OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE SI, 1907 Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday. By THE STAR TRESS. Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post Office as second class matter. Subscription Rates: One Year 1B0 Six Months "5 Trial subscription, two months.. .25 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE. wore often hungry and In want, who says in a complaint filed In the clr- The convention of the Oregon Do-, cult court asking for a divorce from velopmont league promises to lie thoroughly successful and especially effective. Many active workers throughout the state are already In Portland and there seems to be a universal desire for the people of this state to add enormously to the pop ulation of Oregon as a result of the -Big In a physical assault on June 27 colonist rates beginning September I j 1906. She says he came home Intox A..i..c rui.w until notnbor SI. i leatrd times too numerous to men These rates are exactly the same as LOCAL NEWS. Harry K. Kinder. They were married In Oregon City. 1 May 17. IMJ,' and she alleges that 1 beginning in August following he be gan to abuse ner snnmeiu.i.v, '"" ilJny ju Oregon City, her and otherwise treat her In a j ! cruel anil Inhuman manner, fulmlnut O. I), Eby and wife spent Sunday lu rortlaud. F. C. Terry of Molallu spent Thura- R. 1,. Holman spent Sunday In Me Mltinvillo with relatives, MAKING CONVERTS. Chicago mail now arrives 12 hours later than formerly. This is the rail road's answer to the 2-cent passenger fare legislation in the central states. 'The schedule time for mall trains between Chicago and Omaha has been lengthened from four to five hours. Of all the fools it does seem some times that railroad managers easily lead. They give excursion rates to Increase business and make trains profitable. They give passes to nearly everybody best able to pay their fares, so that one-third of the passengers before the rate law went Into effect were deadheads. That cut the average fare per passenger to less than 2 cents a mile. Now when the government and the states stop i the pass business and make all fares 2 cents which would mean more bus iness and larger receipts the manag ers howl, and play the baby act. They will cut their nose off to spite their face. Their action simply makes con verts by the thousands for govern ment ownership and operation. were in effect during March and Ap ril $25 from Missouri river and St. Paul territory, embracing 10,000,000 of people-. $:!0 from St. Iuls and $;3 from Chicago, with $2.50 less for ev ery ticket east or imaiiua. tion, She asks ror me custody oi their child. CHAOS AT JAMESTOWN. Abe l.nrklus of Meadowbrook here on business Thursday, was Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Theodore llagenburger, TlalutllT, Friday, the HMh day of July. MAC MAHON McDJOVITT, 2t;t7 Attorneys f"f Plaintiff. J. J, Matlock of Mullno was visit ing friends In this city, Thursday, PARNERS ON TOP AT ESTACADA Estacada, June 14 Representative men of the four telephone lines build ing toward Estacada met Wednesday night at the Tracy school house. It The Jamestown exposition is in ferior in every way to the Lewis and Clark fair, except In its special feat ures, says Miss Ethel Green, who recently returned from a visit to the show down in Ole Vtrglny where the John Smiths got their first start in this country. Miss dreen was one of a party of prise winners lu a contest store. with the tripes a reward. The exposition is In a very Incom plete state, contrasting unfavorably Horn, Saturday evening, to Mr. and Mrs. Z. Elllcson of Stafford, a girl, Miss Florence draco visited friends In Portland, Saturday and Sunday. Frederick Raker clerical position In has accepted u Harding's drug Mrs. Kate SehuU of Portland spent Sunday with her Bister, Mrs. 8. V. was a get together meeting to make, with the Lewis ami nam lair in imu nancis. possible united action. Each com-; respect. The feature that would pany selected one of Its members to! have made the Virginia show a sue- H. H. C.regory of Heaver Creek was ct on a tnlnt committee. This com-! cess, the great government break- transacting business at the court fmittee Is E. L. Wonacott, J. J. Davis. CUT OUT RED TAPE. The less red tape and fewer offic ials In city government the better and more effective that government will be. There is no need in a town the size of Oregon City to elect other and five or six of them is a great plenty. The executive officers should be appointed by the council. The best men could be secured in that than members of the city council way. One of the executive heads should be a practical man of business, one with engineering ability pre ferred. The other executive head should attend to the clerical and mag isterial work. All city legislative functions should be centered in the council; all executive work devolve on its two executive appointees, who are responsible to the council only, and the council responsible to the people. water and pier, won't be finished un-1 house, Friday, Edwin Pates and Mr. Lovell. It Is tH long after the exposition is oniy a the duty of this committee to see .memory. The 'Trail" of the James what terms can be gotten of the Esta-i town affair Is called the "Warpath" cada company. Pacific States and New jam! It is the only part that Is ready- Home companies, report to their com panies and call a mass of the com panies to report their findings to. The city of Estacada has granted to W. H. Holder, E. L. Wonacott and H. for visitors The party of which Miss Green was a member spent six days Hampton Roads and of course en loved themselves even If the show Henry Klmmer of Macksburg was In Oregon City on a business trip, Thursday. Mrs. Robert Ringo ami Miss Eirte around .Grace, of Clarke spent Sunday with Mrs. O. W. Grace. D. Grapp a franchise to construct tel-1 was like watching the erection of ephone lines in the city. tern Banking company The Wes has trans- The first Sunday after the act clos ing the Portland saloons on Sunday noted an Increase in the amount of business of the local saloons, but the visitors were not very demonstrative in their actions, and gave the police no trouble. Every car arriving t n number nf the thirstv and 1 these weary travelers wended their small bits with an axe when the lit way toward the houses that retail the Srl PIaced her han1 on tne roPe wet goods. Many people stated yes- " 'nt of the descending ax. terday that if the visitors would al- One finSer was completely severed a viM o o a second almost cut off and a third Miss Stella Powell left Saturday Frank Busch's warehouse. i evening ur a lew nays visu wun . ... . Hill,, I ft ' .1 . t l f..1..Il. They "did" the national capital but :'' . ferred to the same parties all Its , Miss Green says me tour uaya speiu rights which were reserved in the; in Chicago were the best of the trip original grant of the streets to the as far as sight seeing goes. They miblic. So the farmers have every- visited all the world-famous signis thing in their own hands. The four of that metropolitan center of our companies will represent about 60 'country, from the Field Museum in phones. Several telephones are In Jackson park, the Art Palace of the, operation at Currinsville. The cen- 1893 exposition, to the Zoo In Lin- ( tral division completed the labor of j coin park. It took them a day to setting the poles Wednesday. They satiate themselves In the splendors are hflncrinc tho wtrta tmlnv In ft ' of Marshall Field's store, the great- short time the line will be in opera-lest retail store In the world. While i" Sllvey. of 33 Seventy street. tion. Mayor J. W. Reed and council-' in Chicago, Miss Green met Misses man Will Cary of Estacada were pres- jVeda Williams and Dollle Cross, two fechatrni.au of Molalla was f . ... ... I atlomf ntr tit liiiuitwtuu I furnu u In t-n ent at the meeting and gave informa- Oregon City girls who are studying i tion that will materially assist the there. farmers. j The party went East via the O. R. Joseph Pinkley, the Estacada plo- . & N.. Union Pacific and Rock Island neer who was stricken with paralysis :to Chicago, thence to Washington and three weeks ago, has not improved in j return over the Big Four and C. & health since that time. O. From Chicago west they came Grace Davis, daughter of W. W. over the Great Northern by way of Davis, Sr., of Garfield, Is very serious-! St. Paul, Minneapolis, Spokane and lv ill. At last reports her condition Seattle. They traveled in a special Twin boys arrived at the home of iMr. and Mrs. C. M. Mason. In Fly- i-orld-famous sights j vllle. at dinner time, Friday. Miss Mona Kill f ortland vlot.vl her mother. Mrs. .' E. King, of Edge Lln. Iwtxid, at Mt. IVasaut, Sunday. j Mrs. Mary Ellett of Denver, Colo., iis a guest of her sister, Mrs. Gather- vh, C, C. Garrett mil Lillian Garrett, his wife, James H. Garretl'and Rach ael Garrett, his wire. Emma tl, Hawk Ins and Henry 11. Hawkins, her hus band, Sarah tiarrett Hrownell and Wil liam K. Hrownell, her husband, Eu gene L. Garrett, Herbert M. Garret t, and Florence Garrett, his wife, Roy E. Long and lthoda A. Ismg, his wife, Lillian- Ismg, 1 vu Long, Eva L, Barker and lladley Barker, her husband, Myr tle Uurail nml Reuson Duran, her hus band, Charles long, Adeline Ismg, Minnie Long, Emma 0, Garrett. Fd ward K. Garrett and Emma L. Garrett. his wire. Jenntt E. Arnold and Jo seph t). Arnold, her husband, Charles C. Garrett aud Blanche Garrett, his wife. Ella Stanton and Clark Stanton, her husband, May Leonard and Joseph Leonard, her husband, Arthur W. Gar rett. John (1. Garrett. Irving 8. tiar rett, James 1). Garrett. Alta Garrett, Clyde C. tiarrett and Vivian Garrett, the heirs at law of John P. tiarrett and Eunice Garrett, his wife, deceas ed, Defendants, To T. C. tiarrett and Lillian Garrett. his wife. James 11. Gurrctt and Rach- ae Garrett, his wife, Emma G. Hawk- Ins and Henry It. Hawkins, her hus band, Sarah (iarrett Hrownell and Wil liam E. Hrownell, her husband, Eu gene L. Garrett, Herbert M. Garrett, aud Florence Garrett, his wife, Roy E, Iong and lthoda A. 1mg, his wire, Lillian l-ong, Iva Ienig. Eva L. Barker and Hadlcy Barker, her husband, .Myr tle Duran and Reason I hi run, her hus band, Charles Img, Adeline .Long, Minnie Ixing, Emmn C, Garrett, Ed ward H. Garrett and Emma L. Garrett, his wire. Jeanette E. Arnold and Jo seph O. Arnold, her husbanil, Charles C. Garrett and Blanche Garrett, his wire, Ella Stanton und Clark Stanton, her husband, May I.eonunl and Joseph Leonard, her hoshund, Arthur W. Gar rett, John G. (iarrettf Irving S. Gar rett, James P. Garrett, Alta Garrett, Clyde C. Garrett and Vivian Garrett, the heirs at law of John D. Garrett and Eunice Garrett, his wife, deceas ed, Defendants. WOOD WANTED. Healed bids will be received by lh' School Board of School District No. t!2, Oregon Clly, Oregon, iinlll t o'clock. Saturday, July , WT: f"r furnishing luo cords or first-class fir wood, said wood to be Unr root In length, cut from sound, largo first growth limber, well seasoned and spilt reasonably line, Ru cords to bo delivered at the Ilarelny school build ing and fo cords , at tlm Must ham school building In Oregon City. All of said wood to be delivered on or before September , H7. Second growth wood Is not desired. The School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bidders shouhl onclo.. their bids lu a sealed envelop" and mark "Bids for WhmI, and ad dress the sumo to the Clerk of School District No. 112. By order of the School Board. E. E. BRODIE, District Clerk. Dated this Hth day of June, l07. 27t2 had not changed for better. The little daughter of Henry Ep person of Palmateer's settlement suf fered a very painful and distressing accident Tuesday. Alva Linn, a 12 year old boy, wa3 cutting a rope to Pullman and had a most enjoyablo trip throughout. BANNER DAY rOR Clackamas metropolis, Thurs lay. Miss Edith Carr, who taught for the past term in the high schsl at The Dalles,, has returned for vacation. Miss Satle Sullyan, who aitemls Mount Angel Academy, arrived home Saturday morning for the summer vacation. ' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon lu and for the County of Clackamas. M. P. Cannon, Plaintiff, vs. Alice Ctttiiion. Defendant. To the above named defendant, Allen " Cannon; In the mime of the Stale of Oregon, you are hereby mimtunned to appear and answer (lie coniiuint nieii npalnHt you lu the above entitled suit, on or hefuMt the 27th tiny of July, T.I07, and If you fall to unswer, for want thereof the plaintiff wilt tako decree against you for the relief prayed for In tli complaint herein filed, to-wlt: That the bonds or matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff und defendant bo forever dis solved, and that the plaintiff bo de creed to be the absolute owner of Iits ten (10) and eleven (II). block ten (lo In Park Addition to Allium, now Portland. Multnomah County, Oregon, Mild Unit the defeudunt bo decreed to huve no Interest as dower or otherwise. In and to said property, and that the plaintiff recover of nud from the defendant his costs and dis bursements In this suit and for such other and further relief as to th Court may appear Just, meet and etpillable. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the above entitled t'ourt, duly made, signed nml filed on the 11th day of June, l'J7, which order specified tlm tlmo for answering the complaint herein as the 27th day of July, lo7. lu the name of the State of Oregon, i and the first publication of summon Al. and John Falrclough returned Monday to tho Ogle mines, after a short business and rileasum trln tn MILWAUKIE GRANGE! Oregon City Five granges were awarded splen did satin .banners at the state grange at Hood River for the highest liter- they did yesterday they would have lbadly cut 11 ,s tnougflt the ,ast tw0 jary and lecture work of the granges. no objections to the saloon men's en . may be saved j in the contest just finished. Milwau- rlching themselves. Most of the ! The commencement of the Estacada jkie Grange No. 2C8 won the banner Portlanders went home in due season, j uv.-B.u.. t or district .-no. z and is naiuraoy But at 11:30 two men who walked the Brale PuPiIs were graduated. . pr0U(1 of Us W1CCCBB. The work of gait of one who is chasing lambs, !These were Paul Woraer- wllllam !this grange has hn under the lead- were observed near the city park in iUale- uaie an1 tvuu5 "taKa"' .ership of Mrs. Mary Getchell. Satur- ils c-, with a H. J. Hocklnberry, superintendent of the LaGrande high school visited with Superintendent J. C. Zlnser Sat urday morning. Mrs. W. S. ll.atlo and son llubol of Portland have returned to their home after a pleasant visit with Ore gon City relatives. You are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entered suit on or before the 22d day of June, 190", said date being the expiration of lxi27t7 weeks from tho first publication of this summons and If you fall to so appear ami answer, for want thereof, the plarntiff will apply to the court for tho relief prayed for In plaintiff's complaint, to-wlt: To correct aa er ror In the description of a co-tain deed executed on or about the Hth day of February, 1857, by John D. Garrett and Eunice Garrett, his wife, to Thomas J. Chase, which deed ya recorded on the ltith day of February 1SJ7, on page 434 Book B, record of deeds for Clackamas County, Oregon, and a certain deed executed on or about the 5th day of April, 18CL by M. M. Owen, administrator of the e- Is made iihui the Hth day of June, r.niT, and lb" Inst publication of sum mons Is made upon the 2ith day of July, l'.io7. RALPH E. MOODY. Attorney for Plaintiff. tho hP9t f .. flrtmmpnt tn wheth- There were five ninth grade gradu- .,lay the Krange celebrated er they were on Portland Heights or ates' The graduates of this school jtory in an a day meetlng. Council Crest. The grape growers in France from the Rhone to the Pyr- jmaue a uisei ac.aBc iuu a.,j ; dinner sucn as mis grange is notea iother school in the county. J. C. Zin- ifort at noon Maple Lane grange No. jser made the class address which was ;29C won a money premium. The lat southern .u , ,,,!. . ' . . . . wen iccnicu. i ue rauitia m iuc..er cranee s getting ready now ior have inaugurated a queer Estacada school are J. E. Stubbs and Miss Stevens. .T E. Stubbs has been employed as and the French flag . . - yltryi ,w anees strike. They refuse to acknowledge the government is hauled down from all municipal jmHej weRt of Hood R,verf K a BalarJP of ? 100 per month, which is twice I the salary he received at Estacada. This promotion comes at a very op !nortune time to Mr. Stubbs and is a Ing municipal, are appointed by thewI merited rewar(, for th(J earnegt general government, the extent of the j hg done Ia Clackamas strike can be imagined. I ne cause the non-compliance of the the annual grange fair to be held the first Saturday in October. and provincial buidings. All govern mental business is discontinued in the districts affected, and when it is remembered that air officials, lnclud- is DISTRIBUTION OP PISH ! Miss Berha Adams, who has been visiting her uncle In Forest Grove, passeil through this city Friday on her way to her homo in Molalla. Miss Helen Gleason, a teacher In the east side school at Salem, re turned home Monday morning to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gleason. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Clackamas. Lena M. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs. . Andrew Nelson, IWendant. In the name or the State of Ore gon: You, Andrew Nelson, the bIhivo named defendant, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against ymi herein on or beforo Monday, the 29th day of July. 1U07. that day being sli weeks from tho first publication nf the summons here in, ami It you fall to appear and an swer herein, plalnilff will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint on file herein, to which reference Is hereby made, and tnoro particularly as follows: For a deereo tato of Thomas J. Chase, deceased. (HKolvlng the bonds, of matrimony which deed was recorded on the 11th day of April, 18GI, at page 591, Book I), record of deeds for Clackamas County, Oregon, and to quiet title thereof. county. govern- j Trwjn a student of the Oregon ment with the demand or tne grape growers to forbid the manufacture and sale of adulterated wine. Superintendent of fisheries, Hen-y O'. Agricultural college, returned to her , home last evening. Cora Yoc' I another student of the same cc" will return home Thursday. Rev. L. Q. X. Y. 7.. Zw-. : v celved or ' OfflCiT'F t ' ,1 di-s .ship" ,rtk- or ,,(: i t. "?tor am' ,-ih . "'tv r as: Ela- -oo Mayor Schmitz of San Francisco, m tii m a a , v. i ., t iouna guuiy oi exioruun, ua lemui ;negro evangelist, addressee that a poor but honest fiddler ".s hap- fle,d school Monilay. He is v pier than a politician who grows rich ke arrangemf.ntB t0 hoi( from bribes. 1 'services in the Palmateer settleme - I A meeting has been called at Esta- REVISION HIGH SCHOOL COURSE. , cada for Friday, at 1 p. m., for the ! purpose of devising ways and means State Superintendent Ackerman has jof establishing a fruit and vegetable f.aii a mooting nf tpnrhers inter- td",,er' I. veronica II.-- ested in the high school education to 11 to look as if Estacada will gainst Frank, consider the revision of the high 80on have a car factory and repair j tor and hfira 0l school course of study. All teachers nas i "r -en. J o be A fis' r , a "; g" j.jj ' lid d' ributf fo Jt 2,0' .ots The jilted .ti"'' r, "nh a --. t jlmor jlT h i-ea-... r ti- J. Goldsmith and wife and llttlo son Ivan will return to their home at '"ugene, Monday evening, after a eant visit with Mr. Goldsmith's and sisters, Mrs. A. Goldsmith -'' abters. and re mrrc Ja M. C. D. Strickland : '-t to go East In a '.'n most of tho i Ir old homes W .itlon. now existing between plaintiff and de fendnnt, on the ground or cruel and Inhuman treatment. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for not less than six successive weeks In the Ore- This summons Is published by order " ('"y Enterprise, published In tho , ,, i m . ... I County of Clackamas, State of Ore of. the Honorable, Thomas A. Mc- ',,...,.,,..,.. h'ii nii'i i j HuuwiFi" i Thomas A. Mclirble, Judge of tho 'above entitled Court, which order la dated the Huh day of June, P.I07. The date of the first publication of Bride, Judge of tho above entitled court, which order was made and en tered on the 3rd day of, May, 11)07. U'RUN k oCHLEHEL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, May 10th, 1007. 22-t7 Mr .ner.i g ib w the s lvlc Improve . its regular meet nouse Tuesday ev- it no action Ins yt the council In rcgarl j quest.o'' the co-oporathe jject will be discussed. this summons Is Friday, the Hth day of June, i:07, and the date of tho last publication of this summons la Friday, the 2fith day of July. l!i(7. J. J. FITGERALD, 2717 Attorney for Plaintiff. interested are invited to meet at 1 o'clock Saturday, June 29, at the office of the department of public instruction. MISS MATHIES LEADS. The count of votes In the Goddess of Liberty contest Monday morning showed the standing as follows: Miss Kate Mathies 22G. Idisa Beryl Long 197. Miss Gussle Humphreys 165. shop. A corporation having this ob ject in view has purchased the wood working plant. "Snap" Davis who purchased the Yocum sawmill is cleaning up the yard and getting the mill ready for a larger output. He expects to put In a full force of men next week. as br ,ght " an ' the f ' :. .ook f; e and possession of k bio'' an by. The complaint Hi 1 " Elea nor M. Cook gave a mor... on the property to Frank Astman and A. A. Cook to secure money loaned her, but that since then she has repaid the money, and plaintiff has bought the property, and now asks that the de fendants show what Interest, If any, they have In the property. WAGES FOR DRINK; WIFE WENT HUNGRY. The origin of a man's appetite for Because her husband spent his, strong drink is often traceable to his wages for drink, Mary E. Kinder and ( discovery of having married an onion little three-year-old daughter Mary, fiend. .IIss Veda Williams, who has been tudying music In Chicago for the mst two years, will arrive In Oregon City about June 27 to. remain with her sister, Mrs. C. 0. Miller, until September, when she will leave for Lexington, Ky., to asume her duties as musical Instructor In a young ladles' seminary. Miss Williams will visit relatives at Cameron, Mo., and Omaha, Neb., on her way to tho Coast. Her mother, Mrs. C, O. T. Wil liams will accompany her. Mrs. Wil liams went East several months ago and has been visiting relatives, and Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stt'.ri of Oregon for tho County of Clacka mas. Frank Strychalsky, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Strychalsky, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You, Emma Strychalsky, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on or before, Saturday, the 20th day of July, 1907 that day being six weeks from the first publication of the sum mons herein, and If you fall to appear and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed ror In the complaint on file hereln.to which reference Is hereby made, arid more particularly as follows: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant on tho grounds of deser tion. This summons Is served upon you by ' publication thereof for not less than six successive weeks in the "Or egon City Enterprise," published In the County, of Clackamas, State of NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, Administratrix of tho Es tate of Daniel D. Evans, ' c late of Clackamas Count All persons having claims ai estuto are hereby notified U same, duly verified accordlin with my attorney, C. H. 1). Cor. Oth ami Main Streets, City, Oregon, within six mont the date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregi. Hth day of Juno A. D. 1907. ELIZA M. EVANh Administratrix of aforesaid E 27t5 on r aid i he w, r. i. STRAYED. Strayed, from the residence of Thomas at Heaver Creek,, one Indli saddlo pony, light sorrel,) with bal face, threo whlto feet; branded E oi shoulder and Jowl; weight about 854 pounds. Finder please notify A. Thom as, Oregon City, R. ). 3; telephone Mutual Home 2, Beaver Creek. FOR 8ALE. llOlJSin AMD !,nT-l.n fi-nlt- trnns. rmrrr anil liir rvtTnf rt IVia T finsitn Aa I . " 7. ' ... 'chicken house, etc., located on Sixth i no, nun j. iviunnuu, auugu oi uiu above entitled Court, which order la dated the 5th day of June, 1907. The date of the first publication of was also a guest at Peoria, III, of , this summons Is Friday, the 7th day Mrs. Mclntyre who formerly resided of June, 1907, and tho date of the In this city. I last publication of this summons Is street. Must bo sold at onco. Call at Daniel Williams, 41GV6 Seventh street Sold on easy terms, 19tf WANTED Two good Spinners, good wages and steady work guaranteed. Eugene Woolen Mill Co., Eugone, Or. 2Gt4 ' T