sneeing. It epresds Itwlf over an irritated mid angry surfitee, relief. Ill B immediately the painful intUmnintlon. With Fly' Cream Jiulm you are arme4 ageistt Kal CaUrru and Bay 1'oTor. Miss Marie Irvine of McMinnvllle ramo Tuesday for a visit with her friend, Mrs. Krneat V. Rand. Mrs. L. L. Porter, who ha been vis iting relatives In Corvallls since her return from California, came home Wednesday morning. W. A. Holmes of Parkplace, accom panied by hi mother, went to I'ba non, Tuesday morning to visit with relatives the remainder of the week. Miss Harrlette Case, who ha been teaching In Alaska, I expected home this week to spend the summer vaca tion with her mother. Mrs. Mary Caw, of Falls View. Mrs. N. Swanson and three chil dren and Mr. George Howell and two children will leave Wednesday even ing for a three months' visit with rel atives near Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. D. W. Klnnalrd and son Tom returned Tuesday from a two week" visit with friends at Welches. Her daughter Mis Mae Strange will re turn to her homo here next Saturday. Private Money To Loan, 6 Per Cent. On real estate security. $1000.00 two to five year. 600.00 one year, 750.00 three year. 1500.00 five year. 400.00 two to four year, C00.00 three year. MiO.OO two to five year. 2500 00 fine to B year, 'all, write or 'phone by July 1. 1907. JOHN W. LOD1CIL Attorney at Law, Steven Illdg., Ore gon City. Ore. When yon require an Abstract of Tlll to land In Clackauta County, have It accurately and reliably prepared! by a responsible company Incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rate are reasonable. We Invite you to ex amine our oomplele sat of Abtraol Book. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 0G- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bid, PORTLAND. OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas Count Property. I IVY STIIT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace, Office In Jsgger Building, Oregon City J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. Will practice In all courts of the' state Office In Can field Building. Miss Bertha Preobe, who fractured her limb the evening before Decora tion day, after a long and painful Ill ness Is improving. Mrs. Theodore Fenwick of Portland has returned to her home after a pleasant visit with her friends, Misses May and Ethel Thompson. Chester and Ralph Steel of Sterling City, Cal., and Miss Nellie Bayly of Portland are visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Curry. Mrs. I. S. Clark of the Allen Clip ping Bureau, and sister, Miss Edith Thompson, visited their friend, Mrs. G. W. Grace, the first of the week. Mrs. A. Goldsmith, daughter Zida and grandson, Edmond Bollack, have gone to Eugene to visit relatives and attend commencement. Ivan Gold smith, who had been visiting his grandmother, returned to his home. Mr. and Mrs. C. H Hawley, son Wlllard, and Miss Mabel Pusey, Mrs. Hawley's sister, all of Portland, are visiting the ladies' brother, George Pusey, and family, of West Oregon City. The returned Tuesday of last week from a month In Los Angeles, Cal., and will go from here to Wil hoit Springs to continue their vaca tion. The remains of John Fouts Lamont, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex La mont of Portland, were brought to Oregon City for burial Thursday af ternoon. Short services were held at the grave by Rev. P. K. Hammond, attended by sympathizing friends. There were many beautiful floral offerings. Walter A. Dlmlek has accepted an Invitation to deliver the Fourth of July oration at Heppner. Mr. Dim- ick win accompany her husband to Heppner where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mr. E. C. Maddock. J. V. Campbell left Wednesday morning for Cottage Grove, to attend the annual convention of the Willam ette Valley Development League. Wednesday afternoon he addressed the meeting on "The Equities of De velopment." NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V. Craduite of the Ontario Vrterl nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKUlip School of Surgery of Chicago, ha located a. Oregon City ami established so offlcr at The Pahion Stable, hevenlh Strret near Main. Doth Telephone. Farmer' IJJ Man Williams new truck Mrs. Ed. Fairchild of Satsop, Wash., Is visiting at the home of her aunts, Mrs. George A. Harding and Miss Ethelwyn Albright were among the Oregon City friends of Miss Alda Broughton who attended her pipe or gan recital In Portland Tuesday. Miss Broughton was born In Oregon City Turner hava a mnmmnK for transferrin heav jthe Ml88es Robert8- Mr8, Fairchild and she spent the greater part of her machinery, etc. The pJatform is 5!" K" 'U TT i , . daUghtfir f wide and has a capacity of tent;,' , , ' ,"n" I i fc 7 , was double geared winch in the!";.'. '7 . I i,. T , ' . .. ' jouuuay, aiiu niey win remain uni.ii r isner, in recuai at tne r irsi uongre- feet tons. A front end will make the work of load ing easier. The truck was made to order. after the Fourth. Portland is also erts home. Mrs. Jennie May of gational church of Portland and her a guest at the Rob- friends are enthusiastic In their praise of her playing. In tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas, In tho matter of the Estate of John B. Deardorff, deceased, Tho undersigned has filed his final account as Executor of tho last Will of John B. Deardorff, deceased, In the County Court of the Stato of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, and the same has been by said Court set for final hearing and examination on Sat urday, tho 20th day of July, 1907. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., and all persons having objections to said ac count must present the same at said time and place. Dated June 20, 1007. HARRY O. McGOVVAN, Executor of the last Will of John B. Deardorff, deceased. .J. C. MORELAND, Attorney for Ex ecutor. 2St5 i mAHrcH a V2IICi2il bfLl If j B FAMOU8 AT HOME FOR I GENERATIONS PAST; j FAMOUS NOW ALL OVER I j THE WORLD. I For sale by 1 E. MATHIE3. I o Mrs. C. C. Williams and daughter Miss Ella, who spent the winter with j their son and brother, Wallace D. i Williams, at North Yakima, Wash., have returned to their summer home ; at Mt. Pleasant. opolar, Main St. Opp. P. 0 OREGON CITY. OREGON Mrs. Rosina Fout3 went down to Portland Monday to visit until Tues day with her daughter, Mrs. Alex La mont. From there she will go on to Newberg to attend the G. A. R. and W. R. C. encampment in the three days' session beginning Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Meado Kennedy, who went two months ago to California, thinking to locate there, were not satisfied with the country and have returned. They are at present with their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Humphrey, of the West Side. mmmmmmmm IpJr f '! I li !l $ r A? m - f.;?V'( -"Ft? m fm$zi MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT- rti3N2Jr V I 1 nn mMfpr hnvu" L bad the weather you cannot afford to be without a TOWER'S WATERPROOF OILED SUIT V0R SLICKER Whon you buy look for tho SIGN OF THE FISH 'OIK CATARRH Everything to Make Life Plesant During the Summer Months. Gasoline Stoves - Refrigerators - Tents. . CLKANHINO AMU IIKAI.INO CUIIB J'Oll CATARRH : Ely's Cream Balm Rmj and plaonnnt to , Urn'. Contain no In. Jiirlniia iliu;. It It uli'fly dhinrlteit, (livim It ullnf Mt nfirn I, , ....1 I AlVaSU: tULU'N lit AD llitnlt and I'rntiiclH the Alcmlirniin. Itcntorrai the. Hwnei i of I'nxlo anil Hmcll. I,um Nijin, w c,.in ... vK?,?,'. ."X."'"11 ! 'l'r,"l fi,'" 111 lY mil " ' ELY Uno'l'UJtlia, 60 Warreu bUot, New York,