OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1907. Oregon City Enterprise j Published Every Friday. By THE STAR TRESS. Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post office as second class matter. Subtcrlptlon Rites: One Year $1.50 Six Months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. .25 Subscribers will And the date of ex piration tamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. THE DREAMLAND. Captain Shaw of the strawberry growers of Clackamas county surely felt repaid for their earnest work when they saw the splendid fruition of their labor. All true artists work for the love of working, but they are nevertheless gratified when that work shows tangible, beautiful results. The beauty of the magnificent show In Willamette hall is due to the women, Mrs. George A. Harding in charge and the willing, helpful corps who have so ably assisted her in mak ing a display of roses that cannot be surpassed in quality on the American continent. Every worker deserves the highest praise for this most successful af fair. It gives an Idea of the interest that would be taken in a county fair properly conducted. Nothing in the last year has re flected more credit on Oregon City and Clackamas county. SPLENDID OFFER. In the language of the street, Clack fcmas county is lucky, and the lucky deserve the fair. There is probably not another county on the coast where a fair grounds of 75 acres, conveniently lo cated on steam and electric lines, w ith all the principal buildings ready made, is offered rent free for the' ex hibition of the products of the county. With such a magnificent offer the people of the county can blame no one but themselves if this opportunity to establish a Clackamas county fair Is not embraced. ' A county fair with agricultural, hor ticultural, floral, live stock, domestic, needlework, art and county school ex hibits would be a great attraction and draw hundreds of outsiders to our county, besides giving an incentive to better work and furnishing a week of pleasure to our own people. The offer made by Secretary Cross of the Willamette Yalley Chautim;n assembly Is a splendid one, and solves the principal difficulty in starting a county fair the expense of site and buildings. The result of the Estacada election wa9 not a surprise to those in touch with the situation there. The main reason many believed Reed would win was the supposition that the O. W. P. was backing him. This it seems was a mistake. Advices from Esta cada say the company was not active In behalf of either candidate; further that the company is not asking for a change in the site of the bridge over the Clackamas. It Is Immaterial to the company where the bridge is lo cated; it has simply offered to haul the gravel free If the people desire a new road built. This is the month, girls. You may now become June brides every one of you. And you may not. When the crops need rain it rains In the Willamette valley, the garden spot of the earth. Thisovich is Awfulsky. Frank Strychalsky has filed dirorce proceedings against Emma Strychal sky, charging desertion. He states they were married April 22, 1895, In Milwaukie, Wis., and that there are two children. During the month of July the plaintiff says that his better half left his bed and board, and re fused to live with him. Previous to this, he alleges, he was cursed by her, and that in the presence of com pany she coupled such endearing phrases as "You d old wretch, I don't want to live with you any long er" and she frequently informed him of her independence by saying, "I can get along very well without you." Since then he has moved to Portland, Oregon, but she still refuses to Join him so he asks the court to grant him a decree ofdivorce. ROB OSWEGO MAN. George Salford, the Oswego saloon keeper, reports that $G0O of his money was stolen Saturday night from a shack near his place of business that he used for a hiding place. EXCURSION ON IONE. The tickets for the excursion on the steamboat lone to Camas, June 23, have been placed on sale. The num ber ia limited to 125, just enough for the ball club and the 'rooters." Miss Edith Roberts Is a new clerk at the L. Adams store. PUPILS ARE PROMOTED Names of Oregon City Stud ents Who Pass Eighth Grade Test SCHOOLS FINE RECORD After Many Failures Other Places, State Questions Answered By All But Three at the Eattham. Examinations were completed, on Thursday, in all the grades at the Bar clay and Eastham schools and tho teachers devoted, Thursday and Fri day to the making out of report cards, which were given out Friday at 1 o'clock. In determining the average grade for promotion the class stand ing was couuted as two-thirds and the examinations as one-third. This grad ing of class standing has caused pu pils to take greater interest in their daily work. The board has passed a regulation permitting pupils who have not failed in morethan two studies to take the examination on those studies before entering the fall term of school. This will enable pupils who have failed in ! not more than two studios to make up their grades and go on w ith the class. Next Wednesday tho teachers will be elected for the coming year. Sev eral of the teachers have not applied , for another term. J The eighth grade pupils have been j given cards of promotion which en- i title them to enter any high school j in the state. There will be no exer-1 clses In this grade excepting the pre senting of these diplomas, showing their successful passing of the exam-i inations as prepared by Superintend- j ent W. C. McKee and the principal j of the Eastham building, Mrs. Emllle j Shaw. The examination questions as sent out by the state for the eighth grade, were given to eighth grade of the Eastham, after a great number of j lauures mrougnout me state, as a trial test, and there were only three who failed In the Oregon City school, which shows their work compares In a very favorable light with other schools of the state. Following are the names of those completing the eighth grade: Girls: Andrews, Zeta. Brightbill, Madge. Brown, Margaret. Deute, Louise, r'nglebrecht, Helen. Fisher. Florence. Fuge, Ruth. Griessen, Lillian. Jefferson, Ethel. Miller, Ella. Morley, Ida. Park, Maud. Purslfull, Ethel. Roos, Mary. Ramsey, Lulu. Torrance, Lena. Walker, Louise. Warner, Bess. Harding, Evelyn. Millard, Alta. Boys: Andrews, Wilbur. Betzel, Irvin. Brown, Ross. Caufield, Waldo. Charters, Herbert. Clark, Frank. Howard, Thornton. Noble, Milton. Roos, Martin. Scripture, Merrill. Scott, Ray. Welsh, Ray. Vonderahe, Edward. Yoder, Walter. CREATE ONE NEW DISTRICT; DENY ONE At the meeting of the district boun dary board, Thursday, a new district was created lnthe vicinity of Molalla, from the districts of Molalla No. C, Samson No. 35 and Dryland No. 74. There are people in the locality liv ing several miles from any school house. The schoolhouse in the Sam son district Is already crowded and the people of that district do not feel likebuilding an addition to their build ing. The board denied the petition of the people of Highland for a division of that district. It was Intended to take the south end of the Highland district No. 33, and create a new dis trict, but the notice did not define the boundaries in accordance with !law, only giving the division line be- tween the two portions. Attorney W. S. V'Uen for the rotnonstrators, said that the boundaries, properly describ ed, should bo a line around the pro posed district. The University of Oregon Law school at Portland ia graduating a class of about 40 students this week, among them two Oregon City boys, Ylrgll Clark und Will H. Shlve ly. The latter Is president of the class. They have successfully com pleted the two years' course and next week will go to Salem, where they will take the bar examination before the supreme court. MANY CHANGES IN SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS ONLY FOUR OF BOOKS NOW IN USE HAVE BEEN RE TAINED. All but four books now la uein the common schools :f Cav-n havo beer changed by the Sr;to Toxt-BoU com mission and new t?x. hooka wl'i bo substituted at the beginning of tho new school year. The fourth and fifth Cyr readers, the Thomas ele mentary history and the Reed pel!r are the books retained. Civil government has been dropped entirely as a sopu-at; subject an I v '.il l.t rafter be tau;tit In counocU r w!tt history. The mental arithmetic has also been dropped and the mental ex ercises will be given with the aid of the books on written arithmetic. In the place of the two sirhjo.ets dropped an important one has been added, that of elementary agriculture. This al ditlon has been made in response lo a very general demand. The principal changes are the sub stitution of Wheeler's irciers up to the third book for tho Cyr readers; the adoption of Smith's arithmetic in the place of Wentworth's; the adop tion of Buehier's grammars In till place of Reed & Kellogg'sf the adop tion of the Natural g-ographles In the place of Frye's, and Doub's United States history in the place of Tt-omas' advanced history. Cost of Books Compared. The total cost of th. books uss I In the schools under the list in force up to the present time was $3-SO. thlt list not including the book on nature study. The prices on those newly adopted, not Including the nature, study, aggregate $9.14, or a reduction o' 66 cents. If nature study be in cluded the new list will ci-t $9 8J. or an increase of 9 cents in the cost of all the books a child must um In his eight years' of schooling. Since the new work on n.Uure study is a practical t'eatlse on e)e mer.tary agriculture, It Is p.jhuble that the book will cime Into coram n use, in which event the eight year course will require 25 books, whereas 27 books are now In use. Without the nature study, the entire list will include 24 books, jf which number seven are copy books for penmanship. To exchange an entire set of old books for an entire set cf new ones on the same subject will require trie payment of $4.51. On an average tr.e exchange price is abo.i. onehalf tne retail prices. The book companies trke In exchange almas: any book that has leaves, although badly worn. SPMNGWATER 'PHONE FOR OREGON CITY The Springwater division of the Clear Creek Mutual Telephone Co. have their phones In and will be ready to attach to the line coming In to Oregon City this week. They are talking among themselves In the neighborhood now. A. M. Shibley was in Oregon City Thursday, going up from Portland, where he has been all week attend ing to business matters. Mr. Shibley attended the dedication of the new Methodist church at Estacada, Sun day. The program was all good, he says, but his highest praises are for the splendid dinner prepared by the ladies of the church and the informal ly social time enjoyed during dinner. DENY LIQUOR LICENSE. The county court denied the appli cation for license to sell liquor In less quantities than one gallon in Eagle Creek precinct. The applicant was a Portland man and the remonstrators showed there were an insufficient number of names on the petition. Miss Thibert Married. Miss Alblna Thibert, who taught In the Went Oregon City school during the last year, Is reported to have been married Monday to a real estate man of Vancouver, Wawh. The wedding occurred at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Juliu3 Thibert, at Clo verdale, Wash. Notice of Annual School Election, Notice la hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. (12, Clack amas County, Slate of Oregon, that the annual school election for said dis trict will be heldn the city hnll build ing In Oregon City, Oregon, to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in., and con tinue until the. hour of 0 o'clock p, ni on the third Monday of June, being the 17th day of Juno, A, D. 1907, which election Is for the purpose of electing one director to servo for the term of five years, and to vote on the ques lion of uniting school districts No. 3, Canemah; No. 34. West, Oregon City; No. 4:t, Mount Pleasant; No. 4S, Park (place; No. 62. Oregon City, and No. 1 105. Willamette, for High School pur- j poses only, thus forming I'nlon High School District No, Dated this 0th day of June, 1907. GEO. A, HARDING, Chairman Hoard of Directors. Attest: E. E. HUODIE, District clerk. 2012 Summons. In the Circuit Court of the SttUe of Oregon for tho County of Clacka mas, i Frank Strychalsky, Plaintiff, j vs. Emma Strychalsky, Defendant, j In the name of tho State of Oregon: jYou, Emma Strychalsky, are hereby I required to appear and answer the j complaint filed against you herein on 'or before, Saturday, the 2(th day of ! July, 1907 that day being six weeks jfiomUie first publication of the sum Jmons herein, and If you fall to appear I ami answer herein, plaintiff will apply jto tho court for the relief prayed for Jin the complaint on file hereln.to which (reference Is hereby made, ami more particularly as follows: For a decree dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and I defendant on the grounds of deser tion. I This summons Is nerved upon yu I by publication thereof for not less I than six successive weeks In the "Or jegon City Enterprise,'.' published In (the County of Clackamas, State of I Oregon, and by order of the Honorable i Thomas A. "MeUrldo, Judge of tho j above entitled Court, which order Is j dated tho 5th day of June. 1907. The date of the first publication of this summons fs Friday, tho 7th day of June, 1907. and the date of the last publication of this summons Is Friday, the 19th day of July, 19u7. MAC MA HON & McDEYITT. 2H7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. , In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Aide Daniel, Plaintiff, vs. Roques Daniel, Defendant. To Roques Daniel, tho atwve named Defendant: In the name of the state of Oreuon. I you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the 13th day of July. 1907, that being tho last day pre scribed In the order of publication In this summons, and if you fall to ap pear and answer said complaint, tho plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In this complaint, towlt: For a decree of the court dis solving the bonds of matrimony here tofore and now existing between you and tho plaintiff upon the ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment. This summons Is published In the Oregon City Enterprise for six suc cessive and consecutive weeks by or der of Hon. Thomas A. McHrlde, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 31st day of May, 1907, the first publication being on tho 7th day of June, 1907, and the last publi cation being on the 12th day of July, 1907. JOHN F. LOO AN, 2fit7 Attorney for tho Plaintiff. Notice of Annual School Meeting. Notice Is hereby given to the legal Moderate Prices We wish to announce to the public that we have opened offices in your city where we are prepared'to give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider ing the "class of work produced. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR io YEARS All operations performed by the latest Painless methods Note our prices SOLID GOLD CROWNS - $5.00 BRIDGE WORK - - $5.00 FULL SET OF TEETH - - $5.00 Oregon Oental Co0 Over Harding's Drug Store voters of School District No. (12 of ClnokamiiH County, Statu of Oregon, that the Annual School meet lug for said district will be held at the county courtroom of the county courthouse In Oregon City, Oregon, to begin at the hour of 7: :t0 o'clock p. in., on th third Monday of June, fielng the 17th day of June, A. D, 11107. This mooting Is called for the purpose of mibmlttlng the annual report of the directors and clerk and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this !th day of Juno, 1907. GEO. A. II Alt DING, Chairman Hoard of Directors. Attest: E. E. llltODIE, District clerk. 2(1 12 SUMMONS. (In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Tor CliicknuutH County. Horace It. Martin. Plaintiff, vs. liertha C. Martin. Defendant. To liertha C. Martin, tho above named defendant: In the name of tho slate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you' In the above entitled court and cause on or before the 13th day of July. 19ii", that being the last day pro scribed In the order of publication In this summons, mid If you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint, tho plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief prayed for In this ooniplidnt, towlt: For n decree of tho court dis solving tho bonds of matrimony here- ! toforo and now existing between you j and tho plaintiff upon tho ground of of desertion. This summons Is published In tho Oregon City Enterprise for six suc cessive and consecutive weeks by or der of Hon. Thomas A. McHrlde, Judge of the above entitled court, made on tho 31st day of May, l'.io?.' tho first publication helm; on tho "th day of Juno, 19o7. and tho hiHt publi cation being on tho 12th day of July, 1907. JOHN F. LOGAN, 2t7 Attorney for tho Plaintiff. Publication of Summon. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of j' Oregon, for tl.o County tf Clacka mas. Robert T. Ltuney, Plaintiff, I .Oregon & California Railroad Com 'pany, and Vnlon Trust Company, Do I fend.inis. j To I'nlon Trust Company, said do i f-n lant: ! In tho namo of tho State of Oregon: You aro hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against jyou In the abovo entitled milt on or ibeforo Monday, tho 17th dny of Juno, (a. P., 19n7, and If you fall s to ap jpear and answer, for want thereof tho plaintiff will take a dwereo against you for tho relief demanded In tho 1 complaint, to-wlt: For decree to quiet tho title to tho Southeast quarter of tho South west quarter of Section Eleven (11) In Township Two (2) South of Range jFlvo (5) East of the Willamette Mer jldlan, In Clackamas County, Oregon, land that said defendant has no right, !tltlo or Interest In and to tho same, j This summons was ordered publish jod In tho Oregon City Enterprise, a i weekly newspaper published In Ore jgon City, Oregon, onco a week for ,slx successive weeks, by Hon. Thomas I A. McBrlde, Judgo of the Circuit I Court, made In open Court on tho 30th day of April, A. D. 1907. j The first publication of this sum jmons was May 3rd, 1907, and the last 'publication, June 14th, 1907. II. E. CROSS, 21-G Attorney for Plaintiff. Executor's 8ale of Real Property. In tho matter of the Estato of Mary A. Heulat Bradley, Deceased. Pursuant to an order duly made and entered In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, In the above entitled es Rooms tate, I will, on and aftoj' Saturday, tho I Cth day of Juno, 1907, proceed to sell at private sale tho real property bo. longing to tho said estate described as. follow a, towlt: All of Lids Ono (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (41, and Six (li) of Block No. Six (0) of Pleas ant Place Addition to Oregon City In Clackamas County, Slato of Oregon, according to tho duly recorded plat thereof, Terms of salu cash, and sub Ject to continuation by the said court. FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH. Executor of tho Estate of Mary A. Ileulat Bradley, Deceased. Flint publication May 17, 1907. 231 r SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas county. Caroline (irlllltli Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Frederick N. Jones. Defendant. To Frederick N. Jones, Defendant above named: In tho namo of tho State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho above entitled Court ami cause, on or before Tues day, tho Kith day of July. 1907, that being tho (lute fixed for such appear ance or answer by the Court In tho order for the publication of this sum mons, and If you fall so to appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed for In her complaint, towlt: For a decree dis solving the marriage contract now ex luting between plaintiff and defend ant, and that mIio have the care and custody of Frederick Tyler Jones, her minor child, ami the right to re take her former namo of Cnrolluu (irltilth, and that defendant be de creed to pay sortie suitable oum uuuitiily towards the support und maintenance of said minor child, an I for Hindi other and further relief a to the Court tuny necin meet and Just. This summons In published In tin) Oregon City Enterprise not less than once a week for U colisecntlvo weeks prior to said K.th day of July. 1907. by older of tho Hon. Ttioma A. McHrlde, Judge of said Court, miido and entered on the 2th day of May, A. D 19o7. TIIOS. N. STRONG, Attorney for Plaintiff. First Insertion, May 21, 1907. Last Insertion. July 5. 1907. SUMMONS. Ill tho Circuit Court of tho State ol Oregon, for the County of Cluclut mas, Jessie Dixon. Plaintiff, vs. Edward M. D!xn. Defendant. To Edward M. Dixon. Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You aro hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint tiled against jyou In the above entitled suit on or j before tho 1st day of July, 1907. that J being tho last day prescribed In tho j order of publication of this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer i tho complaint filed herein, tho plain I tiff will apply to tho court for the re lief demanded In said complaint, to wlt: for a decree dissolving tho bond of matrimony and marriage contract existing between tho plaintiff and de fendant, This summons Is published for nix (fi) consecutive weeks by order of Hon. Thomas A, McHrlde, Judgo of sf Id Court, inailn on tho 8th day of May, 1907, tho first publication being on tho 10th day of May, 1907, and tho last publication uelntf on tho 2Ut day of June, 1907. W. J. MAKELIM, 22 t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. FOR SALE. HOt'SE ANP LOT-hna fruit tree, chicken house, etc., located on Sixth street. Must bo sold at onco. Call at Daniel Williams, 41C Seventh stroot Sold on easy terms. 19tf When In Portland see Tho Blsmark, 24C Alder, between 2d and 3d. C. W. Kelly, proprietor. f i 8 and 9, Willamette Building'