4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 190. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday. By THE STAR TRESS. Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post office as second class matter. Subscription Rates: One Year $1-50 Bix Months 75 Trial subscription, two months,. .25 Subscribers will And the date of ex- j plratlon stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. With Multnomah and Clackamas saloons closed on Sunday, it doesn't th( numbora Won wen merited ap leave very many places in the Wli- n,ft..si, Bml nianv w..r forceu o re- lametto Valley where liquor can be bought on the first day of tho week. The President seems determined to aid people desirous of building new homes on the frontier as against land grabbers for b peculation purposes, and the best citizens will back him up in this policy. Property owners should note the changes in the slashings law. To se cure permits to burn large tracts it is first necessary that a state fire war den be appointed in your district, which appointment is made by the president of the board of forestry on recommendation of the property own ers of the district affected. An Oregon man has just been jailed for stealing a whole railroad train. It seems a pity to bottle up such a promising amateur. He might have gone further and settled in Wall street where he would have learned how to steal a whole rail road and not get pinched for it either. 'WARE KISSING BUG. Mrs. Lulu M. Reynolds of Port land has a mania for kissing the body of her dead paramour. At the first sight of the lifeless features of "Professor Herbert," she threw her self passionately on the body, there by revealing the guilty love which she had before denied. The follow ing day she went to the undertaker's where she went through the kissing performance again, and clung to her dead lover until the latter's widow ordered her removed from the room. Now Is it the "unwritten law" that a man is permitted to hunt without a license in defense of his honor en trusted to the keeping of a woman like that? Advertising that Brought Results. One of the delegates to the Oregon Development League In Portland last:noon- Miss Marjorie Caufleld was the week told how Corvallls spent but'winner nret Prize while the conso - ?300 advertising in Eastern agricul-!latlon fel1 10 Mrs- s- - Dlllman. j tural papers of large circulation and Miss Mary Holmes entertained ' received over 6,000 replies, with the result that several hundred new peo- j pie located In Benton county. This is a plan that would be a success in anv Oreeon town, because it reaches the people we are after. Thrifty farm- ers who will buy small-sized places form thPm thnronhlv r want. ed, and when we get them the other classes of population will come as needed. Advertising in high class I magazines is. expensive, and reaches I for the most part people who are not j looking for new locations, but buy j magazines for entertainment and rec-1 reation. The Corvallls experiment was j a practical test of the efficacy of j printer's ink, used with good judg-1 ment. A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges ! the program were all enjoyed. Miss seven others yet to be balloted upon, and strange natural formations, is &Loue Walker delighted the company. Dr. W. O. Manion assistant medical veritable wonderland. At Mound City with a piano solo, Miss Mazie Foster ( examiner of Portland, was present. In the home of Mr3. E. D. Clapp, a 0f Portland sang a beautiful solo. One more meeting decides the con wonderful case of healing has lately, Mlss Gussie Humphreys read a char-; test and Oregon City assembly can occurred. Her son seemed nearjacter sketch that was very much ap- almost see the banner now. Dancing death with lung and throat trouble. ; pn(ciated. Mr. Charles Miller and i followed the work of the evening. "Exhausting coughing spells occurred Ujrs. Clark Ganong rendered vocal every five minutes," writes Mrs. Lolos that were well received. Mrs. J Carrico Curran. Clapp, "when I began giving him Dr. w. E. Scott gave a dramatic reading; Miss Xorah Curran, daughter of P. King's New Discovery, the great medicine'that saved his life and com pletely cured him." Guaranteed for coughs and colds, throat and lung troubles, by Howell & Jones, drug gists. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Do Not Neglect the Children. At this season of the year the first unnatural looseness or a cnnu s iww - Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Displayed softly through the banquet.; arrhoea Remedy followed by castor j This reception closed the meetings of 1 oil as directed with each bottle of the remedy. For sale by Howell & Jones. Pineules are for the kidneys and Bladder. They bring quick relief to backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired I worn-out feeling. They produce nat- i 1 .! t.r ,V.rt t i nQVO' Mil rt'JVQ' ... treatment fl.oo. Money reiunueu n Pineules are not satisfactory. Sold by Huntley Bros. Dade's Little Liver Pills keep the system clean, the stomach sweet, Prompt relief for headache and bll - iousness. Good for all the family, Sold by Huntley Bro. . SOCIAL AND LODGES M. E. Men's Club. The Roclal and entertainment given at tho Methodist church by the Men's club of that body, Friday evening, was attended by a large and apprecia tive audience. The rostrum was tastefully decorated with red poppies and potted plants. The program was exceptionally hhI and from the be ginning of the first number to the conclusion of the last, was listened to with the greatest interest All of spond to encores. The program fol lows: Coronation, choir; invocation Rev. Dlackwell; violin solo. Miss lvah Gordon; reading. Mrs. Hickman; vo cal solo, "Only Tired." C. A. Miller; 'Old Kentucky Home." male quartet. Messrs. Ross, Ftoss, Ranko and Ket- ehuni: recitation, "Lasca, ' Miss Wanda Ralston: bass solo, A. Ross; duet, "Good Old V. S. A.," Harold Swafford and Raymond Olson. After the program games were played and tempting refreshments were served. Rowland Young. A quiet home wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Young, Monroe and Fifth streets, Thursday evening, at four o'clock, when their daughter, Winnie May, became the wife of Herman R. Rowland. Amid a bower of roses Rev. J. R. Landsborough performed the ceremony in the presence of a small company of relatives. The bride wore a traveling suit of gray. This wedding is the happy culmina tion of a schooldays' friendship. Af ter the wedding supper Mr. and Mrs. Rowland left for a short honeymoon In Portland, and upon their return j will go at once to housekeeping at J 210 Monroe streL An out of town ; i guest was the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Whlttlngton, from eastern Ore- day afternoon. The ceremony was gon. 'pronounced by the Rev. A. J. Mont- .gomery of Portland. After the wed In Honor Vancouver Visitors. supper, Mr. and Mrs. Crlteser Mrs. Arthur C. Warner very de-'left tor " outing at Seaside. They llghtfully entertained Saturday af- j will reside at Willamette. ternoon, in honor of her guests, Mrs. Frederic Prass Stauffer and daugh-1 Missionary Rally, ter, Miss Margaret Stauffer, of Van-1 Mrs. W. A. White appeared on the couver. Wash. The house through- program in the annual missionary out was a veritable fairy bower of rally of the women of the Congrega bloora and foliage. The living room tlonal churches of Oregon which met was in pink roses, the parlors in in the First Congregational church of marguerites and blue corn flowers, Portland Wednesday. Mrs-. E. S. Hol the dining room in red and In the .linger, formerly of Oregon City, reception hall the red rambler was! spoke on the subject "Our Opportun-. most artistically arranged. Mrs. ity in the Foreign Field." Warner served delicious refresh- mentsi In progressive whist, the principal amusement of the after- lno company iia a vocai boio uu : a piano solo which were very much .enjujeu. rrut w .nr.. n.uu r,. iJones - Mra- p- K- Hammond, Mrs. S. , - Dillman, Mrs. E. A. Chapman. i i n . it., t i Mra- Ward D- Lawton. and Mrs. Dan- 'iel O'Neill; Misses Mary L. Holmes, I Cls Barclay Pratt. Marjorie Caufleld and Marian Lewthwalte. Hammond Reception. The reception given by Pioneer chapter, O. E. S., In honor of Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond at Masonic hall Tuesday evening was attended by a houseful of members of the chap- ter and invited friends. The hall t tea Artisans, held one of the most was beautifully decorated In scarlet ', glorious meetings of the banner cam ramblers, wildwood blossoms and , palgn, Thursday night. The hall was other flowers. Mrs. C. W. Evans, I full. There were fifteen Initiated worthy matron, received the guests and nine applications by card from lupon their arrival and also superin- ! tended the serving. The numbers of that was very entertaining and Mr. Charles M. Stow violinist, with Miss Edna Daulton accompanied, pleasing- The banquet that followed the program , was a splendid spread. Worthy Pa- , tron Eugene Hedges and Dr. W. E. , j Oarl acted as toast masters and were , i responded to by Rev. P. K. Hammond. Mis, IvaU Gordon and Miss Edna the chapter until in September. Miss Harris Given Party. Miss Wilda Harris was pleasantly surprised at her home on Twelfth and Main streets Tuesday evening by a number of friends. The affair came I ' - as a corno eto siiror se to Miss Harris. - j eviriuiift wa on.-ariaJiu hiji;ui 111 rr.U I ..1 1 singing ana In playing various games. At a late hour refreshments vre .served, shortly after which the guests departed, all declaring it to be one of ! the most enjoyable parties ever given jln the city. Those present were Mlsues Alzle IJernier, Veta Kelly, Lo- lu Surbor, Minnie Schatx, Anna Moon ey, Hazel Rlgham, Marjorle Gates, Grace Hrown, Kathryn Slnnott, Her- tha Fiiodtieh. Clara Nehren, Nettle and Millie Kruse, Grace Miller and Wllda Harris; Messrs. Lloyd Wesley, William Fletcher, Philip Slnnott, Claude and Gilbert Harris. John Rich aids, Clyde Haker and Ahin Jackson. Sola Circle. Sola Circle, Women of Woodcraft, met lu W. O. W. hall, Friday evening. Officers elected In May will be In stalled July 10. and a committee was appointed Friday evening to arrange for the Installation, in which the Woodmen will be asked to join. Tho committee consists of Mrs. Mary Can non. Mrs. C. E. Talt. Mrs. J. I,. Wal dron, Frank Hotzol and Robert Hrown. Ice cream and cake were served by the women whoso names began with T or W, and an Informal dance closed tho program. Mr. and Mrs. Schrader Surprised. A number of friends and neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs. Etull Schrad er at their residence, 302 Monroe street. Tuesday evening. The party was a farewell party, as Mr. and Mrs. Schrader leave Thursday for south ern Oregon. While there was light, many enjoyable games were played on the spacious lawn In front of the residence, after which the guests re paired to the house where with games and music the evening was enjoyably spent. Tempting refreshments were served. Criteaer Snldow. In the presence of only the nearest relatives. Miss Mary A. Snldow and Mr. W. H. Crlteser were married at the home of the bride's grandfather, J. A. Roman, at Mt. Pleasant, Tues- Lawn Party. The "H. S." and "You Go I Go" clubs were entertained by a friend of the clubs. Miss Bessie Albright, In a lawn social at her home on Main street, Monday evening. Various f,... eujujeu anu a aamiy luncheon served. Judson Reazor. Miss Mabel Reazor and Mr. Walter ;H. Judson of Portland were married at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage y Rev. R. C. Blackwell at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. They jwere attended by Mrs. E. Singleton. jThe newly wedded pair left here for 'a wedding trip to Seattle. They will jmake their home In Portland. j j United Artisans. Oregon City assembly No. 7, Uni- j Clackamas, making 21 going Into the assembly Thursday night. There are D. Curran, of Ely, and Mr. Thomas i Carrico were quietly married at the J Presbyterian parsonage by the Rev. ; J- Landsborough at 8 o'clock, Sat urday evening. Miss Pearl Curran, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Joseph Bahnkie best man. After the ceremony they Jf-rt for a short stay In Portland.. They will live at jClarkes where Mr. Carrico Is em- Marriage Licenses. June 20 Dvetta A. Sumpter and Florian C. Harlow. June 20 Mabel U. Reazer and Wal- j i,;r H. Judson. Jllne 22 Mary Norah Currln and (Thomas Carrico. ' iww 19 Edith O. Moak and Wal VT ninman .UIIO VI Win n In Mn, V..., 1 j - ' " I'uug aim "u uowianu. ' lllw, Ol T-,,.11.. Tf 1l r . " " iiaia iiaiuu ana Ji. a. Nelson. June 21 Susan Costerman and C. G. Brohm. June 24 Mary A. Snldow and W. H. Crlteser. A FAMOUS NEWSPAPER MAN. William E. Curtis, tho famous cor respondent of tho ChlcnKo-llopurd Herald, writes a two-column letter for his paper every day lu the year without Intermission. Ills powers of i sustained work are as great a mar i vol as his faculty of always making his matter Interesting, Probably no other newspaper, cor respondent In tho country Is read so regularly and eagerly by so many thousands of men and women as Mr. Curtis, Mr. Curtis has traveled sov oral times around the world, visited every country under tho sun, and written a larger number of brilliant and Interesting letters of travel thau were ever before produced by a sin gle hand. Many of these have later been reprinted In book form. One of his latest expeditions for the Chi cago Record Herald was through Mexico, resulting In a series of let ters as entertaining as those he wrote a few years ago from India, Turkey and tho Holy Land, His forthcoming letters from Ireland. Russia and Germany will rival In Im portance and Interest any of his pre vious contributions, Heglnnlng his career In Chicago as a reporter in 1872. Mr. Curtis rapidly rose to bo managing editor. He re signed that Ik wit Ion to accept a gov ernment appointment as secretary of the South American commission. So brilliantly did he perform tho duties of that ofllce that James G Ulalne, Secretary of State placed htm at the head of tho Dureau of American Republics. At the world's fair In Chicago he distinguished htm self as the executive head of the Latln Amorlcan department. Ho la a member of almost every learned society In Washington and of many In Europe. It Is not strange that the Record Herald prints Mr. Curtis" let ter every day In the first column of the front page, and that nothing but a California earthquako can displace It from that station of honor. CASH TOR JULY 4 NEARS i700 MARK Subscriptions lo the Fourth of July celebration paid In to tho Treas urer since last report: Previously reported $184 50 John Bradley 1 00 N. R. Ung S. M. Ramsby Co-Operative Grocery Co ... G. L. Hedges Portland Flouring Mills Co 75 00 2 00 3 00 2 50 23 00 Total $093 00 Elkhorn Livery Stable and the Fashion Stables furnished rigs used In advertising the county. Will Judge Horses. John Cooke, H. 8. Moody and Bruce Zumwalt have been appointed committee to Judge the horses In the parade. WILLAMETTE Miss Margaret Harmon returned Monday from a threo weeks' visit with her people In Portland, and has resumed her work In the T. J. Gary store. Z. M. Zook has sold his place an purchased tho Fowler property. J. W. Harris or Haker City re cently purchased the A. W. Adam son place and has moved In. Mrs. H. Hahn and family of Oak land, Cal., are visiting her father, H. T. Shipley. Miss Elizabeth Shipley, who has been teaching at Everett, Wash., Is home for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Mass expect to leave about July 1 for a visit to his old homo In Nebraska; William Buckles, who Is very seri ously 111 at his home here, was rest ing easier, Monday. ORDAINED BAPTIST MINISTER. Erastus A. Smith, who after being graduated from the Rochester semi nary of New York, came direct to Oregon City, his old home, was or dained a Baptist minister Monday. Rev. Smith preached his first sermon after coming to Oregon In the First Baptist church of Oregon City. He has accepted a call to tho Arleta church, where the council of Baptist ministers and delegates was held. He was unanimously voted worthy to bo received. The bites and stings of insects, sun burn, cuts, burns and bruises re lieved at once with Pinesalve Carbol lzed. Acts like a poultice. Draws out Inflammation. Try It. Price CO cents. Sold by Huntley Iiros. Tonight. If you would enjoy tomorrow take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight. They produce an agreeable laxative effect, clear the iipml nnd cleanse the stomach. Price 25 cents. Samples free at Howell & solving the bonds or matrimony nore Jones' drug store. , tofore and now existing between you Proposals for Bonds of Multnomah No. 1, A. F. & A. M. Bids will be received by the under signed for the purchase of all or any part of the Honda of Mulnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F, & A, M of Oregon City. In denominations of One Hundred Dol- ars each, dated August 1, 1907. bear ing Interest, nt the rate of Five per out per annum, payable semiannu ally on the first day of February ami August In each year; said Honda to be In four series, payable as follows: 10,000.00 payable August 1, 1019. 1000,00 payable August 1, 1911; H000.00 payable August 1. 1911; Sooo.00 payable August 1, 1917, and $10,000,00 payable August 1. 1919. Hid to specify (ho amount of bonds wanted nnd In what series. Full In formation regarding these bonds can be obtained of either of tho under signed. Hlils to bo submitted on or before 2 p. in. of the Cth day of July, 1907. THOS. F. RYAN. !9t2 J. E. HEDGES. Committee, Notice for Bridge Bide. Sealed bids are Invited for tho con struction of an 100 foot span Howe Truss bridge, resting uMin concrete piers, together with 64 feet of Bp- proach, across Butte creek on tho iru-t, and said order Is made return boundary lino between tho counties ublo to tho Circuit Court of Oregon, of Marlon and Clackamas, State ,f ,, , . . ... , ., t i Oregon, at what Is known as tUe Jack bridge, one mllo southwest of Mar- qunm. Oregon. Plans aud specifica tions will bo on file at tho offices of tho county Judges of Marlon and Clackamas Counties, on and after Juno 15th. 1907. Bids will bo opened on Friday. July 5th. 1907, In tho county court room at 1 o'clock p. m,, at Salem, Or egon. Each bidder will bo required to de posit a certified check for tho amount of S per cent of bis bid, which shall bo forfeited to the counties of Marlon aud Clackamas In case tho award Is made to blm, If bo falls, neglects, or refuses, for the period of two days after euch award Is made, to enter Into a contract and fllo his bond In tho manner required by, and to tho satisfaction of tho above named coun ty courts upon tho day appointed. Tho county courts of Marlon and Clackamas reserve tho right to re ject any and all bids. Marlon County by M. A. McCORKLE, Roadmaster for Marlon County, Ore gon. Clackamas County by GRANT B. DIMICK. Judge. Administrator's Notice of Final Set tlement. Patrick Sharkey Estate. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has this day filed his final account as administra tor of the Estate of Pat rick Sharkey, deceased, and that the County Court of the State of Oregon. County of Clackamas, has set Mon day the 29th day of July, 1907, at the hour of 10:00 o'cloc k a. m. of said day and tho court room of said court as tho place and hour of hearing objec tions thereto. EDWARD J. SHARKEY, Administrator of tho Estate of Pat rick Sharkey, deceased. Every Man His Own Doctor. Tho average man cannot afford to employ a physician for every slight ailment or injury that may occur In his family, nor can be afford to ne glect them, as so slight an Injury as the scratch of a pin has been known to cause the loss of a limb. Hence every man must from necessity bo hts own doctor for this class of ail ments. Success often depends upon prompt treatment, which can only be had when suitable medicines are kept at hand. Chamberlain's Remedies have boon In tho market for many years and enjoy a good reputation. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com plaints. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Chamberlain's Pain Halm (an anti septic liniment) for cuts, bruises, burns, sprains, swellings, lamo back and rheumatic pains. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for constipation, biliousness and stomach troubles. Chumberlalu's Salvo for diseases of the skin. One bottle of each of those five preparations costs but $1.25. For sale by Howell & Jones, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Horace It, Martin, Plaintiff, vs. Bertha C. Martin, Defendant. To Bertha C. Martin, tho above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the 13th day of July, 1907, that being the last day pro scribed in tho order of publication in this summons, and if you fall to ap pear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for In this complaint, towlt: For a decree or the court ills- and the plaintiff upon tho ground of of desertion. This summons Is published In lb" Oregon City Enterprise for six suc cessive nnd consecutive weeks by or der of Hon. Thomas A, Mclliido, Judge of tho above entitled court, made on tho 31st duy of May, 1907, the first publication being on tho 7th day of Juno, 1907, nnd tho last publi cation being on the 12th day of July, 1907. JOHN F. LOGAN, 20t7 Attorney fur the Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Cluckama County, Clarence F. Illgbee. Plaintiff, vs. Grace O. Hlgbeo, Defendant, To Grace O, Htgbeo, tho abovo named defendant: In tho name of tho Stale of Oregon: You are hereby required t appear and answer tho romplulnt filed against you In the above entltld Court and rausn on or before the 2Hth day of Juno, 1907. nnd If you fall to appear and answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief prayed for In tho com plaint, tihwlt: for a, decree dissolving tho bonds of matrimony existing be tween you and tho plaintiff, upon tho grounds of desertion. This summons I published by nrdr of Grant H. Ulinlck. County Judge of Clackamas county. Oregon, and said order was made and given by him on tho Kith day of May. 1907, on account of tint absence of Judge of said Clr- 'cult Court for said County and Dls- I tor i iacsamas county, i no nno. puo- 1 cat on or this summons is utauo on ,,, .,, . , ., ,, ,., .., publication Is tho 2sth day of Juno, 1907. n. m, noNAtioit, Attorney for Plaintiff. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon In and for ttm County of Clackamas. Lena M. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs, Andrew Nelson. Defendant. In tho name of tho State of Ore gon : You. Andrew Nelson, tho abovo named defendant, are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you herein on or before Monday, tho 29th day of July. 1907. that day being all weeks from tho first publication of tho summons hero in nil If vim rail fn innear anil an- Bwr hrln ptff will apply to tho ( ourl lor tho relief prayim lor in tho complaint on fllo herein, to which reference Is hereby made, and mora particularly as follows: For a decreo dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and do fondant, on tho ground of rruel and Inhuman treatment. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof for not less than six successive weeks In tho Ore gon City Enterprise, published In tho County of Clackamas. Mtato of Ore gon, and by order of tho Honorable Thomas A. Mcllrld". Judge of tho abovo entitled Court, which order Is dated tho loth day of Juno. 1807. Tho date of the first publication of this summons Is Friday, tho 14tb day of June, 1907, and the date of tho last publication of this summons la Friday, tho 2th day of July, 1907. J J. FITZGERALD. 2717 Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been duly appointed by tho County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, Administratrix of the E lute of Daniel D. Evans. ''t C' late of Clackamas Count) i -tn All persons having claims at estate are hereby notified U aid ha . K 1 . ; V samo, duly verified accordlna with my attorney, c. H. D. Cor. Cth and Main Streets, City, Oregon, within six inontl tho date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Orego (', 14th day of June A. D. 1907. ELIZA M. EVANS Administratrix of aforesaid Ki- ir 27t5 When In Portland see Tho Hismark, 240 Alder, between 2d and 3d. C, W. Kelly, proprietor. S Have You Rooms to Rent? Persons having rooms for teachers attending the Summer Normal, please report, stating terms, to J, ('. Zlnser. :ir.3 r DON'T WAIT mi u.m mm w yi "I lather and shave in from two to five minutes nnd blrss the day I bought my Gillette Jiajor," says one of the ONE MILLION SATISFIED USERS No matter linw tough your beard or tender your skin, each double-edged wafer blade will give you an average of more than 20 clean, velvet shaves, Al'wayi Rrtiity, Alivays Siirfi. 12 WAFER BLADES , (24 bhurp tduei.) Set consists of Triple Silver-elated Holder and 12 double-edged blades (24 sharp edges) in a handsome leather-covered case. SOLD ON 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Trlpla Sllvrr nliiril HoMar mil 13 dnuhle cdiffil hlnlri, $8. Siimlaid Combination Scl with Shaving llruih and Snap In Trlnln Silvrr plated lluldcra, 7. SO. Emra Uladci.lOlotfiOc. BlrkEISTER & ANDERSON OREGON CITY, ORliGON. L