Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 14, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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AlitKNt 1 Hi PKtllllll i Mention. ai the botanists were fol
lowed by a throng of eager listeners.
REMONSTRANCE. August Erickson. the Po.-t1iud sa
loonist anj theatrical manager, has
applied to the county court for a li
cense to sell ll(jru' In Abernethy pie
v ct. It ia presumed that it granted
a license he would open tlio saloon
c. his place sboai a mile up the Clack
amas above th S. F. bridge.
The people of Parkplace, Gladstone
and Clackamas, and In fact the whole
vicinity, are up in arms and hava
tinned a remonstrance against th"
Rramirg of the license that Is Bald
to far outnumber the petition. C. V.
Parrish filed It with the court Monday
Oiave fears are entertained by the
residents of Abernethy precinct tint
n !ocn mere would be simply f. nad
house frequented by the Fortlanu
r.por'ins elei-'nt If the proposed
cl'.sing of snlocno in Portland : cu
lied into effect, suburban resorts
where liquor !. sold will be o.vn-uti
on that day by mobs from the metropo
Mrs. Edith Tozier Weatherred of
Portland was the guest of Mrs. Eva
Emery Dye, Monday. Mrs. Weather
red is editor of the "Western Tcira,"
a magazine for the western country
encouraging eastern emigration. She
has just returned from two months
in Honolulu, where she chaperoned
a party of eighteen California girls.
Next month she will again go to
the Hawaiian Islands, and on her re
turn will be accompanied by a crowd
of young ladies of those islands sent
out by the "Evening Bulletin," the
leading American dally there. These
native girls are all college bred, and
ar? musicians of note. With Mrs.
Weatherred they will make an eight
weeks' trip on the Pacific coast. Their
longest stay will be in Portland, as
that Is her home, but they expect to
be in Oregon City one day and one
evening. On that evening It has been
planned to give them a reception at
the First Congregational church.
(Continued from page 1.)
best collection of yellow roses, Mrs.
Edward Storey.
Special mention:
Gloria de Lyonaise, Mrs. N. R. Lang,
Mrs. Rambo. Caroline Testouts, Mrs.
A. Knapp, Mr3. N. R. Lang (2), Mrs.
R. F. Morey. General collection.
Waldo Caufleld, Miss Shields end
William Howell. Marchiel Mel, Mr?.
Charles Ely. Mrs. D. C. Ely. 'Inch
p.i'infr Mrs K T. Kewton. General
,, ' .. ,f tv,0 n t-,
ellow collection, Mrs. Duane C. fc.iy. .
Hybrid Teas, Mrs. G. W. Church.
Magna Charta. Mrs. J. W. Norrls.
Jean Lebaud, Mrs. R. F. Morey. Paul
Nehren, Mrs. E. Storey. Mrs. G. B.
Dlmlck. Mamon Cochets, Mrs. Geo.
Rrrnrnull Fir Hrill Muriel Stevens.
Mrs. J. C. Zinser. Wil -
liam Allen Richardson, Mrs. J. W. Ncr
V.-ifh wild flowers and strawberries
L'-I iiiio the places of honor, the
Clackamas County Strawberry Fair
and Rose Show drew to a close Satur-; certainly showed their keeping quail
day night. The attendance during the Wie3 when everything around them
fair was very large, several hundred j was fatling. They were as fresh Sat
availing themselves of the opportunity "rday evening a, when brought In.
to see a collection of the choicest I Unlike most verj large berries, they
roses and berries grown in Clacka-iare firm all the way through. The
mas county. Great interest was man- j Dornan bfry is fine for putting up as
iu-t'Hl in the exhibit of wild flowers,
e:-p dally among the school children,
who vied with each other in tho work
of coVoctiug the many beautiful va-
Htie; growing here. The judges of!
the fir. .-r contest were; Mesdames
J. W. Xorris, T. A. Pope, W. E. Pratt,
M. M. Channan and Mrs. Arthur
Warner. .The list of pri.e winners
Dr. Sommer prize, Hulh Notz of
Clackamas, 57 varieties.
Lewellyn Adams prize, Harold Wal
!ron, 47 varieties.
George A. Harding prize, Mrs. E. B.
An.Irews, 5 varieties.
Frank Busch prize, J. M. Marl;, 33
Those who- won special mention
were: Miss Violet Johnson for wild
fringe; Miss Martha Parker, lilies;
August Rakel, rhododendons; Clara
Schoenborn, Mount Balin,.
The ladies in charge of the show
secured the servces ' of Thomas H.
Howell of Center and Prof. F. P.
Stauffer, of Portland high school, two
of the best known botanists on the
Pacific coast, for Saturday afternoon,
to give the correct botanical name to
I every specimen exhibited. This fea-
' . t. ........ ....I ...I 1 I
A great many strawberry growers
were present Saturday, and all ex-
pressed themselves as being favorably
Impressed with the berry exhblt. The
berries certainly did make a fine show
ing, and many a mouth watered as
they gazed on the boxes and baskets
In which they were exhibited. Ctark
Seedlings formed the largest part of
the exhibit, but there were also Ma
goons, Chas. Downeys, Improved Ore
gons, Pornans, Warflelds and Jer
seys, the last named variety being the
culmination of three years' experi
menting on the part of W. B. (Jersey)
Stafford of Mount Pleasant The
Judges of the strawberry exhibits
were chosen from members of Port
land commission houses, who, buying
berries from all parts of the state,
are In a position to Judge of the mer
its of the various berries. The Judges
were: W. D. Glafke of the W. B.
Glafke company; T. Pearson of Pear
son, Page & Company, and F. H.
Page, Junior member of the firm of
Page & Son.
These men spoke very highly of the
merits of the Clackamas county ber
rles. Mr. Pearson and Mr. Page made
strong arguments as to why the local
growers should organize, as by exper
imenting they would be able to find
the berry best adapted to the soil and
climate, and thereafter specialize on
that particular plant Both alluded
to the better prices berries will com
mand If they are packed neatly. The
prizes for strawberries were awarded
as follows:
First prize for commercial value and
fine quality, C. P. Andrews, Mount
Pleasant, Clark Seedlings.
Second prize for same, Albert Kotz.
Clackamas, same berries.
For Magoon exhibit, A. F. Ford.
For packing for commercial use, A.
H. FInnegan of Canemah, New Im
proved Oregon.
For exhibit of Warflelds, C. W.
Sw-allow, of Maple Lane.
For largest and best collection
from a distance, C. J. Roth of Canby.
Those who won special mention
were: Dornafls. A. H. FInnegan:
Clackamas Seedlings, R. K. Hartnell;
Jerseys, W. B. Stafford; Magoons, J.
R. Hunt and Thomas Hage.
Reception For Judge.
J. E. Jack, F; T. Barlow and T. J.
Gary of Willamette were the recep
tion committee representing the retail
grocers of Oregon City, who tendered
a reception to and banqueted the
strawberry Judges, their wives and
other representatives from Portland
commission firms, at the close of the
strawberry and flower show in Wil
lamette hall, Saturday evening. This
committee met the Portland delegation
at Gladstone.
Brief addresses were made by the
judges. Mr. Page complimented the
Clackamas county berry growers and
offered some good advice on the culti
vation, of berries. Mr. Grafke said
there was no reason why a litle later
Clackamas county could not compete
successfully 'with Hood River in a
berry exhibit. Mr. Pearson urged the
growers to organize at once. He gave
some valuable directions on packing
and crating, and said the attractive
way in which they had been arranged
In the crate had won prizes for some
unknown berries in this show. He
said Hood River made a specialty of
Clark Seedlings, and he considered
i the ones grown in Clackamas as fine
as lnoMi Ulal drlLl) al n,JOU
Fair and Sriow Notes.
Judge Thomas F. Ryan has a
bed of the large Dornan berry, the
..All I. - . t- 1. 1... ft TT T" t
'""- ""- rumni
Inf Panprtmh flttrartp.1 fin mnph nMen-
1.. ' ''. . . ' ' . ,,"
ition at the berry show. He considers
ty.pm !,,,,. the finest herrv out. Thev
well as putting down, because the
! soeds are so little In evidence
A former Iowa man writing from
Salem' back to an Iowa paper said:
Since we landed in the Willamette
valley on September, 21, 1900, we
haven't seen a time we wished to re-
no matter hoW
!, bad the weather.
You cannot
afford to be
without a
When you buy
look for the
J Tnwea CO 606 TO 0
trace our steps toward old Iowa, not
that we don't yet honor ind have a
very tender feeling for the banner
state of the Union, yet we find in our
short stay hero advantages and attrac
tions better suited to our liklnR by far
than Iowa. True enough It rains some
here, usually from October 1 to April
1. but not old-fashioned Iowa pour
downs, and best of all not electric
storms at any time during the year
to cause men to shudder and look for
a place of safety. No accounts In the
papers of a bunch of stock, or some
body's barn or residence being struck
by lightning and perhaps one or more"
Instantly killed. No snow drifts, bliz
zards, nor anything of the kind to con
tend with In this coast country of
flowers and grass and vegetables
growing the year around.
Secretary Cross Offera Free Ut of
Chautauqua Grounds for Ex
position of Products of
The board of trade wasted no time
in talk Friday night on the public
dock proposition. Everybody says It Is
a good thing. Everybody says It Is
badly needed In Oregon City. It will
cost Ir. the neighborhood of $3,000, ard
save that much several times ov
every year In freight rates. The boarl
therefore very properly engaged In n
discussion. but appointed Frank
Busch. T. F. Ryan, D. C. Ely, 0. B.
Dlmiek and A. L. Beatle as a commit
tee to get the cash, and form the com
pany ready for building.. It may be
built by the board of trade, supple
mentary articles of Incorporation be
ing Pled to enable the board to own
and operate the dock. The money
w ill be ralsej by public subscription.
The meeting was sllmly attended,
but those there meant business. It
was voted to file formal complaint
with the state railroad 'commission'!
against the S. P. for not providing
any loading facilities at Oregon City.
" ,
This was the result of the visit of
commissioner Atlchlson to this city on
complaint of country sawmill owners.
The city has been put off with prom-
ises for years, but promises will not i Clackamas county. Oregon, which or
be accepted any longer. The com- jder Is made and dated the Hth day of
mittee to prepare the complaint and May. 1907, and prescribes that this
nnh it tr, heart., mn.i.t. f f. summons be published once a week
C. Brownell. W. A. Huntley and H. A.
For a County Fair.
Secretary H. E Cross of the Char
tauqua Assembly offered the free use
of the assembly grounds, 73 acres, for
a county fair. He made the offer, he
said, not to force the grounds upon
the board, for he would as earnestly
support a fair held elsewhere, but he
thought that fine site should be of
more use to Oregon City. The sug
gestion met with general approval
and it was resolved to have a Clacka-
mas county fair this fall, probably
following the state fair. An execu
tive committee of five will be ap
pointed later to take up the project
and are empowered to make all neces
sary preliminary organization and ar
rangement. On motion voted that the board of
trade establish headquarters at the
Chautauqua assembly, and that a com
mittee of three be appointed to take
charge of said matter, and for the
purpose of fitting up the same, nald
committee to expend not to exceed
. The following were appointed dele
gates to the annual meeting of the
Oregon Development League at Port
land, June 21 and 22: President, C.
H. Dye; secretary, T. F. Ryan; H. R.
Crass, V. A. Huntley, A. Knapp, O.
W. Eastham. W. E. Carll, J
I Hedges. B. C. Curry, W. E. J. Vlck
W. H. Schooley and L. E, Jones.
T. F. Ryan. V. A. Huntley and D.
C.Ely were continued as a committee
to consult with and assist the Oswald
& Hull furniture firm to secure a sat
isfactory site in or near Oregon City.
Owing to certain land owners putting
a prohibitive price on unused lots,
there is danger of the factory going
to Albany. If it can't be retained In
Orf.-Kon City, an effort will be made
to have It located at Gladstone.
A. Knapp brought up the question
of lower rates between Oregon City
and Portland. The talk revealed that
the whole matter wa.s up to the coun
cil, and the sense of those present
was to grant no more franchises to
the P. K. L. & P. Co., or aubsidlary
companies, unless low and equitable
rates were given.
Invitation to participate In the
Portland rose (show was declined. No
one noticed any Portlandera helping
Oregon City shows.
J. M. Sawtell of Molalla was In
Oregon' City, Friday.
The petition to council from the Mt.
Pleasant Clvlo Improvement dub nska
that the city macadamize the plank
road from Fifth and Jackson to thu
city limits, to a width of 20 feet.
Councilman Meyer of the street com
mittee said the road was In a bad
condition, and this was also the tes
timony of Mayor Caufleld and Coun
cilman Knapp. Mr. Telford, builder
of the county experimental road out
there, gave figures on the coat 8o
far It has amounted to $11.30 a rod.
The road Is 13 feet wide and 20 rod
long. He aays there was not enough
gravel put on, only 3 Inches when It
should have from 4 to six Inahus.
There la from five tor six Inches of
rook. When the wad I completed
the cost will not exceed $12 a rod.
The road naked for In the petition
would be about 2100 feet In length and
20 feet wide Instead of 12, as Is the
county experimental road. Taking
Mr. Telford's figures as a basis, It
would bring the cost of the proponed
Improvement up to about $2,000.
Fred C. Painter will offer at public
auction, .near A. Hardy's, four miUii
east of Wllholt Springs, on Tuesday,
June IS, three fresh cows with calves
3 fresh early In the (all, 4 2 year-old
steers, 3 1-year-old steers, 3 l-yenr-ild
heifers, 1 registered Shorthorn bull, 1
set harness, 1 3-Inch Mitchell wagon,
3 dozen chickens, some geese and tar
keys ami other things too numero u to
mention. Terms, ca.-)h Sale begins
at 10 a. m. W. V. II. Samson, auc
tioneer. Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
V. Vincent Jones. Plaintiff,
Sallye W. Jones, Defendant.
To Sullye W. Jones, the defendant
above named:
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
cause within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mon upon you, to-wlt: within bIx
weeks from the 17th day of May. 19t)7,
and If you fall so to answer for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In the
c"JIIint. to-wlt: for a decree of
divorce dissolving the contract of
marriage now existing between you
and the plaintiff.
This summons In served upon you
by publication by order of the Hon.
flrnnt Tl nimtr-b rmntv 1n.1itt fur
for six weeks. The date of the first
publication of this summons, Is May
17th, 190", and tiie date of the last
publication of this summons Is June
28, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Tetter Cured.
A lady customer of ours had sj'T.t
ed with tetter for two or three years.
It got so bad on her hands that i;he
could not attend to her nouseholJ
duties. One box of Chamberlain's
Salve cured her. Chamberlain's med
icines give splendid satisfaction
In this community. M. If. Ho.Inev A
Co., Almond , Ala. Chamberlain's
medicines are for sale by Howell &
Wanted Men to cut one hundred
cords of fir wood. $1.00 a cord and
good timber. Address box 13, It. D.,
Dundee, Oregon. 2CU
WANTED Two good Spinners, good
wages and steady work guaranteed.
Eugene Woolen Mill Co., Eugene, Or.
Strayed, from the residence of A.
Thomas at Beaver Creek, one Indian
saddle pony, light sorrel, with bald
face, three white feet; branded K on
shoulder and Jowl; weight about 830
I pounds. Kinder please notify A. Thom
as, Oregon City, R. I). 3; telephone
Mutual Home 2, lleaver Creek.
J. R. Henderson, alias J. B. Robin
son, time keeper for th basin work
contractor, was arrested about hot
Saturday, by Sheriff J. S. Haviland of
Walla Walla, Wash., on a charge of
Henderson came to Oregon City
about C or 7 months ago and secured
work In the woolen mill under the
name of J. U. Robinson. He went to
work for the contractor on the basin
work about two weeka ago. .He Is
about 30 years of ago and Is an e
member of the 01st Iowa Infantry, ami
served In the Philippines as quarter
muster sergeant.
Ho Is charged with forging chocks to
the amount of $!)0. Wine and women
were his downfall, said Sheriff Havi
land. The authorities hoard of him
through Homo Walla Walla man who
came to Oregon City and aaw and rec
ognized Henderson.
The effect of Scoffs EmuUfon on thin,
palo children ia magical.
It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy.
It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites
and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone,
and so put together that it is easily digested
by little folk.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Claekamna County.
Clareuee F. Hlgbee, Plaintiff,
Grace O. HIr1hi, nfndant. '
To Grace O. 1! It bee, the above
named defendant:
In the name of tSi State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against yon In the above entitled
Court and caun on or before the 28th
day of June, 1H07, and It you fall to
appear and answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for In the com
plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony exiting be
tween you and the plaintiff, upon the
grounds of desertion.
This summons Is published by order
of Grant II. Dlmlck, County Judge of
Claekamus county, Oregon, and said
order was made and given by htm on
the 15th day of May, 1U07, on account
of the absence of Judge of said Cir
cuit Court for said County and Dis
trict, and said order la made return
able to the Circuit Court of Oregon,
for Clackamas county. The first pub
lication of this summons Is made on
the 17th day of May. 1907, and thu last
publication U the 2Stlt day of June,
1907. ,
d. m. noNArc.it.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Iva Heaver. Plaintiff,
Theodore J. Heaver, IWendunt.
To Theodore J. Beaver, Defendant,
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Yon are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
yon In the above entitled suit on or
before the last day of the lime pro
scribed In the order for the publica
tion of this Kumnums, to-wlt: on or
before the 1st day of July, 1907, Kald
date being the expiration of six (C)
weeks from the first publication of
this summons; und If yoti full ko to
appear and answer, for want tln-reof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demnnded In the com
plaint , to-wlt, fur a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony ami marriage
contract existing between plaintiff and
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. T. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the
alnjve named court, which order was
made ami entered on the 8th day of
May, 1907.
22 t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
71C Chamber of Commerce, Portland.
Marriage Licenses.
June 8 iA-ttla Leah Lemmons and
Allen W. Wooley.
June 8 Hazel M. Butter and It. O.
June 8 Josephine Ilnrde and Win,
A. Smith. This couple were married
by County Judge Dlmlck Saturday uf
tiiniKin. Misses Pauline Turner, Edna and
Norma Ilolman and Maste r Morris
llolinnn of this city, left Mondny
morning for a month's visit with
grandparents In McMlnnvillo.
i1 1 "
Better than champagne
Ctabltah4 150
Notice of Restoration of public I .amis
to Hettleinent and Entry. Depart
ment of the Interior, Oeuerat Land
tlltlce, Washington, D, C May II,
1907. Notice Is hereby given that the
vacant public lauds In the following
described areas, temporarily with
drawn for proHmed additions to the
Cascade National Forest, Oregon, on
October 20, and December 10. 1905,
and January 18, lliort, and not other-,
wise withdrawn, reserved, or appro
priated, will by authority of the Her
niary of the Interior be restored to
ttio public domain on July 27, 1907,
and become aubject to Net (lenient on
und after that date, but not to entry,
filing or select Ion until on and after
August 20, 1907, under the usual re
strictions, nt the I'nlted States I .und
Office at Portland. Oregon; In Town
ship four (4). Range five (5), HoclloiH
four (4) and six (C) In Township two
12). Range six (0), Section fourteen
(14) to twenty-itlx (20). both Inclu
sive, the north half of Sections twen
ty nine (29). thirty-four (34), thirty
five (351 and thirty-six (30); In Town
ship two (2), Range seven (7). Sec
tions twenty-seven (27, twenty-eight
(2S. the south half of Section twenty
nine (291, all Sections thirty (30),
thirty olio (31). thirty two (32) and
thirty-three (33); In Township three
(3) . Range vin (71. Sections four
(4) . five (5), the north half and south
west quarter of Section nix (0), the
north half of Hei-tdm eight (M), and all
Section nine (91 ; all South and East.
Willamette Meridian, Oregon. Warn
ing Is hereby expressly given that no
person will be permitted to gain or
exercise any right whatever under any
settlement or occupation begun prior
to July 27, 1907. and alt such settle,
inent or ocruputloti Is hereby forbid
den. R. A. II.M.1.INC.ER.
' ('omiulsstoner.
Approved: 'I'llOS RYAN,
Acting Secretary of the Interior.
J. 11 llitrb'HS of Moltilla was ntte'id
lug to business mutters In the county
seat Saturday.
The county court adjourned Satur
day. The Harlow Mutual Telephone
company was granted n franchise for
pob-s and wire owr and upon county
roads In Hurlow, Canby and Macks
burg precincts.
Buy Hair
at Auction?
At sny rate, you seem to be
getting rid of It on auction-sale
principles: "going, going,
g-o-n-el" Stop the auction
with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
certainly checks falling hair;
no mistake about this. It acts
as a regular medicine; makes
the scalp healthy. Then you
must have healthy hair, for
it's nature's way.
The boit kind ot a ttitlnionlal
"Bold for over alxty yuan."
. (J. Arr Co.. Lowall. 1
a BianuCMlurart of
Costs no more.
No prizes
no coupons
no headache.
Sold only in aroma-
tirrVif fine
Never in bulk.
CO.. San Francisco