Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 07, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post
office aa second class matter.
Subscription Rates:
One Year 1160
Six Months 75
Trial subscription, two months., .25
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment la
not credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention.
resident Roosevelt is quoted as
against attacks on stocks and bonds,
In his Indianapolis speech. Quite
likely and quite proper. There Is
neither wisdom or justice in making
an attack on any form of legitimate
securities. The attack should be
made not on the securities but on
those who issue them. And all such
attacks should be made in a maimer
that will protect the securities and
the holders of tlum a' d at the sun.1
time compel those who issue them to
do right with the public that is buy
ing.. A general attack on securities
would more severely injure the small
holder than the one behind them, for
If the latter's securities are deprec
iated he can recoup himself In saving
by large purchases of the depreciated
stocks, while the smal I older stani
to loose with no opportunity to make
himself safe. Further, no good can
come from a dishonest at'a.k on rich
or poor; the man who has Issued the
securities, even if lie has overdone the
matter, has his rights as well as the
buyer. If he has committed wrong
tlere are ether wavj to punish him
besides the drastic one of destroying
bis securities.
Every possible effort Is being put
forth by the enemies of President
Roosevelt to discredit hira with the
people. Whoever has a grudge and
whatever the occasion enemies of the
President stir them up to write him
or in some other way attack him or
bis life. The Harrlmans and men of
that character are determined to con
vince the public that they are not
grasping and greedy, as the Presi
dent has said, and they wish to raise
as many and as prominent controver
sies with the President as posible
that In the end the people will tire
at the magnitude of the uproar and
Join them In destroying the President
personally and the annullment of his
influence with the voters all over our
land i
A wholesale reduction in the num
ber of employes on railways all over
the country Is announced, the excuse
given being retrenchment made nec
essary by the two-cent fare laws. Per
haps this Is but another way to make
the public be good. There are many
Instances In which reductions In fare
can be safely made, and the country
is satisfied of that fact. But no sane
man can wish to see rates of fare
reduced below what Is Just to the
railways. Both parties to the contro
versy have rights, and It Is Just as
unwise to do wrong to a corporation
as to an individual, and vice versa.
The old wheelhorses of the Demo
cratic party who do not like William
Jennings Bryan are trying to defeat
his nomination for President next
year by entering In the race "favorite
sons' In a dozen or more states. But
Mr. Bryan has taken the wind out of
their sails by advising his friends to
encourage such movements, always
picking as he advises on men who
have made reputations by standing
for the proper guarding of public
We read a considerable these days
of "Cannon and duty." Is It "Cannon
and duty" or Cannon and politics
Mr. Cannon has been recognized as
a part of the political machine, and
hf has beenvioted as quietly In op
position to President Roosevelt, who
has the hatred of the entire machine.
Now the question arises, Is Cannon a
convert to a new light, or simply
coming In out of the rain?
The attendance at the thirty-fourth
annual meeting of the State Grange
at Hood River Is among the largest
ever recorded. Representatives from
this county are reported as follows:
Henry Hoffmelster, T L. Turner, Mrs.
N. E. Turner, William Beard, Mrs.
Louise Beard, L. D. Jones, Mrs. Em
ma Jones, Mrs. H. L. Anderson, H. S.
The State Senate of Michigan. Mon
day night passed a resolution, unani
mously, demanding that President
Roosevelt be given a second elective
term as Chief Magistrate. The wind
seems to be blowing Rooseveltward,
and It Is the common people who are
In the fore rank in making these de
mands. The news from Washington Is to
the effect that Speaker Cannon has
seen a new light In the tariff revision
matter and will be in line for any
thing reasonable. As Cannon was one
of the original "stand-patters It
looks as If It was time to escape from
a sinking ship.
John F. Logan, a Portland attorney
well known in Oregon City and Clack
amas county has filed w ith the state
railroad commission a vigorous com
plaint against the Southern Pacific be
cause of Its Irregular and uncertain
passenger train service northward.
Mr. Logan bases his complaint on
actual experience of trying to catch
a train from an up-valley town to
Portland. He learned that there was
only one way of finding out when the
train would arrive and that was to
he at the station when it pulled In
anywhere from one U 20 hours late.
The northbound trains have not been
regular for several months. People
overlooked the miserable service dur
ing the California floods and wash
outs, but those ceased weeks ago, and
It Is about time the road lived up to
somewhere near Its schedule. If the
schedule Is too swift for the S. P., a
new one should be put in effect.
No one deserves more honor than
the old settlers who made the toil
some journey across the plains, and
transformed this wilderness Into a
garden. And It Is fitting the praises
should be given them while living,
and pot all reserved until thoy cross
that other great plain that lies be
tween here and the final home. The
Oregon City Woman's club, always
active In behalf of the community, has
the individual and sincere though un
expressed gratitude of each citizen
for voluntarily doing what everyone
is glad to see done so well and gra
ciously. The reception to the old
settlers Is the ''leading social event
of the season" In one respect at least
In the community-wide good will
that abounds In and surrounds it.
E. S. Bramhlll, the veteran saw
mill man of Sandy, Is the original Mt.
Hood railroad promoter. For many
years he advocated an electric road
to the majestic peak, and kept agita
ting the project, pointing out where
a power plant could be built and the
feasability of the route, until he fin
ally Interested C. W. Miller who has
succeeded In securing capital to fi
nance the project. Mr. Bramhall has
retired from business and now lives
in Portland. He Is naturally proud
that his pet dream Is in a fair way to
be realized and the route he marked
out long ago will be followed with a
few deviations.
The San Francisco grafters evident
ly appreciate the deep water into
which they find themselves, for two
of them have retained D. M. Delmas,
the lawyer who won considerable
fame In his defense of Harry K. Thaw,
to save them.
And now Illinois has joined the pro
cession of States that have passed
two-cent fare legislation. The bill has
been passed in both houses of the
State legislature and the law been
signed by Governor Deneen.
Kansas methods are nothing If not
novel. This time It Is purposed to
put a two-cent fare rate In force in
that state without legislation, on the
plea that what Is good In other states
Is good in Kansas.
President Roosevelt was in atten
dance at the funeral of Mrs. McKin
ley at Canton, Ohio, today. Tomor
row he will speak at the unveiling
of a statute to General Lawton, at
The rush for lands soon to be open
for settlement In this state shows no
evidence of decay in the interest of
agriculture in general, and land-holding
In particular.
A new city ordinance in Los Angeles
makes it an offense punishable by
fine and imprisonment for a landlord
In that city to refuse to rent a house
because the Inquirer has children.
Max Davis to Martin Lennartz, bw
of sw of sec 29, ls-4e, 40 acres. $ 2000.
Owen P. Walcott to Herman Kla
etsch, s half of lots 5 and 14 and lots
6 to 13 lnc, blk 95, Oak Grove. $075.
Sellwood Land and Improvement Co
to Herman Klaetsch, lots 1 and 2, blk
90, 2d subdiv Oak Grove. $100.
John W. Loder to E. S. Gordon, lot
5, blk 147, Oregon City. $.
L. M. Parish to Sarah J. Parrish,
blocks 54 and 37 frac blk "F," blk 24,
lots 5 and 6, blk 29 and lots 3, a ndd
5, blk "B," Oswego. $1.
C. T. Howard to T. R. Oren, begin
ning at se cor of Mary Cook claim In
Mullno, sec 17, 4s-2e, .52 acres. $300.
Sarah J. Buckman to P. J. Russell,
Jpart of Andrew Hood die, 3s-2e, 10
acres. $450.
Laura Athey to Leonard and Emma
Schaber, beginning In s line of sec 20,
2s-le, 20 acres. $1000.
Thos Clifford to John Rlopel, lot 13,
blk 18, Mllwaukle Park. $35.
C. Everett. Surfus to W. E. Surfus,
sw of nw of sec 29, 4s-4e. $5.
Waverly Association to Peter Kerr,
blk 3 of Waverly Heights. $1.
George P. McNear to D. C. South-
A Hair
Nearly every one likes a fine
hair dressing. Something to
make the hair more manage
able; to keep it from being
too rough, or from splitting
at the ends. Something, too,
that will feed the hair at the
same time, a regular hair-food.
will remain w here it belongs
on the head, not on the comb!
The best kind ol a toitimonlkl
"Sold tor over tlmty Tears."
Mod J O. Ajror lv. Uw,ll, Uua.
Ai4 muuriHurr or
1 1 PTC p,1,s
Ciw O ttti KKY rrcTiiRU.
worth, w half of se of se of sw of sec
ii. ne e half of nw, n half of s half of
sec 33 ls-oe, 520 acres. $20820.
Levi I). Yoder to Ole Rice, beginn
ing 16 rds s of nw cor of s half of sw
of sec 15, 5s le. 3 acres. 400.
W, F. Scluxdoy to T. F. Ryan, lots
5 to 13 Inc. blk 1. West Gladstone. $1.
C. E. Surfus et al to Mary M. Stir-
fus, ne of ne of sec 30, 4s-4o, also be
ginning 13 rds e of ne cor of sec So,
acres. $3.
E. E. Surfus et al to Izolla M. Sur
fus, nw of nw of sec 29, 4-4e. $3.
M. G. and G. A. Heldlngor. Sarah E.
James, beginning In n line of sec 29
at nw cor of Harrison Wright die 4s-
le 53 one third acres. 190.
Hlbernla Savings Dank to Adolf i
Mattaies, half Interest In lots 5 and j
6. blk 11. and lot 8, blk 10, Oregon
City. $1100.
Hlbernla Savings Rank to E. H. j
Wills, lot 6, blk "C," Mllwaukio I
Park. $150.
Wllbert P. Chilcote to W. H.
Barde. tracts "P" and "I" Clackamas
Riverside. $3000.
Let E. Johnson to Susetta E. Reed,
begining 31 rds a of ne cor of nw
of sec 2, 2s-2e .75 acres. $34.
Alfred M. Lull to Adelle Young,
tracts 42 and 56 of Willamette Tracts,
4 acres. $1700.
E. P. Elliott and Frank M. White
to A. Trafton and E. L. Rudolph, n
half of ne of sec 3, 4s-2e, 80 acres.
For sale. We are In touch with the
buyers. There are successful and un
succesful methods of selling real es
tate. Talk over with us our method
and If It looks good to you list your
property for sale. Ours is the DIF
FERENT method.
Real Estate,
Over the Bank of Oregon City.
Father Falls to Secure Custody of His
Young Daughter.
Habeas corpus proceedings were be
gun today by Andy Grelsshaber, father
orf Francis T. Grelsshaber, citing the
sheriff to bring her before Judge
Dimlck at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The father claims that the young girl,
who lives In the family of A. B. Her
man, Is being detained against her
Friends who claim to know say this
Is not the case, that the young girl
Fip fiOLDENGATF Z Z 'ffrz
jUOLSERtr I: I SUE) UU--" -JM JAFoloertC??
& 6oi lj m f (joidenGat.
Ss III rmirf .Ifesr . M rcA
111 hQit
does not wish to ro with her father
her mother has been dead for several
years and that the father would not
make a tood guardian.'
When the rase was called the fath
er appeared and made demand for the
custody of the girl, who la 14 years of
age. Superintendent Gardner, from
the Hoys' and Girls' Home, Portland,
appeared also and reported that after
a careful Investigation he was satis
fled that the father was not a proper
person to have the custody of such a
Kill, alleging unsound state of mind.
Judge Dltnlek decided to hear the
case on Its merits next Monday, at
the same hour, and Issued a tempor
ary order continuing the girt In the
custody of Mr. and Mrs. Herman un
til that day.
The commit ttcti appointed from the
various tire companies of the city nu t
Monday night In Fountain hall to
make arrangements for the firemen's
barbecue to bo held some time In
the near future, The meeting was
called to order by Howard Lalour
ette, who acted as temporary chair
man. Chief Huconleh was elected
chairman of all the committees con
nected with the affair, and J. A. Me
Glashan was elected secretary with
Frank Koenlg as his assistant.
The following were appointed as
a committee to select a suitable aiot
to hold a barbecue: L. Moore,
chairman. Cataract; O. Hartman,
Fountain; Ed Shenhan, No. 3; Ed
Schultg, No. 4; Thomas C.leason,
Columbia Hook & Ladder company.
The members will communlcato with
several of the leading bands of the
state for the purpose of securing
good music.
The following were appointed
chairmen of the committees preced
ing their names with the power to
appoint the other four members:
Lunch, L. Moore; refreshments, C.
Hartman; sports, Howard Latourette.
Tho next meeting will bo held next
Monduy night In the same hall. At
that meeting the various committees
will make their reports and a date set
for the event.
The people over at Estacada have
a project on foot to establish a cemo
tary. The News says "tho necessity
for ono did not seem to urgently pre
sent Itself" until recently. Estacada
Is several years old and a gcsd sized !
village but like other Clackamas
county localities, It Is a healthful
Executor's Sale of Real Property.
In the matter of the Estate
Mary A. Heulat Bradley, Deceased.
Pursuant to an order duly made and
entered in the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, In the above entitled es
tate, I will, on and after Saturday, the
15th day of June, 1907, proceed to sell
at private sale the real property be
longing to the said estate described
as follows, to-wlt: All of Lots One
(1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), and
Six (6) of Block No. Six (6) of Pleas
ant Place Addition to Oregon City In
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
according to the duly recorded plat
thereof. Terms of sale cash, and sub
ject to confirmation by the said court.
Executor of the Estate of Mary A.
Heulat Bradley, Deceased.
First publication May 17, 1907. 22tl
PROVEMENT. Sealed proposals for furnishing all
labor and materials and Improving
Tenth street of Oregon City, Oregon,
from the west side of (be truck of
the Oregon & California Railroad
Company on said Tenth street to tlio
east line of Main street, nnd from the
west line of Main street to the east
line of Water street, will bo received
by the Committee on Streets and
Public Property of the Council of
Oregon City until 4 o'clock p, m, of
Friday, June 14th. 1907.
riaiis and specification! contain
ing further Information will bo fur
nished upon application to the Re
corder of Oregon City.
Each proposnl must bo accompan
ied by a certified check for a sum
equal to five per cent of the total es
timate of the work, which sum will
be subject to forfeiture to Oregon
City In case of the failure of the suc
cessful bidder herein to furnish the
required bonds and enter Into a writ
ten contract for said work, If railed
upon so to do, within the time speci
fied for the sumo In the time ami
manner ordinance covering said slreet
Proposals must bo made upon
Mania furnished by the City Engi
neer, The right to reject any and all bids
ami to accept any bid considered mofct
favorable to Oregon City Is hereby
Each proposal must slate the time
required for the completion of the en
tire Improvement work of said street
and which Improvement work tmist
be according to the ordinances of Ore
gon City, and the plans and specifica
tions governing such work.
All proposals muHt be addressed to
the Committee on Strata ami Public
Property of the Council of Oregon
City, In care of tlio Recorder.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order of the Council of Oregon
City made at a special meeting of
jsald Council hold Saturduy, May
nth, 1907.
Pntod at Oregon City, Oregon, May
27th. 1907.
Committee on Streets ami Public
Property of the Council of Oregon
PROVEMENT. Sealed proposals for furnishing all
labor ami materials anil Improving
John Qulncy Adams street of Oregon
City, Oregon, from the north line of
Seventh street to the south lino of
Eighth street, will bo received by
,ho Committee on Streets and Public
Property of tho Council of Oregon
City until 4 o'clock p. m. of Friday,
June Hth, 1907.
Plans and specification contain
ing further Information will bo fur
nished upon application to the Re
corder of Oregon City.
Each proposal mutt be accompan
ied by a certified check for a sum
equal to five per cent of tho total es
timate of tho work, which sum will
bo subject to forfeiture to Oregon
City In ease of the failure of th suc
cessful bidder herein to furnish tho
required bonds and enter Into a writ
ten contract for said work. If called
upon so to do, within the tlmo speci
fied for the same In tho tlmo and
manner ordinance covering said Htreet
Proposal must tie made upon
blanks furnished by tho City Engi
neer. Tho right to reject any and all bids
and to accept any bid considered most
favorable to Oregon City Is hereby
Each proposal must state tho time
required for tho completion of tho en
tiro improvement work of said street
and which Improvement work must
be according to the ordinances of Ore
gon City, and the plans and speclflca
Hons governing such work.
All proposal must be addressed to
the Committee on Street and Public
Property of the Council of Oregon
City, In care of tho Recorder.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order of tho Council of Oregon
City made at a special meeting of
said Council held Saturday, May
11th, 1907.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, May
27th, 1907.
Committee on Streets and Public
Property of the Council of Oregon
Sealed proposals for furnishing all
San Francisco
labor and materials and Improving
Fourth street of Oregon City, Oregon,
from tho cast, lino of Water street to
tho west lino of Main slreet, and from
(ho east lino of Main street to the
stone wall of tho Oregon and Cali
fornia Railroad Company on said
Fourth street, will bo received by tlio
Com ml (too on Streets and l'ublle
Property of the Council of Oreg'Ki
City until 4 o'clock p. m, or Friday,
Juno Hth, 1907.
Plans ami specifications contain
ing further Information will bo fur
nished upon application to (In1 Re
corder of Oregon City,
Each propoNul muiit bo accompan
ied by a certified check for a sunt
equal to live per cent of tho total o
tltniite of the work, which sum will
bo subject to forfeiture to Oregon
City In Case of the failure of the suc
cessful bidder herein to furnish th"
required bonds and enter Into u writ-'
ten contract for said work, If called
iiIhiii so to do, within tho time sped
(led for the same In tlio time imi
manner ordinance covering mild street
Proposal must, bo iintilo upmr
blanks furnished by the City Engi
neer. The tight to reject liny and all bid
and to accept any bid considered most
favorable to Oregon lily Is hereby
Kuril proposal limit slate tho Mm"
required for the completion of the en
tire Improvement work of mild street
and which Improvement work muf
be according to the ordinance of Ore-
K'lit City, and the plans and specifica
tion governing such work.
Ml proposal in iih I b addressed ti
the Committee on Street mid Public
Properly of the Council of Oregon
City, In care of tho Recorder.
This notice 1 published pursuant
to an order of the Council of Oregon
City Hindu at a special meeting of
snld Council held Saturday, May
llth. l!o7.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, May
lb, 1907.
Cominltteo on Street and Public
Property of the -Council of Oregon
Sealed proposal for furnishing all
labor imi miiteiinl and Improving
Eighth Street of Oregon City, Oregon,
front the stone wall of the Oregon
and California Railroad Compnny on
stud Light!) Street to the enst Una of
Main Street, and from the west lino
of Main Street to a Point on sab!
Eighth Street 1CM feet west of tho
west linn of snld Muln Street, will bo
received by tho Committee on Street
and Public Property of the Council
of Oregon City until 4 o'clock p. m.
of Friday, June Hth, 1907,
Plans and specification contain
ing further Information will bo fur
nished upon application to tho Re
corder of Oregon City.
Each proposal must to accompan
ied by a certified check for a sum
equal to five per cent of the total es
timate of tho work, which um will
bo subject to forfeiture to Oregon
City In case of tho failure of tho sue
cessful bidder herein to furnish tho
required bond and i nter Into a writ
ten contract for said work. If called
upon so to do, within the tlmo speci
fied or th same In the tlmo and
manner ordinance covering said stret
Proposal must bo made upon
blank furnished by tho City Engi
neer. Tho right to reject nny and all bids
and to accept any bid considered most
favorablo to Oregon City I hereby
Each proposal must stato tho tlmo
required for the completion of tho en
tire Improvement work of said street
and which Improvement work must
bo according to tho ordinance of Ore
gon City, and tho plan and specifica
tion governing such work.
All proposal must bo addressed to
tho Commltteo on Street and Public
Property of tho Council of Oregon
City, In caro of tho Recorder.
Thl notice I published pursuant
to an order of the Council of Oregon
City made at a special meeting of
said Council held Saturday, May
llth, 1907.
Dated at Oregon City. Oregon, May
27th, 1907.
Committee , on Street and Publlo
Property of tho Council of Oregon