Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 21, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Woman'! Club Closas Yaar'a Work.
Tho Oregon City Woman's club
held (lit) IiimI. meeting of tho club
year at I Im homo of Mra. M, M. Char
iiiiiii, Thursday afternoon, Mm, Mary
lleliurrell U'lli'ii wiik elected to tho
president's chair to succeed Mm.
IBnilly Hammond rcnlined. Tim oltlo
em elected hi. an April meeting wort
Installed Tliiimilay, They am: Klrwt
vice president, Mm, Ki-iiiii Lawrence.
Jones; second vice president, Mra
HomIiiu KihiIm; recording wieretiiry,
Mian CIm llnrcluy l'riitt; tlnaiicliil sec
retary, Mm, Grace llrlghtblll; treas
urer, M, M, ('liurmaii. Tim progium
coiiiiiiltU'U will Im appointed In a fw
Derthlck Club's Strawberry Day.
Tho members of the Dcrthlck chili
went delightfully entertained nt tho
homo of Mr. hiicI Mm. II. IC. Straight,
Friday afternoon. Tint regular meet
lugs of tin' club urn over fur tin sum
iiur. hut It Iuih been n cliarmliiK cus
torn of Mm. Straight to Invito th
ladle to lnr home in strawberry
season. Tim rooms wero tastefully
decorated In rosea ami yellow mar
gucrltcM. Straw herrlea ami cream
with eako were served. Tho first
part of tho afternoon wan devoted to
whist, Mrn. Robert II. McAlpIn re
ceiving the prize, a beautiful Imvl
IiiihI china iilato. Present warn Mcs
iluriH'M IC A. Chapman, H. It. McAlpIn,
('. (I. Miller, Gordon Hayes, L, L.
rickeiiH. P, K llaiiiiiiniiil, IC. A. Som
nior, J. IC. Hedge. It. C. (iaiimiK, J.
V Clark, I,. AiIhiiin ami H. (). Dili
man; Misses Murlid ami Mae Stc
vena. Mahoney Olion.
Married at Ht. I'miiI'm Episcopal rec
tory, ThurHiliiy, at 11 a. m, Mr.
Junta H. OIhoii ami Mr. J. V. Ma
lionoy, The ceremony wan performed
by tho rector, Rev. P. K. llaiiimond.
In the pn'Ki'firo of Frank A. Schmidt
ml Mm. Ora Kchmlilt.
Rosa and Carnation Society.
A rono ami carnation society was
organized In a meeting hold with Mm.
Itoxlnn Fonts, Friday aft moou, lit 3
o'clock. Tho charter list contain 2.1
or I!0 names. Tho fee of no ml otloit
Into tho society haa ( i ilace.) at
25 renin, Thu society wi!i meet with
Mrn, George A. Hardline Set rday af
ternoon. Juno 22. An eleclicii ot f
fleer roHiilted n follow: preHiilent,
Mm. George A. Harding, Vice presl
dent, Mm. J. V. Norrii; secretary.
Mra, ItoHlna Font; treasurer, Mr.
V. T. Harlow.
Rebekaha Initiate Four.
Willamette Uebekah IoiIko No. 2
held a splendid meeting Friday even
I UK. Tho attemliinro was gisxl and
four candidate were Initialed, Mr.
and Mra. F. I.. Oswald, Miss JchsIo
Paddock and Hugh Matheson. After
tho tu if list It in a luncheon of strawher
rlea ami cream, bread and butter
sandwlehca wax served.
Women of Woodcraft.
A largo crowd attended tho Im
proatdvo ceremonlea of Willametto
Falla Camp. No. UK, W. O. V and
Kola clrclo, Women of Woodcraft, No.
107, In tho uuvellliiK of the nionn
mentH of their Into brother and ala
ter, (lefirgo qulnn ami Mra. Clara
May, at Canetuah, Sunday afternixm.
Tbo addroHa of Hev. I. K. llamniond,
rector of St. Panl'a Kplncopal church,
waa Hympathetlcally delivered and at
tentively llHtened to. A choir com
ImihoiI of Mr. and Mra. Allen 15, Front,
Aim. W, C, (ireen, Mra. lClmer Cooper,
A. S. Hunt and MIhh Rcttii Plerro
aang Hoveral beautiful i-ier'i
Tho rltiialtKtlc ser" lo (tt (,t o
wero p: tcr. w h fo 'In1?.
t nlk h n Lac a o Sect lty.
'i : ? Hmtuil Kulghtt and
. . a ol Seen It y, v III h. a r dorl
ona Ig Hi e M v'..v v ni I tho
rrw n r. b-' rei.i .hhl i cm (chI
v..! Mrs. t J. f.ntz ap
.:i o ono dd find X M. "."'' m
tuptlllf of 11 otp. , t!i wl.i. up v
v "t to o ' a iiiot 1. T r" P'liio t t
i n' ti t rrm wil, be t aum
1 1 (ji.t-'t 'n O. V, ha.' Mo
li) ever nr. v 'th tve r i' L.:
bhsI MtiK, Tv - ;n um foil cr.i
dlda H bo Ii tlat .
larpt iC-
Mm led, . ir '. ;.t p, I , at K
I ' ' :.:iil pa. nt'. I . . ut
j. 1- O, S eley, lOia .loin -,- i
a Cai'i'9 Mi So' , ill uaughter,
an 1 J" i, Jlarpor of Tacomn,
I., riio ceremony waa performed
by Itov. It. C. Black well of the First
M. B. church, In the. picHonce of tho
family ami Immediate friends. Tho
brldo wftH droHHed In white batlHte,
and carried an arm bonnet of white
roBOH. She wiih attended by her ala
tor, MIhh Llnnlo, Seeloy, dresRod In
blue, The groom was attended by
Julius M. von Wlnckler of Portland.
Mlaa Seeley lias been for several
years timekeeper for the firm of
Molor & Frank, Portland, and tho
groom Ik a successful architect of
Tacoma, Wash., where tliny will re
aide. TIiomo proHimt were Mr, mil
Mm. 10. O, Heeley, MIhh Llnnlo Hceley,
Mr. and Mra. Karl Beeloy, Mr, und
Mm, 10, J, Maplo, Mra, 10. Dixon and
daughter Anita, MIhh Nellie Hwafford
and Harold Hwafford of Oiokoii City;
Mim. JamoH Hinllli, MIhhi'h Maudo and
I'Uhol Traver; A, Durand, Jullua M
von Wlcklor of rortland; Mr, Mc
iViuald of Hpokano, VVaHh.,
Mr, ami Mra, Harper left Tu'culay
ovenliiK and will bo at homo at their
hhIiIciico 401 Hotiui lllu alr.'i, Ta
'oira, after July liltli, '
Loan Fund Helped.
Tho Scholamhlp Unm Fund enter
tainment Klven uuilor tho auaplcea of
tho OreRim City Womau'a club at tho
homo of Mr. and Mra. Ooorgo A.
HardlnK, Haturday night won a plena
ant aoclal affair and netted a neat
Hum for a worthy object. Tho rooma
were artlHtlcally decoiiilei) In awoot
brier, roaea and purplo cainaa. Ho
freHhmeiita of lc cream and cako
wero aerved ami an excellent program
Klvon. The miiHlcal tiumbera all rn
celved enthiiMliiMtlc encorea which
were Ki'iicloiiHly roKpondoil to. Very
InteroHtlnK papera were rend by Mra.
K. A, Kommer and MIhh Mary S. Har
low from note taken on their Euro
pean travelH. They alao had a larKo
collection of plcturen and curloa cd
lected In their travela with entertain
ItlK little atorlea to tell alK)llt them.
Aloha Club.
Mra. William IC. I'wthwallo enter
tained tho Aloha hrldKC wblHt club
Saturday afterniMin at her Went Hldo
homo. Tbo Iioiiho wan a perfect bow
er of bl'Mim and foliage. American
benutloa and pink caruatlona wero
among the hioat choice of the flowera
uhoiI. Hulnty refri-Hliinenta wero aerv
eil. The prl.o wiih won by MIhh Alice
I-wthwalto. Tho club meet next
Tliiimilay evening with Mra. Llewel
lyn Adama. i
Haa Potltlon at Cooa Bay.
Tho homo of Mr. and Mra, 8. Itoa
cnHteln waa the aoeno of a merry
gathering Sunday evening. About 25
friend of Leo HoHcnKtoln went In to
upend tho evening with him. MukIc
waa a delightful dlveralon and a
Hplemlld aupper waa aerved. I left
Monday (or Coob Hay where he baa
a txmltlon In an electrical office, a
lino of work ho atudled at Corvallla.
Mlaa (!Mirgii Mathlea, daughter of
Mr. and Mra. Fied Mathlea. waa mar
ried to Mr. V A. Bteltr., June 12, nt
tho St. I-awrenco church In Portland.
Tho brldo waa attended by her al;.U r.
MIhh Sophia Mathlea, and tho griHim
by Fred Mathlea. Mr. and Mra Steitz
aftr a aojourn of aeveral wp 'k- In
tho north will return to Portland
where they will make their home.
Eleventh Birthday.
June Scott and Ellen draco were
boateaaea at the home of Mr. and Mm.
Walter K. Scott Monday oftornoon,
In celebration of the former's 11th
birthday annlvomary. Gamca of all
kinds wero enjoyed, delicious refresh
ments aerved and tho afternoon thor
oughly enjoyed.
Drake Lehr.
Miss Catherine ldir and Mr. II. 0.
Proke. both of Portland, wero united
In marriage by tho Uev. It. C. Mack
well at the Methodist Episcopal
parHonago, Saturday evening.
Gomim Wetten.
llss Ruby Wesson and Mr. Ilert
?i 'mm of Oak drove were married
i to parsonngo of tho Flrat Congre
a nnl church by tho Uev. E. C!ar
i Oakley, Sunday.
. .1. N'elson Wisner and Miss
I "day Pratt wero In the recelv
I at a brlllant social affair at
I o of Mm. Henry McCracken,
t Clair street, Portland, Thurs-
if noon.
Nli 'ents of tho MHwaukle
schoo ved certificates of promo
tion t lb high school Saturday
night i MHwaukle Pond hall, In
the k' , of a largo audience of
f 'ondi i atrons of tho schools.
r ,:"v .wcelvlng diplomas wero Eu
gene Fisher, Marie Duffoy, Emma
Getterman, Ruth Lechler, Itay Albee,
Edson Edwards, Florence Llndell,
Myrtle Barker and Hulda RecKley.
Ilesldes thCRo certificates of attend
ance were presented to 40 pupils who
wero neither absent nor tardy during
tho term. 1
Tho Methodist Episcopal church
will hold- cnmpmoetlng at the Canby
campmeetlng grounds July 5 to 15.
Programs have boon arranged lor
day and evening. A. J. Burdotto hns
charge of homo details at Canbv.
Board of Directors Do Away
With Office At Barclay
Mra. Emilia Shaw Will Be Principal
of MHwaukle 8chool Elec
tion and Annual Meet
ing Today.
The lnmrd of directors of Oregon
City school district baa abolished tho
ofllco of principal of the Harclay
building In the interests of discipline.
Tho action, it Is freely acknowledged
by the board, Is due to trouble that
has arisen In the past owing to con
flict of authority between the city
superintendent of schools and tho
principal oMho ISarclay school. There
seems to have been no friction be
tween the superintendent and tho
principal of the Eastbam school.
Under tho new dlHpcnKatlon the
superintendent will also be principal
of the Ilarelay school. It Is the talk,
Monday, among the patrons that the
Ixmrd's order clears tho way for the
re-engagoinent of Mrs. Godfrey as a
high school teacher.
The board originally set Juno 12 as
tho date for election of teachers, then
postponed until Juno 15. It Is atated
that the board met Sunday but no
teachers were elected and It Is an
nounced they will be elected tonight
after tho achool meeting.
Mm. Emlllo Shaw, who was princi
pal of the Eastbam achool during tho
last year, did not apply for reflec
tion and haa accepted tho principal
ship of the MHwaukle school at a
salary of $10 a month higher than she
received here.
Six othem of last year's teachers
hove not reapplied for positions:
Misses Turner. liroptz, Antlonette
Wttlden. Nellie M. Stevens, Lllll
Schmldll and Gertrude Nefzger. Miss
Stevens will teach at St. Johna and
two of the others In West Oregon
City, for lurgor salaries than they re
ceived here.
' The annual school election is be
ing held In Oregon City district Mon
day afternoon. Voting on ono direct
or and on the proposition for a Union
high school la proceeding in the Foun
tain firehouso. A light vote Is being
polled. There Is no opposition to the
reelection of George A. Harding as
director, and the sentiment In regard
to the high Behead Is all one way In
this district.
Tho annual school meeting will be
held In the county court room at 7:30
tonight when tho annual reports of
tho board of directors and clerk will
bo submitted. In the other districts
Mt. Pleasant, Canemah. Willamette
Falls, West Oregon City and Park
place the vote on the Union high
school will be taken at the annual
meetings held In the respective dis
tricts tonight.
If the Union high school proposi
tion Is defeated, as now seems pro
bablo owing to the feeling In Park
place, there Is a disposition on the
part of the board to add another
grade this year to the Barclay high
school and another the year following
which would mean a full high school
course of four years. If the eleventh
grado Is added. Superintendent Mc
Koo says all of this year's class will
return for another year.
Eaatham School Picnic.
The picnic arranged for the eighth
grade of the Easthara school, will
take place on Tuesday, June 18. Car
will leave West Side depot for Wil
lamette, at 9 o'clock a. m. sharp. It
is desired that every pupil will come
and enjoy an outing.
The Rural Mail Carriers of Clack
amas county met In Hose Company
No. 3 hall, Saturday evening. In ad
dition to the Oregon City carriers
Joseph L. Udell of Mulino and Frank
Knoll of Clackamas were present.
After the order of business was gone
through,. Ico cream was served, every
one having nil he wanted and a gen
eral good tlmo followed. No time
nor location was set for' the next
Some of the qnestlons discussed
wero what is the best Kind of con
veyance for a rural mail carrier.
Some think three small horses best
and drl.ve them double and change
every day. Othem thought two largo
horaea and drive thorn single and
change every day.
The carriers who attended the
Statu Letter Carriers association In
Portland, June 7 and Si, Informed the
carriers who were not at the State
meet what was done and aafd at that
II. A. WALUftON, Sec.
Tho Civic Improvement society
gavo a delightful entertainment which
waa greeted by a crowded bouse In
Twilight hall, Saturday evening. The
affair waa a decided success finan
cially and socially. The proceeds will
bo applied 0 the aldcwaik fund and
amounted to $28.83. Jydge G. R. Dlm
ick gavo an excellent address on
"Civic Improvement," containing
many helpful suggestions and full of
encouragement for the work of this
club. Tom Wlneset, a blind boy who
has been a student in the school for
the blind at Saiem, beautifully sang
"The Holy City." Miss Vera Cross
recited In a pleasing manner and
music was furnished by a graphc
phone. An amusing part of tho pro
gram was the recital of ten women
of the club in telling bow they earned
their dollars which they put Into the
fund. These women were Mesdames
F. M. Thompson, George Wilson,
George Lazelle, Wm McCord, D. L.
Iloylan, George Schumener, Wlneset
and Hilton; Miss Laura Hilton and
Miss Emma Wlneset. Strawberries
and cream and cake made delicious
refreshments. Two cakes were raf
fled off; ono was purchased by G. II.
Dlmlck and the other by James Hil
ton. The club Is Justly proud of the
success of Its first public entertain
ment. Miss Martha Lazelle attended the
grange picnic at Wright's Springs,
Saturday. Marshall Lazelle of the
Corvallls Cornet band assisted the
Molalla band Saturday.
Twenty-four men have gone from
Oregon City to Dodge. 3 miles east
of Estacada, to accept Jobs with the
government trail making party. The
trail Is to be 80 miles long and goes
to Cold Springs, thence back to Hot
Spring? and then on up Into the for
est reserve. '
They receive $2.50 a day for eight
hours work and are boarded for $4
per week. A number of well known
mill men have gone, several of them
taking guns and fishing tackle. They
look upon the affair as a nice sum
mer's outing.
Old Two-Seed Baptists.
County Clerk Greenman has a let
ter from Director of Census North in
quiring about the sect known as
Old-Two-Seedin-the-Splrit Predesti-
narlan Baptists," two churches of
which were reported In Clackamas
county by the U. S. census of 1890.
Director North wants to know If any
church of that order is now in exist
ence. Mr. Greenman knows of none.
Wanted Men to cut one hundred
cords of fir wood $1.00 a cord and
good timber, Address box 13, R. D.,
Dundee, Oregon. 2GU
IF ! ne mrta! Work
Moderate, Prices
We wish to announce to the public that we have opened offices in your city where
we are preparedjto give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider
ing: thVdass of work produced.
All operations performed by the latest Painless methods Note our prices
BRIDGE WORK - - $5.00
Over Harding's Drug Store
r" "" 'u"u' "" "" '"
For cool cooking, less work and least fuel-expense ut a
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
the ideal $tove for summer. Does everything that any other
kind of stove will do. Any degree of heat instantly. Made in
three sizes and fully warranted. At your dealer's, or write our
nearest agency for
The r"w5-iL
throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly con
atructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled In light-giving
power ; an ornamen t to an y room. Every lam p warranted.
If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
Alfle Daniel, Plaintiff,
Rogues Daniel, Defendant.
To Roques Daniel, the above named
j Defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
'and answer the comnlalnt filed aealnst
; you in the above entitled court and
'cause on or before the 13th day of
July. 1907, that being the last day pre
scribed In the order of publication In
I this summons, and If you fall to ap
pear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for In this complaint,
towlt: For a decree of the court dis
solving the bonds of matrimony here
tofore and now existing between you
and the plaintiff upon the ground of
cmel and Inhuman treatment.
This summons is published in the
Oregon City Enterprise for six suc
cessive and consecutive weeks by or
der of Hon. Thomas A. McBride,
Judge of the above entitled court,
made on the 31st day of May, 1907,
the first publication being on the 7th
day of June, 1907. and the last publi
cation being on the 12th day of July,
1907. JOHM F. LOGAN,
2Ct7 Attorney for the Plaintiff.
The profit aoc uing from business
of telegraphic lines Is Indeed preeai
lous as everything Is done on tic;
It Is never too late to mend
"Breeches of Promise."
Golden Gate Tea
To youth
To middle age
To old age
W tea
It rr.'lM
descriptive circular.
7 is the bt lamo for
all-round bosaehold
ate. Made of braaa
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
Horace R. Martin, Plaintiff,
Dertha C. Martin, Defendant
To Bertha C. Martin, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required . to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled court and
cause on or before the 13th day of
July, 1907, that being the last day pre
scribed In the order of publication in
this summons, and if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in this complaint,
towlt: For a decree of the court dis
solving the bonds of matrimony here
tofore and now existing between you
and the plaintiff upon the ground of
of desertion,
This summons is- published in the
Oregon City Enterprise for six suc
cessive and consecutive weeks by or
der of Hon. Thomas A. McBride,
Judge of the above entitled court,
made on the 31st day of May, 1907,
the first publication being on the 7th
day of June, 1907, and the last publi
cation being on the 12th day of July,
1907. JOHM F. LOGAN,
26t7 Attorney for the Plaintiff.
"Coming through the Rye" bummed
the fly as it waded across the bar.
Late frosts have not injured the'
fruit crop on ladies headgr
San Francisco
8 and 9, Willamette Building