ORIOON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1907. vVORK ON BRIDGE ery afternoon from July 5 till the TnWPBQ rniWDi nTrn July 13, A" w," tak(' l)ur 1UV,UV;) 1-VHmXLltllJ u,Ih cantata will be admitted both Hiiluriliiyo of tlm CliHiitttuijiia free. Itcinembitr (lie (Into of next reliearaul, In tli (i Chautauqua 'II I ft uni'k mi Mm xiiui. I. ..i.i... tnwiim In ,.n..l..t ,.r,,.t fr puttlnK lHU.mrIun,. on IhkmIh or covins over tlm cuim to I nrotoet thnm frmn tlm weuthor. Con tractor OIiIh In tultlnir down the Iroim or Jiielm iihihI In lifting tint cnblim. 'Tin mlKlily glail If through," wild CoiiiiiilMMloimr John Lewellim, who him hud cIihiko of the renal. "It linn linen a long ami tedloim Job. Much of tlm nlil wooil on top of the lili'iK hml to I in chtiiiii out with a cIiIncI, A iiiiiii hml to nt down on hlw hnmU ami Iuikch to rcncli It and Iiii could work nil ilny ninl you could liurdly noo thut ho lnul nceoiiiiillMliid 111 llf'll N!flU I llllUII 1 Wllul lllitlk l.lll.y No tHtlmony of ImiHirtttiico wbh letter nnd NtronK-r than wbnn now " ,,r"IM",,"(1 ''y ,hw l"f,"",' l tho liny The cabin, over tho wont pier, or T" M Wo,ln.lny. Mr. i I)y of tower, were jrk..d up l,lKh enouKh r ntuck to her nlory ,f ,,ttr.ng to Uko out nil tho unm.und timber ,r,!h"rU "'r '"' U U" T'"'. ... . i .,, , . i , . ""f tot pentonul ri'UHoim, in uo to of una to duliMtltutH ateel Iichiiih for . ... ,..,,,.,, a Mtri'iiuoim rroHHOxnui nation by tohh idncim, l'lueed on thnm are j,,)run heavy kikIiIIor on which rent tlio ca- ' TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Governor Varditmnn of MUmIhhIiiI, who achieved nHtlonnl notoriety by IiIn rii'lli'itl to u ml ugiiliiNt tho wttro race, In hIiiiokI converted at a big re vlvul In JuckMon. Ho kneel, anionic tho .Inner, but him not yet profe.aed convention. Judi Landla of Chlcnxo overruled ilea. Tho grunt, heavy uprleUtx lllllr'ild fltlflllllll tllft IflU'lIM tt Mlltuuirl the work platform, have boon allowed " Ul" l"',",y motlonn of the Stan .!...! Ill J 1 . 1 to remain and add HtroriKth to thn towfrn, tn fact tnako thorn tronKC than nw. Tho Iron for flnUhing tho npllclng of tho cablo end at tho at nldo anchoragoa canto, Monday, and work will bo runhoii from now on, o that tho roncroto tunnola may l put In and tho icr't, unMlghtly and danger out hotc-ft flllt'd up. ELYVILLE MOVING TO "TENTED CITY." Mountain View, Juno 27 A quiet llttlo wedding party wont from tbla (lare to tho I'roHbytorlan paraonatcn, lant Baturday nvonlng, where Hov, J. It. IJuidlMirniiKh united In wodlm-k, Mr. Thouia t'arrlisj and Mliot Nora Currlna. Tho brldo haa been a faith ful and truntworlhy clerk In the a tor f Kvorhart & Co., for aevoral yeara and hbn a large circle of friend. The .groom a partner In tho Hupvrtor Lumber Co. and la well and favorably known In thin county. White wo will mint tho brldo very much tho good wlHhen of all attend thom In their new home, an they will ahortly go to liounekeeplnit near Clarkea at the lum ber company' camp. Mr. H, M. C. ltrown In entertaining Mm. John H. Gladden of I'ortland. Mr. Hannler In entertaining Minn Whltcomb, a late arrival from Colo rado. Kverhart & Co. will clone out tho KiHidn and clone tho atore In a few !ny. Strawberry manon In over and all liavo done well who have had fleldn jf thin luncliiun fruit. Mm. IHirothy (irlttln ban another daughter added to her family, Mr. and Mm. Oerber attended the wedding of a niece at Mt. I'lennunt, lant TueKdoy. Mr. Stafford and Mr. WIUU have moved their families to the tented city of Morburly. A few more Haw mllln would depopulate our pntlro tlirg. The Sunday achool at thin place will take a vacation from June no until September 30 when It will reorganize. Mm. Matehett Drown han renlgned the Huporlntendency after having aorved over two yearn. Whooping cough In afflicting aeveral wf tho little folks. I.ylo Currlnn han leen quite poorly with It for noveral weokn. Mm. ltrown and Mm. Gladden vis ited Mm. John linker uear Heaver Creek lunt Tuesday. Mrn. Myern of Nnppa Vino. Wanh... vlnlted her daughter, Mm. S. V. Frnn in several days. CHARGES DESERTION Margaret Pouter han brought suit through her attorneys Clark & Lat ourette, for dlvorco from K. W. Fon ter. They were married nt Portland, Feb. 12, lnoo, and have one child, Ituth, aged five. Tho plaintiff nays lie (lexortod her In March 19011. Slio HKks for divorce, cuatody of tho daughter nnd right to roHiimo hr maiden nnmo of Margaret Talbert. J 02 PRESENT AT CANTATA REHERSAL dard OH counnel and han ordered all the big officials of the trunt to apjx'ar In bin court July 0. Every effort to minimize tho 2!.2O,000 fine, which Judge Lund In has the power to Im pone, to a fino of $20,000 failed and wan turned Into victory for tho Government Flro early yenterday at Pino Beach, a renort filled with hotels of varying size, rentaurantn, store and pIbco of amusement Junt outside the James town Exposition grounds, destroyed 40 to f0 frame structure between Vir ginia and Maryland Avenue and One Hundred and Second and One Hun dred and Third streets, Including Ex position avenue. CLARKES PERSONAL AND LOCAL NOTES Clarkes, Juno 27 William Duckner han sold his farm at $20 an aero. Division No. 14 la putting up Its metallic circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Deck from Cotton spent Sunday with his grand parents. Tho German M. E. church Is going to have Its quarterly meeting next Sunday. The grangers will celebrate the Fourth. V. Dlx has been visiting his broth ers' nnw mHl. Mr. Marquardt wan seen on tho county road last week pulling fox glove around his fence. Elmer Klolnamlth was working for Durst lant wtek. Pet Schlewo bus put up a shade on his barn. Mr. Sulvaln took a load of wood to town. William Donney went to Portland lant week and bought a new mower. Henry Klelnsmlth camo home sick lust week from Mhearlng sheep. Henry Guenther Is carrying mall for David Moehnke for a days. the few EAGLE TO SCREAM AT SPRINGWATER Sprlngwater. Juno 27 Grand cele bration July Fourth In the grove on Ed Closen'a farm, one-half mile caHt of Sprlngwater. Banket picnic din ner. Baseball, sports, races, etc. Lit erary program. Special arrangements will bo made for entertaining the children. Everybody welcome. Come with well filled bawkets. The oration will be delivered by Ilarvuy Miller of I'ortland. ADVERTISED LETTERS. Letter lint for week ending Juno 27, 1D07: Women's list Dunbar, Miss Annlo; FoHter, Mm. Annlo; Miller, Mrs. Em ma. Men's List Allan, John: Andrews, II. S.; Bull. Ed; Tuckslnger, Frank; Miller, Lee; Peterson, Robert., Badly Mixed Up. Abraham Drown, of Wlntertown, N. Y had a very rominknb.o experi ence; he says, "Doctors got badly' mixed up over me; one said heart disease; two called It kidney trouble; ,. , I the fourth, blood poison, and the fifth There vvero 102 present nt the ro- 8tomuch and liver trouble; but none toil of tho cantata, "Months and:of thom holpP(, mo. w,fo Seasons at the Congregational vlod trying Electric Bitters, which oh rch ednesday Dr. Heritage Is nro rostorlng niG t0 foct' n nple mild drill master and the chll- 0o bottle did me more good than dren all work with zest and earnest-ttU flve doctorB pc,.,,,,,,,.,.. Guarftn. m-ss. The next rehearsal will be ou t(wd to cure l)ll)(H, , woaknog lMlday, July C, at tho auditorium InaU(i n BtomRchi llvor nnd kWnn GladHlono park at 1:40. Take the 'cmplnlntBi by Howcll & j dr 1 o clock car from Oregon City and gists, 50c. Kvt off at Clackaams Slanon nd Dr. j ' J Heritage will meet tho children there Co,c and Diarrhoea and go with them to tlio park. Pains in tho stomach, colic and All who have come to ono rehearsal diarrhoea nro quickly relieved by the nro urged to como. Fifty or 100 more , UH0. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera , j i . i ' . , and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Jiiay Join the chores. .Rehearsal ev- Howell & Jones, EVERYBODY IS BUSY AT BEAVER CREEK Denver Creek, June 27 Hay mak ing and telephone In the order of the day. Forty four men were out last Monday putting up tho metallic cir cuit on tho Farmers' metallic phone. Wm, Thomas & Co. are busy mak ing hay. William Daniels Is doing kohio pro fessional carriage painting. Tho rock road will be completed about July L H. P. Imdergon In busy hauling wood. Thero will bo a basket social at tho Beaver Creek hallJune 29, given by tho Henrld school, Tho program Is expected to bo excellent. Every body como and have a good time, No admission. Henry Hollman has his big new barn well under way under tho man agement of John Weft. Carl 8teudeman Isbusy making a blind ditch. WHIIarn Martin In busy shingling his now barn. Henry Henrlcl hauled over some stage lumber for tho social the other day. William Grlsthenwalte and William Martin, Jr., went fishing last week, but I guess It was too hot. The Shannon Brothers will soon start their mill. 0. Roberts Is busy doing tnasonary work for Mrs. Edwards. . A. Thomas Is busy buying wool and oats. It. D. Beat Id's family Is back among us again. Glad to see them. Whllo working with tho construc tion gang of the Willamette Pulp &. Paper company, Thursday afternoon, I). Davlua was knocked off a platform, and fell about 15 feet, bruising him up considerably, but fortunately breaking no bones. Davles was stand ing on the platform engaged In loos ing the ends of the bucket hoisted by a derrick, when one bucket which was swinging at the end of the cable, struck htm and knocked him off the platform. He was Immediate ly brought to his home on lower Main street, where Dr. Carll attended to hla Injuries. A Dangerous Deadlock. That sometimes terminates fatally Is the stoppage of liver and bowel functions. To quickly end this con dition without disagreeable sensa tions, Dr. King's New Life Pills should always be your remedy. Guaranteed absolutely satisfactory In eery case or money back, at Howell & Jones' drug store. 25c. Man Zan Pile Remedy comes put up In a collapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy to apply right where the sore ness and Inflammation exists. It re lelvrs protruding piles. Guaranteed. Sold ty Huntley Bros. TO QUIET TITLE. The Eastern Investment Co., Lim ited, has brought suit against J. A. Llnnenburger to quiet title to the bw of sec 21. t2s, r5e. Fraternal Brotherhood. At a regular meeting of Oregon City lodge No. 302, The Fraternal Brotherhood, held In Willamette hall Wednesday evening, fifteen candi dates were Initiated. At this meeting final arrangements were made for the trolley ride to Portland, on the night of July 2, when 500 candidates will be Initiated Into tho order. Tho number of now candidates Initiated Into the lodge in this city compares very fav orably with that of the other lodges, over 80 having beea received since April 1. The drill team from the loenl lodge will assist In putting on the floor work In Armory hall. R. A. Sawyer, president-elect of this lodge, will act as Superior Vice President at the meeting, tho second hlchest office in the order. After the initia tory work Is finished, a grand banquet will be served. Tennant Hewitt. Bertha D. Jfewltt and Loland 8. Tennant were quietly married at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs, Fred I). Hlrnrnons, on Seventh and Adams street, at 4 o'clock, Thursday after noon. Only a few relatives were pres ent at tho ceremony, which was per formed by the Rev. R. C. Blackwell of the M. E. church. The bride has for the last two years been teaching In the State Normal school at Drain, and the groom resides In Alameda, Cul. They will make that state their homo. The forty first birthday anniversary of William Andresen was remember ed by a few of his friends In a happy, Informal surprise, Wednesday even ing, at bis home, COO Jefferson street. Whist was the principal amusement of the evening and the prizes were won by Mrs. 1L IS. Straight and Mrs. Belle A. Sleight. A delicious repast wan served. Of course It Isn't bard to surprise a man, and although Mr. Andresen won't own to being sur prised the company are well enough satisfied. Eurl C. Stevens of Montana Is visit ing his sisters, Misses Nellie and May Stevens. Mr. Stevens recently was graduated frbm Columbia University. E. B. Kllse, the former Molalla man who was taken 111 tn Oregon City, Tuesday, when be arrived here from Nevada, was taken to a Portland hos pital, Thursday forenoon. The Sunday school of the Congre gational church picnicked at Fern Ridge Thursday. There was a good crowd In attendance with well filled baskets and everyone had a delight ful day. Carlton and Lee Harding, two civil engineers of Altamont, Cal., arrived In the city Wednesday evening for a month's visit with tbelr parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Harding. Miss Nelta Harding will arrive from Eu geno, Thursday. TH E BIG Pourtlh of Ju!y CELEBRATION WILL BE HELD AT m ilwattkie. 0?e. 1 00 PRIZES GIVEN AWAY. Fourteen teachers from the High land school in Portland picnicked on tho Tualatin Wednesday. Miss Ad die Clark, who has been a teacher there the past year, was with them. Twenty-five hundred boxes of straw berries have been picked this season from the James Downey fruit farm at Willamette. The strawberry crop is over with them and they are picking raspberries. H. Blgelow, the sawmill man of Maple Lane bought a surrey this week of Duane C. Ely. Milwaukie Band engaged for the whole day and evening. BIG PARAE AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. Estacada Baseball team will play the Oak Grove team la the morn ing and the Milwaukie team Vill play the winners in the afternoon. Races, Games and all Kinds of Entertainments. $500 FIRE WORKS DISPLAY ON THE RIVER FRONT AT NIGHT. Prominent Bpeakers will address the multitudes. Beautiful, shady grounds with running streams and lakes. Bring the whole family. A good time for every-body. Big Dance at the Town Hall in the evening. Music by the Milwau- L la Ront ALL ROADS AND BOATS LEAD TO MILWAUKIE. George Lazelle purchased a. new wagon of Duano C. Ely, for Mountain Ash farm, at Twilight, Wednesday. TIME CARD. O. W. P. RAILWAY ,-eave a. , Arrive a o V ss et S a eg O Leave JS eg E 4) c a u a o u Arrive 03 u a 2 a w Oregon City assembly, No. 7, United Artisans, In the weekly meeting on Thursday evening, will have a large class up for initiation. About 20 ap plicants passed tho medical examina tion at a recent meeting. Here's Good Advice. O. S, Woolever, one of the best known merchants of LeRaysville, N. Y., says: "If you are ever troubled with piles, apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured mo of them for good 20 years oro." Cures every sore, Howell & Jones' drug Btore. Summer cougns and colds yield at once to Boo'a Laxative Cough Syrup, contains honey and tar but no opiates. Children like It. Its laxative qualities recommend t to mothers. Hoarse ness, coughs, croup yield- quickly. Keep 'It on hand. Sold by Huntley Bins. M 6 7 t 8 8: 9 9: 10: 11: 11: 12: 12; 1: 2: 2: 3; 3: 4: 4: 5! 6: 6: 7: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 0 :00 :3,r. :10 :45 ooi 5:40 7:20 7:5 8:30! 9:05 9:40 2010:15 55110:5 30'1T:25 05; 12:00! 40 12:35' 15 1:10 1:45 2:20 2:55! 3:30! 10 4:05' 45( 4:401 20 5:15 55! 5:50! 6:25 7:00 7:35 8:10 50 8:45! 25 9:20 00! 9:52 00:10:52 0011:52 05'12:o: 5:48! 7:30j 8:05 8:401 9:15! 9:50 10:25 11:00 ll:35!10 12:10 11 12:45 11 1:20112 1:55i12 2:30! 3:05! 3:40 4:15 4:50 5:25 6:00 6:35 7:10! 7:45 8:20 8:55 9:30 6 6 7 I 8 8: 20j 9: 5510: 3010: 0511: 40;il: 15 12: 50! 1: 25? 1: 00! 2: 35 2: 10! 3: 45j 3: 20! 4: 50 5: 30! 5: 05! 6: 40j 6: 15 7: 50 8: 25, 8: 9: 9: 10: 11: ,12: 11: :00 :35 :10 :45 :20 :55 :30 6:54 7:29 8:04 8:39 9:14 9:49 10:24 05!l0:59 4011 :34 15;12:09 5012:44 25 00 35 10 45 20 55 30 05 40 15 50 25 00 35 00 35 00:10:55 00!11:55 oof 00 1:19 1:54 2:29 3:04 3:39 4:14 4:49 5:24 5:59 6:34 7:09 7:40 8:19 8:54 .9:29 9:55 To Milwaukie only. I Via Lent's Junction, daily except Sunday, leave on Sundays, 4:30 a. m. A. M. figures iu Homan; P. M. In black. Knapp & Nobel New line of imported and do mestic Cigars just received All Kinds of Smokers' Goods. 714 Mala - Street Mt. Hood beer. It's the Ueer. C. W. i DhnnA? Pacific 2692 Kelly. 240 Alder St. ' j Y )VC$ Home H YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED with us will be a working asset, good to keep and tohave for an emergency or op portunity. Wise is the man who has his capital, no matter how small, deposited where it is at wrk earning more capital. The Bank of Oregon City areful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, " Piano and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street H. E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Estate, Loans, Inaurnncp Main Street, OREGON CITY GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufield Bldg., Main and Eighth Sts. W. S. U'REN c. SCHUEBEL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice is. all courts, make collections and settlements of estates Furmai. abstracts ol title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in ENTERPRISE Building, Oregon City, Oregon. , J. E HEDCES f: r. CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH -LAWYERS- Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House