i OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1907. FOUR MORE WANT FREE Married 20 Years, Married 3 Months, AHee Samee After Divorce Brlda Accu Hubby of Horrlbl In Untlon Widower With Four Willing To Oo It Alon. ' Daltcm W. Kollu ban filed three closely tytwrltn page f charge against IiIh wife, Vnrna II. Kollo, whom Iki married at Victoria, II. C, July 3, 190 1, and from whom ho now want a divorce. Ho especially lay stress, upon her receiving men at her homo during hlit absence, and htr go liiK out lit night. Ho even say hi wife took Mm daughter by a former uiarrliiK1' to an Improper house, H wan a widower with four children wlti'ii ho fi ll a victim to Venn's charm, hut ho aver that all those charnm have been wholly denied him for over a year. Catherine Moore charge that Jo seph II. Moore ha deserted her for more than a year and h therefore pray for a divorce ami lb care and custody of their four year old daugh ter Helen. They wer tnarrled at Hoattlw, Nov. 13. 1902. Told by her husband within IS day after they were married that nho was a "damn fool," and that "ho only married her for the purpose of forcing her to make a living for him," that ho "Intended to make, plaintiff becune a habltuo of a sporting hotio of tho city of Portland." It U little " wonder that Maudo Yelch ronton Into court seeking a dlvorco from Paul Yelrh. They wero married less than threw niouthM ago March 26, 1907, and alio nay he began treating her cruelly a few day after the wedding, culminating on Juno 20 when ho threateued to ithoot her. She want to renuino her maiden name, Maudo Wlngerfleld. Emily C. Canning ha filed ault for dlvorco from Jamea (J. Canning on th charge of desertion nearly 20 yearn awo. namely, Oct, 12. 1SS8. They wert married at Walnut Grove, Neb., July 3, IKSfl. ho was free at last, lint now another woman holm up -another wife! ThlH liiHt woman cralm to bo tho only real, genuine, same blownlntho boftlo Mm.. Ed. Ham Gordon, and limits darkly at bigamy. Tho two women ate lunch at tho damn restaur ant lu Oregon City, Tuesday, and to all outward appearances were total strangers to each other. It In Intim ated, however, by people who have talked with, both, that If tho two clulninul ty Ed, Barn' Jove and af fliction and ducat wero to meet prl-; vately they would need no Introduc tion and they wouldn't scrap either, Just what tho woman hint on the scone la after hasn't been dlsdotiod yet, bat It I reasonable to presume aim will very soon make her want known. (iordori first sued Bertha Etta Lurch to quiet lltlo to property hero, Ho recited In hi complaint that ICtta Lurch had followed him for yearn, and annoyed him and Interfered with bin business by claiming to ho bin wife, and had bad a marriage cere mony performed at Vancouver with Homo man Impersonating him. A Ut ile later Mm. Edward 8am Oordon (Ilertha ICtta Lurch) wind tho lumber man for a dlvorco. Ily a settlement tho flmt ault wan withdrawn, Ilertha Et given a dlvorco, and Mr. Gordon conveyed to her property In Coo Hay worth $8000, Tho deed remains In tho, nafo of Dlmlck & Dlmlck, Gor don' attorney hero. It In freely predicted that tho tup ply of Gordon' wive will keep up an long an bin (8000 warranty deeds taut. AGREEMENT SUSPICIOUS Oregon Supreme Court Grilled In Resolution Adopted by Garfield Grange For Thin PoorBloodl GOOD SEASON FOR BERRY GROWERS CRACK BASE BALL TEAM LOSES GAME WIlHonvllle, June 2.V-IWirn. to Mr. and Mr. Burgess, on June 12, a girl, tho Mlxth daughter In tho family. Minn Khlern of Portland in visiting at the Murray home, Mm, William Ohler of Portland I spending a few wieka hero with Mm. Young and friends. Mm, Jonea of H'mmI View haa gone East to upend the Hummer at her old home, Jako Petern' new homo la tioarlng completion. Van Meek, tho Tualatin butcher, hus gone to tho mountains for bin health. Ho ban been 111 for aoiuo time. Tho hnso ball game on tho Wilson vlllo diamond Sunday wan won by tho Sponton team of Portland by a MPROVED STRAWBERRY Eastern Clackamat Grower Originate Or Earlier Than Clark' Seed ling, More Prolific than Magoon. Estacada, Juno 25 N. M. Tracoy' baby boy wan taken to the hospital Sunday evening for an operation for hernia. It wan successfully performed. Boiiwj of tho children In the Craw ford and Thomas families have tho whooping cough. Mlsn Eva I). Prunor and Mm. C. O. I-ooncy gave a party Thursday even ing In honor of their sisters, Mian El sie Pruner and Mis Ethel Hale. About twenty of their frlond were present and enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Walter D. Snuffln, who resides three mile east of Estacada, haa originated new strawberry which Is earlier than the Clark'a Seedling, Is Just as firm, and a much more prolific pro ducer of fruit than the Magoon. The Magoon ha heretofore been the most prolific producer, outclassing all other varieties In thla respect. Mr. Snuffln I proud of hi acquisition. Straw berry growers will do well to secure a few of those plant another season even If they have to pay a handsome price for the plants. The Snuffln strawberry Is a clear bright scarlet berry with a sweet, rich flavor. It will no doubt bo a favorite with grow ers an soon as known. Tho Garfield grange, No. 317, held a very profitable session Saturday. A committee of throe consisting of F.s M. Gill, W. II. Holder, and E. L. Won acott wan appointed to organize a club to be known an tho Eastern Clackamas Development League, the purpose of the organization being to advertise the resources of thla part of Clackamas county. The following resolution was adopt ed, tho legal voters all voting for It: Whereas, for several years past, we You can trust a medicine tested 60 years! Sixty years of experience, think of that! Experience with Ayer's Sar saparilla; the original Sarsa- pariila; the Sarsaparilla the doctors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. lint own thla gnin4 14 mHitn cannot An lit I1 work If tlx llrr la Intnir n1 tli r.,intl.UiJ, fur Hi foot km"IIi r una, yon should Uka litv rtoaeaof Ar'i l-lll trull Ukliux tlx SarMpailll. An brt.O.i rr Oo., towan. Mm. AIM yers BuiufMturor of f HAlBVmOR. A0l.fi CL8E. CtlLRHY PtCTORAl. Wltitmi tnrll W pabllao th formuUt of ail oar madioluas. Harvey K. Cross to Wm. K. Greene, For a decree dissolving the bonds of e half of land beginning at cor in s matrimony now existing between the- boundary of George -Abernathy die, above named plaintiff and defenrunt, 20 acres. $S00, and allowing plaintiff to resume her A. E. Latourette to W. K. Greene, maiden name, Jeannette Anna Melius, 10 acres deeded to H. E. Cross to H. and such other and further relief aa H. Johnson. $1. In emilty Bhall seem meet and unto Harry G.' McGowan, administrator, Justice shall appertain. to Wm. A. Deardorff, lot 3, sec 3(5, Is-1 This summons la published In pur- 2e,; also part of J. M. Deardorff die nuance of an order of the Honorable sec 35, ls2e $2000. i Thomaa A. McBrlde, Judge of the Edmund Stiffens to Western Bank- above named court, made and entered Ing company, lot 1, blk 12, of Esta- on the 21st day of June, 1D07, specify cada. $200. . Ing that the same be published for Lftna Keller et al to J. H. and E. six consecutive weeks and ordering 8. IJottemlller, part of Geo. Crow die, June 22nd as date of first publication. TRANSFERS 2s-le, G'J.12 acres. $1. E. L. Fraley to A. N. Johnson, lot i, Fraley's add to Entacada. $300. Edward Henzel to Adam Kilmer, half Interest in lota 29, 30, 31, 54, 55 and 55, Pruneland. $1. M. and J. liaker to J. L. Baker, part of A. F. Hedges die, sec 1, Sa le, 8 acres. $100. Lillian Spencer to Bernhard Frled rlch, beginning at se cor of N. H. Darnell claim 4s2e. $1000. Oregon Iron and Steel Co. to H. W. Koehler, lot 15, blk 48 of O. I. It 8. Go's first add to Oswego. $1. Gustav Eckert to Wm. Gcbert, be ginning 30 chs w of se cor on s line of sec 9, 4s-le, 34.35 acres. $1500. 7S J. T. ELLIS, Attorney for Plaintiff. I NO MEETING CALLED. anu mo country cousins Had some work to do. Tho coming Sunday will find them In good shnpe and ready to play St. Paul's teuni here. DISMISS CHARGE AGAINST CHARLES Clackamas, Juno 25 Strawberry growers will finish marketing the crop thla week. All seen very well satisfied with quantity, quality an1 price of tho same. The result of tho second eighth grade examination Is very pleasing an all the pupils of this district. In that grado passed. At tho school meeting held last week the matter of certain Improve ments was left to the discretion of the school board. Miss Edna Arm strong will again take charge of the primary department next fall. Miss Armstrong's work Is greatly apprecl at I'd by her pupils and tho patrons of the school. Mlsn Mather ond MlHa Ethel Math er visited friends In Balem last week John Lynch of Portland spent Sun day with friend In this place. T. M II, M . 1 - , . . I wo minium i mm I'nsoia uavv moved Into the George Iiandall house. I They are undecided an to whero they h" observed no dissenting opinion will locale. .irom any memoer or our supreme aourt In the many decisions it has made, and Wherees, It does not seem possible that wlso men can always honestly agree upon all questions of equity and law, and Whereas, we do not believe It Is a crime for honest men to disagree tip on any question of law or fact and a vigorous dissent from any member of our higher court would Increase our respect for the Independence of the members of our highest court, and Whereas, a dissenting opinion from the dwlslon in tho Marquam case would make us think a llttlo more of at least one member of that august Therefore, ho ft resolved by Garfiol tKdy, therefore, be It Resolved by Garfield grange No. 317, that a good dissenting opinion In our Judgment Is very often neces sary to show that honest, learned men can honestly disagree; that the public welfare la being considered; that private Interests have no special private strings on our court and that tho stand in policy of "you tickle me I tickle you" of tho late lamented legislature Is not the practice of our court of last resort. Subscriptions paid In to the Treas urer of the Fourth of July celobra- acore of 4 to 3. It was a fine gamely slnco last report: No meeting of the Imard of trade haa yet been called to consider the proposal of Jaems Steel and Mr. Adams regarding tho establishment of a gas plant here. Tho promoters claim they have a process of making gun from sawdust and slabwood so cheaply they can sell their product at 50 cents a thousand. This comes under the head of Important If true. JULY 4th MONEY PAID TREASURER The ense against James Charles of Parkpluco, charged with stealing a watch from William Gnrdner, was dlamiasod Monday afternoon there be ing Insufficient evidence In tho opin ion of Deputy District Attorney Eby. Through some mistake the charge was entered ngaliiHt Charles Charles of Fourteenth and Washington Htreets. Chnrles Charles was. not arrested at all and has had no connection with tho case other than the unfortunnto mistake In having his name lined In stead of James Charles, Ily last report $093 00 8. Rosonsteln 5 00 H, L. Holman 2 50 Crown-Columbia Pulp & Paper Co 5 00 O. W. P, Ity. Co 100 00 Hedges & Griffith 10 00 Willamette Ico Works 15 00 E. A. Brady 15 00 Drs. Sommers & Mount 10 00 Total...' $895 50 SOCIALIST CELEBRATION. RICH HAVE TROUBLES. Edwni'd Sam Gordon, reputed mil lionaire lumberman of Coos Day, has troubles of his own, bo If you happen to moot hhn don't ask him if it is hot enough for him. Gordon made a liberal settlement with Ilertha Etta Lurch, who claimed for years she was hts'wlfo but ho al ways claiming ho never married lior. Whatever were tho facts In that tangle of matrimonial nieshon, It was supposed, Ed Sam probably supposed, FIRST MILE THIS FALL. Tho public is especially Invited to attend the celebration at tho Spirit uallat camp grounds, Now Era,' July 1, 1907, under tho auspices of tho Socialist party of Clackamas county, j thence following the danyon more to Whether tho first section of tho Oregon City & Molalla railway shall be built this fall or not will bo de cided in a few days. If it is decided to go ahead the track will bo laid from Afaln street up Fourteenth street and tho canyon southeast as far as Jackson street, One of tho principal features will bo the south until Division street is tho address agulnst Socialism by Prof, reached. The road here emerges M. L. Thompson of Portland who nasi from tho canyon and following a niado it a condition that he bo per-1 west of south curve around, tho Mo nilttod to attack Socialism as strong- lullti avenue hill, and sweeping ly as ho may desire, So sure are .through tho small canyon that goes tho Socialists of their position that! through Holmes park it reaches theja-jji they have agreed to this and will woimes corner, wiilcu is as far as put sonio one up to answer Prof. ; it would be built this fall, Thompson, who will bo announced on Judgo Grant 11. Dlmlck, who is one the printed programs on the grounds, of the chief promoters of tho road, Socialists and sympathizers through said Tuesday that a few days work Clackamas county are requested to of tho surveyors would detormtno whether the start would bo made this season. Thla first mllo of road would no doubt do a good passenger business from the start and it can bo con- Western Banking Co. to Mrs. II. E. Btubbs, lot 12, blk 14, Estacada. $71. B. W. Thomas to A. B. Lindsay, lot 4 and 5, blk 16, Estacada. $175. Land Company of Oregon to EL. Fraley, beginning In center of Staf ford avenue In Estacada. $970. O. W. P. Townslte company to E. L. Fraley, beginning In center of Staf ford avenue, Estacada. $1. Frank Sprague to C. A. Davis, part of Thomas Waturberry die, sees 2 and 11, 3s-3e, 25.50 acres. $325. Wm. C. Buckner to Molalla Lumber Co., no of sec 28, 4s-3e, 160 acres. $3200. Gladstone Real Estate association to Jesse Dunmlre, lots 5 and 6, of Park subdlv of part of Gladstone. $300. Delia GUI to Margaret Maden, part of Wm. T. Matlock die, 3s-2e, 5 acres. $1000. Edward PaetBeh to Emille Paetsch, commencing at sw cor of blk 1, of Lewellyn Park. $1. Wilson Rlttenbouse to Ivan Ritten house, lot 5, blk 8, Apperson's subdlv of part of Parkplace. $40. JohA K. Ely to David Ely, beginning 10 80 rds w of nw cor of Hugh Currln die, 1.13 acres. $50. John W. Dowty to Fred J. Ely. part of George H. Weston die, sec 6, 3s- 4c, 2(5 acres! $910. J. K. Ely to Istallna Bauerfeind, be ginning 10 rds w of nw'cor of Hugh Currln die, 3s-4e. $G3. J. K. Ely to George D. Ely, part of Hugh Currln die. 3s-4e. J. K. Ely to Mary E. Ely, beginning 2.18 rds w of Hugh Currln die, 3s-4e. $700. Willamette Falls Co. to Levi R. Lull, tract 4 4 of Willamette tracts $10. Willamette Falls Co. to L. E. Woov er, lot 13 of tract 61, Willamette tracts. $125. C. Anwarter to Emll Wlese, begin nlng at nw cor of s half of se of nw of sec 4. 2s-3e, 2 acres. $100. J. D. Morris to W. W. Raser, blk 40, Clackamas Heights. $1. Anthony Foster to Myrtle I. Foster, n half of se of sw of se and se of sw of sec 24, 3s-20e. $1. John and Catherine Koch to Atida E. Cosgrlff, part of Geo. Crew die, 2s le, 8.2C acres. $6,500. Andrew R. Bankus to Martin Ban kus. ne of nw of sec 3 2s-4e, 40 acres $(555. Mary A. Mcintosh to G. D. Board man, lots 3, 4, 5 and 10, of Jennings Lodge. $1350. J. NT. Pen nock to W. H. Loucks, be ginning at se cor of J. D. Garrett die sec 5, 28-2e, 10.46 acres. $3000. Oregon Iron & Steel company to Eliza M. Evans, lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of blk 37, Oregon Iron & Steel Co's tst add to Oswego. $320. United States to Harrison Wright parts of sec 28, '29, 30 and 32, 4s-2e Wm. H. Hudnut to Andrew E. Sil ver. se of nw of sec 16, 3s-lw, 40 acres. $2100. Oregon Water power Townslte Co to M. C. Adkins, B. O. Boswell, J. B llaviland, J. W. Reed and R. A. Srta ton, all former's rights with respect to telephone and telegrauh lines in the City of Estacada. $5100. . M. C. Adkins, B. O. Boswell, J. B, llaviland, J. W. Rood and R. A. Strat ton to Estacada Telephone & Tele graph Co., all of former's rights with respect to telephone and telegraph lines in te city of Estacada. $3100 8ummon. In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for Clackamas County. V. Vincent Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Sallye W. Jones, Defendant. To Sallye W. Jones, the defendant above named: In the Name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the -above entitled cause within sit weeks from the date of the first publication of thla sum mons upon you, towlt: within six weeks from the 17th day of May, 1907, and if you fall so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: for a decree of divorce dissolving the contract of marriage now existing between you and the plaintiff. This summons Is served upon you by publication by order of the Hon, Grant B. Dimick, county Judge for Clackamas county, Oregon, which or der Is made and dated the 14th day of May, 1907, and prescribes that this summons be published once a week for six weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons Is May 7th, 1907, and the date of the last publication of this summon Is June 8, 1907. ROGER B. SINNOTT and LORING K. ADAMS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 8UMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Lulu Corlett, Plaintiff, n. Robert Corlett, Defendant To Robert Corlett, Defendant: -In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the time pre scribed in the order for the publlca tlon of this summons, to-wlt: on or before the 22d day of June, 1907, said date being the expiration of six (6) week from the first publication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony and marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant This summons Is published by order of Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of the above named court, which order was made and entered on the 11th day of May, 1907. - J. T. ELLIS. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Catherine Moore, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph H. Moore Defendant To Joseph H. Moore, Defendant, above named: In the name of the State of Oregon yon are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entltl ed court and cause, on or before the 12th day of August, 1907, that be ing the date fixed by the court for such an appeajance or answer In and by the order of the court for publication of summons and If you fall so to appear and answer the Plaintiff will apply to the court for 8UMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas county. Caroline Griffith Jones, Plaintiff, TS. Frederick N. Jones, Defendant To Frederick N. Jones, Defendant above named: - In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required; to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before Tues day, the 16th day of July, 1907, that being the date fixed for such appear ance or answer by the Court In the order for the publication of this sum mons, and if you fail bo to appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint' to-wit: For a decree dis solving the marriage contract now ex isting between plaintiff and defend ant and that she have the care and custody of Frederick Tyler Jones, her, minor child, and the right to re take her former name of Caroline Griffith, and that defendant be de creed to pay some suitable sum monthly towards the support and maintenance of said minor child, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and Just , This summons is published in the Oregon City Enterprise not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks prior to said 16th day of July, 1907. by order of the Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of said Court, made tne relief prayed tor in tier com plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving and entered on the 20th day of May, the marriage contract now existing I A. D. 1907. betweeen the plaintiff and defendant and to allow her the care and cus tody of the child, Helen Moore, aged 4 years, and for such other relief as to the court may seem meet and Just. This summons Is to be pub lished In the Oregon City Enterprise for not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks, prior to said day of August, 1907. By order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of said court, made and entered on this 25th day of June, 1907. First publication June 27, 1907; last Inser tion August 10, 1907. T. B. McDEVlTT. THOS. N. STRONG. Attorney for Plaintiff. First insertion, May 24, 1907. Last insertion, July 5, 1907. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Alfle Daniel, Plaintiff, vs. Roques Daniel, Defendant To Roques Daniel, the above named Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and abiioq An rw Knfnun tha 1 Ott rlotr rst 29 ti Attorney for Plaintiff. ti- iQ(V7 . v,i i j uij iiui, iiiob uctug vuc au-o v uaj jiii-- scribed In the order of publication in SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Jeannette Anna Tyner, Plaintiff, vs. William Paul Tyner, Defendant. ' To William Paul Tyner, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you in tho above entitled court and cause on or before August 3. 1907, and If this summons, and if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In this complaint, towit: For a decree of the court dis solving the bonds of matrimony here tofore and now existing between you and the plaintiff upon the ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment. This summons is published in the Oregon City Enterprise for six suc cessive and consecutive weeks by or der of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 31st day of May, 1907, the first publication being on the 7th day of June, 1907, and the last publi- ! : v : -. . v, . , u , .. ,.f T,, 1 you fall to so appear and answer the ; V UC1U uv i," T nn a m liJUIt l Villi &' . -Ul') plaintiff will apply for tho relief prayed for In her complaint: to-wit: 26t7 Attorney for the Plaintiff. advertise this to tho best of thole abil ity, The amount of prizes for races and t'mo of events will bo furnished on printed programs on tho grouv.ds. CLAUDE S. HOWARD, Chairman Committee, structed for from $10,000 to $12,000. Scop's Emulsion strengthens enfeebled nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and nerve force. It provides baby with the necessary fat and mineral food for healthy growth. ALL DRUGGISTSi 50c. AND $1.00. Tetter Cured. A lady customer of ours had suffar ed with tetter for two or thie years. 1 It got so bad on her hands thai she could not attend to her household duties. One box of Chamberlain's Salve cured her.' Chamberlain's med icines give splendid satisfaction in this community. M. H. Rodney & Co., Almond , Ala. Chamberlain's medicines are for sale by Howell & Jones. j Wanted Men to cut one hundred cords of fir wood $1.00 a cord and good timber. Address box 13, R. D., Dundee, Oregon. 2Ct4 1