Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 14, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Mis Lucy Hill In spending u few
vh'Iik.iiI Mood Hlvtir,
Samuel Elver, of Clarke, spent
Huturday In Oregon City.
J. M, Wllholt, of Wllholt Hit InRM,
vlsltwd thl city Monday.
. (leorgo Ogle, of Moluliu,
f i it'iulri In till city, Huiiilny.
Horn, Monday morning, to Mr. ami
Mr. H. L, Caday of Parkplaoe, a Ono
largo boy.
Mr. V. H. II. Wood will leave the
lltMt of next week for a visit with
i -l ut 1 vcH Ht Drain.
Ml mm Ted I'nrke had accepted a po
sition a stenographer In County Hiv
tirdir Iluiimby's office.
Mis lllniicliti Kendall went down
to I'ortlund Monday, where aim ox
Ptt to spend the summer,
Mr. J, C'rlnNliinr lift Hulurday
'vnlnK for Jefferson, Oregon, where
hh will Join )nr husbond.
Mr. Athalla Nelson ha boon very
III at her lioiiui on Seventh street Mince
Hulurday, 8ho mliirnod Friday from
Inn IhiiIhMo of her father, U. C, Ham
by, In Portland, and ha been under
tint doctor' en io since. Mr. Itamsby
I llglitly Improved,
Tim Congreguilonal church held a
service of sacred song Sunday even
ing, tliut despite thi) threatening wea
ther wuit wnll attended Tho tuuHlcal
program wan all Kood, and thu ahort
addro, "Again I Huy Rejoice," by tho
pastor, llov. K. Clarence Oakley, wan
appropriate and entertaining,
Children' day will bo observed at
tho Methodist Episcopal church next
Sunday ovenlng, with an Interesting
proKram given by tho children of tho
Bur-day acliool, assisted by mmm f
tho oldet member. Wednesday
owning, Juno 19, a ir:lal, purely or
sociability and a chance, to become
Letter acquainted, will bo held at tho
Hov. and Mr. J. It. Landsborough
hit vc bfli'ii entertaining a their
guests, J. I). Landsborough, brother of
Hi'V. Lundsborough, H. H. Hurger, hi
brother In law, of Ilowbells, N. I),, and
Mis Mlia Montgomery of (Herniate.
flu Schutiel, of Heaver Creek wa
In town tho lost of liiHt week. Ho
reported tho oat crop badly In need
of ruin.
Mm. CharleN Albright of Medway
hit returne to her home after a
vlxll with the MImmkh Muy and Ethel
Ml Josephine Chase, (if I'ortlund,
1 visiting her aunt. Mih. U I). Wil
son. MIhh ('linn,, pent t ti . winter In
Hun Francisco,
Mr. and Mm K. J. Chandler In
1'Ulinore at reel are rejolrluit over tho
advent Into their home of a bouncing
baby boy, tsirn 'Wednesday.
H. V. Fraud and daughter, MIhh Ha
rd, expert to ko to Missouri and Kun
niih thl Hummer to make a visit of
aeveral month with relative,
Mr. and Mr. Charle Albright have
koiih to tho bench. Mr. Albright will
remain a week. Her health I very
much Improved after a Iomk and erl
iiih lllneH.
Mr. 1), W't Klnnalrd and son Thorn
ii have gone up to the Welch neigh
horhood to spend two week visiting
l.er daughter, MIh Mao Strange, who
I teudiluK there.
Stafford, Juno 11 Sunday night tho
long hoped for rain began to fall and
although but little over an Inch ha
fullon It come ao gently that every
drop penetrate to tho root of thing
ilko aomo pooplo doing good quietly
without any fun or bluHtor.
Horry Clebhardt who cut Into hi
knot with an adze, I In a hopltaI In
Portland. Dr. Summer think If no
complication act In ho ha a fair
propoct of not having to carry a stiff
leg through life. Ills father went
down to oa him Sunday and In pann
ing through a atablo a horo kicked
him on tho knoo and tho fact that tho
bore wa unhod wan all that saved
him from a broken leg. He wa quite
tamo for a few day.
Rev, Waehtle ha gone to the con
ference of minuter at I'aadona,
Mr. Lamn I qulto poorly again.
Mr. May I a llttlo better; ha
dreadful pain atreaktng up and down
hi left able and arm.
(iotlleli Router's wife, who ha boon
Portland man, dloil Monday at tho
home of hi brother, H. K. Dennett of
thi city, whom he wa visiting. Mr.
ISonnott'i (loath wa caused by drop
ay, and came very ttuddenly. HI
many friend throughout tho Mate will
bo heartily orry to hear of hi do
mino. Ho wa born May 8, 1840 at
Marehall, III., and came to Oregon In
1880, roHldlng In eatern Oregon for
aomo tlmo before he moved to Port
land, which he ha alnce made bis
home. Ho la survived by two
brother, W, P. Dennett realdlng In In
diana and H. K. Dennett of this city,
and two sinters; Mr, Hennle Hurloas
and Mr. Carrie McMahon, both re
Hiding In Chicago. The funeral will
bo held from tho residence at 3
o'clock tbl (Tuesday) afternoon, and
tho remains will bo Interred in Moun
tain View cemetery.
A meeting of the various commit
tee connected with the firemen's pic
nic and barbecue wa held Monday
very 111 at her home in Portland, 11 evening In the hall of Fountain Hone
vlHltlng with
Mr. Daker, her bus-
Tho gentlemen hud been up In IlrltlHh band' lter. Her physician thought
Columbia, ami Mln Montgomery I .the change might help her.
returning from attending tho gradu
ating exerclne of tho Pacific I'nlver
ally at Pacific Orovo.
The much talked of schedule on
the O. W. P. company' Oregon City
ln went Into effect Friday morning.
liiHtend of every forty minutes, a ha
heretofore beentho nil", tho car will
have and arrive in thl city every
thirty flvo minute.
The nrat car toleave Oregon City
In the morning depart at 5:50, and
U followed by other in the following
order: r,:25. 7:00, 7:33, 8:10, 8:45,
it; Slo. 9:55. 10::;o, 11:05. 11:40, a. in.,
12:15. 12:50. 1:25. 2:00. 2:35, 3:10.
3:45, 1:20, 4:55, 5:30, 0:05, C:40, 7:15,
7.50. 8:25, 9:00. Heglnnlng at 9 p.
m. the car h ave every hour until 11
p. m.
John Dinner ha bought Hie Mr
Cown plure at Jefferson and Fifth
Mreet from a Scotch trunt company
fur 12,500. There are four lot and
an lsirom hootme.
Mr. Muck Howell wa operated on
In a Portland hoHpltul.'Satiiiduy, for
nn affliction of tho throat. She wn
very 111 after tho operation, but I
getting along nicely now.
Tlu Mt. Pleasant Improvement
club met at the school hou ho in Mt.
PleuHant. Thursday evening. Cap
tain J. P. Shaw made a very enter
tulnlng Hpeech regarding tho roKu and
berry show In session now at Oregon
City and the feasibility of organizing
for a county fair.
Tho road queHtlon wa taken up,
but tho club will take no further ac
tion on the matter until after tho
meeting of the city council JuneH,
the petition having been submitted
to them.
The pn)oHltlon iit starting a co
operative store at Mt. Pleasant wa
also brought befoiethe club. A the
latter proposition will hinge a good
deal on what disposition the council
make of tho road queHtlon both the
subject of road and store will be
more fully discussed at tho next meet
lug of the club June 18. New mem
bers are coming Into the club all the
time; several were token In Thurs
day evening.
Tho graduates are very Indignant
that their diploma were withheld It
I said because the board found their
answer so near alike they thought
they had cheated. They say, how
could that be when Mr. Dick Olden
stadt, one of the directors, was right
there all the time, and besides Mr.
Watts, tho teacher, had carefully
taught those things, even to current
events ail through the year and Mr.
Watts himself Is too true a teacher
to have helped them with the exami
nations, If he had had a chance.
While, a I have always maintained
thl eighth grade graduation for coun
try school I a detriment to nine
tenth of the country scholars, still I
think Mr. Watt would not have sent
their papers had ho not been quite
confident they would pass. However
there I a sad set of youngsters in
Stafford Just now.
Mrs. Jonies Downey of Willamette
entered some roses In the rose show,
Friday, that were 18 Inches in cir
cumference. They were white, shad
ed to a delicate pink In tho center.
Hiram Hughes of Hpokane, Is visit
ing his sister. Mrs. It. I), Wilson. It
has been 15 years since Mr. Hughes
lant visited Oregon City and he sees
lots of changes.
Mrs. F, J, N'eppnch has returned to
her home In Portland after n visit
with her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Marrs,
who Is 111. MIhh (Jeoiglu Marrs, a
trained nurse of Portland, Is with her
Prof. W. II. Davis returned to this
city nfler finishing it three months'
f'Tin of school nt James. Mrs. Davis
nNo closed n term of school nt Colton,
iiiul they will spend the summer In
Oreg.-m City.
.Mrs. Dee Wright. Is nt Drain visit
ing her parents while Mr, Wright Is
making the wagon trull to their new
homestead clolm In the Slletz coun
try, Fred Nelson's claim and Deo
Wright's claim Join.
A. W. Cooke, of DnmnscuH and Wil
liam Howlette of Kuglo Creek were
transacting business In Oregon City
Friday. Mr. Howlette Is one of the
pioneers of Oregon, but In still hale
and hearty and enjoys life.
MIhh Alice Tufts returned Sunday
from a visit 'of three days at. her old
homo nt Oswego, where she attended
the graduating exorcises. She gath
ered three quarts of wild strawberries
from the home farm and brought them
to Oregon City with her.
company. It waa decided to hold the
picnic on Sunday, June 30, If the wea
ther conditions permit.
The committee appointed to secure
suitable grounds for the affair have
not definitely decided Just whore It
will be held, but they are trying to
secure Canemah Park. The barbecue
will be held Inthe morning, and on'y
firemen will be admitted. In the af
teniisjn there will be several race
an1 test of strength, and followles
these will be a ball game between two
teams to be chosen from the various
liise companies. Once the eorJ
reaches the 200 mark, no record Wll
bo kept of it. As many will be de
sirous of seeing baseball played ly
baseballlsts, the publh: - will be td
mltted to thl feature and the rac?s
at a small admission fee.
Farma to be listed with us.
We advertise extensively.
That gives u a market.
We have many Inquiries.
That gives us customers.
We go after business.
That helps us to sell your farm.
We are wide awake.
That brings quick returna for you.
Cooper & Co.
The rain was welcomed by all.
Mrs. J. Warner of Stella, Wash.,
vlHltlng her mother for a few days.
Mrs. Paxton, who has been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. T. Ripley, returned
to Portland, Monday.
1 Mrs. Ferrel visited with her parents
The polebn brothers went to Es
tacada Sunday to view the town. Win.
Stone and family also visited that
town one day last week. All report
It In a prosperous condition.
Frank Wilson and wife, recently
from eastern Oregon, were visiting at
Mr. Fallam's Inst week.
$150,000 WORTH
Both side of the river from the
canal entrance to Greenpolnt are
lined with the annual fleet of rafts for
the Willamette' Pulp and Paper com
pany. Every spring the rafts are
brought up on the back water from
the Columbia river rise and are taken
through the canal to the upper river,
where they are kept until winter.
The logs are hemlock and spruce
and come from the lower Columbia,
In all the company will have brought
up CO rafts that will average about
275.000 feet to the raft. As spruce Is
worth $12 a thousand and hemlock
$1, It is easily figured that nearly
$150,000 worth of logs will pass up
the canal this summer.
Mrs. C. A. Covurn, a writer for a
Portland dally, and her daughter, Mrs.
Ada Hawkins of New York City, vls-
iited the first of the week with their
friends, the families of H. E. Jones
and William Ganong.
W. W. Dlanchard. of Brownsville, Is
visiting his son, Robert Blancnard.
The Vesper Stellas of Portlen.1 Is
sued Invitationj for a trolley party to
j Canemah Pari', Tuesday, but tne raiu
made it a little ('amp for anything but
the ride.
All pattern bats reduced.
Miss C.
For all the Oregon City news, read
the Star, 10 cents a week.
Mrs. William Roberts is entertain
ing her brother and his family for a
few days.
The carpenters began work on Joe
DeShazer's barn Monday.
Mr. Dews of Farmlngton is hero
planting late potatoes on his farm
and getting ready to have his hay
Mr. Morrison camo from Portland
ilost week. His daughter Leah came
to spend two weeks on the farm.
Mrs. Rose Suter, with her little son,
of Eagle Creek, spent Saturday and
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Don't forget Children's day at the
Methodist church. Come and bring
your baskets 'well filled with some
thing good to eat.
John Roberts is able' to walk with
out his crutch.
Gardens are looking fine elnce the
Miss Anlero L. Gleason, who was re
elected principal of the Canemaa pub
lic school, w'll lecelve a salary of $fi5
a month an J Miss Ellzabet Kelly $45.
A meeting o' the directors Friday
evening de?i mined their sa'.r.rte.
O. Ratnbo who recently sold his
farm hero ha purchased a large
ranch In Grant county and will en
gugo In stockralslng.
W. P. Roberts of Dover' visited in
Kelso last week.
S. E. New of Flrwood stopped in
Kelso on his way to Rainier this
Mrs. Joel Jarl and baby went to
Portland shopping, Saturday.
Arthur Masou has gone to Vancou
ver, Wash.
One of Mr. Dickenson's largo log
ging horses dropped dead In the har
ness recently.
Mr. Krlckson has sold his farm here
to his sou ln lnw.
A fine rain; our crops needed It.
Mrs. Cooper of Dover was in our
town on business, Monday.
Mr. Klelnsmlth has moved to Kelso
and Is hauling ties for the Jarl &
Pagh mill.
Mrs. Kllnker and lady friend of
Portland were visiting the family of
C. Pagh this week.
Walter Sinclair made n visit to
Hood River Saturday and Sunday to ''e afternoon at the cemetery. The range 5 E
see his best girl, program w;m gotten up and the ser-
Mrs. Carrie Crujil of Mt. Tabor Is 'vlt'oa conducted by Mr, and Mrs. New-
visiting at tho home of Jticl Jarl. ,l" o Hie memorial address was
Another hand of bunch grass horses delivered by Elder Longhottom. Im-
are here for sale.
Pioneer, Reunion.
The 35th annual reunion of the
Oregon Pioneer Association will be
held in Portland June 19, and a great
deal of Interest Is being manifested
by pioneers throughout the state.
Clackamas county, which has a great
many pioneers within her limits, will
bo represented at the annual gather
E. M. and Chambers Howell have
traded two houses, one on Washington
and one on Jackson street, for a 100
acre dairy farm at Jefferson, In Mar
lon county. The farm, which Is one
of the finest In that section of the
country, will be run under their direc
tion as a dairy farm.
Condemnation Suit.
The Mount Hood Railway and
Power company Ijns brought suit
against Charles Adam Andre and
others to condemn a certain tract of
We are having some fine showers land that It desires for Its purposes In
lately which were very much needed. ( constructing a dam and headgate on
Our schiKil will close Friday with the Sandy river. The land Is said in
nn appropriate program. j tho complaint to not exceed $200 in
The people of ' Russell vlllo hold a value, and is located In the west half
memorial service on Decoration day 'of N. K. of section fi, township 2 S.,
Save Her Time
Save Her Health
Save Her Weary Steps
Save Your Money
Save Your Clothes
Save Her Temper
Save Her Complexion
3U i!
Full Treasury. ' j
Tho Saturday club of the Congrega-'
tional church held its last meeting of ,
p:-?sslve songs and recitations were i the summer with Miss Edith Cheney,
Henry Erl and Martin Mlkkleson delivered and the graves were covered Monday evening. The club hns $77;
attended the dance at Engle Crook, ,wl, beautiful (lowers.
Saturday night.
Elv's Cream Balm
W. H. Shlvely, Jr.. president of .1,0 ' Rntndchl.dren and greatgrnndehll-1
Letters remaining uncalled for In
the Pnrkplaeo postofllce: A. Austin,
Miss Mary Daly, Peter McGury, E, II.
M. S. Trulllnger passed away on
the morning of Juno Ti, nt the age of
1 77 years and 10 days. Ho was born tn
I Fountain county, Indiana, where he
j lived until eight years of ago when
I his parents moved to Iowa, where he
I lived until two years ago when he
came to Oregon. lie .leaves a wife
and nine children besides a number
in the bank and will rest until Sep
ITnlvorsity Law School class of '07,
passed through Oregon City Tuesday
afternoon, accompanied by forty stu
dents, on their way to Salem, where
they take tho final examination bo
fore tho supreme court.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Good wages paid. Cull at tho
residence of S. Selling, 108 4th street.
(lien to mourn his denartnre. Tho fn- 1 iurlom dnie,
nernl on Tuesday afternoon was large-1 "u'Jw Koile "at'one
ly nttended and the services were con- jffim"
uucien oy wider uoorgo Wlngtleitl.. I Auuyn oinamnmuon.
James B. Bennett, a well know
i Ili'Hlt ftml Protects the Memhrnne. Kvatom the
i Semet or Tnate ami SniPll. Large Sikp, 60 cents at
Druiwlsts or I'v niHtl ; Trial Slite, 10 ce lit by mail. !
ill KLY BUOTUliliS, 66 Wtrreu Street, New V ork.
in coupon and mail to us
The 'iron will be delivered, with
all necessary equipment, absolutely
free of charge
C. G. Miller, Agent, Oregon City, Ore.
Gentlemen You may deliver to me one Electric Flat
iron, which I agree to try, and if . unsatisfactory to me, to
return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I
do not return It at that time you may charge same to
my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge
will be made for the iron if I return it within 30 days.