ORKOON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1907, SOCIAL AND LODGES May Midi. At "Holly Farm", tliu beautiful Mil wauklo. homo of Mr.1 and Mr. VV, lfl, NlUm, Wednesday evening, occurred one of tin) prettiest weddings of the season, whim their daughter, Mum lli'lon I.iii'llu NIIi.'h, And Mr. Luke A. Miiy were united In marriage. Prompt ly at 8 o'clock tint brlilitl purty do acended the broad stairway leading to the lawn, while the sweet strains from I-ohongrln wedding niarch play ed by Mm, Mildred Hw'KK l art, float 4'd through the air. The brlilo wan becomingly attired lu a simple wblt yuwn nnd carried an arm bouquet of white rosea, Mlaa F.Ntwlla Nil1, sla ter of tint brlil", aW wore white and tarried pink made rose. Mr. Klvln May, brother of the groom, wa bt tiiuu. Proceeding down the rose. strewn path hung with Japanese lan terns, they pauod uttdr an arch of rosea, awung between three fir trees, where Rev, Kdward 8. Holllngor, of (ho Highland Congregational chvirch, of l'ortland, pronounced tliu Impres sive ring ceremony, In thu proaonro of forty friend and rotative, A delic ious lutii hioii followed, Ml Alice Tufta, cousin of the bride, presiding iv-r tbi punch bowl. After a visit of n few day with Portland relative Mr. and Mm. May will be at homo to their friend In a pretty now home ni'ArltiK completion at Canemah. Mr. May In employed with thu Vlllamttt I'ulp and Taper com puny and lit an honest and Industrious young man who ban choni'n for bin compunlon a lady of rburmlriK personality. Tota Jolly Party. A merry party for the llttlo people wtt oho given In honor of Master Nelson Wlsner' third birthday at t ho homo of hi Kramlpnrrntii, Mr. mid Mm. William K. Trait, Monday afternoon. Tho room word beauti fully decorated In roue, thu table fur t ho lunchiHin, one of the greatest at- trartlona of the afternoon to tho small bout and hi friend. Idng es pecially pretty. Tho tablu decora tion were of red roue and tho birth day cake bom threw tiny white can die. Tho place card were little toy. Many Jolly name were played and a little piokram of imiu.i mil recitation gone through a tho chll "In n nut In a circle on tho floor. Tho weic chaperoned by Mm. J. Nelson, Miner, Mr. L. !,. Pickens, Mt.. W. K. I.mtbwalle, Mr. 1.. K. Juno. Mm. N T. Ung. Mm. F. T Grlfll'ti Mm. V r. Huntley, X. ; T. A.,-l.iln, Mis Itollle Trait and Mis Merle Iv'k. Tho k'IkkI ''.eluded N iiuin inl oully La:u. Miu:4t and 'unet '.rltnth, Helen and Tom liivett, Mar garet and Ward Hammond, Marian Pickens, Gentry Phillip, Rodney Keating. Margaret Ix'vingor, Alice Lewlhwalle, Janetto Mcltaln, Mildred Huntley. Entertain the Teacher. MIh Marjorlo Caufleld very charm lusty entertained the tearher of tho Itiirclny and Easiham school at tho lioino of her parent. Mr. and Mr. David Caufleld, In MonriMi atreet, Tuemlay evenlnn. Mlaa Caulleld woh formerly a teacher hero but Is now with the Pendleton schools and two of her fellow teachers (there wore present, Miss Kll.abeth Foley of Ten-iday ,, , , ... ,,,,, . lleton and Miss draco Miller of Ore- Ron City. The Caulleld homo was beautifully decorated lu tohps. An original and decidedly pretty effect were the roses clustered In tho cor ners of tho rooms. Tae ever popular r,(Mi" sas the entertainment provid ed, In which Mrs. Emlllo Shaw cap tured the first prize and MIhs Frances Myers second. Delicious refresh ments were served during the even ing. Present were Mrs. Viola God frey, Mrs. Emlllo Shnw nnd Mrs. Stel In Salisbury; Misses Elizabeth Foley, i'.iaco Miller, Irene Carter, Eva Mel drum, Frances Myers, Nellie Stevens, A'lee Shannon, Margaret Goodfellow, Martha Koeiner and Marjorlo Cuu 11. Id. .Fraternal Union of America. Aurora lodge, No. 405, held a very Interesting session Tuesday night and three candidate were Initiated into the order: Mrs. M. and Miss Agnes Justin and Leo Schlrzlnger. State Diiuity Supremo Muster George Oat mmler occupied the Fraternal Mas ter's chnlr, and the degrco foam of Rose Clty lodgo participated, and In an Impressive as well ns Instructive drill, conferred tho degree of Fritter nlty on the candidates. At tho close of tho mooting the local lodge tender ed a banquet to the visiting members nnd the Uoso City degree team. Mu sic, singing and speeches wore tho order and nothing occurred to mar tho festivities of tho evoulng. At an 'aiiy-dato Aurora lodge wll return the visit of Rose City lodge. Fraternal Brotherhood. . Oregon City lodge, No. 302, Fraternal HroUiorhood, met In lametto hall Wednesday night, Tho after tho remilar biiHlno meotlng tho following; wore idoctod offlcura to aorve a term of alx rnontha: I'iohI dent, It. A.1 Bewyor; vice primldent, A. M, Blnnott; aocretnry, J. T. Hoarlw; chiipluln, Mm. Tnullno Bchwart.; aer Kmnt at arm, T. C. DufTy; mlMtre at arm, Mm, It. A, Bawyor; limldo door keeper, H. V. Morrl; outlde door keeper, Mm. Fred Metzner; mu Hlclun, MIh llertha Fried rich and Mr. T. C. Duffy. Tbroo candidate were obligatod a member, The mem ber of the lodKO are ninklnn propa ration to go to the Armory hall In Tortland on the nlicht of July 2, when vr &0U candldatea will recleve tho full Initiatory work of the order. Smith Moore. A pretty homo wedding waa aolom nl.ed at the home of the brlde'a par ent, Mr. nnd Mra, Moore, at Clack- ama HolKht, when their daughter, MU Iena May Mooro, became the wife of t'oahy V. Hmlth, The cere mony waa performed at high noon, Wdneday, In the prenence of only the family and mot Intimate frloud by tho Itev. W. It. Kraibergor of the Science Lutheran church of Oregon City. The houe waa a bower of lav- Hue with the decoration of flower and fern. The ceremony wa fol lowed by a aumptuou wedding break flint. Crane Dodge. A quiet June wedding took place at the homo of Mr. and Mra. Harry Bteven. 301 Sixth atnet. at 8 o'clock WodnoHiluy evening, when Mlaa Net tle Dodge of Redding, Cat., and Mr. Ray Crane of Newberg, were united la marrlngo. Tho ceremony wa per formed by tho Rev. J. It. IndKboro ough of the Flmt Trebyterlan church. Mr. and Mr, ('rami will go to Iiouho keeping in Yamhill county where Mr. Crane I a pronperou farmer. Man Kept a 8ecret! A happy urprlne was gvlen the la dle aNsembleil at Myrtle lodge. De gree of Honor, In A. 0, V. W. hall Tuesday evening. It. 0. Tierce broiiKht In some luscious strawber ries with an accompaniment of rich cream from his Falls View place. Mrs, Tierce was as much aurprlsed as any of tho other ladles, which prove a mun can keep a secret after all. Fortieth Anniversary. Mr. and Mm. Uaac Trlngle vhosu fortieth .. wedding anniversary oc curred Tuesday, were delightfully surprised Monday evening by about twenty of thetr neighbors and friends at their home on Taylor street In honor of tho happy event. Refresh ments of Ice creum and- cako were served and an Informally social time enjoyed In this hospitable homo. Craig Hewitt, Tho marriage of Mr. T. W. Craig and MIhs Tearl Hewitt was solem- La I zed at tho Presbyterian manse Sat urday evening, Juno 1. The groom was BHHlsted by Mr. Ward Baxter, while Miss Dottle Maddox was brides maid. Mr. and Mrs. Craig will reside j" 1 1 I Tho ,nwn bocIh1 ,vw 11,0 Stttl,r J"1"1! of ' mgregntlonal church ut the home of Mr. and Mm. C. D. , Latourette, Wednesday evening, was well attended and tho club Is $20 rich er, ltesidoa the program already pub lished, MIhs Minnie Joehnke of New York City, a former resident of this place, who Is here on a visit to rela tives, made an Interesting talk. Tho gypsy fortune tellers were Miss Gus hIo Humphreys and MIhs Frances My ers. The lawn wai" very beautiful In tho Hoft light of tho lanterns. MPROVEMENT AND PROGRESS. BUILDING Tho work of building the, McLaugh lin Institute will bo under, way In a few days, Some, of the contracts havo been let, but others will bo held till tho building has progressed far enough. Tho contracts that have been let are: Rough lumber, Linn's saw mill; all mill work, Oregon City Mill & Lumber Co.; labor, F. S. Baker. Contractor Harry Jones expects to have tho excavation for tho Masonic Templo completed early next week. It Is tho biggest hole soon around Ore gon City for some time. Work has begun on Jncklng up tho cable at the west end of the suspen sion bridge Tho second jack Is be ing put In today. ' A new flooring Is being put down in th composing room and olllee of the Dinly Star and Oregon City Enter prise. ' Tho rooms will also .bo re plastered and painted. DANIEL EVANS ESTATE. Eliza M. Evans, widow of the late Daniel D. Evans, has been appointed administratrix of tho estate of the former who died Intestate Besides the widow there are two children The estate Is valued at $1310. CITY AND COUNTY BRIEF8. I.nne' plurality over Devlin I 041. (lien Irlh of Carua apent Satur day In Oregon City. Frank Wlnalow of Colton la (pend ing Thumday la Oregon City. Ludy UHhem at the Congregational church la a pleattlng Innovat'on. A. MiMire of Molalla made a bualnem trip to Oregon City, Wednesday. J. F. Deyoe, poMtmaHter at Canby, pent Saturday evening In this city. Wm. A. Shaver, the Molalla atock ralaer, apent Tuwtday In Oregon City, I). M. nrldenutlne of EHtacada wa trannactlng bualnca In tbla city Tuea day. Mr. and Mra. C.lt. Jioblett and aon Albert of Needy are 'vleltlng frlendi In thla city. Horn, Tueaday morning, to Mr. and Mra. A. F. Loveall of Kana City, a ten pound son. John Coleman of Harlow was look ing after business Intercuts In the county seat, Wednesday. F. C. Burke of Greenpolnt has pur chased the C. O. T. Williams proper ty near the llarclay school, Questions for the eighth grade June examinations are about ' ready to send out to those prepared to take them. Miss Mildred Krue, who has been teaching In the state school for the blind at Salem, Is home for a summer vacation. Heber Swan, formerly of this city but now residing In Portland, and bis mother, visited friends In this city, Sunday afternoon. Wanted Men to cut one hundred cords of fir wood. $1.00 a cord and good timber. Address box 13, R. D., Dundee, Oregon. 20t I Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Scripture and sons Otis and Merrill spent Sunday at Eagle Creek, guests of her brother, B. F. Forrester, and family. Mrs. George Ely and baby visited Helen Ely at tho St. Vincent hospital In Portland, Monday. The little girl Is getlng along as well as could be expected. WANTED Two good Spinner, good wages and steady work guaranteed. Eugene Woolen Mill Co., Eugene, Or. 2GU Miss Hilda McGetchie of Gladstone was a guest. Saturday and Sunday, of her friends, the Misses Estella and Euolla N'lles at Holly Farm. Mllwau klo Heights. Miss Nellie M. Stevens, who has been a succesKful teacher at the East ham school, has accepted a position In the St. Jolm'a school and will teach there next year. Fred Nelson arrived In Oregon City Tuesday evening for a visit with rela tives and friends. He Is through his work at Astoria and will soon go to his claim on the Slleitz. Miss Elizabeth Shipley lias closed a successful term of school at Ever ett. Wash., and Is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. T. Shipley, of Willamette. Mrs. Jesslo Hodges and child and Mrs. Charles Brown and child have returned to their homes at Ranler after a -pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Downey of Willamette. . .... ... i Hon. Cory Johnson of Portland formerly a protnlneut resident of Ore gon City where he has a host of friends, alt tended the Clackamas County pioneer meeting, Saturday, MIhs Caroline Clark, daughter of Mrs. I. S. Clark, of the Allen clipping bureau in Portland, returned to her home, Wednesday, aftor a pleasant visit with her friend, Miss Ellon Grace Mrs. Louise Poull of Dayton, Ohio, has returned from a visit with a son nt Spokane, Waslft and after a three weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Warner, will leave for her eastern home, Miss Mae Strango, a teacher In the Welch school, and Carlos Gormley of Portland visited the former's moth er, Mrs. D. W. Klnnalrd, at Cnnemah, Sunday. hsa Strange will close her school, July 3. ' , f " Miss Albina Thibert, who taught at tho West Side school during the past term, and her sister, Miss Rose Thllmrt, who bad been vlltlng her! for the pant week, left Monday morn-1 log for their home at Goldendale, Wanh. t j The largest clu ever graduated from Oregon agricultural college will bo sent out Into the world June 12. Thoe frorn Clackamaa county to re ceive degree are: Cerl Clark, liar ton; iA) ItoaenMteIn, Oregon City; Alvun Wltzlg, Parkpltte. One of the milk men had a little runaway In the lumber yard at Green point Wedneaday morning. Tho borne had been left atandlng while the driv er wa delivering milk when a paus ing automobile frightened It. Milk cans were flung In every direction. The Mlaaes Ethel Card, Mary Mar ball and Treawle Cummins of Clarke were In Oregon City, Monday. They were delegates to the Eaat Portland district convention of the Epworth League, held at Woodburn, May 31 and June 1 and 2. Edward F. Bruna of Sandy was transacting business in Oregon City, Monday. Mr. Druns is an extensive landowner In the vicinity of Sandy and bllevea there are great develop ments Just ahead for that country. Ho Is one of the main factors that Is hastening that period. An evidence of the growth of the population and business interests of j Oregon City is to be seen In a recent report from the postofflce department I at waHhlngton. As a result the sal ary of the postmaster at Oregon City Is Increased from $2300 to $2400 per annum. The University of Oregon will con fer degrees on 55 graduates at the annual commencement, June 26. Grad uates from Oregon City are: Lorene Maude Galloghy, Roy Wentworth Kel ly, John Randolph Latourette, Harry Oliver Paddock, Angellne- Williams and Charles Thomas Warner. G. 8. Rogers of Willamette, who has been working for the Salem and Portland railroad with headquarters at Portland for the last two weeks, waa in town Monday to take his fam ily to Portland where they will camp i for a month enjoying an outing and at the same time be near to Mr. Rogers" work. The committee appointed by Jthe 1 young people of St. John's church to j frame a constitution for the Boclal club being organized, met Monday night in Father Hlllebrand' resl-1 dence, and framed a very satisfactory code of by laws. A meeting of all the young people will be held at the same place and they will vote on the various regulations of the constitu tion. Much interest Is being shown In the organization. By falling on the sidewalk Mon day night. Miss Blanche Kendall re ceived a blow on her head that ren dered her unconscious for over 45 minutes. Miss Kendall was passing the residence of Ed Shaw at Sixth j and Center street at about 8 o'clock, i a little after the lawn had been j sprinkled. The sidewalk was still j wet, and Miss Kendall's feet slipped j and she foil against a cross walk, striking her head and right shoulder against it. Dr. C. A. Stuart and Chanes Robe son of this city met with a si'ght mis hap Wednesday afternoon while on the way to Molalla. where Mr. Robe son's mother Is 111. They were pass ing a freight wagon from Molalia, when their team became frightened at the canvas covering on the wagon, and ran, upsetting the buggy nd throwing the occupants Into the road. The team ran as far as Cam? belore It was stopped. Although consider ably bruised by the fall, the men wen not seriously hurt, and they ordered a new rig to be sent them fr.mi town, with which they proceeded on their way. - ' Badly Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Wintertown, X. Y.," had a very remarkable excell ence; he says, "Doctors got badly mixed up over me; one said heart disease; two called it kidney trouble; the fourth, blood poison, and the fifth stomach and liver trouble; but none of them helped me; so my wife ad vised trying Electric Bitters, which aro restoring me to perfect . health. One bottle did me more good than nil five doctors prescribed." Guaran teed to cure blood poison, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney complaint,:, by Howell & Jones, drug gists, 50c. SAWDUST IN CREEK. Wm. Morteson of Marquam pleaded guilty in Justice Stipp's court, Tues day afternoon to allowing sawdust to escape from his sawmill into Beaver creek. The warrant was Issued on complaint of Fish Warden W. A. Mack. Justice Stlpp Imposed a fine of ?30, which was paid. PROFESSIONAL GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone Main 521 Office In Caufleld Bld, Main and Eighth Stj. W. S. D'REN C. SCHUEBEL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice U all conrta, make collections and settlement of estates Furmst. abatracta of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in E.V7ERPB1SE Buildlag, Oregon aty, Oregon. J. E HEOCp HEDGES & LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House H. E. CROSS ATTORNEY Real BftUite, Loans, Insurance YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED with us will be a working asset, good to keep and to have for an emergency or op portunity. Wise is the man who has his capital, no matter how small, deposited where it is at work earning more capital. The Bank of Oregon City I Cleanest Stock Up-to-date Store A new customer said: "Idle, curiosity" brought me to your store one day. I returned home fully convinced that It was the ost up-to-date, the cleanest, best stocked store In the city. It's my grocery now. ery time I think of good things to eat, I think of thla store; and I am a regular customer now. You'll be, too, if you stop in and look around." NOTE A FEW PRICES: Standard Tomatoes, Corn or String Beans, 3 cans for Fancy, such as Prefered stock or W Diamond, Tomatoes, Corn or String Beans, 2 cans for Good Peaches, Apricots, Pears, or Pine Apple at Wedding Breakfast M & J Coffee, 35c per lb., A. ROBERTSON Therfr PHONE GLADSTONE TrmnrannA nn t Via f ir 1fisa nn thf home of W. F. Schooley of Gladstone , " sange fT& toaMon. is a has been partially adjusted. MrJverUable wonderland. At Mound City Schooley is planning to rebuild. The survey has been made for the O. W. P. spur to the Chautauqua grounds at Gladstone and the purchas ing department of the system Is busily at work assembling the material with which to complete the improvement. A Dangerous Deadlock. That sometimes terminates fatally Is the stoppage of liver and bowel functions. To quickly end. this con dition without disagreeable sensa tions, Dr. King's New Life Pills should always be your remedy. Guaranteed absolutely satisfactory in every case or money back, at Howell & Jones' drug store. 25c. CHOICE LOTS Close to Car Line, from $30 Up. Reasonable Terms of Payment. 40 Acre Farm 32 acres under cultivation; 5 room house, 2 barns, 2 wells, 2 acres orchard, good fences, 4 miles from Oregon City on good road. Price $2500. JO Acres all under cultivation, fine large house, good barn, good fences, 2 blocks from Willamette car line. Price $3400. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. DIRECTORY F. f. CRIFFITH GRIFFITH AT LAW Main Street, OREGON CITY 25c 25c 15c per can 3 for $1.00 MAIN 411 O 0 A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with its rich sliver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges in the home of Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a wonderful case of healing has lately occurred. Her son seemed near death with lung and" throat trouble. "Exhausting coughing spells occurred every five minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp, "when I began giving him Dr. King's New Discovery, the great medicine that saved his life and com pletely cured him." Guaranteed for coughs and colds, throat and lung troubles, by Howell & Jones, drug gists. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Here's Good Advice. O. S. Woolever, one of the best known merchants of LeRaysvllle, N. Y., says: "If you are ever troubled with piles, apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured me of them for good 20 years ago." Cures every sore, Howell & Jones' drug store. in GLADSTONE 1 P J ORECON CITY, ORE. 0 0