Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 21, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Rhea and
Mrs. Tennis pyl and daughter Ellis
of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Lee R.
Way were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Johanson the last of last week.
Miss Minnie Markhart left Monday
for her homo In Monmouth.
Miss Edith Armstrong entertained
the twelfth grade graduates at her
tome in Portland, Sunday.
Mrs. Eli Rivers is entertaining her
mother and sister.
Miss Anna Smith is attending the
normal at Salem.
Dr. Strickland waa called Sunday
evening to see Miss Wilson who is
Btill suffering severely with intercos
tal neuralgia.
The Eighth grade graduates held
their exercises in. the school audito
rium Saturday night There were
12 graduates: Myrtle Homes, Fay
French, Frank Peckover, Dora Em
boy, Hugh Piatt, Percy Wilson, Wm.
Nelson. Rena Tycer, Ethel Butts,
Katie Strickland, Lewis Morris,
Sophia Matbles. Each graduate took
part In the program. Dr. Start of
Portland delivered an address to the
class, and Rev. LanC.sbcroust'i of the
Oregon City Presbyterian church cave
the invocation. Th? class covered
Itself with glory in the ?: cisvs
vhich are pronounced excellent by
everyone. The jlo.ve 9 were many
md beautiful.
thing on the program was that every
one present had to stem gooseberries.
Knights and Ladles Banquet.
Willamette council, Knights and
Ladies of Security, met 75 strong, at
W. O. W. hall, Monday evening. Five
new members were Initiated and two
applications for membership received.
Two Portland visitors, Mr. Leo and
Mr. Lent, were present The hall and
banquet tables were beautifully deco
rated In roses, sweet peas and foliage.
Preparations are now under way for
a big meeting of this order, to be held
in Portland In September, when 100
candidates will be initiated. It is ex
pected that the national officers from
Topeka, Kan., will attend this meeting.
Estacada. June 19 Miss Grace Da
vis is convalescing rapidly.
Miss Elsie Pruner of Riddles, Doug
la county, is paying her sister, Eva
D. Pruner, a visit at the home of C.
A. Looney. Miss Eva Is the teacher
in the Garfield school.
Walter Snufnn is shipping straw
berries from Estacada to Portland.
He says the returns are very satisfac
tory. His berries on account of their
excellent color and flavor are selling
at 25 cents a crate higher than other
berries in the market. This is a fine
showing of the possibilities of fruit
culture in the Estacada country.
Henry D. Trapp has about one-fifth of
an acre of as fine strawberries as
your correspondent has seen in any
part of the state. Many farmers are
preparing to set strawberries and
other small fruits next season. Mr.
Snuffin and Mr. Trapp have promised
to furnish a statement later of the
profits and expenses incident to the
The young people of Estacada with
the Rev. Mr. Macpherson and wife
enjoyed a conundrum social at the
M. E. church in Estacada last night.
An Epworth League was organized.
Mrs. Macpherson was accepted as
president, F. M. Gill, second vice pres
dent; Loa Irvin, treasurer.
School district No. 12 elected E. L.
Wonacott director and re-elected J.
J. Davis clerk. The Estacada Bcbool
district re-elected John Stormer and
elected Mr. Reagan to fill the vacan
cy made by the resignation of Mr.
Stratton. John F. Lovelace was re-
i elected clerk.
I Prof. J. E. Stubbs and Miss Vida
Molalla, June 18 It has rained and j Dale of Estacada weremarrled in
cleared up. Make your hay now but ; Portland today.
The regular meeting of the militia
company at Armory hall Monday ev
ening was well attended , and the
members again showed their adept
ness "In learning the commands of
Uncle Sam's fighters. The officers of
the company express themselves as
well pleased with the manner in
which the company learns the various
commands, and say that the company
will be able to participate In the
parade on the Fourth of July. Many
of the uniforms have arrived, and it
Is thought that they will all be here
by next Monday.
be cautious about it
The picnic at Wrights Springs
was very well attended considering
the threatening weather. J. J.
Johnson and Congressman Hawley
made good talks. Central grange fur
nished the vocal music.
J. V. Harless is again with us and
seems to be improving in health
right along.
George Killen and wife of Elliott
The Tracy school district re-elected
Henry Epperson director and W. H.
Holder clerk.
That the Union high school ques-
Prairie were callers at Molalla the!tiott is now bistory another matter
first of the week transacting busi-jbas arisen which if taken up
ness with Drs. Powell and Thomas. by the board of directors .of the
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Thomas go to8cbool will probably be of great help
Pioneer's association. to the present school facilities. It
District Xo. 45 held school election is Bald that at the present time there
Monday and re-elected director iv. is one room ,n ine Barclay building
W. Everhart and clerk William Mack- j unused which could easily be utilized
rell, and voted a tax to make addl-as an eleventh grade room. This pro
tional improvements and employment ,3ect 13 looked upon by the citizens as
of a third teacher for next term. a flne proposition and should it be
Some Eastern .Brook trout were j brought before the atention of the
planted in the Molalla river and trib- j board, action would probably be tak
utaries last Monday under the super-!terra which numbered 22 are all de
vision of Judge Dungan who reported jslrous of attending the home school,
about two-thirds of them dead. icould facilities be given thera for re-
ceiving a higher education. With
another grade added to the present
number no expense would be added
. .... . i n ,J v. - -
airawoerry picKing is ai lis neigntn tpachpr
In this burg. All kinds of grain are
looking fine and a large crop is an
ticipated. Miss Lulu Rushford who has been
away working is at home during the
busy season.
Miss Emma Held from Portland is
staying with her brother George for
a short time.
We are sorry to learn thatJittle
Esther Becker has broken her Teg.
Mr. Ulrich Is going to build an ad-t
dition to bis house and C. F. Zinser '
has bad a stone cellar built.
A surprise party was given Miss
Emma Held last Friday evening. One
The Star Press print shop turns out
the best work at right prices. Get es
timates here on your printing.
District 1 ' ;
A Mather
Emerick & Korinek
O. Wissinger
C. Counsell
M. Gaffney
C. Battin
10 "-
. j
M 'ii
4 00
4 "1
no TMEfMIC 5
II. Itattln
District 2
Portland Wire Works
Security Metal Works
Frank Puseh
A. Mather
M. B. Webster
Orvil Johnson
L. G. Harrington
L. D. Jones
0. Rlngstad
A. Conklund
Otto Uesenald
1. W. Johnson
M. A. Knox
A. Prewett
Frank Robinson
W. W. Hubbard
M. Hubbard
District 3
Rodlun Rros
A. S. Jacobs
J. C. Elliott & Co.
Sager & Wing
A. C. Anderson
G. Heese
J. E. Slefer
Frit Weltman.
H. Ranktn
Chas. Acock
F. Beeso
J. E. Slefer, special
Olaf Gran, special
Aug Wedln, special
H. Raukin, special
Chas. Acock, special
A. G. Anderson, special
G. Boose, special
F. Wellman, special
A. Wellman, special
H. Paulson, special
T. Usfer, special
Ed Rugsted, special
Louis Cock, special
Joe Mlady, special
SC. Young, special
A. Nelson, special
J. A. Stoll. special
District 4
Lazarus C. Young
Cary Hdw Co
Steve Douglas
v Heenan Gibson
E. N. Rowley
Wesley Douglas
Wm. Douglas
R. B. Gibson
Andrew Douglas
L. A. Freeman
Wm. Young
Emery Stlngley
L. Hale
Roy Linn
R. H. Currln
I Erickson
M. Morgan
Cleve Helple
C. Lovell
Cliff Sarver
W. Barr
B. F. Bullard
F. Harklnrlder
G. B. Linn
District 5
Mary L. Bradley
John Straus
Chas Oleson
J. W. Roots
Mlcal Noyle
J. R. Cochran
J. F. Wilmorth
Walter Hall
Wayman Fisher
Gus Herz
B. Johnston
Linden Richey
J. Aemissegger
J. W. Roots
C. Z. Lake
Otto Richey
John Richey
M. Long
. A. Browning
H. G. Knox
District 6
John Straus
John Straus
J. B. Chapman
Joe Albel
James Taylor
John Gibbons
Fred Suckow
Otto Spillman
James Bell
James Duncan
J. M. C. Mil if
John Suckow
! va; J F uckow
W. V:i". r.c
Henry '"h'twr
f. strict 7
:..-.! Ig Bros;
II. V nhelms
'-rle- U-f
F. E. Median
District 3
! '".-nig r-s
! V x Tar-)
Henry Cook
F. MnCa' e
W Stopf
Earl Laxter
4 00
6 50
49 40
4 00
10 05
CO 00
Otto Paulsen 8 00
Christian Johnson 14 00
Administrator's Notlct or Final Set
tlement, Patrick Sharkey Estate,
Notice Is hereby given that the
92 00 'undersigned has this day filed
70 00 his final account as admlnlstra
$4 00 tor of the Kxtato of Pat-
4 00 rick Sharkey, deceased, and that th
8 00 County Court of the State of Oregon,
3 00 County of Clackamas, has set Mon-
38 00 l'i.v the sum day of July, 1907, at tno
8 no hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day
37 50 and the court room of said court ns
14 (10 the place and hour of hearing objoe-
6 00 tlons thereto,
Administrator of tho Estate of Pat
rick Sharkey, deceased.
Souvenir Day for School Children, Tuesday, June 25. Dolls for Girls,
Balls and Tops for Boys.
Every child 1? years old or un-der paying admission to The Oaks
Tuesday will receive a beautiful oruseful souvenir present commemorat
ive of the Oaks 300th day of opera-tion.
Free Picnic grounds, play grounds, hide and seek house, Cbllcoot pass,
Bwlngs, and many other amusements.
Free, sensational performance of The Great Davenports In their high
wire specialties.
Excursion Rates Oregon City to The Oaks., Children between the
ages of.5 and 12 years, 20 cents round trip, including admission to The
Oaks; children under 5 years of age free, when accompanied by parent
or guardian; adults, 35 cents round trip, including admission to The Oaks.
Special tickets will be on sale at Hardlngs Drug store, Main street,
between Fifth and Sixth, streets, Oregon City, on Tuesday, June 25th.
Good on all regular cars, on Tuesday, June 25, 1907.
. '
W. O. Ru-h
Chas. C'-x
L. Ware
F. Stone
D. W. Douglas
District 9
E. E. Ellott & Co.
Meinlg Bros
N, Ratt
Peter Rath
Carl Rath
Henry Kllnker
Henry Smith
William Held
Nick Scheel,
Robert Miller
Peter Ruhl
:s 41
17 00
8 20
70 66
15 94
16 00
12 00
4 00
4 00
12 00
39 50
42 00
8 50
14 00
10 00
12 00
4 00
21 00
15 00
11 50
12 00
8 00
28 00
26 00
walks not on grade and otherwise In or accidents resulting from blasting
good condition, If such obstruct Ions tor from any carelessness or neglect
are not. removed by tho owners of I In doing the work set out In those
tho adjacent property within three I plans and specifications, and will hold
days after having boon nollfod by tho I tho city of Oregon City and any and
Superintendent of Streets they shall I all officials thereof free and hsrmlosa
become the property of tho contrac- therefrom.
Notice for Bridge Bids.
Sealed bids are invited for tho con
struction of an 100 foot span Howe
Truss bridge, resting upon concrete
piers, together with fit feet of ap
proach, across Butte creek on the
boundary lino between the counties
of Marlon and Clackamas, Stute of
Oregon, at what Is known as tho Jack
bridge, one mile southwest of Mar
quant, Oregon. Plans and specifica
tions will be on file at tho offices of
the county Judges of Marlon and
Clackamas Counties, on and after
June 15th, 1907.
Bids will bo opened on Friday,
July 6th. 1907, In tho county court
room at 1 o'clock p. m., at Salem, Or
egon. Each bidder will bo required to de
posit a certified check for the amount
of 5 per cent of his bid, which shall
bo forfeited to the counties of Marlon
8 00 ! made to him. If he falls, neglects, or
ISO 00 ! refuses, for the period of two days
. . ! after such award is made, to enter
17 60
6 75
5 00
10 00
5 00
20 00
17 00
1 00
13 00
27 00
2 25
1 00
20 00
20 00
4 50
30 00
1C 00
25 00
1 00
11 00
3 00
5 00
C9 00
into a contract and file his bond in
the manner required by, ami to the thick.
satisfaction of the above named coun
ty courts upon the day apisdntod.
The county courts of Marlon and
Clackamas reserve tho right to re
ject any and all bid.
Marlon County by
Roadmaster for Marlon County, Ore
gon. Clackamas County by
83 00
57 00
6 00
6 00
C8 00
42 00
34 00
66 00
18 00
37 00
27 00
4 00
24 00
159 50
42 75
55 00
55 00
20 00
26 25
39 00
c rl)
; oo
20 00
20 00
2J hi
22 uu
41 00
27 00
Zi 01
9 00
0 00
7: oo
n 35
25 n
31 50
An ordinance providing for the
time and manner of Improving Ninth
street of Oregon City. Oregon, from
the East line of Water street to a
point on said Ninth street 150 feet
West of the West lino of Main street.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows: Section 1. The proposed improve-
tor and shall be removed by him with
out additional compensation therefvr.
Fill and Embankments.
No material of a perishable na
ture will be placed In the embank
ment. The earth taken from the ex
cavation will be UHi'd to tiring the
street and sidewalk to grade when
necessary, tho remainder will become
the property of tho contractor and
shall bo removed by him. Grading
will be paid for per cubic yard for
excavation and embankment. The
waste earth, rook or other material
will bo paid for In tho excavation
Transporting Material.
The contractor Is required to have
the beds of all wagons, carts or other
vehicles used In transporting earth,
rockor other material to and from
the site of the work sulllclently tight
do prevent leakage; and to cause all
loose nuiterlal clinging to thu beds or
running gears of such vehicles to be
brushed or scraped olt after loading
and unloading and tuko every precau
tion to prevent the unnecessary strew
ing of such material upon tho streets.
Lumber and Timbers.
All lumber anil timbers used In tho
work must bo of sound fir timber,
square edged and free from all largo
loose or unsound knots, wancy edges,
splits, and generally free from sap.
Removal of Rubbish,
All rubbish that may accumulate
during the performance ot the work
or by reason of the work herein pro
vided for shall bo removed by tho
contractor ami tho street left In a
clean and good condition.
All settlements that may appear In
any portion of tho macadam or other
work before the final acceptance of
tho work by tho city shall bo repaired
and made good by the contractor at
his expense.
A sidewalk will be constructed on
either side of the street as follows, to-wlt:
The planking will bo l! Inches
8 Inches wide ami 7', feet
I long, dressed on thu upper surface
and laid upon three stringers. The
stringers will bo 4x6 Inches and not
less than 12 feet long and will be
set on tho edge and laid with broken
I Joints. The stringers, when not rest
ling upon the solid ground will have
a firm hearing every six feet In length
of Walk.
The planking will bo securely nail
ed to the stringers using two, four
ami one-half H'j) Inch wire nails
in each hearing.
A lino of concrete curbing will be
constructed on either side of the
street 22 feet from tho center lino
thereof as follows: Tho curb will bo
C Inches wlilo on top. 8 Inches wide
on tho bottom anil 18 Inches deep.
The walk will have a grade or fall
towards the center of the street of
one fourth 04) Inch to each foot In
width of walk.
In the event of tho owner or own
ers of any or all of the abutting prop
erty desiring to lay or construct
j walks, or gutter of concrete In lieu
I of wood as herein specified, the right
I is hereby reserved for them to so
1 lay or construct the same, in which
ment of that part of Ninth street of
Oregon City, Oregon, from the East event the entire additional cost of
line of Water street to a point 'on ! ""'b eoncreto walks, or gutters, over
said Ninth street 150 feet West of10'"' 8l",vu .nlrtct price for the
iHitme in corihtrnrteil or wooil. shall
the West lino of Main street, shall jM, lK,rno i,y mi, property owners and
be completed within 90 days after the the contractor shall look to such
'rtti'ti.tp ,iP riwni.m finlv fur Biifli fidiJI.
tlonal compensation.
signing of the contract by the parties
thereto, duo notice thereof having
All mnrerto umiILm rnrbu nml mit.
been given by publication of notice ; u.rH hH (.(,llf()rm to tho Htandard
as will more fully appear by proof i specifications for same as proveded
In i m
5 00
22 60
50 40
40 60
18 00
8 00
6 00
24 00
1 00
5 00
6 00
9 00
20 00
thereof duly presented and filed
the olllce of the City Recorder.
Section 2. The improvement shall
consist as follows:
The street shall be graded down or
filled up to the sub-grade as given by
the City Engineer; said sub-grade
shall be 8 Inches below the finished
surface at the center of the street
and six Inches below at tno curbs
after being thoroughly sprinkled and
Care must be taken to preserve the
proper crown and all soft and spongy
places not affording a firm founda
tion shall be dug out and the space
refilled with good earth, sand, gravel
or crushed rock, carefully rammed or
rolled so as to make such filling com
pact and solid.
The full width to be paved shall be
ip-ritilded and thoroughly rolled and
"n.: --"ted with a steam road roller,
j( n '. 'ess than 10 tons weight, or
' rain.'-ing Insuch places as the rol
ler rann' t reach, and If during the
pr.jce -f :!ing, indentations or
sunk' ' r!aC" -inear such shall be
filled -irop. "aterlal and then
again rc'.. . u;it'! ev.-n surface is se-r-'red.
"uch rolll"-- ;hs'l ' completed,
an.j h'. all be test" I kii u accepted by
the f'lt" Knglne"- l -'ore any material
for t..c ;uveifjii: j placed thereon.
On the rx"" "l thus formed and
jC""Mleted v" Ijo spread a layer of
eUt.i, bn' ntone, free from dlrst,
-ot ;.n 6 Inches In in depth
a:!"1" be'iij; thoroughly sprinkled and
Tho stones shall be of square faced
queried rock, uniform In quality and
a nearly approaching the cube in
Torm as practicable; of not less than
one Inch In diameter, nor of greater
diameter than will pass through a
two and one-half (2) Inch ring.
On the above layer of stone wlll bo
spread a layer of screenings, in suf
ficient quantity to fill up all Inter
stices and to bring the street to the
proper grade after being thoroughly
rolled and compacted. And such
screenings shall be sprinkled and
rolled until a firm unyielding and
thoroughly even surface Is obtained,
which surface shall be the finished
grade of the stree. Macadam will be
paid for per cubic yard In place.
The surface of the street will be
cleared of all obstructions Including
timbers, planks side walks and cross
ordinance No. 326.
Obstructions to Travel.
I The work must bo done In such a
manner as to obstruct public travel
as Utile as possible. As soon as the
I macadam Is completo It shall be
thrown open to travel, but such alien
ing shall not be deemed the final ac
ceptance of the work.
Colored Lights.
Colored lights and If necessary
night watchmun are to be mantalned
at all obstructions or other placed of
This will Include clay", sand, loam
or other earthly mntcrlal and loose
stones containing less than one cub
Ic foot.
Loose Rock
This will include all loose stones
containing one cubic foot to one cub
ic yard.
Solid Rock
This will Include all loose rock or
bowlders containing one cubic yard
and upwards, also all rock ledges or
other material requiring to be dis
integrated by blasting.
All work herein provided for will be
done In strict conformity with these
specifications and plans accompany
ing same In a thorough and workman
like manner to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer, and his decision as to
the meaning and Intent of these spec
ifications, measurements, computa
tions of quantities, tho quality of ma
terial to be used and all other matters
pertaining thereto, whether freely
specified herein or not shall be final
and conclusive between the parties.
All unfit or condemned material
shall bo Immediately removed from
the site of the work. In the event of
any workman emifoyed by tho con
tractor refusing to comply with the
instructions of the City Engineer or
his assistant or tho Inspector In
charge of the work In regard to the
removal of rejectod material or for
doing his work in an unworkmanlike
manner shall bo discharged by the
contractor as soon as notlflod In writ
ing by the Engineer of such neglect
or refusal.
Tho contractor must protect bis
work until It Is completed and duly
accepted, and he must repair any
danmgo douo to It by freshets, ruins or
other accidents nt his owii cost, In
push of any accident to water or sow
or pipes tho contractor shall Immedia
tely notify the proper authorities.
Staking Out Work,
The work provided for under those
specifications will bo staked out by
the City KnKlneer or his assistant
and the contractor will be required t
carefully preserve nil .inch stakes sot.
The right Is reserved by tho city
I council to make such alterations as
may bo round expedient tiuring uu
progress of tho work, and In such
event there shall bo added to or de
ducted from the contract price such
sum s shall represent tho cost of
such additional or substracted work
to be estimated by tho engineer.
The City reserves tho right to lay or
relay all or any water or sower pipe
or connections during tho progress of
tho work.
Extra Work.
The contractor shall not bo entitled
to demand or receive payment for
any work as extra work, unless order,
oil In writing by tho Engineer to do
the same and at tho price agreed up
on ami nuiiifd In the written order
for such work previous to Its com
mencement. Dispute.
All disputes as to tho Intent and
meaning of these specifications shall
bo referred to tho Engineer and
Street Committee wlume decision)
shall bo final ami conclusive.
Parlies bidding on tho work pro
vided herein must state In J heir bid
tho time required for tho completion
of the entire Improvement as herein
specified after the approval of thu
eoiitract by tho Mayor and should tho
contractor fnll to complete tho work
within tho time specified In the said
contract the city shall have tho right
to charge tho contractor tho sum of
five dollars per day ss liquidated dam
axe for each and every day that tho
work shall remain uncompleted after
mild NpecKled date and such sum shall
lie deducted from the amount of th
tlnal payment.
No propositi will bo considered
when not accompanied by a certified
check equal to five per cent of th
total estimate, which check shall bo
forfeited to tho city Upon the failure
of the successful bidder to execute
tho agreement provided for herein
within ten days after the award of
tho contract.
Blank forms upon which all pro-
i jkiksIs are to b submitted will b
furnished upon application to the
City Engineer.
t'pon final acceptance of the work
the Engineer will make a final esti
mate of the cost thereof and a pay
ment of sen nty five percent of such
estl'iiate will be ordered st the first
regular meeting of tho City Council
The remaining twenty. five pr cent
to be paid In a lump sum within
thirty five day after such final ac
ceptance. Bond.
The contractor will 1m required t
furnish a bond with approved security
In the full amount of the contract
price, conditioned on tho faithful and
complete performance of the work
In accordance with all ll.e stipulation
of the contract and within the time
named therein.
Wherever tno worn "Engineer" li
used in thorns specifications It 3 un
derstood to refer to tho City Engineer
or to any Engineer employed and au
thorized by tho city council to super
intend such work.
Wherever the word "Committee" oc
curs In thece specifications it shall be
understood to refer to the Com mitten
on Streets and Public property cf th
City Council of Oregon City.
Wherever tho word "contractor" oc
curs in these specifications it Is un
derstood to refer to the contractor, or
firm of contractors (or any member
thereof) or any contractor undertak
ing the work heruln specified.
All the above work and material to
be furnished, shall be done and furn
ished to tho satisfaction of the City
The City Council reserves tho right
to reject any and all bids.
Section 3, Tho committee or
Streets nml Public Property a :i hure
by authorized to advertise fi r nnd re
ceive proposalr as aforesaid, 'd th
Mayor nnd Recorder ahull enter Into
contract with each person, fir n or
corporal Ion to whom tho contract are
let by the City Council for the Im
provement or parts thereof as speci
fied In this ordinance.
Section 4. Each contract shall con
tain a stipulation to the effect that tho
person, firm or corporation to who-n
said contract Is let shall look for pay
ment only to the sum to bo assessed
upon the property liable to pay for
such Improvement, and collected and
paid Into tho City Treasury for that
purpose, and" they will not require Or
egon City by any legal procoss or oth
erwise to pay the sum out of an
other fund.
Section 6. Whereas the oondltlon
of said street la dangerous to the
health and safety of the city, and Its
Improvement is necessary for the Im
mediate preservation of tho same, ,1a
tho Judgment of the CoudcU of Oregon
City, Oregon, an emorgoncy exists;
therefore this ordlnahce shall take ef
fect and be In force Immedlatetly up
on its approval by the Mayor.
Road first time and ordered pub
lished at a, special mooting of tho
Responsibility. j Council of Oregon City, held Friday,
The contractor ahall take entire Juno 14, 1907.
charge of the work during the pro- By order of the Council of Oregon
W. A. DIMICK, Recorder.
gress and shall be responsible for
any loss, damage or Injury to water
and sewer pipes to adjacent property,