Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 14, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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ilon that tho contest will be much
: closer by tho time, tho votes are
counted again. In addition to the
' Oregon City band, tho music commit
too bus Hocurotl tho services of tho
I Columbia band of Oswego to play for
.the Fourth of July celebration.
Vote Heavily tAgalnst It,
- (hand to thank tho cltlions for tholr
Predicted That Parkplace Will ! generous donations and the loyalty
and enthusiasm with which thoy sup
ported this, our Initiatory efforts in
! holding an affair of this kind In Clack
amas county.
The management not only fools
grateful for tho help rendered by all,
I but la encouraged In tho belief that
having demonstrated by one success
ful Fair and Rose Show, that the peo
ple will at once lay their plans to
continue the pleasing exhibitions each
year. Let the good ladles of Oregon
City proceed at once to organise a
rose society so that they may be pre
pared for next year.
I wish to urge the berry growers to
get together as soon as the rush of
the present season Is over, aiw per-
. , , . . foct an organisation for their mutual
The annual school election will be
. . . good and benefit.
to 6 o'clock. In addition to electing j
one dlrctor to succeed George A. Hard-,
tni ,i rt vntapd will Vtall.tt nn tha ntlAR. I
"r , ,7 , v.T i h.i Through their loyal aid. much of the
tion of a I nion high school district I "
uutvt'SH ui nit? lair via uur,
Resent Action of Fixing Site Without
Consulting All Districts Af
fected Annual School
Socialists Will Celebrate.
Tho Socialists of Clacknmaa county
are planning a celebration of tho
Fourth of July to he hold on tho
Spiritualist's campmootlng grounds at
New Era,
I desire especially to thank the la
dles who rendered such splendid help
in preparation and conduct of the Fair.
to be formed from the districts of
West Oregon City, Parkplace. Will
amette. Mount Pleasant, Canemah and
Oregon City.
There Is no candidate for director
announced In opposition to Mr. Hard
ing, mho is one of the most progress
ive and valued members of the board.
His unanimous re-election will be a
deserved compliment
The proposition to form a Union
high school district will probably car
ry In all the districts except Park
place, but it's defeat there defeats it
altogether, for the law Is plain that
it must receive a majority of the
votes In each district or the proposi
tion fails.
The voters in Parkplace district are
not opposed to a Union high school, !
but are opposed to the manner In
which the proposition was put before
the people. Rightfully they believe all
the districts should have been con
sulted in regard to the location of the
school. They recognize the fact that
the school would be located in Oregon
City as the most central and conven
ient place, but they would have pre
ferred that it had no connection with
the present, so-called Barclay high
On the other hand, the Oregon City
beard offered the free use of the
rooms in the Barclay building from
an entirely unselfish motive. The law
required that a sltahe named In the
petitions, the time was short and they
Iiolieved the offer would be gladly
velcomed by .the other districts. It
To Mr. J. C. Roth of Canby. special
thanks are due for his untiring xeal
and enthusiasm In helping to bring
the fair to a successful termination.
I have the honor to subscribe my
self, James P. Shaw, chairman general
Statement of Receipts and Disburse,
ments of Strawberry Fair and
Rose Show.
Total receipts $100 93
Disbursements Hall rent $10,
J. A. Tufts, ice cream $14,
moving piano $3, paper nap
kins 90c, ribbon and muslin
$2.80, prize bowl $3.50,, sugar
$1, music $3, ribbon $3.50,
cakes 80c, prizes and card
board $4.15, cream $7, paint
ing banner $3, sewing, cart
age, rent of dishes $1, type
writing, distributing bills
$1.25, messenger and carfare
90c, dishwasher $2, buggy
hire $2.50, labor $6.75, total. 73 50
A petition signed by C8 taxpayers
was presented to Goorgo A. Harding
asking him to stand again for reelec
tion as member of the Oregon City
school board. Mr. Harding's answer
is as follows: "I am deeply grateful
for your kind endorsement of my
work and Interest In the public
schools. If I am again elected a mem
ber of tho board of directors I shall
endeavor at all .times to perform the
duties of a director In the Interest of
tho taxpayers and to the satisfaction
of the entire district. I thank you
for your expression embodied in your
request that I become a candidate for
election as school director. Sincere
ly yours. George A. Harding."
To Complete City Hall.
Tho Mllwauklo Council is making
arrangements to complete tho City
Hull. It was Inclosed mid partly fin
ished last your ns fur as tho money
lasted, w hen work was stopped until i
there wore funds on hand to llnlsh
tho building, Only tho council chain
bor was completed. On tho second
tloor Is a largo ball with a at ago, and
on tho second floor space outaldo tho
council chamber Is reserved for tlitf
Fire Department. It will cost about
$1200 to finish tho hall.
Here's Good Advice.
O. 8. Woolever, ono of tho best
known merchants of I.eUaysvlllo, N.
Y., says: "If you are ever troubled
with piles, apply Buoklen's Arnica
Salve. It cured me of them for good
20 years ago." Cures every sore,
Howell & Jones' drug store.
One stray sorrel mare, white face,
two left feet white, weight about 830,
branded rowlock on left stifle and
small wire cut on left foreleg above
knee, cropped foretop. 5 or-C years
old. Taken up May 19. 1907. John T.
Mclntyre, Salmon P. O.. 27t4
Charter Commission Meeting.
Mayor E. G. Cauflold has called a
meeting of the Charter Commission
for Thursday evening at the city
council chamber.
Balance $ 27 83
JAS. P. SHAW, Chairman.
The bites and stings of Insects, sun
burn, cuts, burns and bruises re
lieved at once with Pinesalve Carbol
lzed. Acta like a poultice. Draws out
inflammation. Try It. Price 50 cents.
Sold by Huntley Bros.
Tho funeral of Mrs. C. II. Nelsom
who died of tuberculosis at St. Johns
Sunday, will bo hold from the Norwe
gian church In Canby Tuesday morn
ing at 10:30. Mrs. Canby was 22 years
of age and leaves a husband and two
children. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Sannls. reside at Canby. Tho body
was brought to this city Monday even
ing from St. Johns, and was placed In
the parlor of Shattk and HlsseH's un
dertaking establishment until Tues
day niorulng. when It was conveyed
to Canby in a hearse.
Close to Car Line, from iSO Up.
Reasonable Terms of Payment.
40 Acra'Farm 32 acres under cultivation; 5 room
house, 2 barns, 2 wells, 2J acres orchard, good fences,
i miles from Oregon City on Rood road. Price $2500.
JO Acresall under cultivation, fine large house, good
barn, good fences, 2 blocks from Willamette car
line. Price $3400.
Plneules are for tho kidneys and
Bladder. They bring quick relief to
backache, rheumailsiu, lumbago, tired
worn-out feeling. They produco nat
ural action of the kidneys; SO days'
treatment $1.00. Money refunded If
Plneules are not satisfactory. Sold
by Huntley Bros.
There's a Reason for Everything
The reason we enjoy tho
largest dental practice In
Oregon City Is because w
try to excel In our work.
Our work lasts, we never
do poor work. The puoplo
know It. Our constant ef
fort Is to give not "Just a
good" but the best work, and
that for as lit tin money as
possible. Our recent trip East m tho great centers of dental edu
cation, was for the purpose ' of giving you the lat
est and best, upto-date dentistry. Our seventeen years of suc
cessful practice In Oregon City Is tho best guarantee any dentist can
gtvo you. A guarantee Is good only as long as you can find one who
gives It, and then not always. Wo are careful not to hurt you, as
we have feelings ourselves. Wo want your work and want you to
send us your friends. Have an eastern expert graduate assistant
dentist. Wo put our own name back of our practlco. Our prices are
tho lowest In the city for good work.
Spiritualist Campmeetlng. 1
The annual campmeetlng of tho
First Spiritualist Religious Society of
Clackamas county will bo held at New
Era from July C to 28. Hev. Ile F.
Prior, a .noted Spiritualist traveler;
Mr. Bowman of Los Angeles. Cal., Mr.
and Mrs. Cobb of Seattle, Wash.: Mrs. I
Williams of Washington, D. C; and
Mrs. Flint of Corvallls, have been en
gaged as lecturers during the season.
Mrs. Flint will conduct a children's
Dr. L. L Pickens
Post Graduate Hasksll
City Phone 2671
Wrinhard ttailding,
Orrgon City, Ore.
A Chicago School of Dtntlstry,
Mutual and Independent 131
Mau Zan Pile Remedy conies put
up lu a collapsible tuba with a nozzle.
JCasy to apply right where the sore
Iness and Inflammation exists. It re
jlelves protruding piles, Guaranteed.
Sold by Huntley Bros
Mrs. Mary Ellis, an old resident of
this city, died at her late home Wed
nesday afternoon, of old age. Mrs.
j Ellis was 80 years of age. She leaves
a brother. Dr. Ellis of Spokane, who
ls at present in this city, and a daugh-
Joseph Mjers. against whom Fran-!". Mrs- Gertrude Sykes. residing
ce3 Myers recently filed divorce pro-
here. The funeral will be under the
cedings, Tuesday afternoon filed his ! auspices of the Fraternal Brother
.m mmniainf thmntrh the same at-j hood from the residence, Thursday
is only temporary, and the following
year the Union high school could torneys retained
have independent quarters of its own. I Hedges & Griffith.
Tho mUtnkP wai in nnt asrertalnlne ! the same as his
beforehand whether such an offer '.
u-miM he arrpntahle 'of the Union
It is to be regretted that so meri- i aoneu, .Myers siaies ne nas primueu ,
by his spouse, lauernooii hi . U ciui-K, J. v.
His complaint is Landsborough conducting the ser
wife's desertion. vices. The remains will bo interred
There are three children as a result m .Mountain iew cemetery.
and since he was aban-
Rosa M. Pranz, aged CI. died at her
, . . . . .f. ,hcm In addition in the decree 'residence in Oswego ednesday night
torious a proposition is to be defeated for them. In addition to me decree
over so slight a misunderstanding.
he asks that he may retain the cus
tody of the children.
Teachers' Election Postponed. M. P. Church has instituted divorce
Election of teachers for the Oregon Proceedings against Alice Cannon,
ntv schools, that was to have taken ! through Ralph Moody of Portland,
of heart disease. She leaves four
sons. Mrs. Pranz had only resided In
Oswego about two months, coming
to that place from California. No
funeral arrangements have as yet
been made.
A Woman Finds All Her Energy and
Ambition Slipping Away.
Oregon City women know how the
aches and pains that come when the
kidneys fall make life a burden. Bark
ache, hip pains, headaches, dizzy
spells, dlstreslng urinary troubles, all
tell of sick kidneys and warn you of
the stealthy approach of diabetes,
dropsy and Brlght's disease. Doan's
Kidney Pills permanently cure all
these disorders.
Mrs. E. Matchett, of ElyvIIIo. near
Oregon City, Ore., says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills relieved me of so much
misery and backache that I take pleas
ure In recommending them to others.
Summer cougns and colds yield at
onco to Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup,
contains honey and tar but no opiates.
Children like It. Its laxative qualities
recommend It to mother. Hoarse,
ness, coughs, croup yield quickly.
Keep It on hand. Sold by Huntlev
Strictly In accordance with the
Pure Food Law.
417 Main St. - Oregon City
Badly Mixed Up.
Abraham Brown, of Wlniertown,
N. Y., had a very rv"narkab;o omiI
ence; he siys, "Doctor got badly
mixed up over me; ono said heitrt
disease; two called It kidney trouble;
the fourth, blood poison, and the fifth
stomach and llvrr trouble; but nono
i m a i. ... 1. I . I .. . .. . m.i .. I h .1
I had backache so bad thut I could ul ",vm " 'l' ' ' " '
not stoop or straighten without suffer
place Wednesday, has been postponed, charging the same old story deser-
until Saturday on account of the ab-; tion and abandonment. The pair were
sence from the city of Director Char-made as one on April 13, 1888. at
les O. Albright, so as to adhere to the Saginaw. Mich., and all was plain
custom of having the full board pres-; sailing till May 15, 1902, when he was
ent when the election is held. i cruelly abandoned by his better half,
Tio. .in . w i t,n who refused to return to the shelter
.... ... nf mnf Wp v ip emirt to erant : been suffering only a few days. Fath
rurps uunng me coming year. as - - -
heretofore stated in this paper. Miss Mm full possession of certain property
Martha Koerner and Miss Lilli in Albina.
fcbrnidli have accepted positions in 1
tbe Wfst Oregon City schools, Miss
The many friends of Father An
selm will be pained to hear of his
death in Portland. Wednesday even
ing. His death was caused by heart
disease with which complaint he had
vised trying Electric Bitters, which
are restoring me to perfect health.
One bottle did mo more good than
all five doctors preserved." Guaran
teed to cure blood poison, weakness
and all stomach, liver and kidney
complaints, f?y Howell & Jones, drug
gists, 50c.
er Anselm was 50
NHie M. Stevens will teach at St.
Johns, Miss Gertrude Nefzger will at-ten-'
the University of Washington,
an:'. Misses Ellen Brobst and Antoin
ette Walden have not applied for po
sitions. Mrs. Godfrey has applied and
is desirous of election as vindication
of her position in the trouble of last
There were three resignations of
teaciiers during the school year and
added to the six who do not desire
re-election makes nine who will not
be hers next September who were
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shute passed j
years old and a
native of Germany. He came to the
Oregon country In 1S80, and has since
jwon honors for himself by his mis-
jsionary and educational endeavors.
;The funeral will be held from the
Si'crod He?rt church in Portland, Frl-
day morning, the Most Bev. Arch-
jl.HNin conducting the services. The
remains will be Interred In the Mount
SHUTE I ni?' cemetery Saturday morning at
1 10 o'clock.
The funeral of John Sprague, who
died at Stone Wednesday morning,
will bo hld this afternoon from the
family residence, Interment in Ar
thurs Prairie cemetery.
Ing severely. At times depressing
headaches and annoyances from the
kidney secretions bothered me. I pro
cured Doan's Kidney Plllij at Huntley
Bros.' drug store, and obtained relief
from the first few doses and in a short
time not an ache or other symptom
remained. Doan's Kidney Pills are
the best remedy of the kind I evef
used, and I wish every sufferer from
kidney complaint or backache could
know of them."
For sale bv all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, noweu io i.eorgo u. v.mn,
New York, solo agents for tho United 'beginning on s lino of 15th street and
Remember the
ta!:e no other.
O. D. EBY.
Minify loam-d. atitrart furnlnhoi. litml
tlU- rmniliM-d, ralnt, UU'U. -iicrl
law bUMlH'M tiitn.u, tr,.
Ovr Hunk of On-cnn City.
frulialr oiul 11. nil y Ijiw l'li lU
Hi" rlnill, .
Mrnt Klntf Imimii mil- nnd Imna.
Offlriw 1'i'olalia. flit bullillli( auuth of
name Doan's and
their sixty-fourth wedding annivers- j Ofo, .nn tnrno,
meral-p-s of the corps a year ago. Ore- ary very quietly June 8, at their home . tt.n..k , .,,,, ft M.
Marriage Licenses.
June 13 J. E. Olson and J. T. Ma
honey. Juno V, Eva McKaflle and 0. 0.
Barman. This couple were married
at the court bouse by County Judge
June 11 Victoria M. Alt und Ned
gon City cannot retain teachers as ' jn Maple Lane. Mrs, Shute, who is
long as smaller towns are paying larg-1 eighty-four years of age, made three
er salaries. 1 quilt blocks after the pieces were cut'
At the meeting of the directors the and arranged and the needles thread-.
jtimatei hero on your printing.
board appointed C. C. Babcock and
C N. Greenman, judges, and W. W.
Marrs, clerk of the annual election.
Superintendent W. C. McKee re
ed for her. She sews without the aid
of glasses. Mr. Shute, who is eighty
! eight years of age, milked the cow
morning and night and worked at hoe-
p i ts excellent work in the grades , ng n the garden all day except a two
(luring the last year as evidenced by, hours rest at noon
the very small percentage of failures
in the .final examinations
In submitting a report of the Clack
amas County Strawberry Fair and
Wednesday morning the vote in
the Goddess of Liberty contest stood:
Miss Beryl Long 190; Miss Gussie
Rose Show, a copy of which appears Humphreys 1G5; Miss Kate Mathies
in this Issue of the Star, I wish, on ' 145. This is tbe nrst count mat nas
behalf of those having the matter in been made and many are of the opin-
ft fei f
Dade's Little Liver Tills keep the
system clean, the . stomach sweet.
Prompt relief for headache and bil
iousness. Good for all the family.
Sold by Huntley Bros.
Granted last v,crk; Victor E.
Campbell, Portland, Interchangeable
and adjustable screw driver and com
bined tool holder; William E. Carter,
Huntington, hay stacker; Tliomaj (5.
Hill, Portland, metallic Beam or R'.rl-
er; wiiimm u. nic.Miiiun, liiioii, puz
s. A Dangerous Deadlock.
That sometimes terminates fatally
is the stoppage of liver and bowel
functions. To quickly end this con
dition without disagreeable sensa
tions, Dr. King's New Life Pills
should always bo your remedy.
Guaranteed absolutely satisfactory In
every case or money back, at Howell
& Jones' drug store. 25c.
also beginning 150 feet s of s line of
10th street, Oregon City. $2200.
Sellwood' Land & Improvement Co.
to F. II. Lueclte, tract C!, of Oak
Grove. $500.
Martha N. Howell to George It. I
Goln, e half of lot I and all of lot 2. I
blk 97, Oregon City. $2500. j
Caroline Wang to Ola M. Gusley nnd j
V. L. Mack, beginning 3.99 chs s of ne
cor of W. O. Mack claim, sec 33, Ss-le,
.57 acres. $500.-
Western Banking Co. to W. 11. Hold
er, E. L, Wanacott and H. I). Trapp,
former's rights to erect polos and con
struct and operate telephone lines In
EKtuendn. $1.
John Crawford to J. M. Hobertson,
part of S. D. Francis die, 5s-2e, 15
acres. $1.
Ilibernla Savings Bank to Mnthlas
Foeller, no part of lot 12, blk C of Mil
waukle Park. $1.
If You Want to Sell
Eastham.Pattison & Oo.
Over the Bank of Oregon City.
Plumbing & "J.'uinfl
flat Air formal, Bop flptt, rmi,
Spray Pumpi, toattr Pipes,
Spraying Material.
All Kind of Jobbing a Specialty
Ktlmata G'ven on All Clatseg
of Work.
He, phone 1514Hhop IR16
9)4 N. Mam St., Oregon City, Or
Clothes Washed "Whiter Than
Know." Family Washlngg at
Reasonable Kal- -No worry,
uo regret If you phone 1204.
Our wagon will call.
Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau
lic Itnms a Specialty,
Phono 2CS2.
Oregon City,
(formerly of 207 Seventh St.)
Has re-opened his shop on
Fourth St. , next to foundry.
New floor laid, making it safe
for the largest horses.
Horseshoer, Wheelwright,
Carriage Mker, general repairing