ORCQON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1907. S LETTERS BY HAYWOOD Wrote to Mrs. Orchard in Furtherance of Her Hus band's Design. TRIAL DRAGS SLOWLY Article Written by Defendant For Miners' Magazine Are Offered In Evidence by Proeecutlon Today. ehol. Tim bride will bo attirod In a white Hllk gown and will carry a boumiot of Trunin roMDH. About fifty guest have boon' Invited, ami tho af fair proiiilMon to bo one of tho moMt brilliant aoclal function that ha hap pened In t tt I h city for aoino time, Tho house ha boon beautifully decorated with roses, fern, tweet pea, ami Oregon grape ami present a night pleasing to tin) 170. The ceremony will In) performed by Rev. It. C. Illaekwoll. After congratulation and tllU Wedding Slipper, the couple will leave for a short honeymoon after which thi'jf will reside In Bollwood, where a house ha already been pre pared for thotii. lloth of tho parlffm aro well repeetod In thl city, and carry with thorn tho foet wishes of tho entire community. Surprlae Mr, and Mr. Kellogg. A pli-HHant aurprlHO wa given on Rpeytal to Dully Star. . lWilHi-Jd., Jun 19 Tho trlul drag Mlowly today. Artlchm from tho Min ora Mai?a.lin written by Writ. I). Hay wood, wore offrrod In evidence by the prosecution. Th th'fenHo foiiKht tin tojrceaKfull) aglnnt their Introduc tion, conitumliiK tho cntlro moruliiif. Wrote to Mre. Orcharo. Ilolne, Id., June 19 Tho proanfU' thulr coming by the uo of horn and PRACTICAL JOKERS othur Inharmonious noise mukora. ' . Several Oregon City guests wore BENEFIT PATIENT pnmoiit at tho affair, Tho mimic wan furnished by Parsons' orchestra of " I Stafford, June ls-After about a al well pleased with the city by tho wwk f)f 0r).,,,3 Uif; H;m (;gan i shine, ome.hat t 'rrldly it is true, 1 on Monday, u tho mercury registered Wedding invitation. i t Friend and relative of William I E an(, w,fe wecomj4 mnum Hhlvoly r In Oregon Clty;MoU!r Ub Ir ,aHt BBlur(, have rfic.dv.Hl Invitation to hla mar- j J)r WM ,() mm Mr, rlago to Mm Pearl Peterson at the Bah 0)r)cn R w(w ihiinv id nnr iiiiri'iiiB, iir. bihi Aim. in, Peterson at Korea t Grove. The cere mony will bo pronounced by the Rov. Dr. Hale of the Pacific Unlverlty, Tuesday afternoon, Juno 25, at 2:30 o'clock. After a wedding trip to the Bound and Newport tho happy couple will go to fcoiiHekwping In room ready for their occupancy a428 Hall street, Portland. The groom in a rla- Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Kellogg of Taylor Ing young attorney, having just been direct, Monday night, in honor of admitted to the bar and la In the their fourteenth wedding anniversary, office of Attorney Krank Freeman In The evening wan apent In a delightful Portland. Nodal way. IlefreHhmenta were aerv- ed. The gu.'Ht were Mr. and Mra. Italney, MeHilamen Flagler, (iott berg, Prlndlo, (IroHhono and Ijicy; Ji.Hfph Mct'omli, Frank Kellogg, Mln Htclla Kellogg, and Mra. Mary Jonea of Bt, Johiia. MImh Margaret (loodfellow will en tertain tho (JypHlea Thumday evening. tloit In tho BteuiiHnlx'rg murdr trial iffired Him of It moMt Importunt Vlccea of evidence agalnat William I), Haywood yenterday when recalling Harry Orchard for redirect examina tion It Introduced and aecured the uiIiiiIhmIoii of four l"ltT ti'iiding to ahow that IlaywiHid, during the fall if 1905, when Orchard aweara he waa engiig.'d on varum crime fur the Federation leader, had participated In a plan to dicdvo Mr. Orchard, the necond, of Cripple Creek, a to the horealut of her hunband. Over a variety of unitta from the lefene, Orchard wa allowed to tes tify that early In the auinmer of 1905, Haywood told him that Mr. Orchard wa writing him for Information a to Orchard' whereabout. Orchard awore that he proponed that he Mhould write hi wife a Merle of letter that were to be faUely duted and delivered to Mr. Orchard by agent of the Fed eral Ion. He ald that he flrt wrote two let ter which he dated at Ban FrancUco and had them delivered through Pad ly Mulllney, who repreeiited the Kedwwtlon at Cripple Creek. Or chard Identified the two letter and overruling all objection of the do fn. Judge Wood admitted them. Next Orchard awore that he wrot a third letter purporting to come from Nome, Alaska, and that under the general arrangement that he had made with tho Federation official, Marlon Mxiro carried tho letter to Nome, where he went n organizer of the Federation, and ponted It. Till letter, bearing the date of Nome, August 5. 190.1, wa produced, Identi fied and admitted In evidence. Orchard then Identified a letter which Haywood wrote to Mr. Or ahard, and that, too, wa admitted In vldenco and handed to the Jury. It wa a follow: "lonver, Nov. 18, 195 Mr. H. Orchard lear Madam and Slider: 1 have not heard a word alncu I Raw you. The lat Information I got wa from Alanka. I think Falrchlld wa tho name of the place. I eo that aw ful condition prevail among the law mid order element. Your very truly, W, D. Haywood." The three letter written by Or chard were conimonplaeo and con tained practically nothing bearing on the cao or Orchnrd'a teatlmony, ex cept references to tho arrangement which Orchard aald ho made with tho Federation official for tho caro of hi wlfo while ho wa ahaent. Visit Seamen' Friend Society, Through tho courteny of Mr. 1 lea- ale 0. Btone of the Portland Journal, Naruio I.. Heaton of tho Oregon City Dally Star, had the pkamiro of at tending the Portland branch of the j Women' Pre of Oregon, Tueaday evening. In a vlHlt to the Beamen'a Friend oclety, at their limtltute, 2C3 Flaader atreet. Thl InHttlute I a place of rent and recreation for the allormen while In jort and I under the aupervlslon of He v. E. H. Kopor, who from nine year of age ha been connected with eafarlng. Kvery Monday evening aome entertaining program I arranged for the boy. Mr, Roper In private convematlon upoko of the helpfulne of Mr. Stone In her Intereat In thl Inatltute, and through her tho club wa there Tues day evening. K unique program wa given by the aallornien with the Scot tUh piper and an example of "holat tug tho aall." Several women of the club read and recited Interesting ato rle, that were Interaperaed with miiMlc. After tho program lunchwrn wb aerved. ' Bola Circle, Women of Woodcraft, hold their monthly aoclal meeting on Friday evening. Tho ladle whoae name begin with T or W will serve refreshment. The picnic given by the Sunday ichool of tho Presbyterian church at Oladntone park Wednesday, wag at tended by about 100 children and teacher. They had a splendid time. The dinner I aald to have amounted to a regular bannuet RATES TO 8TATE NORMAL. The silver annlverHary commence ment exercise of the Oregon State Normal school, at Monmouth, will be held Juno 20-.10. The name of Miss Maude W. Cooke of Orenon City, ap pear among the graduate from the advanced course. A rate of a fare and one third have ben secured but In order to get these rate it will be necessary to pay full fare going, taking a receipt from the agent. This receipt countersigned by Secretary J. II. V. Puller will entitle holder to a one-third fare returning. Ticket should be purchased either to Dallas or to Independence, wa suffering from appendicitis. Mr. Gehhardt brought hla aon Harry borne Sunday from the hospital. He stood the Journey o,ulte well, although he wa very tlrwd. It will be remem- ered he cut hi knee with an adz couple of weeks ago. Mr. Maya, who has been very alck, la ao he walks about and hopes for complete recovery are entertained. One night last week Mark and Hilly sat up with him. Ullly said, "I'll ave Mark tied in bis chair before midnight." Boon the stillness grew oppressive and Hilly Megan to nod, and finally went fast asleep, and Mark procured a rope and tied him ecurely to his chair. Then the pa tient began in call to Billy for water. When he awakened with a start the udlerous figure he cut did much to turn the patient for tho better. A petition baa been circulated ask ing to have Stafford mail delivered from Willamette. The people signed it almost unanimously. i 11.1 llliyni Ul lilt; tlltnD Ul lilt? VI&I1I.U grade took the examination again last week. Some of them had gone away to work and were not able to attend. Mr. Nlmlc and others say a good portion of tho hops are blaated and the hall of last Wednesday which visited the country In streaks finished them up. If so it will be rough times for a good many. Fred has purchased the ring and after a few preliminaries are Bettled with the prospective father-in-law he will get married and the tin-can bri gade are impatiently waiting. Phillip Hlmes. A pretty June wedding was solem nised at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charle 11. Catifteld In ("enter atreet, Tuesday eveiilng, when Mis Ituth I). Hlme of South Haven, Mich., wa united In marriage to their nephew, Mr. Jame K. Phillip of Seattle. The room were beautifully decorated in roses, sweetbrler and syrlnga, artis tically arranged. At 8:30 o'clock to the strains of the wedding march from I.ohengrln played by Mis An tlonette Walden, the bridal ' couple unattended descended tho broad stair way and entering the front parlor paused before the bay window arched with sweetbrler, where Kev. E. Clar- nce Oakley pronounced the cere mony. The lriilo wa nocomingiy Iressed In white and carried a show er bouquet of white sweet peas. Her golug away dress waa a tailored wait of grey with hat and veil to match. A delightful wedding Btipper followed the ceremony. The bride's cake wa mode by her mother at South Haven and tho groom's cake by his mother at Wheaton, 111. Mr. and Mr. Phil lips took the : 30 car for Portland, Wednesday morning, and will go at once to Seattle, where lie Is private secretary to Mr. Allen of the twine and flax Industry, and where a neat llttlo cottage await them. Those witnessing tho ceremony were Mr. and Mr. C. II. Caufleld, Captain and Mrs. M. D. Phillips and llttlo daugh ter. Miss Antlonette Walden, Miss Muriel Stevens, Percy. Raymond and Wallace Caufleld. Mrs. K. J. Phillips of Albany and Paul B. Phillips of Seattle. SOCIAL DOINGS Moak Hlnman. Miss Kdlth Moak and Mr. Wralter Hlnman of Parkplnco wero married at tho homo of the brldo'B father, Pe tor loak, Wednesday evening at 7;3oT Owing to the recent bereave wont In tho family tho wedding was a very quiet one, tho ceremony being preformed by tho Itov. R. C. Black well of (ho Methodist Episcopal iiurch of Oregon City, In tho pros )tieo of only tho Immediate rolatlvos. Mr, and Mrs. Hlnman housekeeping at Lents. will go to Read White. Miss Cora White and Walter Read, two well known and popular young peoplo of thlB city, will bo married at 8 o'clock Wednesday, evening at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M, White of Fourth and Rail road streets. The bridesmaid will be Miss Bortha Runyan, while the groom will be attended by Samuel Carml LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to the council of Oregon City at Its next regular meeting for a renewal of their liquor license, until October 1, 1907, at their present place of business, 408 Main street, Oregon City. BENNETT & FOUMAL, Marriage Licenses. Juno 15 Catherine E. Leka and R 0. Drake. June 15 Temple L. Prlndlo and Selglo Coffman. June 15 Ruby Wesson and Bert Ooshn. June 18 Ruth Hlmes and James Edwin Phillips. June 19 E. Vlda Dale and J. E Stubbs. June 19 Cora May White and Wal ter A. Read. BLASTING FISH. Complaint is made of blasting In the alongh up at Rock Island. Many dead fish are floating on the water and a farmer living near says ho has heard tho noise of the explosions Tho penalty la severe against siijch "fishing" and It will go hard with the man If a deputy warden catches him Bridge Whist. Mrs. C. D. Latourette was at home to the bridge whist club Tuesday. Tho afternoon was delightfully spent In the fascinating gnme. The favors were won by Mrs. John P. Keating and Mrs. Llowellyn Adams. The par lors were beautifully decorated lu car nations. During the hfternoon Mrs. C. W. Tope charmingly rendered sev eral solos, and the hostess served Htht refreshments. Present woro Mesdames E. A. Sommer, J. P. Keat ing, T. W. Clark, L. Adams, J. W. Norrls, Lena Chnrnian and C. W. Pope; Misses Mary L, Holmes, CIs Barclay Pratt and Edna Daulton. Evening Stars. About 250 members of the Vesper Stella Dancing club of Portland en Joyed a trolloy ride to Canomah Park and a hop In the park pavllllon, Tues day evening. The party came In two sections, each section consisting of a car and two trallors. Thoy arrived here about 8 o'clock, the cars being decorated with red and white pen nants, and the members announced THE ACT OF MARCH 4, 1907. CHILDREN'S DAY . IN GEORGE CHURCH George, June 17 The rain has left the crops In fine condition In this vl clnlty. Carl LIns and Ed Harder were home from the logging camp Sunday. Will Held Is digging a well. He Is assisted by Peter Ruhl. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Held have gone to Bethany to visit their daughter. Henry Joynes came out from Port land on a visit with his family over Sunday. Hans Paulsen of Portland was out to spend a day on bis farm. The German Presbyterian Sunday school have decided to have Child ren's day exercises on Saturday, June ?9. , Children and grown folks are welcome. There will be a program and a picnic dinner In the fir grove on the Lins farm If the weather is favor able. Come with well filled baskets and leave dull care behind. Sister Agatha, Mother Superior of the Benedictine Sisters, arrived In this city from Mt. Angel Thursday morning to be present at the gradu ating exercises of St. John's school. Tho act of March 4, 1907, applies to soldiers of the Civil war only and makes no provisions for any bounty other than that previously authorized by law. It does not authorize the payment of any new "bounty. Nearly all soldiers' or their heirs have already received all bounty due under existing laws. The following ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance providing for the con struction of a stone or concrete cul vert for the waters of the branch run ning on portions of John Adams, Sixth, Washington and Center streets. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Sec. 1. That the committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City are hereby authorized to advertise for. and re ceive proposals for tho construcion of a stone or concrete culvert for the waters of the branch running on por tions of John Adams, Sixth, Washing ton and Center streets, and in cer tain real property abutting upon said streets, according to the plans end specifications therefor now on' file in YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED with us will be a working; asset, good to !:eep and tohave for an emergency or op portunity. Wise is the man who has his capital, no matter how small, deposited where it is at werk earning more capital. The Bank of Oregon City VAVWWvWWWWAAAAAVrVvWiM cases only are affected by this net. I tho office of the Recorder, and the Where additional bounty under the; Mayor and Recorder shall enter into act of July 28, 1806, haa been denied because it was not claimed before July 2, 18S0, It may now bo allowed. contract with each person, firm or eoporatlon to whom said contract is let by the Council of Oregon City for This bounty is not due in any case the construction of such culvert, ac where tho soldier haa received more cording ,to such plans and speciflca- than tOO bounty altogether for all tions. his services, and is never allowed to I Sec. 2. Whereas, the condition of any but two or three years men. It said streets where such culvert is to is not payable to a soldier before he be constructed is dangerous to the has served two years to accept pro- health and safety of the City, and such motion, or "disability other than Improvement is necessary for the Im- wounds received in sorvlce In line of mediate preservation of the same, in duty, or to drafted men or substitutes, the judgment of the Council of Ore- Where a soldier receives an addi- gon City an emergency exists, there- tlonal Instalment of the $300, recruit fore this Ordinance shall take effect bounty, or the $400 veteran bounty, and be in force immediately upon Its and waa required to refund or pay approval by the Mayor, back $25 of that advance installment Read first time and ordered pub- because he was discharged by promo- Ushed at a special meeting of the tlon, or otherwise before a service of Council of Oregon City, held June 14, two years as an enlisted man, said 1907. $25 may be allowed. This law does By order of the Council of Oregon not apply to sailors who served In the City. ! navyi i I "' w- A- DIMICK, Recorder. 1 GET IT FOR HER, 'fill DLGLi t FUT-IH FREE:--ON 30 DAYS TRIAL 8ave Her Time Save Her Health Save Her Weary Steps Save Your Money Save Your Clothes 8ave Her Temper Save Her Complexion ai I Fill in coupon and mail to us Tne iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, absolutely free of charge CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY C. G. Miller, Agent, Oregon City, Ore. Gentlemen You may deliver to me one Electric Flat iron, which I agree to try, and If unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do not return it at that time you may charge same to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be made for the Iron if I return it within 30 days. Name Address DEPT. O. C. 3THE THIRTY .DAYS' TRIAL OFFER APPLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT. V 0 There's a Reason for Everything Th. eason we . enjoy the largest dental practice In Oregon City Is because we try to excel In our work. Our work, lasts, we never do poor work. The people know It. Our constant ef fort is to give not "just as good" but the best work, and that for as little money as possible. Our recent trip East to the great centers of dental edu cation, was for the purpose of giving you the lat est and best, up-to-date dentistry. Our seventeen years of suc cessful practice In Oregon City is the best guarantee any dentist can give you. A guarantee is good only as long as you can find one who gives It, and then not always. We are cweful not to hurt you, as we have feelings ourselves. We want your work and want you to send us your friends. Have an eastern expert graduate assistant dentist. We put our own name back of our practice. Our prices are the lowest In the city for good work. DENTIST Weinhard Building, Oregon City, Ore. Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of Dentistry, Mutual and Independent 131 Dr. L. L. Pickens City Phone 2671 9 9 9 a William Rail of Gladstone has sold Mary L. Roberts haa filed suit for his property on the hill to Mr. Irish divorce from John C. Roberts on the of Canby. grounds of gross habitual drunken-