Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 07, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Th Gladstone Ileal Ksluto iihhocIu
1 1t mi has given mi option on the. water
power It) Hie CIllckllMIIIH JllHt ftblV?
I lit Hnulliem rurlfli! brldgtt to Mm.
Faunlo JIlMlmp iuiiI C. M, llliiliop, of
I'ortluud, with the proviso that b
WOoU'tl llllll lilt M'K('llH (lint will CHI'
ploy 1(1(1 peopln III Hi lil t.
Tho upt ton rmiH until 'October 1,
1!M7, Mini If taken up tho' grantee
win to complete a 12 font concrete
ilimi by January 1, WON. Mm. Fuimlo
IHshon Is tint wlfit of tlio former own
er of the Hiilem Woolen iiilll Morn In
porlluiid, unit V. M. Mixtion In their
don, The fiunlly linn always hei-n In
the woolen tru'l" and itiHiiufaituro
uml only recently dlnpiHijd of their
lnterent In the mill at Kt, Johns. Mm.
('. M. llnliiii wiih a Kay, it daughter
of (hi man who started hoili (he Al
hiiiiy mul Hiileni V(Hen mill. 0. M.
lllMhop anil IiIh brother !mv heen at
tending textile school In the East,
preparing llieiitnelvr to viikiik" In
thn niHUiifintiirliiK huHlnenH In Ore
Koi). There lit 1I'K horsepower to ho
Secured hy the building of ft 12 foot
tliiin In the narrow Mul Just nhove
the 8, I', lrlilK". arrordlng to thn
measurement of Engineer lluhor
made In l!t2, The river In "0 feet
wide at that point with M feet ch-pili
itt low water. The flow at low witter
It 57, 3.0 cubic feet per minute, The
side and hottoni are basnlHc, making
an ideal locution for a dam.
The grantor retain n one fourth In
tercet n tho developed power until
the woolen mill In erected when that
onefmirth Interest U turned over to
the water power company. It I
Muted the woolen mill company In to
he cnpltalfed for $ir,ti,oo(i, mid the
mill In to bo erected next year on
five acre of ground running from the
rtver to Pint street and lying Just
went if the ft. I'. track
First street are to he cloned, Excel
lent switching facilities will result,
thn B. P. running spur alongside thn
mill warehouse.
The Gladstone Rest Estate Assocl
allon ha heen preparing to ho In por
tion to make a deal of thin kind for
foiiift time, Hitld F(, IC, CVoim th
founder of the town. It ha brought
up the riparian owner'H right on the
south side of the hli'iiiiii.
The proposed mill would u l w
hut H fraction of tho horso tsiwer that
can he developed, and an eiidcavjr
will he made to liuvii other Industrie
started or moved to Gladstone, The
cont of development of tho water pow
er will he front 110,000 to $!K),()n0, de
pending upon how complete a plant
Im put up.
The Gladstone people urn to receive
free at the hi at Ion electric power to
light the village and Gladntono park
alNo to ho furnished free water for
city uud park one, '
The mere giving of tba option of
course doe nut Insure the enterprise
going through, but the fact that the
CladHtone people are dealing direct
with pructlcul wiMileti mill people and
not, with promotcm,! I encouraging.
Thn lllshop have the capital and
are looking for the beat sight possible
for a mill. The InditNtry would mean
much to Gladstone and to Oregon
A special endeavor Ik being made
to secure a sawmill, a there could
he an economlral exchange, of power
between tho two mill, tho sawmill
furnishing fuel for tho necessary
rteotii required by the woolen mill.
The option waa given itomo time ago
tint ha been kept quiet that the plana
should not miscarry, Illnta of the
probable location of the Industry
leaked out on account of the recent
visiting with Mis Ivah Gordon.
W. P, Kaylor of Molalla wa In
thla city Monday on a business trip.
Horn Friday afternoon to Mr, and
Mm, Jennie Cox of Mt, Pleasant, a
II. W, Vlck of Molalla wan attend
ing to business matter In Portland,
W, J. K, Vlck returned Monday
morning from a vlnlt with relative
In Molnllu.
Mis Majorle Caufleld closed a very
aucceaful term of school at Pendleton 1
elected at a salary of $70 a month. "
Slnco the close of her achool she has
been visiting friends at Spokane,
Wash., returning to her home here,
Horn, Haturday afternoon, to Mr.
and Mrs. .Iomho Marco of the West
Hide, a aon."
Willamette council Knight, and j
Ladle of Security will have a fancy !
drill In the entertainment to be glv-:
n at Mllwfluklo by the council there '
Haturday evening. The Mlsse Hattle I
and Ilundena Krueger of Oreg;n City
are also on the program, for a vocal ,
afceW oA Easy
In the Kitchen
Walter Kocnlt, of Needy passed
through this city on hi way to Port
land, Monday. ,
II. K, Derrick, of Mullno( waa In
town Friday to take homo a new bug
gy from Duane C. Kly'a.
Tho I. O. O. F. held election of
officer Thursday evening. John F.
ark wa elected to the chair of
Noble Grand, the removal of Harry
Hhaw who was vice grand, making
an election necessary. Other officers
looted were vice grand, 8. F. Bcrlp-
ii re; secretary, L. 8. roaster; treas
urer, C. A. Nash.
T. O. Jonsrud of Uarton was , In
town Friday on buslne connected
with hi office of constable.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Ketchum of
Yakima, Wash., were visiting friend
In Oregon City Wednesday.
Miss Pearl Koehllemyer and Ml
Madge Wright of Wllsonvllle, upont
Memorial l)uy In Oregon City.
Hon. Howard M. Urownell of Asto
ria will deliver tho address July 4th
In this city. Clutskanlo Chief.
MIhh Alta Shank finished her term
of school at Maple Lane, Friday, and
returned to her homo In Salem.
Front and activity In the sale of Gladstone lot.
Miss I lae Shaver I 111 with an at
tack of the tneanles,
C. lUrnlck and son Alfred of Needy
spent Monday at Portland.
Fredrick Chlnn of Hrown I spend
ing the day In Oregon City.
O. ! Miller wa elected grand mar
shal at the meeting of tho grand lodge
of Oregon Odd Fellow at La Grande
Mis Louise Klnnard of Portland
visited her parents, Mr and Mr. D.
W. Klnnard, at Canemah, Thursday.
Ml Esther Tito of Albany I
6av Her Tlm
6av Hr Health
8aya Mar Wtary Step
8av Your Money
Save Your Clothe
8av Her Temper
8ve Her Complexion
Edward Owen, who wa hurt
Thursday afternoon by a load of wixjd
sliding on htm. la reported convales
Mis AugiiKta Schradc-r I home
from Portland whero ahe ha been at
tending achool to remain through the
Walter E. Scott who 1 building a
house for D. Martin out toward New
Era wa hero with hi family Decora
tion day.
Mr. F. J. Neppach of Portland via
Ited her mother, Mra. Rebecca Marra
and other rt-latlvea hero, Friday and
Mr. R. T. Marshall and Mr
Jamea Callahan of Portland were the
guesta of Oregon City relative and
friend Thursday.
Mr. Mabello Bacon, son and
daughter, of Portsmouth, former res
blent, were visiting Oregon City
friend Decoration day.
Mr. O. M. Gilchrist and baby
daughter Majory left Saturday for
Eagle Gorge, where Mr. Gilchrist Is
employed on a logging engine.
At tho complimentary luncheon
served at Willamette hall Thursday
afternoon by the Women's Relief
Corps, one hundred comrade and
their farnllle wero entertalaed. They
found the table spread uponn their
return from the cemetery. It wa
certainly an appreciated effort after
a morning In tho hot tun.
M ... . I " . ' :i-
"Man's work Is from sun to sun,
Bat woman's work Is never done."
This is true in the home that C
is not well regulated; but it need not.
be. Provide labor-saving appliances
for the home; give the wife an oppor
tunity to enjoy life make it pleasant
to do the work in the home.
A Kitchen Cabinet saves many
steps, keeps things in their place at all
times. See our line.
Mian Itertha Prleb,,who ha been
suffering for over a year with a dis
eased leg, met with an accident Wed
nesday evening which will seriously
retard the use of her limb. Mis
Prb b wa standing on the porch gath
ering some rose for Decoration Day
when her crutch slipped, throwing ber
to the floor, striking her Injured member.
Assessor Ilamsby will begin Monday
to "Wrlto the Roll," a the making
of the annual assessment I called. At
that time he will begin to systematize
tho report of tho district assessors,
completing It In August. After the
Roll I completed the Board of Equal
ization will hold dally session for a
week, giving protetor an opportuni
ty to be heard.
Nothing adds morejto
the comfort of yourself, your
family or your friends than
an opportunity to drop into
a Morris Chair any posi
tion you wish by an instant's
manipulation. Call and see
one; no trouble to show
I. Tolpolar
Main Street, Opp. Postoffice.
H -'"-'CV
Phone if 53.
Albert Skogan has sold to Jonsrud
brothers all the timber on the se of
nw of sec 15 In Cascade precinct.
ThI I considered a one of the most
valuable timber holding In thla coun
ty. By the term of the contract, all
timber remaining after seven year
will revert to the grantee. Jonsrud
Dros. will build a road to the tract
and remove the timber by the use of
sklda. The price paid waa 1500.
Capt. J. P. Shaw made a trip to
Portland Thursday to select the straw
berry Judge for the strawberry fair
and rose show to be given In the Falr
clough building June 7 and 8. While
there he also made negotiation for a
wild flower Judge, who will give the
botanical name for every wild flower
exhibited. There will be prize offer
ed for the best displays of wild flow-era.
The comraeac'P'ent exercises of The blda for building the new Ma
St. John's parochial and high school 80nlc Temple were opened at 4
will be held on tbt evening of Thuri-1 o'clock. Saturday, and Harry Jones'
day,' June 20, it. Shively's hall. a!dI1 ot 136,000 was found the lowest
class of seven vi'.i be graduated froai j and be wa9 awarded the contract,
the school this ve;.i, and this class Mr- Jonea however reconsidered his
will be the lasc to be graduated friin jzi(1 and withdrew it Monday morning.
?t John's schoo'. a the Mcl-ohlin 0ne of the building committee said.
1$ Fill m coupon and mail to as
The iron will be delivered, with
all necessary equipment, absolutely
free of charge
C. Q. Miller, Agent, Oregon City, Ore.
Gontlemen You may dollver to me one Electric Flat
iron, which I agree to try, and If unsatisfactory to me, to
return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I
do not return It at that time you may charge same to
my account at M OO. It Is understood that no charge
will be made for the Iron If I return It within 30 days.
DEPT. 0. C.
Mr. David Penman of New Era was
In Oregon Clfy Saturday shopping.
Among the larger purchases wa a
new buggy bought of Duane C. Ely.
The Congregation Sunday school
will Boon take up the proposition of
a picnic, with the Idea In mind that
June Is the ideal month for picnics.
Mrs. Mary Williams and daughter
Miss Veda are "expected home from
Chicago, where the latter has been
studying music, some time In August
It I practically settled that the O.
W. P. Ry. Co. will grant the sam9
rate from Portland to the Chautauqua
t.ns year as last, 25 cents the round
New plate glass has been put Into
tho windows In tho Block store, to
replace the three large plate glass
broken out last week by that runa
way horse.
Superintendent Zinser attended the
closing exercises of tho Clackamas
schools Friday evening. He present
ed the diplomas to tho graduates, of
whom there were two ninth grade
Lillian Donflt and Harry Hargreaves.
, Oregon City Assembly United Arti
sans held their regular business meet
Thursday evening. The usual good
crowd was In attendance. Three ap
plications for membership were re
ceived. At the next meeting 10 or U
candidates will be Initiated.
The western division of the State
Teachers Association will meet In
convention in Salem July 1-3. Able
speakers will be present. Teachers
In Clackamas county will be given a
rate of one fare round trip provided
there are fifty from this county or
200 from Portland and the country
around. The National Educational
Association will meet at Los Angeles
July 8-12.
George W. Bradley has Bold his
livery and feed barn on Main street
to J. D. Ralnev'and J. L. Waldron.
The latter ttontleman operates the
stage line to Molalla. Under the new
management the barn will be run aa
a feed barn only, no livery business
will be attempted. Mr. Bradley has
purchased a livery barn at Woodburn
and moved his rigs to that place. He
will move there later.
Otto, the three-year-old son of Theo
Miller, who lives In the Graham
church district, suffered a severe
spasm Thursday. He was taken ill
while watching the G. A. exercises
on Main street and his parents car
Hod him to theElectrlc hotel, where
Doctor Carll was summoned. The
doctor decided that he was suffering
from a severe attack of indigestion.
The little lad was well enough to be
removed to his home in the evening.
Institute will ho opened for next yea
Those who will t nlsh thla year are
Mae C. Chrlitei'AL Lavada M. Fr-v-T?n.
Ann;e M. chels, Ma.y E. C.
Weber, V '-ice i. Draps- Jo-t; I.
Alphonse Muench and Joseph Michael
Monday, that the lodge would proba
bly go ahead with the work under Its
own supervision.
There were a number of bidders,
the bid3 ranging from Jones' 36,00O,
up to J47.000 the highest Jones' was
several thousand dollars lower than
The class has selected as its motto, j the net lowest He was the only
Oregon City bidder on the building.
His figures did not include "for plumb-
All the other bids
"Our Pathway Turns." The class
colors are pink and white and the
flower, lily. An exceptionally good
program, has been arranged for tbU
commencement, consisting of vocal
and Instrumental selections, essays
and addresses. Most Rev. Archbishop
A. Christie will present the diplomas
and address the graduates.
Judge Thomas F. Ryan has bought
of N. E. Randall, 14 acres in West
Gladstone for $300. The land is not
far from Judge Ryan's ranch there.
Mr. Ryan also bought the Cobery
property of 80 acres near Molalla, that
was sold at mortgagor's sale, Satur
day. The land brought $1075.
C. A. Nash has the biggest fish
story of the season and furthermore
he has a crowd of reliable witnesses
to prove the truth of it. He speared
Jthe biggest carp at Rock island Mon
day evening ever known to have been
captured here. It weighs 28 pounds
and is attracting the attention of old
fishermen who say it breaks the rec
ord. Ten pounds is the largest one
heretofore known of. Mr. Nash stop-
HOME FOR $16,000
Miss Leah Lemmon closes her
term of school at Oak Grove next
week jand will go to her home at
Marysvllle, Mo. Miss Lemmon does
not expoct to return to Oregon but
will teach next year at St Joseph,
where she has a sister teaching.
Hon. George A. Steele, state treas
urer, has sold his beautiful home,
consisting of residence and 32 acres,
at Meldrum station, for $16,000 and
with Mrs. Steele will move to Salem
about the 15th of this month.
The deal was completed Monday,
the purchaser being an Eastern man
who is now engaged in business In
The Steele pU e Is one of the pret
ties! in Oregon. Clackamas countv
people are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs.
Steele as residents.
ing and heating.
on construction were from Portland
and Salem firms.
All the local plumbers put in bids.
Pope & Co. being the lowest.
The construction bids were for what
Is practically a four story structure
built of concrete. .
Miss Kate Wilson, whose school
closes at Parkplace Friday, after a
visit at Troutdale will go to Denver,
Colo., to spend the summer with her
brother and his family and may de
cide to locate there permanently.
Fred Selvere suffered a sunstroke
Thursday of last week and has gone
to the mountains ,to recuperate.
Thursday was the one hot day of
the season and a- good many people
are complaining of the extremeness
of the heat Mr. Setvers has been
doing office work and was In the sun
more than common on Decoration
Mrs. W. T. Brayton entertained
Mrs. Edith Vinson, Mrs. Huber Burr
I auu iiusa rvttue vv ubuu to tuuiaeon,
Friday evening.
Mrs. Huber Burr filled her hus
band's pulpit at Hubbard, Sunday.
. . . , , Rev. Burr is In eastern Oregon,
store on his way out Monday evening
to get a spear and promised to leave '
a fine bass when he came home. The The new Methodist church at Es
carp was lying against the door tacada was dedicated, Sunday, Rev.
when the firm opened Tuesday morn-, Clarence True Wilson of Portland de
ng. jllverlng the dedicatory address.
Consumption is less deadly than it used to be.
Certain relief and usually complete recovery
will result from the following treatment :
Hope, rest, fresh air, &ndSccit's